Travis Pastrana's name gets views. A lot of people looking for stunts like this would search his name, so putting it in the title gets the views. If you watch the video though, they give credit and talk up everyone who was involved.
I love how the first run through was Travis jumping a car 150 feet with one hand on the wheel. Testing it and tweaking it for the next stunt. Meanwhile some people can’t drive 65 on the highway with both hands on the wheel. Travis is a freaking legend. I’d love to take my wheelchair down one of his ramps into the foam pit!
I would like to see the dirtbike jump off the car just before it hits the ground, even if bike is backwards now. Must have rear tire speed and a SPECIAL take off pad on car, press quick RELEASE and take off faster than you EVER have before, the speeds should keep the front down somewhat so no pulling a wheelie off the car now.
@Brian Breen well they really werent meant to jump 180 feet. When they did the nitro rallycross the cars couldnt handle the jumps and were breaking left and right. Theyve had to make some amazing suspension for this.
@@michealwilliams7757 There is no way that is your standard rallycross suspension, ubless they all use the revised suspension they came up with after Travis started the nitro rally cross. The jumps were bigger than any rallycross jump so the cars werent built for it. None of the subarus even finished the first event, same with a few of the fiestas and other vehicles. It was pretty bad, wasnt much of a race.
@@stiffbuckets2511 there is a few. there is on thats on youtube, not the best quality and im sure it's not every scene, but it's worth watching if you have the time
TRAVIS: “I have a great idea for a stunt.” ALSO TRAVIS: “My driver crashes, A LOT.” ALSO TRAVIS: “oh nooo, broke my wrist... Ethan do my stunt using the driver that crashes...” ETHAN: “sure...” ME: “Ethan is a nice guy, but dumb as a box of rocks...”
Out of anyone I wouldn't doubt Travis knowing if he broke something. Fools probably broken more bones than anyone else and I I'd imagine you get to know how a break feels
@@joshsmediaplace Yea i've broken 9 Bones (inc neck) so far and Yeah you get a Good feeling for it after a while... But Travis has broken so many Bones that I sort of feel like a kid or maby that Guy on the first day of work... Hahaha 😂🤘
You can tell Ethan is a legit rider, because when the car went off the lip of the jump, even though Ethan really has no control over the jump, he still pulls up in the bars as they leave the lip! Hats off to you my friend! #IdontKnowWhatToDoWithMyHands
Next week on Nitro Circus... Travis convinces someone to strap themselves to a bike that's strapped to a car that's strapped to a truck that's strapped to a Boeing that's strapped to Space X starship rocket 🚀
And it self-lands the re-entry on a barge in the middle of the ocean? Or does he just skydive the Boeing from space, landing the plane with natural lift created by the nose dive? We must go deeper.
@@flowmastaflam They slingshot the Boeing around the moon with the Starship and the guy on the motorbike on the car on the Boeing waves a cowboy hat about during reentry before disconnecting and doing some sick tricks in the air and nailing a landing on a ramp with no parachute. And there's hookers. And blackjack.
been lovin' pastrana since his ama nationals times thats why i'm the 21 thousanth like !!!!!! if you can't do the stunt get a friend and still inovate stunts... can't wait to see some action hero do this to get the villian! you go kid love it.
The fact that Travis has had so many injuries over the years that he can just tell which ones are broken and at what time amazes me as he says broke my wrist like it's a scrape
The bike rider might get scared and let go of the handlebars mid-flight and fall off. The car might land awkwardly causing the bike rider to fall off. The car might jump at an angle causing it to miss the landing resulting in the bike rider tumbling off. The car might have a mechanical failure which causes the power to go which results in it coming up short on the jump resulting in the bike rider to get thrown off to his fiery death.
Imagine convincing two of your friends to do a crazy stunt and then calling the video "Travis Pastrana Raises the Bar"
ਉ찊ঌঘ im dead lmao 😂😭
just yer everyday rb bs
Nailed it.
Yea, not even a 'Featuring' with the other guys names on it. Pretty s#itty to be honest.
Travis Pastrana's name gets views. A lot of people looking for stunts like this would search his name, so putting it in the title gets the views. If you watch the video though, they give credit and talk up everyone who was involved.
When Travis Pastrana becomes a senior citizen, I cant wait to see the ideas he comes up with on his mobility scooters!
to be honest, im not 100% sure hes gonna make it to his senior years
Travis I'm 74 and I would do this
He’d prolly make it super fast and jump the nursing home
1958: We will have flying cars in the future.
2019: NiTRoOoCiRCuSsS
Well..... we do sorta have flying cars 😂
Just not sustained flight..
Lol they were correct
Fuck off
If Red Bull took over nasa we’d be on mars in a year...with dirtbikes
Nuclear fusion powered two smokers!
Greetings I am the emperor of Mars what do you wish to know do you require Martian citizenship?
The greatest comment on you tube
From the thumbnail, I thought the car's controls had been wired to the bike and Travis was driving from the roof... lol
Don’t give him any more ideas...
That's what I thought like in top gear top stear bottom has brake and gas
Dude what if 😬😂
Hows it feel to be stupid?
2:29 *Casually jumps 180 feet with one hand*
Jpoole322 its cuz his wrist is broken , i noticed that too lol
Moth: LAMP
Travis Pastramoth: RAMP
Tf that have to do with anything
PeelAHotBox because ramp
@@declanisgaming2887 I'm fucking Dead...
Underrated comment!!
I love how the first run through was Travis jumping a car 150 feet with one hand on the wheel. Testing it and tweaking it for the next stunt. Meanwhile some people can’t drive 65 on the highway with both hands on the wheel. Travis is a freaking legend. I’d love to take my wheelchair down one of his ramps into the foam pit!
constantly pushing boundaries.. you guys are nuts.. i love it
Urban ok
Lmao what boundaries? These guys ruined it for everyone else haha
@@azmtb93For who? 😂
"Ruined it"
That comment may have worked a decade before...but...nah, not even then.
I thought Travis was going to jump the bike off the car, while it was in the air
Same !
Same lol seemed safer...
@soo: I thought he was gonna wheelie the bike off the car when the tie-downs went slack on landing. v v v disappointed
Same. This was boring
Me too
Now make the guy on the bike control the car !!
When I saw the thumbnail I thought that was happening
@@fatalcapsaicin5157 exactly what i thought too
I would like to see the dirtbike jump off the car just before it hits the ground, even if bike is backwards now. Must have rear tire speed and a SPECIAL take off pad on car, press quick RELEASE and take off faster than you EVER have before, the speeds should keep the front down somewhat so no pulling a wheelie off the car now.
If Travis says the bone is broken there's no need to ask if he's sure.
I love seeing the old clips from nitro circus 3
A bunch of big boys having fun in a sandbox
Adult morons.
Two kids in a sandbox.....
As a Brit I love when he said he felt like Eddie The Eagle,
That little car is the star if it can take that many jumps and keep on going 🤟🏼
@Brian Breen well they really werent meant to jump 180 feet. When they did the nitro rallycross the cars couldnt handle the jumps and were breaking left and right. Theyve had to make some amazing suspension for this.
@Brian Breen it is amazing seeing a car continue driving after jumping that far.
Well it's a rally car it's meant to do snallervversions of that a thousand times over. It can handle 4 or 5 big ones
@@MrDrBlahh they are using regular rg3 racing coilovers and control arms. Everything.
@@michealwilliams7757 There is no way that is your standard rallycross suspension, ubless they all use the revised suspension they came up with after Travis started the nitro rally cross. The jumps were bigger than any rallycross jump so the cars werent built for it. None of the subarus even finished the first event, same with a few of the fiestas and other vehicles. It was pretty bad, wasnt much of a race.
That back wheel tho!!, great correction of the car on that last jump a roll at that point would have been catastrophic .
Instant wheel angle 🤣
absolutely insane!!!
@@tada2655 how
Bad ass
Sick bra
Except NOT AT ALL.
5:00 perfect landing 🛬😁👏👌
We need a new Nitro Circus movie.
What there’s a nitro movie
@@stiffbuckets2511 yaeh it's on netflix
@@stiffbuckets2511 there is a few. there is on thats on youtube, not the best quality and im sure it's not every scene, but it's worth watching if you have the time
also this
Saw nitro 3d in theaters
TRAVIS: “I have a great idea for a stunt.”
ALSO TRAVIS: “My driver crashes, A LOT.”
ALSO TRAVIS: “oh nooo, broke my wrist... Ethan do my stunt using the driver that crashes...”
ETHAN: “sure...”
ME: “Ethan is a nice guy, but dumb as a box of rocks...”
Who actually asked Travis Pastrana to confirm he broke something like he wouldn't know
What I find so Travis about the whole situation is his arm is bleeding before the fall.
Out of anyone I wouldn't doubt Travis knowing if he broke something. Fools probably broken more bones than anyone else and I I'd imagine you get to know how a break feels
@@joshsmediaplace Yea i've broken 9 Bones (inc neck) so far and Yeah you get a Good feeling for it after a while...
But Travis has broken so many Bones that I sort of feel like a kid or maby that Guy on the first day of work... Hahaha 😂🤘
@@mrolsen6987 lol
Last time I heard it was about 60 bones. 25 concussions. -Per Google. 😂
You can tell Ethan is a legit rider, because when the car went off the lip of the jump, even though Ethan really has no control over the jump, he still pulls up in the bars as they leave the lip! Hats off to you my friend!
In this production no one's decision making skills are questionable... Ever.
You mean, everyone's decision making skills are questionable? They mostly do stupid stuff.
Always the best stunts all you guys rock🔥🔥🔥
You guys are SICK 🙌 🙌 🙌 been watching for years...
Still remember meeting him at Supercross 2000 in St Louis. His Mom even signed my shirt!
Note to self, never be travis pastranas friend
@@toosunakabooma1213 just stay broke without broke bones
LAME!!! I need friends like him
As if, it would would be awesome to hang with him.
Personally I'd be down 100%
Love these guys. They made my childhood better
Travis IS the bar
Amazing car stunts🙏congratulations, greatly appreciated 👍thanks for sharing very thrilling videos 👌👌👌👌
Dude you guys are crazy but having fun is how we live life keep it up and enjoy every second 🤪👍
@@shizzle777 haha nice one pancakes for breakfast
What does a legend look like, as I asked my mom.
Andy Bell has just entered the room
Next week on Nitro Circus...
Travis convinces someone to strap themselves to a bike that's strapped to a car that's strapped to a truck that's strapped to a Boeing that's strapped to Space X starship rocket 🚀
And it self-lands the re-entry on a barge in the middle of the ocean? Or does he just skydive the Boeing from space, landing the plane with natural lift created by the nose dive? We must go deeper.
can't wait
@@flowmastaflam They slingshot the Boeing around the moon with the Starship and the guy on the motorbike on the car on the Boeing waves a cowboy hat about during reentry before disconnecting and doing some sick tricks in the air and nailing a landing on a ramp with no parachute.
And there's hookers.
And blackjack.
And *Travis still gets his name in the headlines*
I'm dead lol
Travis for president....wowwww amazing...
"I think this things broken"
"This things broken"
km/h probably
In kmh that’s almost usain bolt
@@exploreinfinite9175 28mph/45kmh for Usain
It's nice to see that they still get "nervous" before the stunt.
Freaking awesome great job to you and all the Nitro team
Absolutely sick wit it 😈💨🤘
"Travis Pastrana raises the bar" could be the title of every video Travis is in. Its all he does
Huge fan since day 1, always putting a smile on my face!
Travis “that’s me being old and scared” me sh!?ing my self when he nose dives the jump😂
my dream to see the nitro circus family up close !! you guys are awesome!
I love how he instinctively gave the bike gas to try and bring the nose up haha
So cool seeing Andy Bell again! What a jump
Travis Pastrana: I’m not dead?!?!
Travis Pastrana: well let’s try something else
Sickest circus on the planet. epic👊😎
Loved the Eddie the eagle 🦅 reference
been lovin' pastrana since his ama nationals times thats why i'm the 21 thousanth like !!!!!! if you can't do the stunt get a friend and still inovate stunts... can't wait to see some action hero do this to get the villian! you go kid love it.
Im Hopefully waiting for the next movie
Thank you for making life better
Your welcome
“Let’s go faster, simple” lmao love these guys
"Ronnie Mac was right, 65!" :D
@@cleistocactus r/whoosh
@@JacopoSkydweller bruh are you kidding me. Get outa here 😂 this is TH-cam
@@JacopoSkydweller r/itswooooshwith4os and sorry Isaac for the Reddit mention
@@cleistocactus In the timeless words of Rico from Hotrod "Don't you ever tell me how to live my life AGAIN"
"Redbull gives you wings." Literally!! 😂💯
Perfect...The left back tire "am out"
You guys are nuts!!! Well done.
"does that mean he's really scared or just being more precautious" 😄
So good to see Andy Bell back in the mix..
Go forth and add drone pilots to thy production team :P I LOVE YOU TRAVIS!
You guys are out of control. I love it.
Holy shit man that crazy
Epic Stoked!!!
"I think my weld broke" big deal......thankfully it didn't send the back end out on the landing. WHEW!
Pastrana is the best! The guy can win on anything he drives... name one other person who can do what he can! Nobody
(wheel is twisted) "I think my weld broke"
greatjob guys amazing stunts absolutely dare devils insane👍😊👍
If I was rich this is exactly what I would be doing with my friends
rich and immortal*
IgorD wdym by immortal
@@splashdog8704 he wouldn't kill himself on the first stunt
Fred C yeah. I thought immortal was living forever and being invulnerable/invincible was never dying physically.
Frickn Love you guys!!!
8:53 twists the throttle as if he's actually in control.
Insane guy he is
Broke my wrist.. "yep" I swear i have heard him say this before about other bones LOL.
Very cool, as per usual..
Hey Travis, me nitro circus, T-shirt is almost had it,when y’all lobbin back to Gosford...
"I don't care who you are, that's narly!" 😎 👈
Or gnarly, even.
@@waynekerr8003 Well he's gnot a gnome
Awesome to see Andy Bell back
If the hair lengths were any less, this would not have been a success.
That was crazy.Great video
You should do some more jumps with sport bikes
The fact that Travis has had so many injuries over the years that he can just tell which ones are broken and at what time amazes me as he says broke my wrist like it's a scrape
I know. I'm always confusing my wrists with my ankles and what not.
NASA: first man on the moon
Travis: nah nah nah first man on a car
They look too calm and relaxed while jumping and car that far and high. maniacs! \m/
Me: Going to play outside
Mom: Be safe honey
Me: Okey mom
Later :D
Outstanding, absolutely awesome 😎, well done guys......!
Nexstep .
Put a ramp on the car s roof.
While uur flying, try to do a backflip using the ramp 😂😂
Never gets old
seemed like a good idea at the moment
Guy is a maniac! Love it!
Awesome 👏 but how about asking the guy in the wheelchair. Is he that crazy 👍
That guy is insane. He doesn't need suspension, his spine is suspension.
Smooth ride!
You guys are hard core but I really dislike not having control of a stunt
That is a natural thing to twist that grip when you’ve done it years. Awesome job guys 👌
Travis is made out of glass, he stubs his toe and breaks his arm.
I'm sure he's pretty much all titanium rods and screws now.
Having balls ! And fun in life !! Love these guys ! Balls that clank !!!
Ronnie Mac vs. TP Redbull Straight Rhythm 2019?
I love Travis and the cool stuff he makes happen but one day someone is gonna get killed..... hate to say it
True. But they'll all say "He died doing what he loved".......................... so it's O.K.
He already killed Eric ronner from the team he just doesn’t talk about it he pays the media to not talk about itn
Man that looks so fun! I rode mostly 04 RM125's growing up, RMs are great love seeing those radiator shrouds!
Where is the danger in that? It's the same as sitting inside!
The bike rider might get scared and let go of the handlebars mid-flight and fall off.
The car might land awkwardly causing the bike rider to fall off.
The car might jump at an angle causing it to miss the landing resulting in the bike rider tumbling off.
The car might have a mechanical failure which causes the power to go which results in it coming up short on the jump resulting in the bike rider to get thrown off to his fiery death.
When you’re best friend has the MOST insane ideas, but he smiles like an innocent child and you trust him that it’ll work out.
Only Travis can flip a bike over and over or blow up a car walk away unscathed. Yet break a wrist on a 10ft roll 🤣✌️