I think another lowkey part on why Luna and Mantis are broken is that they're the only two 275 hp supports, meaning they can survive certain one shot combos from characters.
I think people are sleeping on Cloak and Dagger. Outside of ult they heal more than Luna and Mantis. They also have a way higher sustainability vs close range enemies than Luna and Mantis.
@@mohams151 Debatable if C&D is better than Mantis at close range... Mantis can simply put somebody to sleep and than boost herself up and line up some headshots, or simply run away.
@@mohams151 I’m 100% on the same page as you! Cloak and Dagger and Loki were who I used to get to GM and I can consistently deal out high damage and some of highest healing numbers possible. In my opinion, no other strategist has the maximum healing potential that Loki has. His clones, when placed in good positions, provide the most potent healing. Pair this with his unrivaled survivability and I’d say he’s the best strategist in the game.
Respect your opinions, but I think you are sleeping on Thor a little. I'm not saying he's great, but saying "he's a liability" like Venom is kind of harsh. First, you never mentioned his teamup with Hela, if you have a good Hela you can play as aggressively as you want and if you die, your Hela gets a pick and you revive, it's incredibly strong. Even without it, his shift is great for displacement, whether you are flanking and push a tank into your team or peeling your backline from a diver or just brawling cause it's very disorienting. Wolverine was rated high for his displacement, Thor has a mini-version of that on a 2 second cooldown. It's also a mobility tool with a 2 second cooldown, so if you manage your abilities you should always be able to disengage very quickly and not die. His Awakened state has zero falloff so you can poke with it as well as use it to finish a fight because it does like 770 damage total, you can melt a Strange shield or pressure the healers as far away as you want. I don't know if he's A tier but saying he's on the same level as Venom is not right, imo.
@@BraveBelievers Good thor is much more mobile than Venom. Deals more damage and is in general much bigger threat than a Venom who is basically just a punching bag. If Thor had a better ult, hed be easily on the same tier as Hulk. Both have pick or ban teamup and are disruption secondary tanks.
What I found out about Moon Knight as far as tanks go is that alot of us have been using it wrong. If you want to take out tanks or at minimum shred them, use the Ahnk then aim at the tank that way it goes from Tank > Ahnk > Tank. This way you get off more damage and faster. Been doing this against Thors, Hulks, etc. and it does absolute numbers even if you aren’t the person to finish them yk they’re getting ate up. As for Duelists and Strategists I still go for the Ahnk just because they’re usually faster and die quicker when I don’t have to worry about missing. Edit: And one more thing if your Ahnk is on a cooldown people USE THE TANKS AS YOUR AHNKS I promise you it works the same especially for big beefy Guys like Strange and Groot because People love to hid/group around them.
Thanks man. I am learning moon knight rn and that tank>ankh>tank technique sounds really useful! And I agree that characters with big hitboxes can serve as alternative ankh. In addition, I also view Peni’s device, Loki’s clones and Namor’s octopuses as alternative ankh as well. People love to stand among them since they would provide either protection or healing for them. Use them against the enemies are hella fun.
@@prometheus5465 Yh that is a sucky part but remember that Moon Knight shoots in Threes and Strange’s Shield isn’t infinite it has health so even draining it helps your team a lot. Try and play Moon Knight like you’re there to help your team not like you are there to attack like Hela or StarLord.
Besides the Fantastic 4, I think the inevitable shift in the meta will be one of the most refreshing things about Season 1. I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that the Hela/Hawkeye/Mantis/Luna meta was fun in the beginning but got really old when it took over the game. One of the best things about playing a game like this with so many characters is seeing diversity in your matches. When a small handful of characters dominate the meta, you lose that magic.
I hate Hawkeye but I truly despise Luna's ult. It's just so stupidly uninteractive it sucks out fun of any team fight. And I'm saying this is a flex player who often plays supports.
If you are able to get to high enough rank those bans are fucking amazing. Game is so much more fun. Granted, not everyone can or does but yeah. I think bans would be fine to add to plat lobbies.
The best part about the seasonal bonuses and shifting meta is that you can hang onto a main that you like and just wait for some shift to happen, and if they get nerfed by the meta, it encourages players to try new heroes.
Been maining Scarlet Witch since beta and grandmaster with her as well, respectfully I do agree with her rating only because long term, she will have difficulty matching up against newer heroes that come out especially since she doesn’t bring anything unique to a match compared to other heroes. (Other than her evade which is nice for ult setup I guess) Her kit needs to be looked at again. Dark Seal needs to be changed into some sort of placeable “rune” that stuns enemies when triggered. Her primary, as much as I like the drain, her hex bolts are her true identity in the comics so either secondary and primary need to be swapped, or primary needs to be tweaked. Chthonian Burst, my favourite ability to use, but to make it more unique, each bolt should inflict some sort of random condition when they hit. This brings the identity of hexing and probability to her kit. Reality Erasure, her ult, I love it when it rewards me, but unfortunately if there’s other heroes whose ult can team wipe without setting off a “!”, I don’t see a reason for SW to be the exception. Her ult needs that removed and the extra health treatment for survivability. Only way to survive and successfully use your ult is with a healer nearby or a low ranked oblivious enemy team. Lastly, her team up “ability” with magneto needs to give her something in return other than a damage buff. Give her another ability that she can use like entering free flight briefly and throwing debris at a target area. She could also use some other unique team ups with Doctor Strange, Loki, Magik etc… At the end of the day, I like playing her, but don’t enjoy her as much as I did before and as more heroes come out with better kits, I’m afraid she’ll continue to stay at her current rating until she gets some work done.
What I find works is that you place the decoys in high spots. Also pretending to be a decoy may lead to people ignoring you lol. You usually should save the switch to decoy ability when someone is running at you and trying to kill you.
Hulk is only banned to stop the ironman teamup. Well that and you'd rather be against a normal ironman than hulk but banning hulk takes out hulk and gamma ironman
Spider-Man is either S tier or F tier, no in between, the high skill ceiling means he won't be seen in competitive play for a long time but I have seen some terrifying combos invented by Spider-Man mains very recently so the Season 1 tier list video might just include Spider-Man in A or S tier
His main issue is that he doesn’t get his webs back fast enough. There are so many instances where you are just one web short of securing a pick but they recharge quite slowly. The slow recharge also means you can’t afford to use it on deployables which is already one of his weaknesses. If they made it like 20% faster he would be a great and well-balanced character
Solo queued Loki all the way to gm 2. If uni wasn’t starting up again I could easily climb to eternal with a stack. I consistently get mvp/svp and often times out dmg my dps while providing insane healing. He is VERY slept on.
Absolutely and same here. Cloak and Dagger, and Loki were who I used to get to GM3 in solo queue. The seasons almost over but maybe I can make it to 2. But yes, Loki is so op.
I absolutely love loki. He’s probably the most underrated character. Not only can he have crazy damage output, he can also do great healing with his runes and clones
@@theregularhuman In plat and diamond, you get so easily flamed by team if you pick loki and your team doesn't perform in first 1 minute. It's always like "can you swap Loki?" And quite often some guy start to troll if you go with Loki, it's insane stupidity.
Loki is my main and he's actually a dps. Having 3 healers an Adam and luna with loki you will 90% win games. I'm thinking of making advanced loki placement guides because there are alot of out of bounds places to place lokis.
Damn so magik in B tier is kinda wild to me. She can become a psudo tank on the point with her minion and constantly gain health, up to 400hp. And then when there is an opportunity she can go pick the back line. On top of that if you wait out a few ults which isn’t hard since hers builds so slowly, like mantis and Luna ult, without theirs you can wipe 3+ of their team if used correctly. Idk, she feels more like A tier to me, but I might be biased since I have one tricked her to diamond.
@@Minister_for_Grass she is a character where the team-up elevates her spot. Psylocke and Black Panther are one of the best close-range DPS in the game which makes her alt nice to have. It’s like the Adam and Luna team-up where even though one of the characters isn’t as powerful the team-up makes worth using them and i tend to like the healers with the team-up active as more flexibility for them
Im a GM black panther main but magik feels a lot more consistent and safe than black panther most of the time. Id personally say A tier for magik, but that may just be the season bonus.
Great tier list. I feel like you kinda glossed over Winter Soldier's kidnap potential? Hook into pivot dash can grab anyone out of position and push them back into your team, much like a Wolverine kidnap.
except winter soldier's kidnapping is not as useful against tanks specifically, cuz he doesnt have the same tank shredding capability. Not saying its bad, its still really good and is probably more reliable than wolverine's since its really safe unlike wolverine, but wolverine is specifically designed to kidnap tanks.
I actually think Thor has good kidnap potential too. Peni, Strange, Magneto, Groot and some others struggle to get away if you keep pushing them with the storm surge + bash combo. Probably not enough to justify A-tier though.
Finally someone who knows about Loki. Good that I switched mains so I dont have to have a conversation about “I main Loki, me play him” while the rest of the team wants him after watching this
Hi, Widow 1 trick here coming to defend what people still don’t understand about her. In a diamond lobby where hela/hawk/strange/luna/whoever is banned, makes widow the one character that has the ability to one shot via mantis buff raccoon buff and storm buff. She’s a hitscan sniper that has no falloff while scoped and no falloff up to 10m unscoped. The community was so caught up on her not being “widowmaker” or “Hawkeye’s equivalent” that they missed her whole kit. She has better movement than Hawkeye, her “get off me” ability is better than Hawkeye and leads to more dive counters than his especially since you don’t have to rely on knockback lucky 1 shot to dive character. Her ultimate is probably the most misunderstood part of her kit. People call it trash but in reality it’s multipurpose. Yes it isn’t as strong as Hawkeye, hela, Star lord, Iron Man etc ult but it creates more support for a coordinated team. A groot or strange ult paired with hers gets you a few headshots that with a mantis buff leads to some quick 1 shots, but post groot strange ult whoever didn’t die will be a sitting duck. She’s extremely strong in team comps THAT ARE ON COMMS, for example, “I’m on their ‘insert hero name here’ focus ‘insert hero name’” Having a mantis on comms with you is disgustingly scary, “I slept ‘insert strategist or duelist name here’ I power boosted you widow 1 shot them”, is just a few things that people don’t understand yet ESPECIALLY WITH HELA HAWKED BEING 10000% banned every game. The community is so caught in hating her that none of you actually sat down and put time into her to understand how she shines in majority of team comps and how she is actually a hard counter to a a lot of divers. BP dashing back and forth? Her omnidirectional kick will throw him and a free kick stun to stop him from terrorizing. Spidey flying through the air, SHE IS HITSCAN, take a mantis buff and snipe him, Magik uppercuts you? KICK HER OFF AND STUN, and coordinate with your team on focusing her. The ‘get off me’ ability can also be used in delay and on multiple targets. So if that panther is inside of your ball, kick his tank or supports, THEN USE the stun part of the ability to stop him. She has so much utility and as a community I’m disappointed in you guys for overlooking her because of what you seen on Twitter. Stop playing follow the leader and actually put some time in. Am I saying she’s S-A tier? No, but putting one of the only other characters in the game that can **one shot** as the worst character in the game is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Cheers and happy new years to everyone
And before any of you ask, I’m eternity rank and I played most of my matches on widow aside from a few BP games because I figured out just like you all how destructive he can be. 71.8 hours on widow, and BP has my second highest at 4.4 hours. I hope this clears up alot of misunderstanding and hate and at least gets you guys to try widow and be more understanding for once. She’s a really solid pick, stop listening to what everyone else says
@@Hazion-what you are probably seeing is an unfamiliarity boost because players aren’t used to playing vs her since no one picks her. Plus her reliance on having a mantis on the team is not so good since meta is shifting away from her a bit
I main widow as well. I don't need a one shot kill with her and I don't need a mantis and neither should anyone else. Very misunderstood hero. Hazion knows what's up.
The one thing that is glossed over in videos like these is that high diving strategy exists now and with proper intuition and skill characters like venom and Iron fist seem higher tier than they actually are. No character is an island.
Imo wherever you think magik is iron fist is always one tier below because at least magik has some versatility and actual burst damage and a actually dangerous ult
She also has a more viable team-up, iron fists’s isn’t bad as it gives Luna more offense but its not crazy where as magik’s adds more options to Psylocke and panther
I’ve seen her absolutely go off, but I don’t think she has enough to justify A-tier. IMO B-tier heroes are strong in the right hands, but countered with a moderately coordinated effort, which I think is apt for Magik.
@@seesidesummerhouse6112 which is why is said fist is a tier below her and not she is a tier above him, I think her ult pushes her over the line into low A but B is very fair, however fist is simply always C in a broad non rank specific list and should never be in the same tier as magik
I think Storm and Captain America are underrated. I think Capt works as a good secondary tank to protect supports or even to go after enemy supports. Storm needs some tuning but people like Qubblez, Stuntwill, and Diego have shown that she can be really good especially when you she stays near the ground. Other than that, Season 1 should be fun with those new team ups.
Storm is absolute trash, u r a dps with the lowest damage and y r u even buffing ur teamates when ur supposed to be a dps, plus if she flies high like iron man, her teammates will not get the buff, and top of the icing she's slow af. Her name is "storm" she should be the fastest characters in the game
cap ult is good but he just doesn't do enough dmg. He also has really weird stuff about him like his shield raise cd that just make him feel kind of bad to play hes my favorite character to play but if I wanna win I won't pick him, he just can't kill anyone unless they are totally alone. If his ult charged fast he would be lowkey kinda good though since it adds another really strong defensive ult to your team.
W vid, also I love your opinion on Adam Warlock ( he’s my main ) because I don’t think people realize that he does insane damage for a strat, and doesn’t have to worry about healing 1 person when instead it’s 3 people at a time.
Here’s the thing about Storm. If someone locks in Storm, it’s not a troll pick because the only people who play Storm DOMINATE for some reason. The 8 Storm mains have figured something out and it’s scary
I'm a rocket main but I tried storm out the other day and something clicked, consistently did the most damage and had the most kills on the team. Very underrated imo
She’s absolutely strong. Idk why people hate on her so much. She just takes time to learn. Her basic does 50 DAMAGE! up close then her Boost gives her entire team 16% damage AND HERSELF 30% DAMAGE, whilst also shocking everyone in the radius on activation then every 2 seconds. Her bolt rush does 70 damage which is insane for finishing kills. She’s just an overall amazing character. Plus her ult is amazing for killing healers in the backline.
I think Cloak and Dagger are slept on in comparison to Luna and Mantis. I know they don’t have a broken ult like them but outside of the ult, dagger actually heals more than Luna and mantis thanks to the 2 abilities she has: aoe heal and screen projecting heal. It matters. And also they can do very well vs melee enemies unlike them with cloak screen, close range damage and invisibility allowing to flee or nullify ults without using his own ult. Many times I survived with them with no protection vs several enemies while its almost impossible with Luna or Mantis without their ult.
I'm not dedicated to the game enough to play competitive, but Loki has been my main since day 1, solid healer, solid dps, great support, great survivability, super fun ult that let's you learn how other characters play if you don't branch out, and just fun to play in general
This is why I am so good with Captain America, because most people underrate him so much. He is really good at messing with people and slowing them down. In the right hands he is a monster to deal with.
You honestly should do a tier list for normal players. Nobody I play with has any interest in ranked sweat. In fact ranked meta means zero to the majority of the players
As a new player, I'm enjoying Spider-Man the most as I have so much fun surprising the enemy teams through taking routes I don't think my opponents will take. But I want to get better with Cap, Venom, Hela, Magneto, and Jeff and try out some new characters. Thor and Rocket are also fun and I want to learn Loki and Wolverine more.
Captain America is not C-tier. I'd place him in B or A. Not many people know how to use him efficiently and effectively. Cap is good head-on and can take on multiple people, but you healers to heal him a lot. Plus, his Ultimate allows the team within range to gain speed boost and health and armor
I think that you are still underestimating storm. She is huge utility for her team with her damage and speed boosts and I've seen multiple grandmaster players do quite well with her as long as appropriate bans are in place.
You and Cozy (my main sources of Marvel Rivals info) being Loki mains is great to hear! As a Loki main myself, he is only gonna get stronger with time.
When i play captain America i usually play him alongside healers and i usually go into the enemy start dealing DPS and applying pressure then once I’m low i use my mobility and jumping to run for heals and repeat the cycle is that a efficient way to play well?
I don't know what they were thinking with Mantis - why should a Healer be able to *almost* pump out as much damage as Hela, have a damage boost for herself and teammates, a fire and forget heal, an almost immortality ultimate, a speed boost, a self heal, and a reliable and effective CC ability. She's basically got everything except flight.
Cap should be B tier. I one tricked him to GM2 and Lord proficiency. He’s damage is low but his mobility and sustain is insane. He’s basically a third dps that’s goes after support all game.
You didn’t mention Moon Knight’s Groot ult wombo combo. It’s super strong when coordinated properly making him really good in competetive. The combo also shreds through luna/mantis ult which is played in every game now.
My Storm rework wishlist: -No longer needs to reload -Speed boost bonus increased 20% -Ascend/descend speed increased 20% -Thor teamup ability is now base kit -Thor teamup now changes aura shape from a sphere to an infinitely tall cyliner, with a slightly larger radius
I feel Thor is a A tier tank. He is not like venom , if he gets onto something he will finish it , iam a Thor main myself and I have protected my team even as solo TANK , but if a a shield tank like strange or Magneto with a hela comes in my team. NOTHING ON EARTH can defeat it
I do belive spiderman is A tier due to being able to quickly KO tanks by pulling them off the map, having multiple uppercut charges which is arguably his strongest ability and since hela/hawkeye is basically the meta for bans that gives him much much more impact on games.
As a Spiderman main, I disagree. His “1 shot combos” either don’t do enough damage or he gets caught trying to do them and is either killed or forced to back off. His main strength is being able to catch people lacking, whether it be catching someone who doesnt have full health (so he can 1 shot combo them), or near a ledge so he can yoink them off the map. His mobility is extremely good for stopping Strange portal, getting in and out of situations, and attacking the back line/strategists. However, he has glaring issues that prevent him from being able to accomplish his tasks a lot of the time. 1, his cool downs take way too long. He isn’t able to go in and out of situations as much as he wants, because his cool downs take so long that he provides no or low value , because he literally cannot do anything. This is especially the case for his web clusters. His web clusters are so valuable but take so long to recharge, creating situations where you must use them but have none left. This is a big issue, especially when Spiderman needs to kill a strategist or take out a Namor turret. 2: strategists. Like I said, Spiderman finds great value in attacking the back line and taking out the strategists. Luna and Mantis are susceptible to dive characters, and on paper, this would be their greatest weakness (I think it would be healthy for the game if dive comp countered Luna and Mantis). However in execution, Spiderman’s damage output would simply not do enough damage to any member of the pair, he would get frozen or stunned despite his mobility, and then get absolutely touched by headshots. Its crazy to me that Mantis alone does a better job at being a DPS than Spiderman. It is bullcrap. So what I would do, is nerf Luna’s/Mantis’s attack power and decrease stun or freeze duration/size of Mantis stun blast, and either increase Spiderman’s uppercut damage or increase his web cluster explosion damage.
Yeah pyslock usually gets countered by Adam’s soul bond, since she’ll launch it when everyone is grouped mostly, a soul bond of 4 or more is enough to mitigate a death with healing. Adam is absolutely nuts. He’d be in the s tier if he had better mobility or even a simple double jump
Iron fist is about to be one of the worst characters because he’ll lose his season bonus soon. He’s already weak most of the time yet so many people complain about him.
Newer player here, kinda wanted more info on Starlord's other abilities, how best to use them, and his weaknesses/ counters . The magneto part was helpful though.
Listen, yes Thor is a mostly offensive tank, but a good offense is a good defense and vice versa. If the enemy team is dead, or focusing you, then there is no threat to your team. If a Thor is hitting you, you can’t afford to focus the team behind him because of how good his damage is. I can pretty effectively make Thor work in most situations. Thor might be one of the worst solo pick tanks, but if he has a second tank like groot then he’s one of the strongest picks. I guess you can base his ranking around how good he is as a solo pick, but even then you can make him work.
This game is so much fun. I love that even the worst characters have little gimmicks about them that makes somewhat viable in the right hands and situations. Reminds me of smash bros ultimate. Huge cast of characters where you can learn any character and have some fun regardless of where they fall on a tier list.
Putting Thor and Venom in the same tier is simply just insane. Venom most of the cases is just feeding into your opponent's ults, where Thor can easily dive and kill both enemy healers AND survive, or just keep putting constant pressure on the tanks. Wolverine has no place in tier A, below diamond, he is basically a -1 on the team, as they are not coordinated enough for him to get kills, or don't have the game sense to go positive KD most of the time. Even on higher ranks he practically needs a pocket healer to survive most encounters. He is bottom tier B at best.
with venom getting a buff in season 1 do you think he may be bumped up to A tier, I ask this because venom is 1 of my favorites but I am hoping for him to be slightly stronger cause I really want to play comp with him.
Honestly wish people with these tier lists would also make a tier list for those in lower skill brackets like which characters have a low skill floor and an easy learning curve. So it’s more accessible to new players. Example, you rarely see switch in higher tiers but in lower tiers she can do damage especially in matches where teams struggle to find her when she’s ulting
GM2 support CnD main I want to say i love your videos and glad you do them. It takes a lot of work to make these Most of the time mantis isn't banned in my games. Right now its Hulk hela hawkeye luna. Sometimes we see psylocke or BP but usually mantis is free everytime. My take is that CnD is on the weaker side. Behind loki and adam on an average day. Worst than rocket sometimes because of his powerful teamup and the weak teamup with moonknight. Some days they are the 3rd best support in the game. Let me first say in a highly competitive setting they are one of the best supports in the game but in rank maybe a different story sometimes For CnD they have a lot of strengths but the biggest problem is the amount of difficulty and coordination you need to get value out of the most important abilities. For heals they are really low burst and require your orb and window abilities to get good healing both being 10+ sec cooldown. Cloak's dark temptation acts as a mini kiriko suzu from OW but it is really hard to get consistent value out of it. Your team has to not shoot to stay cloaked and the delay time to swap from dagger to cloak plus temptation to activate is just too long. The ult does make you unkillable if you stack it but it forces the team to be stationary. If a starlord ults my tank as luna I can run towards them in the ult because it is fast for some reason. WIth Cnd it requires a few seconds of setup with the dashes and you have to hope your team is already group with you to get value otherwise one of the players will randomly die to starlord ult. The biggest weakness of all though that most people don't talk about is their time to get back in the fight. Luna can skate. Mantis has innate speed. Loki has teleport. Rocket has dashes and jeff has shift. CnD and adam have 0 mobility out of spawn. I know this is min-maxing but man it takes forever to get back in a fight with them. Your deaths matter so much more on them. The biggest advantage they have is the ability to get high ground and the consistent auto aim heals. Cnd can get to very high points on the map that luna and mantis simply cant do. Maps like tokyo and spider island 2099 you can separate yourself from luna and mantis by abusing the high ground elevations against divers. Idk the stats but CnD has to be the most played hero in the game right? I swear in normal and rank mode I see them in every game. Everyone is lord on them. For such a niche in the marvel universe I'm glad they both got the time to shine. I appreciate the videos again and reading my long comment. Can't wait for season 1
I really wish the devs would rework Black Widows kit or give her an extra ability or something because she would be amazing in this game, just give her the ability to use her shock gauntlets and give her two handguns like I don’t understand who thought making her into a sniper would be a good idea lol
I swear Loki has been the most slept on hero, I solo queued grandmaster mainly playing Loki for like 98% of it, and I have never seen Loki get banned a SINGLE time 😭
another plus to cloak and dagger is that cloak can use the blind to directly counter hela and hawkeye along with any other ranged character as well as increasing damage output on them the blind can also be used to defend yourself against dives
Hey, I am a moba player who never got into hero shooter because I am not really good at fps games. I want to get into marvel rivals but I am not sure which character to start with as I have never played any kind of shooters before
Iron fist isn't only good at low ranks because he's hard to hit, he actually does a s**load of damage really quickly. I don't know what you mean. He's like borderline starlord levels of damage, but you don't have to track because you are touching the enemy.
I love that for all of the low tier characters as you describe how bad they are the clip shows the hero getting extreme value and all look comp playable lmao.
as a scarlet witch main, I recognize that there is a ceiling for how high i can take this character. But if I work hard enough, I can crack the higher elos
Clone management. You should always have two clones on the field at any given time. Only use your rune stones for three occasions: 1) save your backline (including yourself) from certain death 2) shutting down enemy ults 3) saving frontline from certain death.
Im a ironman main and here is one of the best ways to counter magneto. So usually i try to have him or/and strange killed before i ult of i sneak up behind the enemy team. However, if i ult and he absorbes my ult then immediately press E and start shredding him. Because when he ults he is now stuck unprotected for a solid 5 seconds giving u plenty if time to kill him if u are prepared for it.
sure i'm being biased when i say this but i don't think scarlet witch is C. if anything, i feel she should be B. when hulk, hela, and hawkeye are 99% banned, she's a good character to play. yes, her output isn't the greatest, but i play her in the air and throw bolts from the sky on their supports. with her ult, pair it up with captain america or any support ult, specifically mantis (for the speed buff) and she can nuke just enough to change the fight around. her main power source is her orbs, not her auto aim and i wish people knew that
True, but even her bolts aren’t strong enough to kill a support that’s paying attention, and there’s only so long you can be in the air before you become an ez target (she’s slow). She has no burst to kill backline supports through their sustain, she has no backline flank potential since she has no fast escape from the backline if she fails (unlike spiderman, Magik, psylocke, iron fist, panther, etc) and she has the most telegraphed ult in the game.
the only problem with her auto aim is that only is good against tanks as deal a fixed 5% of their max health, but she is soo versatile on constrast to some of tier ranked A characters
@ that’s…not burst lmao. Fat chance you land 4 direct hits for a kill before they either pop defensive cooldowns or their other support heals them to full. Compared to the TTK for the other flank duelists, that dmg output for backline burst is pathetic
@@chriselliott403 everything you just said is value is it not... sure, there's others that are greater. im not saying she's S or A tier. allowing a support to use one of their abilities means they wont have it when you push in once again. if a support heals the other support, there's no heals for the tank and dps playing upfront. not only that, wanda has two get out of jail free cards
I think racoon is underrated and actually a bottom S tier rather than an A tier. His ability to survive and heal from crazy distances and angles is extremely underrated. Once you learn how to place his respawn beacon you can often times get 5-8 revives per game. That shit COMPLETELY shifts games for me. I've grinded to grandmaster playing mostly racoon and that little dude is awesome. Stay back and heal through an enemy luna ult, and right when it ends drop your damage ult and watch your team completely just melt them. Won many fights like that. When heroes like black panther, spiderman, psylock, etc are in the game, i want no other support than racoon. Can almost always get away and waste their time while still launching heals towards your team from crazy distances. And all this without sacrificing a panic ult to survive.
@@vFrosty2K Nah I think a lot of these tier lists are wack there's many specialists of a lot of these heroes that are ranked lower that are absolutely cooking with certain heroes. Just cuz the games been out three weeks and they don't know how to play it or lack the patience to learn it doesn't mean it's not S tier, Wolverine perfect example, now there's another dude completely popping off on Cap America. Higher skill ceiling doesn't equal worse
@@LivinProoof you can be great with almost any hero, but rocket is not on Luna, Mantis, CND and even a great warlock is better. But you can be great on rocket and make it work better so
I once heard that Black Widow is meant to be a more upclose sniper. Her kit having both a rush in and get-off-me ability enables her to be in the frontline and her sniper damage is the same even if youre not scoped in, plus her hipfire accuracy is extremely high. I think a lot of people playing her as a traditional sniper is why shes always placed so low
Proud Loki main! Love to see him in S tier! How did you get that confirm UI for his ultimate? The amount of times I’ve copied the wrong person and wasted the ult is crazy
I have been going INSANE with C&D in quick play figuring out the tech, unlocking Hero for them and man let me tell you. I carry pretty much every game. Usually something like 22-3-28 with 10K DMG and 13K healing. IN QUICK PLAY. Absolute menace of a character and apparently we’re getting a buff? Let’s go.
@TyTystick storm can work well its just you need to know how she is supposed to function which if you do she can be extremely effective, I’ve had matches with 28 assists on kills because of her buffs with me being on the ground and my allies taking advantage of it unfortunately players on both ends tend to not understand that is how it works so she ends up fumbling harder to those player’s eyes
She is a terrible diver. She has no way to safely get out. She can’t be healed during her phase and it’s also easy to track. Any team worth their salt can out sustain any backline damage she provides and kill her quickly.
Did you hear about Rocket getting more healing per click, him keeping his team up with Punisher, and getting the infinie reload faster? If so, can you make a video of a tutorial of how to ultimatly play punisher and rocket so that you almost always win. Ive played him with Punisher before and its almost scary how good he is now... despite the unpgrades coming to him in seaosn 1.
Hawkeye giving me hanzo flashbacks, just sitting at the back getting headshots. I switch to him whenever I need to actually tryhard. I love playing rocket otherwise
If you have ANY questions about the tier list put them in the comments! I will be responding to EVERY single comment.
You were in a flats video did you see it?
@Sorryjustthefacts I'm a big Flats fan -- which video was it?
@@MarvelRivalsGuidesIt was his most recent “reacting to marvel rivals TikTok’s” video
You sound so much like Ioki
And in necros you were venom
I think another lowkey part on why Luna and Mantis are broken is that they're the only two 275 hp supports, meaning they can survive certain one shot combos from characters.
Rocket can pretty reliably be a 275 hp hero thanks to armor packs but it isn't free like the other two, certainly.
I think people are sleeping on Cloak and Dagger. Outside of ult they heal more than Luna and Mantis. They also have a way higher sustainability vs close range enemies than Luna and Mantis.
@@mohams151 Debatable if C&D is better than Mantis at close range... Mantis can simply put somebody to sleep and than boost herself up and line up some headshots, or simply run away.
@@mohams151 I’m 100% on the same page as you! Cloak and Dagger and Loki were who I used to get to GM and I can consistently deal out high damage and some of highest healing numbers possible.
In my opinion, no other strategist has the maximum healing potential that Loki has. His clones, when placed in good positions, provide the most potent healing. Pair this with his unrivaled survivability and I’d say he’s the best strategist in the game.
@ yeah Loki is insane too. I would give the edge to C&D because of Cloak allowing close allies to tank ults at free will.
Respect your opinions, but I think you are sleeping on Thor a little. I'm not saying he's great, but saying "he's a liability" like Venom is kind of harsh. First, you never mentioned his teamup with Hela, if you have a good Hela you can play as aggressively as you want and if you die, your Hela gets a pick and you revive, it's incredibly strong. Even without it, his shift is great for displacement, whether you are flanking and push a tank into your team or peeling your backline from a diver or just brawling cause it's very disorienting. Wolverine was rated high for his displacement, Thor has a mini-version of that on a 2 second cooldown. It's also a mobility tool with a 2 second cooldown, so if you manage your abilities you should always be able to disengage very quickly and not die. His Awakened state has zero falloff so you can poke with it as well as use it to finish a fight because it does like 770 damage total, you can melt a Strange shield or pressure the healers as far away as you want. I don't know if he's A tier but saying he's on the same level as Venom is not right, imo.
Thor is the best tank for my playstyle personally. I switch to him if I’m losing he always carries.
They always feel the same venom and Thor in ranked, easy pick usually, dr strange and Magnito are much different.
This. Thors damage is very high as is his survi and mobility.
@@BraveBelievers Good thor is much more mobile than Venom. Deals more damage and is in general much bigger threat than a Venom who is basically just a punching bag. If Thor had a better ult, hed be easily on the same tier as Hulk. Both have pick or ban teamup and are disruption secondary tanks.
Also Thor can melt MOST DPS
What I found out about Moon Knight as far as tanks go is that alot of us have been using it wrong. If you want to take out tanks or at minimum shred them, use the Ahnk then aim at the tank that way it goes from Tank > Ahnk > Tank. This way you get off more damage and faster. Been doing this against Thors, Hulks, etc. and it does absolute numbers even if you aren’t the person to finish them yk they’re getting ate up. As for Duelists and Strategists I still go for the Ahnk just because they’re usually faster and die quicker when I don’t have to worry about missing.
Edit: And one more thing if your Ahnk is on a cooldown people USE THE TANKS AS YOUR AHNKS I promise you it works the same especially for big beefy Guys like Strange and Groot because People love to hid/group around them.
Thanks man. I am learning moon knight rn and that tank>ankh>tank technique sounds really useful!
And I agree that characters with big hitboxes can serve as alternative ankh. In addition, I also view Peni’s device, Loki’s clones and Namor’s octopuses as alternative ankh as well. People love to stand among them since they would provide either protection or healing for them. Use them against the enemies are hella fun.
I love moon knight but I always get stuck with Dr Strange’s stupid shield, I’ll give this a shot!
@@prometheus5465 Yh that is a sucky part but remember that Moon Knight shoots in Threes and Strange’s Shield isn’t infinite it has health so even draining it helps your team a lot. Try and play Moon Knight like you’re there to help your team not like you are there to attack like Hela or StarLord.
@@user-danlanpa Loki’s clones hate Moon Knight with a passion 😭
@@prometheus5465shoot the ankh behind him or shoot his healers near him
wake up, the guides guy just posted
Let's go! It's been too long
Yes sir
You look like you main psylocke
0:42 D tier
1:20 C tier
3:03 B tier
8:39 A tier
16:37 S tier
19:32 Pick or Ban
Thank you
Besides the Fantastic 4, I think the inevitable shift in the meta will be one of the most refreshing things about Season 1. I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that the Hela/Hawkeye/Mantis/Luna meta was fun in the beginning but got really old when it took over the game. One of the best things about playing a game like this with so many characters is seeing diversity in your matches. When a small handful of characters dominate the meta, you lose that magic.
I hate Hawkeye but I truly despise Luna's ult. It's just so stupidly uninteractive it sucks out fun of any team fight. And I'm saying this is a flex player who often plays supports.
If you are able to get to high enough rank those bans are fucking amazing.
Game is so much more fun. Granted, not everyone can or does but yeah. I think bans would be fine to add to plat lobbies.
@@LivinProoof I was like 2 wins from platinum, its in plat you can begin to ban?
@@The80sWolf_ Nope, only in games where at least everyone is diamond 3 or better unfortunately.
@@LivinProoof bleh.... I will never get so far
The best part about the seasonal bonuses and shifting meta is that you can hang onto a main that you like and just wait for some shift to happen, and if they get nerfed by the meta, it encourages players to try new heroes.
Been maining Scarlet Witch since beta and grandmaster with her as well, respectfully I do agree with her rating only because long term, she will have difficulty matching up against newer heroes that come out especially since she doesn’t bring anything unique to a match compared to other heroes. (Other than her evade which is nice for ult setup I guess) Her kit needs to be looked at again. Dark Seal needs to be changed into some sort of placeable “rune” that stuns enemies when triggered. Her primary, as much as I like the drain, her hex bolts are her true identity in the comics so either secondary and primary need to be swapped, or primary needs to be tweaked. Chthonian Burst, my favourite ability to use, but to make it more unique, each bolt should inflict some sort of random condition when they hit. This brings the identity of hexing and probability to her kit. Reality Erasure, her ult, I love it when it rewards me, but unfortunately if there’s other heroes whose ult can team wipe without setting off a “!”, I don’t see a reason for SW to be the exception. Her ult needs that removed and the extra health treatment for survivability. Only way to survive and successfully use your ult is with a healer nearby or a low ranked oblivious enemy team. Lastly, her team up “ability” with magneto needs to give her something in return other than a damage buff. Give her another ability that she can use like entering free flight briefly and throwing debris at a target area. She could also use some other unique team ups with Doctor Strange, Loki, Magik etc…
At the end of the day, I like playing her, but don’t enjoy her as much as I did before and as more heroes come out with better kits, I’m afraid she’ll continue to stay at her current rating until she gets some work done.
I would love a Loki guide!! Really struggling to learn him and haven’t found any good/recent guides on him. Love your content
What I find works is that you place the decoys in high spots. Also pretending to be a decoy may lead to people ignoring you lol. You usually should save the switch to decoy ability when someone is running at you and trying to kill you.
I’m currently making a Loki guide myself right now.. I stream and cosplay the character and I’m grandmasters with him
Tbh id say hulk is in pick or ban tier. Hulk is banned 90% of my games, and when hes not, both teams go hulk and iron man. It's nuts.
Hulk is only banned to stop the ironman teamup. Well that and you'd rather be against a normal ironman than hulk but banning hulk takes out hulk and gamma ironman
@@iRoyalFlushWhy not ban ironman directly?
@Sadzi7 hulk is better than iron man. He also combines well with Wolverine who is a popular pick.
why wasting the tank pick on Hulk? ban ironman if you think he is a problem, and let the opponents pick hulk if they want.
Spider-Man is either S tier or F tier, no in between, the high skill ceiling means he won't be seen in competitive play for a long time but I have seen some terrifying combos invented by Spider-Man mains very recently so the Season 1 tier list video might just include Spider-Man in A or S tier
His main issue is that he doesn’t get his webs back fast enough. There are so many instances where you are just one web short of securing a pick but they recharge quite slowly. The slow recharge also means you can’t afford to use it on deployables which is already one of his weaknesses. If they made it like 20% faster he would be a great and well-balanced character
A good spiderman is terrifying, theyre swinging all over the place so fast you cant hit them and theyll combo you to death
Spiderman has been S-Tier since day 1. Peopel who say otehrwise have no idea what theyr'e talking about.
@@TheMochan555the best spiderman player in the world disagrees, but you do you
Spiderman just gets picked off by a hela with good aim while swinging. Can’t even enter the fight.
Solo queued Loki all the way to gm 2. If uni wasn’t starting up again I could easily climb to eternal with a stack. I consistently get mvp/svp and often times out dmg my dps while providing insane healing. He is VERY slept on.
Absolutely and same here. Cloak and Dagger, and Loki were who I used to get to GM3 in solo queue. The seasons almost over but maybe I can make it to 2. But yes, Loki is so op.
Any Loki tips?
@@ethereal5322 always have two clones up. As long as you aren’t dive, you can use your invis to keep another clone up
I absolutely love loki. He’s probably the most underrated character. Not only can he have crazy damage output, he can also do great healing with his runes and clones
@@theregularhuman In plat and diamond, you get so easily flamed by team if you pick loki and your team doesn't perform in first 1 minute. It's always like "can you swap Loki?" And quite often some guy start to troll if you go with Loki, it's insane stupidity.
Loki is my main and he's actually a dps. Having 3 healers an Adam and luna with loki you will 90% win games. I'm thinking of making advanced loki placement guides because there are alot of out of bounds places to place lokis.
Don't think it, do it. I'll watch
Damn so magik in B tier is kinda wild to me. She can become a psudo tank on the point with her minion and constantly gain health, up to 400hp. And then when there is an opportunity she can go pick the back line. On top of that if you wait out a few ults which isn’t hard since hers builds so slowly, like mantis and Luna ult, without theirs you can wipe 3+ of their team if used correctly. Idk, she feels more like A tier to me, but I might be biased since I have one tricked her to diamond.
I don’t play Magik but the idea that she can give Psylocke and Black Panther a rewind ability seems absolutely nuts.
@ yea magik plus a cracked either psy or panth is an insane team.
@@Minister_for_Grass she is a character where the team-up elevates her spot. Psylocke and Black Panther are one of the best close-range DPS in the game which makes her alt nice to have. It’s like the Adam and Luna team-up where even though one of the characters isn’t as powerful the team-up makes worth using them and i tend to like the healers with the team-up active as more flexibility for them
Im a GM black panther main but magik feels a lot more consistent and safe than black panther most of the time. Id personally say A tier for magik, but that may just be the season bonus.
@@muzankibutsuji8919 i mean the team-up will still be as useful bonus or not, so I might still say A for that utility and decent enough kit
Great tier list. I feel like you kinda glossed over Winter Soldier's kidnap potential? Hook into pivot dash can grab anyone out of position and push them back into your team, much like a Wolverine kidnap.
except winter soldier's kidnapping is not as useful against tanks specifically, cuz he doesnt have the same tank shredding capability. Not saying its bad, its still really good and is probably more reliable than wolverine's since its really safe unlike wolverine, but wolverine is specifically designed to kidnap tanks.
I actually think Thor has good kidnap potential too. Peni, Strange, Magneto, Groot and some others struggle to get away if you keep pushing them with the storm surge + bash combo. Probably not enough to justify A-tier though.
Finally someone who knows about Loki. Good that I switched mains so I dont have to have a conversation about “I main Loki, me play him” while the rest of the team wants him after watching this
The video still says Mantis and Luna are better healers, so you're still going to get people asking you to switch 😅
I'm a Loki main too
Hi, Widow 1 trick here coming to defend what people still don’t understand about her. In a diamond lobby where hela/hawk/strange/luna/whoever is banned, makes widow the one character that has the ability to one shot via mantis buff raccoon buff and storm buff. She’s a hitscan sniper that has no falloff while scoped and no falloff up to 10m unscoped. The community was so caught up on her not being “widowmaker” or “Hawkeye’s equivalent” that they missed her whole kit. She has better movement than Hawkeye, her “get off me” ability is better than Hawkeye and leads to more dive counters than his especially since you don’t have to rely on knockback lucky 1 shot to dive character. Her ultimate is probably the most misunderstood part of her kit. People call it trash but in reality it’s multipurpose. Yes it isn’t as strong as Hawkeye, hela, Star lord, Iron Man etc ult but it creates more support for a coordinated team. A groot or strange ult paired with hers gets you a few headshots that with a mantis buff leads to some quick 1 shots, but post groot strange ult whoever didn’t die will be a sitting duck. She’s extremely strong in team comps THAT ARE ON COMMS, for example, “I’m on their ‘insert hero name here’ focus ‘insert hero name’” Having a mantis on comms with you is disgustingly scary, “I slept ‘insert strategist or duelist name here’ I power boosted you widow 1 shot them”, is just a few things that people don’t understand yet ESPECIALLY WITH HELA HAWKED BEING 10000% banned every game. The community is so caught in hating her that none of you actually sat down and put time into her to understand how she shines in majority of team comps and how she is actually a hard counter to a a lot of divers. BP dashing back and forth? Her omnidirectional kick will throw him and a free kick stun to stop him from terrorizing. Spidey flying through the air, SHE IS HITSCAN, take a mantis buff and snipe him, Magik uppercuts you? KICK HER OFF AND STUN, and coordinate with your team on focusing her. The ‘get off me’ ability can also be used in delay and on multiple targets. So if that panther is inside of your ball, kick his tank or supports, THEN USE the stun part of the ability to stop him. She has so much utility and as a community I’m disappointed in you guys for overlooking her because of what you seen on Twitter. Stop playing follow the leader and actually put some time in. Am I saying she’s S-A tier? No, but putting one of the only other characters in the game that can **one shot** as the worst character in the game is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Cheers and happy new years to everyone
And before any of you ask, I’m eternity rank and I played most of my matches on widow aside from a few BP games because I figured out just like you all how destructive he can be. 71.8 hours on widow, and BP has my second highest at 4.4 hours. I hope this clears up alot of misunderstanding and hate and at least gets you guys to try widow and be more understanding for once. She’s a really solid pick, stop listening to what everyone else says
@@Hazion-what you are probably seeing is an unfamiliarity boost because players aren’t used to playing vs her since no one picks her. Plus her reliance on having a mantis on the team is not so good since meta is shifting away from her a bit
I main widow as well. I don't need a one shot kill with her and I don't need a mantis and neither should anyone else. Very misunderstood hero. Hazion knows what's up.
I love when I see low rated characters dominate in this game. Skill over TH-cam ranking list!
The one thing that is glossed over in videos like these is that high diving strategy exists now and with proper intuition and skill characters like venom and Iron fist seem higher tier than they actually are. No character is an island.
Imo wherever you think magik is iron fist is always one tier below because at least magik has some versatility and actual burst damage and a actually dangerous ult
true , this guy is delusional
She also has a more viable team-up, iron fists’s isn’t bad as it gives Luna more offense but its not crazy where as magik’s adds more options to Psylocke and panther
I’ve seen her absolutely go off, but I don’t think she has enough to justify A-tier. IMO B-tier heroes are strong in the right hands, but countered with a moderately coordinated effort, which I think is apt for Magik.
@@seesidesummerhouse6112 which is why is said fist is a tier below her and not she is a tier above him, I think her ult pushes her over the line into low A but B is very fair, however fist is simply always C in a broad non rank specific list and should never be in the same tier as magik
@@Senorgato029 ye, agreed. Iron Fist is a solid C-Tier. Beyond Gold he doesn’t seem to do much.
I think Storm and Captain America are underrated. I think Capt works as a good secondary tank to protect supports or even to go after enemy supports. Storm needs some tuning but people like Qubblez, Stuntwill, and Diego have shown that she can be really good especially when you she stays near the ground. Other than that, Season 1 should be fun with those new team ups.
For me cap is like a Taunt Character where he want everyone to chase and hit him drawing a lot of focus away from your team
Cap and atorm will only get upgraded when teammates actually start using their buffs 😂
So pretty much never
Storm is absolute trash, u r a dps with the lowest damage and y r u even buffing ur teamates when ur supposed to be a dps, plus if she flies high like iron man, her teammates will not get the buff, and top of the icing she's slow af. Her name is "storm" she should be the fastest characters in the game
cap ult is good but he just doesn't do enough dmg. He also has really weird stuff about him like his shield raise cd that just make him feel kind of bad to play
hes my favorite character to play but if I wanna win I won't pick him, he just can't kill anyone unless they are totally alone.
If his ult charged fast he would be lowkey kinda good though since it adds another really strong defensive ult to your team.
Storm is not underrated. She absolutelly dog water. Her only redeeming quality is her ult.
W vid, also I love your opinion on Adam Warlock ( he’s my main ) because I don’t think people realize that he does insane damage for a strat, and doesn’t have to worry about healing 1 person when instead it’s 3 people at a time.
Here’s the thing about Storm. If someone locks in Storm, it’s not a troll pick because the only people who play Storm DOMINATE for some reason. The 8 Storm mains have figured something out and it’s scary
I'm a rocket main but I tried storm out the other day and something clicked, consistently did the most damage and had the most kills on the team. Very underrated imo
Very fax, shes a sleeper fasure. Shes gonna be my main now.
she is awesome and the thing is that she is meant to play on cover, you get it done when you start to know how to position yourself during a fight
Her issue isn’t that she can’t provide any value but that the other characters in her are better. I feel similarly about Rocket and Cap
She’s absolutely strong. Idk why people hate on her so much. She just takes time to learn. Her basic does 50 DAMAGE! up close then her Boost gives her entire team 16% damage AND HERSELF 30% DAMAGE, whilst also shocking everyone in the radius on activation then every 2 seconds. Her bolt rush does 70 damage which is insane for finishing kills. She’s just an overall amazing character. Plus her ult is amazing for killing healers in the backline.
Awesome video! I’m trying to become a rivals content creator as well, and your videos are always an inspiration
Love to hear that! I"m rooting for you!
Teamcaptain literally carried Wolverine to A tier. This is glorious day
I think Cloak and Dagger are slept on in comparison to Luna and Mantis. I know they don’t have a broken ult like them but outside of the ult, dagger actually heals more than Luna and mantis thanks to the 2 abilities she has: aoe heal and screen projecting heal. It matters.
And also they can do very well vs melee enemies unlike them with cloak screen, close range damage and invisibility allowing to flee or nullify ults without using his own ult. Many times I survived with them with no protection vs several enemies while its almost impossible with Luna or Mantis without their ult.
Cloak's bubble saves lives out here! She's my favorite healer atm
Cloak and dagger don’t have a great team-up either, the team-ups mantis and Luna have can do more than giving moon knight an invisibility sphere
Cloak and Dagger don’t need a good team up, They’re literally already a team up
I knew the Magik disrespect was coming 😂😂😂
I hated playing against Magik's the first week.. but she's not really a problem anymore.
@ you simply got better at the game. The great Magik players are dominating, but there’s not many Magik players to begin with unfortunately
Magik mains rise up, she’s so insanely good it’s crazy. Almost always MVP when I pick her. She’s so slept on it’s crazy to me
@@BrothaSchwifty really? I swear I'm seeing them in like every match...
@@miacosby401I joined a stack of 3 randoms and I carried them out of Silver to Plat. MVP every game with Magik
I'm not dedicated to the game enough to play competitive, but Loki has been my main since day 1, solid healer, solid dps, great support, great survivability, super fun ult that let's you learn how other characters play if you don't branch out, and just fun to play in general
Loki is my favorite hero since the beta and i’d like to see you make a Loki guide video soon please ❤
This is why I am so good with Captain America, because most people underrate him so much. He is really good at messing with people and slowing them down. In the right hands he is a monster to deal with.
You honestly should do a tier list for normal players. Nobody I play with has any interest in ranked sweat. In fact ranked meta means zero to the majority of the players
As a new player, I'm enjoying Spider-Man the most as I have so much fun surprising the enemy teams through taking routes I don't think my opponents will take. But I want to get better with Cap, Venom, Hela, Magneto, and Jeff and try out some new characters. Thor and Rocket are also fun and I want to learn Loki and Wolverine more.
Love Loki causes straight chaos
Loki is slept on, his decoys are really annoying at times and nobody shoots them lol
Thor being B tier is wild. Dude is a menace in the right hands
Almost any hero is a menace in the right hands that’s how these games work.
@@ChronosHellas Shut up nerd
Captain America is not C-tier. I'd place him in B or A. Not many people know how to use him efficiently and effectively. Cap is good head-on and can take on multiple people, but you healers to heal him a lot. Plus, his Ultimate allows the team within range to gain speed boost and health and armor
I have not played a single minute but want to get into marvel rivals. What should I be considering early?
I think that you are still underestimating storm. She is huge utility for her team with her damage and speed boosts and I've seen multiple grandmaster players do quite well with her as long as appropriate bans are in place.
You and Cozy (my main sources of Marvel Rivals info) being Loki mains is great to hear! As a Loki main myself, he is only gonna get stronger with time.
I main loki too. He’s fr underrated. Not only can he have a ton of dmg output but also tons of heals
When i play captain America i usually play him alongside healers and i usually go into the enemy start dealing DPS and applying pressure then once I’m low i use my mobility and jumping to run for heals and repeat the cycle is that a efficient way to play well?
I think the Key-word here is “Safe”.
Every best pick here is just a character you don’t have to turn your brain on to use.
I love me some Cloak and Dagger; super fun to play and utilize. Their entire kit and ult (when used right) can change crucial outcomes
I agree with most of this list but Thor definitely deserves more love.
I don't know what they were thinking with Mantis - why should a Healer be able to *almost* pump out as much damage as Hela, have a damage boost for herself and teammates, a fire and forget heal, an almost immortality ultimate, a speed boost, a self heal, and a reliable and effective CC ability. She's basically got everything except flight.
You being grandmaster makes me think it doesnt take much to get there. This list is insanely bad.
Namor is also able to float down by holding the jump button, which may make it easier to hit headshots, as well as evade.
Cap should be B tier. I one tricked him to GM2 and Lord proficiency. He’s damage is low but his mobility and sustain is insane. He’s basically a third dps that’s goes after support all game.
You didn’t mention Moon Knight’s Groot ult wombo combo. It’s super strong when coordinated properly making him really good in competetive. The combo also shreds through luna/mantis ult which is played in every game now.
My Storm rework wishlist:
-No longer needs to reload
-Speed boost bonus increased 20%
-Ascend/descend speed increased 20%
-Thor teamup ability is now base kit
-Thor teamup now changes aura shape from a sphere to an infinitely tall cyliner, with a slightly larger radius
I love to play Captain, especially teamed up with Thor. Diving into the support backlines and causing chaos helped us clutch quite often.
And then Luna and Mantis just deny us Cap mains because we do piss poor damage and get sedated.
I feel Thor is a A tier tank. He is not like venom , if he gets onto something he will finish it , iam a Thor main myself and I have protected my team even as solo TANK , but if a a shield tank like strange or Magneto with a hela comes in my team. NOTHING ON EARTH can defeat it
I do belive spiderman is A tier due to being able to quickly KO tanks by pulling them off the map, having multiple uppercut charges which is arguably his strongest ability and since hela/hawkeye is basically the meta for bans that gives him much much more impact on games.
Here I thought it was the squishy instakill combo
As a Spiderman main, I disagree. His “1 shot combos” either don’t do enough damage or he gets caught trying to do them and is either killed or forced to back off. His main strength is being able to catch people lacking, whether it be catching someone who doesnt have full health (so he can 1 shot combo them), or near a ledge so he can yoink them off the map. His mobility is extremely good for stopping Strange portal, getting in and out of situations, and attacking the back line/strategists.
However, he has glaring issues that prevent him from being able to accomplish his tasks a lot of the time. 1, his cool downs take way too long. He isn’t able to go in and out of situations as much as he wants, because his cool downs take so long that he provides no or low value , because he literally cannot do anything. This is especially the case for his web clusters. His web clusters are so valuable but take so long to recharge, creating situations where you must use them but have none left. This is a big issue, especially when Spiderman needs to kill a strategist or take out a Namor turret.
2: strategists. Like I said, Spiderman finds great value in attacking the back line and taking out the strategists. Luna and Mantis are susceptible to dive characters, and on paper, this would be their greatest weakness (I think it would be healthy for the game if dive comp countered Luna and Mantis). However in execution, Spiderman’s damage output would simply not do enough damage to any member of the pair, he would get frozen or stunned despite his mobility, and then get absolutely touched by headshots. Its crazy to me that Mantis alone does a better job at being a DPS than Spiderman. It is bullcrap. So what I would do, is nerf Luna’s/Mantis’s attack power and decrease stun or freeze duration/size of Mantis stun blast, and either increase Spiderman’s uppercut damage or increase his web cluster explosion damage.
Nice and concise, great vid and gave me some new info thanks, gonna try switching away from penni to some other vanguards
Yeah pyslock usually gets countered by Adam’s soul bond, since she’ll launch it when everyone is grouped mostly, a soul bond of 4 or more is enough to mitigate a death with healing. Adam is absolutely nuts. He’d be in the s tier if he had better mobility or even a simple double jump
As a Spider-Man main, I can confirm that it takes a lot more effort to play
Iron fist is about to be one of the worst characters because he’ll lose his season bonus soon. He’s already weak most of the time yet so many people complain about him.
Newer player here, kinda wanted more info on Starlord's other abilities, how best to use them, and his weaknesses/ counters . The magneto part was helpful though.
Listen, yes Thor is a mostly offensive tank, but a good offense is a good defense and vice versa. If the enemy team is dead, or focusing you, then there is no threat to your team. If a Thor is hitting you, you can’t afford to focus the team behind him because of how good his damage is. I can pretty effectively make Thor work in most situations. Thor might be one of the worst solo pick tanks, but if he has a second tank like groot then he’s one of the strongest picks. I guess you can base his ranking around how good he is as a solo pick, but even then you can make him work.
This game is so much fun. I love that even the worst characters have little gimmicks about them that makes somewhat viable in the right hands and situations. Reminds me of smash bros ultimate. Huge cast of characters where you can learn any character and have some fun regardless of where they fall on a tier list.
Putting Thor and Venom in the same tier is simply just insane. Venom most of the cases is just feeding into your opponent's ults, where Thor can easily dive and kill both enemy healers AND survive, or just keep putting constant pressure on the tanks.
Wolverine has no place in tier A, below diamond, he is basically a -1 on the team, as they are not coordinated enough for him to get kills, or don't have the game sense to go positive KD most of the time. Even on higher ranks he practically needs a pocket healer to survive most encounters. He is bottom tier B at best.
with venom getting a buff in season 1 do you think he may be bumped up to A tier, I ask this because venom is 1 of my favorites but I am hoping for him to be slightly stronger cause I really want to play comp with him.
I think Jeff's biggest problem is that he stops being a healer for like 10 seconds every time he ults. It's like the opposite of a normal support ult
Was expecting Magik to be way higher with her one shot combos and the fact that one of the top players is a magik main.
Lunas be throwing my games the most
wolverine getting hauled up 1-2 entire tiers just because the one guy who onetricks him is very good
Why is Jeff so low? I didn’t quite understand.
Honestly wish people with these tier lists would also make a tier list for those in lower skill brackets like which characters have a low skill floor and an easy learning curve. So it’s more accessible to new players.
Example, you rarely see switch in higher tiers but in lower tiers she can do damage especially in matches where teams struggle to find her when she’s ulting
GM2 support CnD main
I want to say i love your videos and glad you do them. It takes a lot of work to make these
Most of the time mantis isn't banned in my games. Right now its Hulk hela hawkeye luna. Sometimes we see psylocke or BP but usually mantis is free everytime.
My take is that CnD is on the weaker side. Behind loki and adam on an average day. Worst than rocket sometimes because of his powerful teamup and the weak teamup with moonknight. Some days they are the 3rd best support in the game.
Let me first say in a highly competitive setting they are one of the best supports in the game but in rank maybe a different story sometimes
For CnD they have a lot of strengths but the biggest problem is the amount of difficulty and coordination you need to get value out of the most important abilities. For heals they are really low burst and require your orb and window abilities to get good healing both being 10+ sec cooldown. Cloak's dark temptation acts as a mini kiriko suzu from OW but it is really hard to get consistent value out of it. Your team has to not shoot to stay cloaked and the delay time to swap from dagger to cloak plus temptation to activate is just too long. The ult does make you unkillable if you stack it but it forces the team to be stationary. If a starlord ults my tank as luna I can run towards them in the ult because it is fast for some reason. WIth Cnd it requires a few seconds of setup with the dashes and you have to hope your team is already group with you to get value otherwise one of the players will randomly die to starlord ult. The biggest weakness of all though that most people don't talk about is their time to get back in the fight. Luna can skate. Mantis has innate speed. Loki has teleport. Rocket has dashes and jeff has shift. CnD and adam have 0 mobility out of spawn. I know this is min-maxing but man it takes forever to get back in a fight with them. Your deaths matter so much more on them. The biggest advantage they have is the ability to get high ground and the consistent auto aim heals. Cnd can get to very high points on the map that luna and mantis simply cant do. Maps like tokyo and spider island 2099 you can separate yourself from luna and mantis by abusing the high ground elevations against divers.
Idk the stats but CnD has to be the most played hero in the game right? I swear in normal and rank mode I see them in every game. Everyone is lord on them. For such a niche in the marvel universe I'm glad they both got the time to shine.
I appreciate the videos again and reading my long comment. Can't wait for season 1
I really wish the devs would rework Black Widows kit or give her an extra ability or something because she would be amazing in this game, just give her the ability to use her shock gauntlets and give her two handguns like I don’t understand who thought making her into a sniper would be a good idea lol
Is there a separate list for just quick matches
I swear Loki has been the most slept on hero, I solo queued grandmaster mainly playing Loki for like 98% of it, and I have never seen Loki get banned a SINGLE time 😭
another plus to cloak and dagger is that cloak can use the blind to directly counter hela and hawkeye along with any other ranged character as well as increasing damage output on them
the blind can also be used to defend yourself against dives
1:08, bro said, stay away after cooking a whole team 😂
They're bots
The good thing about maining a B-tier is no one will demand a nerf. Consistency!
Ran into you in a quickplay game a few days ago! Love your videos gg's man
Do you know what the next seasonal buff going to be>
Hey, I am a moba player who never got into hero shooter because I am not really good at fps games. I want to get into marvel rivals but I am not sure which character to start with as I have never played any kind of shooters before
Iron fist isn't only good at low ranks because he's hard to hit, he actually does a s**load of damage really quickly. I don't know what you mean. He's like borderline starlord levels of damage, but you don't have to track because you are touching the enemy.
Yeah, plus if he has a pocket healer and is dps boosted he just wipes the floor with the enemies
Very worried about venom, that HP buff is the reason he’s where he is right now, and 650 Health will just not be enough I feel.
I love that for all of the low tier characters as you describe how bad they are the clip shows the hero getting extreme value and all look comp playable lmao.
as a scarlet witch main, I recognize that there is a ceiling for how high i can take this character. But if I work hard enough, I can crack the higher elos
How do you play Loki effectively?(Love ur vids btw)
Clone management. You should always have two clones on the field at any given time. Only use your rune stones for three occasions: 1) save your backline (including yourself) from certain death 2) shutting down enemy ults 3) saving frontline from certain death.
@@HeirOfPontus Thank you!!
My team enjoys when I pull the enemy tank into our blender of a push or off the map as Spiderman.
Im a ironman main and here is one of the best ways to counter magneto. So usually i try to have him or/and strange killed before i ult of i sneak up behind the enemy team. However, if i ult and he absorbes my ult then immediately press E and start shredding him. Because when he ults he is now stuck unprotected for a solid 5 seconds giving u plenty if time to kill him if u are prepared for it.
A. Love your videos
B. Today is the fantastic 4 trailet im so hyped🎉
sure i'm being biased when i say this but i don't think scarlet witch is C. if anything, i feel she should be B. when hulk, hela, and hawkeye are 99% banned, she's a good character to play. yes, her output isn't the greatest, but i play her in the air and throw bolts from the sky on their supports. with her ult, pair it up with captain america or any support ult, specifically mantis (for the speed buff) and she can nuke just enough to change the fight around. her main power source is her orbs, not her auto aim and i wish people knew that
True, but even her bolts aren’t strong enough to kill a support that’s paying attention, and there’s only so long you can be in the air before you become an ez target (she’s slow). She has no burst to kill backline supports through their sustain, she has no backline flank potential since she has no fast escape from the backline if she fails (unlike spiderman, Magik, psylocke, iron fist, panther, etc) and she has the most telegraphed ult in the game.
the only problem with her auto aim is that only is good against tanks as deal a fixed 5% of their max health, but she is soo versatile on constrast to some of tier ranked A characters
@@chriselliott403 it does 65 dmg if you land it. 35 if AOE
@ that’s…not burst lmao. Fat chance you land 4 direct hits for a kill before they either pop defensive cooldowns or their other support heals them to full. Compared to the TTK for the other flank duelists, that dmg output for backline burst is pathetic
@@chriselliott403 everything you just said is value is it not... sure, there's others that are greater. im not saying she's S or A tier. allowing a support to use one of their abilities means they wont have it when you push in once again. if a support heals the other support, there's no heals for the tank and dps playing upfront. not only that, wanda has two get out of jail free cards
I think racoon is underrated and actually a bottom S tier rather than an A tier.
His ability to survive and heal from crazy distances and angles is extremely underrated.
Once you learn how to place his respawn beacon you can often times get 5-8 revives per game. That shit COMPLETELY shifts games for me.
I've grinded to grandmaster playing mostly racoon and that little dude is awesome. Stay back and heal through an enemy luna ult, and right when it ends drop your damage ult and watch your team completely just melt them. Won many fights like that.
When heroes like black panther, spiderman, psylock, etc are in the game, i want no other support than racoon. Can almost always get away and waste their time while still launching heals towards your team from crazy distances.
And all this without sacrificing a panic ult to survive.
He’s good but not S tier
@@vFrosty2K Nah I think a lot of these tier lists are wack there's many specialists of a lot of these heroes that are ranked lower that are absolutely cooking with certain heroes. Just cuz the games been out three weeks and they don't know how to play it or lack the patience to learn it doesn't mean it's not S tier, Wolverine perfect example, now there's another dude completely popping off on Cap America. Higher skill ceiling doesn't equal worse
@@LivinProoof you can be great with almost any hero, but rocket is not on Luna, Mantis, CND and even a great warlock is better. But you can be great on rocket and make it work better so
I once heard that Black Widow is meant to be a more upclose sniper. Her kit having both a rush in and get-off-me ability enables her to be in the frontline and her sniper damage is the same even if youre not scoped in, plus her hipfire accuracy is extremely high. I think a lot of people playing her as a traditional sniper is why shes always placed so low
Proud Loki main! Love to see him in S tier! How did you get that confirm UI for his ultimate? The amount of times I’ve copied the wrong person and wasted the ult is crazy
I love playing Loki. He is a strategist you can play dirty tricks with.
I have been going INSANE with C&D in quick play figuring out the tech, unlocking Hero for them and man let me tell you. I carry pretty much every game. Usually something like 22-3-28 with 10K DMG and 13K healing. IN QUICK PLAY. Absolute menace of a character and apparently we’re getting a buff? Let’s go.
Psylocke has dominated in the Marvel Rivals Championships across NA, EU and Asia. She's frankly S tier.
Man , Storm in S tier too Eternity or above she working so good
@tinnguyen9578 Definitely not S tier. Her projectile speed and damage just isn't high enough. The only great thing about her kit is her ult.
@TyTystick storm can work well its just you need to know how she is supposed to function which if you do she can be extremely effective, I’ve had matches with 28 assists on kills because of her buffs with me being on the ground and my allies taking advantage of it unfortunately players on both ends tend to not understand that is how it works so she ends up fumbling harder to those player’s eyes
Psylocke is nowhere near s tier.
If there's a team that can correlate so well in the game.
Psylocke ain't doing much besides spamming her ultimate.
You're playing scarlet witch wrong. She meant to dive and pick off healers and other support, you're playing her like a front line hero.
She is a terrible diver. She has no way to safely get out. She can’t be healed during her phase and it’s also easy to track. Any team worth their salt can out sustain any backline damage she provides and kill her quickly.
Did you hear about Rocket getting more healing per click, him keeping his team up with Punisher, and getting the infinie reload faster? If so, can you make a video of a tutorial of how to ultimatly play punisher and rocket so that you almost always win. Ive played him with Punisher before and its almost scary how good he is now... despite the unpgrades coming to him in seaosn 1.
Always wondered why more people didn't use Loki, he is legit a cheat code
Hawkeye giving me hanzo flashbacks, just sitting at the back getting headshots. I switch to him whenever I need to actually tryhard. I love playing rocket otherwise
do you think I should use the buff ability often as Mantas or should I mainly just use her energy for heals? I'm trying to go gold with her.
do you havea video yet with hero weaknesses? like iron man can be deleted by mantis or punisher?
According to teamcaptain Logang is the best hero in the game a tier on his own, and i believe him.