Perfect Dark Zero looks like one of those fake videogames made for movies or TV shows. You know, when someone is playing a videogame in a movie, and they just made a video of some invented generic game instead of showing footage of a real one.
true, all games are always about shooting aliens or monster, thats boring, i hate people, if i can't shoot them in real life the at least let me blast them in games
I’ll always remember PDZ because it’s one of those games that every publication scored a 9 or 9.5 declaring it a must-buy or the reason to get an Xbox360. Then a couple years later, those very same publications would laugh about how bad or disappointing it was seemingly forgetting they told thousands of people to buy it in the first place.
Yeah, I have no idea why they were praising it so heavily back then. I recall hearing the opinions of the laymens back then, and everyone said to stay as far away as you could from it, so I listened and was glad I did. Had a good time with call of duty and halo.
@@Camelotsmoon Yes, most sites and magazines gave It 9/10 to 9.5/10. More than the original, almost unbelievable. Edit: On Metacritic it's below the N64 release but it's above the XBLA Remaster, WTF!
@@Camelotsmoon They praised it so heavily then for the same reason that magazines and sites will so heavily praise AAA games now: the publishers buy advertising with them.
Microsoft: *owns Perfect Dark along with a ton of other Rare properties* Also Microsoft: _keeps putting out Gears, Halo, and Forza - and nothing else_ EDIT June 10th, 2024: About time Microsoft pulled their heads out their asses....
@@darkdr1fter I mean, Halo and Forza sell for a reason (not sure what brainless drones are still buying Gears though). The issue is that Microsoft does little to nothing with all of the other properties they own - they seem to have a bad case of "if it isn't worth billions it's worth nothing" (a.k.a. EA-Activision Blindness). So now XBox has a lack of exclusives that add value to the console. They refused to spend time and money in a measured fashion to promote _variety_ in their exclusives, while hyper-focusing on only three franchises to the point of franchise exhaustion. They'll learn their lesson the hard way, I suppose. Halo Infinite might net them an initial boost with the new XBox, but that's gonna dry up quick when everyone sees that the PS5 has a new God of War, a Bloodbourne sequel, a Zero Dawn sequel, a new Spider-Man game, or whatever other handful of games they decide to launch the new Sony console with.
Kyotra well they just bought a bunch of studios recently, so I’m pretty sure they’re well aware of their exclusive problem by now. At the end of the day, they’re running a business and if a particular investment doesn’t produce its costs and falls below their desired expectations then it only makes sense if they cease any further investments. I think sometimes the problem lies with gamers themselves, for example Alan Wake and Sunset Overdrive sold poorly but their both excellent games. And what does Microsoft show for their investment? Nothing. Then gamers complain about not getting sequels, 🤦♂️ If gamers want sequels, then support the damn game. Go out there and buy it, but when it fails and the publisher decides to stop trying - then they go back to crying and whinging.
It's actually really sad, once upon a time Rare was on top of the world in the era of SNES and N64. Battletoads, Donkey Kong, Killer Instinct, 007 Goldeneye, Perfect Dark... all classics. Even games they released that DEFINITELY had big flaws (Blast Corp, Jet Force Gemini) were still very unique and enjoyable if you could get in to them. Now they're stuck doing shit jobs for Microsoft like Kinect games and fucking Sea Of Thieves. JC Denton: "What a shame. They were a good studio... *smack what a rotten way to die.
that's why you shouldn't care about companies, the stamper brothers were the soul of it once they left it was like looking at a a corpse and expecting it to do the same things it used to do before
DO NOT CARE ABOUT STUDIOS. Care about those who are IN those studios because those are the people who make great games. Rare's core staff left shortly BEFORE Nintendo even sold to Microsoft, despite what people think about the whole deal "ruining Rare". This is also why Call of Duty's Infinity Ward studio has gone from legends, to shit, to legends again. During MW2, most of the devs left due to some legal thing (I didn't look into this thing, the detail isn't important) and the went to create Respawn Entertainment. They went on to make Titanfall and Apex, and Infinity Ward made Ghosts and Infinite Warfare, two of the most criticized CoDs ever made. Before Modern Warfare was rebooted in 2019, a bunch of devs from Respawn that worked on CoD4:MW went BACK to Infinity Ward to work on this game. Now Modern Warfare is leading everyone in sales, is super highly-rated with everyone (despite people's bitching), is the best selling CoD of all time, made Activision and Infinity Ward a billion dollars in micro-transactions alone (DURING COVID), paired a Battle Royale with it for free that significantly boosted sales, and the campaign was a ton of fun. Meanwhile most of the core team at DICE and BIOWARE left years ago, and both Anthem and Battlefield V are uninspired, mediocre games at best that are poorly put together and aren't even being updated anymore. Like, Battlefield was developed with a single XP/Scoring system, so they couldn't actually put in increased XP weekends because it would cause games to crash or complete super quickly because everything counted for double. They said they "didn't have the tech", which was hilarious because while CoD, Apex and everyone was doing double XP, so was Battlefield 4 and 1, only the newest Battlefield game couldn't handle double XP due to the "tech missing". (The XP is the LEAST of BFV's problems, but shows exactly how incompetent they were in a simple way) Stop idolizing studios, focus on the real people who make these games.
everything about SSX had style (well except BLUR, which took everything creative and accurate about SSX and turned it into a Nintendo anime cartoon bullshit). i still will never forget what truly made me love SSX...and that was what the creators said "we weren't trying to create a game...or something even remotely close to reality...we were trying to create an experience" and that is why SSX is the God of Snowboarding Games and all other snowboarding games always loses.
I gotta say....I actually enjoyed this game. I thought the art style was unique considering when I found this was when the market was saturated by genetic military shooters.
Same here. And most people forget that this game was a prequel to the OG Perfect Dark not a sequel. In fact I figured out early on from the trailer on that Xbox Demo Disc, and the title that this was a prequel showing the events leading to Joanna getting recruited by the Carrington Group, and her first big major OP working for them.
Played Perfect Dark Zero a ton on XBL in 2005, but it always pissed me off how weak the guns were online, I've never played any other online game where it takes TWO headshots with a sniper to kill someone!
They are OSK even if they are wearing a helmet, same with the Magnum. The guns arent particulary weak, theyre super funky to use, the weakest bullet weapon (Falcon) takes only 5 headshots to kill a fully armored enemy. Some weapons are better at stripping down armor like the CMP or the Laptop Rifle. There was a pseudo competitive scene like 7 years ago where i learnt a lot of stuff about the weapons.
Hey someone else got to play it online before it died! To be honest, the online was the only part of this game really worth playing and even then it wasn't the greatest. It basically ended as soon as Halo 3 came out. Before then though, it was a respectable deathmatch shooter. The gameplay features that didn't make much sense in the singleplayer came together in the multiplayer.
Lol jackal and magnum were one headshot kills even with full armor. You are just dog piling for thumbs up, you obviously didnt play multiplayer. Unless you suck so much you never actually hit a headshot.🤣🤣🤣
When I was a kid I was playing the original and it blew me away especially being the first fully 3d fps I ever played that had reload animations which is cosmetic but I loved it to this day I still love the original :p
Joanna Dark was way too cool of a character to be dumped after two games. Really effin dumb by Microsoft TBH. She should be up there with Kratos and Nathan Drake in terms of popularity.
Problem is, and I think Microsoft knows this: Rare isn't anything like the studio that became famous in the late 90s. They lost just about everything valuable when Microsoft acquired them. Almost like an EA situation, but at least Microsoft didn't do it intentionally because the employees just left.
Yea I don't like it when people compare Joanna and Lara because Lara has way more games and both games are completely different from each other. If Perfect Dark was still relevant today, then I wouldn't care about the comparison, especially since Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark would be more similar if the canceled PD game with FPS parkour actually released.
@@CrizzyEyes blame Nintendo not MS. Its a myth that MS made them shit day 1. In fact Rare CAME to Nintendo to buy them out and they said no. After YEARS of making innovative games for Nintendo's platform. It wasn't until MS approached them that Nintendo finally wanted to buy them out, but Nintendo didnt do a counter offer. Keep in mind before the buyout, they released Starfox Adventure, which was actually their beginning of their downfall. In fact the founders quit Rare around the time of Starfox Adv-buyout. They were also losing staff after the buyout, so the Rare of today is only but name. Nintendo loves to fuck western studio, just like Square Enix, I mean look the Metroid Prime devs.
Supposedly their new "AAAA" lol studio is working on a new third person Perfect Dark. Rare hasn't done anything of note in 2 decades and I wouldn't trust them with the IP.
"Looks like she is trying to text nelly on a blackberry" _Queue sudden flashback to my high school years, and a kelly rowland song suddenly in my head_
This was back when developers discovered that consoles and mid-tier PCs could finally handle motion blur, bloom and other effects, so they added tons and tons of them into their game. As a result, a lot of games from this era that were going for good graphics look like you're either drunk, everything being covered in cooking oil or if you were too close to a nuclear explosion. The low framerate excessive motion blur in this makes me sick. This game reminds me a lot of Deus Ex: invisible war in that the graphics were such a priority to the point where good gameplay and level design had to be sacrificed.
Shemsuh0r Same, I’m kinda glad I played it first, it meant when I played the original I could tell it was way better, but without ruining my enjoyment of IW
That makes a lot of sense! When perfect dark came out I bought it along with gears of war, and hitman blood money. They all had that “cooking oil” effect on the graphics where everything is shining kind of feels like you took a LSD tab
Old comment but yeah, this same time was also the time when people thought console users were dumb, so all "complex" things had to be removed to simplify the game (including the PC version!) so they could market to dumb people. Which is why "smart" games like Deus Ex 1, were massively dumbed down in the sequel. Consoles also had TINY memory sizes, which is why Deus Ex 2 is a bunch of corridor maps instead of open exploration. They couldn't fit bigger maps into memory. Skyrim was supposedly open world on the PC originally and then they chopped everything up into minimaps because consoles couldn't handle the RAM requirements so you end up with loading screens all the time--and then users made a PC mod and restored it back to open world/no loading times on.
It's a bit of an obscure reference, but Jerma was playing a PS2 game called Lifeline where you have to guide a character through voice commands, and the main character seems to have the same face as Johanna in this game.
30 fps was not too bad with drops to like 26 fps in certain scenarios. Also, Pdz was Xbox one enhanced if you want more consistent fps. Wasn't OG Perfect Dark 60 fps but dropped to the tens sometimes?
@@dentistguba This game was the game that made me hate motion blur in games. Also, the aim acceleration algorithm is poop, and I hate that games this gen started to use it more such as Battlefront 2 and Halo 5.
Game was mediocre at best for me as a kid, and it didnt age well at all. I cannot for the love of me reply it nowadatys, i wish they added some kind of character thats good at Golf into this game as well
That is now my standard. A lot of games would be improved by adding golf club swinging lunatics with gender dysmorphia. Looks like we are all gonna be eating alphabet soup by Xmas.
I had this game and I actually liked it. Okay I'll admit it had some issues but it was still a fun game, and I liked the story especially how it showed how Joanna Dark went from hot-tempered smartass teen mercenary to the badass special agent we all knew her as in the N64 game.
Man i want Nightdive Studios to remake Perfect Dark N64 to the PC/consoles like how they did with Turok 1 and 2 well, for the mean time i guess i best download the 1964 Emulator for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye :-)
@@samtemdo8 The rapper Nelly. The referencce is about a video from the 2000s featuring that girl from Destinys Child in which she had hair highlights. Dilemma I think it was called
Used to, but can't say I wanna see a politically correct PD game. One likely filled with greed baloney too. PDZ as bad as it is, was made before the dark times.
I think the multiplayer was what hooked me into this game. From objective based games to the infection game mode, that was the big hook for me on this back in the day.
@@GoScience123 Yeah. This was an early Xbox 360 title. Early 360 and PS3 titles generally don't look great, as the developers hadn't figured out how to take advantage of the hardware yet, so they ended up with titles which look like PS2 games with better light effects. In fact, the late PS2 games usually look better than the early "next gen" ones. As for Hunt down the Freeman, it's cutscenes were made in Source Filmmaker. and I know for a fact it can look much better than what HdtF showed us. The fact that they ended up being the best looking part of that "game" is hilarious. Seriously, it has worse graphics than Half-Life 2 despite being on the same engine! That's mostly down to how ugly the maps are, as not a single one of them looks finished. Then again, they don't play like they were finished either. I feel bad for anyone who spent money on this thing. Just watch the cutscenes on TH-cam. They wanted it to be a movie, and they should have stuck to that.
i used to play this all the time as a young teen, even back then i knew it was nothing compared to perfect dark but loved it and spent hours in multiplayer, but this review is spot on and just goes to show you how dumb we are growing up
@@MrNegativecreep07 this game and the shadowrun game that also came out for the 360 have a special spot in my heart for being games I knew were an affront to their lineage but I still loved em lol
I'm so glad this wasn't the first game I ever played on 360. I got the original core system (it has since red ringed of course), and am proud to say I have never laid my eyes on perfect dark zero gameplay.
I remember my cousin wanting to play the coop story with me. However, we had to listen in on a conversation and instead we just went in guns blazing. Needless to say, we failed that mission over and over again
@@zombina9999 I remember playing TimeSplitters 2 on my Gamecube YEARS ago. Not much for the single player, but a ton of multiplayer. I would play with bots, and always had a blast.
As a kid, this game gave me countless migraines due to how weird the brightness was, the odd graphics, the controls, the infuriating difficulty (probably due to me not being mature enough to really understand how to play, and the 20 to 40 fps that was there at all times. Sucks cuz that was one of the only games i was able to play at my grandma's house
I actually enjoyed many of the levels in this game. I also like playing the multiplayer against bots. Perfect Dark Zero has a terrible story and somewhat clunky controls. However, I think its good FPS game overall. Its no where near as good as some of the great FPS shooters from around 2004-2005, but it was the one of the last goldeneye-esque FPS games.
And he has an idealized profile pic now too. He’s losing the fun gimmicks and taking himself more seriously, aka the average beginning of the decline of a content creator.
"She looks like she's about to text Nelly on a blackberry." Wow. That was very 2000s and I'm not sure how many are even gonna get this! But you should have added " using excel."
Sworn Heresy nelly had a music video with Kelly Rowland and she texted him from excel 😂 it from like 2004 or something.
And it's not even a blackberry, but Nokia Communicator, a very expensive phone that only rich people can afford. Although most of them buy it for prestige and not using all its features, maybe that's why Kelly Rowland was clueless and just open random app there pretending it's texting.
To give credit to the (lacking) cover mechanic: Perfect Dark came out before Cover based Shooters became a thing. It predates Gears of War or Rainbow Six Vegas by a year.
Joanna deserved better and so did we. Rare was never the same after they got bought out. Shame, b/c they ruled the 90s. PD 64 was a great swan song and loved the callbacks to Goldeneye, that game that started it all for console shooters.
>she looks like a rejected character design from SSX Tricky I swear that's EXACTLY what I was thinking from what you were showing your screen just before you said it. I completed the sentence for you in my head.
It's a shame what happened with Zero, I remember that years ago I read what the original concept for the sequel was and it sounded bat shit insane for the time, I mean joanna was living in I think it was one of Jupiter or Saturn's moons but only she survived the purge after the mayans decided to eradicate all life on earth and she went insane because elvis betrayed her and somehow she also had the ability to travel between timelines so she finds out that it was an older joanna from another time who made the mayans turn on humanity so the insane/jaded joanna had to kill her other self in the past to stop everything from going down in the future solving her current timeline, then she made the joanna from the timeline she saved kill the insane original joanna by posing as the betrayer joanna as a final sort of repentance, I know it sounds confusing as hell but man it sounds cool and I'm sad we're never going to see that.
@@roflBeck As far I remember that was the concept for the gamecube sequel but then rare got bought out by Microsoft and canned that idea for what became Zero because MS wanted something "cool".
I wish more gamers were aware of The Xbox One X Enhanced feature. Perfect Dark and Zero are both rendered in native 4k with high frame rate and they play great.
The first PD surprisingly dropped frames on the 360, but from what I've heard, the One version still has the same wonky aiming controls as on the 360 where seemingly everyone has trouble lining up a headshot against even a still enemy.
I wish they would've updated aiming controls to match modern controllers instead of directly porting the N64 controller's sensitivity or whatever they did.
I remember when this came out all those old gaming magazines kept giving this game perfect or near perfect scores, 5/5, 9/10, 9.5/10 things like that. I heard later on that the majority of those publications were paid off wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft paid for this one as well because there was no way anyone would have played that freaking jungle level or that bridge level and said yes this absolutely deserves a perfect score.
I remember eagerly waiting for the perfect dark sequel for years, and then when this came out I was extremely disappointed. I still play the orginal perfect dark today on Xbox one.
_"hideous character models that look like their faces have been stung by bees"_ Need I remind you that TES4: Oblivion exists? No game will ever have character models as bad as that game.
That MP5 (or whatever it's called in-game) reload is criminal. Why does she waste an ammo by emptying the already ready to be shot gun when adding new magazine lol. If the clip is empty, slider will automatically stay back.
When I look at games like Battlefield 3/4 and other AAA ripoffs, I’m surprised to see people hate on Perfect Dark Zero so much. Sure it’s not absolutely “PERFECT”, but the game was pretty darn fun in my opinion. And that’s coming from a major fan of the original.
John Kerkalis to be fair to Condemned 2 it have a couple of great moments like the Doll Factory and the bear chase but I do agree it wasn’t as good as the first one. Plus as with many games in that era it had a pointless multiplayer shoehorned in that nobody wanted and was downright awful.
I will permanently have nostalgia glasses for this game ... Had one of those childhoods that I could only get games on my birthday or Christmas ( same month though ) or super cheap used games .... Found PDZ for $9.99 at a blockbuster and to this very day i still think about
Dude this game has a special place in my heart i still remember the feeling of finally getting that sword from the final boss, and being able to use it in campaign mode, and the multiplayer was so fun! I didn’t have online so the fact i could play against a bunch of bots with a ton of different guns and modes was always so fun to me and my cousins/ friends
I played the sh!t out of the online multiplayer for years. Literally multiple years. Ppl talk bad about it and have only played the campaign. The multiplayer made way better use of the weapons multiple functions and the game modes offered a ton of variety.
Infection was great to play split screen. When you were a skeleton and your friend was the last human you could headshot the other skeletons to help him win.😆
Great timing with the review. A few days ago I dug out my copy of Perfect Dark for N64 and began playing it again. Forgot about how awful the aiming was in the game
In my opinion, this game is great. It was over-punished because of it's predecessor that was, really, a perfect game. But Zero was a really excellent game.
It is a travesty, I was hoping to also have a sequel to Jet Force Gemini as well, but the original teams for Rare have been gutted with idiots who cannot make a great game.
I dare anyone who disses emulation to play Doom 64 without getting a migraine. That game absurdly dark in native TV display. It makes Doom 3 look like a joke in comparison. Shame because it has good levels.
I may play on on consoles, but I dont care if there's a PC port really. Just means the game or franchise has a wider audience really. Now if you want sour, try how Sony fanboys felt when Horizon made in to PC.
@@CrizzyEyes Not to mention having to wrestle with that abomination of a controller. I'm glad that Nightdive picked it up. It didn't get enough love back in the day, and with an official re-release, it's more accessible than ever.
I picked it up recently really cheap and I enjoyed it but it did have hideous screen tearing throughout but having no prior experience with the title I liked most of it
The best part of this game was the soundtrack - which is in regular rotation still in my CD jukebox. Great spy-sax motifs of OG Perfect Dark score blended with video game rock.
Perfect Dark Zero looks like one of those fake videogames made for movies or TV shows. You know, when someone is playing a videogame in a movie, and they just made a video of some invented generic game instead of showing footage of a real one.
Yes, and I love that for some reason, the graphics also reminded me allot of CG cartoons from the late 90s
@@delamovies Yeah I know what you mean, it's kind of charming in it's own way. I remember back in 2006 I thought it was like playing a CGI
@@akpablon7 I know it's shit, but it's such an unique artstyle
D'you remember that time Jessie played RAGE with a light shooting gun in Breaking Bad?
@@Thomaz0r Or Dexter playing Halo 3 on PC with only a keyboard.
These graphics were actually very advanced for 2005. The parallax occlusion mapping is particularly well done.
advanced and overused.
Sadly graphics dont save a bad game.
I like that you can shoot people in this game. Not enough games utilize this mechanic.
If only games like Call of Duty and Battlefield had this mechanic.
I couldn't agree more.
true, all games are always about shooting aliens or monster, thats boring, i hate people, if i can't shoot them in real life the at least let me blast them in games
Really makes me sad how DOOM Eternal really failed to utilize that novel mechanic to their advantage, could’ve been a much better game smh
@@DCGMatthew1 Never heard of those ones. Are they like Super Vito Brothers or Dankey Kang?
In an alternate reality, we are playing Perfect Dark Core: the cancelled sequel to PD: N64.
And Perfect Dark Vengeance.
@@forrestannis909 And Velvet Dark
Well hey were getting one now
@@zachman329 What do you mean?
@GoTi4No Of course it's Microsoft's fault 🙄🙄
I’ll always remember PDZ because it’s one of those games that every publication scored a 9 or 9.5 declaring it a must-buy or the reason to get an Xbox360. Then a couple years later, those very same publications would laugh about how bad or disappointing it was seemingly forgetting they told thousands of people to buy it in the first place.
It's almost like mainstream games journalists are a bunch of hacks that'll say anything for a buck.
They were finally free to hate the game :v
Yeah, I have no idea why they were praising it so heavily back then. I recall hearing the opinions of the laymens back then, and everyone said to stay as far away as you could from it, so I listened and was glad I did. Had a good time with call of duty and halo.
@@Camelotsmoon Yes, most sites and magazines gave It 9/10 to 9.5/10. More than the original, almost unbelievable.
Edit: On Metacritic it's below the N64 release but it's above the XBLA Remaster, WTF!
@@Camelotsmoon They praised it so heavily then for the same reason that magazines and sites will so heavily praise AAA games now: the publishers buy advertising with them.
"The second level is Hong Kong in 2020, taken over by the Triad"
Oh...oh wow this did not age well at all...
Hagashager real shit
Deus Ex did it better
@@JonnyHorseman There's no Hong Kong.
The city was annexed by the CCP through a military action.
hong kong and china is two separate country though?
@@luminosity01 it's a city they started to call a country.
"Set in the futuristic year of... 2020. Lol" That's all folks, roll credits.
IKHOMPYUTHA TH-cam Fucked up the comment section again
@Maintenance Renegade We got all the tragedy we see in cyberpunk genre but none of the style. Fuck off future.
And if you read the book, it starts off with a super virus
And they announce a reboot to the game in 2020
I disagree heavily brother. The story mode was ecstatic.. I was infatuated by Joanna's character. We'll just see how this new remaster is.
Microsoft: *owns Perfect Dark along with a ton of other Rare properties*
Also Microsoft: _keeps putting out Gears, Halo, and Forza - and nothing else_
EDIT June 10th, 2024: About time Microsoft pulled their heads out their asses....
Kyotra again ironic there need more franchise
Kyotra mircrosoft you like sega Do more framchises
Kyotra unfortunately, halo and gears sell. That’s why they keep doing it.
@@darkdr1fter I mean, Halo and Forza sell for a reason (not sure what brainless drones are still buying Gears though). The issue is that Microsoft does little to nothing with all of the other properties they own - they seem to have a bad case of "if it isn't worth billions it's worth nothing" (a.k.a. EA-Activision Blindness).
So now XBox has a lack of exclusives that add value to the console. They refused to spend time and money in a measured fashion to promote _variety_ in their exclusives, while hyper-focusing on only three franchises to the point of franchise exhaustion.
They'll learn their lesson the hard way, I suppose. Halo Infinite might net them an initial boost with the new XBox, but that's gonna dry up quick when everyone sees that the PS5 has a new God of War, a Bloodbourne sequel, a Zero Dawn sequel, a new Spider-Man game, or whatever other handful of games they decide to launch the new Sony console with.
Kyotra well they just bought a bunch of studios recently, so I’m pretty sure they’re well aware of their exclusive problem by now. At the end of the day, they’re running a business and if a particular investment doesn’t produce its costs and falls below their desired expectations then it only makes sense if they cease any further investments.
I think sometimes the problem lies with gamers themselves, for example Alan Wake and Sunset Overdrive sold poorly but their both excellent games. And what does Microsoft show for their investment? Nothing. Then gamers complain about not getting sequels, 🤦♂️
If gamers want sequels, then support the damn game. Go out there and buy it, but when it fails and the publisher decides to stop trying - then they go back to crying and whinging.
"she looks like she's about to text Nelly on a Blackberry"
oh my god
Absolute GOLD.
As 2005 as George W Bush
I still want that phone
Killed it
I died
It's actually really sad, once upon a time Rare was on top of the world in the era of SNES and N64. Battletoads, Donkey Kong, Killer Instinct, 007 Goldeneye, Perfect Dark... all classics. Even games they released that DEFINITELY had big flaws (Blast Corp, Jet Force Gemini) were still very unique and enjoyable if you could get in to them.
Now they're stuck doing shit jobs for Microsoft like Kinect games and fucking Sea Of Thieves.
JC Denton: "What a shame. They were a good studio... *smack what a rotten way to die.
Not the same team at Rare anymore.
that's why you shouldn't care about companies, the stamper brothers were the soul of it once they left it was like looking at a a corpse and expecting it to do the same things it used to do before
Agreed. R.I.P. Rare Original.
Rare and Acclaim, when you saw these logos on N64 you knew you were in for a good time.
Care about those who are IN those studios because those are the people who make great games. Rare's core staff left shortly BEFORE Nintendo even sold to Microsoft, despite what people think about the whole deal "ruining Rare".
This is also why Call of Duty's Infinity Ward studio has gone from legends, to shit, to legends again. During MW2, most of the devs left due to some legal thing (I didn't look into this thing, the detail isn't important) and the went to create Respawn Entertainment. They went on to make Titanfall and Apex, and Infinity Ward made Ghosts and Infinite Warfare, two of the most criticized CoDs ever made. Before Modern Warfare was rebooted in 2019, a bunch of devs from Respawn that worked on CoD4:MW went BACK to Infinity Ward to work on this game.
Now Modern Warfare is leading everyone in sales, is super highly-rated with everyone (despite people's bitching), is the best selling CoD of all time, made Activision and Infinity Ward a billion dollars in micro-transactions alone (DURING COVID), paired a Battle Royale with it for free that significantly boosted sales, and the campaign was a ton of fun.
Meanwhile most of the core team at DICE and BIOWARE left years ago, and both Anthem and Battlefield V are uninspired, mediocre games at best that are poorly put together and aren't even being updated anymore. Like, Battlefield was developed with a single XP/Scoring system, so they couldn't actually put in increased XP weekends because it would cause games to crash or complete super quickly because everything counted for double. They said they "didn't have the tech", which was hilarious because while CoD, Apex and everyone was doing double XP, so was Battlefield 4 and 1, only the newest Battlefield game couldn't handle double XP due to the "tech missing". (The XP is the LEAST of BFV's problems, but shows exactly how incompetent they were in a simple way)
Stop idolizing studios, focus on the real people who make these games.
That rejected ssx character was a great burn. Those characters all had a style I knew exactly what you meant
It was indeed a great burn, and I know why people don't like her, but I'm a sucker for that somewhat slutty design so... I dunno.
@@arnox4554 I feel you. I love Roleplaying a Black female in every game, because I'm a white male and I like the escape.i love being a female protag
@@Wenjo936 Hey, I'm not gonna defend her personality. It's pretty shit. XD I just like the model design.
everything about SSX had style (well except BLUR, which took everything creative and accurate about SSX and turned it into a Nintendo anime cartoon bullshit). i still will never forget what truly made me love SSX...and that was what the creators said "we weren't trying to create a game...or something even remotely close to reality...we were trying to create an experience" and that is why SSX is the God of Snowboarding Games and all other snowboarding games always loses.
Reminded me of timesplitters character models even though I love timesplitters
I gotta say....I actually enjoyed this game. I thought the art style was unique considering when I found this was when the market was saturated by genetic military shooters.
I really enjoyed this game too.
my first shooter on my xbox one
I think you mean generic instead of genetic. Two totally different things.
"She looks like a rejected character design from SSX Tricky."
Damn. That hit me *here*.
IIIOldSchooLIII he’s not lying
Is this a Perfect game? no. But holy shit I love this game. So many hours playing Co-op with my mates, nothing but nostalgia for me.
Same here. And most people forget that this game was a prequel to the OG Perfect Dark not a sequel. In fact I figured out early on from the trailer on that Xbox Demo Disc, and the title that this was a prequel showing the events leading to Joanna getting recruited by the Carrington Group, and her first big major OP working for them.
It's a great game and gets way too much undeserved hate.
When looks werent all that but the SHEER DAYS OF UNENDING RIOTS in the temple!!$ nothing else besides TIME.SPLITTERS
I spent nights with a buddy on the coop mode trying to beat it with a perfect score.
Was this game very good? No but damn did I have a lot of fun on it
Played Perfect Dark Zero a ton on XBL in 2005, but it always pissed me off how weak the guns were online, I've never played any other online game where it takes TWO headshots with a sniper to kill someone!
They are OSK even if they are wearing a helmet, same with the Magnum.
The guns arent particulary weak, theyre super funky to use, the weakest bullet weapon (Falcon) takes only 5 headshots to kill a fully armored enemy.
Some weapons are better at stripping down armor like the CMP or the Laptop Rifle.
There was a pseudo competitive scene like 7 years ago where i learnt a lot of stuff about the weapons.
Hey someone else got to play it online before it died!
To be honest, the online was the only part of this game really worth playing and even then it wasn't the greatest. It basically ended as soon as Halo 3 came out. Before then though, it was a respectable deathmatch shooter. The gameplay features that didn't make much sense in the singleplayer came together in the multiplayer.
the secondary firemode of most weapons its more useful in multiplayer!
Lol jackal and magnum were one headshot kills even with full armor. You are just dog piling for thumbs up, you obviously didnt play multiplayer. Unless you suck so much you never actually hit a headshot.🤣🤣🤣
The new battlefront games have really bad snipers. Literally 3-4 headshots.
When I was a kid I absolutely loved this game. This reinforces my belief that kids have no taste.
Well yeah. As a kid you haven't been exposed to much so you have no frame of reference.
When I was a kid I was playing the original and it blew me away especially being the first fully 3d fps I ever played that had reload animations which is cosmetic but I loved it to this day I still love the original :p
The kid version of you would be disappointed in you, and tell you that adults have no taste.
To be fair this game was really fun in split screen co-op
Same, my friends and I back then had a blast with multiplayer
Joanna Dark was way too cool of a character to be dumped after two games. Really effin dumb by Microsoft TBH. She should be up there with Kratos and Nathan Drake in terms of popularity.
Problem is, and I think Microsoft knows this: Rare isn't anything like the studio that became famous in the late 90s. They lost just about everything valuable when Microsoft acquired them. Almost like an EA situation, but at least Microsoft didn't do it intentionally because the employees just left.
They could be workin on a new game I hope so
Yea I don't like it when people compare Joanna and Lara because Lara has way more games and both games are completely different from each other.
If Perfect Dark was still relevant today, then I wouldn't care about the comparison, especially since Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark would be more similar if the canceled PD game with FPS parkour actually released.
@@CrizzyEyes blame Nintendo not MS. Its a myth that MS made them shit day 1. In fact Rare CAME to Nintendo to buy them out and they said no. After YEARS of making innovative games for Nintendo's platform. It wasn't until MS approached them that Nintendo finally wanted to buy them out, but Nintendo didnt do a counter offer. Keep in mind before the buyout, they released Starfox Adventure, which was actually their beginning of their downfall. In fact the founders quit Rare around the time of Starfox Adv-buyout. They were also losing staff after the buyout, so the Rare of today is only but name. Nintendo loves to fuck western studio, just like Square Enix, I mean look the Metroid Prime devs.
Supposedly their new "AAAA" lol studio is working on a new third person Perfect Dark. Rare hasn't done anything of note in 2 decades and I wouldn't trust them with the IP.
someone needs to make an "all weapons shown" for this game. the gun animations are really fantastic!
To be fair, the graphics and animation on the gun models is pretty fantastic for 2005.
I recently played it on an Xbox One X and honestly? It does hold up visually, to an extent.
@@theunbearablejuan I think so too, I think some visuals of the game holds up even to this day, and I play both this and the PD XBLA remaster daily
Half life 2 was released on 2004
yeah but thats like the least important parts of a game.
@@Klosop Yeah, and Doom 3. You must admit that PDZ was probably the best looking early Xbox 360 game from a technical graphics stand-point.
"Looks like she is trying to text nelly on a blackberry"
_Queue sudden flashback to my high school years, and a kelly rowland song suddenly in my head_
This was back when developers discovered that consoles and mid-tier PCs could finally handle motion blur, bloom and other effects, so they added tons and tons of them into their game. As a result, a lot of games from this era that were going for good graphics look like you're either drunk, everything being covered in cooking oil or if you were too close to a nuclear explosion. The low framerate excessive motion blur in this makes me sick.
This game reminds me a lot of Deus Ex: invisible war in that the graphics were such a priority to the point where good gameplay and level design had to be sacrificed.
Yup 2004 to 2007 was a time of excessive bloom in PC and Xbox 360 games, but at least in PC i always set to low or off the bloom effects
Shemsuh0r Same, I’m kinda glad I played it first, it meant when I played the original I could tell it was way better, but without ruining my enjoyment of IW
That makes a lot of sense! When perfect dark came out I bought it along with gears of war, and hitman blood money. They all had that “cooking oil” effect on the graphics where everything is shining kind of feels like you took a LSD tab
Old comment but yeah, this same time was also the time when people thought console users were dumb, so all "complex" things had to be removed to simplify the game (including the PC version!) so they could market to dumb people. Which is why "smart" games like Deus Ex 1, were massively dumbed down in the sequel. Consoles also had TINY memory sizes, which is why Deus Ex 2 is a bunch of corridor maps instead of open exploration. They couldn't fit bigger maps into memory. Skyrim was supposedly open world on the PC originally and then they chopped everything up into minimaps because consoles couldn't handle the RAM requirements so you end up with loading screens all the time--and then users made a PC mod and restored it back to open world/no loading times on.
Honestly I actually love this era of games for those exact reasons lol
“She looks like a rejected character from SSX tricky” I lost it 😂
God this game is so 2005, Johanna looks like Hayley Williams.
But it aint fun.
Also, Gman is not still into her. I guess you could say the Perfect Dark series has fallen on Hard Times.
who's Hayley Williams
Chris Rosenkreuz the lead singer of Paramore
It's a bit of an obscure reference, but Jerma was playing a PS2 game called Lifeline where you have to guide a character through voice commands, and the main character seems to have the same face as Johanna in this game.
you can just feel the nostalgia coming out of his voice when he talks about the first perfect dark
"...set in the futuristic world of 2020 (LOL) where the world is controlled by corporations - just like the real 2020" 10/10
you mean 20/20 :D
Time splitters was where the goldeneye team really peaked. Was one of the most underrated games ever.
The only thing this game took from the original was the low fps and frame timing...
Added a ton of moton blur though
@@dentistguba and lubed up all the textures for that nice smeared look
30 fps was not too bad with drops to like 26 fps in certain scenarios. Also, Pdz was Xbox one enhanced if you want more consistent fps. Wasn't OG Perfect Dark 60 fps but dropped to the tens sometimes?
@@dentistguba This game was the game that made me hate motion blur in games. Also, the aim acceleration algorithm is poop, and I hate that games this gen started to use it more such as Battlefront 2 and Halo 5.
@NazarioCharlie it was my most played 360 and Xbox one game. I just wish so bad that we would get that or at least the rare reply collection on pc :'(
I'll never understand how the hell Gamespot gave this a 9/10 back then.
Yeah, that's an insanely high score for this game.
Last of Us 2
10 out of 10.
Does that make it any clearer?
Did they ? WTF 🤣
@@Marinealver Back then hot chicks with got you good reviews. Now chicks with dix get good reviews.
More like Imperfect Dark amirite???
I slap fools You should slap yourself cause that's a fools joke XD
Doctor infinite it was meant to be 🧀y 🤦♂️
felt the cringe right in the nut
I slap fools 😂
The multiplayer for this game was sick though! You should do a follow up and gather people to play the infected mode!
The visuals look almost exactly like a cutscene from the 90s. Like, compare this to something like Cyberia and see what I mean.
dude thats exactly what iwas thinking
@Okuyasu Nijimura 90s? It was present day, present time! Hahaha
Perfect Dark Zero Joanna Was 15 years old in Zero. Perfect Dark Joanna was 25 years old if I not mistaken
Game was mediocre at best for me as a kid, and it didnt age well at all. I cannot for the love of me reply it nowadatys, i wish they added some kind of character thats good at Golf into this game as well
Senpai I love that this has become a meme now
it aged fine, reminds me of Timesplitters
I think he aged well, at the time it was shit and today it is still shit
That’s racist and homophobic, congratulations. Orange man bad, Fauci is trustworthy, stay home and stay safe.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
That is now my standard. A lot of games would be improved by adding golf club swinging lunatics with gender dysmorphia. Looks like we are all gonna be eating alphabet soup by Xmas.
I love the soundtrack in Perfect Dark Zero. I love it as much as the original Perfect Dark's soundtrack.
Seriously the soundtrack was one of the only redeeming factors for this game
Framerate: [struggles to maintain 30fps]
Armor, about to break: "I'm gonna end this man's whole career..."
Indigo Gaming speak of which were is part 2 of your Cyberpunk retrospective
I had this game and I actually liked it. Okay I'll admit it had some issues but it was still a fun game, and I liked the story especially how it showed how Joanna Dark went from hot-tempered smartass teen mercenary to the badass special agent we all knew her as in the N64 game.
Man i want Nightdive Studios to remake Perfect Dark N64 to the PC/consoles like how they did with Turok 1 and 2
well, for the mean time i guess i best download the 1964 Emulator for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye :-)
The xbox 360 version is of the same quality.
@@abo1199 LOVED it on the 360. But i don't have a 360 anymore :-(
Hell i would love it if Microsoft re-released the xba edition on x1 and GamePass PC.
@@DMCMaster550 Not got a x1 :-( PC tho lol
Me too. Would love a PC port.
There's a 1964 build that lets you use keyboard and mouse natively and also use a custom FOV.
"she look like she about to text nelly on a blackberry"
Who's Nelly?
@@samtemdo8 The rapper Nelly. The referencce is about a video from the 2000s featuring that girl from Destinys Child in which she had hair highlights. Dilemma I think it was called
Is 2020 now just give us a other perfect dark Microsoft
There's a new Perfect Dark every 5 years. Lets see what happens this year
Used to, but can't say I wanna see a politically correct PD game. One likely filled with greed baloney too.
PDZ as bad as it is, was made before the dark times.
Would be funny if they made a prequel that took place in 2005
Have a feeling it's going to be Politcally Correct as fuck, which sucks.
No, noone wants that.
I think this was meant to be a OG Xbox game that was held back for 360.
The main character looks like someone who only shops at hit topic.
EDIT: Alright alright, HOT Topic, now stop clogging muh inbox
Sorry to point this out mate, but typo.
id still eat that tasty and hopefully *moist* box of hers.
Skmeing, what is “hit topic”.
@@iGuy28 Hol' Up
@@notajtag4568 look up hot topic
I think the multiplayer was what hooked me into this game. From objective based games to the infection game mode, that was the big hook for me on this back in the day.
the mulitiplayer was extremely fun.
the cutscenes look awfully "hunt down the freeman"-ish
You fucked up my face
@@ovahlord1451 still the best line in the entire game.
@@ovahlord1451 mitch plzz
I think that says more about hunt down the freeman than perfect dark lol
@@GoScience123 Yeah. This was an early Xbox 360 title. Early 360 and PS3 titles generally don't look great, as the developers hadn't figured out how to take advantage of the hardware yet, so they ended up with titles which look like PS2 games with better light effects. In fact, the late PS2 games usually look better than the early "next gen" ones.
As for Hunt down the Freeman, it's cutscenes were made in Source Filmmaker. and I know for a fact it can look much better than what HdtF showed us. The fact that they ended up being the best looking part of that "game" is hilarious. Seriously, it has worse graphics than Half-Life 2 despite being on the same engine! That's mostly down to how ugly the maps are, as not a single one of them looks finished. Then again, they don't play like they were finished either. I feel bad for anyone who spent money on this thing. Just watch the cutscenes on TH-cam. They wanted it to be a movie, and they should have stuck to that.
3:46 she has Meryl Silverburgh’s hairstyle too.
i used to play this all the time as a young teen, even back then i knew it was nothing compared to perfect dark but loved it and spent hours in multiplayer, but this review is spot on and just goes to show you how dumb we are growing up
Giving all the bots rocket launchers and letting the carnage unfold was great fun
@@MrNegativecreep07 this game and the shadowrun game that also came out for the 360 have a special spot in my heart for being games I knew were an affront to their lineage but I still loved em lol
I loved this game and still do.
"I'd rather pluck the hairs outta my balls with the toes of an echidna than play this"
jesus christ
This was the first "next gen" game I played when I got my 360 on launch night. It was slightly underwhelming to say the least.
I'm so glad this wasn't the first game I ever played on 360. I got the original core system (it has since red ringed of course), and am proud to say I have never laid my eyes on perfect dark zero gameplay.
I suppose this game is indicative of the awkward first year of a console since it looks like an OG xbox game just with higher resolution.
Could have been Bulletwitch though...
I remember my cousin wanting to play the coop story with me. However, we had to listen in on a conversation and instead we just went in guns blazing. Needless to say, we failed that mission over and over again
Okay good, I'm not the only one who got TimeSplitters vibes from the game.
Timesplitters 2 and future perfect was just amazing im hype for a hd remake or something
@@zombina9999 I remember playing TimeSplitters 2 on my Gamecube YEARS ago. Not much for the single player, but a ton of multiplayer. I would play with bots, and always had a blast.
I actually got into Timesplitters 2 recently. And I can safely say it's a crap ton of fun.
@james cowboy GameCube. How about you?
@james cowboy ooh. Nice. Hope you enjoy it man.
As a kid, this game gave me countless migraines due to how weird the brightness was, the odd graphics, the controls, the infuriating difficulty (probably due to me not being mature enough to really understand how to play, and the 20 to 40 fps that was there at all times. Sucks cuz that was one of the only games i was able to play at my grandma's house
This looks like a fake video game you'd see in a movie.
From the 80s
He stole the comment lmao
You serious?
This game was definitely rushed to meet the launch deadline of the Xbox 360
It's a great game. Underrated
"I'd rather pluck the hairs out of my balls with the toes of and echidna than play this."
this game was the biggest let down of my life. i sold it several days after i got it, and got Oblivion instead.
I feel your pain on that dude
I can't believe Joanna totally changed accents when she grew up.
Always liked that nightclub track "Limelight" in this one, but yeah other than that I didn't care for it at all.
i fucking love PDZ for that reason
that opening with the eye tho always pumped me up
I actually enjoyed many of the levels in this game. I also like playing the multiplayer against bots. Perfect Dark Zero has a terrible story and somewhat clunky controls. However, I think its good FPS game overall. Its no where near as good as some of the great FPS shooters from around 2004-2005, but it was the one of the last goldeneye-esque FPS games.
A very underrated game.
They also made Joanna a yank, for some reason.
@DR Evil Gotta appeal to Americans
He didn’t say “sonnyjim” :(
He doesn't say Schwacked" anymore either.
@@predetor911 I miss "schwacked"
and the 'your mum' jokes
And he has an idealized profile pic now too. He’s losing the fun gimmicks and taking himself more seriously, aka the average beginning of the decline of a content creator.
J Garza Schwacked
The RARE we knew and loved died the second Nintendo sold them to MS. They should have changed the studio name.
Ah, of course it's the sale to Microsoft that is the problem 🙄🙄
"She looks like she's about to text Nelly on a blackberry."
Wow. That was very 2000s and I'm not sure how many are even gonna get this!
But you should have added " using excel."
That's so 2000's that I don't even know what it means, despite being around back then
Sworn Heresy nelly had a music video with Kelly Rowland and she texted him from excel 😂 it from like 2004 or something.
And it's not even a blackberry, but Nokia Communicator, a very expensive phone that only rich people can afford. Although most of them buy it for prestige and not using all its features, maybe that's why Kelly Rowland was clueless and just open random app there pretending it's texting.
To give credit to the (lacking) cover mechanic:
Perfect Dark came out before Cover based Shooters became a thing.
It predates Gears of War or Rainbow Six Vegas by a year.
Joanna deserved better and so did we. Rare was never the same after they got bought out. Shame, b/c they ruled the 90s.
PD 64 was a great swan song and loved the callbacks to Goldeneye, that game that started it all for console shooters.
Actually, it was Turok: Dinosaur Hunter that really "started it all" for console shooters. Goldeneye just made the concept popular.
>she looks like a rejected character design from SSX Tricky
I swear that's EXACTLY what I was thinking from what you were showing your screen just before you said it. I completed the sentence for you in my head.
It's a shame what happened with Zero, I remember that years ago I read what the original concept for the sequel was and it sounded bat shit insane for the time, I mean joanna was living in I think it was one of Jupiter or Saturn's moons but only she survived the purge after the mayans decided to eradicate all life on earth and she went insane because elvis betrayed her and somehow she also had the ability to travel between timelines so she finds out that it was an older joanna from another time who made the mayans turn on humanity so the insane/jaded joanna had to kill her other self in the past to stop everything from going down in the future solving her current timeline, then she made the joanna from the timeline she saved kill the insane original joanna by posing as the betrayer joanna as a final sort of repentance, I know it sounds confusing as hell but man it sounds cool and I'm sad we're never going to see that.
Not confusing at all, that sounds great! Damn, why didn't we have that?
@@roflBeck As far I remember that was the concept for the gamecube sequel but then rare got bought out by Microsoft and canned that idea for what became Zero because MS wanted something "cool".
@@GFMarine Blame Microsoft of course.
@@elliotjohnson9415 I really hope the new Perfect Dark comes out great.
After three days of looking at that thumbnail I finally clicked the link.
I wish more gamers were aware of The Xbox One X Enhanced feature. Perfect Dark and Zero are both rendered in native 4k with high frame rate and they play great.
The first PD surprisingly dropped frames on the 360, but from what I've heard, the One version still has the same wonky aiming controls as on the 360 where seemingly everyone has trouble lining up a headshot against even a still enemy.
I wish they would've updated aiming controls to match modern controllers instead of directly porting the N64 controller's sensitivity or whatever they did.
I remember when this came out all those old gaming magazines kept giving this game perfect or near perfect scores, 5/5, 9/10, 9.5/10 things like that. I heard later on that the majority of those publications were paid off wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft paid for this one as well because there was no way anyone would have played that freaking jungle level or that bridge level and said yes this absolutely deserves a perfect score.
I remember eagerly waiting for the perfect dark sequel for years, and then when this came out I was extremely disappointed. I still play the orginal perfect dark today on Xbox one.
_"hideous character models that look like their faces have been stung by bees"_
Need I remind you that TES4: Oblivion exists? No game will ever have character models as bad as that game.
To be fair, TES4 game world scale is probably 20 times what PD is. I would expect lower fidelity characters in a larger game world.
Infected mode is where it's at. All those spooky scary skeletons
Soo true my man, 4player split screen and 16bots, where can use vehicles, jet packs and buy guns, it just all came together so damn well
That MP5 (or whatever it's called in-game) reload is criminal. Why does she waste an ammo by emptying the already ready to be shot gun when adding new magazine lol. If the clip is empty, slider will automatically stay back.
Oddly enough, I got more out of bot matches than I did from the campaign.
Looks like I wasnt the only one
looks like we're getting that Perfect Dark remake after all :)
Joanna Dark looks like a satire character in this game
When I look at games like Battlefield 3/4 and other AAA ripoffs, I’m surprised to see people hate on Perfect Dark Zero so much. Sure it’s not absolutely “PERFECT”, but the game was pretty darn fun in my opinion. And that’s coming from a major fan of the original.
I purchased the X360 for this and Condemned. Let's just say I still play condemned to this day and haven't touched PDZ since 2006.
Condemned was great. The sequel not so much.
Quake 4 and Call of Duty 2 were both better than Perfect Dark Zero.
Condemned was great too.
John Kerkalis to be fair to Condemned 2 it have a couple of great moments like the Doll Factory and the bear chase but I do agree it wasn’t as good as the first one. Plus as with many games in that era it had a pointless multiplayer shoehorned in that nobody wanted and was downright awful.
@@ArrowValley Oh I agree. There were some cool levels like the levels you mentioned. I enjoyed Condemned 2 despite its shortcomings.
Condemned was on PC too. So, basically, you purchased your X360 for nothing.
The laptop that turned into a sentry gun was revolutionary
When will you cover Marathon, the bungee classic?
Also should it be remade.
That game dumb stupid bore.
@@geraldchurchill5576 STFU
The BoBs don't really have BooBs
I will permanently have nostalgia glasses for this game ... Had one of those childhoods that I could only get games on my birthday or Christmas ( same month though ) or super cheap used games .... Found PDZ for $9.99 at a blockbuster and to this very day i still think about
Dude this game has a special place in my heart i still remember the feeling of finally getting that sword from the final boss, and being able to use it in campaign mode, and the multiplayer was so fun! I didn’t have online so the fact i could play against a bunch of bots with a ton of different guns and modes was always so fun to me and my cousins/ friends
I love it so. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion 💁🏻♂️
I enjoyed completing jungle & outpost.
I played the sh!t out of the online multiplayer for years. Literally multiple years. Ppl talk bad about it and have only played the campaign. The multiplayer made way better use of the weapons multiple functions and the game modes offered a ton of variety.
This game was all about the multiplayer FYI. I recall having a great time playing that skeleton mode.
Infection was great to play split screen. When you were a skeleton and your friend was the last human you could headshot the other skeletons to help him win.😆
This was the jankiest game I played as a kid but damn I still loved it.
Great timing with the review. A few days ago I dug out my copy of Perfect Dark for N64 and began playing it again. Forgot about how awful the aiming was in the game
This game doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the incredible N64 original.
I still have the original Perfect Dark teaser artwork from a 2000 Nintendo GameCube press event. Then Microsoft bought Rare and the dream died.
nathanddrews Did you see Rare’s early footage of the sequel, with the Parkour mechanics? Looked so promising and ahead of its time.
Anonymous226 The new character models take me right out of it unfortunately. Give me the original artwork at 60fps and I would be a happy man.
You mean the "original" that was a re-skinned and polished up remake of golden eye?
@@mikehawk3472 If you think that then I guarantee you haven’t played it. Get your dumbass out of here my yute.
In my opinion, this game is great. It was over-punished because of it's predecessor that was, really, a perfect game. But Zero was a really excellent game.
The original perfect dark is great, why does this one suck
Because it's bad.
I wish rare could make an actual sequel to perfect dark that was actually good
@@tanekheath5323 this was a release game for the 360.. quake 4 and Cod 2 were the other choices at the time
because all the people who works on the original perfect dark was working on TimeSplitters Future Perfect
It is a travesty, I was hoping to also have a sequel to Jet Force Gemini as well, but the original teams for Rare have been gutted with idiots who cannot make a great game.
I loved Perfect Dark: Zero, had a lot of fun playing it with my brothers
Well... at least someone did 🤷🏻♂️
@@leecroft1983 I did too. Many people enjoyed this game.
Me: *Emulutes an FPS* "Ah welcome home child, finally the place where you belong.:
I dare anyone who disses emulation to play Doom 64 without getting a migraine. That game absurdly dark in native TV display. It makes Doom 3 look like a joke in comparison. Shame because it has good levels.
I may play on on consoles, but I dont care if there's a PC port really. Just means the game or franchise has a wider audience really. Now if you want sour, try how Sony fanboys felt when Horizon made in to PC.
@@CrizzyEyes Not to mention having to wrestle with that abomination of a controller. I'm glad that Nightdive picked it up. It didn't get enough love back in the day, and with an official re-release, it's more accessible than ever.
“She looks like a rejected character design from SSX Tricky” fucking hell man I spat out my drink
"I lost count the amount of times I emptied an entire magazine into someone and they just kept coming"- Gmanlives, 2020
the music was INCREDIBLE on the n64 version
"They're GoOoOoDs?"
The game was meant to display the graphics of the 360 and this is definitely a matter of taste. I loved this game!
Finally!!! So much nostalgia for this one. The announcer in multiplayer was just comedy.
This Game Pissed Me Off So Much especially after the masterpiece perfect dark
Soft spot in my heart for the material quality. Love how games around this time were crazy bump mapped and often looked super shiny.
I picked it up recently really cheap and I enjoyed it but it did have hideous screen tearing throughout but having no prior experience with the title I liked most of it
The best part of this game was the soundtrack - which is in regular rotation still in my CD jukebox. Great spy-sax motifs of OG Perfect Dark score blended with video game rock.
I was always confused as to why Joanna suddenly had an American accent in the prequel.