The following is a podcast series of DJ Dan, who is a fictional character that lives within the universe of The Lost Experience, the first semi canonical Alternate Reality Game to the ABC series Lost. This series was released between seasons 2 and 3 of Lost. To watch the rest of The Lost Experience, click the link below: I HIGHLY recommend you watch the following documentaries on The Lost Experience to fully understand the scope and work that went into this:
Thank you so much for saving this. The Lost Experience was so fucking cool
The following is a podcast series of DJ Dan, who is a fictional character that lives within the universe of The Lost Experience, the first semi canonical Alternate Reality Game to the ABC series Lost. This series was released between seasons 2 and 3 of Lost.
To watch the rest of The Lost Experience, click the link below:
I HIGHLY recommend you watch the following documentaries on The Lost Experience to fully understand the scope and work that went into this: