If your lender does not offer a sweep service, you can deposit into your savings to shield from pending debit charges from checking, and sweep on your own.
And it just adds to your liquidity and really doesn’t hurt your cash flow much if any right? And probably even increases your cash flow because you’re paying off a loan payment (and eliminating that debt payment so increasing cash flow) while satisfying the payment of the help while dumping you’re income on each month. You’ll owe interest charges but each month that will go down increasing cash flow?
Doesn't really matter. All it means is the months where your commission checks are lean, you are not doing as much damage. But the months you crush it, you crush your balance and interest that accrues.
If your lender does not offer a sweep service, you can deposit into your savings to shield from pending debit charges from checking, and sweep on your own.
Thank you very much.
Very informative video thank you very much guys.
Our pleasure!
And it just adds to your liquidity and really doesn’t hurt your cash flow much if any right? And probably even increases your cash flow because you’re paying off a loan payment (and eliminating that debt payment so increasing cash flow) while satisfying the payment of the help while dumping you’re income on each month. You’ll owe interest charges but each month that will go down increasing cash flow?
Positive comment❤
Wish I knew a bank that offers these. I drive for Uber and I have a heloc with pen fed.
We know quite a few.
Can i get a heloc on a rental property?
Yes. I have done this!
What if I am on a variable income as a realtor?
Doesn't really matter. All it means is the months where your commission checks are lean, you are not doing as much damage. But the months you crush it, you crush your balance and interest that accrues.
Positive comment. ;-)