
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • Mark 1 has already given us several lines of testimony declaring Jesus as Messiah, Son of God, anointed by the Spirit, and baptized to identify with sinners. After overcoming His wilderness testing, Jesus came forth proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand and calling people to repent and believe in the gospel. Last week, in verses 16-20, we saw Jesus call four fishermen to leave everything behind and follow Him. Jesus spoke with authority, calling these men to step out in faith because the kingdom of God is at hand. But does Jesus actually have the authority to promise such things as salvation and entry into God’s kingdom? Authority is not real just because someone claims it or even because some people submit to it. True authority is the ability to back up your claim and enforce your words. Mark 1:21-43 (and even into Ch. 2) shows that Jesus has the authority to bring the Kingdom - to the creation and the hearts of sinners. Verses 21-43 give us the events of a single day. A day in the life of Jesus’ ministry as He and His new disciples enter the synagogue of Capernaum on the Sabbath.
    By Jesus’ words and His works, we see how the kingdom of God is indeed at hand. Jesus teaches with authority that amazes the people as He announces the kingdom and calls them to repent and believe the gospel. Then, Jesus demonstrates His power to overcome the corrupted kingdom of this fallen world. He has authority over the evil spirits who tremble at His word, and He has authority to banish the sickness and disease that entered this creation through the corruption of sin. In Jesus’ words and His works, we glimpse through the keyhole at what the creation will be when the kingdom comes in fullness. There will be no more corruption of sin nor any effect of the fall. No more death, suffering, or evil when the King returns to make everything new. Though we look forward to this day, in Jesus, the kingdom of God is indeed at hand. He has authority over all other kingdoms, and as His gospel goes forth, Jesus’ kingdom is overcoming sin in our hearts and all creation. Today, Jesus bears the King’s authority and is seated upon His throne until all His enemies are placed beneath His feet.
    I. Jesus’ Authority In His Teaching (v. 21-22)
    II. Jesus’ Authority Over Evil Spirits (v. 23-28)
    III. Jesus’ Authority Over Disease (v. 29-31)
    IV. Jesus’ Authority To Bring The Kingdom (v. 32-34)
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