Regardin food: In Germany the tap water is of high quality. It is one of the most controlled foods. Tap water is of comparable quality as bottled water. I drink tap water every day.
German cuisine is different depending on the region just like in india. People at the sea or near lakes eat more sea foods than those living in the mountains. There are also seasonal foods like cooked kale in northern germany in fall and winter or white asparagus in spring and so on. Germans also compartmentalize their life. Like at work you work. And once work is over it's free time. There's little mixing of that. Your employer will very rarely call you after work or on the weekend. When you go out in public, you (mostly) mind your own business (people will however look at people unabashedly). When you meet friends, you show up on time and enjoy friend time. Family time is family time. Time to relax in a park? You relax. Time to party? You party hard. And so on.
USA Foods... i am German, lived 20+ years in the USA and i am back in Germany. The Food in America is overprocessed, full of additives that are outlawed in other Countries, full of Sugar and other Crap. American "Bread" has an additive to blech the flower, the substance is used in Yoga MAts in Europe, but not in Food. In Ireland American Sandwich Bread of "Subway" Restaurants were declared Cake instead of Bread, because of the high Sugar content.
@@TheLoudBro american cuisine is definitely nice but lets be real america is so big that you have so much individual recipes 😊 but i heard it from many people that normal " everyday" products differ in quality.. i dont want to be too stereotypical but e.g. finding a high quality bread is way more difficult depending where you live than in germany where almost every village has a bakery with long history( our baker founded it at 1826)
@@TheLoudBro i have only been once to the us for 3 weeks and i had EXCLUSIVLY bad experiences with the food, i didnt like the taste and it made me feel activly sick the entire 3 weeks, we tried everything we could find. all kinds of restaurants, street food, at the end we even tried to cook ourselves with grocery store ingredience and a little camping cooker. nothing helped. it was so extreme that when we landed back home we emediatly went to the airport restaurant to get some decent food before going home. never had that experience anywhere else. but because of this ever going back there for holiday is completely out of the question :P
And of course the infamous chlorinated chicken... back when this alternate agreement of TTIP was in effect for a year or two and supermarkets HAD TO sell American chicken or else open themselves up to being sued, I bought some withour noticing at first. And you could SMELL it. I didn't even taste it. It smelt like a goddamn swimming pool. Heinous.
I live in Germany, and it is difficult for me to imagine how life functions without free education, without mandatory health insurance, without legally guaranteed minimum vacation, and without the promotion of education and training... These are such sensible regulations. It pays off for the state if it finances higher education. This way, the graduate quickly becomes a productive taxpayer. The same applies to healthcare; it is much more reasonable for the sick or injured to get healthy again. This is not a pointless luxury; it benefits the state if the person can work again. मैं जर्मनी में रहता हूँ, और मेरे लिए यह समझ पाना मुश्किल है कि बिना मुफ्त शिक्षा, बिना अनिवार्य स्वास्थ्य बीमा, बिना कानूनी रूप से गारंटीकृत न्यूनतम अवकाश, और शिक्षा व प्रशिक्षण के प्रोत्साहन के जीवन कैसे चलता है... ये तो इतनी समझदारी भरी व्यवस्थाएँ हैं। अगर राज्य शिक्षा का वित्तपोषण करता है, तो यह उसके लिए फायदेमंद होता है। इस तरह से, स्नातक जल्दी ही एक उत्पादक करदाता बन जाता है। स्वास्थ्य सेवा के लिए भी यही बात लागू होती है; यह कहीं अधिक समझदारी भरा है कि बीमार या घायल व्यक्ति फिर से स्वस्थ हो जाए। यह कोई बेकार विलासिता नहीं है; राज्य को फायदा होता है यदि व्यक्ति फिर से काम कर सके।
Lots of american Creators in Germany mention the high Quality of Food here. You could even find Videos about why some american Food is banned in Europe and why its sooooo unhealthy.
I’m German and I really enjoy watching your videos. If you ever come to Germany, I’d actually like to hang out with you, because both of you give off such nice vibes 😂
Couple of points for clarity: 1. College/university is free. You may have to pay a semester fee but that fee normally also includes the ticket for public transport for the entire semester. My daughter who is studying medicine pays, well I pay (!!), €265 per semester. There are no university fees like in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, et. al. This also applies to foreign students. The government has worked out the if 30% of the foreign students who enjoyed free college education stays back in Germany, they will pay in more over the rest of their lives through taxes to cover the expenses of themselves and the rest of the 70% who left. And we need qualified people so that it is a win-win for all. 2. Food quality. Not only in Germany but in the EU, food quality is controlled rigidly. A lot of ingredients that are used in the US are banned here. There is a big debate going on about food produced in the UK after Brexit where they don't want to comply with EU food regulations. They have to declare their foods as non-EU conform! 3. Simplicity, in general, Germans are not flashy people, HOWEVER, there are parts of Germany where people like to show off like Düsseldorf or Munich. Keeping up with the Jones', here known as Hempels, is practiced here. Understatement is personified by cities like Hamburg which has the highest number of millionaires in Germany but no show offs.
About the food - the USA goes for optics and Germany goes for taste. I've never seen so big apples like those in the USA but they tasted like paper mache. No flavor at all and other things you can buy like orange juice, cheese etc. it tastes artificial, even it is called 'organic'. In Germany an apple is not that big and does not look so perfect, but it tastes great.
4:28 With regard to food quality, we even have strict quality regulations with regards to imported food. So, e.g., food imported from, say, South America, would in almost every case be safer to eat in Germany than in the country of origin. Also, if a product has quality issues from accidents during the production process, like possibly some unwanted bacteria in it, or toxins, or if there was an issues with the machinery (like, little metal pieces breaking off and potentially ending in the finished product) the product is taken off the market (at least the affected production charges) at the expense of the producer and people who had bought it can return it to the supermarket or grocery store where they had bought it and get a full refund. Consumer protection is VERY strong in Germany.
In Germany, if you go to University you have to pay something like 300€ per semester (600€ per year), but if your parents are poor, you also get paid by the government (something about 600-700€ per month, sometimes you have to pay HALF of that back to the government once you finished your studies). This way, if you are a smart child but have low-income parents, you are still able to go to University and strive for a 'better life' - to make the system more transpermeable between socioeconomic statusses, so to say.
Watch any video of people from the US going to Europe and going back to the US. Virtually all will tell them that they are more in Europe, but lost weight and felt healthier - and when they went back to the US, they immediately gained weight and felt sick, even though they arte less. This is simply due to the highly processed food and the low quality. The food in the US practically kills you (unless you spend lots of extra money for organic quality - if you even get that…!)
The safety and the social peace in Germany does not come from itself. It is the result of education, health care, labor laws, social protection and many other aspects. Naturally there is criminality here as well, but at a low rate and not at a level of a somehow daily life experience as in the US or otherwhere. If the people will have the opportunity to live a proper life with a solid education and a fair and safe workplace - the majority will choose this lifestyle and will live and work with their neighbours in peace.
Hi guys, Frank here l now have lived in germany 7 years. It's phenomenal. Best food guide I've seen on youtube is; The best eat of germany " wolters world! 🤤
Germany is a wonderful neighbout! Pretty, clever, with kind and hardworking people. Very nice food, too ... but the Indian Kitchen is SIMPLY THE BEST FOOD in the world
Hi from Germany to India. ♥ To point no. 5 of the vid: When I go out doing my groceries or something like that; I almost every time just left my doors open and never anything "bad" happend.
As a German i can say what the americans can do ist BBQ, it`s often very tasty and so on. But other things like Beer, they can`t do mostly. But there are some litte breweries in the USA that make good beer, and why can they do that, because they brew according to good German tradition ;) There are also good beers in Teschechnien, and some smaller breweries in the Netherlands also brew decent beer. The oldest continuously brewed beer brand Garley anno (1314 AD) and the oldest known brewery the monastery brewery Weihenstephan (725 AD) are from Germany :)
Pilsner Urquell, Budweiser(owned by CZ people) , everything from belgium to slovenia, poland all around know how to brew beer.carlsberg (DK) made their bacteria strain general use for the public ( GNU )
@@flummi6966 Yeah you say it, some Beers in other Countrys than Germany are good and tasty, in some chases like Tschechinia i know it, and like some beers form this contry :)
From the german point of view: Yes, lots of people in germany don't know this points why living in germany is good - the just don't have anything to compare too. To the point of government taking care, i need to say: yes, government and society take care for all, even for our guest for a time or guest to stay (refugees are sometimes seen as a problem...). But this comes with a big drawback on taxes and payments to the services. This usually causes discussions in parliament and public on how much cost the care taking is causing and how extensive the care taking should be.
education in Germany is tax paid. from class 1 to 13 you get 'free' education in regular school system. if you want to go to study at university, you pay a fee that covers your enrollment each semester. it's usually around 400€ per semester, but not more than that. if you qualify for it, you get a single room apartment in the dormitory.
you can find small, local, artisan breweries in the States that create very tasty beers. it's certainly more expensive than the "piss" he referred to people buy at Walmart and in most bars. One can even buy that piss in some German supermarkets. Belgium also has very good beer.
I have only seen a couple of your videos but I love your energy and that you actually pay attention and think about the information you hear! you both are good looking people, too, so its pleasing to the eyes 😂👍
College and University as well as all prior education ARE free. You pay a semester fee for administration, but that is miniscule AND includes free public transportation in a wide radius…
School and College/Uni are free in a lot of European countries, or the fees are very low and it is just admin (£200 year). Only exception : the UK, over £9000/year. Of course, since the country pays for you, they will have some requirements. Language is one. USA food is .... (Insert 4 letters, starts with S). USA food is bad quality: they have more food poisoning than anywhere in Europe. Europe has gun controls, and does not care that much about the Jones (except in the UK). Yes, Germany has the most castles in the world. France is second (but it is also a smaller country with a smaller population :D)
I live 6h from my parents in Germany and it is no problem for me to drive there on longer weekends. It's normal for us. I'm baffled that you don't visit friends who are just an hour away in the US. 😮
Their is a very simple phrase about simple life... You own more money to buy senseless luxurious things you don`t need, to impress people you don`t like. So drop out the obsolete things an focus on living your life.
Free water in restaurants: I don't like this, too, but it's basically a question of calculation. The restaurants make a lot of their profits with the drinks, so they can make the food cheaper. Because a lot of people just notice the prizes of the food, if they compare it with other restaurants.
Soldier of life leaved Germany because he came in trouble with german laws (driving a illegal vehicle without driving licence, not paying vehicle insurance) - he used a electric bicycle and "pimped" it so that it is faster with more power what - by german law - made the bicycle legally a "motorbike" where you need an insurance, strict safety messurements to make it street legal and a licence plate. Something where - at the first time they catch you - you mostly have to pay a low 4 digit fine. He choosed to flew from the consequence.
7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Regarding the food quality: Yes, the food tends to be of a better quality than in the USA, but a lot of people from South and Southeast Asia tend to find it rather bland - it uses way less spices than they are used to. Still, German food does have some real highlights, as anyone who visits a German bakery can attest. Just watch those carbs. 😉
Hello from a new subscriber in North western Germany, I am happy TH-cams algorithm suggested ur channel from my love for Indian music and movies, Tho I'm very old school. Khabie kushie khabie kham(sorry If I butchered it😳) India has always been fascinating me... Love from Germany
@@TheLoudBro Vande Mataram is my personal favorite, It got me stopped by police for displaying a unusual Happyness...(No joke!) So I had to do field sobriety tests... No problem,most of our cops are cool if u don't mess with them.
No i wouldnt say we are more introverted , but we havent to be all the time social . If we dont want we dont want . We dont have to be all the time the center of the party , but we can . We just dont like to be over the top or we dont like small talk like the usa american . If we talk to you , we really want to engage with you on a deeper level as just "how are you " and not expecting an honest answer and smile if we dont feel like it . We can party and there are also the introverts
School isn't for free in Germany. We pay around 35% in taxes. We pay another 19% VAT on every purchase from our net income. There really can be no question of free here.
Night life... not just night life. Us Germans will never miss a chance to have a party. We also have the largest party in the world, the Oktoberfest. We like drinking and having a good time (unlike some other countries where people drink and then beat each other up). We work hard and we party hard. And we absolutely LOVE nature. About a third of Germany is covered in forests and we just love being in nature. There are a lot of laws protecting nature. For example you are not allowed to wash your car on the road. On Sundays all shops are closed (except bakeries and petrol stations), it's generally illegal to work on Sundays. That includes things like mowing your lawn etc. On Sundays pretty much the entire country shuts down. That is also part of the "work hard, party hard" attitude. You two are really sweet, you have gained another subscriber 🙂
@@wallerwolf6930 Came in trouble with german laws (Driving a electric assisted bike and tuned it into a - legally "illegal Motorbike" without Street legal approvement, paying tax and insurance).
About food: Indian food is superior to any other food. And that's a fact :D (Sadly there are many Indian restaurants here in Germany, but it is hard to find one with really authentic food).
1.: Can't comment on that :,D But the women tend to be nice, I guess. 2.: Universities are kinda free. I have to pay (at the moment) arount 280 Euro per semester but a train ticket is included in this price. With the train ticket I can travel throughout Germany as much as I want (except for high-speed trains). Apart from that, there might be a book here or there. But that's all. ( there are also private colleges if you want to pay :,D but universities are state-funded) 3.: In regards to that, I'm very much not German xD I hate beer. It tastes terrible. But yeah. People always say that German beer is the best. 4.: The food can be nasty here, too. But we have very strict laws about everything food-related. So, in many cases it will be good quality (of course, we had food-related scandals, as well). But at the same time, we throw out food that is still good. It just doesn't fit the high standards anymore. Oh, since he mentioned it: we import a lot of food, too. Mainly from other EU countries, but also from all over the world. (of course the EU has high standards, too) 5.: There are always people who might want to start a fight. But generally speaking, you can have a great time partying. 6.: Please, do not keep your door open :D I don't know where he lives but please don't leave it open. We have break-ins, too. Of course, compared to the US, it is safer here. 7.: Yeah, we are right in the middle. But I neither have the money nor time to travel all the time. However, keep in mind that there are no real borders. Generally, there are good highways. You could even use public transport :D 8.: We have introverts and extroverts, too. :) While we like to socialize, this mostly includes the closest family (parents, siblings) and friends. These are just cultural differences (we can come across kinda cold, at first). But to his point: of course there are people who are materialistic but we don't like other people boasting about their new watch and stuff. (I disagree that we are not that influenced by mass media...we are...all the time... Maybe in another way as US Americans) 9.: While this is true, there is a shift towards people who want to migrate here. Breaks my heart but it might become more difficult do move here from another country. 10.: Yes, there is alot to do. And you can buy ticket I mentioned in the 2nd point and travel through Germany with it. For a whole month :D You can see castles, forests, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, sees and other wonderful things. Many towns look adorable because they are so old.
Regarding what to eat: he said German food is good, i. e. the ingredients are natural and clean from chemicals. The dishes are not the thing, most good restaurants in Germany actually serve foreign dishes. 😅
MOST?! We have foreign restaurants, often run by Greeks making Greek food, Italians making Italian food etc. But most German restaurants will serve German food, possibly with some exotic ingredients thrown in here and there to keep up with modern standards and in an attempt to make their food more interesting to the population that otherwise cooks for themselves a lot, relying on traditional fares…
@@Attirbful i raise you one better! in my town we had a restaurant that was "french themed" but somehow mostly served indian style food all run by a german with a vietnamese cook. unfortunately he skimped on taxes and made off in the middle of the night last year.
Yeah sure….you can go for khichdi…the spiciness in it can be controlled as per your liking or you can go for khamani which is a favorite western India dish. I don’t know if you would be able to get it in germany.
sadly the security isnt given that much anylonger since we had huge numbers of imigration from africa and the middle east which increased the crime rates drastically ;(
an advice for mooving to germany (unlessu have ur mind set on living more on the country site) check out rent prices of all the citys before looking for a job and look if there is a resterant with ur homecountrys quisuine ran by fellow migradet country men of you Like my city has one or maybe 2 indian resterants one is definetly run by indians the other i dont know there also is an afgan resterant lots of grrek and italian ones but we dont have mexican food so if someone from mexico would want to come another city might be better for em oh an a reason addition if u moove more to the country side check the topographic of the area before south or southwest a velley in the mountains with a river running through .........i dont recoment this as a living place unless u like the risk of being drowned
You should honor the original creator by linking his Video. You make your channel and your reactions on the original content, pls be fair and link the original 😉
He thinks german food is great because in my experience american food is by far the worst on the planet, i think overall i would prefer indian food over german food but german food is VERY good too.
How many People life in India? How much Doktors do you need? How much Architecture will you need? And all the Jobs which needed a high education? And what would you say, how much of the Indian people would like to eat? If you got an education to be a doctor, would you go out on the field and bring in the harvest? Work every day like 14 hours...? For the rest of your life and the whole country... You don't need free education and especially not high one like anywhere! 1 Man can make you a construction plan for your house, but I will need 15 to build it!
And you think the 15 people who build it don't need education? Especially for jobs like that the german dual apprenticeship system works extremely well to get competent craftsman.
@@IchhabezuvielTH-camgegucktO_o no high education, as I always pointed out! The most working German Craftsman got out of school with 14! Which isn't possible anymore, because you have to go to school 9 or 10 years or until you are 16. It's different in-between the German states! And the very most of them used to be in school with the lowest educational standard! And to be honest, to build the house, you don't need to be able to read! Just follow the words of your Master!
this judgment is highly subjective. Who can really say which food tastes best. There is none that is best or worse. It is cultural differences! To each their own, I‘d say… Now QUALITY is an objective standard on the other hand!
But it is "free of charge when used" (except the administration fee that is maybe 200-300€ per half year) - aka you do not have to pay xxxxx€ per month when in University. And in most cases the person who got the tax paid education will later have a good job where he then pays the education of the next generation with his taxes. So the parent generation pays the education for their children generation and later the former Children generation will then pay for the grand children generation.
Regardin food: In Germany the tap water is of high quality. It is one of the most controlled foods. Tap water is of comparable quality as bottled water. I drink tap water every day.
its actually at most places better than bottle water because of the minerals
tap water is better than most bottled water. i drink tap water everyday, because it is like 98% where i want water to be
German cuisine is different depending on the region just like in india. People at the sea or near lakes eat more sea foods than those living in the mountains. There are also seasonal foods like cooked kale in northern germany in fall and winter or white asparagus in spring and so on.
Germans also compartmentalize their life. Like at work you work. And once work is over it's free time. There's little mixing of that. Your employer will very rarely call you after work or on the weekend. When you go out in public, you (mostly) mind your own business (people will however look at people unabashedly). When you meet friends, you show up on time and enjoy friend time. Family time is family time. Time to relax in a park? You relax. Time to party? You party hard. And so on.
USA Foods... i am German, lived 20+ years in the USA and i am back in Germany. The Food in America is overprocessed, full of additives that are outlawed in other Countries, full of Sugar and other Crap. American "Bread" has an additive to blech the flower, the substance is used in Yoga MAts in Europe, but not in Food. In Ireland American Sandwich Bread of "Subway" Restaurants were declared Cake instead of Bread, because of the high Sugar content.
one lemonde brand was not allowed to call their soda a soda because they didn't have enough sugar in it 😂
We have never been to USA but we have seen videos of europeans trying american cuisines and they love it so we concluded it from there.
@@TheLoudBro american cuisine is definitely nice but lets be real america is so big that you have so much individual recipes 😊 but i heard it from many people that normal " everyday" products differ in quality.. i dont want to be too stereotypical but e.g. finding a high quality bread is way more difficult depending where you live than in germany where almost every village has a bakery with long history( our baker founded it at 1826)
@@TheLoudBro i have only been once to the us for 3 weeks and i had EXCLUSIVLY bad experiences with the food, i didnt like the taste and it made me feel activly sick the entire 3 weeks, we tried everything we could find. all kinds of restaurants, street food, at the end we even tried to cook ourselves with grocery store ingredience and a little camping cooker. nothing helped. it was so extreme that when we landed back home we emediatly went to the airport restaurant to get some decent food before going home. never had that experience anywhere else. but because of this ever going back there for holiday is completely out of the question :P
And of course the infamous chlorinated chicken... back when this alternate agreement of TTIP was in effect for a year or two and supermarkets HAD TO sell American chicken or else open themselves up to being sued, I bought some withour noticing at first. And you could SMELL it. I didn't even taste it. It smelt like a goddamn swimming pool. Heinous.
I live in Germany, and it is difficult for me to imagine how life functions without free education, without mandatory health insurance, without legally guaranteed minimum vacation, and without the promotion of education and training...
These are such sensible regulations. It pays off for the state if it finances higher education. This way, the graduate quickly becomes a productive taxpayer. The same applies to healthcare; it is much more reasonable for the sick or injured to get healthy again. This is not a pointless luxury; it benefits the state if the person can work again.
मैं जर्मनी में रहता हूँ, और मेरे लिए यह समझ पाना मुश्किल है कि बिना मुफ्त शिक्षा, बिना अनिवार्य स्वास्थ्य बीमा, बिना कानूनी रूप से गारंटीकृत न्यूनतम अवकाश, और शिक्षा व प्रशिक्षण के प्रोत्साहन के जीवन कैसे चलता है...
ये तो इतनी समझदारी भरी व्यवस्थाएँ हैं। अगर राज्य शिक्षा का वित्तपोषण करता है, तो यह उसके लिए फायदेमंद होता है। इस तरह से, स्नातक जल्दी ही एक उत्पादक करदाता बन जाता है। स्वास्थ्य सेवा के लिए भी यही बात लागू होती है; यह कहीं अधिक समझदारी भरा है कि बीमार या घायल व्यक्ति फिर से स्वस्थ हो जाए। यह कोई बेकार विलासिता नहीं है; राज्य को फायदा होता है यदि व्यक्ति फिर से काम कर सके।
Lots of american Creators in Germany mention the high Quality of Food here. You could even find Videos about why some american Food is banned in Europe and why its sooooo unhealthy.
I’m German and I really enjoy watching your videos. If you ever come to Germany, I’d actually like to hang out with you, because both of you give off such nice vibes 😂
@@TheLoudBro same here, but for austria, aka better germany :P
@@JohnDoe-xz1mw Let's meet and discuss why you are wrong - maybe while having a nice coffee, beer or wine somewhere? ;)
@@HansJoachimMaier wine? how dare you :P
@@JohnDoe-xz1mw I am German. I am supposed to be evil an mean 😛
Couple of points for clarity:
1. College/university is free. You may have to pay a semester fee but that fee normally also includes the ticket for public transport for the entire semester. My daughter who is studying medicine pays, well I pay (!!), €265 per semester. There are no university fees like in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, et. al. This also applies to foreign students. The government has worked out the if 30% of the foreign students who enjoyed free college education stays back in Germany, they will pay in more over the rest of their lives through taxes to cover the expenses of themselves and the rest of the 70% who left. And we need qualified people so that it is a win-win for all.
2. Food quality. Not only in Germany but in the EU, food quality is controlled rigidly. A lot of ingredients that are used in the US are banned here. There is a big debate going on about food produced in the UK after Brexit where they don't want to comply with EU food regulations. They have to declare their foods as non-EU conform!
3. Simplicity, in general, Germans are not flashy people, HOWEVER, there are parts of Germany where people like to show off like Düsseldorf or Munich. Keeping up with the Jones', here known as Hempels, is practiced here. Understatement is personified by cities like Hamburg which has the highest number of millionaires in Germany but no show offs.
About the food - the USA goes for optics and Germany goes for taste. I've never seen so big apples like those in the USA but they tasted like paper mache. No flavor at all and other things you can buy like orange juice, cheese etc. it tastes artificial, even it is called 'organic'. In Germany an apple is not that big and does not look so perfect, but it tastes great.
4:28 With regard to food quality, we even have strict quality regulations with regards to imported food. So, e.g., food imported from, say, South America, would in almost every case be safer to eat in Germany than in the country of origin. Also, if a product has quality issues from accidents during the production process, like possibly some unwanted bacteria in it, or toxins, or if there was an issues with the machinery (like, little metal pieces breaking off and potentially ending in the finished product) the product is taken off the market (at least the affected production charges) at the expense of the producer and people who had bought it can return it to the supermarket or grocery store where they had bought it and get a full refund. Consumer protection is VERY strong in Germany.
Those Takis Chips from America weren't allowed in germany. They needed to change the recipes to get in our marked.
In Germany, if you go to University you have to pay something like 300€ per semester (600€ per year), but if your parents are poor, you also get paid by the government (something about 600-700€ per month, sometimes you have to pay HALF of that back to the government once you finished your studies). This way, if you are a smart child but have low-income parents, you are still able to go to University and strive for a 'better life' - to make the system more transpermeable between socioeconomic statusses, so to say.
i only paid 80 euro at the universaty of Rostock
Watch any video of people from the US going to Europe and going back to the US. Virtually all will tell them that they are more in Europe, but lost weight and felt healthier - and when they went back to the US, they immediately gained weight and felt sick, even though they arte less. This is simply due to the highly processed food and the low quality. The food in the US practically kills you (unless you spend lots of extra money for organic quality - if you even get that…!)
The safety and the social peace in Germany does not come from itself. It is the result of education, health care, labor laws, social protection and many other aspects. Naturally there is criminality here as well, but at a low rate and not at a level of a somehow daily life experience as in the US or otherwhere. If the people will have the opportunity to live a proper life with a solid education and a fair and safe workplace - the majority will choose this lifestyle and will live and work with their neighbours in peace.
Hi guys, Frank here l now have lived in germany 7 years. It's phenomenal. Best food guide I've seen on youtube is; The best eat of germany " wolters world! 🤤
Germany is a wonderful neighbout! Pretty, clever, with kind and hardworking people.
Very nice food, too
... but the Indian Kitchen is SIMPLY THE BEST FOOD in the world
Hi from Germany to India. ♥ To point no. 5 of the vid: When I go out doing my groceries or something like that; I almost every time just left my doors open and never anything "bad" happend.
As a German i can say what the americans can do ist BBQ, it`s often very tasty and so on. But other things like Beer, they can`t do mostly. But there are some litte breweries in the USA that make good beer, and why can they do that, because they brew according to good German tradition ;)
There are also good beers in Teschechnien, and some smaller breweries in the Netherlands also brew decent beer. The oldest continuously brewed beer brand Garley anno (1314 AD) and the oldest known brewery the monastery brewery Weihenstephan (725 AD) are from Germany :)
Pilsner Urquell, Budweiser(owned by CZ people) , everything from belgium to slovenia, poland all around know how to brew beer.carlsberg (DK) made their bacteria strain general use for the public ( GNU )
@@flummi6966 Yeah you say it, some Beers in other Countrys than Germany are good and tasty, in some chases like Tschechinia i know it, and like some beers form this contry :)
@@JumpingFlapjack just say CZ , so we all know. like tatra skoda, panzer 4
@@flummi6966 okay ;)
We import food! From Spain, Italy or other countries. But they have rules.
From the german point of view: Yes, lots of people in germany don't know this points why living in germany is good - the just don't have anything to compare too.
To the point of government taking care, i need to say: yes, government and society take care for all, even for our guest for a time or guest to stay (refugees are sometimes seen as a problem...). But this comes with a big drawback on taxes and payments to the services. This usually causes discussions in parliament and public on how much cost the care taking is causing and how extensive the care taking should be.
education in Germany is tax paid. from class 1 to 13 you get 'free' education in regular school system. if you want to go to study at university, you pay a fee that covers your enrollment each semester. it's usually around 400€ per semester, but not more than that. if you qualify for it, you get a single room apartment in the dormitory.
What 400 euro
I payed 80 euro and that included my train ticket 😅 per semester
@@arielle6706 depends on the university you attend
@@arielle6706 me too at universaty of rostock
Collage is pretty much for free as well
you can find small, local, artisan breweries in the States that create very tasty beers. it's certainly more expensive than the "piss" he referred to people buy at Walmart and in most bars. One can even buy that piss in some German supermarkets.
Belgium also has very good beer.
I have only seen a couple of your videos but I love your energy and that you actually pay attention and think about the information you hear! you both are good looking people, too, so its pleasing to the eyes 😂👍
College and University as well as all prior education ARE free. You pay a semester fee for administration, but that is miniscule AND includes free public transportation in a wide radius…
I love the way you pleaded for education at the end. You definitely are adorable! :) xx
School and College/Uni are free in a lot of European countries, or the fees are very low and it is just admin (£200 year). Only exception : the UK, over £9000/year. Of course, since the country pays for you, they will have some requirements. Language is one. USA food is .... (Insert 4 letters, starts with S). USA food is bad quality: they have more food poisoning than anywhere in Europe. Europe has gun controls, and does not care that much about the Jones (except in the UK).
Yes, Germany has the most castles in the world. France is second (but it is also a smaller country with a smaller population :D)
Super 👍 Dankeschön
Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
I live 6h from my parents in Germany and it is no problem for me to drive there on longer weekends. It's normal for us. I'm baffled that you don't visit friends who are just an hour away in the US. 😮
Their is a very simple phrase about simple life...
You own more money to buy senseless luxurious things you don`t need,
to impress people you don`t like.
So drop out the obsolete things an focus on living your life.
well we have food restrictions that make the consumption of raw minced pork safe ....
Free water in restaurants: I don't like this, too, but it's basically a question of calculation. The restaurants make a lot of their profits with the drinks, so they can make the food cheaper. Because a lot of people just notice the prizes of the food, if they compare it with other restaurants.
Soldier of life leaved Germany because he came in trouble with german laws (driving a illegal vehicle without driving licence, not paying vehicle insurance) - he used a electric bicycle and "pimped" it so that it is faster with more power what - by german law - made the bicycle legally a "motorbike" where you need an insurance, strict safety messurements to make it street legal and a licence plate.
Something where - at the first time they catch you - you mostly have to pay a low 4 digit fine. He choosed to flew from the consequence.
Regarding the food quality: Yes, the food tends to be of a better quality than in the USA, but a lot of people from South and Southeast Asia tend to find it rather bland - it uses way less spices than they are used to.
Still, German food does have some real highlights, as anyone who visits a German bakery can attest. Just watch those carbs. 😉
Wellcome Indians🇩🇪😘 just come
Where i live in Germany you can Not leave the car Open! You can Not Even leave your Trash alone🤷🏻♂️
Hello from a new subscriber in North western Germany,
I am happy TH-cams algorithm suggested ur channel from my love for Indian music and movies,
Tho I'm very old school.
Khabie kushie khabie kham(sorry If I butchered it😳)
India has always been fascinating me...
Love from Germany
Awww….the next line is - Naa juda honge hum..kabhi khushi kabhi gam! Which means we will never go apart.
@@TheLoudBro thanks for the reply,I am just now watching another of ur reactions and enjoy it,
Love from Dad and son in Germany
@@TheLoudBro Vande Mataram is my personal favorite,
It got me stopped by police for displaying a unusual Happyness...(No joke!)
So I had to do field sobriety tests...
No problem,most of our cops are cool if u don't mess with them.
😊He likes to smoke sometimes 😂❤
In germany is ver usual to got to the club at 1 or 2 am and come home at noon.
No i wouldnt say we are more introverted , but we havent to be all the time social . If we dont want we dont want . We dont have to be all the time the center of the party , but we can .
We just dont like to be over the top or we dont like small talk like the usa american . If we talk to you , we really want to engage with you on a deeper level as just "how are you " and not expecting an honest answer and smile if we dont feel like it .
We can party and there are also the introverts
Indian food is geat! Greetings from Germany
School isn't for free in Germany.
We pay around 35% in taxes. We pay another 19% VAT on every purchase from our net income.
There really can be no question of free here.
not every one pays taxes
Night life... not just night life. Us Germans will never miss a chance to have a party. We also have the largest party in the world, the Oktoberfest. We like drinking and having a good time (unlike some other countries where people drink and then beat each other up). We work hard and we party hard.
And we absolutely LOVE nature. About a third of Germany is covered in forests and we just love being in nature. There are a lot of laws protecting nature. For example you are not allowed to wash your car on the road.
On Sundays all shops are closed (except bakeries and petrol stations), it's generally illegal to work on Sundays. That includes things like mowing your lawn etc. On Sundays pretty much the entire country shuts down. That is also part of the "work hard, party hard" attitude.
You two are really sweet, you have gained another subscriber 🙂
German food quality is high but Indian cuisine is the best.Love from Germany!🌞
Almost sounds like a threat: nobody who comes in ever comes out. LOL.
Die Tür sollte man in der Stadt niemals offen lassen 😂
Aber ihr denkt sehr positiv 😂❤
He's back in the States.
And why?
@@wallerwolf6930 Came in trouble with german laws (Driving a electric assisted bike and tuned it into a - legally "illegal Motorbike" without Street legal approvement, paying tax and insurance).
@@DSP16569 Thank you!
About food: Indian food is superior to any other food. And that's a fact :D (Sadly there are many Indian restaurants here in Germany, but it is hard to find one with really authentic food).
1.: Can't comment on that :,D But the women tend to be nice, I guess.
2.: Universities are kinda free. I have to pay (at the moment) arount 280 Euro per semester but a train ticket is included in this price. With the train ticket I can travel throughout Germany as much as I want (except for high-speed trains). Apart from that, there might be a book here or there. But that's all. ( there are also private colleges if you want to pay :,D but universities are state-funded)
3.: In regards to that, I'm very much not German xD I hate beer. It tastes terrible. But yeah. People always say that German beer is the best.
4.: The food can be nasty here, too. But we have very strict laws about everything food-related. So, in many cases it will be good quality (of course, we had food-related scandals, as well). But at the same time, we throw out food that is still good. It just doesn't fit the high standards anymore. Oh, since he mentioned it: we import a lot of food, too. Mainly from other EU countries, but also from all over the world. (of course the EU has high standards, too)
5.: There are always people who might want to start a fight. But generally speaking, you can have a great time partying.
6.: Please, do not keep your door open :D I don't know where he lives but please don't leave it open. We have break-ins, too. Of course, compared to the US, it is safer here.
7.: Yeah, we are right in the middle. But I neither have the money nor time to travel all the time. However, keep in mind that there are no real borders. Generally, there are good highways. You could even use public transport :D
8.: We have introverts and extroverts, too. :) While we like to socialize, this mostly includes the closest family (parents, siblings) and friends. These are just cultural differences (we can come across kinda cold, at first). But to his point: of course there are people who are materialistic but we don't like other people boasting about their new watch and stuff. (I disagree that we are not that influenced by mass media...we are...all the time... Maybe in another way as US Americans)
9.: While this is true, there is a shift towards people who want to migrate here. Breaks my heart but it might become more difficult do move here from another country.
10.: Yes, there is alot to do. And you can buy ticket I mentioned in the 2nd point and travel through Germany with it. For a whole month :D You can see castles, forests, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, sees and other wonderful things. Many towns look adorable because they are so old.
come to germany
Regarding what to eat: he said German food is good, i. e. the ingredients are natural and clean from chemicals. The dishes are not the thing, most good restaurants in Germany actually serve foreign dishes. 😅
MOST?! We have foreign restaurants, often run by Greeks making Greek food, Italians making Italian food etc. But most German restaurants will serve German food, possibly with some exotic ingredients thrown in here and there to keep up with modern standards and in an attempt to make their food more interesting to the population that otherwise cooks for themselves a lot, relying on traditional fares…
@@Attirbful i raise you one better! in my town we had a restaurant that was "french themed" but somehow mostly served indian style food all run by a german with a vietnamese cook. unfortunately he skimped on taxes and made off in the middle of the night last year.
@@VanezBane LOL… That‘s why you beware of supposed „foreign restaurants“ that serve a hot mess of Chinese, pizza, and Döner all at one place.
Our family love Indian food! Can you recommend something for my 7 year old? He can not take a spacy or hot dish? Best wishes
Yeah sure….you can go for khichdi…the spiciness in it can be controlled as per your liking or you can go for khamani which is a favorite western India dish. I don’t know if you would be able to get it in germany.
sadly the security isnt given that much anylonger since we had huge numbers of imigration from africa and the middle east which increased the crime rates drastically ;(
an advice for mooving to germany (unlessu have ur mind set on living more on the country site)
check out rent prices of all the citys before looking for a job and look if there is a resterant with ur homecountrys quisuine ran by fellow migradet country men of you
Like my city has one or maybe 2 indian resterants one is definetly run by indians the other i dont know
there also is an afgan resterant
lots of grrek and italian ones
but we dont have mexican food so if someone from mexico would want to come another city might be better for em
oh an a reason addition if u moove more to the country side check the topographic of the area before south or southwest a velley in the mountains with a river running through .........i dont recoment this as a living place unless u like the risk of being drowned
You should honor the original creator by linking his Video. You make your channel and your reactions on the original content, pls be fair and link the original 😉
I can recommend the video, Sorry USA, Europeans have better food and here's why, from Type Ashton.
i am german and i love russia, china, india, palestina and all the world because i from german, we are christ and love the world
US food is great? How could you say that when Indian food is better than German food. And the Germans do very well, really.
college is free
He thinks german food is great because in my experience american food is by far the worst on the planet, i think overall i would prefer indian food over german food but german food is VERY good too.
How many People life in India? How much Doktors do you need? How much Architecture will you need? And all the Jobs which needed a high education?
And what would you say, how much of the Indian people would like to eat?
If you got an education to be a doctor, would you go out on the field and bring in the harvest? Work every day like 14 hours...? For the rest of your life and the whole country...
You don't need free education and especially not high one like anywhere!
1 Man can make you a construction plan for your house, but I will need 15 to build it!
And you think the 15 people who build it don't need education? Especially for jobs like that the german dual apprenticeship system works extremely well to get competent craftsman.
@@IchhabezuvielTH-camgegucktO_o no high education, as I always pointed out! The most working German Craftsman got out of school with 14!
Which isn't possible anymore, because you have to go to school 9 or 10 years or until you are 16. It's different in-between the German states!
And the very most of them used to be in school with the lowest educational standard!
And to be honest, to build the house, you don't need to be able to read! Just follow the words of your Master!
Als ob ich mir einen Bollywood Film anschauen würde 🤣🤣🤣
Und wir lieben alle Bollywood oder warum schaust du dir das an.?
the food in the usa is great - the quality of the food isnt. And its quite vice versa in Germany.
Nope, I also prefer the taste of the German food.
this judgment is highly subjective. Who can really say which food tastes best. There is none that is best or worse. It is cultural differences! To each their own, I‘d say… Now QUALITY is an objective standard on the other hand!
React to German song. Kilez and more leben und Tod des Imperialismus. This guy tell the tru…
Amerikan Food ist good 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Never Fast Food all time
ohhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo
School is not free. Someone has to pay. And that someone is the taxpayer, which are the german people.
But it is "free of charge when used" (except the administration fee that is maybe 200-300€ per half year) - aka you do not have to pay xxxxx€ per month when in University.
And in most cases the person who got the tax paid education will later have a good job where he then pays the education of the next generation with his taxes.
So the parent generation pays the education for their children generation and later the former Children generation will then pay for the grand children generation.
you must be jealous