Metal Slug 6 is the seventh installment of the series back in 2006, which including two new recruits from the Ikari Warriors, Ralf Jones and Clark Still. Many years after defeating Ptolemaic Army and the Avatar of Chaos, General Morden and his army returns to conquer the world. Four soldiers arrive to meet Ralf and Clark, from infiltrate Morden Army, to invading aliens from outer space.
No cheat. No tas. Nomiss(Japan) = No death
This is lore accurate for them there the main characters of Ikari warriors they dominate
My boy Ralph kicked there Butts in this room 9:54
It was so cool seeing Ralf and Clark use their KOF moves and win poses! Great video, guys!
What a badass game! I think from 11:30 - 12:00 was awesome to watch
les presto mi consola a mi papá y a mi tio, como juegan:
Ikari Warriors: Metal Slug Edition 😆😆😆
Clark's Backbreaker is funny to do in the enemies and one hell of a way to rack Hi Scores. 😆😆😆
Ralf: We don't need bullets to where we're going! (except his handgun if you know what I mean)
KOF: Metal Slug Edition
That Ralph backhand fist really is iconic huh
Metal Slug 6 is the seventh installment of the series back in 2006, which including two new recruits from the Ikari Warriors, Ralf Jones and Clark Still.
Many years after defeating Ptolemaic Army and the Avatar of Chaos, General Morden and his army returns to conquer the world. Four soldiers arrive to meet Ralf and Clark, from infiltrate Morden Army, to invading aliens from outer space.
Ikari Warriors 4: Metal Slug 😂
알고리즘으로 봤는데 적재적소에 알맞게 무기들 사용하는거 최고입니다!!
2인 플레이하면 보스 체력이 약해지는가 싶을정도로 금방 죽어버리네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
영상 투고한 클락(2P) 유저입니다.
2인 플레이를 한 답시고 보급이 추가로 더 주어지지는 않지만, 적들의 체력은 대략적으로 1.5배 증가하는 터라 그런 듯 합니다.
Nice coop
Awesome 🕶️
Good 💪😄👍
fue cine 🚬
It's odd that Clark and Marco have the worst stats in this game supposedly. At least Macro's handgun is a killer gun.
Marcó hasta cierto punto está roto, su habilidad aplica también para las armas.
Can you give me the download link bro 🥺🥺🥺
bullet proof Alien, but break with punch
How can i play with 2 players?
No Rootmars?
La puntuación de los personajes no me salía después deo Game Over solo se reiniciaba el juego
The Arcade Version
Metal slug
Futoku no guild
Digelar gua dh foto📷 baru film🎥bgd duh futsal gtuh hyryt
Terminator 3 finally came to an end sometimes 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭