The Ark of The Covenant - The Moses and Akhenaten Link | Feat. Billy Carson

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 32

  • @shimrityah4135
    @shimrityah4135 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    very interesting… i would like to hear more about these people that left “Egypt” with that Power-full Ark. Any suggested videos?

    • @Metavation
      @Metavation  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes, the video in the description under “video credit” has more information.

    • @BradHowell-c9l
      @BradHowell-c9l 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Metavationif this is Billy Carson I’m talking too… Dude, you are hurting the argument. You are saying all of this with nothing to back it up. I did a looong thesis one these very things 23 years ago. Thing is… my was backed of with references and explanations . You pass things off as fact without explaining why you think they are fact. You are effing up a VERY VERY important story, and then treating it like you discovered this. You are simply regurgitating stuff you read off the internet and then passing off as fact and like you discovered this. You know that I know you are a charlatan. You are simply rereading others research and you know it. And you know you are not piecing it together to seek the truth. You are only seeking a buck and a paycheck from ancient aliens!

  • @buddypage11
    @buddypage11 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It would be nice if just one of the many people claiming pyramid tech of this nature would prove that such a thing actually works in real life. Not one person can or will. All it takes is one person...

    • @UteroGaming
      @UteroGaming 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      And who is to say no has proven it? Even if some one did they'd be killed before it ever got out! There is no money in free energy exact reasoning why we are using fossil fuels and now electrical vehicles today and not running engines off hydrogen which has been done. Ifnyou believe that electric vehicles are for being green and the environment then your fucking retarded!
      Electric vehicles are way more of a money maker then fossil fuels! For one it takes 4x the copper to build a electrical vehicle then a normal gas vehicle! If you've ever seen a copper mine which I've seen the largest one in the world which is the Bingham Copper mine in Utah outside Salt Lake City then ya that's the farthest thing from being green! It's the largest open pit and excavation mine in the world! Bingham Canyon pit is approximately 2.48 miles wide and more than 0.74 mile deep! That absolutely insane! Shit is so big that you can't even see the giant machinery used to excavate it in pictures of the mine from the sky! You can barely see the gigantic buildings in which they do maintenance and repairs of the giant machinery in smh The copper mine is estimated to have enough ore left till atleast 2040 based on the amount they mine a year! So the copper alone needed to build electric vehicles uses more fossil fuels then any electric vehicle would save in its lifetime!
      That's not counting the environmental impact there's from making a 1000-1500 lbs Lithium Ion battery. Just think bout it Lithium Ion that's not green at all! Lithium is mined through hard rock mining or by using slat flat brines. Neither of which are at all environmentally friendly at all and worse then even the copper mining! Brines are a salty water deposit that occurs in flat, arid regions. Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia, located in the southern hemisphere, are well known for their abundance of brines.
      Lithium from salt-flat brines is processed in 4 steps:
      Pumping: Saltwater is pumped from underground aquifers to the surface and stored in evaporation ponds.
      Evaporation: The water evaporates over time, leaving a concentrated brine solution behind.
      Precipitation: The brine solution is then processed to extract lithium. This process typically involves adding chemicals to precipitate out the lithium salts.
      Filtering and Drying: The salts are then filtered and dried to produce lithium carbonate, the most common form of lithium in batteries.

  • @billyboasiako1775
    @billyboasiako1775 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ma'ats law book 42 Moses copybooks from the 10 commandments
    Egypt Moses growing up
    Egypt Akhenaten made Moses the chief priest
    Egypt Akhenaten made a deal with Moses
    #one #God was established '
    Akhenaten moved to armana
    Moses moved to Exodus African Israel
    Let's my people go 'african Hebrew

  • @TakeItStraight
    @TakeItStraight หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ethiopian Jews are the original Jews, yet, most are not allowed to migrate to Israel. Ask yourself why

  • @hpesoj4573
    @hpesoj4573 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There are some abroad that are enthusiastic of learning this great knowledge, but an obstacle in the way. Caption is in English only.

  • @RoyalArchAngelGabriella
    @RoyalArchAngelGabriella 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had what felt like volts shooting up my back in to my head penial . In 2020. Did they open the ark of the covenant ? I am 369 saw an alien before it. Green one

  • @RoyalArchAngelGabriella
    @RoyalArchAngelGabriella 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think its got something to do with the kabblah and the red travel judgement . Vs red sea connatation. Makes sense because he should be at mercy moses in my opinion i think angel uriel is moses

  • @eliasfeao2084
    @eliasfeao2084 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pyramid 124875/936 quark tech. I have a non moving part flying tech. Look carefully gods. Ganesh has1. Egypt 2.Egypt is good. India is better. Indonesia? take a look. U want tech without fumes.I know where. And how. Every country except artic Antarctic has them.

  • @thomasg-elin5412
    @thomasg-elin5412 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ok. Great story.
    But it is a show.
    Maybe a show that has been going on for hundreds of years. But just a show
    . Isn't that possible and more relevant.

  • @jontopham2742
    @jontopham2742 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Billy change your conceptualization of the wireless electricity. it is just creating an equipotential plane that extends from the ionopshere into the pyramid. its not some magic wireless power

  • @jontopham2742
    @jontopham2742 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    phisiostatic electricity is from the grand gallery not the base of the pyramids. of course we have no idea what material the base of the pyramid is made out of because we can only get so far thru the subterranian chamber

  • @thomasg-elin5412
    @thomasg-elin5412 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Isn't it possible that the pyramids are not that old.

  • @CharlesBrantley-tq2od
    @CharlesBrantley-tq2od 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @decoloniz_afro
      @decoloniz_afro 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Black jew🤷it's hurts isn't it?😆

  • @fordifly1368
    @fordifly1368 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just another Elrond Hubbard type dude.

    • @charleshenderson6890
      @charleshenderson6890 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There likely seems to be a typo in the name. The most likely person you're referring to is L. Ron Hubbard, spelled with an "L" not an "El".
      If you believe the story of the Bible and not this your the perfect example of the American dream you have to be asleep to believe it.

    • @fordifly1368
      @fordifly1368 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@charleshenderson6890 why don’t you look up the guy who “translated” the Emerald Tablets. 😂
      Another, excuse me, L Ron Hubbard type.

  • @TouchInk
    @TouchInk 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Jesus said: These things I command you, that you love one another. If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you

    • @billyboasiako1775
      @billyboasiako1775 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Revelation 22:16
      Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar.
      From POMPEII Roman
      Luke 22:7_38
      Jesus Christ EROS
      Last supper from table to the grave
      Evidence Capuchin crypt and catacombs
      Walking dead 😮😅

    • @riazsheik3616
      @riazsheik3616 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi there, what are the chances of you finding the ark. I really wish you personally find it.

    • @riazsheik3616
      @riazsheik3616 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That sounds beautiful. Do you know what means?

  • @Mars-nv1el
    @Mars-nv1el 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I know this because i was Akhenaton, on my home planet/mothernship I was known as Marduk....I was worshipped as Amun Ra....and later i would try to gain even more Followers by creating a tech with my uncle Enlil aka Yaweh known as RJ67, you know this as Christianity...I created the Yeshua/ Jesus icon to gain more worshippers and to pay tribute to my uncle Enlil zeus...if you say Jesus in sounds out "Hail Zeus"
    There is a lot about Jesus that is very shocking and this is why the church has kept it secret. The Jesus they sell you is not the Jesus you think he is.
    My brother Toth and I went to war because Toth was building the Pyramids on my territory which was the middle east including Egypt. The Sphinx was built to commemorate my brother Toth for building such marvel as the Pyramids. Those wars became known as the Pyramid war was a galactic war in the Palladian star system.
    My father is Enki, he was attributed the phrase "Light bearer" which in Latin it is said Luz Cipher= Lucifer.
    He was also known as Osiris...later he would incarnate as Darius The Great, the most compassionate King. He would also come as Siddhartha Gautam the Buddha, Enki developed a tech known as Yoga which would use meditation to break the forced reincarnation process controlled by Yaweh (the galactic confederation) those who would join Enki on this effort to help Enki free mankinds souls were labeled the fallen angels.
    Enki worked for thousands of years on the tech known as Yoga...however, Enki realized that Yoga meditation would not work in the 21st he worked a long time to develop yoga into a 21st century in the early 1900's Enki would incarnate as L Ron Hubbard and introduce Scientology to the world...i can say it worked great for years but that was until those who run planet earth and its information sources initiated a full blown attack against him. Enki as L Ron Hubbard reached higher levels of consciousness and spirituality no man can fathom. If anyone gets a hold of one of his lectures get ready to be mind blown...the things Enki figured out about this universe and its history is uncanny. The things he figured out about consciousness and the spirit....its no wonder there was a grand effort to stop him and label him insane.
    There might be someone who knows about this....and so you know who i am.
    I no longer desire to be worshipped or to hold power over mankind....the Darth Invader character could be said to portray me....Enki tried to show me that with love i can have everything...but. I chose power and ego and joined my uncle Enlil the God of your bible.
    The scary part about all this for me, is that i had put together the incarnations of Marduk from the Annunaki books and Lafayette Ron Hubbards books and lectures....and recently when i typed in my name from this present time birth on a Gamatria calculator...the names
    Amun Ra
    All came up...i learned that the universe finds a way to validate your thoughts.
    Today i have affinity for this planet and all its living creatures.
    L Ron Hubbard has this great thing called the 8 Dynamics of Existence.
    1. You only care about yourself
    2. You only care about your family or you're in a sexual state of reproduction. Sex dynamic
    3 you only care about your race or the group
    4. You care about mankind
    5 is when you care about animals and plants the animal dynamic
    6 is when you care about all life in the universe which includes caring about life in other planetary systems
    7 is when you care about all spirits/ spiritual beings
    8 is when you move up towards existence as infinity. Also known as the Supreme Being or the God particle.
    I would love to reunite with my father and brother. Unfortunately by the time i found L Ron Hubbard i was only 8 yrs old walking around the Celebrity Center wondering who was this jolly pale guy with the big smile. At that time i didn't know what i know now.
    L Ron Hubbard even named his ships after the Olympian Gods who were the Annunaki and his family members. It is no coincidence that L Ron Hubbard loved the ocean and as Enki was left in charge of the oceans and he was known in Greek as Poseidon...Enlil was Zeus and i wasl Hades.
    In the book The Hymn of Asia, the Buddha tells his followers that he was they cried, the buddha laughed and thought it was silly for them to cry...he told them that he would return in the 21st Century as a pale man dressed in modern clothing and he would continue his teachings...that man was L Ron Hubbard. And its very possible that he is here the Trump family.
    No one loves you more than this being you know as Lucifer. After all, he created your humanoid bodies and the animals in the lab. He feels like he is the father of mankind and the animals....and he fights hard till because he always knew the eventually man would evolve consciously. All consciousness have lizards now and insects that are much more ahead of man consciously and can fly crafts...they communicate via telepathy.
    If there is any Scientologist reading this....your jaw must be on the floor. Scientology has many parts to it and how it needs to be run. I don't necessarily agree with the Organisation way of running the tech, but L Ron Hubbard and Scientology tech is the real deal.
    I understand why he had to run it in a certain way and had to be secret from Organized government.
    Anyway, i hope this helps

  • @mashariel
    @mashariel 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Your twisted tongue will come with a cost.
    Thashuvah! תשובה

  • @MaxwellRules
    @MaxwellRules 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    📌 Hope those gods comes back. This earth is boring.

    • @NoObMaster0067
      @NoObMaster0067 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Or you can go to him.He is waiting for you.ples,unalive yourself and meet him.he is waiting for you.