របៀបធ្វើលតឆា || Short Noodles ' Cambodian Lort Cha ‘ || Life with LY
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- #CambodianLortCha #LifeWithLy #KhmerCooking
🔥 Inside this video Life with LY Presents: Short Noodles ' Cambodian Lort Cha '| Life with LY | Khmer Cooking 🔥
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Cambodian Lort Cha recipe
Fish Sauce: bit.ly/2AlyA3o
Bean Sprouts: bit.ly/3dOZUW7
Homemade Fried Garlic: bit.ly/2TV2l28
Part 1: Ingredients and recipe for short noodles
( This recipe is for 4-6 serving)
▪️2 cups rice flour
▪️1 cup tapioca
▪️2 1/2 cups Boil water
▪️Add one cup at a time
▪️1/2 tsp salt
▪️1 tbsp oil
▪️ម្សៅអង្គរ ២។ពែង - ៣០០ក្រាម
▪️ ម្សៅឆា ១ ពែង − ១៥០ក្រាម
▪️២ ពែងកន្លះ ទឹកពុះ − ៦០០ml
▪️អំបិល ១/២ ស្លាបព្រាកាហ្វេ
▪️ ប្រេងឆា ១ ស្លាបព្រាបាយ
Part 2: Give color and flavor to short noodle
▪️1 tbsp oyster sauce
▪️1 tbsp dark soy sauce
▪️ ទឹកខ្ចង ១ស្លាបព្រាបាយ
▪️. ទឹកសុីអុីវខ្មៅ ១ ស្លាបព្រាបាយ
Part 3: Ingredients for the stir-fried
▪️Short Noodles (the amount that made in the video)
▪️Garlic Chives (200g)
▪️Bean Sprouts ( as much you like )
▪️Cooking Oil
▪️Some Eggs
Part 4: Ingredients and Recipe for Asian sweet fish sauce - Fish Sauce: bit.ly/2AlyA3o
▪️2 cups of water
▪️1/3 cup of fish sauce
▪️1 tbsp of salt
▪️1 cup of sugar
▪️1/4 cup white vinegar
▪️1/4 cup of lime juice
▪️6 cloves Garlic - peel and finely sliced
▪️2 cloves shallots - finely sliced
▪️Red chilies 🌶 is optional and can put as much as you would like▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hello! that's looking pretty yummy 😋 thank-you 😊
Nhìn thấy hấp dẫn quá cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ món ăn ngon đồng hành cùng bạn
Khmer Lort is the best! Thank you for this recipe 😊
Thanks you for sharing your video with us 🙏👍
Thank you for sharing your recipes.
Hi l like your video
Thank you for you explain everything bong
So nice
Thank you for your recipe
Looks very delicious
Thank you 💕
I like it too sister.😋😋😋❤️❤️❤️
Great recipe as always
best cooking , auntie 💪🏻
I’m Cambodians live in Canada
Thank you. I’m from Canada too! 💕
You can slow cooking the watery flour until it form to dough
Thank you 😊
ماشاءالله عليك بتوفيق بإذن الله 💖💖🤲🤲🤲💖💖💖
J’adore votre recette.
Awe goun Bong Srey!!! Can't wait to try this!!
Thank you, you are very good at explaining 👍
Thank you 💕
@@LifeWithLY I love that
I love this food, thank you for teaching me how to do 👏
Like the recipe
ខ្ញុំសូមអរគុណក្មួយ Ly❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Im amazed how good you speak khmer. How long have you been living abroad ? Did you have khmer lessons? your loat char is great !!
Your Khmer sounds so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing
Happy New year 2021
ចំពោះម្សៅខុសនោះ កុំចោល យកទៅកូរលើភ្លើងបើក្លើងតីចៗ..កូយូរទៅម្សៅនោះកាន់គោកល្មមយើងអាចច្របាច់បាន..ទើកបិតភ្លើងទុកឲ្យត្រជាក់អ៊ុនៗយកមកលុញលកបានជាការសំរេច។
Can we store it in the freezer bong ?
I haven’t tried it, I think it may not turn out good. It may break. Please let me know if you every try to freeze them and how it turn out 💕
អរគុណក្មួយស្រីក្នងការចែករំលែកចំណេះដឹង១នេះ ។ ក្មួយធ្វើក្នងលក្ខណៈបច្ចេកទេសដ៏បុិនប្រសព្វ ...បើមានកន្លែងធ្វើលក់ ប្រហែលដាច់ខ្លាំងណាស់ ។ ម្យា៉ងទៀត លត នៅស្រុកក្រៅមានលក់ស្រាប់ តែមិនឆ្ងាញ់ដូចធ្វើភ្លាមៗនោះឡើយ ។ ជូនពរសុខភាពល្អ+អាយុយឺនយូរ ។
អគុណច្រើនមីង 💕🙏
This is looks very tasty sister. I really like this recipe with your full details! That’s one of my favorite dish,too. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day sister!❤️
ញំុធ្វេីឡេីងស្អិតៗបងស្រី អត់ដូចបងធ្វេីសោះ
Love your video and thank you for sharing.
You think I can do this with kitchenaid pour both flour and 2-5 cups hot water at same time?
Thank you. I have never used the stand mixer for this one but I think that would be okay. Try it and please let me know how it will turn out. 💕
My favorites soooo yummy
What kind of noodle u use for this ? What is the name
សួស្តីបង , ខ្មុំបានឃើញបងលាុម្សៅរាវ បងយកវាទៅកូលើភ្លើងអោយរីងទីកហើយយកមកធ្វើលតវិញបានដូចគ្នា
អគុណច្រើនណាស់ ខ្ញុំបានដឹងចំនេះ១ ទៀតហើយ 🙏💕
បងលតដែរស្រុះហើយអាចទុកឆាថ្ងៃក្រោយបានទេ? បើសិនជាបាន វិធីទុកយ៉ាងណាដែរបង ?
ទុកបាន បុន្តែអត់សូវឆ្ងាញ់ដូចភ្លៀមៗទេ 💕
អត់ទោស បង តើទឹកត្រីអាចទុកបានរយៈពេលប្រហែលប៉ុន្មានដែរ?
Please more live show. When? Please and thank you 🙏🏻 😊
Yes I’m hoping to do more live video. 💕
Thank you my friend ⁛🙋♀️⁖
↪⭐ Here my thumbs 70 up for you !
With best wishes and happy weekend .
Your Marille :-)
ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តលតឆាណាស់ save ទុករួចហើយថ្ងៃណាសាកធ្វើខ្លួនឯងម្ដង។ និយាយត្រង់ពោះខ្ញុំអត់សូវត្រូវជាមួយហាងក្រៅផ្ទះទេ អ្ចឹងភាគច្រើនគឺធ្វើញ៉ាំខ្លួនឯង។ អរគុណ ^_^
អគុណ 💕
អគុណច្រើន 💕
បើប្រើទឹកត្រជាក់ត្រូវ កូម្សៅអោយឆ្អិន ទឹកក៏ត្រូវដាក់ខុសគ្នាដែល ខ្ញុំអត់ដែលសាក អត់អាចប្រាប់ថាត្រូវដាក់ទឹកប៉ុន្មានទេ
@@LifeWithLY អគុណ