Thank you for sharing your method, which indeed is a very neat way to achieve a clean finish by pulling out a row on each side and then grafting the stitches together. It's an excellent technique and actually one of my favourites as well! We cover a variety of methods in our tutorials, including the one you mentioned. For those interested in exploring this technique further, you can find a detailed tutorial here: Thank you for your input, it's wonderful to exchange ideas and techniques with fellow crafters. 😊🧶
@@knittingmagic1You're to be commended for your tolerance and patience with such rude and ignorant people responding to you. I'm not certain I could be as polite and thoughtful to people with such bad manners and lack of class. You're a fine talented lady and I wish you well in all you do.
with a handknit sweater take off the ribbing, leave live stitches on thread or extra needle. Take off as much as you want and fix rib with kitchener stitch. Looks better and doesn't take much longer either!
Great tip! I have similar method on my channel, here's a link in case you would like to check it out. Would be nice to hear your comments:
Eu faço sempre isso por quê meu manequim sempre sobre nas mangas . Eu corto faço o mesmo que ela fez, costurou na maquina comum e daí passo um zig-zag 2 vezes e fica perfeito
Thank you for your feedback. It's impressive to hear about your granddaughter's skills at such a young age! I aim to make my tutorials accessible and informative, but I understand that there's always room for improvement. If you have specific suggestions on how I can enhance the content, I'd appreciate your input. Every constructive comment helps me create better tutorials for everyone. 😊🧵✂️
Close to knitting process. Its good job. Thnks for the idea. But i hope i can see again the kind of needle you use. I saw that needles in one of the advertised video but im out of - budget during that time. Again thnks Maam
Спасибо, очень конструктивный комментарий. )) Я не обижаюсь, если что. Вот вам ссылочка на другое видео как укоротить рукав, надеюсь, оно вам больше понравится ))
You’re welcome 😊 However, please note that this tutorial is meant mainly for beginners. On my channel I have a playlist called "How to Shorten a Sleeve" where you can find neater and nicer techniques. I would recommend using them if you want to the bottom of a sweater to make it shorter.
Para mi los tejidos de lana son tan bellos..aunque me quede grande no podria siquiera tocar un solo punto . Me apena siempre cuando en algunas prendas se safa un punto..y el solo remendarlo no me gusta como queda..
Îți mulțumesc mult pentru cuvintele tale! Mă bucur enorm că îți place ideea și că ai găsit-o interesantă. Îți mulțumesc încă o dată pentru sprijin! 🌼☕🧶
Danke für die gemischte Reaktion! Es scheint, als hätte das Video verschiedene Gefühle hervorgerufen. Wenn Sie spezifische Feedbackpunkte oder Vorschläge haben, wie es verbessert werden könnte, bin ich ganz Ohr. Jede Perspektive hilft mir, zu lernen und mich weiterzuentwickeln. 😊🧶✂️
Какой ужас!!! !Чем вы хвастаетесь? Что вы большая мастерица, умеете красиво укоротить рукав и хотите всех научить этому способу? Не позорьтесь! Проще вытащить одну нить над манжетой, а другую на нужную длину рукава, и потом соединить открытые петли. На вашем же канале есть соединение "петля в петлю". Так зачем выкладывать такое стыдобище?!
Yo siento lo q dije ya he visto otras mangas tuyas y es otra cosa bien hecha , los principiantes no saben mejor q no lo hagan yo lo fuy y nunca lo haria
Gracias por tu sinceridad y por tomarte el tiempo para evaluar mi trabajo en otros videos. Me alegra que te hayan gustado las otras mangas que has visto. Aprecio mucho tus comentarios y son importantes para mejorar y adaptar el contenido a todos los niveles. ¡Gracias de nuevo por tu valioso feedback!
¡Tienes toda la razón! Recoger punto por punto y rematarlo es una excelente técnica que proporciona un acabado muy limpio. De hecho, ya tengo un video sobre esta técnica en mi canal, dentro de la playlist 'Cómo acortar una manga'. Aprecio mucho tu sugerencia y es definitivamente un método que los espectadores pueden revisar. ¡Gracias por tu comentario y por ayudar a enriquecer nuestro aprendizaje! 😊
Thank you for your input. It's really valuable to hear all perspectives, and I understand that this method isn't for everyone. If you have preferred techniques or suggestions, I'd love to hear about them. I'm all about learning and sharing different ways to achieve great results in crafting. Thanks again for your feedback!
Great point! Using an overlock machine is indeed a fantastic method for shortening sleeves, especially for achieving a professional and durable finish. I appreciate you bringing this up, as it offers an alternative perspective for those who have access to more specialized equipment. Thanks for your input! 😊👕✂
Danke für deinen Kommentar! Manchmal ist das Leben zu kurz für lange Ärmel, aber vielleicht in diesem Fall waren die Ärmel zu kurz für das Leben! Ich nehme es als Lernerfahrung - nächstes Mal gibt es entweder perfekte kurze Ärmel oder glorreich lange. 😄👕✨
Сделали полную ерунду.Нет гарантии что при такой технике можно захватить все петли, какая нибудь распустится потом и будет некрасиво. Было бы лучше собрать петельки на нитку и потом соединить вместе рукав и манжету либо прошив стежкой или также за каждую петлю, тогда это будет аккуратнее. Конечно для этого придётся покорпеть, но как говорят "без труда не выловить рыбку из пруда"
Да, вы хороший способ описали, такое видео тоже у меня есть: надеюсь этот способ укоротить рукав вам больше понравится )
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear that you found the tutorial helpful and easy to follow. It's always great to simplify things and make them accessible to everyone. Your encouragement inspires me to keep creating and sharing more tips and tricks. Stay tuned for more! 😊🧶✂️
Merci beaucoup pour vos mots encourageants ! Votre soutien signifie beaucoup pour moi. C'est un vrai plaisir de partager ma passion avec des personnes qui l'apprécient. Restez à l'écoute pour plus de créations ! 🎩🧶😊
Shnorhakal em dzer meknabanutyan hamar: Es husahat em, vor im tesanyut@ ogtagorcel e dzez hamar. Yete unek harcer kam avelin imanalu tryi masin, misht azat zgats'el dimel: 🌟
Haha, I guess there's a certain charm to the 'perfectly imperfect', right? 😅 Every view is a chance to learn and improve, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my journey. Here's to growing, one 'sloppy' stitch at a time! 🧵✨😊"
¡Gracias por el elogio y el consejo! Tienes razón, unas buenas tijeras hacen una gran diferencia. Aseguraré de tener unas mejores para los próximos proyectos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo y tus comentarios! 😊❤️
Спасибо за ваше мнение! Понимаю, что каждый предпочитает разные методы. Подвертывание манжета - это простое и эффективное решение. На канале я размещала похожий метод: подвернуть и красиво подшить. Посмотрит, надеюсь, вам он понравится больше, чем этот способ укорачивания рукава:
There are different ways on how to shorten sleeves, and there is no wrong or correct way of doing it. There is more or less suitable way for each person. You can check out this video with another method, maybe you'll like this one:
Thank you so much! Your kind words mean a lot, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed the video. Your support keeps me motivated to create more awesome content. Don't forget to stay tuned for more! ❤️😊🧶✂️
Thanks for the suggestion! You know, this must be around the 100th comment I've received about my scissors, so I think it's definitely time to give it some serious thought. Looks like my scissors are more famous than my knitting now! 😅✂🧶
Primero arreglar las tijeras porqué no cortaba ni el hilo. Mejor hubiera tirado la hebra y al quedar los puntos de los dos lados los une, así no queda grueso y los puntos se irán saliendo de la costura. Es mi humilde opinión.
ВСЕ ТАКИЕ ПРОФИ!ЧЕЛОВЕК ПОКАЗАЛ КАК ВИДИТ САМ ЭТУ РАБОТУ И КАК УМЕЕТ,комментаторы попёрли в чужом видео уроки мастерства преподавать!Выложите своё видео мастерства вас носом быстро ткнут 😂❗
Ja se razumem u pletenje, i mogu da kažem da su komentari na mestu. Ovako uraditi je ružno i nije garancija da će biti dobro ako se obuče više puta i posle pranja džempera.
Hvala vam što ste podelili vaše stručno mišljenje! Vaši uvidi su vrlo vredni, posebno jer dolaze od nekog ko ima iskustva u pletenju. Razumem vašu zabrinutost oko dugotrajnosti i izgleda rada nakon nošenja i pranja. Uvek težim da unapredim svoje tehnike i pružim kvalitetne savete. Možda bi vam se dopali i drugi videi na mom kanalu, koji pokrivaju različite metode i savete za pletenje. Ako imate predloge ili posebne tehnike koje bi poboljšale rezultat, rado bih ih čula. Vaša podrška mi pomaže da rastem i učim! 😊🧶✂️
Ganz herzlichen Dank für deine netten Worte! Es freut mich sehr, dass dir das Video gefallen hat. Deine Unterstützung motiviert mich, weiterhin hilfreiche und interessante Inhalte zu teilen. Bleib dran für mehr! 😊🧶✂️
Fico muito feliz em saber que você está admirando o trabalho! É um grande prazer receber tal apreciação, especialmente vindo do Brasil 🇧🇷. Estou sempre buscando criar conteúdo que inspire e traga beleza para quem assiste. Se tiver alguma sugestão ou algo específico que gostaria de ver, por favor, não hesite em compartilhar. Muito obrigado pelo apoio! 😊🌟
The original poster did say she was open to all opinions.... Not just positive ones. Having said that, constructive criticism is not the same as nastiness. As a knitter, I wouldn't choose this method. It is likely to unravel and looks messy. I do appreciate people posting their ideas, though.
¡Gracias a ti por tu comentario y por ver el video! Me alegra que te haya gustado la idea. Compartir y aprender juntos es lo que hace tan especial a esta comunidad. ¡Espero que sigas disfrutando del contenido! 😊🧶✨
Děkuji za vaši laskavou radu! Souhlasím, ostré nůžky jsou klíčem k precizní práci. Vypadá to, že je čas moje staré nůžky vyměnit za nové. Vaše podpora a rady jsou velmi oceněny. Sledujte další videa, abyste viděli, jak se s novými nůžkami daří! 🤗✂️😊
Well, the idea is to show the method, the amount of cut off varies for everyone. I have another video on how to shorten the sleeve, hope you'll enjoy it more than this one :)
Mulțumesc pentru sfatul dvs.! Este adevărat că o mașină de cusut poate oferi un finisaj mai profesionist, dar nu toată lumea are acces la una. De aceea încerc să prezint tehnici care pot fi realizate manual, astfel încât toți să poată încerca, indiferent de echipamentul disponibil. Aprecierea tuturor metodelor ne ajută să fim mai creativi și incluzivi. 😊🧶✂️
@@knittingmagic1 ну и очень зря,они бывают очень полезными. Или не надо выставлять свою неумелую работу на обсуждение,если не готовы читать комментарии.
@@tatyanagulyaeva7943 Обратите внимание, я не только читаю, но и стараюсь отвечать на все комментарии. Свою точку зрения можно выражать по-разному, К сожалению, не всем хватает такта, вежливости и воспитания, чтобы сделать это, не нарушив границ другого человека. Я для себя не считаю возможным говорить незнакомым людям, что им делать.
@@knittingmagic1discúlpame, pero somos todos extraños...tú también... A las personas que sabemos tejer nos molesta que pongas un ejemplo de trabajo tan mal hecho...
Entiendo tus preocupaciones y agradezco sinceramente tu punto de vista. Este video en particular está dirigido a aquellos que quizás no tienen experiencia en tejer y buscan una solución sencilla. Sin embargo, entiendo que como experto en tejido, buscas técnicas más avanzadas. Tengo otro video que podría interesarte, donde abordo métodos más detallados, ideal para aquellos con habilidades de tejido. Busca el video con la manga amarilla en la miniatura. ¡Espero que ese contenido sea más acorde a lo que buscas y agradezco mucho tus comentarios! 😊🧶✂️
Call me stupid but, why not just fold the cuff over? I’d not want the big dock off ridge on me wrist.. I’d not be cuttin’ up me primani jumpers/cardi’s coz they 2” too long..😂😂😂
I totally get where you're coming from! Folding the cuff over is definitely a simpler solution and works great for a quick fix without making permanent changes. The method I demonstrated is just one option for those who might want a more permanent solution and don't mind altering their clothing. Everyone has their preferences, especially when it comes to comfort and style! 😂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts-I love hearing different perspectives!
Thank you for your comment. I don't think I need to TH-cam how to shorten sleeve, in fact I have quite a few videos about it on my channel. Since, obviously, you're not a fan of this one, I highly recommend to check others. I think you might like this one:
Bonjour, et merci pour votre commentaire! Actuellement, il m'est difficile de traduire et de doubler les vidéos, mais j'essaie au moins de traduire les titres en français pour faciliter la compréhension. J'essaie également de réaliser mes vidéos de manière à ce qu'elles soient faciles à comprendre même sans voix off. J'espère que cela aide un peu, et je suis reconnaissant pour votre soutien et votre compréhension. 😊🧶✂️"
Let me know in the comments what you think about this technique to shorten a sleeve. I'm open to any opinion! 🥰
El punto no se corta, se tira de la hebra x donde cortarias y en otra parte igual, se une punto x punto quedaría terminaría sin costura
Thath was good I idea I like it 🎉
@@SarwanBhamra-bq6tw Thank you very much! I'm really glad you liked the idea.
Thanks for sharing your idea. Mostly short people encounter this problem when buying clothing from the store. Always a frustration!
So true!
Afia. A tixeira. Muller
It does not look neat. A better way of joining can be used. For home playing clothes , fine.
@@mercymukumba6239 pls check out other video (link in pinned comment) on how to shorten a sleeve without leaving a trace. I'm sure you will like it.
@@knittingmagic1. Me too. I’m glad I saw this. ❤️
A much neater way is to pull out a row each side of the piece to be removed and then graft the stitches together . This is a mess!
Thank you for sharing your method, which indeed is a very neat way to achieve a clean finish by pulling out a row on each side and then grafting the stitches together. It's an excellent technique and actually one of my favourites as well! We cover a variety of methods in our tutorials, including the one you mentioned. For those interested in exploring this technique further, you can find a detailed tutorial here:
Thank you for your input, it's wonderful to exchange ideas and techniques with fellow crafters. 😊🧶
@@knittingmagic1You're to be commended for your tolerance and patience with such rude and ignorant people responding to you. I'm not certain I could be as polite and thoughtful to people with such bad manners and lack of class. You're a fine talented lady and I wish you well in all you do.
Mezzoman Uk
I thought first that she is going to do that method which you are telling us .Beleive me its a v . nice method in fact .
I like this method. It seems fairly easy to do. Maybe it’s imperfect in some eyes but I’m not comfortable with anything more complicated.
Научиться вязать совсем не сложно. Попробуйте вам понравится
Спасибо, я умею вязать.
did not like way you did it. it's going to run in time from the stitches you gathered, plus seam bacame too thick ..
Thanks for your feedback. You can try the other method I just uploaded to my channel. I'm sure You'll love it.
C'est horrible, il vaut mieux détricoter le poignet jusqu'à la bonne longueur et tricoter à nouveau le poignet!
Cette méthode vous conviendra peut-être mieux :
Y si no se tejer??
@@juanitaalejandrasanchez8822 va a ver una costurera!
Je suis bien d'accord avec vous!
Иногда при развязывании пряжа прерывается на каждом витке.
with a handknit sweater take off the ribbing, leave live stitches on thread or extra needle. Take off as much as you want and fix rib with kitchener stitch. Looks better and doesn't take much longer either!
Yes you spot on 👍😂
Great tip! I have similar method on my channel, here's a link in case you would like to check it out. Would be nice to hear your comments:
@@knittingmagic1 exactly how I do it! invisible finish, not much more work than cutting, but much neater inside, too! 💕
Sharp scissors would be good.😊
Tu lo has dicho, con un suéter tejido a mano.
Выглядит не комильфо. Надо отрезать, собрать Все петли на рукаве. Распустить резинку и этими нитками связать новую.
Есть и такой вариант видео по укорочению рукава на канале
Sieht liederlich aus, da gibt es bessere Optionen.
Eu faço sempre isso por quê meu manequim sempre sobre nas mangas . Eu corto faço o mesmo que ela fez, costurou na maquina comum e daí passo um zig-zag 2 vezes e fica perfeito
На верхней отметке отрежте одну нитку потом распустить изделие до нижней отметки и сшейте петля впетлю найдёте в ютубе будет очень аккуратнее
Вы правы. Я так и делаю, получаются незаметно. А тут сверху не красиво, а внутри толстый шов
На канале есть такое видео тоже:
#1. Finished work looks crappy.
#2. Each and every stitch on both edges MUST be picked up or there will be unravelling.
Exactly ur right 👍
You may want to see this video:
hopefully you'll like it more
Puno hvala za ovaj video na kvalitetnom prikazu. 👍👏❤️
Thanks very good idia 👍
Thank you too for your kind words! Ut means a lot to me.
🤯But you can't be serious.
I have done this for years, only I use the overlocker to finish the edge. I also cut a lot of sleeves off above the elbow, I like my arms to feel free
Thank you for sharing your experience! Using overlock for neat finish is the best solution.
This is a great tutorial for those who needs a quick fix and who is not a pro in knitting. Thank you for sharing!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Good for someone doesn't know knitting and want to shorten the sleeves.😅
Not a good tutorial, my 8 year old granddaughter can do a better job!
Thank you for your feedback. It's impressive to hear about your granddaughter's skills at such a young age! I aim to make my tutorials accessible and informative, but I understand that there's always room for improvement. If you have specific suggestions on how I can enhance the content, I'd appreciate your input. Every constructive comment helps me create better tutorials for everyone. 😊🧵✂️
Close to knitting process. Its good job. Thnks for the idea. But i hope i can see again the kind of needle you use. I saw that needles in one of the advertised video but im out of - budget during that time.
Again thnks Maam
Bzdura 😱
Что ж, неплохо для тех, кто не умеет вязать.❤
Io ho imparato benissimo questo sistema e ti ringrazio x il tuo consiglio guardo da Napoli
Ну, кто же так делает ? Ужас !
Спасибо, очень конструктивный комментарий. ))
Я не обижаюсь, если что. Вот вам ссылочка на другое видео как укоротить рукав, надеюсь, оно вам больше понравится ))
Want a
Packet of wool for knitting,please send a packet of same colour shown.
colour of this
Thank you so much. An easy way to do this.👏👏👏
It looks bad. It will not stretch. If you miss one stitch it will run.
Maybe if you can't sew 😂
i didn't know if i could cut the bottom of a sweater and not have it unravel thanks so much for your tutorial.
You’re welcome 😊 However, please note that this tutorial is meant mainly for beginners. On my channel I have a playlist called "How to Shorten a Sleeve" where you can find neater and nicer techniques. I would recommend using them if you want to the bottom of a sweater to make it shorter.
Pues yo no lo haría. Ten cuidado si aprecias la prenda. Es mejor que te dobles el puño 😂
Good 👍
Thank you!
Good idea thanks for sharing 👍
So nice of you, thank you!
Also, ob da die Maschen nicht aufgehen möchte ich stark bezweifeln. Das gibt Laufmaschen
You can try this method:
Para mi los tejidos de lana son tan bellos..aunque me quede grande no podria siquiera tocar un solo punto .
Me apena siempre cuando en algunas prendas se safa un punto..y el solo remendarlo no me gusta como queda..
Gracias por compartir tus pensamientos. Your interest and love for knitting are truly inspiring! 😊❤️
Îmi place foarte mult, este o idee foarte interesantă, îți mulțumesc mult! 🥰🤝👍☕🧶🌼
Îți mulțumesc mult pentru cuvintele tale! Mă bucur enorm că îți place ideea și că ai găsit-o interesantă. Îți mulțumesc încă o dată pentru sprijin! 🌼☕🧶
Danke für die gemischte Reaktion! Es scheint, als hätte das Video verschiedene Gefühle hervorgerufen. Wenn Sie spezifische Feedbackpunkte oder Vorschläge haben, wie es verbessert werden könnte, bin ich ganz Ohr. Jede Perspektive hilft mir, zu lernen und mich weiterzuentwickeln. 😊🧶✂️
Грубо ,лучше вообще не делать если с таким видом ,этот рубец с обратной стороны очень не комфортно
Согласна с вами , очень грубо , можно было распустить манжет и перевя зать или собрать все петельки и аккуратно прошить . ужасно сделали .
Like very nice sharing new friend ❤❤❤❤ very nice video 😊😊😊😊
Thank you, you're very kind )
Thanks for the idea. I can’t knit, so it’s good for me to solve the problem.😊
Wonderful! Happy to help. It's good to receive a nice comment for a change ))
Find a friend that knits ask them to help you!
Sono principalmente.grazie.provero.bravissima❤
Какой ужас!!! !Чем вы хвастаетесь? Что вы большая мастерица, умеете красиво укоротить рукав и хотите всех научить этому способу? Не позорьтесь! Проще вытащить одну нить над манжетой, а другую на нужную длину рукава, и потом соединить открытые петли. На вашем же канале есть соединение "петля в петлю". Так зачем выкладывать такое стыдобище?!
Спасибо за ваш комментарий. Подскажите, пожалуйста, а чем хвастаетесь вы? Возможно, своей добротой, вежливость и чувством такта? ) ❤️
Это руководство о том, как испортить красивую одежду.
Make your own TH-cam video and channel and show how superior you are.
That's what I thought. 😅
Im not understand
Thank u for this video😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My pleasure 😊 Thank you very much for your kind comment!
I thought it looked pretty good! Thanks for the idea!
Thank you for your kind words! 😍😍😍
Yo siento lo q dije ya he visto otras mangas tuyas y es otra cosa bien hecha , los principiantes no saben mejor q no lo hagan yo lo fuy y nunca lo haria
Gracias por tu sinceridad y por tomarte el tiempo para evaluar mi trabajo en otros videos. Me alegra que te hayan gustado las otras mangas que has visto. Aprecio mucho tus comentarios y son importantes para mejorar y adaptar el contenido a todos los niveles. ¡Gracias de nuevo por tu valioso feedback!
It is great idea.
Glad you think so!
Tambien ha podido recoger punto x punto y rematarlo o m ekivoko gracias
¡Tienes toda la razón! Recoger punto por punto y rematarlo es una excelente técnica que proporciona un acabado muy limpio. De hecho, ya tengo un video sobre esta técnica en mi canal, dentro de la playlist 'Cómo acortar una manga'. Aprecio mucho tu sugerencia y es definitivamente un método que los espectadores pueden revisar. ¡Gracias por tu comentario y por ayudar a enriquecer nuestro aprendizaje! 😊
Yo lo uno con aguja con hilo punto por punto y no se nota absolutamente nada
Awful. Better leave the sleeves as they are
Thank you for your input. It's really valuable to hear all perspectives, and I understand that this method isn't for everyone. If you have preferred techniques or suggestions, I'd love to hear about them. I'm all about learning and sharing different ways to achieve great results in crafting. Thanks again for your feedback!
Turned out great. Thx.
Great to hear! Thank you for your comment!
Good technique. Mostly sleeves are long in hosiery cardigans. Thanks for sharing.
Bzdura !!!
Very nice video
With overlock machine
Great point! Using an overlock machine is indeed a fantastic method for shortening sleeves, especially for achieving a professional and durable finish. I appreciate you bringing this up, as it offers an alternative perspective for those who have access to more specialized equipment. Thanks for your input! 😊👕✂
Good idea thanks
Welcome 😊
Those who know stitching they will never like this video. So unprofessional
Exectly, it's very ugly finishing look 😂
I would love to hear your comments on this video then: Maybe be you'll like this one.
Very nice 👍 thanks
So nice of you! Thank you for your kind words!
Das sieht ja schrecklich aus, dann lieber lang lassen
Danke für deinen Kommentar! Manchmal ist das Leben zu kurz für lange Ärmel, aber vielleicht in diesem Fall waren die Ärmel zu kurz für das Leben! Ich nehme es als Lernerfahrung - nächstes Mal gibt es entweder perfekte kurze Ärmel oder glorreich lange. 😄👕✨
Very helpful to know since I don't have fancy machine! Now I can fix some sweaters. Thank you for this easy tip
Thank you very much for your feedback! It means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️
Looks very clever to me ❤
Thank you! 😊
Wow very nice.
Сделали полную ерунду.Нет гарантии что при такой технике можно захватить все петли, какая нибудь распустится потом и будет некрасиво. Было бы лучше собрать петельки на нитку и потом соединить вместе рукав и манжету либо прошив стежкой или также за каждую петлю, тогда это будет аккуратнее. Конечно для этого придётся покорпеть, но как говорят "без труда не выловить рыбку из пруда"
Да, вы хороший способ описали, такое видео тоже у меня есть:
надеюсь этот способ укоротить рукав вам больше понравится )
Very well done thank you I didn't know that it was so easy
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear that you found the tutorial helpful and easy to follow. It's always great to simplify things and make them accessible to everyone. Your encouragement inspires me to keep creating and sharing more tips and tricks. Stay tuned for more! 😊🧶✂️
Bravo madame pour ce bon travail chapeau
Merci beaucoup pour vos mots encourageants ! Votre soutien signifie beaucoup pour moi. C'est un vrai plaisir de partager ma passion avec des personnes qui l'apprécient. Restez à l'écoute pour plus de créations ! 🎩🧶😊
инч ват стацвец ,карели эл ми кашел у нориц кокик горцел ,болоровин лав чстацвец Дзер тарберак@🎉🎉🎉
Shnorhakal em dzer meknabanutyan hamar: Es husahat em, vor im tesanyut@ ogtagorcel e dzez hamar. Yete unek harcer kam avelin imanalu tryi masin, misht azat zgats'el dimel: 🌟
It’s surprising that so many people watched this sloppy work. Haha😅
Haha, I guess there's a certain charm to the 'perfectly imperfect', right? 😅 Every view is a chance to learn and improve, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my journey. Here's to growing, one 'sloppy' stitch at a time! 🧵✨😊"
Lindo trabajo ,le faltó una tijeras que corten mejor ❤❤❤❤
¡Gracias por el elogio y el consejo! Tienes razón, unas buenas tijeras hacen una gran diferencia. Aseguraré de tener unas mejores para los próximos proyectos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo y tus comentarios! 😊❤️
Сделано очень бездарно и не аккуратно.
Грубость некрасива даже с правильным вязанием!
Labai jau darote nesamone,reik pakirpt1aki ,istraukt siula ir labai gražiai susirenka akys
Very wonderful
Thank you!
Показали метод: как можно испортить хорошую вещь)))) . Лучше подвернуть манжет.
Спасибо за ваше мнение! Понимаю, что каждый предпочитает разные методы. Подвертывание манжета - это простое и эффективное решение. На канале я размещала похожий метод: подвернуть и красиво подшить. Посмотрит, надеюсь, вам он понравится больше, чем этот способ укорачивания рукава:
Good idea 👍
Thank you! You are very kind! ))
OMG 2.2k like that method to shorten sleeves? The correct way to do is take off the length then re-knitting it.
There are different ways on how to shorten sleeves, and there is no wrong or correct way of doing it. There is more or less suitable way for each person.
You can check out this video with another method, maybe you'll like this one:
Can you explain a little? Do you mean to take off the cuff & reknit it?
It would take less time to reknit it. @@whizzybo
Thanks for your reply. Try to reknit it may shorten the time@@knittingmagic1
@@TN_hpchen Thank you for your suggestion, I'll consider to show your method as well.
It’s awesome ❤
Thank you so much! Your kind words mean a lot, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed the video. Your support keeps me motivated to create more awesome content. Don't forget to stay tuned for more! ❤️😊🧶✂️
Thank you....great idea❤
Thanks for watching!
Thanks 😊
You're welcome!
Get a pair of sharp scissors!
Thanks for the suggestion! You know, this must be around the 100th comment I've received about my scissors, so I think it's definitely time to give it some serious thought. Looks like my scissors are more famous than my knitting now! 😅✂🧶
Primero arreglar las tijeras porqué no cortaba ni el hilo.
Mejor hubiera tirado la hebra y al quedar los puntos de los dos lados los une, así no queda grueso y los puntos se irán saliendo de la costura.
Es mi humilde opinión.
Si, fundamental para que quede prolijo.
Thats is great , thanks
You're welcome!
deveria puxar o fio desfazendo um pouco e depois cozer com o fio que tirou apanhando as malhas dos dois ladose assim ficaria perfeito semse notar
sim, é um bom método para encurtar as mangas. Temos isso em nosso canal também.
Great idea
Glad you think so!
Ma no meglio non accorciare se si fa in questo modo 😂
Good technique...easy to make it...Bad sissors
Ha-ha, you're spot on about a scissors )) I totally agree.
Thank you! & Good work here!
Thank you too for your kind words! Glad you liked ut!
Good idea
Many many thanks
ВСЕ ТАКИЕ ПРОФИ!ЧЕЛОВЕК ПОКАЗАЛ КАК ВИДИТ САМ ЭТУ РАБОТУ И КАК УМЕЕТ,комментаторы попёрли в чужом видео уроки мастерства преподавать!Выложите своё видео мастерства вас носом быстро ткнут 😂❗
Спасибо за ваш комментарий, вы очень добры 💗💗💗💗
Ja se razumem u pletenje, i mogu da kažem da su komentari na mestu. Ovako uraditi je ružno i nije garancija da će biti dobro ako se obuče više puta i posle pranja džempera.
Hvala vam što ste podelili vaše stručno mišljenje! Vaši uvidi su vrlo vredni, posebno jer dolaze od nekog ko ima iskustva u pletenju. Razumem vašu zabrinutost oko dugotrajnosti i izgleda rada nakon nošenja i pranja. Uvek težim da unapredim svoje tehnike i pružim kvalitetne savete. Možda bi vam se dopali i drugi videi na mom kanalu, koji pokrivaju različite metode i savete za pletenje. Ako imate predloge ili posebne tehnike koje bi poboljšale rezultat, rado bih ih čula. Vaša podrška mi pomaže da rastem i učim! 😊🧶✂️
Vielen Dank für das Zeigen. Super gemacht.
Ganz herzlichen Dank für deine netten Worte! Es freut mich sehr, dass dir das Video gefallen hat. Deine Unterstützung motiviert mich, weiterhin hilfreiche und interessante Inhalte zu teilen. Bleib dran für mehr! 😊🧶✂️
Good work ❤ 8:01 8:03🎉
Thank you 😀
Fico muito feliz em saber que você está admirando o trabalho! É um grande prazer receber tal apreciação, especialmente vindo do Brasil 🇧🇷. Estou sempre buscando criar conteúdo que inspire e traga beleza para quem assiste. Se tiver alguma sugestão ou algo específico que gostaria de ver, por favor, não hesite em compartilhar. Muito obrigado pelo apoio! 😊🌟
Oh the ego’s on here. If you can’t find something positive don’t say anything.
Thank you for your support 💖💖💖
I know, right? Omg🙄. Just shut up! Move along! People are such butts. Guess their parents didn’t teach them the golden rules.
The original poster did say she was open to all opinions.... Not just positive ones. Having said that, constructive criticism is not the same as nastiness. As a knitter, I wouldn't choose this method. It is likely to unravel and looks messy. I do appreciate people posting their ideas, though.
Dijo que estaba abierto a cualquier opinión, así que no debes molestarte
Thank you so much for this technique.💞
Я делала проще: просто ушивала излишнюю длину рукава возле резинки не разрезая вязанное полотно и разглаживал а тщательно с обратной стороны.
Спасибо! Звучит как хороший способ.
Good idea.
Buena idea, gracias por compartir.
¡Gracias a ti por tu comentario y por ver el video! Me alegra que te haya gustado la idea. Compartir y aprender juntos es lo que hace tan especial a esta comunidad. ¡Espero que sigas disfrutando del contenido! 😊🧶✨
Esa es la peor forma de arreglar una manga.
I do tego jeszcze te tempe nożyczki 😱 Makabra !!@
Promiňte, ale potřebujete asi nové, ostré nůžky.🤗
Děkuji za vaši laskavou radu! Souhlasím, ostré nůžky jsou klíčem k precizní práci. Vypadá to, že je čas moje staré nůžky vyměnit za nové. Vaše podpora a rady jsou velmi oceněny. Sledujte další videa, abyste viděli, jak se s novými nůžkami daří! 🤗✂️😊
@@knittingmagic1 Přeji štěstí a dobré nápady, které patří k Vaší vytrvalé práci a talentu.👍♥️🤗
That is so clever 😂
Precisa de uma tesoura nova.
Ha-ha! Talvez )
That's the best way, to get it shorter ,love it along with the kind of stitches you have there...
Thank you! It's nice to read some positive comments for a change :)
But you really should invest is some new sissors!@@knittingmagic1
Not a good look. For the small amount you cut off, I’d keep it long.
Well, the idea is to show the method, the amount of cut off varies for everyone.
I have another video on how to shorten the sleeve, hope you'll enjoy it more than this one :)
A doua cusătură este buna ,dar nu merge la tricotaje ,mai ales daca s-a tăiat materialul.!!!!
Mulțumesc pentru sfatul dvs.! Este adevărat că o mașină de cusut poate oferi un finisaj mai profesionist, dar nu toată lumea are acces la una. De aceea încerc să prezint tehnici care pot fi realizate manual, astfel încât toți să poată încerca, indiferent de echipamentul disponibil. Aprecierea tuturor metodelor ne ajută să fim mai creativi și incluzivi. 😊🧶✂️
I thought i would be trusting the process, babes 💀😭
Welcome ))
То, что вы сотворили это просто ужас! Не умеете, не трогайте!
Спасибо, конечно. Но я не принимаю во внимание советы незнакомых мне людей.
@@knittingmagic1 ну и очень зря,они бывают очень полезными. Или не надо выставлять свою неумелую работу на обсуждение,если не готовы читать комментарии.
@@tatyanagulyaeva7943 Обратите внимание, я не только читаю, но и стараюсь отвечать на все комментарии. Свою точку зрения можно выражать по-разному, К сожалению, не всем хватает такта, вежливости и воспитания, чтобы сделать это, не нарушив границ другого человека.
Я для себя не считаю возможным говорить незнакомым людям, что им делать.
@@knittingmagic1discúlpame, pero somos todos extraños...tú también...
A las personas que sabemos tejer nos molesta que pongas un ejemplo de trabajo tan mal hecho...
Entiendo tus preocupaciones y agradezco sinceramente tu punto de vista. Este video en particular está dirigido a aquellos que quizás no tienen experiencia en tejer y buscan una solución sencilla. Sin embargo, entiendo que como experto en tejido, buscas técnicas más avanzadas. Tengo otro video que podría interesarte, donde abordo métodos más detallados, ideal para aquellos con habilidades de tejido. Busca el video con la manga amarilla en la miniatura. ¡Espero que ese contenido sea más acorde a lo que buscas y agradezco mucho tus comentarios! 😊🧶✂️
Seems the seam needs to be pressed opposite direction than this cuff. Agree about the bad scissors. Please get real ones!
Sharper scissors! Why not?
I will think about it ))
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for watching!
Подскажите, пожалуйста, что именно кажется вам отвратительным ❤️
@@knittingmagic1 очень не умело,не аккуратно. Вещь испорчена,такое носить нельзя.Не умеете - не беритесь.
Está perfecto. Y si fuera a maquina le hubiera quedado mejor
@@mariamendez4704 Gracias. Y estoy de acuerdo en que sería mejor con una máquina.
Call me stupid but, why not just fold the cuff over? I’d not want the big dock off ridge on me wrist.. I’d not be cuttin’ up me primani jumpers/cardi’s coz they 2” too long..😂😂😂
I totally get where you're coming from! Folding the cuff over is definitely a simpler solution and works great for a quick fix without making permanent changes. The method I demonstrated is just one option for those who might want a more permanent solution and don't mind altering their clothing. Everyone has their preferences, especially when it comes to comfort and style! 😂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts-I love hearing different perspectives!
Muito legal ❤️
What on Earth!!! Get some decent scissors and Utube how to shorten a knitted sleeve.
Thank you for your comment. I don't think I need to TH-cam how to shorten sleeve, in fact I have quite a few videos about it on my channel. Since, obviously, you're not a fan of this one, I highly recommend to check others. I think you might like this one:
Exactly. I have never ever seen such a mediocre job!
@@marysylvie2012 Have you checked the video linked in the comment above? I'm really interested to hear your comments on it.
Bonjour j adore vos vidéos mais bien souvent je ne les comprends pas car elles ne sont pas en français merci de faire un petit effort et les traduires
Bonjour, et merci pour votre commentaire! Actuellement, il m'est difficile de traduire et de doubler les vidéos, mais j'essaie au moins de traduire les titres en français pour faciliter la compréhension. J'essaie également de réaliser mes vidéos de manière à ce qu'elles soient faciles à comprendre même sans voix off. J'espère que cela aide un peu, et je suis reconnaissant pour votre soutien et votre compréhension. 😊🧶✂️"