Pastors of today are more cheerleaders and motivational speakers than they are preachers of the Gospel. Just PREACH CHRIST!!!! If we focused on preaching Christ, we would find our identity in Him. Not success, earthly gain, advantage over others, etc. Because Christ is not preached, people are still bound, dead in their sins and trespasses! Only in Christ do we have LIFE.
@ - Simple ma’am, y’all are so quick to something about people you do not know. Who are you? You have no power. Tell us about your sin so we can judge you.
Kamala should have sued him wearing that sweater w/her face on it, in the pulpit, talking about RUDOLPH! And the AUDIENCE HOLLERING? Netflix needs a documentary on the audience in these churches. I can’t believe what I’m hearing…..
I believe I understand where you are coming from my brother as far😂 as us human beings overall scripturally , but this message seems to be directly to a group(ethically) to uplift their emotions (flesh). From a flesh base he preached against looking down on yourself and picking your head up in the flesh. No matter what group of humans ever, until one comes to recognize that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spirits in high places, the difference ideologies, theologies, mystical mysteries as well as mythology point to the spirit.Even though I’m over here tripping with you on this reindeer stretch, he had their full attention. I’m like you I wish he broke down a scripture for them in the spirit, like he did that reindeer stretch but this was a message about the flesh. Great message to the flesh.
The Bible teaches this distinction, unfortunately you find it funny. It’s like laughing at “The husband is in marriage but the husband is not the wife” 😂
@Kdubtru brother, you err in this..I enjoy listening to you as a person I agree with much of your content. But nobody is right about everything.. and the Trinity is a man logic centered idea of the operation of a Holy God with his creation.
Here's another problem what about christians who are born in the US and some in Zimbabwe Or what about christians who are born in Jerusalem and those born in Bethlehem? So the little bethlehem christians are greater cause those born in Jerusalem God's city are lesser? This is why the message should be centred on Christs birth not us,
Christ is not ENOUGH according to charismatic preachers or Pentecostal at most. Christ is a symbol of greater but not really about Him, well we study His life to understand ours, He's merely an example but not sufficient as His person. That's the theology they preach but if you ask them, no we are preaching Christ, 😭 lovers of themselves is the correct theology with these churches
@@Kdubtru I hadn’t even gotten to your joke. I was considering my own thoughts. I agree with you. These wolves are childish at heart and so are their prey.
I feel like if people really believed and desired Jesus to return they would not read themselves into the text. But I do feel like Jesus lived a humble life that we can relate to & be encouraged by.
Kdub when he mentions the people speaking out on him. This makes it the second time he has had a fall out because of those statements. That’s what got him kicked out his church in Macon ga.
Wow.. It's like a doctor telling you that you have stage 4 cancer but the cancer will not define you or be able to cancel out your destiny that you have been born to because you are a chosen one and are more special than you know and cancer can't stop you.... What a narcissist.
He needs to review books on hermeneutics, exegesis, homiletics, exposition, etc Imagine a medical doctor or airline pilot exercising their craft in this fashion.
Doesn't the scriptures say Jesus is the name of the Father: *Jesus is speaking (red letters) in John 5:43 John 5:43 KJV [43] I am come in my "Father's name", and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. Hebrews 1:4 KJV [4] being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by "inheritance obtained a more excellent name" than they. I am a little confused with what was said, if the bible say Jesus' name was given "inherited" by God, and Jesus said he came in his "Father's" name.
Scripture doesn't say Jesus is the name of the Father it says 1.Jesus and the Father are one and 2.Jesus comes under the authority (name of the Father) of the Father...That's why God the Father gave Jesus a name above every name..
@funandhope4176 I don't mean to be uncouth when I say this, but, the scriptures say exactly that Jesus came in his "Father" who is the creator name. Are you a father? Do you have a name? God has a name, and that name is above all names. That name is Jesus. Do you know you just blasphemed the bible by saying the bible don't say exactly what it says. Lastly, the bible say Jesus inherited the name. Inherit means "something giving to." So, God the Father gave Jesus a name above all names... which is Jesus, God's name. Name don't mean authority. Name mean name. Hand means authority or power according to the scriptures. So, when the Bible says Jesus sits on the hand of God, that is not literal. It means Jesus has the authority and power of God.
@Kdubtru help me understand John 5:43 and Hebrew 1:4? I Jesus isn't the Father's name, what is his name? That verse say he came in his Father's name, which mean God has a name. Also, what scripture say they are distinct? My last question. Who will we dwell with in Heaven if God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are distinct from one another? Will we see them all in Heaven, because I know the bible say we will see God and dwell with him?
You're not being uncouth,we are just discussing scripture,so you're good..Jesus and the Father(Jehovah) are one, However they are two distinct "beings"..God the Father gave Jesus a name above every name.Itsnnit that Jesus name is the same as God the Fathers..In Psalms 110:1 it says THE Lord (meaning Jehovah the Father said to MY Lord(Jesus Christ) sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstools..There's a clear distinction between Father God and Jesus....When Jesus was being baptized a light shined on him and a voice came from Heaven(The voice of Father God) saying this is my beloved Son(Jesus) in whom I am well pleased..@@randejac79
This man is like a one man baseball team he plays pitcher catcher left field right field shortstop what is he the umpire too he is everywhere but where he is supposed to be
The three ‘gesis’s- Expogesis-Isogesis Mymessogesis😂- Now election is over, no need to keep making fun of the loser.. we all are going to feel the effects of- Is anyone praying for the losers, the outcome? And I love truth.. let’s stay holy and righteous- The swagger, hip-hop talk, rapper movements, laughter can mislead as holiness.
** Wrongly misrepresented ** You wrongly identified oneness!! And you need to make that right publicly. We do not believe the father became flesh that is a Trinity theology, which is heresy which teaches that God became man . God is a spirit. God has never become a man.!!!! God was manifested in the flesh . You have the One God and The son of God. To keep it simple you have God, which is the spirit and the temple that God dwells in that is made without hands, which is the son of God. It’s not two gods. It’s the one God dwelling in the temple made without hands. Again, God, nor the father became a man or flesh. Again , you misrepresented us.
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with what the pastor is saying and the examples he is using to get his point across are fine . He not talking about Rudolph , he is making a point . Read between the lines . In the Bible a lot of parables were told which were very cryptic . Also the Bible says that we are predestined… so actually we are who we are in the womb . I do not understand why you are going so hard . I enjoy watching your videos and usually agree but I really didn’t see anything wrong with the pastors message .
If the Bible doesn’t give credence to the man made holidays. Why fuss over the sermons? Obviously, people who read the Bible know better. False sermons for false believers.
While you are praising Trump he did away with Equal Opportunity Work Act which allows discrimination for federal employment and contracts too. So I guess his ideas on abortion are so important.
This is what the KJV Bible says: And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory, the glory as the only son of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 Jesus is the living Word of God that was made flesh and to save our souls. If he had not been made flesh we all would have perished long ago. The first chapter of John gives excellent insight to the Word, the true light, and his glory. May God continually bless you as you study his Word. 💜🙏🏾
@@Kdubtru But the messiah directed man to worship the father as he did as well.. The Father never said or indicated to us that we should categorize him as part of trinity. the where did it come from ?
Jesus is not GOD the Christ in him is GOD. I don't know how people cannot understand that Jesus is flesh and no flesh can inherit the Kingdom of GOD. And Jesus himself received a new body did he not? Scripture does tells this. That is why he told Mary when he rose from the tomb " do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to the Father". Oh yeah this guy is off.
@Kdubtru I can tell you are not familiar with understanding Scriptures. John 1:1 says the Word was in the beginning not Jesus. Scripture tells us He was the manifestation of the GODHEAD bodily and Jesus is the body not GOD. You need a better understanding of Scripture because Jesus's flesh took on our sins yet His Spirit remained GOD. That's how you were forgiven. GOD cannot sin nor take on sin so He needed a body to do it and He called it Jesus. Even Scripture says " for God was in Christ reconciling men to himself". You didn't know that Scripture was written? I didn't say Jesus Christ wasn't Lord He is the Son of GOD not GOD as Adam and you and me are sons. Yet within Him was the Christ who is Blessed forever. Amen
What you have said is the deceptive erroneous doctrine of Adoptionism, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Father, he is also the Word from the beginning, the Word that was God. Please learn about the triune Godhead.
Pastors of today are more cheerleaders and motivational speakers than they are preachers of the Gospel. Just PREACH CHRIST!!!! If we focused on preaching Christ, we would find our identity in Him. Not success, earthly gain, advantage over others, etc. Because Christ is not preached, people are still bound, dead in their sins and trespasses! Only in Christ do we have LIFE.
Are you perfect?
@@leerob7738 no one is, except Christ…which is who should be preached.
@@leerob7738 Oh, please. How did you even come to that question.
@ - Simple ma’am, y’all are so quick to something about people you do not know. Who are you? You have no power. Tell us about your sin so we can judge you.
@@LadyEliakim - Put your sins out there! Go listen to the preaching style you want and leave those you do not know alone. Who are you!
That sweater is coming to a goodwill bin near you.
😅😅😅😅😅 love this
So he claims he was sanctified in his mother's womb. I thought we are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
Right!! “¶Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.”
Psalm 51:5 LSB
Themed throughout the Bible
Was John the Baptist?
I'm sick of these zesty pastors. Insane
Kamala should have sued him wearing that sweater w/her face on it, in the pulpit, talking about RUDOLPH! And the AUDIENCE HOLLERING? Netflix needs a documentary on the audience in these churches. I can’t believe what I’m hearing…..
He is the undisputed king of eisagesis.
Facts!!! 😂
Right on!
Springfield is the capital of Illinois, not Chicago. He’s all over the place.
I said the same thing😂
Facts are irrelevant to these people, lol.
Number one sign of false teaching
95 percent application
5 percent interpretation
These ppl have such a high view of themselves and a low view of God and Christ smh
Wow! 💯🎯Makes sense as to why they feel okay doing and preaching all the foolishness in the pulpit!
Next holiday season, the Trrrrump-a-bump-bump sweater 😂
It’s giving little Nicki when the pastor got possessed by brother demon and was preaching to the ppl😂😂 mannnn
Hahahahaha wow, a throwback reference! That’s hilarious!
@ lol 😂 that movie really is a classic but so relevant with preachers today the people are so lost
"Let's deal with you BIBLICALLY", that's the new line I'm using 🙌🏾😎🤣🤣🤣 #YouHaveAGreatGod
"Why call me good? there's NO ONE good BUT my FATHER."
So Jesus is evil?
@Kdubtru , what a stupid question🙄
Reginald is not sharp in his biblical knowledge.
I believe I understand where you are coming from my brother as far😂 as us human beings overall scripturally , but this message seems to be directly to a group(ethically) to uplift their emotions (flesh). From a flesh base he preached against looking down on yourself and picking your head up in the flesh. No matter what group of humans ever, until one comes to recognize that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spirits in high places, the difference ideologies, theologies, mystical mysteries as well as mythology point to the spirit.Even though I’m over here tripping with you on this reindeer stretch, he had their full attention. I’m like you I wish he broke down a scripture for them in the spirit, like he did that reindeer stretch but this was a message about the flesh. Great message to the flesh.
Thanks for sharing this video 🙌🏽🙌🏽🤩
The Jingle Bells soundbite would have went well with the sweater 🎉
"Jesus is God, but he's not the Father, but the Father is God..." 😂
Trinity is false.
The Bible teaches this distinction, unfortunately you find it funny.
It’s like laughing at
“The husband is in marriage but the husband is not the wife” 😂
@Kdubtru no sir.. that makes no sense. Marriage isn't the person the husband is.
@Kdubtru brother, you err in this..I enjoy listening to you as a person I agree with much of your content. But nobody is right about everything.. and the Trinity is a man logic centered idea of the operation of a Holy God with his creation.
The trinity is pagan
Here's another problem what about christians who are born in the US and some in Zimbabwe Or what about christians who are born in Jerusalem and those born in Bethlehem? So the little bethlehem christians are greater cause those born in Jerusalem God's city are lesser? This is why the message should be centred on Christs birth not us,
The fact that he’s preaching Rudolph…😂🤣😂🤣😂 he probably went home like “ I can’t believe that actually preached!”
Why are people so easy to fleece!😂🤣😂
Christ is not ENOUGH according to charismatic preachers or Pentecostal at most. Christ is a symbol of greater but not really about Him, well we study His life to understand ours, He's merely an example but not sufficient as His person. That's the theology they preach but if you ask them, no we are preaching Christ, 😭 lovers of themselves is the correct theology with these churches
Imagine it being your birthday and everyone makes it about themselves and completely ignores you.
Is it vain to judge him for that small Bible? Big Momma would neva.
Couldve used his app for all tht 🥹
I was joking
@@Kdubtru I hadn’t even gotten to your joke. I was considering my own thoughts. I agree with you. These wolves are childish at heart and so are their prey.
You can tell by the sweater things are about to go off the rails.
I like his small Bible 😂😂😂
Around minute 34, he said, “I was a member” speaking about the lgbt community lol. Is that known or did he just admit that?
I think he’s speaking in her words, the former member to be fair.
God raises up kings for his own reasons.....even Herod
Why is he reading himself into the text.... When did Christmas become a story about Reginal Not so Sharp.🤔 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️😂😂😂😂
“Heeeeeyyyyy!” 😅😂 32:58
I feel like if people really believed and desired Jesus to return they would not read themselves into the text. But I do feel like Jesus lived a humble life that we can relate to & be encouraged by.
Cracked up at 39:40 😂 i just KNEW which sound byte was coming.
Kdub when he mentions the people speaking out on him. This makes it the second time he has had a fall out because of those statements. That’s what got him kicked out his church in Macon ga.
I have to lol at his calling Harrod a narcissist while proving that he is the same.
someone plz give me scripture where G-d is three persons. I’ll wait.
Wow.. It's like a doctor telling you that you have stage 4 cancer but the cancer will not define you or be able to cancel out your destiny that you have been born to because you are a chosen one and are more special than you know and cancer can't stop you.... What a narcissist.
He needs to review books on hermeneutics, exegesis, homiletics, exposition, etc
Imagine a medical doctor or airline pilot exercising their craft in this fashion.
His shirt, though😮
Doesn't the scriptures say Jesus is the name of the Father:
*Jesus is speaking (red letters) in John 5:43
John 5:43 KJV
[43] I am come in my "Father's name", and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
Hebrews 1:4 KJV
[4] being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by "inheritance obtained a more excellent name" than they.
I am a little confused with what was said, if the bible say Jesus' name was given "inherited" by God, and Jesus said he came in his "Father's" name.
Scripture doesn't say Jesus is the name of the Father it says 1.Jesus and the Father are one and 2.Jesus comes under the authority (name of the Father) of the Father...That's why God the Father gave Jesus a name above every name..
@funandhope4176 I don't mean to be uncouth when I say this, but, the scriptures say exactly that Jesus came in his "Father" who is the creator name. Are you a father? Do you have a name? God has a name, and that name is above all names. That name is Jesus. Do you know you just blasphemed the bible by saying the bible don't say exactly what it says. Lastly, the bible say Jesus inherited the name. Inherit means "something giving to." So, God the Father gave Jesus a name above all names... which is Jesus, God's name. Name don't mean authority. Name mean name. Hand means authority or power according to the scriptures. So, when the Bible says Jesus sits on the hand of God, that is not literal. It means Jesus has the authority and power of God.
No scripture doesn’t say that. The name of the Father isn’t Jesus. They are distinct, we see this at Jesus baptism.
@Kdubtru help me understand John 5:43 and Hebrew 1:4? I Jesus isn't the Father's name, what is his name? That verse say he came in his Father's name, which mean God has a name. Also, what scripture say they are distinct? My last question. Who will we dwell with in Heaven if God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are distinct from one another? Will we see them all in Heaven, because I know the bible say we will see God and dwell with him?
You're not being uncouth,we are just discussing scripture,so you're good..Jesus and the Father(Jehovah) are one, However they are two distinct "beings"..God the Father gave Jesus a name above every name.Itsnnit that Jesus name is the same as God the Fathers..In Psalms 110:1 it says THE Lord (meaning Jehovah the Father said to MY Lord(Jesus Christ) sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstools..There's a clear distinction between Father God and Jesus....When Jesus was being baptized a light shined on him and a voice came from Heaven(The voice of Father God) saying this is my beloved Son(Jesus) in whom I am well pleased..@@randejac79
This man is like a one man baseball team he plays pitcher catcher left field right field shortstop what is he the umpire too he is everywhere but where he is supposed to be
The three ‘gesis’s-
Now election is over, no need to keep making fun of the loser.. we all are going to feel the effects of-
Is anyone praying for the losers, the outcome?
And I love truth.. let’s stay holy and righteous-
The swagger, hip-hop talk, rapper movements, laughter can mislead as holiness.
Bro nobody was worrying about you…😂😂😂😂
lol that sweater
he just went into his religous concert mod-- work up the audience
It’s crazy that these so called “Pastors “ have no idea what Love is. Just to be clear if you Love someone you warn them of the wages of sin.
Oh that sweater is an extreme monstrosity! 😆
Didn’t Kamala say “how dare we say merry Christmas”???
I’m lol I’m amazed that they shouting over Rudolph. This is unbelievable.
At what point does he put the focus on Jesus..u know the One the text is about...smh
First of all😂 Why didn’t he bring a bigger Bible? He’s got this itty-bitty travel size Bible, trying to preach at all😂😂😂
So funny kdub when he was preaching in Macon before he turned he actually was preaching sound doctrine
😂😂😂😂 Rudolph
** Wrongly misrepresented **
You wrongly identified oneness!! And you need to make that right publicly.
We do not believe the father became flesh that is a Trinity theology, which is heresy which teaches that God became man . God is a spirit. God has never become a man.!!!!
God was manifested in the flesh . You have the One God and The son of God. To keep it simple you have God, which is the spirit and the temple that God dwells in that is made without hands, which is the son of God. It’s not two gods. It’s the one God dwelling in the temple made without hands. Again, God, nor the father became a man or flesh. Again , you misrepresented us.
This is Unitarian theology not even oneness. Since you seem to be denying the deity of Christ.
Sooo he didn’t answer the question 😂
lol nope!!
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with what the pastor is saying and the examples he is using to get his point across are fine . He not talking about Rudolph , he is making a point . Read between the lines . In the Bible a lot of parables were told which were very cryptic . Also the Bible says that we are predestined… so actually we are who we are in the womb . I do not understand why you are going so hard . I enjoy watching your videos and usually agree but I really didn’t see anything wrong with the pastors message .
the point he makes have zero to do with the passage he's reading, you're okay with that?
@ actually no , idk I’ll watch it again .
This sermon has a mixture of NAR & little god's doctrine.
Wow and some of them have on Santa hats!
😂 he literally said egotistical
Springfield is the capital of Chicago??? News to me......
@Kdubtru right?😂😂
If the Bible doesn’t give credence to the man made holidays. Why fuss over the sermons? Obviously, people who read the Bible know better. False sermons for false believers.
So we can’t discuss like 2 now? My goodness
@ We are discussing or my post would not be here. Amen.
Rudolph Jones is crazy
Why is his bible so small 😂
Not Rudolph 😞
What is this man talking about it's like it's just a bunch of gibberish
While you are praising Trump he did away with Equal Opportunity Work Act which allows discrimination for federal employment and contracts too. So I guess his ideas on abortion are so important.
Meritocracy yay!!!!!!
Well, the life of a baby should be.
Terrible and dishonoring message!
The Word became flesh ‼️
That’s not biblically correct… God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit (Trinity) The three in one 🤯
This is what the KJV Bible says:
And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory, the glory as the only son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
Jesus is the living Word of God that was made
flesh and to save our souls.
If he had not been made flesh we all would have perished long ago.
The first chapter of John gives excellent insight to the Word, the true light, and his glory.
May God continually bless you as you study his Word.
The word (Jesus) did become flesh. John 1:14-18
@@Kdubtru But the messiah directed man to worship the father as he did as well.. The Father never said or indicated to us that we should categorize him as part of trinity. the where did it come from ?
3 persons? Ha
Jesus is not GOD the Christ in him is GOD. I don't know how people cannot understand that Jesus is flesh and no flesh can inherit the Kingdom of GOD. And Jesus himself received a new body did he not? Scripture does tells this. That is why he told Mary when he rose from the tomb " do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to the Father". Oh yeah this guy is off.
Jesus is God John 1:1
John 8:24
John 8:58
There is no salvation apart from this confession
@Kdubtru I can tell you are not familiar with understanding Scriptures. John 1:1 says the Word was in the beginning not Jesus. Scripture tells us He was the manifestation of the GODHEAD bodily and Jesus is the body not GOD. You need a better understanding of Scripture because Jesus's flesh took on our sins yet His Spirit remained GOD. That's how you were forgiven. GOD cannot sin nor take on sin so He needed a body to do it and He called it Jesus. Even Scripture says " for God was in Christ reconciling men to himself". You didn't know that Scripture was written? I didn't say Jesus Christ wasn't Lord He is the Son of GOD not GOD as Adam and you and me are sons. Yet within Him was the Christ who is Blessed forever. Amen
What you have said is the deceptive erroneous doctrine of Adoptionism, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Father, he is also the Word from the beginning, the Word that was God. Please learn about the triune Godhead.
Jesus is God you don’t know what you’re talking about. You need to read your Bible.
I literally said Jesus is God. You’re not listening
You said that God is three different persons specifically you said Trinity there’s no Trinity God is one and only one.