Thank you both from the bottom of my heart! Your great tours have enabled so many to see the world as it is throughYour eyes. It is like combining Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew and they had little ones who are Super Sleuths. Have a great week, and keep up the excellent work.
Everyone focuses on Goliath's height, but nobody talks about how much shorter normal human men were back then. The same problem happens with the Spanish Conquistador Coronado's tale of giant Native Chief Tuscaloosa. The average Spaniard was barely 5 foot tall back then. This is something that seems obvious to tall men though. I am 6'2" and my brother-in-law is 6'7". We have both noticed this odd fascination people have with us, but short people are not so interesting I suppose.
When David picked the 5 stones from the river, his attitude was not of "these 5 stones are enough to take down the uncircumcised Philistine Goliath". His attitude was "One stone each for Goliath and his 4 brothers". David was ready not only for Goliath but even for his 4 brothers as well. That much faith David had for the Lord. We need this kind of Faith even in our times.
@@elijah_godslayer9904 . And you talk about being mature ? When you have a picture of a cartoon character drinking alcohol. Seriously? You must also be another homosexual that's why you got offended
I've always wondered how the Biblical places look like when they were telling the stories back in grade school.. and now we can now see all of these because of a beautiful couple who are kind enough to share it with us. Thank you. 💕
Scripture says the nephiliam the first giants were 3000 Ls. That's 2 n half miles high.. Before the flood .. Jesus Christ did say the world was a carcass
If I lived in Israel I would be out there somewhere every day, searching for the past. It is so fascinating, breath taking and just so mind boggling to know you have walked over some big name in the Bible's footsteps. I can hardly get away from my PC, because of seeing all of this. I really appreciate people like this that shares all this information.. I am so glad to know that I will live here one day, when the new Jerusalem comes down from Heaven, to see the place that my Lord Jesus has prepared for me. Oh, I just want to praise Him and thank Him, FOR MY SALVATION, be there with Him, and see, in person, THE ONE WHO DIED FOR ME and see and feel the love that He has for me. I look for Him every day, hoping that this will be the day He breaks the sky and takes us home. GLORY BE TO OUR GOD, THE FATHER, HIS SON, OUR LORD AND COMING KING, AND OUR COMFORTER, THE DEAR HOLY SPIRIT, THAT KEEPS ALL THESE STRENGTH GIVING THOUGHTS SAFELY WITHIN THE WALLS OF OUR MIND, THAT KEEPS US SEALED UNTIL THIS GLORIOUS DAY OF REDEMPTION. AMEN AND AMEN...
My wife and I visited for our Anniversary and I will tell you totally changed me and I thought I was already changed! To know you are walking in the same steps that our Savior walked and to see everything that is mentioned in the simply takes your breath away. BTW....Israel has the best food I've ever tasted.
Incredible to know that the greats of the Holy Bible walked there. That JESUS lived and traveled in that land. Like others have said, it just takes your breath away... THIS is the country where Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords will make His return. I bend my knees and bow before Him, my Savior, my Good Shepherd, my Guiding Light, my Rabbi, my Teacher, the Lamb of God, the Cornerstone of the Church, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. My heart overflows at the thought... Praised be the LORD!
This is great, all my life I’ve wanted to go where Jesus walked, by looking at this world, I don’t think I’ll be waiting much longer. Praise Him all day everyday! Thank you and Thank You Jesus
@Just E THE PARANOIA, THE BRAINWASHING, THE ANCIENT HEBREW MYTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST BE PROUD, RUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN ANYONE NOT BE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!
"...let God be true and every man a liar." Romans 3:4 All I can say is wow and maybe incredible. Ha! Gods word is the TRUTH!! Imagine the giants setting out camp as they patrol the gates. Amazing.
And yet people who profess to believe the scriptures/bible is the inerrant word of our Creator STILL believe the earth is a spinning ball ! ( hypocrisy much ? )
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4
@Lord ballsac the 2nd the percent of people over 7 feet today is 0.000038%. for 5 giants to exist in that small ancient town shows that something is off. and if it was that easy to make giants, scientist would have that technology avilable to make people supersize
I tried many religions in my quest for truth about my existence. Every path I have walked down was a dead end until I learned that the Bible never fails to answer my questions with absolute confidence. If you are really seeking the Truth investigate the Bible and you will see that if you are really seeking pure truth the Bible will never fail to satisfy your desire for truth and wisdom.
This was such a great episode. I'm going through a tough time with my faith in God right now and this episode helped me out a lot. Thanks for posting your shows.
Sometimes the enemy tries to make you think that God is not real but he is I’ve been in those kind of situation too but I stand strong in Jesus Christ Stay strong my Brother
Yes. The Bible is true and God is real. God said remain in Him and He will remain in you. Stay strong because if everything prophesied in the Old Testament in Isaiah, Daniel etc of His first coming was fulfilled in every detail; His second coming must also be fulfilled because God cannot lie. And you can see from the things unfolding around the world, specially in middle east, Israel; that He is coming back soon. I take comfort that He said what we go through on earth is only a short while, but the everlasting peace we will have with Him in heaven forever is our hope that nothing on this earth can take away. Amen.
*MAY ALLAH GUIDE ALL WHO ARE SEEKERS OF THE TRUTH* "He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24. Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110 O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67 We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119 "He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13] After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God. The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136] Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108 If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20 Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29 “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99 “And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18 "This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4. "Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1) “Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158 Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19 “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256 Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104 “Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46 Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29 "This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3. They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32 Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
There were 3 different types of cubits used in antiquity. The Standard, The Royal, and the Egyptian. The Standard Cubit used 18"...measured this way Goliath would've measured 9'9"...this is also the shortest of the 3. The Egyptian used 25"...measured this way Goliath would've measured 13'4"...this is the longest of the 3. I tend to lean toward the Egyptian because the Israelites had been in captivity for 430 years, beginning around 1880 BC. The Israelites brought many societal and cultural practices with them when they returned to Judea. David slew Goliath in 1063 BC. It isn't beyond the pale to surmise that there was Egyptian influence in this instance. Many people tend to try to either discount Goliath being a giant or under estimate his true height. King Og of Bashan is mentioned much more in the Bible. His bedstead is said to have measured 9 x 4 cubits. Using the units from above, his bed would've measured 13'6" to 18'9" long, by 6' to 8'4" wide. Again, I tend to lean towards the higher measurements. In Numbers 13:33, Joshua and Caleb state that the inhabitants of the Promised Land devour everything in their sight, and that they appeared as grasshoppers to the giants in their sight. You can't be 6' tall and appear like a grasshopper to someone who is 9"'s not logical...the visual wouldn't make sense. However, consider in Amos 2:9, it says: Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath. The Amorites were giants, and dwelled in the area that we know as Lebanon today. They are famous for their cedar trees. Mature cedars can measure between 35' to 150' tall. This brings Numbers 13:33 into better focus. Someone around 6" tall can start to appear like a grasshopper to a being that is around 36' tall. It is plausible to see how Goliath and Og would appear so large to us, but would've paled in comparison to their antediluvian predecessors...they were actually some of the smaller giants from antiquity.
Remembering that David used Goliaths sword to cut off Goliaths head suggests that David, only about 17, could handle the giants sword. I’ve always swayed towards the 18 inch measurement for the cubit. My thinking is, if Goliath was 13 ft plus then the sword would have been proportional and thus not manageable for David. Later, when David asks the priest for any weapon he might have as David was on the run from Saul and needed a weapon, the sword of Goliath is available and David takes it with him. If the sword was proportional to a 13 ft giant then it would have been of little use to David on the run. I suspect the sword was very large but still a useable weapon to David, thus my belief that the cubit describing Goliath is 18 inches. It still puts Goliath at almost 10 ft remembering to add the span to the 6 cubits. Love the info you have put up. Thank you for posting and opening the important point for discussion.
I am a really large man, at 6'6" and 340 lbs. and I played American Football and I loved lifting was something we had to do to keep ourselves strong. Reading the description of the armour that Goliath wore is amazing! Even a very large man like myself would have trouble manoeuvring.
The Dead Scrolls, Septuagint and Josephus all report “4 Cubits and a span”, it wasn’t until much later manuscripts read “6 cubits and a span” likely due to a simple scribal error.
@@mitchellmullin4887 Modern day manuscripts were translated by men who had access to and used the Septuagint, and they had access to the writings of Josephus. The idea that a 6'9" man would strike terror into the hearts of Israel's entire army, including Saul who stood "head and shoulders above" the men of Israel, is just ridiculous.
Thank you Sergio & Rhoda, for sharing theses towns, cities, and places and stories of people that lived in that time period of the Bible, and to think that some people , try to say that the Bible is just a fairy tale , but , yet still finding , theses stories and places in the Bible , shows you that the Bible is true . Thanks again and God Bless
I’m so glad that you are doing what you are doing. I’m unable to go to these places myself but have always wanted to see them and you bring them alive. So cool. Thank you both and love the commentary.
Wow! This was an episode worth waiting for. It makes the Bible of David's time come alive. Thanks for taking us to a place none of us got to visit on our Holy Land Tours!
I just wanted to say hello from Georgia , U. S. A. and to tell you how much I love your Bible stories and show us where these events took place. You are helping me see these stories come to life and I'm just in awe of all of these events. I have always believed in the truthfulness of the Bible and seeing these lands are just amazing !! Thank you for sharing with us all! 🙏🇺🇸❤
Jesus love you all at all times remember that and know that God is real and he is good the Bible says taste and see that the Lord is good for he is for you not against you. Trust him.
I started to enjoy these S&R videos a couple of years ago before we were blessed to actually visit the Holy Land. They helped then because I could appreciate the major sites more when we stood onsite. Afterward, it is a delight to see the off-road places that our big bus couldn’t reach. This particular video was fun today because of the video tricks you use to show Goliath’s height. Your editing is getting better and better. I also love the way you testify of the Bible’s truth. Keep at it you two. You bless so many people throughout the world.
I’m so glad that I found your channel on here! I haven’t watched many episodes yet but this one of Gath was excellent. I am a Christian and have been struggling with my fascination of biblical archaeology. I love that the archaeology confirms so many of the places, stories and people of the Bible both old and New Testament. I guess I have felt guilty as if I shouldn’t need it to confirm my faith even though I don’t need it to but it helps me put the pictures together in my mind because I’m a very visual learner as I’ve discovered while learning about biblical archaeology. Forgive me I forget the woman’s name but she said something at the very end of this episode that I felt makes so much sense and allows me to continue to grow in my faith through this learning. She said as I paraphrase, “we are seeing all of these places and it’s elevating our faith”. What a wonderful way to say exactly how I feel about it. So I just wanted to say thankful and count me as a strong supporter and fan of your work. God speed and thank you for your teaching. -John from USA.
I am reading thru the Bible this year, and I am in 1 SAMUEL 17 right now.. My favorite video you have done is David and Goliath, seeing the valley of Elah and you testing to see if Rhoda could hear you was amazing!! God says what he means, and means what he says!!! Thank you both for your hard work and passion for the Lord. You are my Mishpocha! {sp}
I feel soooo blessed, so thankful that I came across your channel. Thank you to the 2 of you and everyone else involved in your films! God bless you all and may God always keep you guys safe and healthy and happy on your trips and adventures 😁💖
Many of those GIANT skeletons have been disposed of by the Smithsonian historical museum. Supposedly these skeletons tell a different story, one that defies human evolution.
@Robert Hubbard they call them giants because of how big they are but actually those are human skeletons and its really normal😅 we were way bigger than because of good natural nutrition. Not like now with foods in packages with chemicals
Sergio & Rhoda, I enjoyed your amazing videos covering the ancient ruins and fantastic archeological discoveries that prove the truth of the Bible. Hope we continue to see more exciting finds. 👍🏻 Stay safe and thanks again for the videos. -Matt
I've probably watched every video on your channel and I love how you two are just as amazed I am from home while exploring. I am now planning a trip to Israel 2021 and by the grace of God, my husband and I will be able to go. You two should consider hosting tours- I would be the first to sign up. Love from New York.
Cantares 5 Os 7 Sacerdotes sete candelabros na derrubada de Jericó ?! Apocalipse? Shabat shalom 😇🕛⏳⌛ morreu na quarta que é o meio do candelabro igual o Sacerdote quando levanta as mãos como Moshe fazendo a cada mão juntando os dedos em pares e o dedão sozinho , a cabeça é Jesus Cristo Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben David o centro do candelabro as duas testemunhas ajuda a levantar as mãos e o sétimo dia Shabat Yeshua ressuscitou ?
Sorry my friend but this isn't Biblical. David didn't even know who Goliath was when he showed up to deliver food to his brothers. The number 5 in Hebrew has a lot of meaning, picking 5 stones was a prophetic act of faith.
@@ohhappynave .... Sorry again. David knew who was Goliath. Every day he was there, mockering. That's why David decided to fight him. How could he ignore who was he...?
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv I'm sorry but no. If you read the scriptures, David did not know who Goliath was because he had to ask the men in the army and his brothers about Goliath and ask who he was. Their entire conversation is recorded in the Bible. David had no prior knowledge of who Goliath was before he arrived on the scene, he was only going there at his father's request to bring his brothers provisions and to ask what was happening.
I love watching your videos. Thank you for showing us how the Holy Land really looks and where the biblical people lived and what they did. I may never get to go to Israel but seeing your videos helps us to see how it looks and all of the history that happened there. Thanks again.
Very awesome selection of music for this installment. I’m amazed at the diversity of landscapes and flora in Israel! Truly a land of milk and honey when the rains nourish it! David was obviously a psychological genius, impeccable ability to use his understanding of human nature to accomplish what was needed - even feigning the appearance of a “madman”, LOL! Giants - now that is an interesting topic - Nephilim, genetic remnants of the fallen angel incursion?
@@aianwill9914 I beg to differ, Sir. Genesis 6:4 - "There were giants in the earth in those days; *and also after that*, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." I direct your attention to "and also after that". There were also nephilim after the flood of Noah.
@@misfittoytower Brother, may I please remind you of Genesis 7:21-23: So all living creatures that were moving on the earth perished-the flying creatures, the domestic animals, the wild animals, the swarming creatures, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. So He wiped every living thing from the surface of the earth, including man, animals, creeping animals, and the flying creatures of the sky. They were all wiped off the earth; only Noah and those with him in the ark survived. For those inspired words to be true, all the Nephilim (those wicked giants, the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels and human women) had to have been destroyed.
I’m a new subscriber, really glad to have found your channel! I lived in Israel in the early 80’s and visited Gath in 1982. As I recall there were also large caves in the area that had all kinds of inscriptions on the walls, it was very interesting. Another place of interest is Tekoa, the home town of the prophet Amos. Not sure if it’s still there but there was the remains of a synagogue. On the floor were loose mosaic tiles that had been laying there exposed to the elements for probably a couple thousand years.......good memories!
Thank you S&R for being such brave hearts for Jesus creating these amazing videos for us despite the record High temperatures and high security risks around the neighbouring Gaza border. The LORD bless you and keep you!
@@anniedarkhorse6791 His people took over the land from the Philistines, are they all a myth too? A historically recorded king of God's people, is not myth. Is'real "ISRAEL!"
@@anniedarkhorse6791 oho but you are the ignorant messed up one, claiming to own history. The world history is built on the bible its laws and beliefs. Time itself is marked BC (before Christ) and AD "anno domini" the year of our Lord. The Christian/Biblical civilization has endured as fact even today. Those in disbief are examples of immorality, corruption and egotism. Go to your anti-bible failed aethiesit jail states, China or better yet North Korea, be one with your ideologues.
I bet that mound is where Goliath is actually buried. I was just doing a little searching and the way the Native Americans of N. America tell it, is that when giants/Nephilim died, they were too large to actually bury. So, the people would do their best to cover them with dirt. There’s mounds in N. America like the one at Gath. I know of one in the state of Georgia for sure. It would be interesting to use GPR or just do an excavation of a particular area of the mound of Gath.
I hope you guys are well..I have missed watching your content! I had multiple surgeries during 2020 and have been healing up since then, and very out of commission!!!! I just want to say how cute Rhoda is when she talks about the Bible, you can see how filled with Love she is! Blessings! 💗🙏🌺
(YESHUA) Will WIN For us and Israel 🌍 Last Battle Armagedon (Zechariah 14 : 4) ! You must be Born Again with Holy Spirit 🤗🤗🤗 ! I Love Israel ❤️ Shalom ❤️ !
Isreal is ruled by Ashkenazi Jews, the Jews today aren't the original Jews, there is no such thing as a Messiah, you have to save Yourself, No one is coming to help you!
@@TheStellarmanCo. did I asked who is in control of Israel? While you may not believe that is a matter entirely up to once the truth is being proclaimed. Whether you accept or not is up to you. People like you are stuck up in ignorance it has blinded you. You may save yourself (by yourself) but as for me there is one who has already saved me.
@@TheStellarmanCo. The real Israel is in South Africa, its still destroyed no-one really lives there. On ancient maps over 400 years old its shown, also many other places mentioned in the Bible.
You showed a picture of Robert Wadlow. He was my fourth cousin. I just found that out recently. He was very tall. He had a thyroid condition. I was surprised to find out that he was in my family tree. Interesting. I love your videos. I have visited Israel the past year but you show so many other places that we didn't get to see.
It bothers me when in talking about the biblical giants they mention your cousin Robert. He was a regular human man that had thyroid condition that made him grow disproportionately large. The poor guy had a rough time and never really ever got to live a normal life. The Bible giants were hybrid creatures that were not only more proportional but even immensely strong. Way different.
@@michaelszczys8316 It is unusual to see someone that tall. I've been told that he was studying to be a dentist. He died of an infection on his foot at an early age. I'm sure he had a rough life. I think they were just comparing his height to the giants of the bible. It does help to picture how tall they were. I thought it was interesting. :-)
@@michaelszczys8316 the difference between goliath and Robert, Robert had a mutation that caused him to be a giant, it wasn't genetic. Everyone else in his family were normal height. With Goliath his brothers were also described as being giants so him being a giant was mostly genetic. He could the had a giant dad or even a giant mom. Hey some guys like tall women.
@@esthermarie5532 And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant. 2 Samuel 21:20
@@esthermarie5532 And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant. 1 Chronicles 20:6
@@esthermarie5532 Noah and his family are the only ones who survived the flood and one of his daughter in laws must have carried nephilim gene in her DNA and that's how nephilim must have re appeared but God destroyed them again.
2 Samuel 21.20 Chronicles 20.6, speaks to the fact Goliath had six fingers and six toes Thanks II really enjoyed the tag along video. Thanks again and blessings In Christ
Awesome video, enjoyed the watch! Super interesting..👍👍👍 P.S: At -2.30min. wrong reference is given (*1 Sam. 17:33 is the correct one!) Thankfully, had my Superbook with me during the watch.. 😎 Cheers chaps!!
@vivek antoni That's funny. I was thinking like you. Before I even watched the vid I thought I should probably click LIKE because these vids are so consistently great.
@@JNH1961 I guess you are a Muslim. Seek the truth. Some of it is in these vids. But if you want to just hate, the truth won't matter and you will miss out. Now and forever. If you seek the true Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you will find Him. He promises that.
@@JNH1961 If I understood your first post, you clicked dislike for this super video. So I assumed you could be Muslim. I said nothing hateful. I was trying to help any assumed Muslim to see that he could be accepted by the true Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. You on the other hand have spewed out hatred. Your nasty and grossly insulting posts to me put you in the bin for troll talkers and cyberbullies, i.e. mute. Bye!
I’m interested in Ancient History and I enjoy your visits to these amazing sights that leap out of the pages of very old documents. Certainly seeing the lay of the land adds so much colour to these stories even though the climate has probably changed dramatically in the last three thousand years or so. Certainly population densities where much different then but to see this site being so big suggests that there where not only giants in these towns but a sizeable population and economic engine as well.
Thank you for this wonderful experience. By the way, TH-cam has decided to no longer alert people what are subscribed to videos like I specifically look for you, I don't know when you've completed a video. Any possibility you could tell us how often you're going to do videos so we/I can look for your gifts to us....thank you from Arkansas USA....Curt
Thanks you for another great episode. Enjoyed it! The bible actually talks about giants. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward (the flood)-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. ~Gen. 6:4~
Deuteronomy 3:13 KJV [13] And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants.
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Goliath was 9'9" not 8'7", so what cubits are you using ?
Thank you both from the bottom of my heart! Your great tours have enabled so many to see the world as it is throughYour eyes. It is like combining Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew and they had little ones who are Super Sleuths. Have a great week, and keep up the excellent work.
Everyone focuses on Goliath's height, but nobody talks about how much shorter normal human men were back then. The same problem happens with the Spanish Conquistador Coronado's tale of giant Native Chief Tuscaloosa. The average Spaniard was barely 5 foot tall back then. This is something that seems obvious to tall men though. I am 6'2" and my brother-in-law is 6'7". We have both noticed this odd fascination people have with us, but short people are not so interesting I suppose.
@@Revanxxx1 Actually in the dead sea scrolls Goliath was 6'9. There are several differences between the original texts and modern interpretations.
@@Revanxxx1 Denisovans were 9 feet to possibly 12 feet tall.
When David picked the 5 stones from the river, his attitude was not of "these 5 stones are enough to take down the uncircumcised Philistine Goliath". His attitude was "One stone each for Goliath and his 4 brothers". David was ready not only for Goliath but even for his 4 brothers as well. That much faith David had for the Lord. We need this kind of Faith even in our times.
You must be a homosexual for bringing up circumcision in your comment
@@joedough6450 i can see maturity isn't your strong suit.
@@elijah_godslayer9904 is bringing up circumcision make you mature? Please explain
@@elijah_godslayer9904 . And you talk about being mature ? When you have a picture of a cartoon character drinking alcohol. Seriously? You must also be another homosexual that's why you got offended
@@joedough6450 seems like you have a hidden fetish for homosexuals or something. Deal with your problems on your own time.
I've always wondered how the Biblical places look like when they were telling the stories back in grade school.. and now we can now see all of these because of a beautiful couple who are kind enough to share it with us. Thank you. 💕
Trust me It was more Glorious before the Great Destruction that happened many many years ago.
grade school taught the bible?
Scripture says the nephiliam the first giants were 3000 Ls. That's 2 n half miles high.. Before the flood .. Jesus Christ did say the world was a carcass
@@flourishwithzel I was there but 30+ years ago. Can't remember much. Now it's like rinsing my throttled brain and memories come back.
If I lived in Israel I would be out there somewhere every day, searching for the past. It is so fascinating, breath taking and just so mind boggling to know you have walked over some big name in the Bible's footsteps. I can hardly get away from my PC, because of seeing all of this. I really appreciate people like this that shares all this information.. I am so glad to know that I will live here one day, when the new Jerusalem comes down from Heaven, to see the place that my Lord Jesus has prepared for me. Oh, I just want to praise Him and thank Him, FOR MY SALVATION, be there with Him, and see, in person, THE ONE WHO DIED FOR ME and see and feel the love that He has for me. I look for Him every day, hoping that this will be the day He breaks the sky and takes us home. GLORY BE TO OUR GOD, THE FATHER, HIS SON, OUR LORD AND COMING KING, AND OUR COMFORTER, THE DEAR HOLY SPIRIT, THAT KEEPS ALL THESE STRENGTH GIVING THOUGHTS SAFELY WITHIN THE WALLS OF OUR MIND, THAT KEEPS US SEALED UNTIL THIS GLORIOUS DAY OF REDEMPTION. AMEN AND AMEN...
My wife and I visited for our Anniversary and I will tell you totally changed me and I thought I was already changed! To know you are walking in the same steps that our Savior walked and to see everything that is mentioned in the simply takes your breath away. BTW....Israel has the best food I've ever tasted.
This is exactly what I've been thinking since I discover this channel 😭😭😭I can't wait to visit Jerusalem and all this biblical place 🤗
Amen. Halleluya
Incredible to know that the greats of the Holy Bible walked there. That JESUS lived and traveled in that land. Like others have said, it just takes your breath away... THIS is the country where Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords will make His return. I bend my knees and bow before Him, my Savior, my Good Shepherd, my Guiding Light, my Rabbi, my Teacher, the Lamb of God, the Cornerstone of the Church, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. My heart overflows at the thought... Praised be the LORD!
This is great, all my life I’ve wanted to go where Jesus walked, by looking at this world, I don’t think I’ll be waiting much longer. Praise Him all day everyday! Thank you and Thank You Jesus
I still love the fact that we can still find intact pottery from over 3,000 years ago.
Cults are fun, eh?
@Just E THE PARANOIA, THE BRAINWASHING, THE ANCIENT HEBREW MYTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST BE PROUD, RUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN ANYONE NOT BE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!
Not only in this part of the world.............
"...let God be true and every man a liar."
Romans 3:4
All I can say is wow and maybe incredible. Ha! Gods word is the TRUTH!!
Imagine the giants setting out camp as they patrol the gates. Amazing.
And yet people who profess to believe the scriptures/bible is the inerrant word of our Creator STILL believe the earth is a spinning ball ! ( hypocrisy much ? )
Shepherds chapel Arnold Murray
@@colliecandle Even the Bible says the world is a spinning ball lol
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
Genesis 6:4
That verse implies God created those original giants.
@@shellsea1735 how is that implied?
@Lord ballsac the 2nd the percent of people over 7 feet today is 0.000038%. for 5 giants to exist in that small ancient town shows that something is off. and if it was that easy to make giants, scientist would have that technology avilable to make people supersize
@Lord ballsac the 2nd basketball players doesn't fit the grasshopper analogy of numbers 13;33.
@@marq5864 actually he did create them . Colossians 1:16.
Its always a treat roaming thru the Holy Lands with y'all..we are living thru y'alls travels and excavations
@@JNH1961 did you curse it 🤔
Your body is the holy land of Yhwh
Gath high school basketball team was a force to be reckoned with in those days
Except when shooting free throws.
😂 😂 😂
David Spud Webb destroyed him
Funny 😂😂
I tried many religions in my quest for truth about my existence. Every path I have walked down was a dead end until I learned that the Bible never fails to answer my questions with absolute confidence. If you are really seeking the Truth investigate the Bible and you will see that if you are really seeking pure truth the Bible will never fail to satisfy your desire for truth and wisdom.
This was such a great episode. I'm going through a tough time with my faith in God right now and this episode helped me out a lot. Thanks for posting your shows.
Sometimes the enemy tries to make you think that God is not real but he is I’ve been in those kind of situation too but I stand strong in Jesus Christ
Stay strong my Brother
@@Daribha_Kharluni Thank you
Yes. The Bible is true and God is real. God said remain in Him and He will remain in you. Stay strong because if everything prophesied in the Old Testament in Isaiah, Daniel etc of His first coming was fulfilled in every detail; His second coming must also be fulfilled because God cannot lie. And you can see from the things unfolding around the world, specially in middle east, Israel; that He is coming back soon. I take comfort that He said what we go through on earth is only a short while, but the everlasting peace we will have with Him in heaven forever is our hope that nothing on this earth can take away. Amen.
"He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24.
Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110
O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67
We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119
"He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13]
After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God.
The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136]
Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108
If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20
Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29
“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99
“And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18
"This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4.
"Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1)
“Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158
Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256
Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104
“Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46
Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29
"This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3.
They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32
Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
@@Sweety-ut8zw Wow, are you ever deceived!
There were 3 different types of cubits used in antiquity. The Standard, The Royal, and the Egyptian. The Standard Cubit used 18"...measured this way Goliath would've measured 9'9"...this is also the shortest of the 3. The Egyptian used 25"...measured this way Goliath would've measured 13'4"...this is the longest of the 3. I tend to lean toward the Egyptian because the Israelites had been in captivity for 430 years, beginning around 1880 BC. The Israelites brought many societal and cultural practices with them when they returned to Judea. David slew Goliath in 1063 BC. It isn't beyond the pale to surmise that there was Egyptian influence in this instance. Many people tend to try to either discount Goliath being a giant or under estimate his true height.
King Og of Bashan is mentioned much more in the Bible. His bedstead is said to have measured 9 x 4 cubits. Using the units from above, his bed would've measured 13'6" to 18'9" long, by 6' to 8'4" wide. Again, I tend to lean towards the higher measurements.
In Numbers 13:33, Joshua and Caleb state that the inhabitants of the Promised Land devour everything in their sight, and that they appeared as grasshoppers to the giants in their sight. You can't be 6' tall and appear like a grasshopper to someone who is 9"'s not logical...the visual wouldn't make sense. However, consider in Amos 2:9, it says: Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.
The Amorites were giants, and dwelled in the area that we know as Lebanon today. They are famous for their cedar trees. Mature cedars can measure between 35' to 150' tall. This brings Numbers 13:33 into better focus. Someone around 6" tall can start to appear like a grasshopper to a being that is around 36' tall.
It is plausible to see how Goliath and Og would appear so large to us, but would've paled in comparison to their antediluvian predecessors...they were actually some of the smaller giants from antiquity.
I think whole world was Jerusalem until flood broke apart land....
@@josemelendez1321 yes I'm definitely swaying towards that as well
Remembering that David used Goliaths sword to cut off Goliaths head suggests that David, only about 17, could handle the giants sword. I’ve always swayed towards the 18 inch measurement for the cubit. My thinking is, if Goliath was 13 ft plus then the sword would have been proportional and thus not manageable for David. Later, when David asks the priest for any weapon he might have as David was on the run from Saul and needed a weapon, the sword of Goliath is available and David takes it with him. If the sword was proportional to a 13 ft giant then it would have been of little use to David on the run. I suspect the sword was very large but still a useable weapon to David, thus my belief that the cubit describing Goliath is 18 inches. It still puts Goliath at almost 10 ft remembering to add the span to the 6 cubits. Love the info you have put up. Thank you for posting and opening the important point for discussion.
Noah used the Royal Egyptian measurement for the Ark
Many thanks for your insights Brian, it is greatly appreciated.
I am a really large man, at 6'6" and 340 lbs. and I played American Football and I loved lifting was something we had to do to keep ourselves strong. Reading the description of the armour that Goliath wore is amazing! Even a very large man like myself would have trouble manoeuvring.
@Zeddi One closer to 10 feet, actually.
The Dead Scrolls, Septuagint and Josephus all report “4 Cubits and a span”, it wasn’t until much later manuscripts read “6 cubits and a span” likely due to a simple scribal error.
@@mitchellmullin4887 Modern day manuscripts were translated by men who had access to and used the Septuagint, and they had access to the writings of Josephus. The idea that a 6'9" man would strike terror into the hearts of Israel's entire army, including Saul who stood "head and shoulders above" the men of Israel, is just ridiculous.
And stop got dropped by a rock lol
@@annep.1905 You do realize the average man in that era was 4.5-5 feet tall, right?
Thank you Sergio & Rhoda, for sharing theses towns, cities, and places and stories of people that lived in that time period of the Bible, and to think that some people , try to say that the Bible is just a fairy tale , but , yet still finding , theses stories and places in the Bible , shows you that the Bible is true . Thanks again and God Bless
I’m so glad that you are doing what you are doing. I’m unable to go to these places myself but have always wanted to see them and you bring them alive. So cool. Thank you both and love the commentary.
Wow! This was an episode worth waiting for. It makes the Bible of David's time come alive. Thanks for taking us to a place none of us got to visit on our Holy Land Tours!
Always excited when I see a new Sergio and Rhoda's video!!! Blessed Sunday!
I just wanted to say hello from Georgia , U. S. A. and to tell you how much I love your Bible stories and show us where these events took place. You are helping me see these stories come to life and I'm just in awe of all of these events. I have always believed in the truthfulness of the Bible and seeing these lands are just amazing !! Thank you for sharing with us all! 🙏🇺🇸❤
We had only read in bible about these places but its great blessing for us when we see the actual places through these videos. God bless both of you.
The "historical" Goliath is huge. He is made up of five constellations aka Scorpio thru Pisces. You will find him in revelation 9.5.
I love watching you two, you feel like family! Ty for your devotion to the Bible and its historicity!
So wonderful. I luvit. I really enjoy seeing all the Biblical places u guys take me. May our Father bless yall in all u do. Thanx so much . 💚😘
Always a ''Must'' brother and sister. Glory to our God to show us theses thinks.
?????. Coherent until about 2/3 through the sentence. Then it just becomes mayhem
Thank you ABBA Holy GOD for protecting brother David he was lineages of OUR LORD AND KING JESUS
It's really amazing seeing a place that Bible mentioned to all believers. Thanks for sharing
Props to you guys for putting that piece back. We need that kind of moral fortitude these days, even more than ever.
Jesus love you all at all times remember that and know that God is real and he is good the Bible says taste and see that the Lord is good for he is for you not against you. Trust him.
hey!!! please respond if you see my comment
@@originalmix2546 I see your commit, and yeah?
We have religious freedom in America and dont have to follow your religion.
You guys are so very cool. Thank you for continuing to show us the wonderful terrain of Israel and the Bible. Jesus bless you!
I started to enjoy these S&R videos a couple of years ago before we were blessed to actually visit the Holy Land. They helped then because I could appreciate the major sites more when we stood onsite. Afterward, it is a delight to see the off-road places that our big bus couldn’t reach. This particular video was fun today because of the video tricks you use to show Goliath’s height. Your editing is getting better and better. I also love the way you testify of the Bible’s truth. Keep at it you two. You bless so many people throughout the world.
I’m so glad that I found your channel on here! I haven’t watched many episodes yet but this one of Gath was excellent. I am a Christian and have been struggling with my fascination of biblical archaeology. I love that the archaeology confirms so many of the places, stories and people of the Bible both old and New Testament. I guess I have felt guilty as if I shouldn’t need it to confirm my faith even though I don’t need it to but it helps me put the pictures together in my mind because I’m a very visual learner as I’ve discovered while learning about biblical archaeology. Forgive me I forget the woman’s name but she said something at the very end of this episode that I felt makes so much sense and allows me to continue to grow in my faith through this learning. She said as I paraphrase, “we are seeing all of these places and it’s elevating our faith”. What a wonderful way to say exactly how I feel about it. So I just wanted to say thankful and count me as a strong supporter and fan of your work. God speed and thank you for your teaching. -John from USA.
It just affirms and validates our faith to see these Bible archeological sites .
I am reading thru the Bible this year, and I am in 1 SAMUEL 17 right now.. My favorite video you have done is David and Goliath, seeing the valley of Elah and you testing to see if Rhoda could hear you was amazing!! God says what he means, and means what he says!!! Thank you both for your hard work and passion for the Lord. You are my Mishpocha! {sp}
God's Word is Truth! Thank you, Sergio and Rhoda. God bless you!
God Bless you Sergio and Rhoda for showing us the city of Gath, just remember we are Giant Killers in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Amen and Amen.
@Mukhtar please notify or share the link when you make the video
@Mukhtar link pictures?
Love being able to see these places and things...
I feel soooo blessed, so thankful that I came across your channel. Thank you to the 2 of you and everyone else involved in your films! God bless you all and may God always keep you guys safe and healthy and happy on your trips and adventures 😁💖
Thank you TH-cam for recommending this channel to me !This is amazing! New subscriber
What a wonderful experience seeing these amazing places. Thank you so much for sharing with us. God bless you both.
I always enjoy watching all of your episodes on Biblical historic sites. You are mishpachah. Looking forward to seeing your next episode 💕
I always love your tours and how you show and explain the Bible. ❤️
Im just finishing 2 Samuel and this pops up. Thank you
Many giant skeletons have been found over time, then hidden
Because they dont want the RACE of those giants to be exposed
Many of those GIANT skeletons have been disposed of by the Smithsonian historical museum. Supposedly these skeletons tell a different story, one that defies human evolution.
@Robert Hubbard fallen angels demons bred with humans.
@Robert Hubbard they call them giants because of how big they are but actually those are human skeletons and its really normal😅 we were way bigger than because of good natural nutrition. Not like now with foods in packages with chemicals
@@rustykoehler2789 read genesis 6 it’s all there.
Sergio & Rhoda, I enjoyed your amazing videos covering the ancient ruins and fantastic archeological discoveries that prove the truth of the Bible. Hope we continue to see more exciting finds. 👍🏻 Stay safe and thanks again for the videos. -Matt
Praise God.. may He bless and provide and guide you in the expeditions. Thank you.
I've probably watched every video on your channel and I love how you two are just as amazed I am from home while exploring. I am now planning a trip to Israel 2021 and by the grace of God, my husband and I will be able to go. You two should consider hosting tours- I would be the first to sign up. Love from New York.
My family has learned so much from your travels. Thank you. God bless you both.
Sergio and Rhoda, Thank you for sharing these videos. Seeing the places greatly increases one’s ability to understand Bible as they read it.
As has been said on Zola Levitt for a lot of years: "The rocks are crying out...."
I miss him I watch him when I got save in june of 1987 wow where had time gone 🙏🌈
Cantares 5
Os 7 Sacerdotes sete candelabros na derrubada de Jericó ?! Apocalipse?
Shabat shalom 😇🕛⏳⌛ morreu na quarta que é o meio do candelabro igual o Sacerdote quando levanta as mãos como Moshe fazendo a cada mão juntando os dedos em pares e o dedão sozinho , a cabeça é Jesus Cristo Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben David o centro do candelabro as duas testemunhas ajuda a levantar as mãos e o sétimo dia Shabat Yeshua ressuscitou ?
i miss his program
God bless you both, what an honor that you live there in the Holy Land!🕊️🎶📯
There were 4 others because, when David picked 5 stones when he confronted Goliath, one stone for him and 4 other stones for Goliaths 4 brothers.
Yes sir!
Sorry my friend but this isn't Biblical. David didn't even know who Goliath was when he showed up to deliver food to his brothers. The number 5 in Hebrew has a lot of meaning, picking 5 stones was a prophetic act of faith.
@@ohhappynave .... Sorry again.
David knew who was Goliath. Every day he was there, mockering.
That's why David decided to fight him.
How could he ignore who was he...?
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv I'm sorry but no. If you read the scriptures, David did not know who Goliath was because he had to ask the men in the army and his brothers about Goliath and ask who he was. Their entire conversation is recorded in the Bible. David had no prior knowledge of who Goliath was before he arrived on the scene, he was only going there at his father's request to bring his brothers provisions and to ask what was happening.
This is amazing!! Thank you both so much for sharing some awesome sights with us. God bless you both.
Loved this! My boys enjoyed learning and seeing for themselves that stories from the bible we teach them are true. Thank you😊
I love watching your videos. Thank you for showing us how the Holy Land really looks and where the biblical people lived and what they did. I may never get to go to Israel but seeing your videos helps us to see how it looks and all of the history that happened there. Thanks again.
Very awesome selection of music for this installment. I’m amazed at the diversity of landscapes and flora in Israel! Truly a land of milk and honey when the rains nourish it! David was obviously a psychological genius, impeccable ability to use his understanding of human nature to accomplish what was needed - even feigning the appearance of a “madman”, LOL! Giants - now that is an interesting topic - Nephilim, genetic remnants of the fallen angel incursion?
agree, is Soo beautiful 💓💓💓
Very interesting indeed!
Nothing of the Nephilim survived the Flood, so this was the result of generations of selective breeding (and inbreeding).
@@aianwill9914 I beg to differ, Sir. Genesis 6:4 - "There were giants in the earth in those days; *and also after that*, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." I direct your attention to "and also after that". There were also nephilim after the flood of Noah.
@@misfittoytower Brother, may I please remind you of Genesis 7:21-23:
So all living creatures that were moving on the earth perished-the flying creatures, the domestic animals, the wild animals, the swarming creatures, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. So He wiped every living thing from the surface of the earth, including man, animals, creeping animals, and the flying creatures of the sky. They were all wiped off the earth; only Noah and those with him in the ark survived.
For those inspired words to be true, all the Nephilim (those wicked giants, the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels and human women) had to have been destroyed.
Peace be with you both..
Thank you for all the wonderful videos. Great job. ❤🙏
BREAKING NEWS: Yeshua (Jesus) is Almighty God!! His Torah is eternal!! The Holy Bible is sacred from Genesis to Revelation!!
@@lilycalir6515 Amen and amen!!
@@dkmzoneglobal-1472 Amen, amen!!
And all the books left out
I’m so glad to have discovered your channel! Thank you for do this!
Thx for the videos. May the LORD richly bless you and yours 🙏🏼✝️
I’m a new subscriber, really glad to have found your channel! I lived in Israel in the early 80’s and visited Gath in 1982. As I recall there were also large caves in the area that had all kinds of inscriptions on the walls, it was very interesting. Another place of interest is Tekoa, the home town of the prophet Amos. Not sure if it’s still there but there was the remains of a synagogue. On the floor were loose mosaic tiles that had been laying there exposed to the elements for probably a couple thousand years.......good memories!
Enjoying before church today. Thank you for sharing! May the Lord bless you and keep you both.
The biblical account, everything in it, were all historically accurate. God be praised!
Thank you S&R for being such brave hearts for Jesus creating these amazing videos for us despite the record High temperatures and high security risks around the neighbouring Gaza border. The LORD bless you and keep you!
From India.. absolutely amazing. Love you both.. god bless you💕👌👌🙏
Thank you Sergio and Rhoda for sharing another awesome find! 🇺🇸
Feels like I’m there with them, thank you for your efforts and dedication 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
So excited I found ya'lls channel ♥️ May the Lord bless you both!
❤I really liked this video. Goliath and David is one of my favourite stories of the Bible. TY
Always want to visit Israel. Thank you for taking us there.
Beautiful land scape!God bless you
I remember laughing when I read about David pretending to be crazy xD I do love the True stories regarding King David.
🤭🤭 me too. King David was something huh, I tell ya!
He pretended to be crazy, so the giants would think he was demon possessed just like them.
@@anniedarkhorse6791 His people took over the land from the Philistines, are they all a myth too? A historically recorded king of God's people, is not myth. Is'real "ISRAEL!"
@@anniedarkhorse6791 oho but you are the ignorant messed up one, claiming to own history. The world history is built on the bible its laws and beliefs. Time itself is marked BC (before Christ) and AD "anno domini" the year of our Lord. The Christian/Biblical civilization has endured as fact even today. Those in disbief are examples of immorality, corruption and egotism. Go to your anti-bible failed aethiesit jail states, China or better yet North Korea, be one with your ideologues.
I love their excitement! It generates to me. Thank you guys! ❤
Love your historical docs. Always good viewing
Once again.... An amazingggg episode 🙏😍
Sites are literally everywhere and like caves they are there to explore. It was so hard leaving the pottery shards where they lay.
I bet that mound is where Goliath is actually buried. I was just doing a little searching and the way the Native Americans of N. America tell it, is that when giants/Nephilim died, they were too large to actually bury. So, the people would do their best to cover them with dirt. There’s mounds in N. America like the one at Gath. I know of one in the state of Georgia for sure. It would be interesting to use GPR or just do an excavation of a particular area of the mound of Gath.
So to big to bury so just build a giant mound because it's a lot easier 🙄
Goliath's head went to Jerusalem, David took it there. As for the rest of Goliath, is your best guess.
I’m so glad that TH-cam recommended this video!
I hope you guys are well..I have missed watching your content! I had multiple surgeries during 2020 and have been healing up since then, and very out of commission!!!!
I just want to say how cute Rhoda is when she talks about the Bible, you can see how filled with Love she is! Blessings! 💗🙏🌺
(YESHUA) Will WIN For us and Israel 🌍 Last Battle Armagedon (Zechariah 14 : 4) ! You must be Born Again with Holy Spirit 🤗🤗🤗 ! I Love Israel ❤️ Shalom ❤️ !
Isreal is ruled by Ashkenazi Jews, the Jews today aren't the original Jews, there is no such thing as a Messiah, you have to save Yourself, No one is coming to help you!
@@TheStellarmanCo. did I asked who is in control of Israel? While you may not believe that is a matter entirely up to once the truth is being proclaimed. Whether you accept or not is up to you. People like you are stuck up in ignorance it has blinded you. You may save yourself (by yourself) but as for me there is one who has already saved me.
@Baruk haba baShem YAHUAH, His Anciency. Hold your breath and count to infinity...
@@TheStellarmanCo. The real Israel is in South Africa, its still destroyed no-one really lives there. On ancient maps over 400 years old its shown, also many other places mentioned in the Bible.
Are y'all planning on visiting Ziklag? The home of David in Gath?
thank you so much for showing theses places just makes my heart jump for joy to see the bible places god bless you both many prayers and blessing
I am so glad I found this! Wish I was tagging along… oh I guess I am through TH-cam! ❤️🙏🏻 Blessings and safe travels to you!
I love you guys so much! Y'all make me so happy!
I can't imagine how it must have felt being in presence of the Giants! Wow!
You showed a picture of Robert Wadlow. He was my fourth cousin. I just found that out recently. He was very tall. He had a thyroid condition. I was surprised to find out that he was in my family tree. Interesting. I love your videos. I have visited Israel the past year but you show so many other places that we didn't get to see.
It bothers me when in talking about the biblical giants they mention your cousin Robert. He was a regular human man that had thyroid condition that made him grow disproportionately large. The poor guy had a rough time and never really ever got to live a normal life.
The Bible giants were hybrid creatures that were not only more proportional but even immensely strong. Way different.
@@michaelszczys8316 It is unusual to see someone that tall. I've been told that he was studying to be a dentist. He died of an infection on his foot at an early age. I'm sure he had a rough life. I think they were just comparing his height to the giants of the bible. It does help to picture how tall they were. I thought it was interesting. :-)
@@michaelszczys8316 the difference between goliath and Robert, Robert had a mutation that caused him to be a giant, it wasn't genetic. Everyone else in his family were normal height. With Goliath his brothers were also described as being giants so him being a giant was mostly genetic. He could the had a giant dad or even a giant mom. Hey some guys like tall women.
Why did King David pick up 5 smooth stones because their were 5 Giants ( Nephilim ) Goliath being one of them.
Yeap Goliath is nephilim
How can that be when they were destroyed in the flood?
@@esthermarie5532 And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.
2 Samuel 21:20
@@esthermarie5532 And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant.
1 Chronicles 20:6
@@esthermarie5532 Noah and his family are the only ones who survived the flood and one of his daughter in laws must have carried nephilim gene in her DNA and that's how nephilim must have re appeared but God destroyed them again.
2 Samuel 21.20 Chronicles 20.6, speaks to the fact Goliath had six fingers and six toes Thanks II really enjoyed the tag along video. Thanks again and blessings In Christ
Awesome video, enjoyed the watch! Super interesting..👍👍👍 P.S: At -2.30min. wrong reference is given (*1 Sam. 17:33 is the correct one!) Thankfully, had my Superbook with me during the watch.. 😎 Cheers chaps!!
Who else clicked LIKE button even before the video started?
@vivek antoni That's funny. I was thinking like you. Before I even watched the vid I thought I should probably click LIKE because these vids are so consistently great.
@@JNH1961 I guess you are a Muslim. Seek the truth. Some of it is in these vids. But if you want to just hate, the truth won't matter and you will miss out. Now and forever. If you seek the true Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you will find Him. He promises that.
@@JNH1961 If I understood your first post, you clicked dislike for this super video. So I assumed you could be Muslim. I said nothing hateful. I was trying to help any assumed Muslim to see that he could be accepted by the true Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. You on the other hand have spewed out hatred. Your nasty and grossly insulting posts to me put you in the bin for troll talkers and cyberbullies, i.e. mute. Bye!
I’m interested in Ancient History and I enjoy your visits to these amazing sights that leap out of the pages of very old documents. Certainly seeing the lay of the land adds so much colour to these stories even though the climate has probably changed dramatically in the last three thousand years or so. Certainly population densities where much different then but to see this site being so big suggests that there where not only giants in these towns but a sizeable population and economic engine as well.
Love this Youtbe channel🤩
May Father YAHweh bless your understanding and show you His Resurrected Son YAHwehShua. Praise Father YAHweh.
Thank you! for taking us with you
This is wonderful, it is as if happened few years ago!
Thank you for this wonderful experience. By the way, TH-cam has decided to no longer alert people what are subscribed to videos like I specifically look for you, I don't know when you've completed a video. Any possibility you could tell us how often you're going to do videos so we/I can look for your gifts to us....thank you from Arkansas USA....Curt
Thanks you for another great episode. Enjoyed it!
The bible actually talks about giants.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward (the flood)-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. ~Gen. 6:4~
Deuteronomy 3:13 KJV
[13] And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants.
@@trustme7660 How did they survive the Flood?
wms72 hams decadents
You guys are so blessed to be able to actually see all of these sites . thanks for showing us
Was there for the summer 2013 dig season.
One of the most fun experiences I've ever had. Aren Meir is a great guy!
"If we can't find something, it was hidden away by the evil authorities" - quote from conspiracy class 101
And whoever made up the term "conspiracy theory" did it to make the truth look crazy.
Luv u both a lot..god bless u 😍😍😍
So incredibly AMAZING ❤️, God Bless You Both🛡️🙏🛡️, ♥️🤗
I love learning about this stuff;; Thanks, Guys!!
Goliath is the five constellations aka Scorpio thru Pisces.
Very interesting indeed!! Thank you for this video!