Hello poi here, if anyone wants the full TL in txt Nina: どうも Hello Nina: 改めましてドゲナシトゲアリです Once again, we are Togenashi Togeari Nina: それじゃあ宴もたけなわですが 盛り上げてきたところで While the party is in full swing Nina: ここでメンバー紹介をさせてください Let me introduce our members Nina: まずはオンドラムズ Firstly, on drums Nina: 神戸出身のお嬢様 Our princess from Kobe Nina: 我がバンドの女子力担当 The band's cute-in-charge Nina: 安和スバル Awa Subaru Subaru: ドラムの安和すばるです I'm the drummer Awa Subaru Subaru: 17歳の現役JK A real 17year-old high schooler ٩(。•ω
Nina: あれ Eh Subaru: だからニーナ See Nina Subaru: もう少し大人ぽくした方がいいよ You should dress up more like an adult Subaru: 一層、名前も普通にニーナにしちゃって Might as well change your name to Neena Nina: あ、ニーナっていうのはあだ名で Ah Neena is my nickname Nina: スバルちゃんには普段こう呼ばれているんですけど That's what Subaru usually calls me Others: ニーナ Neena Nina: 今度は反応ありだ We got some reactions Nina: ありがとう Thanks! Subaru: じゃあ名前はニーナにして Your name is now Neena Subaru: いっその事、ハーフって設定で We'll make you character setting biracial Subaru: カラコン付けて Put on some colour contacts Subaru: ネールもギトギトの色のやつしてさ and some really gaudy nail polish Nina: 嫌だよ I dun wanna Nina: 桃香さんじゃあるまいし I'm not like Momoka Momoka: あたしはそんなことしてないだろう I don't do any of that! Nina: でしたっけ oops my bad Nina: ほんじゃまぁ次行きますか Alright moving on Nina: 最年少 Our youngest Nina: 仙台が産んだ16歳の天才キーボード The Sendai-born 16year-old genius keyboardist Nina: 海老塚智 Ebizuka Tomo Tomo: キーボードの海老塚智です On keyboard, I'm Ebizuka Tomo Tomo: 今日は楽しんでいてください Please have fun today Tomo: では次 Next Nina: 待って待って hold up hold up Tomo: 何 What Nina: 流石にそれで終わりは無理でしょう You can't just end there Nina: 皆さんも聞きたがってるよ 智ちゃんの声 Everyone wants to hear your voice more Tomo: しょうがないわね Fine Tomo: えっと海老塚智ですキーボードやってます I'm Ebizuka Tomo. I play the keyboard Tomo: 趣味は爬虫類のペットを飼うことです My hobby is taking care of my reptile pets Nina: 面接? Job interview? Tomo: うるさい Shut up Nina: まぁまぁそんな感じで Well something like that Nina: 一匹狼ロンリーウルフな16歳が智ちゃんのいいところ Tomo is our cute 16year-old lone wolf Subaru: 皆でご飯行こうって言っても Whenever we make plans to eat out together Subaru: すぐ帰っちゃうしね She instantly goes back home Tomo: ペットの世話しなきゃいけないし I have to take care of my pets Nina: イモリ飼ってるんだけ Your pet Newt right Tomo: ヤモリ It's a Gecko! Subaru: これおおきにペットの写真とか上げればいいんじゃない Why not upload pictures of your pets Subaru: ハチュ友が増えるかもよ You could make some Rep-Buddies Tomo: 何なのよそれは The hell's that Nina: 爬虫類好きな友達 Mutual reptile-loving friends Nina: この中にもいるかも I'm sure there's some here Nina: 好きな人ぉ Raise your hands Nina: ほら結構いるよ See, there's quite a number Nina: 爬虫類好きな人 Fellow reptile-lovers Tomo: 今どき珍しくもないでしょう It's not rare at all in this day and age Nina: 一緒に暮らしてるルパさんは爬虫類は平気なの Rupa are you fine with living with them? Rupa: そうですね Let's see Rupa: 智ちゃんは管理もしっかりしてますし Tomo takes real good care of them Rupa: 私も嫌いではないですからね I don't dislike them at all Nina: 何でも好きですからねルパさん You sure like a lot of stuff huh Rupa Rupa: ですね Yup Rupa: 好きなものありすぎて迷ってしますね There's so many things I like I get lost in them Nina: そんな好きが多すぎる オンベース And said person is On Bass Nina: 神秘の国からやってきたスーパーベーシスト Hailing from a mysterious country The Super Bassist Nina: 大人の魅力満載ルパさん Filled with an adult's charm, Rupa Rupa: 皆さんどうも、初めまして Hello everyone it's nice to meet you Rupa: ベースのルパです、よろしくお願いいたします I'm the bassist Rupa, thanks for supporting me Nina: おぉ、礼儀正しく一例 Wow the very definition of decorum Nina: さすが大人、お酒も強いし As expected of an adult She's good with alcohol too Rupa: はい、最近は桃香さんとよく二人飲んでますよ Yes ma'am, recently I've been drinking a lot with Momoka Rupa: 先日も二人で朝まで部屋飲みで Just the other day we were drinking together until sunrise Nina: へえそんなに That much?! Subaru: 言っとくけど私達は飲んでませんからね FYI we minors are not drinking any alcohol Nina: むしろ、桃香さんを介抱するのが主な仕事というか You could say our main job is taking care of Momoka when she's drunk Momoka: そんなに潰れてないだろう I don't get drunk that often! Nina: はぁ、どの口が言う、どの口が言うぅ You're not in any position to say that! Rupa: 私は楽しくて好きですよ、酔った桃香さんを It's really fun, I like being with a drunk Momoka Nina + Subaru: えええええええ ehhhhhhh Momoka: そこ、今日イチでハモるな Stop being so surprised Nina: ハモりますよ、あんなめんどくさいのに Of course we're surprised, you're such a pain when you're drunk Rupa: でもよく見てると可愛いところもありますよ But when you look closely she can be really cute when she's drunk Rupa: 部屋の中グルグル歩き回ったり She'll walk in circles around the room Rupa: 急に泣き出したり and suddenly starts crying Nina: ルパさんは心寛いね Rupa you have a kind heart Nina: それが人気の秘訣のかも Is that the secret to being popular Subaru: SNSとルパさん絡みのが一番いいねつくし Any picture with Rupa always gets the most amount of likes after all Others: いいねしたよ I liked those pictures! Rupa: ありがとうございます Thank you very much Nina: いいな、なんかちょっと悔しいので次行きましょうか Ain't that nice, now I kinda feel pissed so let's move on Nina: ではお待たせしました Sorry for the wait Nina: オンギター我らがバンマス On Guitar, our band leader Nina: 旭川から舞い降りた、日本最高の女性ギターリスト Hailing from Asahikawa Japan's best female guitarist Nina: 空前絶後のカリスマ Charisma like no other Nina: そこに並び立つものはなく Throughout Heaven and Earth Nina: その後ろに続くものはない、全知全能の She Alone Is The Honored One, The Almighty Momoka: 長ぇよ Too long! Momoka: どっかのピン芸人か What are you, a stand-up? Momoka: だからMCコミックバンドってネットで書かれるんだろう That's why we kept getting comments about being a comedy band Nina: はいはい Alright alright Nina: えっとというわけでオンギター Anyways On Guitar Nina: 世界のバンマス The world's best band leader Nina: 河原木桃香 Kawaragi Momoka Momoka: 河原木桃香です、今日はありがとう I'm Kawaragi Momoka, thanks for coming today Momoka: えっと今日は初めましてのひとってどのくらいいるのかな Let's see, how many first timers do we have today Momoka: 初めましてって人 Raise your hands Nina: 結構いますね Oh that's quite a lot Nina: よろしかったら是非CDなど買っていっていただけたら If you would be willing please buy our CDs Nina: グッズも充実していますので Our merchandise are all in stock Momoka: いきなり売り込むな Stop with the sales pitch Nina: 今回リストバンドも新しいのなりましたので We also have new wristbands today Nina: ほら可愛いでしょう See isn't it cute Nina: 終演後バンマス自ら売りますので After the concert our band leader herself will be selling these Others: 買うよ I'll buy it! Momoka: ありがとう Thank you very much Momoka: えっとというわけで Anyways Momoka: このライブハウスも結構久々になりますが It's been a while since we've been at this livehouse Momoka: ここは楽しいよね This is a fun place Nina: うん丁度いい広さだよね Yup the size is just right Nina: みんなの顔も見えるし That way I can see everyone's faces Momoka: いつもやってる川崎のライブハウスを思い出すんだよね Reminds me of the Kawasaki livehouses we usually play at Momoka: なんか落ち着くっていうの Feels just like home Nina: ですよね You're right Nina: あ、もしかしたら会場というよりお客さんかも Oh maybe it's not because of the venue itself but the audience Nina: あったかいですからね今日のお客さん We have a really welcoming audience today Momoka: 本当に、ありがとうね Seriously, thank you very much Momoka: なのですっかり気持ちよくやらせてもらってます It's thanks of you all we can do our best Nina: お、なんか初めてMCらしいMC Wow,finally a proper emceeing
Momoka: お前ら話し脱線しすぎなんだよ That's because you guys keep going on tangents Nina: 飲んで時もこのくらいちゃんとしてくれるといいんですけど If only you were this clear-headed when you drink Momoka: 見てろよ、仁菜が大人になったら Just you watch Nina, when you grow up Momoka: 絶対あたしより面倒な酔っ払いになるから You will 100% be more of a pain in the ass when you're drunk Nina: 何言ってるんですか What are you saying Nina: なるわけないじゃないですか There's no way that's gonna happen Momoka: いいや、なるね、賭けてもいい No, you will. I'll even bet on it Nina: まだ飲めるようになるまで3年ありますけど Plus there's still 3 more years until I can drink Momoka: というわけで皆さん3年後お楽しみ As such, everyone please look forward to it in 3 years time Momoka: それまで、ライブ通ってくれたら嬉しいです Until then,please do keep coming to our concerts Momoka: よろしく Thanks for the support Nina: あ、なんかうまくまとめかも Somehow that wrapped things up real nice Momoka: じゃあ最後オンボーカル Lastly, On Vocals Momoka: 熊本が産んだ喧嘩上等 From Kumamoto, the Queen of getting into fights Momoka: 破天荒歌姫、井芹仁菜 The unrivaled Diva Iseri Nina Nina: 改めましてトゲナシトゲアリのボーカル井芹仁菜です Once again, I'm Togenashi Togeari's vocalist Iseri Nina Nina: ってその紹介やめてって言ってるじゃないですか I told you to stop with that introduction! Momoka: ピッタリだろう But it's perfect Nina: 全然喧嘩上等じゃないです I don't get into fights at all Momoka: いやいや、そこはバンドメンバー全員の総意だらか No way, this is something the band can unanimously agree on Nina: ルパさんも Et tu, Rupa? Rupa: はい、喧嘩上等大好きです Yes, I love seeing you get into fights Others: 私も好き I love it too Nina: もうかっこかわいいボーカルでいたいのに I'm losing my image as the cool and cute singer Momoka: そうだったことは一度もないぞ You never were Subaru: いつも私らにもお客さんにも Whether it's us or the audience Subaru: 喧嘩上等でぶつかっていくのが You're always picking fights left and right Subaru: ニーナのいいところでしょう But we like that about you Nina: 待って待ってそれじゃバカみたいだよ Hold up hold up doesn't that just make me sound like an idiot Momoka: バカみたいなところがいいところだろう But we like that you sound like an idiot Nina: 全然嬉しくない I'm not happy about it at all Nina: ていうか逆襲されている Wait ain't I getting bullied here Subaru: そんなことないって That's not true at all Nina: 智ちゃん Tomo Tomo: 私に振らないで Don't get me involved Momoka: 普通に褒めてるぞ、多分 We are complimenting you...I think Momoka: お客さんも分かってる、ですよね Even the audience get it, right Momoka: ほら See Momoka: というわけで次の曲も As such for our next song Momoka: 喧嘩上等で歌ってもらいましょうか We're gonna sing with that fighting spirit Momoka: 準備はいい Are you guys ready? Rupa: はい Yes Tomo: OK Nina: 新曲です、聴いてください Please listen to our new song Subaru: 1, 2, 3
Damn.. I want to perform myself as a vocalist in a band, it's my dream, but looking at the way bands have to interact with the audience like talk, post pics on social media etc. I realize that I'll never be able to do this bc I'm very socially anxious and have really low self-esteem. Also I think I guess why Rupa's pics get most of likes, and I hate it, bc I have the same body as Rupa and if I will be percieved the same way, I'd rather never go on the stage at all.
don't let that discourage you - the you today might not be able to imagine to be able to do it but maybe the you tomorrow or some day in the future could there's always a chance you could grow into it too. Also: at least the audience engagement part is not necessarily true - sure it gives performers more mass appeal and the fans a more personal concert experience which fosters greater parasociality but as someone who's into an artist who's main appeal is his love for music and musicality who barely engages with his fans at all while playing - it doesn't have to be a deal breaker if you find your audience, sure some people won't like it but with his fan base a lot of people appreciate that he sticks with his guns and does what he likes and is most comfortable. As for the rest... Well if you're lucky you might be able to afford someone who takes care of your social media /PR or, if you're in a band, have a member who's savy with it and enjoys that and you getting to play into the "introvert/mysterious/shy" archtype - social media on that scale requires some sort of "persona"
Looks like fighting in public is a core part of GBC/TogeToge.
That’s rock
5:25 Haha nina's gojo reference to momoka "Throughout Heaven and Earth She alone is The Honored One" 😂
thank you so much for uploading this!! hope you'll consider doing more of these in the future.
its really cool you put the japanese characters too. it helps alot with studying !
Omg it's so awesome,
I want more of this
Amazing work! And I love the on screen icons of the leads to tell us who is speaking. keep up the good work!
You're a real one for doing this!
5:25 Domain Expansion: Infinite Alcohol
I really like the japanese subtitles! Helps me learn kanji
I need more of this...
i love them sm
subscribed, thanks for the hard work
thanks for the hard work ❤
Thank's for the work!!!
Omg this is so fun I can't even pick from where to start🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Girl Band Brawl
Togenashi Kaisen
Thanks you very much
I died at 8:14
Thank you for this!
So according to Nina, Momoka is Gojo now?
Gojo got isekai'd into gbc as momoka
This is now canon
Haha momoka intro ❤
Hello poi here, if anyone wants the full TL in txt
Nina: どうも Hello
Nina: 改めましてドゲナシトゲアリです Once again, we are Togenashi Togeari
Nina: それじゃあ宴もたけなわですが 盛り上げてきたところで While the party is in full swing
Nina: ここでメンバー紹介をさせてください Let me introduce our members
Nina: まずはオンドラムズ Firstly, on drums
Nina: 神戸出身のお嬢様 Our princess from Kobe
Nina: 我がバンドの女子力担当 The band's cute-in-charge
Nina: 安和スバル Awa Subaru
Subaru: ドラムの安和すばるです I'm the drummer Awa Subaru
Subaru: 17歳の現役JK A real 17year-old high schooler ٩(。•ω
Nina: あれ Eh
Subaru: だからニーナ See Nina
Subaru: もう少し大人ぽくした方がいいよ You should dress up more like an adult
Subaru: 一層、名前も普通にニーナにしちゃって Might as well change your name to Neena
Nina: あ、ニーナっていうのはあだ名で Ah Neena is my nickname
Nina: スバルちゃんには普段こう呼ばれているんですけど That's what Subaru usually calls me
Others: ニーナ Neena
Nina: 今度は反応ありだ We got some reactions
Nina: ありがとう Thanks!
Subaru: じゃあ名前はニーナにして Your name is now Neena
Subaru: いっその事、ハーフって設定で We'll make you character setting biracial
Subaru: カラコン付けて Put on some colour contacts
Subaru: ネールもギトギトの色のやつしてさ and some really gaudy nail polish
Nina: 嫌だよ I dun wanna
Nina: 桃香さんじゃあるまいし I'm not like Momoka
Momoka: あたしはそんなことしてないだろう I don't do any of that!
Nina: でしたっけ oops my bad
Nina: ほんじゃまぁ次行きますか Alright moving on
Nina: 最年少 Our youngest
Nina: 仙台が産んだ16歳の天才キーボード The Sendai-born 16year-old genius keyboardist
Nina: 海老塚智 Ebizuka Tomo
Tomo: キーボードの海老塚智です On keyboard, I'm Ebizuka Tomo
Tomo: 今日は楽しんでいてください Please have fun today
Tomo: では次 Next
Nina: 待って待って hold up hold up
Tomo: 何 What
Nina: 流石にそれで終わりは無理でしょう You can't just end there
Nina: 皆さんも聞きたがってるよ 智ちゃんの声 Everyone wants to hear your voice more
Tomo: しょうがないわね Fine
Tomo: えっと海老塚智ですキーボードやってます I'm Ebizuka Tomo. I play the keyboard
Tomo: 趣味は爬虫類のペットを飼うことです My hobby is taking care of my reptile pets
Nina: 面接? Job interview?
Tomo: うるさい Shut up
Nina: まぁまぁそんな感じで Well something like that
Nina: 一匹狼ロンリーウルフな16歳が智ちゃんのいいところ Tomo is our cute 16year-old lone wolf
Subaru: 皆でご飯行こうって言っても Whenever we make plans to eat out together
Subaru: すぐ帰っちゃうしね She instantly goes back home
Tomo: ペットの世話しなきゃいけないし I have to take care of my pets
Nina: イモリ飼ってるんだけ Your pet Newt right
Tomo: ヤモリ It's a Gecko!
Subaru: これおおきにペットの写真とか上げればいいんじゃない Why not upload pictures of your pets
Subaru: ハチュ友が増えるかもよ You could make some Rep-Buddies
Tomo: 何なのよそれは The hell's that
Nina: 爬虫類好きな友達 Mutual reptile-loving friends
Nina: この中にもいるかも I'm sure there's some here
Nina: 好きな人ぉ Raise your hands
Nina: ほら結構いるよ See, there's quite a number
Nina: 爬虫類好きな人 Fellow reptile-lovers
Tomo: 今どき珍しくもないでしょう It's not rare at all in this day and age
Nina: 一緒に暮らしてるルパさんは爬虫類は平気なの Rupa are you fine with living with them?
Rupa: そうですね Let's see
Rupa: 智ちゃんは管理もしっかりしてますし Tomo takes real good care of them
Rupa: 私も嫌いではないですからね I don't dislike them at all
Nina: 何でも好きですからねルパさん You sure like a lot of stuff huh Rupa
Rupa: ですね Yup
Rupa: 好きなものありすぎて迷ってしますね There's so many things I like I get lost in them
Nina: そんな好きが多すぎる オンベース And said person is On Bass
Nina: 神秘の国からやってきたスーパーベーシスト Hailing from a mysterious country The Super Bassist
Nina: 大人の魅力満載ルパさん Filled with an adult's charm, Rupa
Rupa: 皆さんどうも、初めまして Hello everyone it's nice to meet you
Rupa: ベースのルパです、よろしくお願いいたします I'm the bassist Rupa, thanks for supporting me
Nina: おぉ、礼儀正しく一例 Wow the very definition of decorum
Nina: さすが大人、お酒も強いし As expected of an adult She's good with alcohol too
Rupa: はい、最近は桃香さんとよく二人飲んでますよ Yes ma'am, recently I've been drinking a lot with Momoka
Rupa: 先日も二人で朝まで部屋飲みで Just the other day we were drinking together until sunrise
Nina: へえそんなに That much?!
Subaru: 言っとくけど私達は飲んでませんからね FYI we minors are not drinking any alcohol
Nina: むしろ、桃香さんを介抱するのが主な仕事というか You could say our main job is taking care of Momoka when she's drunk
Momoka: そんなに潰れてないだろう I don't get drunk that often!
Nina: はぁ、どの口が言う、どの口が言うぅ You're not in any position to say that!
Rupa: 私は楽しくて好きですよ、酔った桃香さんを It's really fun, I like being with a drunk Momoka
Nina + Subaru: えええええええ ehhhhhhh
Momoka: そこ、今日イチでハモるな Stop being so surprised
Nina: ハモりますよ、あんなめんどくさいのに Of course we're surprised, you're such a pain when you're drunk
Rupa: でもよく見てると可愛いところもありますよ But when you look closely she can be really cute when she's drunk
Rupa: 部屋の中グルグル歩き回ったり She'll walk in circles around the room
Rupa: 急に泣き出したり and suddenly starts crying
Nina: ルパさんは心寛いね Rupa you have a kind heart
Nina: それが人気の秘訣のかも Is that the secret to being popular
Subaru: SNSとルパさん絡みのが一番いいねつくし Any picture with Rupa always gets the most amount of likes after all
Others: いいねしたよ I liked those pictures!
Rupa: ありがとうございます Thank you very much
Nina: いいな、なんかちょっと悔しいので次行きましょうか Ain't that nice, now I kinda feel pissed so let's move on
Nina: ではお待たせしました Sorry for the wait
Nina: オンギター我らがバンマス On Guitar, our band leader
Nina: 旭川から舞い降りた、日本最高の女性ギターリスト Hailing from Asahikawa Japan's best female guitarist
Nina: 空前絶後のカリスマ Charisma like no other
Nina: そこに並び立つものはなく Throughout Heaven and Earth
Nina: その後ろに続くものはない、全知全能の She Alone Is The Honored One, The Almighty
Momoka: 長ぇよ Too long!
Momoka: どっかのピン芸人か What are you, a stand-up?
Momoka: だからMCコミックバンドってネットで書かれるんだろう That's why we kept getting comments about being a comedy band
Nina: はいはい Alright alright
Nina: えっとというわけでオンギター Anyways On Guitar
Nina: 世界のバンマス The world's best band leader
Nina: 河原木桃香 Kawaragi Momoka
Momoka: 河原木桃香です、今日はありがとう I'm Kawaragi Momoka, thanks for coming today
Momoka: えっと今日は初めましてのひとってどのくらいいるのかな Let's see, how many first timers do we have today
Momoka: 初めましてって人 Raise your hands
Nina: 結構いますね Oh that's quite a lot
Nina: よろしかったら是非CDなど買っていっていただけたら If you would be willing please buy our CDs
Nina: グッズも充実していますので Our merchandise are all in stock
Momoka: いきなり売り込むな Stop with the sales pitch
Nina: 今回リストバンドも新しいのなりましたので We also have new wristbands today
Nina: ほら可愛いでしょう See isn't it cute
Nina: 終演後バンマス自ら売りますので After the concert our band leader herself will be selling these
Others: 買うよ I'll buy it!
Momoka: ありがとう Thank you very much
Momoka: えっとというわけで Anyways
Momoka: このライブハウスも結構久々になりますが It's been a while since we've been at this livehouse
Momoka: ここは楽しいよね This is a fun place
Nina: うん丁度いい広さだよね Yup the size is just right
Nina: みんなの顔も見えるし That way I can see everyone's faces
Momoka: いつもやってる川崎のライブハウスを思い出すんだよね Reminds me of the Kawasaki livehouses we usually play at
Momoka: なんか落ち着くっていうの Feels just like home
Nina: ですよね You're right
Nina: あ、もしかしたら会場というよりお客さんかも Oh maybe it's not because of the venue itself but the audience
Nina: あったかいですからね今日のお客さん We have a really welcoming audience today
Momoka: 本当に、ありがとうね Seriously, thank you very much
Momoka: なのですっかり気持ちよくやらせてもらってます It's thanks of you all we can do our best
Nina: お、なんか初めてMCらしいMC Wow,finally a proper emceeing
Momoka: お前ら話し脱線しすぎなんだよ That's because you guys keep going on tangents
Nina: 飲んで時もこのくらいちゃんとしてくれるといいんですけど If only you were this clear-headed when you drink
Momoka: 見てろよ、仁菜が大人になったら Just you watch Nina, when you grow up
Momoka: 絶対あたしより面倒な酔っ払いになるから You will 100% be more of a pain in the ass when you're drunk
Nina: 何言ってるんですか What are you saying
Nina: なるわけないじゃないですか There's no way that's gonna happen
Momoka: いいや、なるね、賭けてもいい No, you will. I'll even bet on it
Nina: まだ飲めるようになるまで3年ありますけど Plus there's still 3 more years until I can drink
Momoka: というわけで皆さん3年後お楽しみ As such, everyone please look forward to it in 3 years time
Momoka: それまで、ライブ通ってくれたら嬉しいです Until then,please do keep coming to our concerts
Momoka: よろしく Thanks for the support
Nina: あ、なんかうまくまとめかも Somehow that wrapped things up real nice
Momoka: じゃあ最後オンボーカル Lastly, On Vocals
Momoka: 熊本が産んだ喧嘩上等 From Kumamoto, the Queen of getting into fights
Momoka: 破天荒歌姫、井芹仁菜 The unrivaled Diva Iseri Nina
Nina: 改めましてトゲナシトゲアリのボーカル井芹仁菜です Once again, I'm Togenashi Togeari's vocalist Iseri Nina
Nina: ってその紹介やめてって言ってるじゃないですか I told you to stop with that introduction!
Momoka: ピッタリだろう But it's perfect
Nina: 全然喧嘩上等じゃないです I don't get into fights at all
Momoka: いやいや、そこはバンドメンバー全員の総意だらか No way, this is something the band can unanimously agree on
Nina: ルパさんも Et tu, Rupa?
Rupa: はい、喧嘩上等大好きです Yes, I love seeing you get into fights
Others: 私も好き I love it too
Nina: もうかっこかわいいボーカルでいたいのに I'm losing my image as the cool and cute singer
Momoka: そうだったことは一度もないぞ You never were
Subaru: いつも私らにもお客さんにも Whether it's us or the audience
Subaru: 喧嘩上等でぶつかっていくのが You're always picking fights left and right
Subaru: ニーナのいいところでしょう But we like that about you
Nina: 待って待ってそれじゃバカみたいだよ Hold up hold up doesn't that just make me sound like an idiot
Momoka: バカみたいなところがいいところだろう But we like that you sound like an idiot
Nina: 全然嬉しくない I'm not happy about it at all
Nina: ていうか逆襲されている Wait ain't I getting bullied here
Subaru: そんなことないって That's not true at all
Nina: 智ちゃん Tomo
Tomo: 私に振らないで Don't get me involved
Momoka: 普通に褒めてるぞ、多分 We are complimenting you...I think
Momoka: お客さんも分かってる、ですよね Even the audience get it, right
Momoka: ほら See
Momoka: というわけで次の曲も As such for our next song
Momoka: 喧嘩上等で歌ってもらいましょうか We're gonna sing with that fighting spirit
Momoka: 準備はいい Are you guys ready?
Rupa: はい Yes
Tomo: OK
Nina: 新曲です、聴いてください Please listen to our new song
Subaru: 1, 2, 3
Thank you!!
Kami-sama thank you for this haha
Is the audio from one of the CDs?
Yep, same audio from the Girls Band Cry 1st Single "Nameless Name" Audio Drama CD 1 video I uploaded.
@@arcbuff44 Thanks for the response and your hard work!
Damn.. I want to perform myself as a vocalist in a band, it's my dream, but looking at the way bands have to interact with the audience like talk, post pics on social media etc. I realize that I'll never be able to do this bc I'm very socially anxious and have really low self-esteem. Also I think I guess why Rupa's pics get most of likes, and I hate it, bc I have the same body as Rupa and if I will be percieved the same way, I'd rather never go on the stage at all.
don't let that discourage you - the you today might not be able to imagine to be able to do it but maybe the you tomorrow or some day in the future could
there's always a chance you could grow into it too.
at least the audience engagement part is not necessarily true - sure it gives performers more mass appeal and the fans a more personal concert experience which fosters greater parasociality but as someone who's into an artist who's main appeal is his love for music and musicality who barely engages with his fans at all while playing - it doesn't have to be a deal breaker if you find your audience, sure some people won't like it but with his fan base a lot of people appreciate that he sticks with his guns and does what he likes and is most comfortable. As for the rest... Well if you're lucky you might be able to afford someone who takes care of your social media /PR or, if you're in a band, have a member who's savy with it and enjoys that and you getting to play into the "introvert/mysterious/shy" archtype - social media on that scale requires some sort of "persona"