@@tiisetsothandile8420 that's disgusting, you've got to be clean at least. Don't disrespect god by praying to him smelling of alcohol and dirty clothes.
@@emilyjoe326 No it doesn't 😂 it represents the ancient prayer of the Amidah. judaism is way older than Islam so how could it represent the most important mosque
There's many Hebrew Christians that still respect Torah and mitzvah. It may not all be commandments for us but we enjoy connecting to the father the way YESHUA did.
Let’s not damn others for praying their own ways and ways that they were shown! We all have our own rituals of prayer! Kneel down, wear the tiffelen and or prostrate on the prayer mat! ❤ love for all people of the Book! Muslims Jews and Christians!
@@ethankampel3123 we accept It but we know that this type of worship is not the same that abraham and Moses used to do. They worshiped God bowing with their forehead on the ground. Why you jews dont pray like your prophets?
@@ethankampel3123 I accept the reality of this... though I definitely do not APPROVE of it! This is SIHR and I know this first hand and I am a VERY UNHAPPY HEBREW MUSLIM MOTHER to say the least! You're people need to STOP doing this, though the Quran state's most will not!
To everyone going on and on about “praying raw” and mocking the ritual of tallit and tefillin: Keeping our ancient rituals alive keeps us connected to our culture and our history. Ritual also helps quiet the mind and bring it into a state of higher consciousness and deeper prayer. You want to mock how we pray because you don’t understand that our faith is not just religion. It is our culture as a people. It is part of our cultural heritage. It is what we have continued for centuries, and passed down through generations. It is our connection to our past and our ancestors. And it is how we created our own closeness to G-d. Not every Jew feels the need for ritual, but it is there for us when we need it and when we want to feel deeply connected to who we are and what we come from. Understanding before judging goes a long way. Allowing space for cultural rituals and traditions is important.
Ritual is meant to be mocked Ritual is superstitious garbage 🗑 God doesn’t give two shits about this haughty faux piety “Go into the dark of your closet,close the door behind you,therein where no person can witness you pray, then it is sincere rather than theatrical demonstrative theatre 🎭 to spear of piety for other men(women) It’s PHONEY! And not mistaken as PHONEY by God is what Jesus Christ ,was saying when he said go into your closet and pray alone away from watching eyes to stroke your ego and to manipulate other humans with false “goody-goody” theatrics If people TRULY believe in a God then they can keep that belief entirely to themselves within the confines of their own brain rather than putting on a big show of FALSE PIETY and just simply pray alone without any other human watching them in a closet or room alone without any other human knowing such and without ever talking about it to anyone ! Jesus Christ also stated religion was yours meaning made by man and not of God Praying to God or belief in God need not ever be uttered by a person to anyone else and as Christ said “you will know the tree by the fruit it bears” meaning a good person is recognized by their actions not their bullshit theatrics of showy rituals pretending to be better or different or unique or “chosen” Religion All religions inclusive Christianity ate nothing but a BUSINESS The entire kosher and Halal farcical superstitious charade is a big business that makes people that govern and oversee it lots of MONEY
There is, When there's peace, not violence over whose religion is right "doctrines of men" God is LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCIFUL We desperately NEED , Pure Love to renew, refresh, Heal, and mend , too many confusions, just please STOP killing eachother 😢😭🕊🙏🏻😪🤧🌻🕊💞💗 The Truth can set You Free, The Holy Spirit is the Only one who can keep You there, it's not easy, especially when you're not feeling well
Been going through Bible in a Year this year. We have already been through Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers, where many of these traditions are described! Very cool seeing them played out! Thank you sir!
I can see Muslims bragging that theirs is simple. As a Christian, mine is the simplest. I only pray. Nothing more. Wherever I am, how I am, and when i am. Thanks to God for making me a Christian.
@@Fundamental_Islam. 🤣🤣 is there anything extreme in what I wrote ?? I can even pray while sitting and God will hear me. Is there anything extreme there ??
@@SuperTipsKenya yess! That’s too casual. Give respect and importance to God. He is the sole most important truth. He gave us all a formal prayer ritual.
@@Fundamental_Islam. You sound right but you are just not right somewhere. The topic here. Yes give God all due respect and all you have to, but honestly, you also talk to him as a child. We are helpless and God knows that. Look at your child. Of he/she respects you and adore you and love you and would not wish to come to you anyhow, but still, will you care the situation he/she is in to listen to his/her requests ?? You would wish he/she be in a good state everyday but that's not just going to make. So why would God tell you to, wash your face, wash your feet, face a specific direction, do some ritual bending and standing reciting things you don't understand, then is when he can hear you ??
@@SuperTipsKenya who said I don’t understand? It’s not in some mysterious language. It’s in Arabic. Anyone can learn meaning of it. You can call God from anywhere in any state but there has to be a formal ritual prayer too. While Standing we praise Allah and ask Him for guidance in this life. While bowing and prostrating we glorify Him humbling our little ego in front of His infinite ego. These ritual do have impact. They help you in remembering God and being humble
I find it amazing that they put they cube on the forehead, as if trying to say, "Instead of prostrating to the direction of the cube, we'll put the cube on our forehead, thus negating the need for prostrating and direction"
Wow this is the first time I saw such a preparation before praying. Now I truly believe why Christians including me are so laidback in praying because we take everything for granted..this reminds me why it is so important for all Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to cover us so that God can work in us anytime anywhere
Simply praying is not the same as performing salah. Muslims also “pray” without performing any steps. You just don’t pray salah at all, your religion completely left it out.
@@Briannalangland People who truly have a relationship with God simply come to him as a Child comes to his Father since I have no interest in Islam the customs associated with that Faith are of no interest to me.
@@allensantee1591 well maybe that’s a reason Christianity as a whole is decreasing. I don’t mean this in an insulting way but look around you and take note of how most Christian’s don’t even practice what the Bible preaches. It’s an incomplete religion. It leaves out vital steps that every human needs to build the strongest possible relationship with Allah.
@@FiSA01 Adam, Abraham, and Jesus don't pray like Muhammad! Instead of relying on the Quran alone why don't you read the holy Bible to know how they pray?
@@josiecunningham2458 no no no I am offended by your question! How dare do you know not what the little black box is! Don't you know what the little black box is? Everybody knows what the little black box is, shame on you! Shame shame....😜😜
Things changed but arrogant did not change, made to wonder earth but not to have a state, killing Palestinians on their own land will not get you in heaven .
What is antisemitism who are the Semites papagayo Arabs are Semites Aramaics also More than the most Jews because Jews lived in Europe America and mixed with other peoples
@@torahemetkiruv8807 where you got this From The Midrasj said good things about Hagar and she is the same person Kathura I am Arab do you think i wil say bad Things about Sara You are blinded with hate i dont think you have Semite Blood you talk like a Child of Gomer AskeNazi
Not difficult at all. Imagine you're a prince and have to wear the kings signia on your arm before you have an audience with him. Actually very enjoyable
😂 the protestants will just place their hands together and pray. But us orthodox christians will go through ages of church tradition, monks prayer books, icons, rosary beads, prostrations and etc just as a morning prayer
Alhamdulillah for being Muslim don’t have to do all of that just make ablution your clothes and the place you’re going to pray at should be clean just stand up and make intention in your heart that you’re going to read Salah-Tul- Fajr for early morning or the midday Prayer Duhr ,afternoon prayer Asr evening prayer Maghreb and night prayer Isha ❤❤❤❤❤
Washing the physical body is one thing but the most important thing is the purity of the heart. muhammedans follow tradition without question they wont realize whats more important
And get up super early in the morning so better have an alarm set. And hope that there is clean water where you are. And hope that you are able to find the correct direction to pray. And hope that you are able to drop whatever you are doing and your boss is cool with you abandoning your work station to go and pray in the middle of your shift. Stop judging this Jewish style of prayer when your own is equally as complex.
. Hey whatever works. What works for me is when I find a quiet place in my home and humbly drop to my knees and speak to God genuinely from my heart. God see your heart before anything.. although he appreciates modesty and certain traditions.. just come to him genuinely and respectfully and with humble heart and he will speak back to you!
I've never seen anyone wrap their teffilin that way. The shin on the upper arm, wrapping outward like a sefardi but the hand is different. What minhag is that? And what knots do you use? I have a beautiful Tallit with the Arizal's knots
can y’all just stop hating on this man for his religious practices no matter what religion you are. You’re not cooler bc you think what this man’s doing is BS
Judaism is the right path, the true and only religion. In our prayer book it says Hashem will not amend or exchange his Law for any other for all eternity. “In Israel none like Moses arose again…” after the destruction of the second temple we have had NO other prophets.
@@KenshinExpress Islam is not Abrahamic. Coping and plagiarizing Abrahamic scripture doesn't make you Abrahamic. And the lie that Muhammad is a descendent of Abraham via Ishmael needs to stop because there's no solid proof of that claim.
@The Way the Truth and the Life I’m an African muslim, Stop the Antisemitism. Islam is not a perfect or likable religion either, It was spread with force & violence through Arab Slavery.
@@JudeanLibertarian They apply to "the Jews" as a people. As in, "this is a stiff necked people" etc. Not just "these guys who live in this village over here."
Wait that is exactly how Jews pray the morning prayer with the exception to the Sabbath. I want to know whats wrong with the prayer that some of you are making fun of. Myslims 🛐 then head down to the floor, monks pray in 🧘♂️, Christians pray 🙏, why mock the Jews for how they pray?
God gave the Israelites His instruction for wearing tzitzit when He told Moses: “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make fringes [tzitzit] on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each fringe [tzitzit]. “You will have these fringes [tzitzit] to look at so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them … I am the Lord your God.” (Numbers 15:38-41)
Speak to the Israelites and tell them that they must make for themselves fringed edges on the skirts of their garments throughout their generations, and they are to put a blue string above the fringed edge of the skirt. 39 ‘You must have this fringed edge so that you will see it and remember all the commandments of Jehovah and observe them. You must not follow your own hearts and eyes, which are leading you to spiritual prostitution. 40 This will help you remember, and you will observe all my commandments and be holy to your God. 41 I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt in order to prove myself your God. I am Jehovah your God
You weren't created that way. Your parents and surrounding brainwashed you into this certain religion. If you were born somewhere else you would be praising Jesus or say how much you love Sanatan Dharma. Just ACCIDENTALLY every human thinks the truth is the religion they are brought up in. Hmmm must be pure accident...
Worship the God mentioned in the Torah and the one and only to whom Prophet Moses prayed to. Pray to the one and only and the Allmighty Allah people of the book☝️
@@nuraemarufa7109 I've studied Torah, Tanakh and the New Testament in original hebrew and koine greek so the name of the God of Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jacob (Israel) is Ya'oh (YHVH) . Which books do you consider uncorrupted?
@@mysterioussix1518 you are no one to tell me what I do.. if there is anyone praying directly to a saint they are wrong because we aren’t taught that at alll. All a saint is a is a advocate to pray for us like when you ask a friend to pray for you.
Not interesting... Follow your Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) rules and respect and love Other prophet like Hazrat Esa And Hazrat Mosa. Don't mess yourself in other things
Respect to the man, who in this time and era takes his time and prays to One GOD, The ruler and maker of Heaven and the Earth, the creator of Mankind, Jins, Angels, the one who will remain ever after, the only one who will be there after Judgement Day, The GOD of Moses, Abrahim, Sulman, Dawood and other prophets. The GOD the Muslims and Jews pray to.
This is BABYLONIAN MASTERED ESOTERIC DARK ARTS-MAGIC... Muslim's pray 5 time's a day to build their own powerful aura of protection against all of their Broadcasted Magic they specifically start early in the MORNING... This is why praying the Islamic FAJR Prayer is so important! It's VITAL!
I am a muslim and I a little bit confuse with people that force another person on other religion to accept and understand our pov. Feels so wrong, why can't we live peacefully in this world together without forcing anything to anyone? We never know what will happen to us after life, it's not our authority. Live good, respect each other, religion is our bond to our God. Hablu minallah *HABLU MINANNAS*. Its really clear NAS means HUMAN. To ALL HUMAN. No need to see about race, nationality, power, wealth, religion. Come on, respect others.
Thanks for the insight...but doesnt it seem more ritualistic rather than actually Biblical? Like i highly doubt David prayed like this...and he was a man after Gods own heart....im sure he just spoke to God without all this
2 Chronicles 7:14 AMPC [14] If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
May Allah Guide us and All our Muslims brothers and sisters and all infidel Or Unbelivers People to right path and Show them right path to Know Truth Religion,❤️❤️❤️🤲🤲🤲
@@Peanut888.. it’s an Arabic word. It’s not directly related to Islam. If you go to an Arabic speaking country and talk to Christians there they will also refer to disbelievers as infidels
As far as i know according to the bible, praying to God requires that you should have a clean forgiving hearts, forgive others so he will forgive you, and humbling yourself by kneeling down with your face on the ground. It is your clean heart and mind that he wants....
Faith... humbling ourselves in our hearts and minds, no special position necessary. An outward (humbling) bowing is a sign of inner humility. Not necessary but nothing wrong with it!
Good morning! I was just wondering if you could tell me what this🤟 means ,and why you do it on your head? I've seen other jewish people use it , and i don't understand . Thank you! Shalom!
Women are on a higher spiritual level...women don't need talit a d tefilin to feel closer to Hashem (Gd) ww can pray anywhere...at home or synagogue...men need to pray with min ten men 3x a day to be able to connect to Gd property
@Test Dummy yes if the situation allows, it's best fir a man to pray with 10 men. I'm not saying a man can't pray alone....saying men are supposed to pray with 10 men ideally. And women do not have this obligation
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah this makes me more grateful to ALLAH SWT that he made me a muslim. Just make ablution and pray.
Hey this is not Muslim pray this is Judaism pray
As a Christian, God accepts my prayers without ablution or any type of time consuming ritual❤️
@@tiisetsothandile8420 that's disgusting, you've got to be clean at least. Don't disrespect god by praying to him smelling of alcohol and dirty clothes.
No you gotta wash your butt and your face at least to be able to pray to God. How disrespectful you just wanna do it with a smelly butt ew
You are right because you are dirty.
Thank you for showing this, respect and love brother 🙏
astagfirullah please wake up
@Beyond the Basics yes why not because islam is a real religion
Is this how Moses prayed?
Definitely not
Moses was alive nearly 7000 years ago...
@@yonar.e.m320 3300
@@emilyjoe326 No it doesn't 😂 it represents the ancient prayer of the Amidah. judaism is way older than Islam so how could it represent the most important mosque
Jewish: *complex way to pray to the father*.
Christians: *Just prays raw* 😭
There's many Hebrew Christians that still respect Torah and mitzvah. It may not all be commandments for us but we enjoy connecting to the father the way YESHUA did.
@@ShaniTheBurningTree Ah it is very nice hearing this from a jewish perspective.
I pray straight to him. I don’t need all the fancy clothes, boxes, strings or a special wrap. He’s going to hear my heart not my clothes.
Spiritual Truvada.
They pray to Molloch
Christian prayer: Easy
Muslim prayer: medium
Jewish prayer: hardcore
Lol that can only a protestant say. Look at how orthodox praying, the original christians
Let’s not damn others for praying their own ways and ways that they were shown! We all have our own rituals of prayer! Kneel down, wear the tiffelen and or prostrate on the prayer mat! ❤ love for all people of the Book! Muslims Jews and Christians!
With all love i have , got to tell you Jesus ist the only way ,john 14 .6
@@sayaman77 AMEN!✝️
@@sayaman77only way to who?
God? So jesus cant be god then😢
@@dafly4924 to come to the father
As a Muslim, I appreciate you sharing your faith brother. Peace ❤️🕊️
As a Jew, I appreciate you accepting what we do
@@ethankampel3123 we accept It but we know that this type of worship is not the same that abraham and Moses used to do. They worshiped God bowing with their forehead on the ground. Why you jews dont pray like your prophets?
@@ethankampel3123 I accept the reality of this... though I definitely do not APPROVE of it! This is SIHR and I know this first hand and I am a VERY UNHAPPY HEBREW MUSLIM MOTHER to say the least!
You're people need to STOP doing this, though the Quran state's most will not!
@@MonicaSĪGÑofJõñãhYUNIS can you explain "unhappy Hebrew Muslim mother"?
It's late, maby I'm not getting it
@@khaled147 th-cam.com/video/jSGifhtV8Is/w-d-xo.html
To everyone going on and on about “praying raw” and mocking the ritual of tallit and tefillin:
Keeping our ancient rituals alive keeps us connected to our culture and our history. Ritual also helps quiet the mind and bring it into a state of higher consciousness and deeper prayer.
You want to mock how we pray because you don’t understand that our faith is not just religion. It is our culture as a people. It is part of our cultural heritage. It is what we have continued for centuries, and passed down through generations. It is our connection to our past and our ancestors. And it is how we created our own closeness to G-d. Not every Jew feels the need for ritual, but it is there for us when we need it and when we want to feel deeply connected to who we are and what we come from.
Understanding before judging goes a long way. Allowing space for cultural rituals and traditions is important.
Ritual is meant to be mocked
Ritual is superstitious garbage 🗑
God doesn’t give two shits about this haughty faux piety
“Go into the dark of your closet,close the door behind you,therein where no person can witness you pray, then it is sincere rather than theatrical demonstrative theatre 🎭 to spear of piety for other men(women)
It’s PHONEY! And not mistaken as PHONEY by God is what Jesus Christ
,was saying when he said go into your closet and pray alone away from watching eyes to stroke your ego and to manipulate other humans with false “goody-goody” theatrics
If people TRULY believe in a God then they can keep that belief entirely to themselves within the confines of their own brain rather than putting on a big show of FALSE PIETY and just simply pray alone without any other human watching them in a closet or room alone without any other human knowing such and without ever talking about it to anyone !
Jesus Christ also stated religion was yours meaning made by man and not of God
Praying to God or belief in God need not ever be uttered by a person to anyone else and as Christ said “you will know the tree by the fruit it bears” meaning a good person is recognized by their actions not their bullshit theatrics of showy rituals pretending to be better or different or unique or “chosen”
All religions inclusive Christianity ate nothing but a BUSINESS
The entire kosher and Halal farcical superstitious charade is a big business that makes people that govern and oversee it lots of MONEY
Well said! Its a personal relationship between one person (you) and the one G_d.
@@chir221 they miss the o out incase of using His Name in vain. They know it means God.
I am a fan of Jewish prayers and was curious. Loved this video ❤
I love and am intrigued at how different religions worship God. There's a bit of beauty in it imo
Same here! I currently have a test I need to study for but here I am. I just love watching how other religions worship God❤
Beauty or stupidity ?
@@petermurdoch7540we got a redditor on our hands
There is, When there's peace, not violence over whose religion is right "doctrines of men"
We desperately NEED , Pure Love to renew, refresh, Heal, and mend , too many confusions, just please STOP killing eachother 😢😭🕊🙏🏻😪🤧🌻🕊💞💗
The Truth can set You Free, The Holy Spirit is the Only one who can keep You there, it's not easy, especially when you're not feeling well
In case you dont have all of the accessories will you still be able to pray?
yes :) from my understanding, the things he’s wearing are typically for formal prayers in the synagogue. if we want to pray, we can just pray lol
@@IJPAILJIMIAIODno ,there's a commandment to wear the black cubes and the shawl
@@paprikaman1124 That's true, but that doesn't mean a Jew can't pray when he's not wearing them. He or she absolutely can and should.
@@plowerrr3 there's prayers that can't be done without these tools .
If you are in a stranded island and you don't have your tools then yeah you can
@@paprikaman1124 That's true for the morning prayers. My point was there is plenty of room for prayer without them as well.
Been going through Bible in a Year this year. We have already been through Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers, where many of these traditions are described! Very cool seeing them played out! Thank you sir!
Im muslim but really happy to see the follower of ibrahim/Abraham pbuh moosa/moses pbuh afterall we are brothers and sisters peace to all
R you an indian?
Very fascinating. Thank you for sharing. ❤
I can see Muslims bragging that theirs is simple.
As a Christian, mine is the simplest.
I only pray. Nothing more. Wherever I am, how I am, and when i am.
Thanks to God for making me a Christian.
Simplest? I think that’s another extreme. Muslim one is balanced, not too complex like this one neither too casual
@@Fundamental_Islam. 🤣🤣 is there anything extreme in what I wrote ?? I can even pray while sitting and God will hear me. Is there anything extreme there ??
@@SuperTipsKenya yess! That’s too casual. Give respect and importance to God. He is the sole most important truth. He gave us all a formal prayer ritual.
@@Fundamental_Islam. You sound right but you are just not right somewhere. The topic here.
Yes give God all due respect and all you have to, but honestly, you also talk to him as a child. We are helpless and God knows that.
Look at your child. Of he/she respects you and adore you and love you and would not wish to come to you anyhow, but still, will you care the situation he/she is in to listen to his/her requests ?? You would wish he/she be in a good state everyday but that's not just going to make.
So why would God tell you to, wash your face, wash your feet, face a specific direction, do some ritual bending and standing reciting things you don't understand, then is when he can hear you ??
@@SuperTipsKenya who said I don’t understand? It’s not in some mysterious language. It’s in Arabic. Anyone can learn meaning of it. You can call God from anywhere in any state but there has to be a formal ritual prayer too. While Standing we praise Allah and ask Him for guidance in this life. While bowing and prostrating we glorify Him humbling our little ego in front of His infinite ego. These ritual do have impact. They help you in remembering God and being humble
As a Jew myself I pray straight up raw without any complex ways but I don’t pray like Christians
All bar mitzvahs MUST wear a talit, and a kippah.
@@Youraveragemoron12 Yea well I haven’t had my Bar Mizvah yet
how do you think christians pray
I find it amazing that they put they cube on the forehead, as if trying to say, "Instead of prostrating to the direction of the cube, we'll put the cube on our forehead, thus negating the need for prostrating and direction"
What an ignorant statement
The “cube” is not the kaaba, it is teflin, black box containing words of Bible
The cube is not what’s important
Within there are important verses written on four scrolls
Prostrating to the “cube” is a pagan practice. Jews have never done this. Get educated.
Todah rabah sir for this..... ❤🙏
Wow this is the first time I saw such a preparation before praying. Now I truly believe why Christians including me are so laidback in praying because we take everything for granted..this reminds me why it is so important for all Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to cover us so that God can work in us anytime anywhere
You Know I just go get a Cup of Coffee open my Bible and then start Praying
We Muslims don't even need that, ablution and a clean surface
Simply praying is not the same as performing salah. Muslims also “pray” without performing any steps. You just don’t pray salah at all, your religion completely left it out.
@@Briannalangland People who truly have a relationship with God simply come to him as a Child comes to his Father since I have no interest in Islam the customs associated with that Faith are of no interest to me.
@@allensantee1591 well maybe that’s a reason Christianity as a whole is decreasing. I don’t mean this in an insulting way but look around you and take note of how most Christian’s don’t even practice what the Bible preaches. It’s an incomplete religion. It leaves out vital steps that every human needs to build the strongest possible relationship with Allah.
@@Briannalangland the fact that "Christians" are accepting homosexuality, should prove everything. May Allah protect us
moses put his head to the ground and prayed....just like Adam, Abraham, Jesus & Muhammad ﷺ...
@@Gabi-hv2xcMay Allah show you the right path & the truth.
@@FiSA01 Thanks but, No thanks
@@FiSA01 Adam, Abraham, and Jesus don't pray like Muhammad! Instead of relying on the Quran alone why don't you read the holy Bible to know how they pray?
Can we just stop damning each other's religion and just keep our own by respecting theirs?
Moses iam a sephardic jew i live in Miami and my grandparents are from the South Italy and i love Your videos shalom umetuva
Inspirational, I’ve subscribed! I love your videos! Chag Sameach 🕎
I hope not to insult anyone, but I have a question: What are these black “boxes” called?
Thank you.
they are called tefillin, and don't worry, it's definitely not offensive to ask!!
@@josiecunningham2458 no no no I am offended by your question! How dare do you know not what the little black box is! Don't you know what the little black box is? Everybody knows what the little black box is, shame on you! Shame shame....😜😜
@@josiecunningham2458 is that the way Moses and Aaron prayers?? pls tell me.
Things changed but arrogant did not change, made to wonder earth but not to have a state, killing Palestinians on their own land will not get you in heaven .
They have the most important prayer withing Judaism in them, the Shema. They are called tefillin
As an ex Muslim. I actually get spiritual sustenance from Jewish prayer. This man dresses like a prince going to see the king
I am Christian and I love Judaism ✝️❤✡
same here
U know they like the antichrist
Who tried to kill Jesus? Who tortured Jesus?
@@barkatvoice1088 the jews i guess and jews believe that all idol worshipers will go to hell
This is downright the most interesting video I’ve ever seen.
I've seen pictures of Jewish men in this sacred dressing but I have never seen it in real time. Very interesting! Thank you for the lesson!
The antisemitism coming from our Muslim friends in the comments makes me sad.. Kol Tuv
Lol don't be upset Ishmael will always be Ishmael, HaShem made them like this because of the pain our mother Sarah put hagar through.
respect to jewish people from an arab 👍
anti-semitism sucks
What is antisemitism who are the Semites papagayo Arabs are Semites Aramaics also
More than the most Jews because Jews lived in Europe America and mixed with other peoples
@@torahemetkiruv8807 where you got this From The Midrasj said good things about Hagar and she is the same person Kathura
I am Arab do you think i wil say bad Things about Sara
You are blinded with hate i dont think you have Semite Blood you talk like a Child of Gomer AskeNazi
@@kurslashyou mean israeli😂
“The box. You opened it. We came. Now you must come with us, taste our pleasures.” - Pinhead
You came?
As a Muslim this seems very difficult
As a Christian, I see no difference between this and ablution
Starting out it can be a little hard, but it gets easier as you do it
Not difficult at all. Imagine you're a prince and have to wear the kings signia on your arm before you have an audience with him. Actually very enjoyable
Ironic, your church prayer takes a lot of time and baptize also
@@Sakrya818 baptism happens once in person's lifetime so you can't compare those with baptism. Try another thing
😂 the protestants will just place their hands together and pray. But us orthodox christians will go through ages of church tradition, monks prayer books, icons, rosary beads, prostrations and etc just as a morning prayer
I am a Christian but so spiritually touched and uplifted by this. God bless Israel. Amen 🙏
@@tembisamkunqwana7497 which God ?
Alhamdullilah I’m muslim but all religion is beautiful I don’t believe in their beliefs but I believe in mine.
Who cares
@Torah Emet Kiruv
You do because you posted if you didn't, you wouldn't of shared your opinion
But this process is tiring.
May God accept goodness 🙏🏻
I'm Muslim and respect to Abrahamic religion ☪️🤝☦️✝️🤝✡️
As a Muslim this prayer has to be the most charming one ❤
As a Christian, I love Jews 🤍.
Well, that's how Jews *prepare* for prayers. I want to see how Jews pray!
Alhamdulillah for being Muslim don’t have to do all of that just make ablution your clothes and the place you’re going to pray at should be clean just stand up and make intention in your heart that you’re going to read Salah-Tul- Fajr for early morning or the midday Prayer Duhr ,afternoon prayer Asr evening prayer Maghreb and night prayer Isha ❤❤❤❤❤
Washing the physical body is one thing but the most important thing is the purity of the heart. muhammedans follow tradition without question they wont realize whats more important
@@tamiotribe5238 you must be very pure hearted to preach us ?
@@tamiotribe5238 jew
So what? This is about Judaism, not some religion.
And get up super early in the morning so better have an alarm set.
And hope that there is clean water where you are.
And hope that you are able to find the correct direction to pray.
And hope that you are able to drop whatever you are doing and your boss is cool with you abandoning your work station to go and pray in the middle of your shift.
Stop judging this Jewish style of prayer when your own is equally as complex.
Shalom Aleichem ✡️
From Toronto 🇨🇦
Waalaikum salam brother
@@jonathancohen416 سلام عليكم
Seems like a long process, but I'm glad I finally understood this.
. Hey whatever works. What works for me is when I find a quiet place in my home and humbly drop to my knees and speak to God genuinely from my heart. God see your heart before anything.. although he appreciates modesty and certain traditions.. just come to him genuinely and respectfully and with humble heart and he will speak back to you!
I've never seen anyone wrap their teffilin that way. The shin on the upper arm, wrapping outward like a sefardi but the hand is different. What minhag is that? And what knots do you use? I have a beautiful Tallit with the Arizal's knots
can y’all just stop hating on this man for his religious practices no matter what religion you are. You’re not cooler bc you think what this man’s doing is BS
So tefillin and philacteries are one and the same? Coming from a xtian background I only heard of the latter term.
What was the hand gesture after fastening the black box on your head? Thank you
May Allah subhana wa tala give all of them right and truth path
Ameen 🤲🏻✨
Judaism is the right path, the true and only religion. In our prayer book it says Hashem will not amend or exchange his Law for any other for all eternity. “In Israel none like Moses arose again…” after the destruction of the second temple we have had NO other prophets.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life ✝️
@@KenshinExpress Islam is not Abrahamic. Coping and plagiarizing Abrahamic scripture doesn't make you Abrahamic. And the lie that Muhammad is a descendent of Abraham via Ishmael needs to stop because there's no solid proof of that claim.
@@tiisetsothandile8420 Yes and so is our ALMIGHTY CREATOR ALLAH اللة ✨ even MORE!
"And they do all their deeds in order to be seen by others. For they broaden their phylacteries and enlarge their tassels"
@The Way the Truth and the Life
I’m an African muslim, Stop the Antisemitism. Islam is not a perfect or likable religion either, It was spread with force & violence through Arab Slavery.
Jesus was upset with specific Jews, at a specific time, as a Jew himself. His issues don’t apply to every Jew at every time
@@JudeanLibertarian They apply to "the Jews" as a people. As in, "this is a stiff necked people" etc. Not just "these guys who live in this village over here."
Just as "the goyim" refers to heathens more generally not just people "over in that country."
Gotta love the large 4x4 tefillin . Love Chabad Love Lubavitch חנוכה שמח
Wait that is exactly how Jews pray the morning prayer with the exception to the Sabbath. I want to know whats wrong with the prayer that some of you are making fun of. Myslims 🛐 then head down to the floor, monks pray in 🧘♂️, Christians pray 🙏, why mock the Jews for how they pray?
Can you explain more Jewish customs? I'm not religious but I like to learn about world culture.
Baruch HaShem!
Baruch Hashem❤️🙏🙏
Chag Sameach❤️🫰
You Said HaShem? which means The NAME
What is meant by
Dude is ready for a travel vlog. Pinched 2 gopros. Amazing.
Really similar to my religion Islam
Moses (peace be upon him)
It's sort of badass just to have this entire prep before you start praying
This is awesome, what a beatifulculture. God bless you brother ❤
Muslims crying in the comment section 😂
@@HassanHassan-ko1gihave we read the same comments?
@@HassanHassan-ko1gibro your pfp is a Roblox character😭💀
why we cry? 😂😂😂😂
is this preparation for Prayer or For war
you dumb
Can you please show me in the Torah where these practices are confirmed in scripture? Thanks
God gave the Israelites His instruction for wearing tzitzit when He told Moses:
“Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make fringes [tzitzit] on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each fringe [tzitzit].
“You will have these fringes [tzitzit] to look at so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them … I am the Lord your God.” (Numbers 15:38-41)
Speak to the Israelites and tell them that they must make for themselves fringed edges on the skirts of their garments throughout their generations, and they are to put a blue string above the fringed edge of the skirt. 39 ‘You must have this fringed edge so that you will see it and remember all the commandments of Jehovah and observe them. You must not follow your own hearts and eyes, which are leading you to spiritual prostitution. 40 This will help you remember, and you will observe all my commandments and be holy to your God. 41 I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt in order to prove myself your God. I am Jehovah your God
"תְשַׂמְחָה בַּת צִיּוֹן תִּרְעוּ בַּת יְרוּשָׁלָ ִם הִנֵּה מַלְכֶךָ בָּא אֵלֶיךָ צַדִּיק וּמִנְצָחוֹת הוּא פָּשׁוּט רֹכֵב עַל חֲמוֹר עַל סִיר חֲמוֹר." זכריה ט 9 הנבואה הזו כבר התגשמה!
king hasnt came
Bro speaking "🤖👾👽"
@@mothefreakingoatthat’s kinda disrespectful
@@SatisfyingCgirl no one cares
@@mothefreakingoat well don’t say anything at all if u are just gonna insult people and their language
God bless the nation of Israel, for bringing us the Word of God.❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Alhamulillah you created me Muslim and living the most clear life with the grace of Allah SWT. Now I'm really thankful really from my heart.
You weren't created that way. Your parents and surrounding brainwashed you into this certain religion. If you were born somewhere else you would be praising Jesus or say how much you love Sanatan Dharma. Just ACCIDENTALLY every human thinks the truth is the religion they are brought up in. Hmmm must be pure accident...
Beautiful prayer. I really find it unique (:
Your confidence comes through in your voice. Good!
Worship the God mentioned in the Torah and the one and only to whom Prophet Moses prayed to. Pray to the one and only and the Allmighty Allah people of the book☝️
@@covaciumarius Allah
@@nuraemarufa7109 I don't think Allah and Elohim are the same God . Or let me call Him Yah ... sounds familiar?
@@covaciumarius read the uncorrupted texts from the Holly books brother and determine it by yourself
@@nuraemarufa7109 I've studied Torah, Tanakh and the New Testament in original hebrew and koine greek so the name of the God of Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jacob (Israel) is Ya'oh (YHVH) .
Which books do you consider uncorrupted?
Yeshua used tefillin also in fact it’s visible on the shroud of Torin
Amqzing informative video ❤❤
“We don’t worship earthly things”… (goes ahead and kisses tallit)
I kiss my mum does that mean I worship her?
@@CS-yn2wg I’m being sarcastic cause they say kissing the saints is worshiping them. When I’m reality we’re just showing them respect
@@immanuelesimonelliyou don’t just kiss them you pray to them
@@mysterioussix1518 you should only pray to God
@@mysterioussix1518 you are no one to tell me what I do.. if there is anyone praying directly to a saint they are wrong because we aren’t taught that at alll. All a saint is a is a advocate to pray for us like when you ask a friend to pray for you.
Very interesting. Thank you
Not interesting... Follow your Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) rules and respect and love Other prophet like Hazrat Esa And Hazrat Mosa. Don't mess yourself in other things
I've now realised that Jewish are almost as Religious as Muslims...☪️🤝✡
As an ex muslim I can say they are superior
I'd say we Jews are as we don't force it down people's throats trying to convert people and don't kill people for not following it 🤷
As a Muslim, how exactly do jews pray? (This isn't hate or anything I'm just curious)
Muslims, Jews and Coptic Christian’s all pray in a similar way.
You can just pray, but the organized way we have a set of prayers we say at different times throughout the day and also on holidays.
Respect to the man, who in this time and era takes his time and prays to One GOD, The ruler and maker of Heaven and the Earth, the creator of Mankind, Jins, Angels, the one who will remain ever after, the only one who will be there after Judgement Day, The GOD of Moses, Abrahim, Sulman, Dawood and other prophets. The GOD the Muslims and Jews pray to.
I’m a Jew and I’m proud
انا مسلم وافخر بان ديني هو الصحيح ☪️☝🏿☝🏿
I’m Christian so I’m beyond confused watching this, but my God this is so beautiful!! It bet it makes prayer more meaningful!
This is BABYLONIAN MASTERED ESOTERIC DARK ARTS-MAGIC... Muslim's pray 5 time's a day to build their own powerful aura of protection against all of their Broadcasted Magic they specifically start early in the MORNING... This is why praying the Islamic FAJR Prayer is so important! It's VITAL!
But why does this whole thing sound sarcastic? Worship in spirit & truth not pretense & precepts
It’s Jewish Thing
They Disrespect Everything
It’s our culture. It’s what Jesus would have worn and done when he prayed
This pretty cool. What are those black boxes I'm very interested in what they. Like to learn more about it what it's name?
Tefillin. Have Torah verses and prayers in them.
I am a muslim and I a little bit confuse with people that force another person on other religion to accept and understand our pov. Feels so wrong, why can't we live peacefully in this world together without forcing anything to anyone? We never know what will happen to us after life, it's not our authority. Live good, respect each other, religion is our bond to our God. Hablu minallah *HABLU MINANNAS*. Its really clear NAS means HUMAN. To ALL HUMAN. No need to see about race, nationality, power, wealth, religion. Come on, respect others.
allah tala k siwa koi mabood nahi hai or allah ek hai or wahi is duniya or kainat ko bane wala hai okay
Allah tala hai toh chaavi kon hai
beshaq Allahuakbar 💚🌏
Ab Hindus Zaror kutta ki tarah bhonkna aya ga kabi na kabi
@@LiberatedNotes 😂😂😂
Allah ko kisine nai dekha. Kisine bol diya, ye log zombies ki tarah manne lage😂😂😂
Thanks for the insight...but doesnt it seem more ritualistic rather than actually Biblical? Like i highly doubt David prayed like this...and he was a man after Gods own heart....im sure he just spoke to God without all this
This is art of the 613 commandments
It is ritualistic. Plenty of the Torah is ritualistic. That doesn't mean it is not biblical.
I don't think when God said to bind yourself with His word that it was meant literally.
You are protestant, I can see it from a mile away.
Not everything has to be in the bible for it to be approved. Tradition is also holy.
Allah says bow down to your lord. Simple. !! Obedience!! ❤️
Allah say Obey, Jesus say Decide 🙏🏻
Now Hindus 💩💩💩🕉️💩
@@AlexS-oj8qf the Bible doesn't say anything different either! Obey your Lord it says. Read the Bible dude!
Ohhh ok if that makes you happy!!
Like your new invention!! 😂
According to the Quran bible isn’t corrupted
You'd think he's going for a deep water dive 😂
2 Chronicles 7:14 AMPC
[14] If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
What is that black box you have?
It is to record the prayers in case the angel crashes.
@@doumjawaziri5579 like seriously
Isn't that the phylactery
@@Randomnumbers-153 just animal skin
May Allah Guide us and All our Muslims brothers and sisters and all infidel Or Unbelivers People to right path and Show them right path to Know Truth Religion,❤️❤️❤️🤲🤲🤲
Infidels ? Who are you calling this to ???
@@Peanut888.. infidel means a person who disbelieves in Islam
@@HaveSabr114 l have nice names to for those that are Not Christians .
@@Peanut888.. it’s an Arabic word. It’s not directly related to Islam. If you go to an Arabic speaking country and talk to Christians there they will also refer to disbelievers as infidels
Interesting and refreshing
Some people think that Its not Islam .Bro Our faith doesn't complete without accepting that They are Holy Prophet of Allah.
Proud Muslim and we don’t do all this stuff
Much love
He even had a head light on.. Handy at times..
May God bless and save you and your beloved family
As far as i know according to the bible, praying to God requires that you should have a clean forgiving hearts, forgive others so he will forgive you, and humbling yourself by kneeling down with your face on the ground. It is your clean heart and mind that he wants....
Faith... humbling ourselves in our hearts and minds, no special position necessary. An outward (humbling) bowing is a sign of inner humility. Not necessary but nothing wrong with it!
Israeli ❤❤ Jewish long live
Muslim 🕋 best religion proud to be a ummat e of Nabi (s a w
Islam is false
Not the channel bro. Why come to a Jewish channel to make trouble?
Alhamdulilah ☝🏼
@@errolm8313 dude this exactly. Every Jewish video has to be flooded with "alhamdulillah I'm Muslim" or some quran citation.
@@MrPoPo-ct6seHahaha true 😂
I ❤️ this beautiful ritual and I wish I could put on tefillin.
May allah bless you with imaan.
This is SIHR! Do you believe they can get rid of a demonic Jinn Shayateen attached to them? If so, maybe teach them HOW before it's too late!
@Beyond the Basics yeah you too
Mall Allah bless you with sense
Good morning! I was just wondering if you could tell me what this🤟 means ,and why you do it on your head? I've seen other jewish people use it , and i don't understand . Thank you! Shalom!
That fabric looks exactly like aso oke. 😂😂
does it require the blood of an innocent Christian child too??
Go in with your bs fake blood libel story
How do women pray
We pray differently we pray separately from the men it's hard to explain
@@Gothamcosplay Nice Im Indian never seen a Jew in my life yet you guys are famous
@@antiracistbaby1085 wdym famous?
Women are on a higher spiritual level...women don't need talit a d tefilin to feel closer to Hashem (Gd) ww can pray anywhere...at home or synagogue...men need to pray with min ten men 3x a day to be able to connect to Gd property
@Test Dummy yes if the situation allows, it's best fir a man to pray with 10 men. I'm not saying a man can't pray alone....saying men are supposed to pray with 10 men ideally. And women do not have this obligation