Share your thoughts! Join the conversation! ------------------------------------------------------- 🚀👉 WARNING: Beware of FAKE FutureForecasting accounts soliciting you. Protect your privacy and wealth! We will NEVER request anyone to send us anything. Follow us on Twitter @FForecasters.
What Daz was saying about every aspect of human society already being infiltrated makes sense, and I've been saying the same thing for years. By something that doesn't have humanity's best interests at heart. Some people talk about ETs as though they think they might be out there, but I reckon they're already here, and have always been here, and have already taken over. That would explain the endless wars that humans would be better off without, and why the good guys seem to get taken out instead of the bad guys.
You guys have me thinking now!! 😮 I’ve had so many odd experiences all my life! When I was a kid I was a kind of protected kid, I couldn’t go to kid sleep overs ( I was raised in the 70s) I was not allowed to watch scary movies, or participate in anything that would be spooky. With that being said, I was deathly afraid of the dark! Like unnaturally afraid of the dark! I felt a presence in the dark. My parents said over active imagination and they wouldn’t even let me have a night light 😢. Well one night I woke up to hearing whispering, I could see black hooded figures all around my bed and they were whispering! Well normally when I was to scared from a nightmare or something I would get up and go turn on the bathroom light. But this time I couldn’t, because I couldn’t move! I was like frozen. I was so scared! The next thing I know it’s morning! I told my parents. My dad said it was a dream, mom said they were my monks ( I grew up catholic) I told her, “ These were bad” well my mom believed me, gave me a rosary to sleep with and told me to pray and put the rosary under my pillow. So I did, and I woke up again, this time, lions were all around my bed!! They were HUGE! Not a dream! I was a little scared but only because of what I was seeing, but I wasn’t scared of them, they were good. I can tell you so many stories like this… I’ve had a weird life and also have always been interested in the paranormal because of my childhood. I also went through testing but mine was because I had a constant headache, never left, and I also had frequent bad nose bleeds! I was tested medically and phycology for years and they never found the reason for the headaches and nosebleeds! My headaches went away upon my mother’s death😢 when I was 15. My mom died of a brain aneurism 🤔 I’ve been a feeler all my life! I thought everyone was, I learned different but later in life, I’m in my 60s. So you guys have me really thinking.
O.K. - I know this is going to sound from beyond. But you might actually like this story. 1990's. About 1 or 2 in the morning, Not a sound. No wind, - no bugs, no cars, or trucks. Deafening silence. I look up in the sky and there is a giant ruby. No sound. It followed me all the way to my house. My first UFO encounter. The freakiest !!!
the way i see it is that we are all souls having a human experience, there are over 200 million starseeds on earth now to raise the vibrations until the great shift. love your show
Steve RIP, was the supervisor for the Southern Air Border Patrol. All these watch towers were to be staffed 24/7. Abruptly the hours were reduced to 1 hour a week. When he questioned it they said "If we told you we would have to kill you" and they laughed. The way he told that story gave the sense that they weren't kidding. He also said that what we think are UFOs are Earth based and some as big as football fields. **** I had gone to a massage therapist in Santa Fe who Vibed with me so she opened up how her father RIP, had a higher security at the Pentagon than the president. Her office was decorated with photos of planets. We sort of danced around the conversation but I strongly got that her father had "alien" friends that were Earth based. Later talking to people they shared that these Earth base Aliens had tunnels from Bloomfield, NM to Dulce. One of these stories came from my hairdresser friend in Aztec, NM. This was about 10 years ago. One of her clients was a female Bloomfield cop and told her "stuff". One of the stories was about the police chasing "craft" that flew into those tunnels. ****Stories from Santa Fe are of ancient tech beneath the downtown because of the huge deposits of minerals in that area that ran up into up into Colorado. This town is full of psychics who have their own version of these stories.
A good resource is Scott Ramsey who founded the Aztec UFO Symposium and wrote a book about the Aztec Crash. This was the first time his good friend Travis Walton spoke publicly. I don't know WHAT he saw but the man almost fainted on stage as he got to that part. His son is a wonderful human being along with Steve. The "Rock Stars" of the time were all there.
There was a declassified CIA report that said remote viewers were a a threat to thier control of humanity and that a single remote viewer could disable a whole army.
@@Kazio_Wihura his work encompassed everything. It stated with OBE's and progressed to astral travel, remote viewing, channeling and exploring consciousness. He was a gentle soul and a pioneer. He used scientific method to prove it was real. He is the reason why I and others have reached higher consciousness. It's all about frequency. ssed
I was watching "Stranger Things" when it first came out, cuz I had Netflix then, and during one of the scenes I blurted out, "That's not how it's done! It's similar, but that's not how it's done!" It was disturbing, since I don't really know why I shouted out loud about something about which I know nothing.
I got tested as a child (mental function/ memory etc at a University) and was going to be sent from the US to a program in Scotland for 18 years but my mother didn't want me to go. No idea what that was all about. Ended up excelling in science etc but always curious about what the Edinburgh program was all about.
When people stop using the term ‘woo’woo’ for anything that’s not currently accepted by the mainstream, I’ll know we really have moved on. Come on, let’s drop that term, the people who watch this do so because they’re open to reality, and not simply the information we’re fed by the powers that be.
Check with your family. Get the records from the school and demand disclosure !!!! When everyone looks at you with question marks and no one has any data or records..... such tests must be reported back to the participant.
The crop circle at Crabwood gave the warning about the transhuman hybrid time travellers and their "gifts" that divert the direction of our future into a dystopian digiital augmented prison.
I think it's a good idea to start thinking about where you are and how your behavior and behavior on earth is. Responding to one's own actions and destruction
Thank you Daz for your efforts in diclosure. I am still alive after 2 and a half years of contact with the greys and it has been brutal and torturous but i fought through it every day and am still. The greys explain this is a process of enlightenment or salvation. Some people dont make it but aparently if you do you are "supposed to" come out truly blessed by the universe like Ingo Swann was or Budda was. Sadly some people do not survive the process.
47:09 Nasionalisme Indonesia itu adalah nasionalisme humanity, prinsip bernegara indonesia adalah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang juga merupakan prinsip dasar alam semesta.
Question how do I see the ark and rapture full videos? Is that where you have to pay 50 bucks a month do you have like a cheaper option by chance? Anything else on Moses return and others return to help souls get in the direction they need to go when they lift the quarantine and open the portal since we're at the end of the 25 thousand year cycle? Also anything on the new reality since there's 3 Exodus and we're witnessing the second? Return of the 13?
Hi jess did u watch the public videos we have on our youtube with the rapture data? If not we have some there, if yes then the rest are on our private site. A one month subscription includes all our videos that you can binge watch for the month (aside from whats on the founders level which is higher) but for the most part you'll get all the woo, crypto, world events etc. If you decide to get it for the month, keep in touch with us to help you navigate around the site.
How do I get viewing target ideas to your Future Forecasing taskers? They're big and important targets that I can't believe no one's done. I don't want to comment them out in the open here, in order to avoid front loading.
❤The Favs reunited❤YAY💪 always an eye opening experience when Daz is on! 😲😳9.05 Daz you know 😂 rvd some crazy scary dark stuff! You're very mentally strong to delve into that n still smile n watnot! WoW! 💥Take good care of yourselves lads🤙🙏❤🌻🌻 Wearing my tinfoil hat w pride😂lolol
Stephen Shwartz is an interesting guy, one of the original remote viewing guys, he was finding archaeology. very scientific. He was also very close in with top brass Military. New Thinking Allowed is a great channel, interviewing people in all fields weird. The second Moon is interesting, it is a craft and the comet coming in is expected to do a braking maneuver soon, so also a craft. I heard at least 5 years ago that a civilization that had recently been brought in to a limited hangout with the Galactic community, was asked if they would do that job for us, kind of like policing that it went well. They get kudos if it goes well and move up a bit to more contact themselves, trust, skill, etc. I think those guys are here, big clean up being going on. They look like us and actually travelled through space, the commander came first on a super fast ship and his backup coming in behind. They are flesh and blood, nut's and bolts tech, not interdimensionals. They wont freak us out with mind bending crap and look like us, not too much further advanced than us, they just went through stuff and know what we will be feeling etc. I hope that is true and that they do a bloody brilliant job. Alizondo can go stick his fear mongering where the sun doesn't shine.
DAZ, the school memory you shared with the testing sounds like GATE program (gifted and talented education). I have memories about it from elementary school in the eighties. High IQ and psychic abilities......
I had such a test at age 12. The test giver was not a part of, but was brought in from outside of the school. He gave me the creeps and psychically attacked me during the test clouding my thinking causing me to fail on the easiest of the exercises. I stared him down and told him I knew what he was doing, stood up and left the room during the middle of the test.
the zener cards took me back to the initial testing - match these (100%) - then later the binaural beats (at 12) the day before my experience (think eric cartman) - so much we don’t know. Pigeons -WSMFP
i was thinking about this again today and came back to comment. i remember a meeting in the school library with my mom and a woman from outside the school. My mom said she told the woman no to the program ...gifted and talented...because i would be put into a different school and away from my friends at my current school. i actually still have the test paper in a manila envelope that the woman gave me from all those years ago (in the eighties) but....even though she said no, i remember lots of one on one meetings at my school in the library....i also remember getting in trouble from the principal for bending metal spoons in the lunchroom (apparently i had bent multiple then they were on the lookout for who was doing it, found it was me, called me into principal with my mom, got talked to and had to pay 50 cents as a lesson...i NEVER got in trouble in school so this really stood out)...there is more i remember but a lot i do not too..weird
Continuous nosebleeds as a kid eh? Sounds familiar. Dr. told my mother it was hypertension. Why would a kid living in a rural area in the 1970s with lots of friends have hypertension? Been seeing lights afar and up close the entire time. Even the psychic stuff is prevalent. Nosebleeds.... . . . . . .. Dennis relaying the "saying the stupidest shit" knowing it seemed like a way of blocking something from happening. Now that bit brings up memories of a woman I met with 3 times. Every time was a failure to connect in person but this person psychically activated my senses and would carry on conversations with the phone or internet for nearly a decade. Often wonder why the blockage occurred because the conversation in person was so out of character.
You say about the implant evading the surgeon, check out the recent articles on the third state of life. Multicellular organisms called Xenobots and anthrobots, sounds like a similar thing.
Check out Jason Jorjani, philosopher, author. His book 'Closer Encounters' is brilliant. He's done lots of YT interviews. I'd recommend the one with Danny Jones for starters. Most of his books are free online. Prometheus & Atlas is great too.
A thought. Star Trek had the non interference Prime Directive. The threshold being warp drive capable. What if ET has the same but it's not tech based. Perhaps they judge our consciousness connection level to Source? If so, what is that threshold? Many RVers & meditators have had ET encounters but no official contact yet for the masses.
I would definitely ask your parents if they approved that testing and what it was for. Why would your patents reduce your person education for that? Very suspicious.
My sister told me that her and an other boy were taken out of class 1957 by a msn and a woman and some sort of scraping or something was done on there back she doesnt know why ?
Hey Dennis and Daz! I have been following you throughout the years, and for sure mentioning UFOs was super tinfoil hat material!! Something suddenly clicked when Daz mentioned super strong and incredibly frequent nose bleeds, we had very weird stuff going on in our house! I come from a sort of quite psychic family! But what mystified doctors when around the ages between 12 to 14 I had this weird bruising particularly on my inner thighs, and obviously at that point I had not a boyfriend yet, also I wasn't a particularly sporty girl! The doctors thought I was hiding maybe like an illicit affair, errr at the age of 12, nope! There is like a sublevel traumatic memory, but I cannot be sure, so no clue if a sort of abduction thing was going on, but I really could not explain the bruising! I know that later in life I had a lot wrong with my reproductive system! What do you make of that? Cheers guys love what you are doing!
Yes! Harvard has stated the cryptoterrestrials who have advanced technology that walk among us and they live beneath the ground and fly in UFOs, some of which are ancient intelligent dinosaurs (reptilian). Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley summoned the entity Babylon and CERN is also purportedly a gate to Abbydon, the pit. I'm an artist and I want to know how to remote view! My intuition is very high as well as my occult knowledge. I'm ready to reach another level, but can't break away from Hollywood's dark wand taking my soul everyday, as I work for the dark deceptive force keeping the world in hypnosis. I was also in the "gifted" program in grammar school along with my brother. Never knew what it was until more recently realizing they were grooming us to be indoctrinated as agents for this insidious force that has taken over our government systems. "They crept into councils to rule over man" is stated in The Emerald Tablets of Thoth by Doreal and it speaks of reptilians.
Not Good for Courtney! Makes me wonder about other remote Viewing data and where its coming from. See David Oates reverse speech on Courtney Brown, Reverse speech analysis Courtney Brown and Farsight Institute.
@@eaglezxz3354 I reached out to Courtney for a answer and nothing yet! I also reached out to a few other remote viewers. If he has a child with one then he has been compromised by dark group of ETs. Not good if you have heard the reversals. He may even be working with dark part of our government which did come out in the reversals. Im not done and will get this out even more if I have to until its addressed. I won't and do not tolerate deception from anyone!
Everything extraordinary is of course down to their own magical abilities & when theyre off, well it wasn’t their fault. Yeah sounds a lot like Courtney Brown. And if any lost people searching want to know… you have to PAY… PAY & PAY. 😳
I would like to add with enlightenment comes responsibility. With great power comes reponsibility. Jesus once said i am the truth the way and the life. The truth is what will set us free. They are asking us to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth of our experiences and it is meaningless coming from me. I am nobody and i am alone. This has to be done together and disclosed as shared experiences. Alone i sound crazy saying what really happened. Together we have much credability. Its not going to be easy of coarse but this is what they want. Just like they pushed sherry wilde to write the forgotten promise they are pushing me to do this.
It can be both negative and positive. Everything is dual here. It largely depends on you. Jung was onto something, with his theories about the human unconscious.
How could you just ‘forget’ what organisation was doing this? And not want to atleast pursue this i formation? Im from the west country in the UK & for some reason alarm bells go off when i listen to this guy talk. Along with a lot of the thing he says, body language tells also make me skeptical of him. Love the channel & support you guys fully, but for some reason i just don’t entirely trust or believe a lot of what he says.
Share your thoughts! Join the conversation!
🚀👉 WARNING: Beware of FAKE FutureForecasting accounts soliciting you. Protect your privacy and wealth! We will NEVER request anyone to send us anything. Follow us on Twitter @FForecasters.
What Daz was saying about every aspect of human society already being infiltrated makes sense, and I've been saying the same thing for years. By something that doesn't have humanity's best interests at heart. Some people talk about ETs as though they think they might be out there, but I reckon they're already here, and have always been here, and have already taken over. That would explain the endless wars that humans would be better off without, and why the good guys seem to get taken out instead of the bad guys.
Check out Paul Wallis' work. Our ET conquerers are even in the Bible!
It's time for Daz to release those documents of Pat Price about alien Infiltration to the public
You guys have me thinking now!! 😮 I’ve had so many odd experiences all my life! When I was a kid I was a kind of protected kid, I couldn’t go to kid sleep overs ( I was raised in the 70s) I was not allowed to watch scary movies, or participate in anything that would be spooky. With that being said, I was deathly afraid of the dark! Like unnaturally afraid of the dark! I felt a presence in the dark. My parents said over active imagination and they wouldn’t even let me have a night light 😢. Well one night I woke up to hearing whispering, I could see black hooded figures all around my bed and they were whispering! Well normally when I was to scared from a nightmare or something I would get up and go turn on the bathroom light. But this time I couldn’t, because I couldn’t move! I was like frozen. I was so scared! The next thing I know it’s morning! I told my parents. My dad said it was a dream, mom said they were my monks ( I grew up catholic) I told her, “ These were bad” well my mom believed me, gave me a rosary to sleep with and told me to pray and put the rosary under my pillow. So I did, and I woke up again, this time, lions were all around my bed!! They were HUGE! Not a dream! I was a little scared but only because of what I was seeing, but I wasn’t scared of them, they were good. I can tell you so many stories like this… I’ve had a weird life and also have always been interested in the paranormal because of my childhood. I also went through testing but mine was because I had a constant headache, never left, and I also had frequent bad nose bleeds! I was tested medically and phycology for years and they never found the reason for the headaches and nosebleeds! My headaches went away upon my mother’s death😢 when I was 15. My mom died of a brain aneurism 🤔 I’ve been a feeler all my life! I thought everyone was, I learned different but later in life, I’m in my 60s. So you guys have me really thinking.
O.K. - I know this is going to sound from beyond. But you might actually like this story. 1990's. About 1 or 2 in the morning, Not a sound. No wind, - no bugs, no cars, or trucks. Deafening silence. I look up in the sky and there is a giant ruby. No sound. It followed me all the way to my house. My first UFO encounter. The freakiest !!!
Thanks you two for giving us a bit of your personal history and viewpoints.
Glad you enjoyed it Helene!💓
Daz you guys should remote view the huge object headed for earth and all the things the telescope is finding
the way i see it is that we are all souls having a human experience, there are over 200 million starseeds on earth now to raise the vibrations until the great shift. love your show
Epic podcast chat!!! 💬 👏 ❤
you can't handle the truth!
Steve RIP, was the supervisor for the Southern Air Border Patrol. All these watch towers were to be staffed 24/7. Abruptly the hours were reduced to 1 hour a week. When he questioned it they said "If we told you we would have to kill you" and they laughed. The way he told that story gave the sense that they weren't kidding. He also said that what we think are UFOs are Earth based and some as big as football fields.
**** I had gone to a massage therapist in Santa Fe who Vibed with me so she opened up how her father RIP, had a higher security at the Pentagon than the president. Her office was decorated with photos of planets. We sort of danced around the conversation but I strongly got that her father had "alien" friends that were Earth based. Later talking to people they shared that these Earth base Aliens had tunnels from Bloomfield, NM to Dulce. One of these stories came from my hairdresser friend in Aztec, NM. This was about 10 years ago. One of her clients was a female Bloomfield cop and told her "stuff". One of the stories was about the police chasing "craft" that flew into those tunnels.
****Stories from Santa Fe are of ancient tech beneath the downtown because of the huge deposits of minerals in that area that ran up into up into Colorado. This town is full of psychics who have their own version of these stories.
A good resource is Scott Ramsey who founded the Aztec UFO Symposium and wrote a book about the Aztec Crash. This was the first time his good friend Travis Walton spoke publicly. I don't know WHAT he saw but the man almost fainted on stage as he got to that part. His son is a wonderful human being along with Steve. The "Rock Stars" of the time were all there.
Very interesting, thank you 🙏
Thanks for the interview video.
There was a declassified CIA report that said remote viewers were a a threat to thier control of humanity and that a single remote viewer could disable a whole army.
That wouldn't be under "remote viewer" .. maybe under another category of ability?
@@FutureForecasters it was the work that Bob Monroe submitted to the CIA.
@@FutureForecasters found it "CIA Document Part 6 the missing page 25.
@@Freewillnetwork888 Robert Monroe engaged in astral travel not remote viewing
@@Kazio_Wihura his work encompassed everything. It stated with OBE's and progressed to astral travel, remote viewing, channeling and exploring consciousness. He was a gentle soul and a pioneer. He used scientific method to prove it was real. He is the reason why I and others have reached higher consciousness. It's all about frequency.
Farsight RV’d this as a prison planet. Souls can’t escape. Aliens create conflict and take our “loosh”
Thank you guys. Fascinating.
Welcome! Thanks for watching.
I belive there are negativ, but also positive non humans/aliens
You should talk to George kavassilas about who and what we humans are💫⭐️
Humanity needs truth , good or negative, and perhaps if it not good, it's even more important for Humanity to know so we can break out of this !
Yes! Thank you wendy,..
There's no such thing as coincidence. His family definitely put him there for a reason
I was watching "Stranger Things" when it first came out, cuz I had Netflix then, and during one of the scenes I blurted out, "That's not how it's done! It's similar, but that's not how it's done!" It was disturbing, since I don't really know why I shouted out loud about something about which I know nothing.
I got tested as a child (mental function/ memory etc at a University) and was going to be sent from the US to a program in Scotland for 18 years but my mother didn't want me to go. No idea what that was all about. Ended up excelling in science etc but always curious about what the Edinburgh program was all about.
Luis deserves a break, so glad.
When people stop using the term ‘woo’woo’ for anything that’s not currently accepted by the mainstream, I’ll know we really have moved on. Come on, let’s drop that term, the people who watch this do so because they’re open to reality, and not simply the information we’re fed by the powers that be.
Check with your family. Get the records from the school and demand disclosure !!!! When everyone looks at you with question marks and no one has any data or records..... such tests must be reported back to the participant.
most have retention record rules and don’t keep them forever - easy way to keep secrets.
The crop circle at Crabwood gave the warning about the transhuman hybrid time travellers and their "gifts" that divert the direction of our future into a dystopian digiital augmented prison.
Freddy Silva says that one was faked
@@grammapolkadot2231 It's an extraordinary accomplishment and encoded message, regardless of who made it.
Time travel is impossible as there only exists here and now. People are too stupid to comprehend this.
I think it's a good idea to start thinking about where you are and how your behavior and behavior on earth is. Responding to one's own actions and destruction
Great talk!
Thank you
Daz do you think the tests that were done on you and you going into the RV program are a coincidence?
Thank you Daz for your efforts in diclosure. I am still alive after 2 and a half years of contact with the greys and it has been brutal and torturous but i fought through it every day and am still. The greys explain this is a process of enlightenment or salvation. Some people dont make it but aparently if you do you are "supposed to" come out truly blessed by the universe like Ingo Swann was or Budda was. Sadly some people do not survive the process.
47:09 Nasionalisme Indonesia itu adalah nasionalisme humanity, prinsip bernegara indonesia adalah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang juga merupakan prinsip dasar alam semesta.
Gary Fong's TH-cam channel did a whole series on the Declassified document
Question how do I see the ark and rapture full videos? Is that where you have to pay 50 bucks a month do you have like a cheaper option by chance? Anything else on Moses return and others return to help souls get in the direction they need to go when they lift the quarantine and open the portal since we're at the end of the 25 thousand year cycle? Also anything on the new reality since there's 3 Exodus and we're witnessing the second? Return of the 13?
Hi jess did u watch the public videos we have on our youtube with the rapture data? If not we have some there, if yes then the rest are on our private site. A one month subscription includes all our videos that you can binge watch for the month (aside from whats on the founders level which is higher) but for the most part you'll get all the woo, crypto, world events etc. If you decide to get it for the month, keep in touch with us to help you navigate around the site.
@@FutureForecasters ok great thank you I don't think I watched all the public videos yet just an 8 min one
8:00 “how bad” - go listen to Michael Herrera’s testimony and others like him, it’s much worse than the things yall touched on.
How do I get viewing target ideas to your Future Forecasing taskers? They're big and important targets that I can't believe no one's done. I don't want to comment them out in the open here, in order to avoid front loading.
Each of the remote viewers info is listed in the description, you can reach out to them?
@@FutureForecasters Like I said, I'm looking to communicate targets to the TASKERS, not the viewers. They're not supposed to know the targets. (!?)
Disclosure - Disclosure. --- I don't need "Disclosure". Why? - Because I know that they exist. Only - they are NOT who they say they are...
@ 12 minutes is that like the Mensa?
Oh they are quite here and can do a lot of damage in the state humanity is in. Prepare your minds people
❤The Favs reunited❤YAY💪 always an eye opening experience when Daz is on! 😲😳9.05 Daz you know 😂 rvd some crazy scary dark stuff! You're very mentally strong to delve into that n still smile n watnot! WoW! 💥Take good care of yourselves lads🤙🙏❤🌻🌻
Wearing my tinfoil hat w pride😂lolol
Stephen Shwartz is an interesting guy, one of the original remote viewing guys, he was finding archaeology. very scientific. He was also very close in with top brass Military.
New Thinking Allowed is a great channel, interviewing people in all fields weird.
The second Moon is interesting, it is a craft and the comet coming in is expected to do a braking maneuver soon, so also a craft.
I heard at least 5 years ago that a civilization that had recently been brought in to a limited hangout with the Galactic community, was asked if they would do that job for us, kind of like policing that it went well. They get kudos if it goes well and move up a bit to more contact themselves, trust, skill, etc. I think those guys are here, big clean up being going on. They look like us and actually travelled through space, the commander came first on a super fast ship and his backup coming in behind.
They are flesh and blood, nut's and bolts tech, not interdimensionals.
They wont freak us out with mind bending crap and look like us, not too much further advanced than us, they just went through stuff and know what we will be feeling etc.
I hope that is true and that they do a bloody brilliant job.
Alizondo can go stick his fear mongering where the sun doesn't shine.
If he could, maybe Daz might describe the testing, and connect the dots that way?
Daz, can you not rv yourself in these experiments?
DAZ, the school memory you shared with the testing sounds like GATE program (gifted and talented education). I have memories about it from elementary school in the eighties. High IQ and psychic abilities......
I had such a test at age 12. The test giver was not a part of, but was brought in from outside of the school. He gave me the creeps and psychically attacked me during the test clouding my thinking causing me to fail on the easiest of the exercises. I stared him down and told him I knew what he was doing, stood up and left the room during the middle of the test.
the zener cards took me back to the initial testing - match these (100%) - then later the binaural beats (at 12) the day before my experience (think eric cartman) - so much we don’t know.
Pigeons -WSMFP
i was thinking about this again today and came back to comment. i remember a meeting in the school library with my mom and a woman from outside the school. My mom said she told the woman no to the program ...gifted and talented...because i would be put into a different school and away from my friends at my current school. i actually still have the test paper in a manila envelope that the woman gave me from all those years ago (in the eighties) but....even though she said no, i remember lots of one on one meetings at my school in the library....i also remember getting in trouble from the principal for bending metal spoons in the lunchroom (apparently i had bent multiple then they were on the lookout for who was doing it, found it was me, called me into principal with my mom, got talked to and had to pay 50 cents as a lesson...i NEVER got in trouble in school so this really stood out)...there is more i remember but a lot i do not too..weird
Continuous nosebleeds as a kid eh? Sounds familiar. Dr. told my mother it was hypertension. Why would a kid living in a rural area in the 1970s with lots of friends have hypertension? Been seeing lights afar and up close the entire time. Even the psychic stuff is prevalent. Nosebleeds.... . . . . . ..
Dennis relaying the "saying the stupidest shit" knowing it seemed like a way of blocking something from happening. Now that bit brings up memories of a woman I met with 3 times. Every time was a failure to connect in person but this person psychically activated my senses and would carry on conversations with the phone or internet for nearly a decade. Often wonder why the blockage occurred because the conversation in person was so out of character.
You say about the implant evading the surgeon, check out the recent articles on the third state of life.
Multicellular organisms called Xenobots and anthrobots, sounds like a similar thing.
Conyers Georgia Biolab plant fire..... was this the toxic cloud in the vision????
You guys are describing the same findings that Farsight has found. Guess you have to experience it yourself to believe it…
Corroborating data is excellent especially when remote viewed blind💓
Check out Jason Jorjani, philosopher, author. His book 'Closer Encounters' is brilliant. He's done lots of YT interviews. I'd recommend the one with Danny Jones for starters. Most of his books are free online. Prometheus & Atlas is great too.
Was the testing to do with 'child of the nineties ' programme? Uk
(It was part of the University of Bristol)
A thought.
Star Trek had the non interference Prime Directive. The threshold being warp drive capable.
What if ET has the same but it's not tech based. Perhaps they judge our consciousness connection level to Source?
If so, what is that threshold? Many RVers & meditators have had ET encounters but no official contact yet for the masses.
Im sure the masses have had contact but the media makes it unofficial
I'm still the conspiracy theorist at work. I don't even get the floride stare... they just break eye contact with me altogether.
I would definitely ask your parents if they approved that testing and what it was for. Why would your patents reduce your person education for that? Very suspicious.
The film of Travis is fictional and not representing his ecmxperience
My sister told me that her and an other boy were taken out of class 1957 by a msn and a woman and some sort of scraping or something was done on there back she doesnt know why ?
Is Dennis a fed?
Hey Dennis and Daz! I have been following you throughout the years, and for sure mentioning UFOs was super tinfoil hat material!! Something suddenly clicked when Daz mentioned super strong and incredibly frequent nose bleeds, we had very weird stuff going on in our house! I come from a sort of quite psychic family! But what mystified doctors when around the ages between 12 to 14 I had this weird bruising particularly on my inner thighs, and obviously at that point I had not a boyfriend yet, also I wasn't a particularly sporty girl! The doctors thought I was hiding maybe like an illicit affair, errr at the age of 12, nope! There is like a sublevel traumatic memory, but I cannot be sure, so no clue if a sort of abduction thing was going on, but I really could not explain the bruising! I know that later in life I had a lot wrong with my reproductive system! What do you make of that? Cheers guys love what you are doing!
Getting those bruises without knowing where they came from must have been very unsettling. I hope that in time, answers and closure will come.♥️
Yes! Harvard has stated the cryptoterrestrials who have advanced technology that walk among us and they live beneath the ground and fly in UFOs, some of which are ancient intelligent dinosaurs (reptilian). Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley summoned the entity Babylon and CERN is also purportedly a gate to Abbydon, the pit. I'm an artist and I want to know how to remote view! My intuition is very high as well as my occult knowledge. I'm ready to reach another level, but can't break away from Hollywood's dark wand taking my soul everyday, as I work for the dark deceptive force keeping the world in hypnosis. I was also in the "gifted" program in grammar school along with my brother. Never knew what it was until more recently realizing they were grooming us to be indoctrinated as agents for this insidious force that has taken over our government systems. "They crept into councils to rule over man" is stated in The Emerald Tablets of Thoth by Doreal and it speaks of reptilians.
Watch this "Space-Time Portal"...
Not Good for Courtney! Makes me wonder about other remote Viewing data and where its coming from. See David Oates reverse speech on Courtney Brown, Reverse speech analysis Courtney Brown and Farsight Institute.
Courtny Brown on a Kerry Cassidy interview a few yrs ago admitted the remote info comes through frm/ with help from an entity .
@@eaglezxz3354 I reached out to Courtney for a answer and nothing yet! I also reached out to a few other remote viewers. If he has a child with one then he has been compromised by dark group of ETs. Not good if you have heard the reversals. He may even be working with dark part of our government which did come out in the reversals. Im not done and will get this out even more if I have to until its addressed. I won't and do not tolerate deception from anyone!
Everything extraordinary is of course down to their own magical abilities & when theyre off, well it wasn’t their fault. Yeah sounds a lot like Courtney Brown. And if any lost people searching want to know… you have to PAY… PAY & PAY. 😳
Daz a good old British name! Like Daz,Baz,Caz,jaz,Gaz,Maz,Waz oops!
I would like to add with enlightenment comes responsibility. With great power comes reponsibility. Jesus once said i am the truth the way and the life. The truth is what will set us free. They are asking us to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth of our experiences and it is meaningless coming from me. I am nobody and i am alone. This has to be done together and disclosed as shared experiences. Alone i sound crazy saying what really happened. Together we have much credability. Its not going to be easy of coarse but this is what they want. Just like they pushed sherry wilde to write the forgotten promise they are pushing me to do this.
Anybody looking at remote viewing this alleged object coming towards Earth from the Jwst, if this is just a dose of fearporn clickbait.
It can be both negative and positive. Everything is dual here. It largely depends on you. Jung was onto something, with his theories about the human unconscious.
Why are u obssessed about Government disclosure & book sellers & another new book comn out. B ollox.
Patrick Jackson Spheres on TH-cam shows u wot they are & here u are talking about re told stories! Old scripts
BS . DO ce5
How could you just ‘forget’ what organisation was doing this? And not want to atleast pursue this i formation? Im from the west country in the UK & for some reason alarm bells go off when i listen to this guy talk. Along with a lot of the thing he says, body language tells also make me skeptical of him.
Love the channel & support you guys fully, but for some reason i just don’t entirely trust or believe a lot of what he says.
He didn't really say anything that I hadn't already heard elsewhere before, so I'm not sure what you're on about.
the 2 of you speak a lot of words and say nothing
Thank you. Make it an HOUR for full disclosure or why bother with pin pricks. 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴