Surprise you made comment on this. I am very new to this but based on web search you seem very famous in Scroll saw world. Thanks for giving thousands of patterns on your blog and they are so nice and excellent work of art. Also thanks for suggestion and I will try to do veining next time.
Nice job. Glad you liked the pattern. You might want to consider making the interior lines with the scroll saw also. That is called veining in scroll saw speak. Just cut along the line until it ends then back it out. It's best to use a #9 blade so it stands out better.
Surprise you made comment on this. I am very new to this but based on web search you seem very famous in Scroll saw world. Thanks for giving thousands of patterns on your blog and they are so nice and excellent work of art. Also thanks for suggestion and I will try to do veining next time.
Nice job. Glad you liked the pattern. You might want to consider making the interior lines with the scroll saw also. That is called veining in scroll saw speak. Just cut along the line until it ends then back it out. It's best to use a #9 blade so it stands out better.
Nice job. Glad you liked the pattern.