Hi John Howe, watch the 13 hour quadrilogy "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil". Hopefully it'll give you some more inspiration for your coming art works on the true and very ugly face of SwiSSyland; I saw your poster with your name on it yesterday October 19th 2021 at the Château de Hohlandsburg in France. Version Française "Enfer Suisse Satanique".
Tres beau carnet
Hi John Howe, watch the 13 hour quadrilogy "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil". Hopefully it'll give you some more inspiration for your coming art works on the true and very ugly face of SwiSSyland; I saw your poster with your name on it yesterday October 19th 2021 at the Château de Hohlandsburg in France. Version Française "Enfer Suisse Satanique".