#28 Be a good person 做一個好人【The Memories of Master Hua 宣化上人紀念特輯】

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024
  • Master Hsuan Hua established a free school in his hometown in Northeastern China. After he came to the United States, from 1976 onwards, besides establishing the Dharma Realm Buddhist University, he also established the Instilling Goodness Elementary School and the Developing Virtue Secondary School. These schools use filial respect, brotherhood, loyalty, trust, propriety, righteousness, integrity, and conscience (the Eight Virtues) as the school motto, developing many talented individuals who are excellent in both character and academics. In the midst of a chaotic world, the Master strongly believes that education is a country’s best defense.
    For more details, please check out our website.
    The Oral History Project (OHP) is an initiative to introduce Dhyana Master Hsuan Hua, the cultivator who brought orthodox Mahayana Buddhism to the western world. He is the 45th Patriarch from Shakyamuni Buddha, the 18th Patriarch in China from Bodhidharma, the 9th Patriarch of the Wei Yang Lineage, and the first Patriarch in the West.
    The OHP video series gives you a glimpse of the Master’s character and methods of teaching through the - previously undocumented - personal experiences of people who had the opportunity to learn directly from him.
    This project aims to keep the Master’s teachings alive through videos of personal accounts that could inspire even those who do not yet know the Master. The memories and stories of each person interviewed enables us to feel closer to the Master as if we were learning directly from him ourselves.
    這項口述歷史影片計畫主要是為了介紹三藏法師 上宣下化老和尚 ⎯ 一位將正統大乘佛法帶到西方世界的高僧大德。宣化上人稟承釋迦牟尼佛為第四十五世傳法人,是中國禪宗始祖菩提達摩傳承的第十八世祖師,也是溈仰宗第九世接法人,更是傳法西方的第一代祖師。
    這一系列的口述影像,將透過諸位弟子描述當年跟追隨上人學習佛法的親身體驗,藉由他們從末曝光的點滴舊事, 帶您認識宣公上人的風範以及他的教化。此計劃旨在發揚宣公上人的教法,冀望透過口述專訪,啟發尚未認識老和尚的人; 希望透過每位受訪者對上人的回憶及故事,讓我們彷彿也在上人座下親受其教/親聆法音。
    For more information:
    #MasterHua #TheMemoriesOfMasterHua #宣化上人紀念特輯

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