Restoring the Dos Rios State Park Floodplain | Speakers from River Partners

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • North San Joaquin Valley Chapter (NSJV) of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Webinar Series
    Restoring the Dos Rios State Park Floodplain
    Speakers: Diego Garcia and Claudia Delgado, River Partners
    Monday, August 12, 2024
    7:00 - 8:30 p.m. via Zoom
    Free and open to all
    (all presentations are recorded and placed in our TH-cam channel @NSJV_CNPS) [ / @nsjv_cnps ] and added to the webinar playlist)
    Link to NSJV intro slides:
    Link to River Partner slides:
    Dos Rios Ranch Preserve is California’s Largest Floodplain Restoration Project.
    Ten years and $40 million from eleven different funding sources converge at the confluence of the Tuolumne and San Joaquin Rivers. Here we show the exceptional value of recovered floodplains in the Pacific Flyway, a global migration corridor for birds. We are restoring habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife that traverse the planet from Argentina to the Arctic. Habitat conservation here already has led to the de-listing of the Aleutian Cackling Goose, a previously endangered migrating species.
    Based on years of learning by doing, River Partners has designed a habitat preserve that goes far beyond single-species or single-suite focus. We are actively balancing the habitat needs of the entire ecosystem, and using real-life lessons to guide our actions. The site provides large-scale provision for riparian brush rabbit, riparian woodrat, Swainson’s hawk, Central Valley Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, least Bell’s vireo, yellow warbler, sandhill crane, and the entire suite of neo-tropical migratory songbirds.
    As this park illustrates with over 1,400 acres of reforested floodplains surrounding this high ground beneath our feet, this place and others like it show us a vibrant picture of an abundant future where restored floodplains support us in the dry times and the wet-our farms, our communities, our families, and our precious biodiversity. Restored floodplains act as sponges for the runoff, both slowing down rapid runoff from ever fiercer atmospheric rivers and storing water and carbon in the forests and soils.
    (All text above and river photo from the River Partners website Collage photo from the Dos Rios announcement press release 4/22/24 Group hike photos by Donna Brooks.)
    Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the innovative efforts to restore the Dos Rios State Park Floodplain and its importance for regional and global biodiversity.
    Speakers: Diego Garcia and Claudia Delgado
    Diego Garcia and Claudia Delgado are both Associate Restoration Scientists at River Partners. They bring extensive experience in habitat restoration and conservation to their clients.
    Claudia Delgado:
    “What we’re doing is giving native plants a fighting chance. If we were to do nothing, invasives would persist and take over easily. But what we’re doing is giving native plants, and wildlife who depend on them, a chance to come back. That’s pretty incredible.”

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