pretty interesting design, it had pads for what it looks like an ESP32 module, but at the same time, they have a fully fledged TI SoC just lying around there? why can't you just add a wifi module to it rather than adding an esp module? seems weird
Indeed - I suspect the camera is used in different units having different requirements. This is very much a fixed installation, but I can imagine wifi being useful for a portable unit. Also (although not shown in this video) the mounting bracket for the camera needed an adaptor to fit. My bet is it originally used a different camera, and as the product evolved, this was made to fit from a later design.
Quantos voltes se aplica para testa esses leds ?
The important thing is to limit the current. I tested at 7V, but limited the current to 20mA.
pretty interesting design, it had pads for what it looks like an ESP32 module, but at the same time, they have a fully fledged TI SoC just lying around there? why can't you just add a wifi module to it rather than adding an esp module? seems weird
Indeed - I suspect the camera is used in different units having different requirements. This is very much a fixed installation, but I can imagine wifi being useful for a portable unit. Also (although not shown in this video) the mounting bracket for the camera needed an adaptor to fit. My bet is it originally used a different camera, and as the product evolved, this was made to fit from a later design.