Counselling is done as soon as you meet someone. I got it from my SDA Pastor here. You need to even go to the church counsellor as soon as you meet before your heart falls for him/her. Once your heart is in it counselling won't help as your mind is already set. You just can't be moved. This Elder knows his stuff. Keep it up Elder Machando.
Munamato unokubatsirei uye ma bible verse anopinda papi pakuti iwewe unyengwe uroore/uroorwe. Be practical kunyenga hakudi prayer/kana verse kunoda shoko. You must learn to differentiate mharidzo ne discussion.
@@charityshamu2639 unoda kuti vavhure magwaro eyi kana vachida kukuudzai kuti its all upto yu to make good choices. You guys i don't understand yu kunyengwa kunoda verse here. Don't be too spiritual pasingade kuva yu know kuti vanhu vanotaura nendimi ndimi munomitiswa stereki why munoda kupinda mumweya panoda reasoning. Kuti ndakamitisa muxana ndikazomubata aine ma chats e another boyfriend zvinoda verse here?.
@@charityshamu2639 i need yu to know that aftr listening to this teaching life goes on. Munhu akakuti anokuda hazvidi kuti uende kugomo unonamata kuti anoita here yu can see kuti iyi ndiyo type yangu ir hahasi. If you look most of the qtns he answered zvine chekuita nekuroorwa nekuroora. I want to tell yu ukashandisa ndimi pakuroora/roorwa usingashandise brain unowira ukazochema. Yu want him to answer in verses ivo vachipindura kibvunzo guys be serious. I can see kuti yu are not here to learn but kutsvaga zvakashata. Take this advice it will help yu kanamuru serious nelife asi kana mucchida kuzoroorwa nengirozi netserai maverse.
I think this is more of a business partnership than description of marriage in the Word of God. As for test only HIV is whats required otherwise your trust should be in God, courtship is a relationship centered in Christ but there isn't any reference to that in this discussion.
Hell No pakusazvara APo am so against what the elder said . How many people can afford to get checked Kuti unonzvara. And kusazvara it's not something chigarambirwe munhu . Pliz check yourself elder on this one
Counselling is done as soon as you meet someone. I got it from my SDA Pastor here. You need to even go to the church counsellor as soon as you meet before your heart falls for him/her. Once your heart is in it counselling won't help as your mind is already set. You just can't be moved. This Elder knows his stuff. Keep it up Elder Machando.
Madiniko baba Machando.ndinoda kutenda né marinheiro enhu. Asi ndiri we ku Mozambique
Panelist are asking good solid practical questions
Mumwe wacho akungobvunza zvisina basa
Powerful teaching ,am learning 👏👏
This is very informative . Thank you Elder
Thank you Elder example enyu anondisiya ndabatsirika kk
Taurisai ipapo shuwa Elder asina kukwana anonozviroora ungabatsira munhu kti akuroore shuwa dzine dzisina kukwana
Mukaramba makadai chokwadi ndichapinda Sabata.
Chokwadi zvirinani kusatengwa pane kuenda mahara .
Ndadzidza thank you elder 🙏
Thank you Elder Machando
Put a price tag on yourself, powerful
Powerful message to the youth
There is a difference between counseling and advising.
Nobody can be btr than her environment
Thank you Elder
Discussion yakanaka, asi deno yatangavo nemunamato uye bible reference ngaiwande, Mwari ndiye mutungamiri
Munamato unokubatsirei uye ma bible verse anopinda papi pakuti iwewe unyengwe uroore/uroorwe. Be practical kunyenga hakudi prayer/kana verse kunoda shoko. You must learn to differentiate mharidzo ne discussion.
@@taonamananga2335 Pfungwa dzemunhu ndidzo dzisingatobatsiri manje. Elder Machando vari kuwanza tsumo nemadimikira. Zvakatanga zvichinakidza asi zvava kubhowa kana discussion yose yoshaya kutsigirwa nemagwaro. Dai Ishe vavhura meso aElder, vaita too weak in scriptural references.
@@charityshamu2639 unoda kuti vavhure magwaro eyi kana vachida kukuudzai kuti its all upto yu to make good choices. You guys i don't understand yu kunyengwa kunoda verse here. Don't be too spiritual pasingade kuva yu know kuti vanhu vanotaura nendimi ndimi munomitiswa stereki why munoda kupinda mumweya panoda reasoning. Kuti ndakamitisa muxana ndikazomubata aine ma chats e another boyfriend zvinoda verse here?.
@@charityshamu2639 i need yu to know that aftr listening to this teaching life goes on. Munhu akakuti anokuda hazvidi kuti uende kugomo unonamata kuti anoita here yu can see kuti iyi ndiyo type yangu ir hahasi. If you look most of the qtns he answered zvine chekuita nekuroorwa nekuroora. I want to tell yu ukashandisa ndimi pakuroora/roorwa usingashandise brain unowira ukazochema. Yu want him to answer in verses ivo vachipindura kibvunzo guys be serious. I can see kuti yu are not here to learn but kutsvaga zvakashata. Take this advice it will help yu kanamuru serious nelife asi kana mucchida kuzoroorwa nengirozi netserai maverse.
@@taonamananga2335 Ko nhai kune akamboroorwa nengirozi here? Uye ndimi hachisi chiratidzo chekuti munhu akazadzwa neMweya mutsvene. Ini ndiri kutaurira chete kuti Elder Machando vari kuwanza pfungwa dzavo panyaya dzekuroora nekuroorwa. Semunhu waElder muKereke ngavawanze magwaro. Inga Paul akadzidzisa nezvewanano kuna 1 Corinthians 7 wani. Majaya nemhandara ngavadzidziswe Shoko first vasati vatanga kufambidzana. Kana vapinda muCourtship vasina Shoko ndipo panotanga kupomerana kuti andidaidza kumba kwake ane pfungwa yakundimitisa or musikana uyu ane maBoyfriends akawanda. Mubvunzo ndewekuti mose makanga matomboisawo courtship yenyu kuna She here?
Mukuru ngaaraire vana neShoko raMwari kwete nelife experience yake chete, No. Shoko raMwari harishanduke uye haripikiswe, mashoko ehunjeri hwemunhu anosvika paanoshaya simba.
Around 20 minutes apooo🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ndofunga chinhu chinogona kubatsira kana vakatipa matanho chaiwo anofanira kuteedzera kubva pakutanga kudanana kusvika musi wemuchato
Ndatitauriranei chokwadi kwete zvekunyeperana
Amen and Amen Mufundisi
I think this is more of a business partnership than description of marriage in the Word of God. As for test only HIV is whats required otherwise your trust should be in God, courtship is a relationship centered in Christ but there isn't any reference to that in this discussion.
So yu think muri mu courtship imomo muchararama muchingori mumweya. The word is good but life inoraramwa mu reality not zvamunofunga
Hell No pakusazvara APo am so against what the elder said .
How many people can afford to get checked Kuti unonzvara. And kusazvara it's not something chigarambirwe munhu . Pliz check yourself elder on this one
I think you misunderstood. He is emphasizing full disclosure.