My Take on Doreen Virtue Jesus Video

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2017
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ความคิดเห็น • 485

  • @helmethead72
    @helmethead72 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I've become increasingly concerned with Doreen's direction over the last few months. The bible is full of contradictions, double standards and on occasions, out and out scumbaggery.

  • @the_hermits_cave
    @the_hermits_cave 7 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Absolutely bang on the money! I couldn't have said it better, I heard myself agreeing with everything you said. Well done, you got your views across in a very positive way. x

  • @TheresePope
    @TheresePope 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have noticed her shift to this hardcore evangelical shift with her readings. I respect everyone's views but I feel like she is going down a path I do not necessarily agree with. I absolutely agree not to place teachers and gurus on an untouchable pedestal --we all need to take what "gurus" say with a grain of salt.

  • @theinsatiableseeker6478
    @theinsatiableseeker6478 7 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    thanks for making this video. I was so confused and scared after watching the DV Jesus video. I lay down to relax and listen before I fell asleep--little did I know what I was in store for. I have noticed a Jesus theme in more current DV videos which, the ones I heard at least were positive to me and helped me heal some of my Catholic baggage. hence I was excited for this video to expand on how we can involve Jesus in our lives. I didn't expect the near death hell experiences and demons, both which I have a problem with as they are so fear based and seem to go against the research on positive near death experiences. I felt like I was back in the 90s at church hearing fire and brimstone sermons. I don't deny there are bad things in life, but I wouldn't label it demonic. also it was frightening to hear her allude to a world war and kind be like ok..not gonna go into it those. wow! growing up Catholic I know this kind of spirituality helped people as so many I knew were moved by Fatima or other apocalyptic visions but things like this eroded my faith. it was sad for me because people like doreen virtue started to make me feel it was safe to have faith and the video was damaging for me.

  • @Merklinginc
    @Merklinginc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Doreen Virtue has been sending healing energy to you, me and the world for years. Maybe this is our opportunity to do the same for her???

  • @elouisrosenberg
    @elouisrosenberg 7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I think what it comes down to is learning to not rely on others for spiritual guidance. I believe spirituality must start within the self. I think it's about being honest with ourselves (e.g. intuitive guidance, gut feelings). If DV feels like she will lead a more fulfilling life with Jesus, so be it! But that doesn't mean we all need to start identifying with her experience/her experience with Jesus. :-)

  • @lordzingybaby
    @lordzingybaby 7 ปีที่แล้ว +95

    People confuse having a personal relationship with Jesus with mainstream Christianity and they're two totally different things. Jesus is at the pinnacle of all life, be it angels, spirits, ascended masters or humanity. I agree that most people probably follow the Christian religion blindly but some of us have made contact with the most almighty of spiritual beings and yes his name is Jesus. Jesus is pure unbounded Love.

  • @n4mu2b
    @n4mu2b 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You can not deny the experience of meeting Jesus in whatever capacity He brings. I, myself, have never seen Him, but I have been healed of a painful illness through prayer. My parents refused to take me to the hospital, so my brother prayed and the next minute, yes minute, the pain was completely gone. I never forgot the deliverance from that horrible pain and will forever believe in the healing power of Christ. Another incident--I was in the hospital dying from I believe was a reaction to aspirin--I was 7 years old. I was not eating at all. So, my mother asked God to take me out of my pain--as in 'take her to heaven.' (Thanks, Mom) Anyway, one night an illuminated 'nurse' came into the room and offered me a toy as I lay in a fetal position all alone and fearful. I nodded yes to that kind voice. Next morning nurses didn't know where that toy came from. They thought I got out of the crib bed and took it from somewhere else. Nice nurses. So, again, my health turned around. I woke up hungry. My life was spared. I cannot deny that Christ exists and that Angels exist for I have seen an Angel and I have experienced the healing power of God and the power of His deliverance from the darkness we can feel in our lives. Amen and So let it be.

  • @catsmeowsea
    @catsmeowsea 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My gut for some reason said not to watch it. Looking for it now for Easter Weekend can't find it, I think she took it down. The whole calling Jesus his right name has been sitting wrong with me now I know why cause she put fear into it. Thank you for clarity I feel lighter.

  • @MaryMourning
    @MaryMourning 7 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I actually had the same vibe from her videos lately. And I also feel very disappointed in the turn that she has taken. I used to really enjoy her weekly videos and her cards. I can honour that she needs to speak her truth but at the same its definitely not for me. Its really disappointing actually.

  • @ThePUMPKIN2113
    @ThePUMPKIN2113 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'll give her credit for rescuing animals...other than that, I'm not a fan. I bought into that about 2 years ago. I watched a couple of women on youtube that always have to promote how they are "certified angel mediums." I had readings with both (kind of costly) and I can honestly say they were way off the mark. I've had better readings with people on fiverr and a lot less expensive.

  • @RobinHartHypnosis
    @RobinHartHypnosis 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did Doreen take down the video you mentioned? I don't seem to be able to find it. Thanks

  • @norahanne7133
    @norahanne7133 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was a catholic . Went to Catholic school, then after I got married went to a Pentecostal Church . I lived in Shame and fear . Held on to attachments . Never was it ok to Love yourself . I found Wayne Dyer Louise Hay and Doreen Virtue and others some i liked if it didn't sit well I didn't listen . I feel ok with the new age but was always told it was the Dark side but I felt happier freer more accepting not only of myself but of others . I found joy I never had . Now it's a bit confusing to me because this is the highest Love I ever felt or gave. I listened to Anita Morjoni talk about her beautiful near Death experience. So in closing thank you for this post.

  • @missthomas852
    @missthomas852 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think the video has been taken down. I can't find it.

  • @fairywisdom5701
    @fairywisdom5701 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just found you, and am so grateful that you are speaking up about what is going on with Doreen. Her presence in the new age community was very much in conflict with the evangelical movement that promotes the born again doctrines. Having been deeply rooted in the movement for most of my young adult life, I know all too well the way that words are made into supposed truths and how manipulations are used to instill a sense of righteousness that divides us, not only from each other, but from our mother earth and our true selves. There is an ideology that is born out of fear and ignorance that keeps us divided. There is no punishing god that would throw us in hell. Neville Godard's lectures served as excellent resources to help me get free of the brainwashing of the evangelical teachings that twisted the words of Jesus, and made people afraid to challenge the churches manipulation of free minds. Your questioning this revelation of Doreen's new found faith is evidence that you will not be pulled back into sleeping, you have awakened to the truth of yourself and that is what being born again of spirit really means, not latching onto some sort of savior.

  • @kerribottriell-baxter7345
    @kerribottriell-baxter7345 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Guess I wasn't the only one who went "whoa" with what Doreen Virtue has done and is doing.

  • @juliekadams
    @juliekadams 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When the student is ready, the next new teacher will appear.

  • @spookylealoo25
    @spookylealoo25 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So glad to of found this video; I have been feeling more and more disconnected from Doreen's videos and teachings lately, and I get a bit of a negative vibe from it all.

  • @ceeleereed
    @ceeleereed 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very respectful and honoring take. Happy to hear your thoughts.

  • @denise19015
    @denise19015 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    What video are you referring to? I must've missed it. I also got a unexplainable feeling when I heard of the switchboard as well, and the change in the card videos. I still watch them though and still like her a lot!