Just a couple of observations, I didn't see a fuse at the battery for your power wire. This is a MUST. Also anywhere the power wire goes through metal IE the firewall, make sure you put it through a grommet. You may have done this, but didn't show it in the video. I am only commenting this incase a novice tries to follow your steps and does what they see you did or appeared to do and it might save them from burning their vehicle down by accident. I speak from experience, I once had this happen with a much smaller wire like 18 gauge. it got caught in the seat track and started burning the carpet. luckily it was easy to reach and thin enough to break but not before it damaged the carpet and my hand. if it had been a larger 4 gauge, things might have turned out differently.
Yes thankyou! I do need to be better about showing things in more detail. I ran it through a grommet and secured all of the wiring in place. Thanks for the tip though that’s a good point if someone is watching my video and trying to use it as a tutorial.
It came out great! My phone stopped recording because the storage was full so I lost most of the footage but I showed it a couple times in the end of the video.
Just a couple of observations, I didn't see a fuse at the battery for your power wire. This is a MUST. Also anywhere the power wire goes through metal IE the firewall, make sure you put it through a grommet. You may have done this, but didn't show it in the video.
I am only commenting this incase a novice tries to follow your steps and does what they see you did or appeared to do and it might save them from burning their vehicle down by accident. I speak from experience, I once had this happen with a much smaller wire like 18 gauge. it got caught in the seat track and started burning the carpet. luckily it was easy to reach and thin enough to break but not before it damaged the carpet and my hand. if it had been a larger 4 gauge, things might have turned out differently.
Yes thankyou! I do need to be better about showing things in more detail. I ran it through a grommet and secured all of the wiring in place. Thanks for the tip though that’s a good point if someone is watching my video and trying to use it as a tutorial.
So how does it look the box with the he subwoofer
It came out great! My phone stopped recording because the storage was full so I lost most of the footage but I showed it a couple times in the end of the video.
Can we hear it please
I can show it but it has to be non copyright music is the only thing