[최요비] 만두피 비빔면 | 엑스디너리 히어로즈 주연, 정지선 //Dumpling Skin Bibimmyeon | Xdinary Heroes Jooyeon, Jung Jisun
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- 데뷔곡 'Happy Death Day'의 뮤비가 벌써 500만 뷰를 돌파한 글로벌 스타,
따끈한 대형 루키 엑스디너리 히어로즈가 최요비 공방을 찾았다!
엑스디너리 히어로즈의 무한 에너자이저 주연과 ‘딤섬의 여왕’으로 불리는 떠오르는 중식 셰프 정지선 셰프의 Happy Food Day~ 기대되시죠?
입맛이 없는 날에 먹으면 죽었던 입맛도 살아 돌아오는 오늘의 요리! 쫀득~한 식감의 만두피 면으로 비빔면계의 혁명을 일으켰다! 매콤 달달 혀끝을 자극하는 오늘의 요리는 바로바로~~ ‘만두피 비빔면’!
엑스디너리 히어로즈의 주연도 반한 오늘의 요리~ 최요비의 레시피만 있다면 평범한 당신도 밥상 위의 히어로 셰프! 오늘의 레시피를 배우고 싶다면 ‘구독’과 ‘좋아요’ 눌러주세요~~
[만두피 비빔면 재료]
왕만두피 8장, 쪽파 30g, 통마늘 3알, 오이 ½개
-간장 양념 재료
진간장 1작은술, 굴소스 ½작은술, 치킨파우더 ½작은술, 설탕 1작은술, 백후춧가루 약간, 식용유 25g
-매콤 양념 재료
진간장 ½작은술, 치킨 파우더 1작은술, 설탕 1작은술, 고추기름 1작은술, 백후춧가루 약간, 청양고춧가루 ½작은술, 식초 1작은술, 식용유 25g
[간장 만두피 비빔면 레시피]
1. 냉동 만두피 전자레인지에 30초 정도 해동하기
2. 해동한 만두피 먹기 좋게 길게 썰기
3. 만두피에 식용유 부은 뒤 하나씩 늘려 가며 만두피 면 만들기
4. 끓는 물에 만두피 면 삶은 뒤 찬물에 헹구기
5. 마늘 편 썰고 쪽파 한 입 크기로 썰기
6. 오이 가시 제거한 뒤 채썰기
7. 달군 팬에 식용유 두른 뒤 마늘, 쪽파 넣어 볶기
8. 따뜻한 물에 만두피 면 넣어 풀어준 뒤 그릇에 담기
9. 만두피 면에 치킨 파우더, 설탕, 백후춧가루, 끓인 기름, 굴소스, 진간장 넣어 버무리기
10. 오이, 튀긴 마늘, 튀긴 쪽파 올리기
[매콤 만두피 비빔면 레시피]
1. 냉동 만두피 전자레인지에 30초 정도 해동하기
2. 해동한 만두피 먹기 좋게 길게 썰기
3. 만두피에 식용유 부은 뒤 하나씩 늘려 가며 만두피 면 만들기
4. 끓는 물에 만두피 면 삶은 뒤 찬물에 헹구기
5. 마늘 편 썰고 쪽파 한 입 크기로 썰기
6. 오이 가시 제거한 뒤 채썰기
7. 달군 팬에 식용유 두른 뒤 마늘, 쪽파 넣어 볶기
8. 따뜻한 물에 만두피 면 넣어 풀어준 뒤 그릇에 담기
9. 만두피 면에 치킨 파우더, 설탕, 백후춧가루, 청양고춧가루, 끓인 기름, 식초, 진간장, 고추기름 넣어 버무리기
10. 오이, 튀긴 마늘, 튀긴 쪽파 올리기
#최고의요리비결, #최요비, #레시피, #만두피, #비빔면, #만두피비빔면, #간장비빔면, #매콤비빔면, #고추기름, #겨울별미, #이색요리, #쉬운요리, #한끼식사, #자취요리, #집밥, #정지선, #정지선셰프, #한식, #엑스디너리히어로즈, #데뷔, #엑디즈주연, #주연, #보이밴드, #보이그룹, #XdinaryHeroes, #HappyDeathDay, #EBS, #점심메뉴, #저녁메뉴, #Koreanfood,#k-food
Their debut song, “Happy Death Day” already has over 5 million views!
The hottest rookie, Xdinary Heroes, has come to the Best Cooking Secrets Studio!
Xdinary Heroes’ infinite energizer Jooyeon and a rising Chinese cuisine chef, the “dim sum queen,” Jung Jisun, will have a Happy Food Day! Can’t wait!
On days you lose your appetite, today’s dish will bring it right back! The chewy texture of the dumpling wrapper noodles has created a revolution in the bibim noodle world! The sweet and spicy dish that’ll stimulate your taste buds is…! “Dumpling wrapper bibim noodles”!
Even Xdinary Heroes’ Jooyeon fell for today’s dish! As long as you have The Best Cooking Secrets’ recipe, you are a hero chef for your dinner table!
If you want to learn today’s recipe, please “like” and “subscribe”!
[Dumpling wrapper bibim noodle recipe]
Main ingredients
8 pieces of large-sized dumpling wrappers, 30g scallions, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cucumber
Soy sauce seasoning ingredients
1 tsp dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp oyster sauce, 1/2 tsp chicken powder, 1 tsp sugar, a pinch of white pepper, 25g cooking oil
Spicy seasoning ingredients
1/2 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp red chili pepper oil, a pinch of white pepper, 1/2 tsp Cheongyang pepper powder, 1 tsp vinegar, 25g cooking oil
[Soy sauce dumpling wrapper bibim noodles recipe]
1. Thaw the frozen dumpling wrappers in the microwave for about 30 seconds
2. Slice the dumpling wrappers into long, bite-sized pieces
3. After pouring cooking oil on the dumpling wrappers, stretch them into dumpling wrapper noodles
4. Cook the dumpling wrapper noodles in boiling water and rinse them in cold water
5. Slice the garlic and cut the scallions into bite-sized pieces
6. Remove the cucumber thorns and julienne
7. Heat the pan and then pour cooking oil. Stir-fry the garlic and scallions.
8. Untangle the dumpling wrapper noodles in warm water and set them in a bowl.
9. On the dumpling wrapper noodles, add chicken powder, sugar, white pepper, boiled oil, oyster sauce, and dark soy sauce. Mix evenly.
10. Top it with cucumbers, fried garlic, and fried scallions.
[Spicy sauce dumpling wrapper bibim noodles recipe]
1. Thaw the frozen dumpling wrappers in the microwave for about 30 seconds
2. Slice the dumpling wrappers into long, bite-sized pieces
3. After pouring cooking oil on the dumpling wrappers, stretch them into dumpling wrapper noodles
4. Cook the dumpling wrapper noodles in boiling water and rinse them in cold water
5. Slice the garlic and cut the scallions into bite-sized pieces
6. Remove the cucumber thorns and julienne
7. Heat the pan and then pour cooking oil. Stir-fry the garlic and scallions.
8. Untangle the dumpling wrapper noodles in warm water and set them in a bowl.
9. On the dumpling wrapper noodles, add chicken powder, sugar, white pepper, Cheongyang pepper powder, boiled oil, vinegar, dark soy sauce, and red chili pepper oil. Mix evenly.
10. Top it with cucumbers, fried garlic, and fried scallions.
#TheBestCookingSecrets, #TBCS, #recipe, #dumplingwrapper, #bibimnoodles, #dumplingwrapperbibimnoodles, #soysaucebibimnoodles, #spicybibimnoodles, #redchilipepperoil, #winterspecialty, #uniquedish, #easydish, #simpledish, #meal, #cookingforone, #homefood, #JungJisun, #ChefJungJisun, #Koreanfood, #XdinaryHeroes, #debut, #XdinariesJooyeon, #Jooyeon, #boyband, #boygroup, #HappyDeathDay, #EBS, #lunchmenu, #dinnermenu, #Koreanfood,
🎉최요비 유튜브 구독자 감사 이벤트 1월 세 번째 주 당첨자 및 특별추첨 당첨자 발표🎉
안녕하세요~ 최고의 요리비결입니다~🤗
지난주 최요비 구독자 이벤트 당첨자를 발표합니다! (두둥) 당첨되신 모든 분들 정말 축하드립니다!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻
명단을 확인하시고 당첨자 분들께서는 아래 네이버폼에 들어가셔서 정보를 입력해주세요~
‼당첨이 되셔도 주소가 중복인 경우 당첨이 취소됩니다. 유의해주세요‼
아쉽게 당첨되지 못하신 분들도 "구독"하고, 이 영상에 "댓글" 달아주시면 다음주를 기대해주세요!
⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇네이버폼 링크⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
✅크린랲 당첨자(20명)
1. Sub Su*
2. 앨리* (ㅇㄹㅅ )
3. 김명* (ㄱㅁㅎ)
4. 피엘라* (ㅍㅇㄹㅂ)
5. 호랑*사랑이 (ㅎㄹㅇㅅㄹㅇ)
6. WJ Yan*
7. JAE SEUNG LEE 듣고 싶은 *양 (ㄷㄱ ㅅㅍ ㅊㅇ)
8. 후레쉬베* (ㅎㄹㅅㅂㄹ)
9. dil r*
10. 별* (ㅂㄴ)
11. 소* (ㅅㅇ)
12. star*l 1
13. 개공* (ㄱㄱㅈ)
14. 김주* (ㄱㅈㅎ)
15. 초롱* (ㅊㄹㅂ)
16. 쿠킹바*켓 cooking basket (ㅋㅋㅂㅅㅋ)
17. 콩*이 (ㅋㅋㅇ)
18. *톤 (ㅂㅌ)
19. 프로*즈 (ㅍㄹㅁㅈ)
20. 이찬* (ㅇㅊㅎ)
✅ 알로에 스틱 당첨자
1. 꽁냥꽁* (ㄲㄴㄲㄴ)
2. 쑤으* (ㅆㅇㄴ)
3. 서* (ㅅㅇ)
4. 짱귀여ㅇ( ㅉㄱㅇㅇ)
5. 얼레ㄹ (ㅇㄹㄹ)
6. Pearl Le*
7. lovely ro*e
8. 경* (ㄱㅅ)
9. 수정 * (ㅅㅈ ㅇ)
10. 날* (ㄴㅆ)
11. 손나ㄹ (ㅅㄴㄹ)
12. 너만보여승ㅇ (ㄴㅁㅂㅇㅅㅇ)
13. Jaymi*
14. 숨쉭이운동시이* (ㅅㅅㅇㅇㄷㅅㅇㅈ)
15. 정민* (ㅈㅁㅈ)
16. 영훈이바*ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ (ㅇㅎㅇㅂㅂ)
17. 윤현* (ㅇㅎㄱ)
18. 이재현의 남* (ㅇㅈㅎㅇ ㄴㅍ)
19. 정수빈 나라세* (ㅈㅅㅂ ㄴㄹㅅㅇ)
20. rinn* A
아 주연이 야채집는거보고 비명지르다가
그럴듯하게 티안나게 잘먹어서
어른다됏다… 라고 감동작렬~~~~ ㅠㅠ ㅠ
우리 쭈연이 채소 먹는 귀한 영상 🥹
I love to see how attentive jooyeon is during the show. he looks curious about lot of things and doesn't hesitate to ask the chef 😁 thank you for having him as a guest. I hope to see other members too in the next episode, especially jungsu because he said he's the foodie of the group I think he would enjoy it!
13:07 jooyeon chewing some veggies while jungsu's part ‘its my worst day’ playing in the background got me choke 😭
i remember jooyeon's dislike for vegetables is really extreme 😭
jungsu & junhan said he remove even the small veggies that comes in ramen packets and cup noodles, but here he eats scallions and cucumber 😭🥒
who would have thought we'd get to see jooyeon eating vegetables this soon, thank you for inviting jooyeon to this show!!
Hii, may i ask you, did jooyeon doesn't like vegetables?
@@bellsft3262 hahaha yes!! it was stated by jungsu and junhan from their idol league show
@@bellsft3262 they said he even remove the small veggies that comes in ramen packets and cup noodles 😭
@@jespressoo woww, but here he ate cucumber and scallion, such an improvement for him. Big thanks for this program then!
he said his two biggest fears are vegetable bibimap and ghosts
왜케 귀엽냐ㅋㅋㅋㅋ긴장했는데 열심히 멘트 하는 게ㅋㅋㅋ열심히 잘해야지..가 느껴짐ㅋㅋㅋ
I believe jooyeon takes a lot of courage to eat the vegetables for the show😅😂😂
This is his 1st solo activity, yet he didn't looke nervous and look enjoy and interactive with the chef. Great job Jooyeon!! And thank you for invited him !
Jooyeon don't like veggies, but look he ate the veggies here. He's so sweet🥺🥺
thank u EBS for making our jooyeon eating vegetables😂
아아아아 주연아.. 야채를 먹을 수 있어???ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 주연이 너무 귀엽다ㅜㅜ 장하다 우리 주연이!!!!
finally, jooyeon eating veggies 🥦🥒🥕🌽🥬🍅
Help- the chef is so funny when she mentioned "dont be so humble(bout his visual)
So proud seeing jooyeon eating veges👏🏻😄
jooyeon is so endearing. he asked so many questions with such intrigue :'))
Please Invite JunHan too... He's officially XH's main chef 🤧🤧
Thank you for inviting Jooyeon and putting english sub. Learned something from the chef and also she’s really nice 😊
I cant hold my laugh watching him🤣🤣🤣🤣 thank you so much for invited jooyeon and make him eat vegetables!🤣
헉 울주연 야채 먹는다고????? 헐ㅋㅋㅋ 감사해요 EBS!!
주연이가 왜 여기에 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ? 개웃겨 헤실헤실 강아지 잘 하고 왔네 오구
6:52 네... 개웃기넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
내가 주연 채소 먹는 걸 벌써 보게 될 줄이야
Jooyeon is tired hearing compliments about him😅😂
Lee Jooyeon ❤️❤️❤️
Jooyeon really good on the show! Hope there'll be more eps ahead🤗 eat well everyone🤤
never thought i needed to see jooyeon on a cooking show this badly but here we are
Jooyeon a person who wants to know about everything and it's so cuteee. Thank you for inviting Jooyeon to eat veggies haha
Jooyeon's such a serotonin!
주연이 요리하는거 보면 넘 재밌엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 넘귀엽당울아기늑대
he was so cute when he was asking so much questions!
thank you so much for having jooyeon as a guest 💗 the chef and staffs really taking care of him well and we dearly wait for the next fun episodes 💗
Jooyeon ❤️
He's so attractive! I love him
Yay, so excited to see Jooyeon on this channel! I love Xdinary Heroes!
Knowing your feelings about vegetables, Jooyeon, you ate it like a champ
주연아는 너무 귀엽다ㅠㅠㅠ 야채를 먹는 주연과 함께 이같은 동영상을 더 많이 보내주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Jungsu is now thanking the chef for putting some vegetables in jooyeon's belly 🤭
우와 주연이랑 최요비라니❤️❤️❤️
jooyeon 🖤🖤
주연이 귀여워ㅋㅋㅋ 요즘 흑백요리사 잘 보고 있어서 정지선 셰프님도 반갑네요. 응원합니다!!!
최요비 공방에 주연이 나오다니..!! 제작진 여러분들 감사합니다...♡ 만두피로 면을 만든다는 점이 너무 신선해요! 자취하면서 색다른 요리를 해먹고 싶은 적이 많았는데 만두피비빔면은 쉬워보여서 한번 시도해보려고요!
채소를 그렇게 싫어하는 주연 군이 고명에 올라간 채소를 먹으니 제가 기분이 좋네요ㅠㅠ 담주도 기대^^ 해맑은 막내 베이시스트 주연 군!!!
his visuals are out of this world❤️
such a cute baby :(
잘했어 우리 주연이🥳🤍
Congrats Jooyeon you did so well !!
1:24 the chef having crush on jooyeon😂😂😂
More veggies for Jooyeon please lol. I used to hate veggies too but it's getting better now. I hope Jooyeon eats veggies well, for the sake of his health
What great is jooyeon facing his fear of vegetables good job!! haha but seriously jooyeon and chef doing a good job to make the dish looks extra delicious
Jooyeon really cutieee 😭😭😭
Juyeon is really good at show
주연 ♡♡♡
Omg uri maknae already landing his first solo activity. Im really proud of him!!
I might have to thank StuJ for how actively theyre putting XH out there? 😆
Omg, he's so cute as a small child to his mother 😂🥰🥰
Chef jooyeon🤩
so cute to see jooyeon so curious about cooking!!! and thank you for english subs!!
I LOVE how much promoting XH is doing lately, and honestly they really don't seem much like rookies. Jooyeon was so lovely to the chef, asking her questions and giving her his focus. What a good episode!
I feel like crying seeing this comment 2 months later
@@iknowyouknowleeknow-leemin1139 Honestly, same. 🥲
Domestic Jooyeon, love this content
Jooyeon is so cute
jooyeon cutie
thank you for inviting our jooyeon!!!!
Jooyoennie! Could you cook for me pleaseeee👨🍳🙂
aaaaaa jooyeoonnnn
jooyeon so cute ~~
Que tierno se vió Jooyeon cocinando❤✨
Me gustó el video, se nota el profesionalismo de la chef❤
주연이 리액션 열심히 하는 거 너무 귀엽다 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ..
만두피로 비빔면을 만든다고는 상상도 못했는데요!! 퇴근하는길에 야식으로 만두피 비빔면 해먹어야겠네용😄
Jooyeon, we love this
ㅎㅎㅎ 만두피가 이렇게 탄력적이었다니요 우리 주연쉐프처럼 만두도 다양한 변신을 하네요
love u Jooyeon
만두피의 탄력과 파와 마늘 기름 너무 좋네요 ♥ 명절에는 만두도 빚고 그러는데 남으면 저렇게 해서 먹어도 별미일 것 같아요!! 간편한 요리법 좋아요
4:15 일주일 내내 똑같은 치킨먹기
Jooyeon!!! I'm so happy u finally ate veggies HSHSHSHSHSHSHHSHSHS. Thank u for this!!!
요리가 완전 과학이네요. 같은 면 요리를 해도 쫄깃하면서도 부드러운 식감을 골고루 유지하기 위한 노력이 돋보이는군요. 주연님 오이 써는 모습도 매우 인상적이고 정세프님의 칭찬 한마디 한마디 모두 즐거움이 더욱 가미되네요. ^^
Hello, international fan here. Nice job Jooyeon, that looks tasty. Love you 💕
he did so well! i'm so happy 🥺
만두피로 비빔면
대에박 입니다 👍
Wow jooyeon visual king☺️
He also eats the vegetable show.🥒😋
Jooyeon didn't look nervous at all, he is a pro!!
jooyeon tan lindo
Thanks for making him eat veggies, I'm kinda scared for his unhealthy lifestyle. 😅
만두피 비빔면은 처음보는데 너무 맛있겠당😘😘 츄릅
estoy tan orgullosa de jooyeon, es su primer actividad en solitorio y lo hizo muy bien enserio esto es muy lindo
WOWWWW cuteeee
its good to see jooyeon on a cooking show + eating veggies 🤩✨ Thank you so much for the eng sub
Cutie jooyeon
만두피로 맛난 비빔면을
먹을 수 있다니...^^
아이돌과 같이하는 최요비라
더 신선하면서 요리에 집중도
가능하네요 최요비♡♡♡