MP's Views vs The Facts - We fact check Kettering MP, Mr Philip Hollobone

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Kettering MP Watch can be contacted through or you can email us at
    0:00-0:19 Preview
    0:19-0:29 Credits
    0:29-2:05 Introduction
    2:05-2:17 Mr Tom Hardy
    2:17-4:08 Is climate change manmade?
    4:08-5:22 Next Zero by by 2050
    5:22-6:51 The UK is leading
    6:51-8:24 But China is worse!
    8:24-8:51 Jobs at stake
    8:51-9:32 North Sea oil is declining
    9:32-10:05 UK oil has lower carbon emissions
    10:05-12:26 Energy security & tax
    12:26-13:34 Trade unions are against renewables
    13:34-14:42 Summary
    14:42-15:32 Right to reply
    15:32-17:01 What can you do?
    If you want to contact Mr Philip Hollobone, his details are:
    Parliament : House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
    Phone: 020 7219 8373
    Constituency :
    Phone: 01536 414715 or 07979 850126
    MP Watch fact checks Kettering MP Philip Hollobone.
    #ClimateChange #FossilFuels #EnvironmentalPolicy #Kettering #MPWatch #PhilipHollobone #TomHardy #FactCheck #Sustainability
    The International Energy Agency has stated that "If we want a liveable planet then world leaders must not develop new oil, gas, or coal beyond existing fields.”
    The Global Warming Policy Foundation are part funded by Gulf Oil
    New fossil fuel extraction in the North Sea will emit the equivalent of 14 million petrol driven cars
    Burning the oil of Rosebank would produce over 200 million tonnes of CO2.
    UK taxpayers will carry almost all the costs of developing Rosebank, handing over roughly £3 billion in tax breaks to its Norwegian owners
    The UK taxpayer will pay for 40% of eventual UK oil and gas decommissioning.
    Net Zero by 2050 is now considered far too late
    Irreversible Tipping points won't wait
    It is the speed of the decrease that matters, not the end date
    The Government says we’ve cut emissions by 42%, or that we only contribute 1% of global emissions, but those figures don't include our emissions from international flights, shipping, and the carbon cost of products we have produced for us in other countries.
    China’s emissions are roughly the same as the rest of the developed world.
    The UK’s historic emissions are 5 and a half times more than China’s
    China generates more energy through renewables than the UK with 6.3% of their total energy supply through wind, solar and hydro compared to 4.4% in the UK
    The IPCC’s last full report concluded that “Without additional mitigation efforts ... warming is more likely than not to exceed 4 degrees C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.”
    A rise of 4C , which the committee on Climate Change also says we are heading towards, will lead to the complete desertification of anything below the 50th parallel
    The Climate Change committee’s assessment is that many more jobs - hundreds of thousands - would be created than lost by a rapid transition to clean energy.
    The International Energy Agency: “to reach net-zero by 2050, no new fossil fuel projects are needed”
    To improve energy security, the UK government must act to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, rather than incentivising further development of fuels which will be sold on the open market and will not affect the price we pay.
    Renewables are at present 9 times cheaper than fossil fuel generated energy
    The oil and gas industry who at the moment get more back from the government through tax breaks and subsidies than we get in return
    Alok Sharma: “The government has said the Offshore licensing bill is about protecting energy security. But the reality is, the oil and gas extracted from the North Sea is owned by private companies - the government doesn’t get to control who they sell to.”
    Under the pathway to net zero emissions recommended by the UK Climate Change Committee, the cost of this transition is estimated at less than 1% of GDP over 30 years
    “The costs of failing to get climate change under control would be much larger than those of bringing emissions down to net zero.”
    Price Waterhouse Cooper’s research paper on jobs in the energy transition has concluded that, by 2030, 270,000 skilled workers from the fossil fuel sectors will likely be out of work
    400,000 jobs will be needed in low-carbon energy sectors
    “The GMB wants to see a world where we get most of our energy from renewable sources, not fossil fuels.

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