Christ and Queer Marriage: Aaron and Liz Munson

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 46

  • @kirstenmarran6460
    @kirstenmarran6460 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I want to say thank you to Liz and Aaron for putting themselves out there. It cannot be easy talking about your private life on a public platform. I particularly love Liz! Liz, I also made major life decisions before my prefrontal cortex was fully developed. Lol!!. I think about it all the time! As someone who overthinks everything now, I am astounded by my own self in hindsight, but in a way I am grateful, as perhaps I was more intuitive at 21.

  • @kathleencassel1350
    @kathleencassel1350 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for this and so many other discussions on similar topics, Preston. Christians are being forced by culture and politics to go back to the Bible to look again for the balance God calls us to between truth and grace. “Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things God has prepared for them that love Him.”

  • @thebibleandbikes599
    @thebibleandbikes599 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    My biggest problem is that it sure seems their same sex attraction is still their main identity. The Bible says those who are in Christ are new creations, that the old version of us has passed away. So why aren’t they known as practicing heterosexuals who struggle with same sex attraction? We don’t take other sins/struggles and say we are “gluttonous Christians”, or “porn addict Christians”, or “adulterous Christians”. The two don’t go together. I get they are in a heterosexual marriage, not acting out on their same sex attractions, so why are they still choosing that as their identity? Our temptations should not define who we are as Christ followers.

    • @sarahbosse2805
      @sarahbosse2805 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How about Christian who struggles with SSA? Why does there even need to be heterosexual involved? Some people have just say gay Christian. Sam Allberry is a great guy to listen to. His whole life has been attracted to men physically, emotionally, and mentally. He also has chosen to be celibate. God has not changed his SSA.

    • @godschild2432
      @godschild2432 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sandrag7513
      @sandrag7513 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you !!! I would not say it better... People do not test the spirit enough to know uf what they receive it's really from God or the devil. That's scary to see people adapting their faith to their desire...

  • @NimbleSteward
    @NimbleSteward 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I almost wish these two would do pre-marital counseling for heterosexuals. They have so much to say on “real” intimacy which should include raw honesty of one’s self in the safety of acceptance & understanding of the other. Without that, sex is so diminished. Thank you.

  • @sonicshooter2
    @sonicshooter2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m all for people renouncing the LGBT lifestyle to be closer to God but I don’t want ex-LGBT people to think they just HAVE to enter into a heterosexual relationship. It’s one thing to renounce a bad habit but it’s another to be free of the temptation. Entering into a heterosexual relationship prematurely will lead to more problems than it solves. They should spend their recovery time rediscovering themselves and their love for Jesus. The fact that these two made their relationship last for 15 years is proof that despite their afflictions, TRUE love and grace overcomes sin.

  • @flowerpower3618
    @flowerpower3618 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think she died a little when he said being married to someone you aren’t attracted to. Just fib and tell her she is cute! She’s adorable!

    • @tubenamel
      @tubenamel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm sure he doesn't have to fib. Wise, kind, loving spouses see the beauty/attractiveness in their spouse and let them know. It doesn't have to do with sexual attraction but viewing the other person through God's eyes.

    • @dandathomas6852
      @dandathomas6852 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because he is a sodomite

    • @dandathomas6852
      @dandathomas6852 ปีที่แล้ว

      And he knew when he was five? LOL.

    • @dandathomas6852
      @dandathomas6852 ปีที่แล้ว

      No this guy is wrong. Normal people find their spouses attractive…after five years. Fifty years. Godly husbands and wives. There is no such thing as a mixed orientation marriage.

    • @dandathomas6852
      @dandathomas6852 ปีที่แล้ว

      What the hell is he talking about? Chemicals wear off for two years? Is he gay too? After seven years he wanted to cheat on his wife? What a terrible excuse for a man. Gross.

  • @iseetheglory4593
    @iseetheglory4593 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow you two have been such a blessing thank you for sharing and caring and being to others and standing firm on the word of God and helping one another to heal and leaning on our Lord Jesus Christ
    you two are very much a blessing to humanity we all could learn from your experience and your trust and obedience to GOD
    Even though you say you're not attracted to one another
    I say you are you just don't know it yet and you can tell first and foremost just by being married for 15 years
    you absolutely love and adore one another and if you don't think so
    you just don't know it yet
    God is still working out the kinks and softening the edges and that's okay be strong and stay firm and the word of God May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you🙏

  • @eileenmeyer6088
    @eileenmeyer6088 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Appreciate your interview

  • @tubenamel
    @tubenamel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, Liz and Aaron, so much, for sharing your story. You are truly inspiring, and are confirming something I realized a few years back when I was going through a very traumatic point in my own heteronormative marriage--I had been following quite a few formerly gay believers and thinking through their choice to be celibate to honor and be obedient to Christ, and it hit me that these same-sex-attracted Christians were so much closer to obeying God with their sexual nature than probably all the heterosexual married Christian couples, who would probably never stop and thinking about what God was asking THEM to sacrifice in their sexuality. Because sexual orientation is not the only thing that will hinder obedience to God--what about fear? (Of being vulnerable, esp. physically, esp. for women) What about selfishness? (How many Christian marriages suffer because one or both partners is not willing to lay down their self and their sexual desires/dislikes on the altar?) Heterosexual Christian couples assume their sexuality is not an issue--they are straight, after all--and so they never think to surrender it to God, completely. In that area the SSA Christians are ahead of hetero Christians--to their blessing and our folly.
    (Of course with that realization God was challenging me to work on submitting my own sexuality in marriage to Him! ; )

  • @kelxban4976
    @kelxban4976 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    they have such grace

  • @elizabethbillingsley5534
    @elizabethbillingsley5534 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen Liz, a community. Thank you all!

  • @kingslychambers5587
    @kingslychambers5587 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Growing together or growing apart!!! Wow that's good. Had me thinking big time 🤔

  • @kathleencassel1350
    @kathleencassel1350 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The concept of gays who have given their lives to Jesus being the modern day prophets is a very interesting consideration. I see such a parallel with the laying down of your life with the hope of resurrection in the Spirit. Not just heaven when we die, but day to day recognition that I can’t do this in my own power but in Christ all things are possible. Add to that the visceral negative reaction from so many Christians feels very much like the hatred of the Jews for Christ followers who were such a threat to their religious system in the first century.

  • @MissMolly3377
    @MissMolly3377 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is all God asks of us, to follow His path for us, and that is what they are doing. It's an inspiration, really, to hear how they want to do what God is asking of them, not what they want. They probably know each other better than most straight couples. I think marriages like this, can help so many people, no matter if they're straight or not.

  • @Jasminestealth1
    @Jasminestealth1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am really struggling with the idea of how this couple does have sex? if neither is heterosexual - how do they get aroused enough to make that happen? Just dont understand that.. Also do not understand if their is not that arousal in the relationship....why have sex? Lastly - why would someone have sex with a partner that does not want to have sex with them? Like role play or other "things" to include the partner just because one wanted... seems "wrong" ... so i would feel being in that space how does that help the relationship?

  • @dansaber8435
    @dansaber8435 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You can be LGBT and Christian no problem 👬

  • @AquaticLogic
    @AquaticLogic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Scintillating interview, really appreciated it.

  • @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv
    @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You never cease to amaze me with the silly lengths you go to Preston. You took the cake with having these two.

  • @jessiekidwell670
    @jessiekidwell670 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m Indianapolis. I am not in church last few years but more over it with politics and conservativism being so draining for me personally. I saw a church on 82 that said they are an affirming church. Not sure I’m ok going back to a church that is affirming..: not sure I’m ok with going to o e that isn’t affirming. I WANT God to be ok with LGBTQ practices because I feel ok with it. Interested in learning more.❤️

    • @flowerpower3618
      @flowerpower3618 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It doesn’t matter if you are okay with it. It matters what God says about it. We are not God, He alone is holy. We must trust in Him and His word. Or why bother at all

  • @elizabethbillingsley5534
    @elizabethbillingsley5534 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you interviewed Rebecca McLaughlin?

  • @mrs.t-wesq6465
    @mrs.t-wesq6465 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Awesome podcast. I’d like you to do a follow up podcast on the Biblical/Christian purpose of marriage. I don’t believe the creation story is an adequate guide on marriage. Yes, God made male and female but He also made in His image people who are Intersex (who are neither male nor female, both, or it is unclear based upon their chromosome make-up, genitals, etc.). Also, many heterosexual couples such as myself never have children due to many different reasons. What if the wife is the breadwinner and the husband stays at home; does the Bible speak on that at all? I won’t even get into the subject of our Biblical patriarchs having more than one wife and concubines. So, without clear Biblical direction, I think it is not fair for Christians to judge what makes a good marriage or what doesn’t make a good marriage. We know that 50 percent of Christian marriages also end in divorce, including for reasons other than adultery. I do believe that everyone should be guided by the Holy Spirit as opposed to the traditions of man. If this couple is happy and were guided into marriage by the Holy Spirit good for them, but this also applies to heterosexual couples and same-sex couples as well.
    p.s. for those unfamiliar with Intersex individuals, here is a good documentary to watch:

  • @elizabethbillingsley5534
    @elizabethbillingsley5534 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like him. We are full human beings, we are not just about our sex or sexuality. Sexuality has been idolized, so has marriage.

  • @gingrai00
    @gingrai00 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    22 minutes in and I am very glad that the click-bait title didn’t turn me away. I am utterly amazed at how dehumanizing it is to act as if what people do with their private parts is the most important part of their lives… as if preoccupation with sex is of primary importance… it isn’t. What we do, as sexual creatures is more aligned with the animal part of us than it is of the part that is made in God’s image and the image of God os the most important part of our being.
    We should honor him with our bodies and that may include celibacy in some cases and it certainly means restraint in all cases.
    My heart cringed when I read the title but it has been rejoicing since i listened to them speak… at least up to this point😅
    You certainly are edgy Preston!

  • @catherinecastle8576
    @catherinecastle8576 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We don't pick our noses in public for a reason. If we must pick our noses we really should do it in private...and wash our hands too. We don't poop in public wherever we want and, frankly, we need to apply this privacy principle to a great deal of our sexual life. As in, lets stop these filthy pornographic public Pride Parades and get back to just being kind and compassionate to each other because most of us are living "lives of quiet desperation". However, transparent discussions can be very helpful. These two souls are genuinely trying to do right in spite of their sexual preferences. I'm impressed. God bless and help them. Also, there are heterosexual couples who can find themselves not attracted to each other (psychological and physical constraints), yet, they remain together, have children and accept that they're mostly sexually incompatibles. I don't believe God approves same sex marriage, yet, He is so gracious and merciful to His human creation, He understands our lostness and loneliness and holds less against us than we imagine. These two people are amazing! I so appreciate the journey they are on and their willingness to share their understanding of what they are learning. Thank you to this host, he's done a great interview!

  • @kellysmith3237
    @kellysmith3237 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It makes my heart ache that anyone is saying hurtful things to you. Ugh

  • @godschild2432
    @godschild2432 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can’t be Christian and say u are a part of the queer community. Still waiting to hear them say they love each other.

    • @iseetheglory4593
      @iseetheglory4593 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can't be married for 15 years and not love one another it's just a given I've been married for 13 years I'm not attracted to my husband but I do love him and I'm a straight woman and I sometimes don't even like him but I made a commitment to him and to our Lord God Jesus Christ and I'm staying put

  • @Listenerandlearner870
    @Listenerandlearner870 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Marriage varies alot.

  • @Listenerandlearner870
    @Listenerandlearner870 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    In some cultures marriage is almost compulsory. In such cultures being allowed not to marry might be considered progressive. Thankfully in my country marriage is not compulsory.
    My guess is that overal the 'broad' side tend to be against mixed orientation marriage because statistics suggest the chance of such marriages surviving is low and they know traumatised people from such former marriages.
    The conservative side know those in mixed orientation marriages who say their marriages are viable and successful so they support mixed orientation marriages.
    One might conclude that when it works it works. Marriage is a calling.

  • @elizabethbillingsley5534
    @elizabethbillingsley5534 ปีที่แล้ว

    God calls us all to diff things. Marriage is not for all.

  • @gingrai00
    @gingrai00 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Liz, I may have misunderstood but it seemed you are in the process of deconstruction??? Maybe you were using the word to describe a process of working through the faith to understand it for yourself. I don’t know…
    I just hope that you come to know the Lord as, and I am sure you grasp this, there is no deconstruction when one comes to know him as he is beautiful beyond comparison and the answers in him are endless… and true.
    I was very encouraged to hear you and your husband and I truly hope that you are blessed by God both in your marriage and forevermore.

  • @godschild2432
    @godschild2432 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Although they seem genuine this video is dangerous because they are justifying their grey area. God said u must be born again and take on the nature of Christ. They are like gay best friends.

  • @beantoes9627
    @beantoes9627 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice yawn there, host.

  • @gingrai00
    @gingrai00 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    ~16:35… Spot on brother.

  • @drewhonderich5194
    @drewhonderich5194 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Do you take guest requests? I just read “saving my assassin” by Virginia Prodan. Amazing book! I think your audience might enjoy her story!