Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization that operates primarily in the Palestinian territories, with a significant presence in Gaza. It is designated as a terrorist organization by several countries and entities. Palestine, on the other hand, refers to the geographic region in the Middle East, and it is also the term used to describe the aspirations of the Palestinian people for self-determination and statehood. Palestine is not a single, homogenous entity; it includes various political groups and authorities, with the Palestinian Authority governing parts of the West Bank and Hamas controlling Gaza.
講起葵興工廈我都有個故事分享。哈哈。5-6年前,我地公司係一個舊工廈的13樓全層, 嗰度D電梯仲係得2架貨梯,一架停雙數,一架停單數。有一晚我同我阿姐一齊OT ,O到12點幾,我突然聽到廁所方向傳來一把男人歌聲,好老式的嗰種音樂,我心諗 唔通樓下有人播收音機? 播左幾秒就停左。跟住我就同我阿姐講啦,因為覺得好奇怪,半夜播老歌,我阿姐面有難色急急腳同我講唔好做啦,走啦。入左電梯之後佢話佢當時聽到一把女人聲係度唱歌。跟住我話不如問下看更12樓係咪仲有人OT? 阿姐話如果看更話12樓冇租出去點算?😂😂跟住我地就拿拿臨返屋企啦
睇完呢集條友作嘢作得好勁 真係過咗火🤣
Why 妹 is wearing a Palestinian flag?
Why not?
I thought most of the world pro-Idf@@yeah.0.
Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization that operates primarily in the Palestinian territories, with a significant presence in Gaza. It is designated as a terrorist organization by several countries and entities.
Palestine, on the other hand, refers to the geographic region in the Middle East, and it is also the term used to describe the aspirations of the Palestinian people for self-determination and statehood. Palestine is not a single, homogenous entity; it includes various political groups and authorities, with the Palestinian Authority governing parts of the West Bank and Hamas controlling Gaza.