Iron profile test تحاليل الحديد

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • شرح وافي لتحاليل الحديد Iron profile test
    تشمل كلا من:
    1. الحديد في السيرم Serum Iron
    2. سعة ارتباط الحديد الإجمالية TIBC
    3. الترانسفرين غير المشبع بالحديد UIBC
    4. نسبة تشبع الترانسفرين Transferrin saturation
    5. الفيرتين مخزون الحديد Ferritin
    6. الترانسفرين (ناقل للحديد) Transferrin
    Iron profile
    The iron profile includes a measurement of serum iron and transferrin levels or total Iron binding capacity as well as a calculation of transferrin (iron) saturation. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin and several other important proteins. A lack of iron can lead to anemia. Excess of iron leads to hemochromatosis. Small amounts of iron are found in serum and are bound to transferrin, a protein that transports iron between stores. The iron profile is often completed by testing the level of ferritin, the main protein that stores iron in tissues.

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