Interesting about the vanilla, David. 13 month process. Looking forward to seeing more about this on your vlogs, something I've thought about for later too. Looked like you had a great time with the school march too 👍
Vanilla is a pretty hard plant to grow but and also to get the pods to produce but from the looks of it Mrs Wilson has a green thumb and will do well, but only time will tell? Good luck hope it's another successful venture.
You are not wrong Gav. I have done so much reading on growing Vanilla and it seems to be quite scientific. Still, we are willing to give it a go and also learn from people around Thailand. Thanks as always for the comment. 🍋😎
Looking good 👍
Thanks Terry, that means a lot. If we can do as well as your Durian farm, we will be happy. Love the last video mate.
Always a pleasure to watch. I also follow Gordon
Thanks Mary. 😍🍋🍋
Pat Marie is such a beautiful woman.
She is indeed Fiona, 😍😍🍋
like 22 very nice beautiful gardening👍👍👍👍👍
So nice of you, Thanks for the positive feedback.
Great video Pat and Dave 💖💖🦘🦘
Interesting about the vanilla, David. 13 month process. Looking forward to seeing more about this on your vlogs, something I've thought about for later too. Looked like you had a great time with the school march too 👍
Yes, school sports day is always a good bit of fun. You will be involved with the girls when it is their turn Ricky. 😍😍🍋
@@lemonfarmthailand looking forward to those days
Vanilla is a pretty hard plant to grow but and also to get the pods to produce but from the looks of it Mrs Wilson has a green thumb and will do well, but only time will tell? Good luck hope it's another successful venture.
You are not wrong Gav. I have done so much reading on growing Vanilla and it seems to be quite scientific. Still, we are willing to give it a go and also learn from people around Thailand. Thanks as always for the comment. 🍋😎