Me and my whole family had the pleasure of meeting him after a show in North Devon in the 1980s. He was drinking in the bar which was next door. My dad brought him a drink. He was still cracking jokes, chatting to everyone, collecting jokes from people, happy to have his photo taken, hand out signed photos for free to the kids. Top bloke! Unlike these stars today, he was very down to earth!
When I worked as a mini cab driver back in the 70s I had Frank as a passenger for about an hour and he never stopped from the moment he got in the back. "Nice car,Two tone, black and rust, one owner Pontious Pilate....." and so on for the whole journey. He had me crying with laughter the whole way and of course as he got out and I thanked him for the private show he said "It's the way I tell em".
We saw Frank live in Tenerife in the mid-90s. Absolutely brilliant, finished at 11.00 PM and he spent another hour going table to table, still joking and laughing. Comedy legend.
Once saw him. He turned up at venue and couldn't walk properly he was that pissed. He had loads of fun with us outside before he went in, and killed it . Just brilliant !! Xx
Met Frank in Estepona, S Spain in the 80`s....He was a brilliant nice guy. He had the Spanish cafe waiters in stitches every morning at YATE bar in Estepona marina. One of a kind.
Yes, a comedy legend, but most people don't know that he served for three years in the Britsh Army's Parachute Regiment in the late 1940's and that he personally shot and killed a terrorist during that time, while almost being kileld himself in a terrorist bomb blast. A geat man. RIP, Frank!
He dug them out of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. I could elaborate on this, but I won't. That generation knew Irish, English, Scotch, Welsh and everything in between. By then he already had an old man's heart. Frank Carson. There's a man you don't hear much about now.
As funny now as all those years ago we still miss frank they don't make them like they did back then ! 1 o the funniest fellas ever ,brilliant and I can laugh at his jokes again and again ! It's the way he tells them 😂😂😂😂thanks frank !!!!!
@@RobCharles been looking for a video of him on the Michael Parkinson show. He told a few jokes and then engaged in a very serious conversation. Have never forgotten it and it showed their was a lot more to the man than just a comedian.
I dealt with Frank on many occasions at Heathrow airport, what a lovely man. More than once I had to stop him from telling gags and almost drag him down to the departure gate. He has my utmost respect, unlike many other celebrity arse holes aka Lenny Henry, Terry Wogan, Jackie Stewart, James Hunt, Byorn Borg's wife, Yoko Ono, Benny Hill and several others. The nicest people I dealt with included Dame Vera Lynn, Bing Crosby, Diana Doors, Dolly Parton , Cheryl from Bucks Fizz, Lionel Blair, Ottis Reading, Boy George, Steve Ovett ( Seb Coe belongs in the arseholes category ), Eddie the eagle, most motor cycle GP riders ( most F1 drivers apart from Jody Shecter were arseholes, the Irish lass who won an Olympic Gold, the English lady who won Wimbeldon and Dame Edna Everage. I had a poorly paid but very rewarding job which has given a 70 year old fart like me much to remember. I have also dealt with people from Prince Charles and Lady Diana to some British spies, Morecambe and Wise and most of the Monty Python crew. Life is a joke, share it or keep it to yourself and become utterly screwed. If you like fucking chickens, don't keep it to yourself, say so and you will find other people out there who think the same way as you. I am a nobody but I think I can give you more revelant suggestions than any expensive shrink. Reply to this and I will tell you what I think, it won't be the answer but may help you to find a way to something to help you. d Wise
fuck , man you go on abit with your comment !! lmao !! frank would laugh at that !! / met frank back in 1980, at a motor show in Belfast ,! when i was 12 year old !, & am from northern Ireland , as he was !!
These were the days of substance, men and women of the same, not jokes are out of fashion, just like every solid thing of the past. These men were amazing, knew how to tell a joke. What happened to the writers of jokes?
I got stopped by the police on the motorway, they say that I was drunk, I replied but I was doing the hand signals and entered the motorway safely, they replied you haven't got a vehicle
After Tiswas, the gang would sit at the bar & Frank would continue cracking jokes till Jim Davidson would say "Give it a rest Frank, I,ve told a dozen of them jokes." & Frank would laugh "Yeah, but you dont tell em as well as I do.".
An absolute genius of stand up comedy. An all time great. R I P frank.
Met him in 1990, great stuff, I bought him a drink and had a great time. RIP Frank, unique, genuine, irreplaceable.
First Class, better than 99.9% of the comedians you will hear on TV today. A true professional and a master of his art.
A sadly missed comedian from sadly missed days. Thank you for your comment.
Me and my whole family had the pleasure of meeting him after a show in North Devon in the 1980s. He was drinking in the bar which was next door. My dad brought him a drink. He was still cracking jokes, chatting to everyone, collecting jokes from people, happy to have his photo taken, hand out signed photos for free to the kids. Top bloke! Unlike these stars today, he was very down to earth!
When I worked as a mini cab driver back in the 70s I had Frank as a passenger for about an hour and he never stopped from the moment he got in the back. "Nice car,Two tone, black and rust, one owner Pontious Pilate....." and so on for the whole journey. He had me crying with laughter the whole way and of course as he got out and I thanked him for the private show he said "It's the way I tell em".
One in a million frank and your still making us laugh beyond the grave, , god bless yuh
Well said Neil. Thank you for your comment. He was one of the best.👍
Frank was one of the greatest stand-up comics.
Absolutely brilliant, proper old fashioned humour
Thank you Nigel 👍
We saw Frank live in Tenerife in the mid-90s. Absolutely brilliant, finished at 11.00 PM and he spent another hour going table to table, still joking and laughing. Comedy legend.
A real Gentleman.
Frank Carson was another great comedian it's sad he's not here anymore,thankyou Frank for all the yrs of laughter you gave us RIP.;:-)
They really were the great days of Comedy Janet.
Frank Carson is one of my personal fav's it's the way you tell em 😭😂🤣😭😂🤣😭🤣
Frank is a much missed comedy legend.
You're not wrong there.
Really needed a laugh he was good with simple silly jokes meet my husband up there he loved to laugh.
Absolutely hilarious. The man is a one off
Him And Billy Connolly
Once saw him. He turned up at venue and couldn't walk properly he was that pissed. He had loads of fun with us outside before he went in, and killed it . Just brilliant !! Xx
Met Frank in Estepona, S Spain in the 80`s....He was a brilliant nice guy. He had the Spanish cafe waiters in stitches every morning at YATE bar in Estepona marina. One of a kind.
Clean jokes, and jokes indeed, which are very much missed today, and Frank was one of the many excellent comedians, which now have no equal
How so very true.
Lucky enough to meet him and as a young Comedian I learnt more in one night than any Comedy Course could teach you.
A master of gag telling & delivery.
Yes, a comedy legend, but most people don't know that he served for three years in the Britsh Army's Parachute Regiment in the late 1940's and that he personally shot and killed a terrorist during that time, while almost being kileld himself in a terrorist bomb blast. A geat man. RIP, Frank!
He dug them out of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. I could elaborate on this, but I won't. That generation knew Irish, English, Scotch, Welsh and everything in between. By then he already had an old man's heart. Frank Carson. There's a man you don't hear much about now.
GOd Bless Frank Carson
Most people don't care. He was a comedian. No one gives a toss about his time as a government trained gunman.
Frank is telling jokes in heaven to wait for it , Richard Pryor and Robin Willams
"They've taken the key off the top of the corned beef tins" 🤣🤣🤣 only 1 min in and I'm already pissing myself!
Hilarious! Great comedian very sadly missed!
Absolutely rAlan. Glad you liked it👍
@@RobCharles be glad
Now I see where Jethro gets some of his material. Frank was great.
He was just the best 😂❤️
Once saw Frank live. so much fun !
Wow! - Best of British!
Just Subscribed - fabulously funny!
Thanks for uploading these comedic legends
Glad you liked the video 👍 Thank you for your comments.
Not laughed out loud for ages god bless you frank numb numb numb
Glad you liked it👍
i grew up in the late 60's,70's,when you could have a real laugh,nothing was sacred,simpler happier times !
actually makes you laugh which is what comedy is for.
Him And Billy Connolly Real True Comedy Legends,
One of the best ever.....
Paul Cooke Absolutely 😂
Frank Carson and stan are my favourites it's the way they tell them absolutely fantastic videos thank's Rob once again. ;:) ❤❤
Frank Carson was a rare very funny comic.
Marvellous comedian.
Even the way he says Mr Mugabe kills me 😂😂.
Possibly my fave. I laugh before he even speaks.
Awesome! He was great on the comedians in the 70s. It's the way he tells them,
Num Num Num. Brilliant 🤣🤣🤣
As funny now as all those years ago we still miss frank they don't make them like they did back then ! 1 o the funniest fellas ever ,brilliant and I can laugh at his jokes again and again ! It's the way he tells them 😂😂😂😂thanks frank !!!!!
A really nice man besides being funny.
A very funny man who could laugh at himself pure genius it's the way I tell em😂
Absolutely 👍
Superb.The good old days.
Good times & have you taken a look at 10:03 that fella looks like Chris Evans
Great man and great jokes.
Glad you liked the video👍
@@RobCharles been looking for a video of him on the Michael Parkinson show.
He told a few jokes and then engaged in a very serious conversation.
Have never forgotten it and it showed their was a lot more to the man than just a comedian.
@@pohl54 I interviewed him on a couple of occasions on the radio He was really down to earth & a great man.
Classic Frank
He was brilliant so,silly you had to laugh they don’t make them like him anymore RIP frank 👏
👍Absolutely a comic genius
Another in my series of Great Comedian's.
1995 Tone clear.
Rob Charles
Rob Charles er Ed ede de rest ui HB hu. m'n, E, CV bvd+& a
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Rob Charles
Watched the live VHS of him that was released by VCI in 1993. Great man in and outside Comedy and so sadly missed
I interviewed him for radio & a very nice man.👍
excellent absolutely funny
He used to come into where I worked, he was a natural he used to stop people on the street and tell them jokes..... one of the best !!!
Where was this?
Remember Tiswas as a kid satdy mornings . This fella had me in bulk laughing . RIP Frank
Norn Ireland legend
Bloody legend
Frank Carson Comedy legend
The greatest era of British comedy Frank was part of it
We never had it so good 👍
Your not wrong there!
Met him as a kid at Tiswas many times total legend
Loved Tiswas.
It really is the way he tells them. just like his catchphrase. Classic Rob
The Shed Singer One of the Classic Comedians.
Excellent upload 😂😂😂
Thank you , glad you liked it.
Its the way he tells them RIP Frank
Carson at his best..........
David Wootton
Its the way he tells em...
True Real Comedy Legends Billy Connolly And Frank Carson,
Hang on, this repeats itself. Still, bloody funny.
Autumn Entertainment I’m glad you said that mate. I thought I was losing my marbles :)
@@RitchieRosson Me too!
I thought Frank was telling his deja-vu joke.
I feel so sad for the youth of today They will never know what it is to laugh !!!!.
Really? There's many good comedians out there. Young people do know how to laugh! They are human too! What a well thought comment, NOT.
@@carolstrachan4197they don’t laugh much . They are always offended
was, met frank back in 1981, ! on a school trip , in Belfast !!
A legend
No question about it, sadly missed.
I dealt with Frank on many occasions at Heathrow airport, what a lovely man. More than once I had to stop him from telling gags and almost drag him down to the departure gate. He has my utmost respect, unlike many other celebrity arse holes aka Lenny Henry, Terry Wogan, Jackie Stewart, James Hunt, Byorn Borg's wife, Yoko Ono, Benny Hill and several others. The nicest people I dealt with included Dame Vera Lynn, Bing Crosby, Diana Doors, Dolly Parton , Cheryl from Bucks Fizz, Lionel Blair, Ottis Reading, Boy George, Steve Ovett ( Seb Coe belongs in the arseholes category ), Eddie the eagle, most motor cycle GP riders ( most F1 drivers apart from Jody Shecter were arseholes, the Irish lass who won an Olympic Gold, the English lady who won Wimbeldon and Dame Edna Everage. I had a poorly paid but very rewarding job which has given a 70 year old fart like me much to remember. I have also dealt with people from Prince Charles and Lady Diana to some British spies, Morecambe and Wise and most of the Monty Python crew. Life is a joke, share it or keep it to yourself and become utterly screwed. If you like fucking chickens, don't keep it to yourself, say so and you will find other people out there who think the same way as you. I am a nobody but I think I can give you more revelant suggestions than any expensive shrink. Reply to this and I will tell you what I think, it won't be the answer but may help you to find a way to something to help you.
d Wise
Cilla black was a horrible person ,,just get me champagne and fuck off,,,karma gets you in the end 😆
Sharon Gill I never dealt with Cilla I am glad to say. Nigel.
Nigel Hunt guy on the radio said he used to take over the whole plane too
fuck , man you go on abit with your comment !! lmao !! frank would laugh at that !! / met frank back in 1980, at a motor show in Belfast ,! when i was 12 year old !, & am from northern Ireland , as he was !!
You certainly like name dropping. You realise of course that your comments are just YOUR opinion.
It's the way he tells them lol 😅just don't laugh like that any more , the old ones are the best 😢😂😂
rip frank .great comedian
Brilliantly Bonkers. Love him. But pleeeaaasssee we need more Mick Miller
Met him once at a celebrity tournament in portmarnock golf club & he was as funny in real life.
I interviewed him & as you say he was funny all the time on & off the microphone.
Frank,Bernard,Ken and luckily still with us Mick Miller were/are the best of the best
These were the days of substance, men and women of the same, not jokes are out of fashion, just like every solid thing of the past. These men were amazing, knew how to tell a joke. What happened to the writers of jokes?
Meet I'm in Blackpool 26 years go what a nice bloke
bert harris one of the greats, sadly missed.
Frank Carson a genius. The whimps today wouldn't know how to laugh. They would probably complain about the content of the show
Some parts are worth repeating ..... so he did.
1. Bernard Manning
2. Bob Monkhouse
3. Frank Carson
Billy Connolly,
Bang on
"it's the way I tell 'em"
It sure is tumbleweed blowing if anyone else tried that material
Hey squirrel daft Geordie boy again TH-cam Frank Carson irish comedian is one of the funniest guys who ever lived
I told a joke to a group of elderly people, don't know if they enjoyed but they all sat in the corner passing themselves
It's the way he tells them.
I met frank in early 80s when I was in my early teens in Belfast ! when with are school outing at a motor show !!
Performance repeats at 9:25. You're welcome.
I got stopped by the police on the motorway, they say that I was drunk, I replied but I was doing the hand signals and entered the motorway safely, they replied you haven't got a vehicle
Glad you liked the video
What year was this from ?
It’s how you tell’m
It certainly was the way Frank told them.
9 people were picking up
From the golden age of comedy before the PC plods came along.
Andrew Williams Your not wrong there😕
This Guy Was Funny,
Funny Frank but our corned beef comes from Uruguay . Fray Bentos to you.😋
After Tiswas, the gang would sit at the bar & Frank would continue cracking jokes till Jim Davidson would say "Give it a rest Frank, I,ve told a dozen of them jokes." & Frank would laugh "Yeah, but you dont tell em as well as I do.".
That's a brilliant memory and thank you for sharing. Very much appreciated👍
Picked up Frank in my cab didn't get chance to talk to him got half his act very funny sadly missed
Its the way i tell em brill
The days of comedians that were actually funny.
Lady Gaga at 4.51
Back when comedians were ordinary folk.
The days when no fucker was offended. Great stuff.