The fault is from the manufacturers, they send the blueprints to those factories to mass produce at a cheap price, then those same factories make knock-offs of their games for a third of the price. You can clearly see which manfucaturers use those mass production on China when the games are available there. Many other games that are even more popular than these one are not available.
Could you compare to the pieces from the counterfeit copy to the original one?
Thanks, yes I will be doing that and hopefully will get it posted soon.
AliExpress ought to be fined 10 times the value of the original every time a counterfeit is sold. Or maybe be banned altogether.
The fault is from the manufacturers, they send the blueprints to those factories to mass produce at a cheap price, then those same factories make knock-offs of their games for a third of the price. You can clearly see which manfucaturers use those mass production on China when the games are available there. Many other games that are even more popular than these one are not available.
They are resealable use a lighter or get a poly bag machine