I bought a second hand 80D today and I get this error despite the flash popping up. Sometimes the flash works a few times and sometimes I hear the click, click, click and error code despite the flash popping up. Is that something different?
There is a small switch which checks if the flash is open or closed. I would check that switch, maybe it stuck and the camera thinks that the flash is closed.
Just open the flash screws and let them loosen. What happens is that it doesn't lift completely, causing an error. It got better on mine, but when I don't use it for a long time it comes back
Hello. I am having issues with my camera. canon eos760d. Camera needs to be flipped to video mode on startup. if i dont do that the camera doesnt turn on. and after i flip it to video i will flip it back to camera mode and i can use it with no problem. After i shut it off normally and i want to use again. The camera doesnt turn on unless i remove battery and replace. What can it be? Any help will be appreciated.
It seems after I got the flash to work after putting som 99% rubbing alcohol on a Qtip and cleaning under and over those leafs springs and micro switches. Must have been dirt
Thanks for your video. Exactly the help I needed to fix the issue.
Glad it helped
I bought a second hand 80D today and I get this error despite the flash popping up. Sometimes the flash works a few times and sometimes I hear the click, click, click and error code despite the flash popping up. Is that something different?
There is a small switch which checks if the flash is open or closed. I would check that switch, maybe it stuck and the camera thinks that the flash is closed.
Great tip man. It worked for me afterall.
Good to hear!
Hi, I'm not sure how to put the spring back in properly, can you help? Cheers, Matt
Follow this video, it is shown there.
@@CamerasLensesEtc I'm also having this issue. It's hard to see how you are mounting the spring at the angle.
Finally got it. There is a small hole INSIDE the barrel of the screw housing. The spring end needs to go in that.
Thank you very much :)
You're welcome!
i would appreciate if you please let me know the size of screwdriver to open it as i am facing the same problem in my camera.
As I said in the beginning of the video: PH00 and PH000.
Webshop links are in the description below.
My ,80d releases the flash when push the button but still trying to release 2 times next then gives the 05 error. What could be?
I don't know.
I just bought a used one and have the identical problem.
Just open the flash screws and let them loosen. What happens is that it doesn't lift completely, causing an error. It got better on mine, but when I don't use it for a long time it comes back
Hello. I am having issues with my camera. canon eos760d. Camera needs to be flipped to video mode on startup. if i dont do that the camera doesnt turn on. and after i flip it to video i will flip it back to camera mode and i can use it with no problem. After i shut it off normally and i want to use again. The camera doesnt turn on unless i remove battery and replace. What can it be? Any help will be appreciated.
I would check the power switch first... I have a video about it.
I have a canon 70-200 f2.8 usm ii lens. It has error1 Essue any solution
Usually error1 means problem with the aperture. Try replacing the aperture unit.
My probem it is diferent. The flash pop up but the message is the same.
Check the microswitch in the flash mechanism which senses if the flash is opened.
It seems after I got the flash to work after putting som 99% rubbing alcohol on a Qtip and cleaning under and over those leafs springs and micro switches. Must have been dirt
Je veux bien réparé mon appareil photo Canon EOS 70 d .
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