Transcription: You are blessed beings indeed. I am that one that you know as Jesus, and this smile you see on the face of this being is because of that face on the couch that she loves so dearly, and we know that it is adding quite a nice little touch to these beautiful lessons that you are sharing with us! Sin is not real. If sin is real, you are more powerful than God. You are able to do something that God cannot stop you doing. Do you think that you are that powerful? You are indeed a powerful creator - there is no doubt about it - but you are not as powerful as the Father. You are made in His image indeed. In giving you his image he has given you the ability to do what you want - to do and to create or miscreate along whatever lines you feel are necessary - but you cannot overpower the Source of all that is. And so if something has been done to you or by you, or you've witnessed something, you must remember that you are given absolute freedom, and that you are not going to be punished for following the guidance that you think is true. For anyone who does anything thinks it's right, thinks it's going to bring them what they want. They think it's going to bring them closer to their goals, whatever their goals are. But so many of you, dear ones, have had your mind so contaminated with untruth that you are not able to discern when you are off-track. You simply are not able to discern it. You have been so deeply indoctrinated through fear and mental and psychic manipulation that you do not even know. And so it is on this path with us here today, doing these lessons, shifting your consciousness, changing your mind, practicing loving thoughts and ideas - it is through this process that the dirt and the dust and the mud on top of your clear mind is being removed, and you will begin to get true guidance. You will begin to get a feeling, "Ah, this is something that I should do. I don't know why I have this feeling, but this is an important thing for me to do!" And that is how the guidance begins. You will get this subtle little itch, a little nagging, something or other, that's pointing you towards something. It will not be strong enough in the beginning to override all of the contamination in your mind, but you will see, as time goes by, that this message gets stronger and stronger. It is there consistently, not pushing, not yelling, not arguing, but it is there. And in the end, it will become strong enough for you to listen to it and say, "Ah! This is something that I am going to do!" You may have to fit it in around your schedule. You may have to rearrange some things to get to this idea, but you can just entertain ideas. This is one of the beautiful things about your consciousness - you can just think about that thing. You can envision yourself doing that thing. You can imagine yourself feeling good doing that thing that you are now inspired to do. It could be writing a book. It could be traveling. It could be growing a beautiful flower garden, it could be anything. So you can get the feeling of it by just imagining it - just allowing some space your consciousness. And this is one of the reasons we tell you not to be on your phones all the time. So that you might sit on a park bench looking at the ducks swimming on the pond without the phone in your hand, without the texts pinging all the time, distracting you from what is right in front of you, in fact, the Holy Instant where you can create what you want to experience. This is one of the sabotaging effects of these technologies that you carry with you all the time. You never have freedom to just BE, quiet the mind, gaze at the horizon, and allow those inspired ideas to surface in your mind. So the next time you go for a walk, turn your phone off and leave it at home. It will still be there when you get back. But witness how much more peace you have! Witness that you SEE. You don't need to be hooked in all the time to messaging systems such as exist in your society now. We know this is a difficult one for many of you because your businesses and your relationships seem to depend on these constant interactions. But we will tell you an hour out in the woods without your phone will do nothing but improve your connection to the divine. I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will speak to you again tomorrow.
And to you, dear Ian, my deep thanks for your unwavering commitment to transcribe, which, by now, has of helped me tremendously to grasp some details much better then when I listen to the spoken voice. It also had helped a friend of mine already participating in the messages in a very special way. So again, my deep gratitude! It saves me hours of cumbersomly transcribing myself. ((💜))😊
LESSON 101 God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. 1. Today we will continue with the theme of happiness. This is a key idea in understanding what salvation means. You still believe it asks for suffering as penance for your “sins.” This is not so. Yet you must think it so while you believe that sin is real, and that God’s Son can sin. 2. If sin is real, then punishment is just and cannot be escaped. Salvation thus cannot be purchased but through suffering. If sin is real, then happiness must be illusion, for they cannot both be true. The sinful warrant only death and pain, and it is this they ask for. For they know it waits for them, and it will seek them out and find them somewhere, sometime, in some form that evens the account they owe to God. They would escape Him in their fear. And yet He will pursue, and they can not escape. 3. If sin is real, salvation must be pain. Pain is the cost of sin, and suffering can never be escaped, if sin is real. Salvation must be feared, for it will kill, but slowly, taking everything away before it grants the welcome boon of death to victims who are little more than bones before salvation is appeased. Its wrath is boundless, merciless, but wholly just. 4. Who would seek out such savage punishment? Who would not flee salvation, and attempt in every way he can to drown the Voice which offers it to him? Why would he try to listen and accept Its offering? If sin is real, its offering is death, and meted out in cruel form to match the vicious wishes in which sin is born. If sin is real, salvation has become your bitter enemy, the curse of God upon you who have crucified His Son. 5. You need the practice periods today. The exercises teach sin is not real, and all that you believe must come from sin will never happen, for it has no cause. Accept Atonement with an open mind, which cherishes no lingering belief that you have made a devil of God’s Son. There is no sin. We practice with this thought as often as we can today, because it is the basis for today’s idea. 6. God’s Will for you is perfect happiness because there is no sin, and suffering is causeless. Joy is just, and pain is but the sign you have misunderstood yourself. Fear not the Will of God. But turn to it in confidence that it will set you free from all the consequences sin has wrought in feverish imagination. Say: God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. There is no sin; it has no consequence. So should you start your practice periods, and then attempt again to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind. 7. Give these five minutes gladly, to remove the heavy load you lay upon yourself with the insane belief that sin is real. Today escape from madness. You are set on freedom’s road, and now today’s idea brings wings to speed you on, and hope to go still faster to the waiting goal of peace. There is no sin. Remember this today, and tell yourself as often as you can: God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. This is the truth, because there is no sin.
The Word of God from the BIBLE says to you in 1 John 1:8-10...."If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us..If we say we have not sinned, we make Him (THE LORD) a liar, and His Word is not in us"....God's Will for you is to sin no more and be saved...Since you do not know His Word and neither read His Word you preach lies and call the Lord a liar...Dont you all see that your jesus is deceiving you?...He makes you believe so easily his lies...The Word of God is no good for you anymore?...None of you can see the Truth?...Where is your Bible?.. you are a Cult who now have your own bible who teach you there is no sin..abd your self is your savior...This is what the Lord calls BLASPHEMY...a mortal sin...You are warned because Tina and her demonic jesus and her demonic ananda lead you all...on the Wide Road to Hell...I do not judge are like children playing with fire ...None of you cannot see anymore?..None of you cannot understand the simple words of Jesus of Nazareth from the Scriptures?..Not even one?...Is this channeling for you a new religion?..It is like Spiritism...dont you know who is behind Spiritism or Mediumship or Channeling?..It is satan and his demons...yet you believe them and think you are saviours now.. .Your Tina and her jesys ans her ananda are leading you to hell...The Truth from the Bible is now a Lie for you...I CANNOT BELIEVE the Lies you read from a demonic book and listening to a satanic commentator who have NOTHING to do with Jesus if Nazareth...You all are beyond belief...YOU CANNOT SEE...YOU CANNOT HEAR...The Word of God means Nothing to you...Your cursed book ACIM is now your bible ...None of you investigate? the spirits?...None of you read Jesus words from the Bible?..Can you not see the absolute lies of your demonic commentator?...Where is your DISCERNMENT people?..Why you all call Truth a lie and a lie is now a Truth for you?... Can nobody see the real you?.. You are a Sinner. .a greater SINNER than you think...because you have the Bible Scriptures yet you all Rejected it and replaced the Bible with a demonic cursed book which I call it A COURSE IN WITCHCRAFT........ ..Congratulations......Amen.............10 April 19
Hey Daniel! Here is some of Jesus’ words from the bible. “Peace be with you”. So, Jesus, the Son of God offers peace. And yet, here you are preaching sin, and damnation, and fear and other assorted nonsense. You see, when you have a relationship with the Son of God as I have through ACIM you learn to separate the wheat from your chaff. Have a nice day! Somewhere else😅
@@mkxviii You need to be BORN AGAIN to understand the Full Gospel of Jesus......This story you can read it only in the Bible, it is not in your book....Tina and her so called jesus will never tell you what means to be BORN only can find in the Bible in John 3: is the story of Nicodemus....But how can you know Jesus if only you pick few words here and there?..I spoke the Truth to all of you in this Cult of Tina and her so called jesus...The Real Jesus CLEARLY spoke so much about SINS...HELL...REPENTANCE......but since you have your own book how can you know the Truth?..From Tina?... No...From her jesus COMMENTATOR?......No....Only from the BIBLE...the Word of God...But nether you nor Tina or all her followers can be BORN AGAIN since all of you reject the WORD of GOD ...I never saw Tina reading the SCRIPTURES ...she is reading daily a cursed book which is now your only bible...Now you falsely believe that Your Self is free of Sin...Your Self is your savior......Totally FALSE...demonic TEACHINGS ...who leads you to Hell...I am the only one who tells you the truth Martin.....The so called jesus and ananda of Tina are DEMONS masqarading themselves...they have deceived you for so many years ...
@@danieldragan1125 Read today's lesson. You are mistaken. God does not hold you accountable for being mistaken. Neither do I. That is the nature of Love. I AM familiar with both books, Daniel. Your words are of men, not God. You are mistaken. And God has granted you the time to find out for yourself. That is the nature of free will. That is the nature of Love.
101❤- God’s will for me is perfect happiness. Sin is not real. I am not more powerful than God. I have made mistakes but I have never sinned. I’ll start getting a little niggling thought about something I am being guided to follow. ..❤ and if/when I listen and follow on towards the miracle.
Whoo whoo! Delphi got a mention! We know happiness comes from within, however Delphi puts a smile in all our faces. He is a part of our healing. Thank you Tina, thank you Jesus 🙏
Powerful lesson to dismantle the wrong deeply rooted beliefs indoctrination in the conscious and subconscious minds that human condition is sinful and deserves punishments and that things are got and accomplished with effort pain and struggle " no pain no gain" The church promotes suffering to gain Heaven. That is the root of chronic pain conditions. We think we need to punish ourselves being stressful and hurrying up to avoid self judgements and criticism from others. Thank you Jesus for bringing us the assurance that there is no sin and that God wants happiness for His Son. I enjoy the appearances of lovely Delphi in the background. She loves the company of her owner and Jesus. Infinite gratitude Tina & Jesus 💖💜💙🙏🙏🙏
Isten soha nem büntet, csak szeret, szabad akaratot adott nekünk, hogy fejlődjünk és boldogok legyünk. Amikor egy döntés előtt állunk, több lehetőség is van előttünk, mi úgy választunk, ahogy gondoljuk, hogy számunkra a legjobb, de később kiderülhet, hogy nem volt jó a választásunk. Ez nem bűn, mert a jó szándék vezérelt minket, csak tévedtünk a választásnál. Amikor ezt észre vesszük, bocsássunk meg magunknak és tegyünk meg mindent, hogy ezt a tévedést helyre hozzuk, akkor megkapjunk lelkünk békéjét. Béke, fény szeretet vezéreljen minket utunkon, Isten Áldásával.
Wow, lesson 101, and you dear Tina are still holding strong. Being there every day do do the recordings which have become not only very motivating but also very meaningful to me. I thank you from my bottomless heart, or shall I say from my endless Source of Joy. 💜😊
I just watched a video where people were in a gathering and only two of them were dialoguing, all the rest were so busy texting, or reading, or playing games on their cell phones, and of course the person filming the video was also busy with the cellphone 😂😢😢
Your puppy loves being included. He enjoys the energy during your "class time". Tina thank you, thank you for channeling Jesus each day. His commentary has added strength to the lessons & seems to answer my questions does he know? ;)
thank you for your work, i struggle wiith this one a bit, about there is no sin - does this mean that people who have done terrible things are sin free? i have a hard time accepting that....
It's my understanding that the 10 Commandments do not exist. We have free will. "God".... "Source" would never command us to do anything. For what it's worth, that's my understanding.
@@barbaradaniels3842 Hmmm. So....some lyin'-son-of-a-bitch back in the day simply made them up for some reason or another. Interesting. There are many who believe JC himself never existed either.
Jesus does not "channel." You are conversing with deceptive, demonic spirits. Turn to the Lord with all your heart, and the Holy Spirit will bring you true power in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you want to believe that you deserve your suffering, go ahead. Jesus offers you an easier way of salvation. There are many ways. You can choose a joyful loving way that is right for you. No sins, it's ok to make mistakes, punishment is not needed
Lesson 101. God's Will for me is perfect happiness. 1. Today we will continue with the theme of happiness. This is a key idea in understanding what salvation means. You still believe it asks for suffering as penance for your "sins." This is not so. Yet you must think it so while you believe that sin is real and that God's Son can sin. If sin is real, then punishment is just and cannot be escaped. Salvation thus cannot be purchased but through suffering. 2. If sin is real then happiness must be illusion, for they cannot both be true. The sinful warrant only death and pain, and it is this they ask for, for they know it waits for them and it will seek them out and find them somewhere, sometime, in some form which evens the account they owe to God. They would escape Him in their fear. And yet He will pursue, and they cannot escape. 3. If sin is real, salvation must be pain. Pain is the cost of sin, and suffering can never be escaped if sin is real. Salvation must be feared, for it will kill but slowly, taking everything away before it grants the welcome boon of death to victims who are little more than bones before salvation is appeased. Its wrath is boundless, merciless, but wholly just. 4. Who would seek out such savage punishment? Who would not flee salvation and attempt in every way he can to drown the Voice Which offers it to him? Why would he try to listen and accept Its offering? If sin is real, its offering is death and meted out in cruel form to match the vicious wishes in which sin is born. If sin is real, salvation has become your bitter enemy, the curse of God upon you who have crucified His Son. 5. You need the practice periods today. The exercises teach sin is not real, and all that you believe must come from sin will never happen, for it has no cause. Accept Atonement with an open mind which cherishes no lingering belief that you have made a devil of God's Son. 6. There is no sin. We practise with this thought as often as we can today because it is the basis for today's idea. God's Will for you is perfect happiness because there is no sin, and suffering is causeless. Joy is just, and pain is but the sign you have misunderstood yourself. Fear not the Will of God. But turn to it in confidence that it will set you free from all the consequences sin has wrought in feverish imagination. Say: "God's Will for me is perfect happiness. There is no sin; it has no consequence." 8. So should you start your practice periods, and then attempt again to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind. Give these five minutes gladly to remove the heavy load you laid upon yourself with the insane belief that sin is real. 9. Today escape from madness. You are set on freedom's road, and now today's idea brings wings to speed you on and hope to go still faster to the waiting goal of peace. There is no sin. Remember this today, and tell yourself as often as you can: "God's Will for me is perfect happiness. This is the truth because there is no sin."
6 years after still grateful for this work and its love lesson Thank ypur Tina and Jesus❤❤❤
Same! 😊👍👍💜
One year later as grateful as last year. Love these lessons.
You are blessed beings indeed. I am that one that you know as Jesus, and this smile you see on the face of this being is because of that face on the couch that she loves so dearly, and we know that it is adding quite a nice little touch to these beautiful lessons that you are sharing with us!
Sin is not real. If sin is real, you are more powerful than God. You are able to do something that God cannot stop you doing. Do you think that you are that powerful? You are indeed a powerful creator - there is no doubt about it - but you are not as powerful as the Father. You are made in His image indeed. In giving you his image he has given you the ability to do what you want - to do and to create or miscreate along whatever lines you feel are necessary - but you cannot overpower the Source of all that is.
And so if something has been done to you or by you, or you've witnessed something, you must remember that you are given absolute freedom, and that you are not going to be punished for following the guidance that you think is true. For anyone who does anything thinks it's right, thinks it's going to bring them what they want. They think it's going to bring them closer to their goals, whatever their goals are.
But so many of you, dear ones, have had your mind so contaminated with untruth that you are not able to discern when you are off-track. You simply are not able to discern it. You have been so deeply indoctrinated through fear and mental and psychic manipulation that you do not even know.
And so it is on this path with us here today, doing these lessons, shifting your consciousness, changing your mind, practicing loving thoughts and ideas - it is through this process that the dirt and the dust and the mud on top of your clear mind is being removed, and you will begin to get true guidance. You will begin to get a feeling, "Ah, this is something that I should do. I don't know why I have this feeling, but this is an important thing for me to do!"
And that is how the guidance begins. You will get this subtle little itch, a little nagging, something or other, that's pointing you towards something. It will not be strong enough in the beginning to override all of the contamination in your mind, but you will see, as time goes by, that this message gets stronger and stronger. It is there consistently, not pushing, not yelling, not arguing, but it is there. And in the end, it will become strong enough for you to listen to it and say, "Ah! This is something that I am going to do!" You may have to fit it in around your schedule. You may have to rearrange some things to get to this idea, but you can just entertain ideas. This is one of the beautiful things about your consciousness - you can just think about that thing. You can envision yourself doing that thing. You can imagine yourself feeling good doing that thing that you are now inspired to do. It could be writing a book. It could be traveling. It could be growing a beautiful flower garden, it could be anything. So you can get the feeling of it by just imagining it - just allowing some space your consciousness.
And this is one of the reasons we tell you not to be on your phones all the time. So that you might sit on a park bench looking at the ducks swimming on the pond without the phone in your hand, without the texts pinging all the time, distracting you from what is right in front of you, in fact, the Holy Instant where you can create what you want to experience. This is one of the sabotaging effects of these technologies that you carry with you all the time. You never have freedom to just BE, quiet the mind, gaze at the horizon, and allow those inspired ideas to surface in your mind.
So the next time you go for a walk, turn your phone off and leave it at home. It will still be there when you get back. But witness how much more peace you have! Witness that you SEE. You don't need to be hooked in all the time to messaging systems such as exist in your society now. We know this is a difficult one for many of you because your businesses and your relationships seem to depend on these constant interactions. But we will tell you an hour out in the woods without your phone will do nothing but improve your connection to the divine.
I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will speak to you again tomorrow.
And to you, dear Ian, my deep thanks for your unwavering commitment to transcribe, which, by now, has of helped me tremendously to grasp some details much better then when I listen to the spoken voice. It also had helped a friend of mine already participating in the messages in a very special way. So again, my deep gratitude! It saves me hours of cumbersomly transcribing myself. ((💜))😊
@@sybillehartmann1290 thanks for the wonderful encouragement. Many blessings to you! :-)
I feel like this is homework. An hour in the woods w/out my phone. ✅
God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
1. Today we will continue with the theme of happiness. This is a key idea in understanding what salvation means. You still believe it asks for suffering as penance for your “sins.” This is not so. Yet you must think it so while you believe that sin is real, and that God’s Son can sin.
2. If sin is real, then punishment is just and cannot be escaped. Salvation thus cannot be purchased but through suffering. If sin is real, then happiness must be illusion, for they cannot both be true. The sinful warrant only death and pain, and it is this they ask for. For they know it waits for them, and it will seek them out and find them somewhere, sometime, in some form that evens the account they owe to God. They would escape Him in their fear. And yet He will pursue, and they can not escape.
3. If sin is real, salvation must be pain. Pain is the cost of sin, and suffering can never be escaped, if sin is real. Salvation must be feared, for it will kill, but slowly, taking everything away before it grants the welcome boon of death to victims who are little more than bones before salvation is appeased. Its wrath is boundless, merciless, but wholly just.
4. Who would seek out such savage punishment? Who would not flee salvation, and attempt in every way he can to drown the Voice which offers it to him? Why would he try to listen and accept Its offering? If sin is real, its offering is death, and meted out in cruel form to match the vicious wishes in which sin is born. If sin is real, salvation has become your bitter enemy, the curse of God upon you who have crucified His Son.
5. You need the practice periods today. The exercises teach sin is not real, and all that you believe must come from sin will never happen, for it has no cause. Accept Atonement with an open mind, which cherishes no lingering belief that you have made a devil of God’s Son. There is no sin. We practice with this thought as often as we can today, because it is the basis for today’s idea.
6. God’s Will for you is perfect happiness because there is no sin, and suffering is causeless. Joy is just, and pain is but the sign you have misunderstood yourself. Fear not the Will of God. But turn to it in confidence that it will set you free from all the consequences sin has wrought in feverish imagination. Say:
God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
There is no sin; it has no consequence.
So should you start your practice periods, and then attempt again to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind.
7. Give these five minutes gladly, to remove the heavy load you lay upon yourself with the insane belief that sin is real. Today escape from madness. You are set on freedom’s road, and now today’s idea brings wings to speed you on, and hope to go still faster to the waiting goal of peace. There is no sin. Remember this today, and tell yourself as often as you can:
God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
This is the truth, because there is no sin.
The Word of God from the BIBLE says to you in 1 John 1:8-10...."If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us..If we say we have not sinned, we make Him (THE LORD) a liar, and His Word is not in us"....God's Will for you is to sin no more and be saved...Since you do not know His Word and neither read His Word you preach lies and call the Lord a liar...Dont you all see that your jesus is deceiving you?...He makes you believe so easily his lies...The Word of God is no good for you anymore?...None of you can see the Truth?...Where is your Bible?.. you are a Cult who now have your own bible who teach you there is no sin..abd your self is your savior...This is what the Lord calls BLASPHEMY...a mortal sin...You are warned because Tina and her demonic jesus and her demonic ananda lead you all...on the Wide Road to Hell...I do not judge are like children playing with fire ...None of you cannot see anymore?..None of you cannot understand the simple words of Jesus of Nazareth from the Scriptures?..Not even one?...Is this channeling for you a new religion?..It is like Spiritism...dont you know who is behind Spiritism or Mediumship or Channeling?..It is satan and his demons...yet you believe them and think you are saviours now.. .Your Tina and her jesys ans her ananda are leading you to hell...The Truth from the Bible is now a Lie for you...I CANNOT BELIEVE the Lies you read from a demonic book and listening to a satanic commentator who have NOTHING to do with Jesus if Nazareth...You all are beyond belief...YOU CANNOT SEE...YOU CANNOT HEAR...The Word of God means Nothing to you...Your cursed book ACIM is now your bible ...None of you investigate? the spirits?...None of you read Jesus words from the Bible?..Can you not see the absolute lies of your demonic commentator?...Where is your DISCERNMENT people?..Why you all call Truth a lie and a lie is now a Truth for you?... Can nobody see the real you?.. You are a Sinner. .a greater SINNER than you think...because you have the Bible Scriptures yet you all Rejected it and replaced the Bible with a demonic cursed book which I call it A COURSE IN WITCHCRAFT........ ..Congratulations......Amen.............10 April 19
Hey Daniel! Here is some of Jesus’ words from the bible.
“Peace be with you”.
So, Jesus, the Son of God offers peace.
And yet, here you are preaching sin, and damnation, and fear and other assorted nonsense.
You see, when you have a relationship with the Son of God as I have through ACIM you learn to separate the wheat from your chaff.
Have a nice day!
Somewhere else😅
@@mkxviii You need to be BORN AGAIN to understand the Full Gospel of Jesus......This story you can read it only in the Bible, it is not in your book....Tina and her so called jesus will never tell you what means to be BORN only can find in the Bible in John 3: is the story of Nicodemus....But how can you know Jesus if only you pick few words here and there?..I spoke the Truth to all of you in this Cult of Tina and her so called jesus...The Real Jesus CLEARLY spoke so much about SINS...HELL...REPENTANCE......but since you have your own book how can you know the Truth?..From Tina?... No...From her jesus COMMENTATOR?......No....Only from the BIBLE...the Word of God...But nether you nor Tina or all her followers can be BORN AGAIN since all of you reject the WORD of GOD ...I never saw Tina reading the SCRIPTURES ...she is reading daily a cursed book which is now your only bible...Now you falsely believe that Your Self is free of Sin...Your Self is your savior......Totally FALSE...demonic TEACHINGS ...who leads you to Hell...I am the only one who tells you the truth Martin.....The so called jesus and ananda of Tina are DEMONS masqarading themselves...they have deceived you for so many years ...
@@mkxviii 💜❇️👍
@@danieldragan1125 Read today's lesson. You are mistaken. God does not hold you accountable for being mistaken. Neither do I. That is the nature of Love.
I AM familiar with both books, Daniel. Your words are of men, not God. You are mistaken. And God has granted you the time to find out for yourself. That is the nature of free will. That is the nature of Love.
Thank you Jesus and thank you Tina, 🙏🏻♥️🙋🏻♀️
Thank you for today's lesson. Great perspective on sin 😊
101❤- God’s will for me is perfect happiness. Sin is not real. I am not more powerful than God. I have made mistakes but I have never sinned.
I’ll start getting a little niggling thought about something I am being guided to follow. ..❤ and if/when I listen and follow on towards the miracle.
Your pup is so precious. Thank you for reading this.😊
Thankyou Tina and Jesus love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Take it into my heart and love it. Thank you deeply both.
Beautiful Delfie. We love our doggies!!!
This is a big lesson for me ❤ thank you 🙏🏽
Blessings All 🙏
“God’s will for me is perfect happiness” 💕✨💕✨💕🙏
Delphi is the most devoted ACIM student following Jesus lessons. Loving example for all of us achieving lesson 100. Love her!
Whoo whoo! Delphi got a mention! We know happiness comes from within, however Delphi puts a smile in all our faces. He is a part of our healing. Thank you Tina, thank you Jesus 🙏
still the best part of my morning Tina Louise, Jesus :)
There is no sin.. Never was.. Never will be, Amen! 🙏 And Amen to little Delphi's addition to these powerful teachings! 🐶 💕🐾🐕
Lin Ggg Namaste, Aimee 🙏🏻🐾🧘♀️🎶
@@RevAimeePhD you too Aimee🙏.. We got this one right! 😁
Thank You ✌️🧡
Thank you☀️
Thank you Tina and Jesus. Who could not love Delphi's little face , so sweet...xx
Thank you 💙
your puppy is so cute I want to hug her 🤗
T&J love you 💖 Thx a million
Powerful lesson to dismantle the wrong deeply rooted beliefs indoctrination in the conscious and subconscious minds that human condition is sinful and deserves punishments and that things are got and accomplished with effort pain and struggle " no pain no gain" The church promotes suffering to gain Heaven. That is the root of chronic pain conditions. We think we need to punish ourselves being stressful and hurrying up to avoid self judgements and criticism from others. Thank you Jesus for bringing us the assurance that there is no sin and that God wants happiness for His Son.
I enjoy the appearances of lovely Delphi in the background. She loves the company of her owner and Jesus. Infinite gratitude Tina & Jesus 💖💜💙🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Jesus and Tina!❤️ I’m alternating between that wonderful Covid 19 meditation and my Acim lessons! Much love and gratitude 🙏!!💫💕❤️🌹❣️🙏❤️💕
wonderful lessons. and so wonderful seeing sweet delphi there looking on :-)
🎵🎶Because I am happy 🎶🎵 infinite love and gratitude Tina and Jesus. 🌷💕🦋
Love that sweet couch-face at your shoulder! Love you lessons!
I also smile when I see that face!
Funny. I look behind me and I see… A dog. Yes!!! Lots of smiles!!
Beautiful smile Tina, positive vibes. Thank you Jesus and Tina for your precious time. Love and peace.😘
Yes, to look at the face of Delphi is a touch of love ! And to look at your face Tina, is a touch of heaven !
Love and peace to all💓💓💓🙏🙏🙏
Thank you all!💕💫💕 I look forward to listening to you both and to seeing that lovely face🐶, she makes me smile too. As always Jesus is right on!💕💫
Beautiful dog. Yes, such a blessing, to know sin is not real! Thx 4 sharing!!!🙏🏼
Isten soha nem büntet, csak szeret, szabad akaratot adott nekünk, hogy fejlődjünk és boldogok legyünk. Amikor egy döntés előtt állunk, több lehetőség is van előttünk, mi úgy választunk, ahogy gondoljuk, hogy számunkra a legjobb, de később kiderülhet, hogy nem volt jó a választásunk. Ez nem bűn, mert a jó szándék vezérelt minket, csak tévedtünk a választásnál. Amikor ezt észre vesszük, bocsássunk meg magunknak és tegyünk meg mindent, hogy ezt a tévedést helyre hozzuk, akkor megkapjunk lelkünk békéjét. Béke, fény szeretet vezéreljen minket utunkon, Isten Áldásával.
Pálné Pokorni ❤️❤️❤️
Wow, lesson 101, and you dear Tina are still holding strong. Being there every day do do the recordings which have become not only very motivating but also very meaningful to me. I thank you from my bottomless heart, or shall I say from my endless Source of Joy. 💜😊
Thank you Tina, Jesus and the hound!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Tina, Jesus and Delphi 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
Thank you Tina and Jesus, love you!
Many Thanks! Jesus and Tina!
Sending love to you Tina, Jesus and Delphi!
Thank you my Teenie Beanie!
Thank you 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Thank you for doing these lessons ❤❤❤
Beautiful thankyou ❌🙏
I just watched a video where people were in a gathering and only two of them were dialoguing, all the rest were so busy texting, or reading, or playing games on their cell phones, and of course the person filming the video was also busy with the cellphone 😂😢😢
Thank Jesus and Tina:
Thank You🍀🌹
Thank you Tina and Jesus
Ty beautiful!
Your puppy loves being included. He enjoys the energy during your "class time". Tina thank you, thank you for channeling Jesus each day. His commentary has added strength to the lessons & seems to answer my questions does he know? ;)
adorsable puppy
thank you for your work, i struggle wiith this one a bit, about there is no sin - does this mean that people who have done terrible things are sin free? i have a hard time accepting that....
We can’t go for walks t th moment
@4:07: doggie also wakes up to hear what Jesus has to say today.
Will the Lessons cover the Ten Commandments?
It's my understanding that the 10 Commandments do not exist. We have free will. "God".... "Source" would never command us to do anything. For what it's worth, that's my understanding.
@@barbaradaniels3842 Hmmm. So....some lyin'-son-of-a-bitch back in the day simply made them up for some reason or another. Interesting. There are many who believe JC himself never existed either.
@@lilaclady4591 Dear one... you have the free will to believe what you want. Peace ❣️
In Conversations wirh god, god says that the commandments are signs for us to tell us that we are on the right path
Jesus does not "channel." You are conversing with deceptive, demonic spirits. Turn to the Lord with all your heart, and the Holy Spirit will bring you true power in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you want to believe that you deserve your suffering, go ahead. Jesus offers you an easier way of salvation. There are many ways. You can choose a joyful loving way that is right for you. No sins, it's ok to make mistakes, punishment is not needed
Lesson 101.
God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
1. Today we will continue with the theme of happiness. This is a key idea in understanding what salvation means. You still believe it asks for suffering as penance for your "sins." This is not so. Yet you must think it so while you believe that sin is real and that God's Son can sin. If sin is real, then punishment is just and cannot be escaped. Salvation thus cannot be purchased but through suffering.
2. If sin is real then happiness must be illusion, for they cannot both be true. The sinful warrant only death and pain, and it is this they ask for, for they know it waits for them and it will seek them out and find them somewhere, sometime, in some form which evens the account they owe to God. They would escape Him in their fear. And yet He will pursue, and they cannot escape.
3. If sin is real, salvation must be pain. Pain is the cost of sin, and suffering can never be escaped if sin is real. Salvation must be feared, for it will kill but slowly, taking everything away before it grants the welcome boon of death to victims who are little more than bones before salvation is appeased. Its wrath is boundless, merciless, but wholly just.
4. Who would seek out such savage punishment? Who would not flee salvation and attempt in every way he can to drown the Voice Which offers it to him? Why would he try to listen and accept Its offering? If sin is real, its offering is death and meted out in cruel form to match the vicious wishes in which sin is born. If sin is real, salvation has become your bitter enemy, the curse of God upon you who have crucified His Son.
5. You need the practice periods today. The exercises teach sin is not real, and all that you believe must come from sin will never happen, for it has no cause. Accept Atonement with an open mind which cherishes no lingering belief that you have made a devil of God's Son.
6. There is no sin. We practise with this thought as often as we can today because it is the basis for today's idea. God's Will for you is perfect happiness because there is no sin, and suffering is causeless. Joy is just, and pain is but the sign you have misunderstood yourself.
Fear not the Will of God. But turn to it in confidence that it will set you free from all the consequences sin has wrought in feverish imagination. Say:
"God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
There is no sin; it has no consequence."
8. So should you start your practice periods, and then attempt again to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind. Give these five minutes gladly to remove the heavy load you laid upon yourself with the insane belief that sin is real.
9. Today escape from madness. You are set on freedom's road, and now today's idea brings wings to speed you on and hope to go still faster to the waiting goal of peace. There is no sin. Remember this today, and tell yourself as often as you can:
"God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
This is the truth because there is no sin."
Thank You 🌿🌹🌿
Thank You ✨💜✨
Thank you❤️🌞🕊