Okay, so I have accidentally caused some confusion. At 17:38 you will see SS of glare III and Glare IV side by side. The SS of glare IV was taken under the effect of PoM, so the recast time reflects that. The glare III SS was taken with the normal GCD. The GCD on these skills is the same. Also, I said adloquium will not overwrite itself and I was slightly wrong -- a new shield will overwrite one that has been damaged.
For shielding spells, it will overwrite if the shield you apply is stronger (higher number of damage points it will absorb) than the one already active, no matter the remaining time. So if you crit? You overwrite a normal shield even if it is undamaged. A damaged crit shield will not be replaced by a non-crit shield until the old shield falls below the number the normal shield potency would give, or until it times out. This effect is easiest seen with Succor on 8-man parties. Hope that helps.
Also - using glare 4 under PoM is actually more potency when you have raid buffs involved. If you wait to use glare 4 until after PoM you lose out on some dmg due to buffs falling off before you use glare 4. (Better to use a higher potency ability under raid buffs vs lower since you still fit the same amount in)
If only the combat was as good as the story.. ESO plays like a dream but looks like shit. Lost Ark doesn't have a traditional camera view. Throne and Liberty is extremely clunky and feels like a mobile MMO. As a MMO player I just can't win. I'm sick of 4 hot bars, tab targeting, and being stationary during combat. -- Also yes the graphics look very "anime" when compared to more realistic MMOs. The big eyes.. the exaggerated cartoon graphics.. If you told someone to make an anime inspired MMO this is what it'd look like. "Weeb" and "anime" doesn't refer to cel shading so yes FFXIV is very much a "weeb" game.
I'm way too used to just respawning normally (especially so in hunt trains. I lost many aetheryte tickets because of this lol), so I forget this and end up losing the xp anyways Maybe some day I'll throw a shout lol
And the elemental XP loss is not limited contrary to Bozja. In Eureka, you can level down. Especially if you are at max elemental level, you are guaranteed to level down if not raised.
I so wish eureka would be updated so that we can help lower levels like we do in bozja. Solo play in eureka, really SUCKS. And I so want to finish it, but no one in my FC wants to go do that and most of my friends finished back in Stormblood. I didn't play during SB so I missed out on it at the time.
@@aajaebeareyouseaeh8015 I can't really speak for the first two zones. I did most of it with the challenge log back when my FC was into it. But for the rest, I went in solo and ended up grinding fates. Lots of LFG shouts involved, but people are pretty open to it there. And then for Baldesion, I went for a dedicated discord group. You can't solo this at all.
I remember when I was new I was terrified of going into a new dungeon without watching a guide video first. Now, I just dive in blind and wish everyone else the best 😅 Great glam, btw!
Welcome to the 'What's Around THIS Corner Crew'! xD I hope you enjoy your stay and your sudden moments of unexpected panic. (Me this last expansion in the optional dungeon when my digital life flashed before my eyes as I was nearly smashed by one of the most giant orange danger circles I have ever seen)
A sprout icon and/or a "first time" in chat at the start of the dungeon will forgive everything short of extremely blatant trolling, and honestly, sometimes even then. Most people will bend over backwards to help sprouts and first-timers out, and are usually more than willing to explain mechanics or w/e if someone is having trouble with a boss.
Minor thing about the keyboard input for Active Time Maneuvers: please make sure you don't hit the Enter key before button mashing, otherwise you just might end up typing in the address for a random pineapple picture as you try to hit Enter again in your attempt to fill the meter. Source: Savanna did this once during a Shinryu Ex fight for Nest.
I also wouldn't tell people not to click. You don't actually know their set up and how they are with the game. For me, clicking is 1000x faster then keyboard smashing. I fail every time with keyboard smashing. Have never failed with clicking.
@@userbunny14 I didn't tell anyone not to click, that is simply failed reading comprehension on your part. I simply said do not hit the Enter key before you button mash, which is referring to the keyboard if people choose to use it. You do you on your Active Time Maneuvers, I just simply pointed out something to those who use the keyboard to button mash. I used to use the mouse button and rapid clicked, but have been finding the button mashing on mouse is much, much slower compared to using the keyboard to button mash for Active Time Maneuvers. Whenever the prompt appears, you just have to mash any keys, so long as you DO NOT HIT THE ENTER KEY. The second you hit the enter key it will start typing whatever you're mashing on your keyboard into chat and cause you to fail the ATM.
anytime my wife gets to an active time maneuver, (because i told her you can use the keyboard) she goes "IS IT A CLICKY CLACKY MOMENT?" and will wait excitingly to hit every button on her mechanical keyboard as loud as she can lol
Be sure to tell her to use the numbers row above the letters, and no menus will be opened lol ..... but also make sure she NEVER EVER changes!! People like her getting into story often remain the salt free individuals who remember what all this was like when they across a new sprout of their own!!
When it comes to potency confusion, that's the game in general. It hates plainly stating numbers. Just look at how many Ninjas use Doton on single targets and bosses because the game fails to plainly state the per target damage that would make it clear that at low levels for example double Raiton would be better in a one or two target situation. As for the savage reward misconcpetions, I blame inconsistency. If you're doing a roulette that started before daily reset but finish it after daily reset, it counts towards the new day.
I mena when Shadowbringers first came out I had a bunch of bards single target spamming cause the AoE skill did less damage and they couldn't math it out. So I don't think it's the skills problem.
The Doton problem is more one born out of the game failing to properly communicate that DoT damage is every server tick, roughly every 3 seconds, and not every second. This leads many players to assume that DoTs are per-second damage causing them to think Doton is doing triple that damage it actually does.
About the "fact" that adloquium does not override itself i have to intervene. It does override in one specific case: If your second adlo has a higher value than your first it in fact overrides itself. Else you never could override a normal adlo with a crit adlo. This also works for non-crit adlo. If your first adlo heals less than the second cast even without being a crit adlo, it overrides itself.
im so happy every time iget a comment about this because i included the footage solely because i found it hilarious LOL. In the moment, i dont think we fully understood what happened which is why it exists in my shadowplay folder. Looking back though, it's such a meme 🤣
@@Aitherea You know how revived players spawn at your position? One time, I was healing a raid and cast a ress on a fellow FC member, right before I was knocked off the side. I later learned that they spawned at the bottom and immediately died again. 😂
I'm just so flabbergasted sometimes when sprouts watch guides before entering an instance. Why spoil yourself on the fight and/or the story by watching a guide? Some of the best moments I've had in this game as a sprout doing the MSQ was when I was going fights completely blind for the first time. Nothing can beat the coolness of seeing your character clinging to Shinryu for the first time or the transition for Tsukuyomi, the surprise and joy of seeing Emet again in the Seat of Sacrifice.
5:15 - Actually, you do lose 'something' when your character dies. They lose durability on their armor. Most of the time, this is hardly a noticeable fact, and fairly negligible. However, there are certain instances where it can cause an annoyance, like when you're progressing through Savage, Extreme, or Ultimate content. When you die to content enough times, it can become somewhat costly. And yes, I can confirm that if you die enough times in Eureka, you can lose Elemental Levels (which is Eureka's leveling system). 6:20 - There are still plenty of reasons to create other characters, even having a second account. However, those reasons are more tuned to doing certain activities in the game more efficientky, or more frequently, like gathering more resources that have a limited window for when you can gather them, or having additional retainers for gathering items and having more storage space. A second account can be helpful simply to have a way of moving those resources between your characters and utilizing that additional retainer space. I will admit, however, these reasons are niche, and really only reasons for much more dedicated players to FFXIV, but they are still certainly valid. 7:50 - While it's true that you don't have to send a 'traditional party' out on all missions, and can literally send all DPS if you want, you DO still need tanks and healers, particularly to fill in the gaps for Command Missions in particular, which are essential for increasing your Grand Company rank to 1st LT and Captain. One thing you ALSO don't need is diversified DPS. You can literally have 2 Marauders, 2 Conjurers, and 4 Archers. This will diversify your squadron enough that you can send members out on a mission AND do Command Missions at the same time without needing to worry about filling in specific roles.
The _Final Fantasy_ series -- at least, the main titles, and many of the spinoffs -- has always been known for its intense focus on storytelling. Coming into FFXIV with a "story doesn't matter" mindset risks missing out on a huge part of what makes this game interesting. While the MSQ -- the main story -- is always engaging, a lot of the side content helps to give the world more gravitas -- and sometimes throw that gravitas right out the window (Did someone say "Hildibrand" ?!)
The story is also what ties everything together. Nothing in this game makes sense without the story. I don't see the point of playing it, if you skip the MSQ. Like, do people seriously play this game for 12 fights in 2 years?
@@Gloriankithsanus if you were to start playing the game right now with the goal of, for example, catching up to a friend who invited you to play the game, you would have an astronomical amount of content on your plate even without the hundreds of hours of story cutscenes. I think that explains why a lot of people are doing it.
@@CErra310 true, some people will skip to get to raid or something with friends who are already endgame, but even then you still could re-play the story with the New Game plus and wont miss out on it, i would highly recommend that to anyone who rushes through to catch up with friends ^^
Also, about Adlo.... Emergency Tactics is a thing. It is extremely powerful when paired with Adlo (an adlo crit with ET is basically Benediction with 1000MP cost and no cooldown). ET also has a rather short cooldown so you should be reaching for that way before you reach for Physick. Once you get ET, you almost never should be casting Physick, it's a spell you should 99% graduate away from using.
@@grizzlybear6377 Yeah, before ET, your only good single target heal was Lustrate which brings its own problems, like the "only 3 per aetherflow cooldown" thing especially once they made aetherflow only usable in-combat so you couldn't pre-charge it before a boss unless you did so on the previous trash pack. This limitation made SCH very unfun to actually play as bad players would eat aetherflow charges and just generally make your life frustrating.
I'll never forget when we were doing Hades EX and having a contest to see who could mash out faster. In my frantic key smashing, I somehow pressed the windows key, logged out of my windows account, and changed the password to a key smash, which took me 30 minutes to reset. Fun times.
I'm new to the game, on a trial account. My parents got me into WoW a long time ago, which has been my only MMO experience until this - and I was so surprised how nice everyone is!!! I did every dungeon with a party of NPCs, and when I couldn't do that anymore (thornmarch) I scoured the internet for dungeon etiquette, failed to find party chat, and stood there until the whole party already left trying to find it again after it ended lol. (I figured it out later, dw.) But every time I've played people said hi at the start, gg at the end, and half the time people chat a lil before things get started. Never seen anything like it. I thought it was just a feature of that kind of system, if you put a bunch of random players together in some MMO dungeon they'll just go for it and then silently leave with maybe a few ggs. But it's just so nice here. I like this game :)
The Glare 4 under PoM misconceptions sounds very similar to how people have different ways of pouring a bowl of cereal. Either you pour the flakes first and then the milk. Or, pour the milk first and then the flakes. This is just that but with some WHM players arguing what's better at the kitchen table. Meanwhile the SCH is busy eating some Honey B Lovely Cheerios.
If you are doing solo deep dungeons or hitting a dummy, sure. But in almost every scenario where it will matter, you will have group buffs from other people overlapping with your PoM, so using Glare IV during this window is strictly better.
In a raid setting you'll wanna use Glare 4 during raid buffs. It's a no brainer that waiting until the end of PoM to cast all three available Glare 4s will also mean you'll miss the same window other people are using their own abilities to buff yours and it's better to use Blood Lily and Glare 4 during that time, doesn't matter if you miss Glare 3 hits because of that.
One "misconception" I ran into as a new player was snapshotting. Most spells "snapshot" when the cast bar ends, not when the animation lands or even when you take damage. The avatar's ballistic missile (from coils T8) is one of the very few abilities that has a realistic shapshot (its computed when the animation actually hits you).
AoEs work similarly. They snapshot when the indicator disappears. It can really catch new players off-guard when they try to get out of range too late and are out of the area when the animation plays, but still get hit because the snapshot happened before they moved.
Your video crafting is outstanding, and you make some solid points here. But I'll never understand why anyone would think it's "unfortunate" that healers are expected to, you know, actually take part in battles in a video game. I've never played any other MMOs, but it sounds like it must be super boring to play a healer if everyone who comes to FFXIV is shocked that they're suddenly supposed to participate in fights.
I want to take part by doing healing, not by doing dps =P FFXIV is like one of the few games that has a dedicated healer role that is required to dps this much. Literally, optimization in this game is all about striving to heal *as little as possible* which is so ass backwards in my opinion. But alas, that's simply the game design. Unfortunately, even the "heal checks" are more about mitigation than actual healing. The only way to make healers feel more like healers would probably be to have so much outgoing dmg that we're hard pressed to dps. In games in the past, ofc i dpsed, but no one ever considered my dps toward the kill. In ffxiv, if you have a gray parse as a healer, some people will literally consider you as dragging the team down even though you're A HEALER. Ofc, not everyone is so sweaty as to care *that* much, but the fact that it's kinda a thing still goes to show that healers in this game are not healers, they are green DPS.
@Aitherea I understand your point, it's just that none of that seems like a negative to me. It feels like solid game design that healers should heal as necessary. But we'll just agree to disagree.
Some people are just bad at multitasking so they like to focus on only one thing. A lot of mobile/cozy gamers I know are similar, while the ones who usually play fighting/ARPG enjoy more complexity in gameplay
@@Darkerously No, im okay with multitasking. Im a savage raider, im perfectly capable, and so are many others who agree with my position. We want to see more healer mechanics. More raidwides, autoattacks hitting harder requiring more attention placed on tanks, more opportunities to use esuna, more charybdis/doom cures (or again, doom esuna mechanics). Im not asking to just sit around. Im asking for MORE COMPLEXITY but in a way that makes sense for a HEALER, a SUPPORT class. Im asking for the complexity to be about support type mechanics, NOT dpsing. If i wanted to play a dps, ive got literal dozens to choose from.
@@Aitherea I'm an advocate of Abyssos DoTs so I understand your blight, but it'll **never** reach a point where all you do is healing. Not a single one of the MMOs I've played expected 0 dmg output from healers, unless you're thinking of 2009 or earlier. Especially in this gaming climate with a lot of competition from other less time-consuming genres, designing healbot classes is digging your grave. It's basic, bare-bones, and boring. Eden's Verse, Promise, and Abyssos were all fantastic tiers for healers with insane healing AND dps checks. If tanks are required to double/triple weave their mits during burst windows, reposition boss, aggro swap, and use their shorts frequently, the least healers should do is keep up your DoTs and spam a single dmg spell.
Addendum: Repairing your gear via crafting/dark matter doesn't cap your condition at 100%, it *adds* 100% to it. You can go a lot longer without repairs that way!
@@deeps6979 Pro Tip: Look at your gear after every Duty to find that sweet 99% and click repair. You wont bother with your Equipment for at least 2 days.
I really appreciate that tip about Presence of Mind and Glare IV, because I was making that exact mistake myself. Never considered the recast time. This healer will adjust his tactics from now on!
Dying in Eureka is actually a big deal, you actually lose levels. I have a friend that died in Eureka and lost some of their grind and that was actually enough for them to quit playing Eureka lol.
So much to say about this one, but don't wanna write a novella 1st off, happy to see this type of video from you! I didn't even know people were confused about Slow. But now that you've mentioned it, it makes sense why people didn't bother to use it
@@cyne122 I'll take your word, but I seem to remember it differently (I didn't play 1.0, only played the beta). And the tutorial used to say that you would lose xp
What a great video! I have been playing FFXIV: ARR and beyond since launch ( so 11 year veteran?.) I knew about most of these except the flying speed. Had no idea that riding maps didn't increase flying speed! So thank you for that tid bit of info! Also, your voice is so soothing. I could listen to you talk about FFXIV all day! xD
One other thing to add to your Presence of Mind tip is that you likely don't want to hold your Glare IVs until the end because they could fall outside of raid buffs, which would be a pretty sizeable damage decrease.
Glare IV are instant cast so fight depending it's also good to hang on to them so you're not standing around doing nothing when you gotta be on the move.
As an old hand that's being playing XIV since ARR I can say this has been an informative video and one where even I picked up some new info with your Adlo segment. This was a fantastic watch and I'll have to spread it around in my friend group. Good job!
Physick is better for PURE healing if you're out of Lustrates and you've already used your Emergency Tactics. There are times you need to top someone off to remove doom, and doing that with Adlo will take more casts than it would with Physick. So general purpose, yes, Adlo is better, in certain circumstances where pure healing is needed.... Physick is better.
yes because the shields from aldo doesnt stack if you use it more than once in a row. Also if theres another healer thats another sch or sge that already has shields using aldo would be a waste.
You're describing a corner case. It doesn't often happen that you're out of Aetherflow and free heals *and* Emergency Tactics is on cooldown. This situation is almost contrived to make a case where Physick is better.
sure should always cast adlo before physick but a shield is a shield, you dont buff the shield with an additional 180%, at best it just replaces any damage incoming between casts. so the "stronkness" only applies to the initial adlo. I consider it a buffer spell that prevents people from being merc'd while I heal them, especially if they are low and one physick wont bring them out of the danger zone. its more smart healing over stronk healing. so Adlo off the bat, physick to replace health and cast a second Adlo if the initial shield is eaten away before you can get them to a safe health pool.
On the topic of Glare IV, people think the developers team hasn't done the math themselves to make it so you don't have to wait until the window is over to get an equal amount of damage. They have no idea what goes behind balancing this game (it's huge.) ALSO considering this game is built around 2-minute window, they wouldn't let you use your STRONGEST spell AFTER the window is over. What, do they think they hadn't thought about that when making potencies for the newest spells? That would be a developing rookie mistake
Always do your 6 fates when entering the zones with shared gates. A riding map makes a bigger difference the earlier you get it. It's a good thing regardless. You'll always only be getting flying once you have left the zone.
nice video, great content and i hear with the bgm you're a fellow smooth bossa nova enjoyer :D just a little history note, back in the days of early ffxiv, you did lose a small amount exp when you died, but that was quickly removed. Now, the only penalty of death is gear durability loss. Your gear wears out much faster when you die and unless you can make repairs yourself via crafting classes and the grade 1-8 dark matter (which gives a bonus of pushing the durability past 100% (almost double--199%)) you will lose more gil in repair cost. In a round about kind of way there is some consequence of death, but not as harsh as other content in the game.
Your shield will be reapplied if you cast a stronger shield over the existing one. You just have to watch if the timer goes back to 30s to see if the shield has been replaced. For an easier time to see this, you can use any ability that'll increase healing spells/abilities after casting the first shield.
As a career SCH since 3.0 I would say both have their uses, ADLO is about potency and PHY is about mana management. However, SCH should always have crit stacked so ADLO can be argued as better in most cases. However in prog I find I sling PHY around for top offs when a DPS gets dinged but will alternate for the tank, as you stated shield utility will be lost if you overwrite a partial shield with a fresh one. But to speak to your earlier statement about DPSing, if you're really trying to be a high end raid healer the first rule of thumb is to use no GCDs to heal, to keep that up time. Lustrate is my first instinct, or have Eos do it in OGCD, pending the damage going out. Fantastic video though, great analysis and its always good to math out your tool tips:)
The thing with Glare III and Glare IV mathematics is, that you also have to consider the raidbuff windows, which most of them last only 10 secs, while POM lasts 15. So you rather wanna boost your stronger skills in percentage so Glare IV and Afflatus Misery than Glare III and then using Glare IV unbuffed. If you would do the calculations that way, you would see a much bigger difference in potency and DPS
There aren't any raid buffs that are even 15s anymore. Dawntrail changed all of the remaining 15s to 20s. They also changed the one or two that were 30s long into 20s as well. _Personal_ buffs can vary a bit, but all raid buffs are now 20s.
7:50 this is 100% accurate, the only thing that matters for squadron mission success is the stats, party makeup is otherwise irrelevant. If 1/3 stats meet or exceed the target there is is 70% chance of failure, if 2/3 meet or exceed there is a 60%chance of success, and if all 3 meet or exceed the target amount they cannot fail.
2:35 The whole 'power of friendship' thing isn't just an anime thing. But also, Every single final fantasy game is about the *group* coming together and defeating a common, world threatening enemy as a team, because no one person could do it alone. Or at least, it used to be until the most recent FF games in which you only control the one character (Which would be 15 and 16.) FF14 gets a pass on only controlling the one character rather than a group because it's an MMO and in MMO's you only do control your own character. That's just how it is. The other FF games that do this? They have no excuse.
FF13 started with that "Just one Character to Control" thing. Sure, you had 3 Chars in the battle, but you just controlled one of them. And if that one died, its Game Over even when the others are still alive.
For active time I usually use both the interact key on the keyboard and the mouse click, just alternating back and forth to distribute the burden between 2 different fingers lol You do lose durability on all your equipment when you die. That's not a big deal, especially if you leveled your crafting jobs and carry dark matter, but it's not true to say you don't lose anything for dying.
I actually love the DPS in a healer. Classes. Having tho balance healing and applying dots, sticking to tank pulling and aoe on the move. I play with controller and having the mussel memory of double tapping shoulder buttons to get to the right key is like playing a fighting game, even sometimes breaking into some semi claw grip while controlling the thumbstinck with the meat of my thumb. I friggin love it.
also important to remember with ur talk on POM and ur glare IV POM is a "Burst" skill meaning generally when u use it others in ur group will also be using their "burst skills" which often benefit the whole party you want to use ur glare IV because (and misery if u have one) under POM as that means its also likely to get buffed by the rest of ur party
I learned the hard way that you lose elemental EXP if you die and not accept a raise in eureka. I was max level, died, thought i was safe and went from 60 back to 59 😢
Healers in FF14 reached a great spot in my opinion. If you're playing the content on release, or minimum iLvl, your mitigation, shields and heals are required, you have a quite simple DPS rotation because of your mitigation and healing obligation, and you have enough brain space left to do shoutouts for the static, if you wish to. At least on SGE in the current raid tier, I feel like I need to use 80% of what my kit has to offer - or at the very least provides me with opportunities to use them.
id say im pretty content with savage raids, and i think they did make an effort to make more healer mechanics. The problem is that when it comes to straight up healing, healing mechanics are actually mit mechanics. M3S shouldve been more of a challenge for healers with those stacking hits but it really wasnt thanks to mit. Most difficult thing to heal was probably fusefield. That said, it still love to see a bit more -- the tank bleeds in p5s were fantastic, for example.
6:15 I have alts for more retainer goodies like gatherables for crafting/selling and daily passive gil. This feels worth it mainly if you pay for the 7 extra retainers since it works for all characters on your account.
Glare 4 should be casted in the presence of mind window as much as possible. You get more damage that way because your PoM generally lines up with the buff of your teammates and you get more damage out of the buff on a bigger attack.
Just a nitpick clarification on dying. While you do not lose anything upon dying, if you die to a mob in something like a fate for example, if you do not have your home point set in the area where the the fate is, then you will lose time and some gil (negligible amount) to come back to that same fate in order to continue with it. Also if the mobs are destroying you, then maybe go back to an area that is around your level, cause fighting an enemy that is more than 5 or 6 levels than you is going to give you a massive disadvantage. Also side note, it's interesting that K/M have more than one option for there ATM vs the one that the trollers have.
I’m glad the algorithm sent you to me. Well edited. Clear and concise. Soothing voice unlike SOME grating creators lol instant sub. Also for me the PoM glare 3-4 placement changes all the time 100% due to if I need to dodge. I see it as a movement weave. You can’t always stand there like a blm just casting so I never got people arguing on which and when to use lol great content!
I think perhaps the greatest misconception in the game is that attack animations have anything to do with when damage occurs. There are some rare cases when an attack is being channeled as a cast and an animation matches it. When it comes to those orange ground targets, tho, as soon as it disappears it's been snapshotted, damage has been dealt out, and the rest is just a pretty light show.
I do tend to watch guides for normal content because I don’t like going in blind but I don’t expect anyone I party with to have watched a guide, it does come in handy though when a sprout asks about a mechanic and I’m able to give them a quick explanation, I’ll always help my fellow sprouts but only if they ask so if they wish to figure it out for themselves then they still can 😊
TL;DR dealing damage as a healer isn't something you should hate or count as an 'unfortunate mechanic' its something that breathes a bit of life into the four classes that basically just spam big heal buttons and throw up occasional DR circles. The rotations are already extremely simplistic, and only add, they don't take away. ~ A 3-year player who adores healer despite the boredom it sometimes brings :( Only one big comment i'll make, the rest of the video is wonderful written and performed: the negative connotation you placed around dealing damage as a healer/support class. The game is incredibly boring if you dont do any damage as a healer. Tanks have so much mitigation that if you don't deal any damage as healer, you practically stand still and do nothing for more than half the time. Certain tanks don't even NEED healing (looking at you 5th Healer), making you literally worthless and useless if you don't do damage and throw up your utilities such as damage reduction or sprint speed or HOTs, etc. I totally understand this is a beginner-facing video, but I've always lacked an understanding of why someone WOULDN'T want to deal BIG DEEPS, even as a healer. I DO understand the healxiety for sure, and in the beginning, not dealing damage as a healer is not super detrimental, might make the pulls a bit slower though, but it's INCREDIBLY boring, and frankly, with how boring low-level content is already for everyone, healers especially, not dealing damage would just make that worse.
I'll also add, as an addendum, that while the point about DPS with PoM is the exact same, the utility of Glare IV is that it allows for movement DPS. The priority is absolutely to get it in with raid buffs, but there are also niche situations in high level content where the ability to DPS while you move is better than the boost you get from raid buffs for those hits. In general content, raid buffs ain't really happening for shit anyway, because half the playerbase doesnt even know those 5% buttons even exist, and it is significantly better for your DPS to use those buttons for movement during mechanics.
The current game design requires you to dps as there is far too much downtime otherwise, as you've stated. That doesnt mean that I have to like that aspect of the game, though. The reason I got into endgame content is because it allowed me to actually press healing buttons. Outside of ex, savage, and ultimate, i basically spend the entire time pressing glare and hardly ever touching healing buttons. Not to mention in raids or trials, if the other healer isnt a glarebot, then theres literally no reason for me to even be there as the majority of it is tragically easy to solo heal. Tanks., especially Warrior can often solo dungeon mobs and if they can't, its basically the only time i get to actually do some healing. I dont particularly enjoy dpsing, in fact, i prefer the simplistic style of dps on WHM and find the majority of dps jobs in the game boring. Like literally, you will never catch me as a dps main because I abhor it. Thats not to say it's objectively bad, but it's something I dont find any fulfillment or enjoyment in doing. You and i like different things, and there's nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day the video is from my perspective, it would be impossible to withhold my opinions completely, and frankly, I dont want to. So yeah, having to do so much dps as a healer fucking sucks. Healers wanna heal!
Not all healers wanna be healbots. Main reason I became SCH/SGE main in ffxiv is that I like the blend of support styled gameplay where I m not forced to spam gcd heals all the time but can AND should contribute to party dps in sort of meaningful way. I m not paying your subscription. You do you. But both for me and lot of my healer friends... #GreenDpsMatters
@@Aitherea In recent weeks I have started to add PLD to that list. They don't even need to use their self heal. A PLD that knows how and when to press their mits will just not take damage, and what little they receive is restored through knights benediction. Am a WHM main, but went into an expert as PLD myself, collected about 4 vun stacks, and with a mit or two still took ZERO damage from a TB.
i used to watch guides all the time as a sprout cuz i thought that's what was expected of me. glad that's not the case. granted i don't and never will do harder content, so i don't have to worry about that anymore lol
Hi! I really liked the content. But absolutely loved your voice! :) Thanks for smile on my face. I wish you the best! :) And afcourse growth bigger for the channel. Good luck! ;)
The simple way to think about the Glare IV and Glare III problem is that GCD is the main deciding factor in the number of casts. If Glare III had a longer cast time than the GCD (recast time), you would do more damage by using only Galre III during Presence of Mind. However, since the GCD is slower (2.47 seconds) than the cast time of Glare III (1.48 seconds), it doesn't matter what you use. Glare III and Glare IV are limited by the slowest factor, 1.98s recast time during Presence of Mind. (Presence of Mind will make the recast time 20% faster, making Glare III a 1.98s recast time, the same as Glare IV) What I think leads people to believe that Glare IV is better to keep until after Presence of Mind is that Square Enix failed to make things obvious. After Presence of Mind, Glare IV will have a recast time of 2.47s like Glare III, not 1.98s. Meaning nothing changes.
I like how I can tell you hopped in-game to confirm your information. GCD is 2.5s and PoM makes it 2s. Your numbers are clearly affected by your spell speed, but everything you said is still completely correct regardless of spell speed.
Re dying: you technically DO lose gil (as you'll need to repair your gear at a mender after enough deaths) but it's a trivial amount. The other places with *very* consequential death are the deep dungeons, which are a procgen roguelike. If you die in them on a solo run, it's the end of your run. If you die in a group it's a bit easier usually (except on later floors, someone in your group will almost always have a phoenix down or can make it to the raising cairn on their own)
Spell Speed and Skill Speed are the same way. The very important exception is that anything with a 1.5s CD is completely unaffected by Spell Speed and Skill Speed, and certain jobs get odd benefits (for example, about half of PLD's kit scales with Spell Speed instead of Skill Speed). Oh, and _animation lock_ is not affected by any form of cast hasting, which means that the faster your casts, the narrower your weave windows. This has a mild impact on BLM, since it means it is harder to double-weave after instant spells during Ley Lines, but it had a much more important impact on Pictomancer. Both their normal combo and their Subtractive combo have a 1.0s weave window after their cast, before the GCD ends. However, their Subtractive combo (and Comet in Black and Star Prism) are hasted by the Inspiration buff from Starry Muse, which reduces both the cast time and GCD of affected spells by 25%. This _also_ reduces the weave window from 1.0s to ~0.75s, which can be pretty tight at most normal latencies. This is why weaving during the 3 casts of the Subtractive combo during Starry Muse is strongly discouraged, even though weaving during the Subtractive combo is perfectly fine outside of Starry Muse.
On the bit about overworld enemies being automatically hostile, to be totally fair the number of passive creatures in the overworld gets a *lot* lower once you get past ARR. The 11+ levels thing is very true and very useful though.
5:30 ish You do lose something for dying. You loose durability on your gear faster by dying than you do by not dying. Equipment durability decreses by approximately 0.1 for every enemy killed, and by 1 for every time you die.
Only thing I will say is if you’re in a location and die, and have to tp to your home crystal, you will lose some amount of gil or time or both getting back to where you died which can be annoying. So you do lose something if you carelessly die. But it’s not really a penalty.
The thing about arm's length I make sure to tell any new tank. Also there so many meches you can cheese with it. Theres a mech on the final boss of Babil you can just ignore using it its not needed but its a nice flex to do it
The only one I really didn't know back in the day was the Timed Maneuver. I knew about the mechanic, but I didn't know you could use the keyboard. I am a clicker, so I clicked. When I was farming Shinryu for the mount, even unsynced, I was struggling the the timed maneuver and finally someone told me about being able to use the keyboard. I basically became a god in that fight after that lol. Even though I am still a clicker for abilities ect, I use keyboard for Maneuvers.
Adlo can be overwritten by a bigger shield or a Sage. Breaking the shield and letting the timer wear off are not necessarily the only ways to reapply adlo.
I didn't know you could press a key instead of clicking the mouse for active time maneuvers. Will have to try that and see if it's faster than my Lightning Mouse Technique!
Another common misconception is that tanking is difficult. Many people avoid trying it due to anxiety they might have, but in reality it's very simple. It's not really a stretch to say that tanking is just melee but easier and more forgiving.
I play all classes and roles. Tanking is the hardest end game if you ask me. It definitely feels like more work. Healing is 2nd. I play dps when I want to be brain dead. That isn't to say anyone should be afraid of tanking. It feels more rewarding and is not that much harder than heals.
Such a minor "well actually" thing, but I think its important to keep in mind you do lose durability when you die, which does translate to gil, unless you have someone who repairs your stuff for you. Even if you have crafters leveled, the supplies to repair still costs you some resources. Its always good practice to have supplies ready to repair your stuff incase your gear breaks when you die. ^^ ♥
they really need to clarify the active time maneuver thing, for months I had no idea you could just spam the keyboard and do it 10 times easier. why would you think its anything but left clicking the button the way its described now.
To note, About Adholq vs Physic, You can convert all shield into a full heal instead. So it still might be better to do that. Before the physic in a mass heal burst. While Physic is best in the 3rd condition like you said to be a quick sudden heal. But this is very rare.
about arm's length, some of the earlier level dungeon boss actually are susceptible to slow but u do hab to try and see which one is and isn't, and phys DPS's Arm's length also inflict slow so if phys ranged pull a bit too early on 1 pack of mobs can also provide extra mitigation if the tank pulls right after slow is inflicted :3
Minor correction on shields, the shield won't overwrite itself UNLESS the shield would be larger than what is already on the target. Just, as usual, be careful when running both sage and scholar. Basic shields don't stack, but different skills can overwrite each other even if it's a smaller shield. Crit shields are separate here, so it's possible to have a crit from the sage and a large spread shield from the scholar.
There is also that shield does not count for topping doom. So if you have the shield all the way. But have not fully healed. The target will die due to not being fully healed.
i think the reset misconception could stem from the daily resets. because if you queue into a daily roulette and get into the duty before reset, but finish after it will count for the new daily rewards and not the old ones.
4:52 This is only partly true, as you can tell from that Alpaca's face that it has killed, and will kill again. Its agressive... just subtle, like a deep rooted hatred hiding under all that fluff.
ngl, as a WHM main, one of my favorite things to do in this game is load up the tank with like all 4 HoTs and become a Glare Mage for a bit And yeah, everyone saying Adlo week until you give the WAR a 2nd health bar
You can actually overwrite your shield, but only if you heal more than the heal the shield went up on. So if you first healed for 22k, and get the shield, if you then heal for 23k, then the shield will be overwritten, especially if you get the crit as well. This is also the same thing for Sages.
New player coming from Monster Hunter here (because someone enticed me with a Rathalos mount lol), I wish I have better experience when running dungeons on duty roulette. I’m the kind of player who prefers to take thing slow, so there’s some dungeons I haven’t clear or enter before but already unlocked, so sometime I got those dungeons, and other players doesn’t explain anything or just skip ahead without saying anything and leaving me behind utterly confused lol. Got left behind on Cutter’s cry was an experience, but I remember that at least the healer stayed with me even though they didn’t say anything
Dying does cause to lose something. Pride. It hurts my pride. Instance times count when you started, both for resets and bonuses. Roulettes count when you signed up for the roulette, for bonuses.
I am a sprout so knowing that I can even hit keyboard keys for the active time maneuver will be saving the discomfort in my hand... by a lot. I'm a scholar and have only been using my Adloqiuim to heal low people. TIL.
just wanted to point out that I never knew about the clicking misconception, buuuut that's because I don't play with Mouse and Keyboard. I've been a pad player pretty much ever since 1.x I used game pads back in FFXI too so... >.>
Quick note. There is some small consequence for dying, you lose gear durability. Because gear cost gil (or some other in game currency) to repair there is in fact a gil cost associated with dying just not a direct one. Of course the cost is quite low and unless you are raiding hard content death isn't common enough to really make the amount meaningful in any real capacity, but it does mean there is technically a cost to dying in the game.
Okay, so I have accidentally caused some confusion. At 17:38 you will see SS of glare III and Glare IV side by side. The SS of glare IV was taken under the effect of PoM, so the recast time reflects that. The glare III SS was taken with the normal GCD. The GCD on these skills is the same.
Also, I said adloquium will not overwrite itself and I was slightly wrong -- a new shield will overwrite one that has been damaged.
For shielding spells, it will overwrite if the shield you apply is stronger (higher number of damage points it will absorb) than the one already active, no matter the remaining time. So if you crit? You overwrite a normal shield even if it is undamaged. A damaged crit shield will not be replaced by a non-crit shield until the old shield falls below the number the normal shield potency would give, or until it times out.
This effect is easiest seen with Succor on 8-man parties.
Hope that helps.
Also - using glare 4 under PoM is actually more potency when you have raid buffs involved.
If you wait to use glare 4 until after PoM you lose out on some dmg due to buffs falling off before you use glare 4.
(Better to use a higher potency ability under raid buffs vs lower since you still fit the same amount in)
A smaller Sage shield can also overwrite a Scholar shield. I suspect this is due to Pepsis mechanics.
@@CherrySodaStar And vice versa. That's why you should not have two shield healers.
If only the combat was as good as the story.. ESO plays like a dream but looks like shit. Lost Ark doesn't have a traditional camera view. Throne and Liberty is extremely clunky and feels like a mobile MMO. As a MMO player I just can't win. I'm sick of 4 hot bars, tab targeting, and being stationary during combat. -- Also yes the graphics look very "anime" when compared to more realistic MMOs. The big eyes.. the exaggerated cartoon graphics.. If you told someone to make an anime inspired MMO this is what it'd look like. "Weeb" and "anime" doesn't refer to cel shading so yes FFXIV is very much a "weeb" game.
Eureka you lose elemental exp if you die & return, however if someone raises, you don’t :) It’s encouraged to ask for a raise in shout for this reason
I'm way too used to just respawning normally (especially so in hunt trains. I lost many aetheryte tickets because of this lol), so I forget this and end up losing the xp anyways
Maybe some day I'll throw a shout lol
And the elemental XP loss is not limited contrary to Bozja. In Eureka, you can level down. Especially if you are at max elemental level, you are guaranteed to level down if not raised.
I so wish eureka would be updated so that we can help lower levels like we do in bozja. Solo play in eureka, really SUCKS. And I so want to finish it, but no one in my FC wants to go do that and most of my friends finished back in Stormblood. I didn't play during SB so I missed out on it at the time.
@@aajaebeareyouseaeh8015 I can't really speak for the first two zones. I did most of it with the challenge log back when my FC was into it. But for the rest, I went in solo and ended up grinding fates. Lots of LFG shouts involved, but people are pretty open to it there. And then for Baldesion, I went for a dedicated discord group. You can't solo this at all.
And that alone take the right away to call both eureka and bozja casual content.
I remember when I was new I was terrified of going into a new dungeon without watching a guide video first. Now, I just dive in blind and wish everyone else the best 😅
Great glam, btw!
same x2
Welcome to the 'What's Around THIS Corner Crew'! xD I hope you enjoy your stay and your sudden moments of unexpected panic.
(Me this last expansion in the optional dungeon when my digital life flashed before my eyes as I was nearly smashed by one of the most giant orange danger circles I have ever seen)
A sprout icon and/or a "first time" in chat at the start of the dungeon will forgive everything short of extremely blatant trolling, and honestly, sometimes even then. Most people will bend over backwards to help sprouts and first-timers out, and are usually more than willing to explain mechanics or w/e if someone is having trouble with a boss.
Minor thing about the keyboard input for Active Time Maneuvers: please make sure you don't hit the Enter key before button mashing, otherwise you just might end up typing in the address for a random pineapple picture as you try to hit Enter again in your attempt to fill the meter.
Source: Savanna did this once during a Shinryu Ex fight for Nest.
I miss that goober. Rip 😢
I also wouldn't tell people not to click. You don't actually know their set up and how they are with the game. For me, clicking is 1000x faster then keyboard smashing. I fail every time with keyboard smashing. Have never failed with clicking.
@@userbunny14 I didn't tell anyone not to click, that is simply failed reading comprehension on your part. I simply said do not hit the Enter key before you button mash, which is referring to the keyboard if people choose to use it.
You do you on your Active Time Maneuvers, I just simply pointed out something to those who use the keyboard to button mash.
I used to use the mouse button and rapid clicked, but have been finding the button mashing on mouse is much, much slower compared to using the keyboard to button mash for Active Time Maneuvers. Whenever the prompt appears, you just have to mash any keys, so long as you DO NOT HIT THE ENTER KEY. The second you hit the enter key it will start typing whatever you're mashing on your keyboard into chat and cause you to fail the ATM.
yeah i have done this more than once lol
anytime my wife gets to an active time maneuver, (because i told her you can use the keyboard) she goes "IS IT A CLICKY CLACKY MOMENT?" and will wait excitingly to hit every button on her mechanical keyboard as loud as she can lol
I like to call it keyboard abuse. I am kind of hard on my keyboard, especially when it is the ATMs where you can't let it go to zero seconds.
Faceroll time!
Be sure to tell her to use the numbers row above the letters, and no menus will be opened lol ..... but also make sure she NEVER EVER changes!! People like her getting into story often remain the salt free individuals who remember what all this was like when they across a new sprout of their own!!
@@nakoni5901 OH SNAP! Thank you for that! I always have to close 30 menus!
When it comes to potency confusion, that's the game in general. It hates plainly stating numbers. Just look at how many Ninjas use Doton on single targets and bosses because the game fails to plainly state the per target damage that would make it clear that at low levels for example double Raiton would be better in a one or two target situation.
As for the savage reward misconcpetions, I blame inconsistency. If you're doing a roulette that started before daily reset but finish it after daily reset, it counts towards the new day.
I mena when Shadowbringers first came out I had a bunch of bards single target spamming cause the AoE skill did less damage and they couldn't math it out. So I don't think it's the skills problem.
The Doton problem is more one born out of the game failing to properly communicate that DoT damage is every server tick, roughly every 3 seconds, and not every second. This leads many players to assume that DoTs are per-second damage causing them to think Doton is doing triple that damage it actually does.
@@Raiaka There's also the issue that a full-length Doton used to be better than Raiton :(
Potency actually simplifies things numbers-wise. As another poster said, those players are just not understanding how fast DOT's tick.
@@Alex-pq2fv Ah, those were the days!
About the "fact" that adloquium does not override itself i have to intervene.
It does override in one specific case: If your second adlo has a higher value than your first it in fact overrides itself. Else you never could override a normal adlo with a crit adlo. This also works for non-crit adlo. If your first adlo heals less than the second cast even without being a crit adlo, it overrides itself.
Everyone who's ever fished for crit shields before the pull starts for a fight knows that this is the case.
that healer lb3 into the kb was brutal xD hope everyone had a good chuckle about it.
im so happy every time iget a comment about this because i included the footage solely because i found it hilarious LOL. In the moment, i dont think we fully understood what happened which is why it exists in my shadowplay folder. Looking back though, it's such a meme 🤣
@@Aitherea You know how revived players spawn at your position? One time, I was healing a raid and cast a ress on a fellow FC member, right before I was knocked off the side. I later learned that they spawned at the bottom and immediately died again. 😂
I'm just so flabbergasted sometimes when sprouts watch guides before entering an instance. Why spoil yourself on the fight and/or the story by watching a guide? Some of the best moments I've had in this game as a sprout doing the MSQ was when I was going fights completely blind for the first time. Nothing can beat the coolness of seeing your character clinging to Shinryu for the first time or the transition for Tsukuyomi, the surprise and joy of seeing Emet again in the Seat of Sacrifice.
5:15 - Actually, you do lose 'something' when your character dies. They lose durability on their armor. Most of the time, this is hardly a noticeable fact, and fairly negligible. However, there are certain instances where it can cause an annoyance, like when you're progressing through Savage, Extreme, or Ultimate content. When you die to content enough times, it can become somewhat costly. And yes, I can confirm that if you die enough times in Eureka, you can lose Elemental Levels (which is Eureka's leveling system).
6:20 - There are still plenty of reasons to create other characters, even having a second account. However, those reasons are more tuned to doing certain activities in the game more efficientky, or more frequently, like gathering more resources that have a limited window for when you can gather them, or having additional retainers for gathering items and having more storage space. A second account can be helpful simply to have a way of moving those resources between your characters and utilizing that additional retainer space. I will admit, however, these reasons are niche, and really only reasons for much more dedicated players to FFXIV, but they are still certainly valid.
7:50 - While it's true that you don't have to send a 'traditional party' out on all missions, and can literally send all DPS if you want, you DO still need tanks and healers, particularly to fill in the gaps for Command Missions in particular, which are essential for increasing your Grand Company rank to 1st LT and Captain. One thing you ALSO don't need is diversified DPS. You can literally have 2 Marauders, 2 Conjurers, and 4 Archers. This will diversify your squadron enough that you can send members out on a mission AND do Command Missions at the same time without needing to worry about filling in specific roles.
The _Final Fantasy_ series -- at least, the main titles, and many of the spinoffs -- has always been known for its intense focus on storytelling. Coming into FFXIV with a "story doesn't matter" mindset risks missing out on a huge part of what makes this game interesting. While the MSQ -- the main story -- is always engaging, a lot of the side content helps to give the world more gravitas -- and sometimes throw that gravitas right out the window (Did someone say "Hildibrand" ?!)
The story is also what ties everything together. Nothing in this game makes sense without the story. I don't see the point of playing it, if you skip the MSQ. Like, do people seriously play this game for 12 fights in 2 years?
@@Gloriankithsanus if you were to start playing the game right now with the goal of, for example, catching up to a friend who invited you to play the game, you would have an astronomical amount of content on your plate even without the hundreds of hours of story cutscenes. I think that explains why a lot of people are doing it.
@@CErra310 true, some people will skip to get to raid or something with friends who are already endgame, but even then you still could re-play the story with the New Game plus and wont miss out on it, i would highly recommend that to anyone who rushes through to catch up with friends ^^
Hildibrand is the true MSQ!
Also, about Adlo.... Emergency Tactics is a thing. It is extremely powerful when paired with Adlo (an adlo crit with ET is basically Benediction with 1000MP cost and no cooldown). ET also has a rather short cooldown so you should be reaching for that way before you reach for Physick. Once you get ET, you almost never should be casting Physick, it's a spell you should 99% graduate away from using.
Whomever came up with the concept and design of Emergency Tactics will forever have my heart. Makes healing feel so damn satisfying~
@@grizzlybear6377 Yeah, before ET, your only good single target heal was Lustrate which brings its own problems, like the "only 3 per aetherflow cooldown" thing especially once they made aetherflow only usable in-combat so you couldn't pre-charge it before a boss unless you did so on the previous trash pack. This limitation made SCH very unfun to actually play as bad players would eat aetherflow charges and just generally make your life frustrating.
I'll never forget when we were doing Hades EX and having a contest to see who could mash out faster. In my frantic key smashing, I somehow pressed the windows key, logged out of my windows account, and changed the password to a key smash, which took me 30 minutes to reset. Fun times.
I'm new to the game, on a trial account. My parents got me into WoW a long time ago, which has been my only MMO experience until this - and I was so surprised how nice everyone is!!! I did every dungeon with a party of NPCs, and when I couldn't do that anymore (thornmarch) I scoured the internet for dungeon etiquette, failed to find party chat, and stood there until the whole party already left trying to find it again after it ended lol. (I figured it out later, dw.) But every time I've played people said hi at the start, gg at the end, and half the time people chat a lil before things get started.
Never seen anything like it. I thought it was just a feature of that kind of system, if you put a bunch of random players together in some MMO dungeon they'll just go for it and then silently leave with maybe a few ggs. But it's just so nice here. I like this game :)
The Glare 4 under PoM misconceptions sounds very similar to how people have different ways of pouring a bowl of cereal.
Either you pour the flakes first and then the milk. Or, pour the milk first and then the flakes. This is just that but with some WHM players arguing what's better at the kitchen table.
Meanwhile the SCH is busy eating some Honey B Lovely Cheerios.
If you are doing solo deep dungeons or hitting a dummy, sure. But in almost every scenario where it will matter, you will have group buffs from other people overlapping with your PoM, so using Glare IV during this window is strictly better.
In a raid setting you'll wanna use Glare 4 during raid buffs. It's a no brainer that waiting until the end of PoM to cast all three available Glare 4s will also mean you'll miss the same window other people are using their own abilities to buff yours and it's better to use Blood Lily and Glare 4 during that time, doesn't matter if you miss Glare 3 hits because of that.
One "misconception" I ran into as a new player was snapshotting. Most spells "snapshot" when the cast bar ends, not when the animation lands or even when you take damage. The avatar's ballistic missile (from coils T8) is one of the very few abilities that has a realistic shapshot (its computed when the animation actually hits you).
AoEs work similarly. They snapshot when the indicator disappears. It can really catch new players off-guard when they try to get out of range too late and are out of the area when the animation plays, but still get hit because the snapshot happened before they moved.
Your video crafting is outstanding, and you make some solid points here. But I'll never understand why anyone would think it's "unfortunate" that healers are expected to, you know, actually take part in battles in a video game. I've never played any other MMOs, but it sounds like it must be super boring to play a healer if everyone who comes to FFXIV is shocked that they're suddenly supposed to participate in fights.
I want to take part by doing healing, not by doing dps =P FFXIV is like one of the few games that has a dedicated healer role that is required to dps this much. Literally, optimization in this game is all about striving to heal *as little as possible* which is so ass backwards in my opinion. But alas, that's simply the game design. Unfortunately, even the "heal checks" are more about mitigation than actual healing. The only way to make healers feel more like healers would probably be to have so much outgoing dmg that we're hard pressed to dps. In games in the past, ofc i dpsed, but no one ever considered my dps toward the kill. In ffxiv, if you have a gray parse as a healer, some people will literally consider you as dragging the team down even though you're A HEALER. Ofc, not everyone is so sweaty as to care *that* much, but the fact that it's kinda a thing still goes to show that healers in this game are not healers, they are green DPS.
@Aitherea I understand your point, it's just that none of that seems like a negative to me. It feels like solid game design that healers should heal as necessary. But we'll just agree to disagree.
Some people are just bad at multitasking so they like to focus on only one thing. A lot of mobile/cozy gamers I know are similar, while the ones who usually play fighting/ARPG enjoy more complexity in gameplay
@@Darkerously No, im okay with multitasking. Im a savage raider, im perfectly capable, and so are many others who agree with my position. We want to see more healer mechanics. More raidwides, autoattacks hitting harder requiring more attention placed on tanks, more opportunities to use esuna, more charybdis/doom cures (or again, doom esuna mechanics). Im not asking to just sit around. Im asking for MORE COMPLEXITY but in a way that makes sense for a HEALER, a SUPPORT class. Im asking for the complexity to be about support type mechanics, NOT dpsing. If i wanted to play a dps, ive got literal dozens to choose from.
@@Aitherea I'm an advocate of Abyssos DoTs so I understand your blight, but it'll **never** reach a point where all you do is healing. Not a single one of the MMOs I've played expected 0 dmg output from healers, unless you're thinking of 2009 or earlier. Especially in this gaming climate with a lot of competition from other less time-consuming genres, designing healbot classes is digging your grave. It's basic, bare-bones, and boring. Eden's Verse, Promise, and Abyssos were all fantastic tiers for healers with insane healing AND dps checks. If tanks are required to double/triple weave their mits during burst windows, reposition boss, aggro swap, and use their shorts frequently, the least healers should do is keep up your DoTs and spam a single dmg spell.
small correction, when you die, your gear looses 2% condition, if it goes to 0% your gear will have no effect, as if you were not wearing it at all!
Addendum: Repairing your gear via crafting/dark matter doesn't cap your condition at 100%, it *adds* 100% to it. You can go a lot longer without repairs that way!
its like im wearing nothing at all!
@@deeps6979 Pro Tip: Look at your gear after every Duty to find that sweet 99% and click repair. You wont bother with your Equipment for at least 2 days.
I really appreciate that tip about Presence of Mind and Glare IV, because I was making that exact mistake myself. Never considered the recast time. This healer will adjust his tactics from now on!
Almost nothing is lost on KO. Your gear takes a durability hit :3
10:58 - Ah, I love savage lol
@@Faythe1981 it's something they changed, I think it was in Heavenward.
THANK YOU FOR NOTICING. I thought that clip was SO hilarious so i had to include it 🤣
@@Aitherea I was laughing so hard. "Lets gooooooooo healer LB3 save aaaaaaaand awwwwww." xD
Right my gear lol xD
Dying in Eureka is actually a big deal, you actually lose levels. I have a friend that died in Eureka and lost some of their grind and that was actually enough for them to quit playing Eureka lol.
So much to say about this one, but don't wanna write a novella
1st off, happy to see this type of video from you!
I didn't even know people were confused about Slow. But now that you've mentioned it, it makes sense why people didn't bother to use it
It's a reference to FF11. And even in FFXIV1.0, you didn't lose EXP when you died. You just lost equipment durability.
@@cyne122 I'll take your word, but I seem to remember it differently (I didn't play 1.0, only played the beta). And the tutorial used to say that you would lose xp
@@idno4856 You can still research it now \o/ There are older forum posts talking about the topic.
What a great video! I have been playing FFXIV: ARR and beyond since launch ( so 11 year veteran?.) I knew about most of these except the flying speed. Had no idea that riding maps didn't increase flying speed! So thank you for that tid bit of info! Also, your voice is so soothing. I could listen to you talk about FFXIV all day! xD
One other thing to add to your Presence of Mind tip is that you likely don't want to hold your Glare IVs until the end because they could fall outside of raid buffs, which would be a pretty sizeable damage decrease.
Glare IV are instant cast so fight depending it's also good to hang on to them so you're not standing around doing nothing when you gotta be on the move.
With point 1, I think Jesse Cox put it best - other games are MMORPGs, while FFXIV is an RPGMMO
This has helped with some of the things I was anxious about...
As an old hand that's being playing XIV since ARR I can say this has been an informative video and one where even I picked up some new info with your Adlo segment. This was a fantastic watch and I'll have to spread it around in my friend group. Good job!
This actually helped me understand the Active Time Maneuvers. Now I don't have to ruin my mouse for them anymore.
Physick is better for PURE healing if you're out of Lustrates and you've already used your Emergency Tactics. There are times you need to top someone off to remove doom, and doing that with Adlo will take more casts than it would with Physick. So general purpose, yes, Adlo is better, in certain circumstances where pure healing is needed.... Physick is better.
yes because the shields from aldo doesnt stack if you use it more than once in a row. Also if theres another healer thats another sch or sge that already has shields using aldo would be a waste.
You're describing a corner case. It doesn't often happen that you're out of Aetherflow and free heals *and* Emergency Tactics is on cooldown. This situation is almost contrived to make a case where Physick is better.
@@MatsuzoSF Because it is. (a contrived case)
sure should always cast adlo before physick but a shield is a shield, you dont buff the shield with an additional 180%, at best it just replaces any damage incoming between casts. so the "stronkness" only applies to the initial adlo. I consider it a buffer spell that prevents people from being merc'd while I heal them, especially if they are low and one physick wont bring them out of the danger zone. its more smart healing over stronk healing.
so Adlo off the bat, physick to replace health and cast a second Adlo if the initial shield is eaten away before you can get them to a safe health pool.
On the topic of Glare IV, people think the developers team hasn't done the math themselves to make it so you don't have to wait until the window is over to get an equal amount of damage. They have no idea what goes behind balancing this game (it's huge.)
ALSO considering this game is built around 2-minute window, they wouldn't let you use your STRONGEST spell AFTER the window is over. What, do they think they hadn't thought about that when making potencies for the newest spells? That would be a developing rookie mistake
Always do your 6 fates when entering the zones with shared gates. A riding map makes a bigger difference the earlier you get it. It's a good thing regardless. You'll always only be getting flying once you have left the zone.
Shared fates*
nice video, great content and i hear with the bgm you're a fellow smooth bossa nova enjoyer :D just a little history note, back in the days of early ffxiv, you did lose a small amount exp when you died, but that was quickly removed. Now, the only penalty of death is gear durability loss. Your gear wears out much faster when you die and unless you can make repairs yourself via crafting classes and the grade 1-8 dark matter (which gives a bonus of pushing the durability past 100% (almost double--199%)) you will lose more gil in repair cost. In a round about kind of way there is some consequence of death, but not as harsh as other content in the game.
Your shield will be reapplied if you cast a stronger shield over the existing one. You just have to watch if the timer goes back to 30s to see if the shield has been replaced. For an easier time to see this, you can use any ability that'll increase healing spells/abilities after casting the first shield.
I can't imagine playing any game and skipping all the cutscenes.
As a career SCH since 3.0 I would say both have their uses, ADLO is about potency and PHY is about mana management. However, SCH should always have crit stacked so ADLO can be argued as better in most cases. However in prog I find I sling PHY around for top offs when a DPS gets dinged but will alternate for the tank, as you stated shield utility will be lost if you overwrite a partial shield with a fresh one. But to speak to your earlier statement about DPSing, if you're really trying to be a high end raid healer the first rule of thumb is to use no GCDs to heal, to keep that up time. Lustrate is my first instinct, or have Eos do it in OGCD, pending the damage going out. Fantastic video though, great analysis and its always good to math out your tool tips:)
The thing with Glare III and Glare IV mathematics is, that you also have to consider the raidbuff windows, which most of them last only 10 secs, while POM lasts 15. So you rather wanna boost your stronger skills in percentage so Glare IV and Afflatus Misery than Glare III and then using Glare IV unbuffed. If you would do the calculations that way, you would see a much bigger difference in potency and DPS
Which raid buffs last 10 o:
There aren't any raid buffs that are even 15s anymore. Dawntrail changed all of the remaining 15s to 20s. They also changed the one or two that were 30s long into 20s as well. _Personal_ buffs can vary a bit, but all raid buffs are now 20s.
7:50 this is 100% accurate, the only thing that matters for squadron mission success is the stats, party makeup is otherwise irrelevant. If 1/3 stats meet or exceed the target there is is 70% chance of failure, if 2/3 meet or exceed there is a 60%chance of success, and if all 3 meet or exceed the target amount they cannot fail.
15:29 Um, actually, it's referred to as "global cool down", not "general cool down" 🤓
Uhm, Ahkchuilly it is just called "GCD" no one says the full thing. 🤓🤭
@NightHawkmanO nah. You don't hear it fully stated much in casual pve games like ff. But it is global
He knows it's global he was just making a joke about GCD not standing for anything.
And it's not the Recast Time.
The whole 'power of friendship' thing isn't just an anime thing. But also, Every single final fantasy game is about the *group* coming together and defeating a common, world threatening enemy as a team, because no one person could do it alone. Or at least, it used to be until the most recent FF games in which you only control the one character (Which would be 15 and 16.)
FF14 gets a pass on only controlling the one character rather than a group because it's an MMO and in MMO's you only do control your own character. That's just how it is. The other FF games that do this? They have no excuse.
FF13 started with that "Just one Character to Control" thing. Sure, you had 3 Chars in the battle, but you just controlled one of them. And if that one died, its Game Over even when the others are still alive.
For active time I usually use both the interact key on the keyboard and the mouse click, just alternating back and forth to distribute the burden between 2 different fingers lol
You do lose durability on all your equipment when you die. That's not a big deal, especially if you leveled your crafting jobs and carry dark matter, but it's not true to say you don't lose anything for dying.
I actually love the DPS in a healer. Classes. Having tho balance healing and applying dots, sticking to tank pulling and aoe on the move. I play with controller and having the mussel memory of double tapping shoulder buttons to get to the right key is like playing a fighting game, even sometimes breaking into some semi claw grip while controlling the thumbstinck with the meat of my thumb. I friggin love it.
13:30 I appreciate you laying this out, it's crazy how many players out there fundamentally do not understand how shields actually work in XIV.
also important to remember with ur talk on POM and ur glare IV
POM is a "Burst" skill meaning generally when u use it others in ur group will also be using their "burst skills" which often benefit the whole party you want to use ur glare IV because (and misery if u have one) under POM as that means its also likely to get buffed by the rest of ur party
I learned the hard way that you lose elemental EXP if you die and not accept a raise in eureka. I was max level, died, thought i was safe and went from 60 back to 59 😢
Nah, these 64 Million exp are nothing worth of noticing xD
2 NM spawns and you usually Hit your lvl again, regardsless on which Island or Lvl you are.
@@zordiark9673 yeah thankfully it didn't take long at all to get back to max!!
Healers in FF14 reached a great spot in my opinion. If you're playing the content on release, or minimum iLvl, your mitigation, shields and heals are required, you have a quite simple DPS rotation because of your mitigation and healing obligation, and you have enough brain space left to do shoutouts for the static, if you wish to.
At least on SGE in the current raid tier, I feel like I need to use 80% of what my kit has to offer - or at the very least provides me with opportunities to use them.
id say im pretty content with savage raids, and i think they did make an effort to make more healer mechanics. The problem is that when it comes to straight up healing, healing mechanics are actually mit mechanics. M3S shouldve been more of a challenge for healers with those stacking hits but it really wasnt thanks to mit. Most difficult thing to heal was probably fusefield. That said, it still love to see a bit more -- the tank bleeds in p5s were fantastic, for example.
Making it so you lose nothing upon death was the selling point for me to try the free trial back in 2020. I’ve been subscribed ever since.
6:15 I have alts for more retainer goodies like gatherables for crafting/selling and daily passive gil. This feels worth it mainly if you pay for the 7 extra retainers since it works for all characters on your account.
Fun fact: Arm’s Length also makes you immune to knock back. Physical ranged (bard, dancer, machinist) also get it in their kit.
Glare 4 should be casted in the presence of mind window as much as possible. You get more damage that way because your PoM generally lines up with the buff of your teammates and you get more damage out of the buff on a bigger attack.
Once numbers started happening my brain went derp
i feel like i shouldve given a better tldr... this is the one con of not scripting my videos xD
Just a nitpick clarification on dying. While you do not lose anything upon dying, if you die to a mob in something like a fate for example, if you do not have your home point set in the area where the the fate is, then you will lose time and some gil (negligible amount) to come back to that same fate in order to continue with it.
Also if the mobs are destroying you, then maybe go back to an area that is around your level, cause fighting an enemy that is more than 5 or 6 levels than you is going to give you a massive disadvantage.
Also side note, it's interesting that K/M have more than one option for there ATM vs the one that the trollers have.
I’m glad the algorithm sent you to me. Well edited. Clear and concise. Soothing voice unlike SOME grating creators lol instant sub. Also for me the PoM glare 3-4 placement changes all the time 100% due to if I need to dodge. I see it as a movement weave. You can’t always stand there like a blm just casting so I never got people arguing on which and when to use lol great content!
If anything the devs should take a note from Earthbound where if you're a certain number of levels over an enemy they flee in terror of you.
I think perhaps the greatest misconception in the game is that attack animations have anything to do with when damage occurs. There are some rare cases when an attack is being channeled as a cast and an animation matches it. When it comes to those orange ground targets, tho, as soon as it disappears it's been snapshotted, damage has been dealt out, and the rest is just a pretty light show.
I do tend to watch guides for normal content because I don’t like going in blind but I don’t expect anyone I party with to have watched a guide, it does come in handy though when a sprout asks about a mechanic and I’m able to give them a quick explanation, I’ll always help my fellow sprouts but only if they ask so if they wish to figure it out for themselves then they still can 😊
Can confirm, you lose EXP for dying in Eureka, and EXP is very important in Eureka.
TL;DR dealing damage as a healer isn't something you should hate or count as an 'unfortunate mechanic' its something that breathes a bit of life into the four classes that basically just spam big heal buttons and throw up occasional DR circles. The rotations are already extremely simplistic, and only add, they don't take away. ~ A 3-year player who adores healer despite the boredom it sometimes brings :(
Only one big comment i'll make, the rest of the video is wonderful written and performed: the negative connotation you placed around dealing damage as a healer/support class. The game is incredibly boring if you dont do any damage as a healer. Tanks have so much mitigation that if you don't deal any damage as healer, you practically stand still and do nothing for more than half the time. Certain tanks don't even NEED healing (looking at you 5th Healer), making you literally worthless and useless if you don't do damage and throw up your utilities such as damage reduction or sprint speed or HOTs, etc. I totally understand this is a beginner-facing video, but I've always lacked an understanding of why someone WOULDN'T want to deal BIG DEEPS, even as a healer. I DO understand the healxiety for sure, and in the beginning, not dealing damage as a healer is not super detrimental, might make the pulls a bit slower though, but it's INCREDIBLY boring, and frankly, with how boring low-level content is already for everyone, healers especially, not dealing damage would just make that worse.
I'll also add, as an addendum, that while the point about DPS with PoM is the exact same, the utility of Glare IV is that it allows for movement DPS. The priority is absolutely to get it in with raid buffs, but there are also niche situations in high level content where the ability to DPS while you move is better than the boost you get from raid buffs for those hits. In general content, raid buffs ain't really happening for shit anyway, because half the playerbase doesnt even know those 5% buttons even exist, and it is significantly better for your DPS to use those buttons for movement during mechanics.
The current game design requires you to dps as there is far too much downtime otherwise, as you've stated. That doesnt mean that I have to like that aspect of the game, though. The reason I got into endgame content is because it allowed me to actually press healing buttons. Outside of ex, savage, and ultimate, i basically spend the entire time pressing glare and hardly ever touching healing buttons. Not to mention in raids or trials, if the other healer isnt a glarebot, then theres literally no reason for me to even be there as the majority of it is tragically easy to solo heal. Tanks., especially Warrior can often solo dungeon mobs and if they can't, its basically the only time i get to actually do some healing. I dont particularly enjoy dpsing, in fact, i prefer the simplistic style of dps on WHM and find the majority of dps jobs in the game boring. Like literally, you will never catch me as a dps main because I abhor it. Thats not to say it's objectively bad, but it's something I dont find any fulfillment or enjoyment in doing. You and i like different things, and there's nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day the video is from my perspective, it would be impossible to withhold my opinions completely, and frankly, I dont want to. So yeah, having to do so much dps as a healer fucking sucks. Healers wanna heal!
Not all healers wanna be healbots. Main reason I became SCH/SGE main in ffxiv is that I like the blend of support styled gameplay where I m not forced to spam gcd heals all the time but can AND should contribute to party dps in sort of meaningful way.
I m not paying your subscription. You do you. But both for me and lot of my healer friends...
@@Aitherea In recent weeks I have started to add PLD to that list.
They don't even need to use their self heal.
A PLD that knows how and when to press their mits will just not take damage, and what little they receive is restored through knights benediction.
Am a WHM main, but went into an expert as PLD myself, collected about 4 vun stacks, and with a mit or two still took ZERO damage from a TB.
@@asheartesano i just wish healer heal a lot more and stop letting anybody (mainly tanks) get super low .
i used to watch guides all the time as a sprout cuz i thought that's what was expected of me. glad that's not the case. granted i don't and never will do harder content, so i don't have to worry about that anymore lol
Hi! I really liked the content.
But absolutely loved your voice! :)
Thanks for smile on my face.
I wish you the best! :)
And afcourse growth bigger for the channel.
Good luck! ;)
The simple way to think about the Glare IV and Glare III problem is that GCD is the main deciding factor in the number of casts. If Glare III had a longer cast time than the GCD (recast time), you would do more damage by using only Galre III during Presence of Mind.
However, since the GCD is slower (2.47 seconds) than the cast time of Glare III (1.48 seconds), it doesn't matter what you use. Glare III and Glare IV are limited by the slowest factor, 1.98s recast time during Presence of Mind. (Presence of Mind will make the recast time 20% faster, making Glare III a 1.98s recast time, the same as Glare IV)
What I think leads people to believe that Glare IV is better to keep until after Presence of Mind is that Square Enix failed to make things obvious. After Presence of Mind, Glare IV will have a recast time of 2.47s like Glare III, not 1.98s. Meaning nothing changes.
I like how I can tell you hopped in-game to confirm your information. GCD is 2.5s and PoM makes it 2s. Your numbers are clearly affected by your spell speed, but everything you said is still completely correct regardless of spell speed.
Re dying: you technically DO lose gil (as you'll need to repair your gear at a mender after enough deaths) but it's a trivial amount.
The other places with *very* consequential death are the deep dungeons, which are a procgen roguelike. If you die in them on a solo run, it's the end of your run. If you die in a group it's a bit easier usually (except on later floors, someone in your group will almost always have a phoenix down or can make it to the raising cairn on their own)
The one on active time maneuvers literally is the best advice ever my mouse thanks you 😂
For me there was 1 very important reason to create alts, each one can get their own apt and FC room for more housing builds :D
the PoM thing also applies to BLM's leylines, even instant cast spells still benefit from it
My blm main friend thought i was nuts when i said the same thing
Spell Speed and Skill Speed are the same way. The very important exception is that anything with a 1.5s CD is completely unaffected by Spell Speed and Skill Speed, and certain jobs get odd benefits (for example, about half of PLD's kit scales with Spell Speed instead of Skill Speed).
Oh, and _animation lock_ is not affected by any form of cast hasting, which means that the faster your casts, the narrower your weave windows. This has a mild impact on BLM, since it means it is harder to double-weave after instant spells during Ley Lines, but it had a much more important impact on Pictomancer. Both their normal combo and their Subtractive combo have a 1.0s weave window after their cast, before the GCD ends. However, their Subtractive combo (and Comet in Black and Star Prism) are hasted by the Inspiration buff from Starry Muse, which reduces both the cast time and GCD of affected spells by 25%. This _also_ reduces the weave window from 1.0s to ~0.75s, which can be pretty tight at most normal latencies. This is why weaving during the 3 casts of the Subtractive combo during Starry Muse is strongly discouraged, even though weaving during the Subtractive combo is perfectly fine outside of Starry Muse.
On the bit about overworld enemies being automatically hostile, to be totally fair the number of passive creatures in the overworld gets a *lot* lower once you get past ARR. The 11+ levels thing is very true and very useful though.
14:20 Third condition to overwriting a shield is if new shield is more potent than current one.
I‘ve been playing ffxiv since 4 years and learned a few things.
Arms length prevents knock backs. Can work on some bosses.
5:30 ish You do lose something for dying. You loose durability on your gear faster by dying than you do by not dying.
Equipment durability decreses by approximately 0.1 for every enemy killed, and by 1 for every time you die.
Only thing I will say is if you’re in a location and die, and have to tp to your home crystal, you will lose some amount of gil or time or both getting back to where you died which can be annoying. So you do lose something if you carelessly die. But it’s not really a penalty.
*me who both clicks and mashes spacebar during ATM's..*
Oh, now I don't need to worry about getting all the riding maps! Thank you!
The thing about arm's length I make sure to tell any new tank. Also there so many meches you can cheese with it. Theres a mech on the final boss of Babil you can just ignore using it its not needed but its a nice flex to do it
The only one I really didn't know back in the day was the Timed Maneuver. I knew about the mechanic, but I didn't know you could use the keyboard. I am a clicker, so I clicked. When I was farming Shinryu for the mount, even unsynced, I was struggling the the timed maneuver and finally someone told me about being able to use the keyboard. I basically became a god in that fight after that lol. Even though I am still a clicker for abilities ect, I use keyboard for Maneuvers.
Adlo can be overwritten by a bigger shield or a Sage. Breaking the shield and letting the timer wear off are not necessarily the only ways to reapply adlo.
I didn't know you could press a key instead of clicking the mouse for active time maneuvers. Will have to try that and see if it's faster than my Lightning Mouse Technique!
Another common misconception is that tanking is difficult. Many people avoid trying it due to anxiety they might have, but in reality it's very simple.
It's not really a stretch to say that tanking is just melee but easier and more forgiving.
I play all classes and roles. Tanking is the hardest end game if you ask me. It definitely feels like more work. Healing is 2nd. I play dps when I want to be brain dead.
That isn't to say anyone should be afraid of tanking. It feels more rewarding and is not that much harder than heals.
The scariest thing about tanking normal content is forgetting which way to go.
Such a minor "well actually" thing, but I think its important to keep in mind you do lose durability when you die, which does translate to gil, unless you have someone who repairs your stuff for you. Even if you have crafters leveled, the supplies to repair still costs you some resources. Its always good practice to have supplies ready to repair your stuff incase your gear breaks when you die. ^^ ♥
they really need to clarify the active time maneuver thing, for months I had no idea you could just spam the keyboard and do it 10 times easier. why would you think its anything but left clicking the button the way its described now.
To note, About Adholq vs Physic, You can convert all shield into a full heal instead. So it still might be better to do that. Before the physic in a mass heal burst. While Physic is best in the 3rd condition like you said to be a quick sudden heal. But this is very rare.
about arm's length, some of the earlier level dungeon boss actually are susceptible to slow but u do hab to try and see which one is and isn't, and phys DPS's Arm's length also inflict slow so if phys ranged pull a bit too early on 1 pack of mobs can also provide extra mitigation if the tank pulls right after slow is inflicted :3
I've been playing 10 years and I learned so much from this haha
Minor correction on shields, the shield won't overwrite itself UNLESS the shield would be larger than what is already on the target. Just, as usual, be careful when running both sage and scholar. Basic shields don't stack, but different skills can overwrite each other even if it's a smaller shield. Crit shields are separate here, so it's possible to have a crit from the sage and a large spread shield from the scholar.
There is also that shield does not count for topping doom.
So if you have the shield all the way. But have not fully healed. The target will die due to not being fully healed.
i think the reset misconception could stem from the daily resets. because if you queue into a daily roulette and get into the duty before reset, but finish after it will count for the new daily rewards and not the old ones.
I can confirm #1. Told people i skipped cutscenes during the ShB raids and the entire FC yelled at me.
4:52 This is only partly true, as you can tell from that Alpaca's face that it has killed, and will kill again. Its agressive... just subtle, like a deep rooted hatred hiding under all that fluff.
ngl, as a WHM main, one of my favorite things to do in this game is load up the tank with like all 4 HoTs and become a Glare Mage for a bit
And yeah, everyone saying Adlo week until you give the WAR a 2nd health bar
you can die and lose exp in eureka, however only after the first 11 levels, but there's no exp loss if revived.
You can actually overwrite your shield, but only if you heal more than the heal the shield went up on. So if you first healed for 22k, and get the shield, if you then heal for 23k, then the shield will be overwritten, especially if you get the crit as well. This is also the same thing for Sages.
For active time just hit L1, L2, R1 and R2 with index and middle fingers. Or left bumper and trigger and right bumper and trigger.
14:21 adlo, same with succor does overwrite itself if the shield value is higher than the existing shield
New player coming from Monster Hunter here (because someone enticed me with a Rathalos mount lol), I wish I have better experience when running dungeons on duty roulette. I’m the kind of player who prefers to take thing slow, so there’s some dungeons I haven’t clear or enter before but already unlocked, so sometime I got those dungeons, and other players doesn’t explain anything or just skip ahead without saying anything and leaving me behind utterly confused lol. Got left behind on Cutter’s cry was an experience, but I remember that at least the healer stayed with me even though they didn’t say anything
Oh my god thank you for this knowledge
Dying does cause to lose something. Pride. It hurts my pride.
Instance times count when you started, both for resets and bonuses. Roulettes count when you signed up for the roulette, for bonuses.
I am a sprout so knowing that I can even hit keyboard keys for the active time maneuver will be saving the discomfort in my hand... by a lot. I'm a scholar and have only been using my Adloqiuim to heal low people. TIL.
I adore that little yellow bar in the health bar. Give me that yellow bar anytime
just wanted to point out that I never knew about the clicking misconception, buuuut that's because I don't play with Mouse and Keyboard. I've been a pad player pretty much ever since 1.x I used game pads back in FFXI too so... >.>
Quick note. There is some small consequence for dying, you lose gear durability. Because gear cost gil (or some other in game currency) to repair there is in fact a gil cost associated with dying just not a direct one. Of course the cost is quite low and unless you are raiding hard content death isn't common enough to really make the amount meaningful in any real capacity, but it does mean there is technically a cost to dying in the game.