An apex cap honestly sounds like unpleasent design; its meant to just hide a problem instead of actually fixing it. Even if it does work as intended, players are naturally not going to like being restricted from playing certain dinos.
@@hpjive The issue with apexes isnt necessarily the balancing. Even if they are somehow perfectly balanced (whatever that means in the isle) players would still pick them en mass because "Apex cool". But I also agree that limiting playable numbers isnt a great solution either. I think one thing that can be done is making the growth process more difficult than it was in legacy. Cause lets be honest, besides patience, it didnt take much to get a full grown Apex in legacy. One bad example for evrima is deinosuchus. That thing is so damn easy to grow that a third of the playerbase on any given server is just chilling in the rivers as an 8 ton alligator. You´d think the fact that they are cannibals would help, but no. People still get upset about cannibalism on deinosuchus and even group up to take down cannibals. Pair that with an abundance of fish in the rivers and bam, deino overpopulation.
@@ShadeScarecrow the issue with deino is that there isnt much threat to them in the water currently and the balance is their power is locked to water sources. When Sucho / Barry and other semi aquatics come in there will be more traffic / threats in the water to pick off the small gators. Also, in my experience cannibals help keep the pop in check because in case you have never played one, other adult / sub crocs are your main source of big foods to stop yourself from starving. Sure ppl still complain about the 'canni' part but that is because they are being killed.
Idk what else they would do, making it “more difficult to grow” would imply what? Longer growth times? Making them underpowered? What? Even if a Dino is incredibly difficult to grow there will always be an over abundance bc players always want to play the biggest and baddest thing on the roster. Get enough rexes and they will simply protect one another from danger.
Add a loophole for the apex cap: if they can survive long enough to build (and defend) a nest, then every egg from said nest is a player slot for that species. Not only will it enable egg thief gameplay (and by extension, additions to certain species' diets) to exist, but it limits how much of the map the apex adults can traverse without risking their respawns. If people don't want to deal with the apexes? Move away. Predatory apex pairs will have to make the hard choice of giving up their nest or branching out further, trying to find food. Meanwhile, non-migratory herbivorous species will fight harder to defend their food sources. It will encourage more natural behavior rather than 'assault everything other than you' that crops up far too often on the official servers.
This is a great idea! I said in another comment that baby Rexes should be able to cannibalise for protein, I think these go well together, as baby rexes may fight in the nest and it would be the parents job to keep the babies from… ya’know, killing each other. (In all seriousness this is good idea 👍)
@dcsworldphilippinesrunner6041 you can tell these aren't pvp players when they make suggestions like this. If my friends and I were playing Rex, we would kill all other apex on the map. We would let them grow until they reach sub then we kill and eat them. We would never nest.
I still think that even if balanced and made harder to grow an apex spawn limiter would be good for the game. Just because a trex isn't unkillable doesn't mean players should still have to deal with 20 of them on a server simply because the people playing them are smart players. I understand that might not be a popular take but server owners should at least have that option provided to them by the devs. Poutine had to create a whole bot to do this, stuff like that should be much more accessible.
Wouldn't balancing them correctly stop it from happening in the first place? Mainly since if they were, they would actually be survivable even in adult stages, and their growth being likely far more brutal than before, people would eventually not choose them anymore due to the difficulty, instead opting for easier-to-grow dinosaurs, which would eventually lead to a healthier player base, correct?
Or just make apexes so difficult that even smart players will struggle with them. People will cry out that they’re underpowered but that’d be the point
even if they were smart players btw I doubt they would tolerate each other btw, considering apexes are gonna take up a fair amount of space, at least in terms of food, which could perhaps lead to them killing each other?
I think the best way to ballance populations is by making all the dinosaurs feel fun to play whilst also making the ones with stronger adults harder to grow. This is why I think most of the time nerfing is a bad idea and instead buffing the dinos that need it is better
Extending growth times is the best way, Make it hard to get to those OP sizes, maybe even slow the growth the larger you get. Weak things should grow fast, OP things should grow slow. But nerfing Apex will only take away the boogieman we NEED to have. That thing EVERYONE is avoiding.
@@thecommenter9678 I personally think it should be the opposite. Lower the grow time of smaller herbivores/carnivores and make them overall easier to work with. Keep Apex at a multiple hour to grow thing. Mid tiers should only take maybe an hour to grow imo, while apex should be at least 4 hours. This way it's not such an awful feeling when your dinosaur does get killed.
@@TaintedNimbus I may not have been entirely clear. I was SPECIFICALLY talking about Apex growth getting longer and harder. And making smaller weaker animals grow quicker. The larger and stronger an animal can get the slower the overall growth times. Carnivore or Herbivore. I think Apex predators should grow quickly at first, but once they reach a nice self sufficient size they start to stall out, getting bigger becomes slower and slower the bigger they get, making it so that a Rex that survives into full adulthood is an achievement covered in battle scares and a true terror to behold.
I think a cool way to balance apexes would be to have them all essentially function completely differently at the sub, Juvi, and adult stages in terms of say diets or abilities to prevent people from just finding an area to camp around till adult.
The sad thing is that when they do it is to the masses and the masses want their favorite Dino’s to be OP asf, I understand the devs decisions with the community pushing them to give stego another buff it must be hard for them but if they listened to the community and used common sense this game would be absolutely astonishing in the balancing department
I never enjoyed Rex all that much in legacy. Slow and can’t regen stamina unless it rests, easy to see coming, and while it hit really hard it just didn’t appeal to me. I preferred Allo, Dilo, Cera, and Carno. I think if they just found other means of limiting apexes then there wouldn’t be as much of an issue. I don’t know how they could but the Rex’s stamina issue is a good start.
I mean, the ambush speed is extremely fast, being able to catch up to almost anything. And with the (for mid to semi apex tiers) almost guaranteed bonebreak it's hard for other dinos to escape, even if they see the rex being like 20 metres away. It can just go into crouch and catch up to you. At least that's the expierience I had a lot of the time and saw others have. But yeah, the stamina restrains are a good start in my opinion aswell, so it at least can't pursue small to mid tiers. Sorry, this wasn't really a critism or anything, I just wanted to voice my frustration with rex lol
I think a cap of apex could be simply ressources. Even for herbivores. Having diverse kinds of food for herbivores, so that the apex aren't using up all the food of other dinos. If apex herbivores are limited it would also be much harder to keep apex carnivores fed, thus effectively limiting their numbers. Another idea I had was already suggested here aswell: Make it a softcap that is just there for spawning as the dino directly, but not for nesting, meaning you can have as many apexes as you want as long as the ones that are there are nesting.
the old progression system the isle had was perfect, you would have to pick weakest dinossaurs in order to progress to a stronger one, starting at low tiers like velociraptors, then mid-low tiers like herrerassaurus, or utah, then mid tiers, like carnotaurus, allossaurus, and then you would get to play as acro, spino, giga or rex, it was perfect because it made you to enjoy all the dinossaurs in the game, and back in the day, seeing different dinossaurs species was really common due to the game "forcing" you to play as these dinossaurs first, it was perfect, and it really solved the problem of overpopulating apexes
I'm getting more and more convinced bringing back progression and revamping it would fix this issue. Starting off as a small tier and working your way up the ladder rather than being able to immediately spawn in as an apex would immediately create a more stable and realistic ecosystem since smaller tiers would naturally be more abundant. This could also potentially give use to the bloated roster, more dinos means a longer overall playthrough for servers that choose to have them all enabled, and servers who would rather provide a shorter playthrough could just remove certain dinos from the ladder, making the journey to the top of the food chain shorter. Sure, progression has its own problems, but I think they're easier and more reliably solved overall than with survival. Now, I'm not suggesting they bring back progression as it was, without growth and with the point system, but rather implement growth into it in some sense.
just make it, so that you can only choose the next dino if you reached adulthood and successfully nested with the previous one. So now everybody wants to stay alive and nest, providing not just species variety but some realistic battles too.
One benifit Envrima has over Legacy with this is the more interesting mechanics of the dinos. Legacy you choose rex because its the best version of that type of dino but in envrima the smaller versions of rex all will have unique playstyles that may make them a more desirable choice. Also, I feel like the diets will help keep apexes in check as if they are not following their diet then they will take forever to grow. So they will need to be out and about searching for food, then you just put rex on the diet for other mid size carnivores / other rexes and they will love to take down a rex for a good food.
@@donzaibanzai7746 yeah, it think cannibalization is a good solution to keep apexes in check cause other players would wanna get rid of competition. Put Spino on the diet of like Deino or something, Rex and giga can cannibalize
Give different multiplier for what food fills their stomachs. As in: eating a medium size dino would only fill the trex's stomach to 1/4, but eating another apex would fill 3/4.
I for one do not think that apex hard locking is the best solution but it's the one I have implemented with the means I have at my disposal. I have publicly argued for well balanced and TUNED DOWN apexes for years at this point but given the statements of the devs on apexes I think what I am implementing right now for Petits Pieds is as good as it will get since I don't think the devs will provide anything else than the ability to toggle certains species on or off. Great video!
Here’s my idea, like you he said in a previous video, Rex and other apexes should be super reliant on their diet, e.i. Rex needed protein or it’s damage drastically decreases. I think Rex’s diet should change through it’s growth, baby Rexs should be encouraged to cannibalise smaller rexes, as Rex meat would provide protein, but they would grow out of that and cannibalism would be just for food. I could see Rex populations going as a result of infants killing each other and siblings eating each other while parents are away.
@@AnAntarcticScotsmanWell, once you get to adulthood you would be MUCH more powerful than pseudo apexes, and of course diets wouldn’t be impossible to maintain you could still get protein from other sources just as a juvi it would be more beneficial to cannibalise, and that could lower Rex populations.
@@AnAntarcticScotsman I’m not talking about how to make Rex ‘fun’ I’m talking about the population problem. Also, yes I know that diet doesn’t work in that way but what’s stopping the devs from adding it? It is as simple as nutrient rewards from eating Rex meat dissipating over time and going away just before adulthood.
You people act like they want all kill each other anyways. You forget this is a pvp game. Why would I ever allow other apex dinos to live on my server? That's competition to me. I will just kill them once they reach sub adult stage. It gives me food, keeps the apex population in check and demoralizes anyone thinking of growing another apex since they just spent several hours growing their dino, only for me to come along and kill them in 4 seconds.
Wild idea, if theres a shortage of a dino, give them a massive growth boost until there isnt. It'll let people who dont have 12 hours to grow try and mess about with a variety of dinos and not uninstall when you get scumkilled by a friendly.
Apexes don't have to be a problem. But they'll have to make some adjustments to the game and especially the map. Some ideas: #1 Biomes, nesting spots, escape routes and hiding places: Divide the map in different biomes. Give smaller animals enough places to escape, hide and safely nest where larger animals simply can't go or have a hard time. Borrows, caves, rock formations, dense Jungle, fallen trees, deep water, fallen trees over rivers and streams, hollow trees, small tunnels. Make it possible for some smaller species to climb trees, hop rock formations etc etc. This will work best within different biomes. Making the best nesting grounds the safest for the species. The food supply might also be adjusted per biome to give different advantages to different species. #2 Natural selection, breeding and evolution: Adjust growth time, nesting, partner selection, egg incubation time, egg numbers per nest, fertility time and reproduction in general. I would opt for a genetic up-breeding tier system where players can slowly improve stats for their offspring by breeding with the right partner and eating the right diet. Make it possible for players to inspect their partner by for example sniffing them. Or maybe a mark left behind by a player {mark territory}. This gives players long term and team orientated goals and more to do in game, creating something like a dating simulator. People will also get more long term invested into the game by doing this. These buffs should be small and take many generations and a long time to max out. Breeding the perfect specimen should be a puzzle, team effort, long term commitment and a challenge. Giving somewhat realistic evolutionary effects. And might also influence skin color etc. Example breeding Tier system: F till A tier. Starting with all E tier if spawning in without being given an egg by another player. Every tier 10 points. Every stat a separate tier/point pool. Good diet parent for [stat pool] +1 point for that stat Perfect diet parent for [stat pool] +2 point for that stat Good diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] +1 point for that stat Perfect diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] +2 point for that stat Bad diet parent for [stat pool] -1 point for that stat Horrible diet parent for [stat pool] -2 point for that stat Bad diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] -1 point for that stat Horrible diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] -2 point for that stat Inbreeding takes a huge hit on the stat pool. And might even make offspring go back into the negative or F Tier. Risk and reward: The food supply might also be adjusted to give some species an easier time within different biomes. Forcing some species to travel more and take more risks if they want better breeding stats. Or play it more safe and stay within their own nesting biome where food is plentiful but limited in it's diversity. If the differences in growth time, nesting, partner selection, egg incubation time, egg numbers per nest, fertility time and reproduction in general are big enough, there will be more players and larger groups who opt for the smaller animals/herbivores etc and will max them out much sooner. Just like in real life, there will be much more smaller animals and evolution will go faster with the fast breeding species with many offspring over the larger animals with few offspring. A clan of small herbivores might be able to have perfect stats within a couple weeks, while a clan of T-Rexes might take many months. #3 Adjust day/night times/visibility and introduce a more impactful sleep system. Playing at night really sucks in this game. Introducing a sleep system can also be used for balance. Where some species might need more sleep than others. And larger species might have a harder time finding a safe sleeping spot. #4 Adjust agility. #5 A good and easy to use clan system. Stopping mix packing for some species by limiting their ability to chat with each other. Or stopping them to add them to the group. Or limit their maximum group size. Making the apex story a more solitude experience. For example, limit the ability to group up for the T-rex to only a mother and her one offspring until it's a sub adult. #6 Limit or completely remove global chat. Make it so that it's only possible to communicate with animals in the area. And allow them to increase the area but at the cost of a louder sound effect {broadcasting at the greatest range} . Like in 3 radius stages. #7 They should forget about putting humans in the game. It's sucking up time and resources. And i'm not even sure the community will appreciate it. They should focus on fixing the bugs, balancing the game, new better map designs, And adding at least 4 times as many different species of dinosaurs.
I agree with most of this, at the least herbs need a decent buff for being in a herd with others of the same species. Adding the ability to get old and die as well as a sickness system to incentives carnivores going after the young,old, Injured and sick ones in a pack. Plant food should also have a limited amount on a single plant, making herbs need to be on the move more often.
Yeah. nope about breeding up to better stats. You will get clans coming to Evrima who will monopolize on this system and breed the best animals, and then proceed to murder every single competition that tries to do the same. This will make solo gameplay absolutely unviable. This will also make spawning in unviable. New players? Sucks to be new player, better die to the superbred dinos you will never get access to. I would not mind some kind of buff to long-term partners but remember that not all dinosaurs formed monogamous relationships. Most herd animals had males mating with multiple females, or females mating with multiple males or both. If we want a good sim game, then such buffs need to be customized to the species and the lifestyle the devs want them to have.
@@NLance You make some good points. But i also think this can be adjusted. The point is to give people a long term goals. And to build community within one species. Get more natural interactions. Finding the right partner, breeding and caring for young should be one of the most common things. It should also be implemented with the other changes. So yes, these buffs should be different with every species. It's just a basic model of how breeding could work in theory. Different family structures would be great if you could implement it. You can somewhat manipulate it by making some carnivores cannibals. But i'm not really sure how you would otherwise influence it other than make group and chat restrictions for some species. There are already some other games working with such a breeding system. {Day of dragons for example} And it does cause larger guild wars. But it also increased a sense of community. There's a sense of family within the groups.
@@NLance Maybe it could be an idea to use the diet system to create rivalry between males for some species. Maybe they need to eat a sexual rival before being able to mate? Making adult males from the same species their natural enemy in some way? Give them some reason to fight over females? Not sure what's the best way of going about it in this game. But it would be realistic for some species to fight over mating rights. Edit: Maybe give males some temporary buffs for killing a male of their own species?
The Apex System on Living Roadmap probably can be something that will "restrain" growing with Apexes. Idk how it would happen, but making them harder to grow and faster to get hungry would make them more a risky to play, since u have to engage more often in combat to please your hunger and expand more time growing and it will increase your chance to die before getting really strong. Apexes, based on Dev opinions and what I assume to be Apex System, will be Glass Cannon, extremely powerful, but a huge risk to grow.
I think what the isle can do with apexes is limmit their ranger like a game called prior extinction where most of their dinos have certain biomes where the can and cannot go to avoid certain areas have overpopulated
A limiter i could see as an amazing thing for community servers but a nightmare for officials. Good for community if the server owners can modify these limits as they have rules in place already to keep things running smoothly while also managing the pickrates of playables. A nightmare for official servers as megapacks will then have a way to monopolize the strongest dinos in the game, ready to swap to till there's no slots left, leaving all other dinos in the server no way to possibly counter that pack. It would be rare but it's still quite the possibility in my eyes. I play path of titans but what you've said here is pretty much the case in path of titans, infinite apexes everywhere. Makes sense though, why stress put about your survival when you can walk forward omnom food yum. On last note i would love a limiter on apex dinos per server but i can see the possible problems with it too 😅
I think the best solution to limiting the number of apexes, as well as increasing the satisfaction of obtaining one and making them feel more powerful is to make them incredibly difficult to grow. The ways to increase your odds of surviving until adulthood should be grouping with fellow juvenile apexes, and getting a rare but satisfying egg from an apex pair. I would love for some sort of territory/mate/nesting incentivization for a nesting pair of spinos for example to encourage it. One of my favorite experiences in legacy was getting nested as a spino, because they are rare and powerful, it makes you feel like an actual legendary beast and removes the monotonous "Grow ANOTHER rex for 7 hours just to feel powerful." Making apexes difficult to grow also makes feeling playing faster growing small to mid tier dinos much more enjoyable in comparison.
I saw a great video talking about this. Making the earlier stages incredibly difficult with a very VERY long time to grow. Then have the higher tier apexes be cannibals where applicable with massive food requirements and diets promoting cannibalism. This will make it so only the most skilled and dedicated players are able to get their apexes fully grown. Sure at first you will have a large spike of apexes but over time it will decrease into a reasonable amount. While they should be the strongest creatures in the game I don’t think they should be overwhelmingly so
Me personally, I would make the apex dinosaurs survival much more difficult to survive and that only the most experienced and smart players can survive long enough to really earn that dino of choice
For people saying that rexes will just kill each other to eliminate competition for food.... Yeah, no. The rex overpopulation issue had been and still is an issue on Beasts of Bermuda, where the rex is just OP. In general, usually the most common rex players and the largest rex players stay out of each other's way to not risk death after growing their dinosaur. They tolerate each other and even cooperate to patrol other parts of the map, out of each other's way. So no, large rexes will not risk death by fighting each other. Especially if growing them will be more difficult than in legacy. I think they should be limited on a server. But not by an exact number. Say, only 10% of the server can be a rex. This way, as long as more people choose other dinos, the number of rexes can rise on the server. Or alternatively, have a % limit on rex (say 10% of current players), and allow others to pick rex above that limit as well, so as to not prevent others from playing what they want. BUT punish the rex population if their number is over that specified % compared to current players. The punishment could be a stress debuff caused by uneasiness due to overpopulation that slows growth considerably. So that players HAVE to hunt other rexes to get rid of it. The stress debuff could affect other things as well, so that adult fully grown rexes are also affected. Maybe a higher food drain caused by the extreme stress. This could be a thing for all apex carnivores. Not sure about herbivores. The presence of apex herbivores does not affect the general playerbase too negatively. In fact, they give a sense of security to smaller herbivores, which then can serve as food for smaller carnivores. My experience at least on other games.
if it can still bleed to death, then a pack of raptors should be able to bleed it down, doesnt take much for a coordinated pack to take down a solo rex with the pounce
@@walkerlenon9811 eventually people will go back to their favorite dinos. People still play the other dinos in Legacy despite Rex and Giga being available, People still play Paras despite Trikes being tankier
@@The_Radio_CheckI played Para the most in legacy just because I love the way it looks and sounded. I feel like fighting a Rex would be like fighting a stego just getting it to waste Stam and letting it to bleed so anything can kill it as long as you are good and patient.
Depending on how harsh the apex caps would be, would determine whether or not I play on that server. I get limiting the population but introducing a cap also introduces problems such as people hoarding all the apex slots or only nesting in the same people over and over. If I can’t ever play as an apex, why would I play on that server? I don’t think hard caps are the way. I’d also like to add that just because Apexes are the strongest doesn’t mean that’s why people pick them. You can pick smaller tier Dino’s and not have to really worry about apexes. All of the smaller tier Dino’s outrun the apexes anyways. People want to have fun and to play their favorite Dino’s.
I thought about this issue a lot, not only apexes overpopulating but also generally large creatures and carnivores being more common than small creatures and hebrivores (even though it would be in reverse in a real ecosystem). One way to solve this would be an unlocking system. This could work two ways. Either you'd have to purchase dinosaurs with ingame currency, you get currency by playing the game, smaller creatures and herbivores generate more/faster currency than larger ones, and larger creatures and carnivores cost more currency than smaller ones, creating a selective pressure on apexes cause people can't affort them yet or don't want to grind/prefer buying several smaller creatures instead, and it also encourages people to play smaller creatures to generate currency. I guess this is kinda how it is in games like LoL or Overwatch. The Other method would be an unocking tree, where you would have to grow a dinosaur to full adult to unlock the next one or at least next tier, forcing you to play each dinosaur, or at least each tier, once to full adult before unlocking apexes.
in the isle the real problem with apex is the gaps of power betwen inferior tiers if Semi apex was real threat to apex this would fix a good amount of issue i think a good solution would be like in beast of bermuda make dinosaur less solide and make a system of ambush where if you manage to land a sneak attack your initial attack will do extra damage ,by exemple a semi apex who manage to land sneak attack again an apex would be an almost one hit kill ,same for semi apex ambush by mid tier ect.... making very hight debuff consequence if you attack without thinking wise and get injured could be also a good solution by exemple a Rex getting stab by a kentrosaurus could result in hight infection if not healed correctly making the rex lock in a broken leg statut making very hard to hunt.
Grow said dinos in a said order and maybe over a maybe specific amount of time to unlock rex or trike depending on species. Then of course after awhile have a longer access period to be said apex. Live or die and start again. It really would be "survival of the fittest" Solo and group gameplay over all in the Isle is very doable/playable. so having a set of "rules" to unlock would not be too much of a challenge IMO.
The apex limitation bring a possibility to "Pay To Win" for some server. I already don't like the server who give the option of Growth for donation. The problem of EVrima and most of animal survival game is : there is no goal. The gameplay loop is boring and people want to play the powerful dino just because they want to win ( which is normal). To avoid that, more various gameplay could be implemented. The ultimate goal of every species is reproducing so why we can't do that ? If every players spent their time finding a partner rather than killing each other, we could have a more realistic gameloop with an actual goal. Players borned from an egg would have some bonus stats. And if those borned players can grow and reproduce, their babies would have better than better bonus stats. Just an idea. Or like @groundbeef2 said give a limitation of some dino at the start and more they'll reproduce more slot will be available. Which is a realistic gameplay. But in the opposite, if apexes keep dying slot won't move at all. And a server can decide when to reset all the slot available.
I don't think nerfing dinosaurs that are supposed to be powerful is the solution. That severely detracts from realism. Drastically limiting their numbers on servers, however, and probably implementing some heavy restrictions...some kind of difficult to attain unlock before being able to play them in the first place would be a much more viable solution.
I think a missing solution is, having benefits overall for dinosaurs and creatures that are NOT Apexes. Anything that is not an apex has gameplay and also other kind of benefits that apex dinosaurs do not. The lower tiers have things that stick out for them while things like rex for example, have no true gameplay benefit (I'm just throwing an idea out there cuz I can't properly explain my idea tbh) Playing a rex is the hardest thing and you must pay attention to EVERYTHING. Even if territories have to become a thing, playing a rex is like playing The long Dark on the hardest settings while other dinosaurs that are non-apex, are simply playing Evrima as it should be played. If you survive as a apex without a true exploit (We know we know don't say) then it will justify them being so strong as they SHOULD be and eventually becoming elders until old age takes you = into perk system after death. Maybe having the others have more options in perks and just overall possibilities then apexes. Again I cannot explain my idea fully but of course in my head, it makes sense to not also make it the hardest for apexes. But also wayyy easier for bottom tiers/creatures besides growth gameplay advantages to not just lvl the playing field. But make it seem more authentic to all of us as even the biggest things can fall if given the time, or even effort.
Honestly I think AI Herbs could help along with apex/carnivore control as long as you don’t make them super weak to where 2 or 3 hits and they’re done. Make them able to handle a fight but where much like modern day animals they are deadlier in a herd. Not only would this add a new level of difficultly but it was also make hunting a lot more strategic and reflective of how it probly was back than. I think adding a couple new systems like permanent damage or infections/diseases would both improve the game and help keep numbers down for carnivores/apexes.
I don’t really like the limitations. I would rather see apexes diets and growth changes. For example baby rexes are super fast which is why they ll need a lot of food so they can’t just camp, also make the juvenile stage last proportionally way longer than the other stages to mimic how the rex actually grew in real life. Make sub adults require specific diets and for the majority of the sub adult phase keep it on the smaller side, only when reaching the last third of the sub stage would it start growing rapidly and thats when its food starts draining way faster than before in its sub stage, cuz the body needs more food for its growth rate. I think that this would fix many problems since higher food demands wouldn’t allow rexes to just chill in a bush and they would be small enough for other (mid tier) carnis to kill them for well over 3/4 of their growth. Thus only the skilled players making it to full adulthood while allowing everyone to try the challenge.
i dont have time to watch this video, but i will watch eventually, but im leaving a comment here before i go off to work, i think its a perfect idea to limit the amount of apex's can be on a server at a time
I dont remember who said it, but heres the quote "If given the chance, players will optimize the fun out of the game". I've it from the channel GMTK, which is about game design
What if there was a slot limit to how many players can play as an apex in a server? If there are already 2 players playing as rex for example, then the rex character selection is disabled in the selection menu. And if you want to play as a rex and there are already 2 players playing as them, then i got another good idea: copy the queue system and paste it to work for apexes also. If a rex player dies, and your the first on the rex queue list? Then you get an invite to spawn as a rex. And to make this fair and balanced: you can only play as rex for a certain amount of hours, after that you die of a heart attack whilst a nice animation plays for that. Lastly for those thinking people will abuse this by leaving the invitation open for as long as they want to not let other people play as it: the invitation only stays open for 10 minutes, if you’re online that is. If you stay offline for more then 2 days then you’re invitation is declined and given to the next waiting in line, making Evrima’s apex queue system just like Ark’s way of constantly taking you back to playing the game else you might lose your base by someone raiding it in your PvP server. That’s Ark’s way of making people constantly come back for their game: stress 🧠 and pray your base is okay whilst you are shopping at the mall for a pair of sneakers with lights in them….a very interesting tactic game developers use to keep the playercount up. What do yall think of this idea? Brainstorm with me here, and developers, if you think this is a big brain idea too then your welcome ofcourse, but please do make sure you apologize for your update 6 nonsense before moving on 🫵 because thats the only thing you gotta do to up your reputations again….it’s only a simple apology, for a human mistake you know you guys made but don’t want to admit.
Thank you for your video. I WISH the dev COULD listen to THAT. I am saying that at least until i began to play evrima like the 4.0. Apexes don't need limitation but optimization to offer a hardway gameplay to grow, to feed and to survive the ENVIRONMENTt in general, making research about SYMBIOSIS. Being overpowered and untouchable is not FUN to play in a survival game. The more you level up the tier, the harder the ENVIRONMENT should be to handle, not the food drain nor the diet which are pityfull solutions to handle a powerful beast. Dealing like they dealt by past will just result in the same experience > killing everything because too powerful, too OP and a food-drained eating machine. It's a SHAME they can't reconsider thoughts and offer players a SMART and MATURE way to play the apexes.
So I have another idea for balancing instead of limiting players. What I propose are carnivores that bridge the mid teir and apex predators with i higher pack limit. A few ideas for said bridge would be sourofaganax, torvosaurus, tarbosaurus, and siats. And give theses bridge Dino’s a larger pack limit. As well as the same thing for herbivores this way it’s more balanced in stuff can still contest with the larger apex’s but still be easier to sustain and grow.
they should add a apex for every spawn location for example if there are 6 spawn locations there can only be 6 rexes, and there should be like a territory' system with piss and a rex would get a buff in their territory so that there would be constant fights between apexes and the queue wouldn't be so long. they should also make it so that apexes can't pack unless they are with their children but sub adults can't grow into elder dominant males unless he defeats one. the bigger your territory is the better boosts u get. plus if u cannot pack as a rex then u cant control ur territory and other rexes would take it forcing balance.
There is no hypothetic reality where apexes are even stronger then in legacy and less picked by the players, the majority of the people who play games like this wants to win and kill stuff, making small dinossaurs more enjoyable to play will make almost no difference to them
I dont know if anyone will see this but i think you should only be able to play as an apex after youve fully grown a smaller dino of the same type. For example if you wanted to play as a t rex you would have to unlock it by fully growing something like a carno, cerato or allo and if you wanted to unlock a spino you would first have to fullly grow a suchomimus or baryonyx. That would ensure that only a limited amount of players had access to the apexes and if you wanted to reduce the amount of apexes even more you could make it so you would have to unlock the apex again once you die as it, although that would be torture. Idk that might be either a genius idea or a stupid one that has an obvious flaw. But i do think it is better than what we have currently.
Hmmmm, I think I missed the point you are making. Are you saying the solution is to make the apexes 'not powerful'? It just doesnt compute to me haha. I think the pop limit on them is the main way to stop the issue on servers. Community servers can take it a step further with guidelines / rules the apexes need to abide by to keep them in check (no overpacking / mixpacking, territory / aggro rules with other apexes in the area, and not allowing them to just kill everything for no reason also known as body down rules.) Another cool video, loving the discussions!
Personally found Omniraptors, Tenos, Stego and Deino to have a higher pop than Carno before 6.5. I mainly played raptor and there was always a huge population of them most of the time compared to other dino's, Stego's are basically un killable unless you find one by itself and you're in a raptor pack and even then its hard, Denio's just let them do what they want as you simply cant face tank them. It already take's what feels like an age to grow any Dino...... especially without any server rules like in legacy, body guarding by Herbie's, people drowning themselves to deny food. But hard capping certain dinos is going to make people not want to play
In my opinion the 4 are balanced around one and other ONLY (If you count Acro as an Apex like I do). While any of the 4 can kill each other with a bit of practice (I can beat an adult Rex with an Acro for instance by causing bleed then kiting and applying pressure by making it burn stam so it can't flee and is forced to either rest or bleed out, having good stam management as a Rex etc.) But because of the mentioned issues you can't really do that with any herbivores or anything that isn't an Apex realistically. Hopefully if Gateway brings back the supposed counters to the Apex's then we'll see them fixed and better balanced.
Currently yes, limiting is the only thing to stop from Apexs ruling over the servers. CURRENTLY. Once they start to implement more for the game, they can lift off this limit. I feel when (or if) they add the elder system, things will go more smoothly. Probably. Maybe. Not sure. I don't know much on the elder system but I assume the longer you keep your dino alive, the more it will be vulnerable and gain debuffs. Debuffs could be, fragile bones, weaker bite force, decline of stam, etc. Or if the debuffs too much, fine just die by old age which I feel that be worse but who knows. I just feel the devs need to implement something that rewards people for playing other dinos and not just one. Maybe there should be a type of weekly quest with a to-do-list for the dino you play. Example: Quest- Play as Pteranodon To-do-List: - Catch 10 fishes - 5 frogs - 1 sea-turtle - 5 chickens - Nest (The to-do-list could be either easy or hard + creative like nest and keep most of your hatchlings alive) Reward- Next dino you play as will have 50% growth (Or a skin idk something that catches people interest) Definitely make quest never have it play as apex (so no rex quest or trike, etc). The point of this is to make people play OTHER DINOS after all than just one, but I guess it won't change much. So yeah. CURRENTLY, they just gotta limit it and have some sort of refresh/wipe every week (or few days) to stop people from hogging apexs so other players can play it as well. //shrugs
Path Of Titans doesn't suffer this problem. Only when the PT rex mod came out was it at all an issue of having too many apexes. They have little to no stamina, and struggle to catch food if they aren't playing careful, and don't just one-shot smaller carnivores. Which makes hunting apexes as mid-tiers really, really viable when hunting in packs. Even solo hunted by mid-tiers can be dangerous if you aren't built for it, as POT as many abilities and passives to choose from in the game. People prefer mid-tiers except when playing Herbis most of the time as a result.
I'm wondering if this is overstating the issue of carnivores a little too much. It wasn't as if they were invincible machines, a Shant vs Rex was always a spectacle. I've even defeated Gigas with the ol' Shant-stomp. I've noticed a trend of people wanting prey to be stronger and predators to have less and less viability and options. Already there's no carnivore in the game that can stack up against Stegosaurus. If we ignore the fact that powerful apexes are a solution to that then the only problem is population. We would definitely ruin the game by making every carnivore flimsy and every herbivore flawless I think the solution isn't to make rex and spino etc weaker, but make the prey more dangerous. After all, an apex predator is only so because of their strength and ability to overcome the most difficult of prey. Right now only Stegosaurus reflects such a prey animal even remotely, with no apex they're relatively unchallenged.
Rather than an Apex cap, I would suggest an Apex area debuff. Meaning the more Apex predators in an area, the less effective they would become or maybe the worse they regen. You can probably come up with better ideas. The opposite would be true for natural herd species, giving them speed bonuses, or defenses if there are more in an area. The idea is to use in game mechanics to promote typical species behavior, and to mitigate imbalances. I am not a big fan of capping people's choices when it comes to games. They should be free to choose, but it should come at a cost.
i think instead of an apex cap, they should have a growth cap. Any apex can grow to 60%, but after that, the more apexes you have online, the slower they grow, to the point where it stops completely. That would encourage competition because everyone wants to grow, leading to an extremely high mortality rate on subadults and making fully grown giants be naturally and exceedingly rare. On top of that, make them have forced elder death after a certain number of hours after being fully grown, it should be a number that feels rewarding to the player who probably spent days surviving, but not unfair to others who are trying just as hard, that will create a slow but constant cycle, the moment a giant falls, another will take their place.
Apexes are supposed to be strong. Nerfing them takes their identity away. I’m guessing by balancing, you mean slower speed, slower stamina regain, and other stuff
@@StelloTyrannus then what’s the point of apexes? I feel like that shouldn’t be the case cause they are supposed to be op, that’s why they are called apexes you know🤷
@@s0ma782 They’d still be the strongest in game if they were properly balanced. The reason I want them balanced is cause I don’t wanna see a server full of them. Like many other games people in the isle just wanna be the strongest player and wipe whole servers. If apexes become so overly strong then like xzauger says it would be ludicrous to play anything else. We’ve seen this in evrima with carno when it becomes unbalanced like in update 6, and don’t get me started on stegos and their unhinged aggressiveness, I’ve seen servers with a quarter to half the population as stegos. It’s a shame too considering the huge roster the devs have planned for us and I would hope people diversify their play options. People really need to get over this mindset when playing the isle imo. (And seriously an Acro is not that much smaller than giga, heck some estimates place them at roughly similar weights). In summary, I’d want them balanced just to keep the isles toxic player base under control
Look at cerato currently in evrima, so popular, also a very well known popular dino, but so busted and so many servers are flooded with them. Pretty good example there! Great video
My way of balancing this would be to make the only way of spawning in as something be through nesting. Then apexes would only have like 1 or 2 eggs in a batch and smaller dinos would have more. That way you can kinda limit the apex population as well as orther animals
What I think they should do is make herbivores more powerful then the carnivores so it leads to more carnivores being in packs and less apexs since the high increase of herbivore apexs would bring more attention to teamwork in the isle and how to make a more normal balanced ecosystem. The herbivore apexs would die down too since how many groups and packs of carnivores are forming to keep everything balanced as it should.
give mid and small tiers faster growth times while making the growth times of apexes extremely long. This way growing an apex wil be challenging but in the end it pays off with being the biggest and strongest carnivore/herbivore in the server.
One option could be to set the Rex group limit to 0. So Rex would be a solo dino only and could only group up temporarily for nesting. After the eggs hatch only one parent can raise them and the other has to leave. Having Rex as a solo dino would make it "weaker" because the true power of any dino comes from a pack. Being solo would naturally discourage players to play rex if they are into group play like many are. Of course, this solution wouldn't work for herbivore apex. Herbies should be allowed to benefit from groups.
I feel like the counter to apexes is going to be one addition that people are mixed on: Humans. When humans get weapons (regardless of how hard they are to get, or how powerful/not powerful they are), apexes are just going to be big walking targets for humans with guns. Apexes are going to be inherently easier to hit due to their size, whereas smaller and faster species are going to be more of a challenge, and pose even more of a threat to humans. Humans will be the natural foils to apexes, and mid and small tiers will be the natural foils to humans.
I truly believe they need to have multiple changes, a population cap for every species with apexes at extreme lows comparatively so the biodiversity, balance, feel of a real ecosystem, and competitive fields are at a better quality. But also drastic extension of the growth cycle particularly at 0-50 and 60-80% growth, astronomically more so in apexes. This would keep the ratio of young and weak to older and competent individuals much more ideal, making even very cooperative species like Stego have high mortality rates in their young, both maintaining a good flow of players being apexes and a more balanced ecosystem. Another thing would be elders, making 50 to 150% of their growth cycle timespan after full maturity be the beginning of a new cycle. They get more robust and slower, far harder to kill for other apexes but also much worth at recovering from injuries and chasing down prey. From there they continue to age and have stat deductions until death by natural causes ie the young rivals, starvation or infection. Another thing to help with reducing the rate of the same few players holding apexes on repeat would be a 5 minute wait after your apex dies before you can play the same species again specifically for apexes. This would make less populated servers have no major changes but highly populous ones allow a good mix of new players to attempt the apex gameplay, in turn raising the rate of apex early deaths.
Limiting Apex might reduce number of players playing the game, especially new players that want to play Rex, Trike, Giga, etc. Only thing that comes to my mind that could help in Official and Unofficial servers same time would be slight increased growth time for Carni Apexes from Legacy (to 5 hours on perfect Diet). Juvies would have easier time to go unnoticed but as they grow to Sub-adult they need to engage against other players to get food, as AI would provide too little food for them to survive. At least this current iteration of AI spread and how little food they provide would help to keep Carni Apex numbers low, but we don't know what kind of spread of AI creatures is in future. Apex Herbies might have already though time to grow that they would not need increased growth time. Perhaps when they reach adult stage it becomes more peaceful times, unless they are being targeted by groups of Carnies. Same time, during old age (when Elder System is introduced) they could leave far more meat behind for Carnivores to eat when they die to offset their higher health and damage to counter any solo carnivore during their Adult and Early Elder stages, but once they start to weaken when nearing natural death, Carnivores would seek to close onto them to get more valuable food value and higher Diet reward.
They already had it almost perfected in the Isle legacy. If all of the species are fun to play, people will play them! Biggest problem with Evrima is that dinos are able to one hit smaller dinos and it makes the fights super short and feeling unfair. Make the dinos slower, make the fights longer and get rid of that stupid diet system that makes you run triangle between three different locations. :(
I used to play only on Rp servers in the isle legacy. And i don't remember apex being an issue due to the servers rules (max 2 apex in group / duos obliged to fight for a spot before thinking about hunting other species etc if another duo was there before them) You could play few hours and never see a single Carnivore Apex, i can even say for my experience 90% of the apex you encounter aren't full adult and by that no threat for you, 10% are full adult and if you've played enough of time of the isle 5% of those encounter are harmless. I think your idea is a good one for old players who will be faithfull of a server, new players will move from server to server until they find a slot or a server without this option. For me it means in the short term RP Serv will deal with rb because people will join only because a certain species got a slot right now, in the long term if all the servers require it newcomers won't stay on the games because rex/giga/spino are always full it's not worthy. Without this limit those players fills the servers -> no dead game, they meet other players and could become loyal to servers and try other species.
Apex's should be very powerful yet have decent draw-backs like any other animal. A Lion is an Apex predator, but it doesnt rule the world. If a Rex is super strong, but isnt that quick and would need to rely on bullying or tracking its prey until it gives out, would make it a fair creature that is dynamic to the world it is in. If a Trike is super powerful with its ramming capabilites, but is slow on turning or cannot see at long distances, would also make it dynamic too this world. Sometimes nature is the best teacher. Hell, all the Deinosucus are just bigger croc's. Over complecating things isnt the answer. Should there be a cap? No since that would limit gameplay. What if everyone goes Rex? They would caniblize and die off due to lack of food. Should you be able to become a Apex whenever you want? If you want, 100 percent yes. However if you notice there isnt anything to hunt or cant find enough things to keep you going on a dead server, maybe being a Apex isnt ment to be at that moment, or more ai spawn since player Dinos are slim to none. Is it impossible to balance Apex's? Nothing is impossible with team work and a passion.
You know. It could run like the browser game Dragcave works. The breeds run on a ratio system. So for example, if you wanted to breed Gold dragons, someone else (the community) had to have breed about 200 common breed dragons to "support" birthing that one rare Gold dragon. Feasibly, it could play into the ecosystem of the game. An apex carnivore needs a lot of food, if there aren't enough right-size herbivore players to support an apex; like, as a stupid example, at least 30 herbivore players. Then you can't spawn an apex to hatch it. I think that might be an organic way to pop-control apex carnivores, while not exactly throttling players. You want an apex? Do your duty and run a galli for a while first to bring the herbivore:carnivore ratio up so a rex can hatch.
its not just apex's that need to be limited. every species needs to only occupy a percentage of the server population. the solution to the problem everyone has for that. allow savable progress for multiple dinos on a server. that way if your favorite cannot be chosen due to player cap, you can have an alternative to play on the server. only way to have a balanced server.
The devs of the isle will never get it right. They always take 2 steps forward and 15 steps back with everything that they do. Honestly its a game on the brink of death that should just be put out of is misery.
Apexes self-limit by requiring a lot of food. This applies to both herbivores and carnivores. The tradeoff for playing an apex, and thus basically auto-winning combat, should be that you very heavily risk starvation, thus only players okay with that would even choose apex in the first place, and even fewer still would survive. Additionally, apexes self-limit by just taking forever to grow to full size. As such, most of an Apex's life would be spent in non-apex gameplay anyways
Besides the obvious solution of apexes actually having downsides like a COMPETENT development team would give them, which of course The Isle devs are not, I think there's a middle ground solution that can be achieved that worked very well for realism servers for some time. Limit the amount of apexes that can be spawned in. Once X number of people choose that species, no one else can spawn as it. But also, put limits on each gender. If, for example, only four apexes are allowed to spawn, make it so only two can be male and only two can be female. Obviously if one of these spawn apexes logs out or dies, the slot is freed up, and someone else can grow one. Further apexes beyond these restricted spawn slots then have to be nested in. This has several benefits; nesting is difficult and just won't happen all that often, and when it does, apexes will likely have small clutches, making what few babies they have precious. Of course the general player base, being toxic garbage, will make it their number one goal to kill the babies on sight even just to leave the bodies to rot. Add onto this the extended growth time caused by being hatched in rather than spawning in, and you have a SEVERE bottleneck on the apex population without technically setting a hard limit. Only a very lucky few will survive to adulthood. This would work well with the perk/mission system if the devs actually have the common sense to add nesting as requirements for some, as it would then make apex players want to nest to receive these perks. This should achieve a balance where apexes aren't hoarded without the chance for people to spawn as one, but makes the possibility of reaching adulthood very slim as it should be.
As toxic as it is in a game, the killing the babies on sight thing would actually add to the realism, at least when other carnivores do it. Hyenas will kill lion cubs every chance they get.
@@Devin_StromgrenNot only that but anything lighter and faster than a juvi Rex can get to ai food before it, not only that but a way shorter grow time so you could just out right kill it as it just spawned. With how the isle is now I feel like being slow is such a detriment that smaller dinos would out compete for food making it even harder for carni Apexes to grow. This isn't legacy where ai spawned like crazy and Rex having ambush speed it would and should be a huge challenge to get to adult and surviving without starving to death.
@@Devin_Stromgren Ya know, that's honestly a good point, and IRL it's not uncommon for carnivores to kill other carnivores then not eat the bodies at all. Of course in the game where carnivores are on each other's diets but leave so many bodies to rot it causes server wide lag it can really only be viewed as malicious toxicity. But, in the case of apexes, you have to give as many restrictions as you can.
Hypothetically this is long term type stuff but when humans are implemented properly, there could be a big insensitive for them to hunt apex’s with weapons able to handle them actings as a sort of population control. It’s long winded and would take years with the devs but could be a possibility you could take out a Rex with an elephant gun lol😂
Yes, humans will be the cyptonite of apexs. They would need to incentivize humans to take them out. Long ways away from humans being implemented though unfortunately.
I hate the constant bashing of us apex players. We’re just trying to enjoy the game too. Not all of us have a KOS mindset cause we’re on a power trip. An apex is an apex BECAUSE it’s strong and versatile. Through evolution, it rose through the ranks to become a powerful animal with a unique niche, the keystone species of an ecosystem is an apex carnivore. You can’t just nerf us into the ground by making us too slow to catch most prey animals and too weak to fight slow things our size. Rex was in a good position in legacy, the problem is that the herbies around it were mostly static in their changes. Don’t tell me that a para should be able to tank more than 5 bites from Rex, that simply isn’t a viable way to make this animal. Give herbies knock back attacks that drain stamina of whatever it hits. Probably a tail attack. It would disincentivize a face tank style of combat, and put an emphasis on stalking prey beforehand. If you get bum rushed and killed by a Rex, sorry, that’s life sometimes. It’s your fault for being too far from ur friends to help you or being in easy sprinting distance of foliage that might be a threat and not paying attention. I understand that it sucks to die, and we understand that too. We are not the problem, the devs ignoring YOUR dinosaurs are the problem.
If they're going to have permadeath combined with extremely long growth times, they shouldn't be all that surprised when people don't want to play anything but what's most viable for staying alive. Players that enjoy routinely having 6+ hours of progress erased in an instant are not a common breed
A progress system with points gained by growing and playing would be good. U would need lots of points to get apexes. It would make sure people who got apexes were only good players
I really truly think that having an apex cap on officials is a bad idea but it should be an option for servers to choose. But limiting player options isn’t fair. It should just be difficult to grow Rex even on officials. There should be a cannibalism incentive as well.
The biggest problem of Multiplayer games with Dinosaurs is not balance, because it makes no sense, it's an asymmetrical game, the real problem is the players. Hotspots can be limited by players and their creators, but you can't fool your lucky nature - humans are gregarious creatures and we naturally prefer open areas/with access to water. and a lot of the problems that the croakers have are of their own making. The RP server and the realistic pool are eobinding XD.I used google translator somehow
It's crazy you have to spell this simple concept out for people that have been around The Isle for years. I don't think the developers played the game enough to know the truth behind the apex problem in legacy. I'm glad they balanced carno better after 6.5 in Evrima though.
Apexes wouldn't be apexes if they could be killed easily, there needs to be more defined cons for them, rex for example has low movement speed and stamina but high damage output. The problem is when these apexes don't have any big cons that would encourage the certain play styles needed to sustain the ecosystem. Because then you get a bunch of dinos kos everything
I feel like the apex situation is a tough one to balance. They are APEX’S after all meaning they have virtually no competition irl. But ofc it’s a game so they shouldn’t be unstoppable
So many players are going to just sit around as juvis dying over and over to get the next available slot as an apex. So, many players will basically be missing from the servers.
They should make much harder to grow as one like requiring more stuff to have a balanced diet or make it so that if you don’t have one your growth is limited or you get a debuff until you get that diet. Ontop of that with the apex limiter it would make seeing an apex an “OMFG ITS AN APEX!!” Or “HOLY SHIT ITS AN APEX IM GOJNG DIE!”
I think this kind o problem can't be resolved for two factors. The first one is that apexes as names sujects doesn't have anything to put them in check. I think you can try it with omni, troodon, dilo or anything that was createad to defeat large things with team work. But I think it really doesn't matter because most players can't play with these dinos well. Is much "easier" to choose an apex, hide in somewhere safe to grow, and after become an adult, run off and start mass killing anthing in you way. The Second thing is that most like to big and strong. "But I like to be small and sneaky" well good for you but most people just want a famous and deadly famous dinossaur. Rex and trike for example. Why I gonna be an Alberto or a Diablo when I can be something much stronger than that. And yes I know the pros and cons about these species. But most people don't care you know. Because they the like the other ones more. I think delivering hypers, mutations/perks, could help solve the mitigate the problema. But enven then I still thinks is gonna be an issue.
Now i wonder what will hapen if for example all slot for shant are in use and players decide to nest, did nesting can avoid the limit or we have to wait until one poor shant die on the other side of map xD. Or if the waiting for slot can be avoided like that, did it can make nesting more frequent atleast for herbi apexes 😂🤔
An apex cap honestly sounds like unpleasent design; its meant to just hide a problem instead of actually fixing it.
Even if it does work as intended, players are naturally not going to like being restricted from playing certain dinos.
Yeahhh :/ it just worsens the experience of the game.. and at this point? Why bother with apexes if u ain’t just gonna balance them properly 😒
@@hpjive The issue with apexes isnt necessarily the balancing. Even if they are somehow perfectly balanced (whatever that means in the isle) players would still pick them en mass because "Apex cool". But I also agree that limiting playable numbers isnt a great solution either.
I think one thing that can be done is making the growth process more difficult than it was in legacy. Cause lets be honest, besides patience, it didnt take much to get a full grown Apex in legacy. One bad example for evrima is deinosuchus. That thing is so damn easy to grow that a third of the playerbase on any given server is just chilling in the rivers as an 8 ton alligator. You´d think the fact that they are cannibals would help, but no. People still get upset about cannibalism on deinosuchus and even group up to take down cannibals. Pair that with an abundance of fish in the rivers and bam, deino overpopulation.
@@ShadeScarecrow the issue with deino is that there isnt much threat to them in the water currently and the balance is their power is locked to water sources. When Sucho / Barry and other semi aquatics come in there will be more traffic / threats in the water to pick off the small gators. Also, in my experience cannibals help keep the pop in check because in case you have never played one, other adult / sub crocs are your main source of big foods to stop yourself from starving. Sure ppl still complain about the 'canni' part but that is because they are being killed.
i agree, it does not fit the isle
Idk what else they would do, making it “more difficult to grow” would imply what? Longer growth times? Making them underpowered? What? Even if a Dino is incredibly difficult to grow there will always be an over abundance bc players always want to play the biggest and baddest thing on the roster. Get enough rexes and they will simply protect one another from danger.
Add a loophole for the apex cap: if they can survive long enough to build (and defend) a nest, then every egg from said nest is a player slot for that species.
Not only will it enable egg thief gameplay (and by extension, additions to certain species' diets) to exist, but it limits how much of the map the apex adults can traverse without risking their respawns.
If people don't want to deal with the apexes? Move away. Predatory apex pairs will have to make the hard choice of giving up their nest or branching out further, trying to find food. Meanwhile, non-migratory herbivorous species will fight harder to defend their food sources. It will encourage more natural behavior rather than 'assault everything other than you' that crops up far too often on the official servers.
That’s already a loop hole actually!
This is a great idea! I said in another comment that baby Rexes should be able to cannibalise for protein, I think these go well together, as baby rexes may fight in the nest and it would be the parents job to keep the babies from… ya’know, killing each other. (In all seriousness this is good idea 👍)
I think this would be a cool mechanic. This combined with elders (elders will ensure a limited life span) I think apex’s will not overpopulate.
This gives rexes 0 incentive to nest… every egg is a rex that will compete with them eventually
@dcsworldphilippinesrunner6041 you can tell these aren't pvp players when they make suggestions like this. If my friends and I were playing Rex, we would kill all other apex on the map. We would let them grow until they reach sub then we kill and eat them. We would never nest.
I still think that even if balanced and made harder to grow an apex spawn limiter would be good for the game. Just because a trex isn't unkillable doesn't mean players should still have to deal with 20 of them on a server simply because the people playing them are smart players. I understand that might not be a popular take but server owners should at least have that option provided to them by the devs. Poutine had to create a whole bot to do this, stuff like that should be much more accessible.
Yeah I agree with you on that, it'll help nevertheless.
Wouldn't balancing them correctly stop it from happening in the first place? Mainly since if they were, they would actually be survivable even in adult stages, and their growth being likely far more brutal than before, people would eventually not choose them anymore due to the difficulty, instead opting for easier-to-grow dinosaurs, which would eventually lead to a healthier player base, correct?
Or just make apexes so difficult that even smart players will struggle with them. People will cry out that they’re underpowered but that’d be the point
even if they were smart players btw I doubt they would tolerate each other btw, considering apexes are gonna take up a fair amount of space, at least in terms of food, which could perhaps lead to them killing each other?
bro, imagine growing a full rex just to not beeing able to play it later on bc the "amount of rexes" is full
I think the best way to ballance populations is by making all the dinosaurs feel fun to play whilst also making the ones with stronger adults harder to grow. This is why I think most of the time nerfing is a bad idea and instead buffing the dinos that need it is better
Extending growth times is the best way, Make it hard to get to those OP sizes, maybe even slow the growth the larger you get. Weak things should grow fast, OP things should grow slow. But nerfing Apex will only take away the boogieman we NEED to have. That thing EVERYONE is avoiding.
@@thecommenter9678 I personally think it should be the opposite.
Lower the grow time of smaller herbivores/carnivores and make them overall easier to work with. Keep Apex at a multiple hour to grow thing.
Mid tiers should only take maybe an hour to grow imo, while apex should be at least 4 hours.
This way it's not such an awful feeling when your dinosaur does get killed.
@@thecommenter9678I totally agree
@@TaintedNimbus I may not have been entirely clear. I was SPECIFICALLY talking about Apex growth getting longer and harder. And making smaller weaker animals grow quicker. The larger and stronger an animal can get the slower the overall growth times. Carnivore or Herbivore.
I think Apex predators should grow quickly at first, but once they reach a nice self sufficient size they start to stall out, getting bigger becomes slower and slower the bigger they get, making it so that a Rex that survives into full adulthood is an achievement covered in battle scares and a true terror to behold.
Long grow times is only one thing that’s needed, you need to make the full growns hard to play too otherwise you’ll get the same issue as legacy
I think a cool way to balance apexes would be to have them all essentially function completely differently at the sub, Juvi, and adult stages in terms of say diets or abilities to prevent people from just finding an area to camp around till adult.
Every animal should have that, makes the game more interesting and fun.
I wish that the dev team would listen to the community more
Fr, I feel like their gonna make the isle legacy all over again, but with UE 5
Not scientifically possible
They make the game that THEY want. And lets be real, you can't please everyone. its impossible
The sad thing is that when they do it is to the masses and the masses want their favorite Dino’s to be OP asf, I understand the devs decisions with the community pushing them to give stego another buff it must be hard for them but if they listened to the community and used common sense this game would be absolutely astonishing in the balancing department
they never will
I never enjoyed Rex all that much in legacy. Slow and can’t regen stamina unless it rests, easy to see coming, and while it hit really hard it just didn’t appeal to me. I preferred Allo, Dilo, Cera, and Carno. I think if they just found other means of limiting apexes then there wouldn’t be as much of an issue. I don’t know how they could but the Rex’s stamina issue is a good start.
I mean, the ambush speed is extremely fast, being able to catch up to almost anything. And with the (for mid to semi apex tiers) almost guaranteed bonebreak it's hard for other dinos to escape, even if they see the rex being like 20 metres away. It can just go into crouch and catch up to you. At least that's the expierience I had a lot of the time and saw others have.
But yeah, the stamina restrains are a good start in my opinion aswell, so it at least can't pursue small to mid tiers.
Sorry, this wasn't really a critism or anything, I just wanted to voice my frustration with rex lol
@@SmurfieDurfie there’s no ambush speed for rex anymore tho I think
I think a cap of apex could be simply ressources. Even for herbivores. Having diverse kinds of food for herbivores, so that the apex aren't using up all the food of other dinos. If apex herbivores are limited it would also be much harder to keep apex carnivores fed, thus effectively limiting their numbers.
Another idea I had was already suggested here aswell: Make it a softcap that is just there for spawning as the dino directly, but not for nesting, meaning you can have as many apexes as you want as long as the ones that are there are nesting.
the old progression system the isle had was perfect, you would have to pick weakest dinossaurs in order to progress to a stronger one, starting at low tiers like velociraptors, then mid-low tiers like herrerassaurus, or utah, then mid tiers, like carnotaurus, allossaurus, and then you would get to play as acro, spino, giga or rex, it was perfect because it made you to enjoy all the dinossaurs in the game, and back in the day, seeing different dinossaurs species was really common due to the game "forcing" you to play as these dinossaurs first, it was perfect, and it really solved the problem of overpopulating apexes
They dont get it
I'm getting more and more convinced bringing back progression and revamping it would fix this issue. Starting off as a small tier and working your way up the ladder rather than being able to immediately spawn in as an apex would immediately create a more stable and realistic ecosystem since smaller tiers would naturally be more abundant. This could also potentially give use to the bloated roster, more dinos means a longer overall playthrough for servers that choose to have them all enabled, and servers who would rather provide a shorter playthrough could just remove certain dinos from the ladder, making the journey to the top of the food chain shorter. Sure, progression has its own problems, but I think they're easier and more reliably solved overall than with survival. Now, I'm not suggesting they bring back progression as it was, without growth and with the point system, but rather implement growth into it in some sense.
just make it, so that you can only choose the next dino if you reached adulthood and successfully nested with the previous one. So now everybody wants to stay alive and nest, providing not just species variety but some realistic battles too.
Good discussion on the Apex challenge the Devs face, its going to be tough introducing them and still have the variety in the ecosystem we all want
One benifit Envrima has over Legacy with this is the more interesting mechanics of the dinos. Legacy you choose rex because its the best version of that type of dino but in envrima the smaller versions of rex all will have unique playstyles that may make them a more desirable choice.
Also, I feel like the diets will help keep apexes in check as if they are not following their diet then they will take forever to grow. So they will need to be out and about searching for food, then you just put rex on the diet for other mid size carnivores / other rexes and they will love to take down a rex for a good food.
@@donzaibanzai7746 yeah, it think cannibalization is a good solution to keep apexes in check cause other players would wanna get rid of competition. Put Spino on the diet of like Deino or something, Rex and giga can cannibalize
Give different multiplier for what food fills their stomachs.
As in: eating a medium size dino would only fill the trex's stomach to 1/4, but eating another apex would fill 3/4.
I for one do not think that apex hard locking is the best solution but it's the one I have implemented with the means I have at my disposal. I have publicly argued for well balanced and TUNED DOWN apexes for years at this point but given the statements of the devs on apexes I think what I am implementing right now for Petits Pieds is as good as it will get since I don't think the devs will provide anything else than the ability to toggle certains species on or off.
Great video!
Here’s my idea, like you he said in a previous video, Rex and other apexes should be super reliant on their diet, e.i. Rex needed protein or it’s damage drastically decreases. I think Rex’s diet should change through it’s growth, baby Rexs should be encouraged to cannibalise smaller rexes, as Rex meat would provide protein, but they would grow out of that and cannibalism would be just for food. I could see Rex populations going as a result of infants killing each other and siblings eating each other while parents are away.
Just no on the diet limitations, if that were the case then people would just switch to their psudo apex counterparts.
@@AnAntarcticScotsmanWell, once you get to adulthood you would be MUCH more powerful than pseudo apexes, and of course diets wouldn’t be impossible to maintain you could still get protein from other sources just as a juvi it would be more beneficial to cannibalise, and that could lower Rex populations.
@@paxlash Fun→Power. Idc how strong a creature is if it's miserable to play as.
Besides the diet system does not work with that solution.
@@AnAntarcticScotsman I’m not talking about how to make Rex ‘fun’ I’m talking about the population problem. Also, yes I know that diet doesn’t work in that way but what’s stopping the devs from adding it? It is as simple as nutrient rewards from eating Rex meat dissipating over time and going away just before adulthood.
You people act like they want all kill each other anyways. You forget this is a pvp game. Why would I ever allow other apex dinos to live on my server? That's competition to me. I will just kill them once they reach sub adult stage. It gives me food, keeps the apex population in check and demoralizes anyone thinking of growing another apex since they just spent several hours growing their dino, only for me to come along and kill them in 4 seconds.
Wild idea, if theres a shortage of a dino, give them a massive growth boost until there isnt. It'll let people who dont have 12 hours to grow try and mess about with a variety of dinos and not uninstall when you get scumkilled by a friendly.
Not a bad idea. It would incentivize diversity with other Dino’s
Apexes don't have to be a problem. But they'll have to make some adjustments to the game and especially the map.
Some ideas:
#1 Biomes, nesting spots, escape routes and hiding places:
Divide the map in different biomes.
Give smaller animals enough places to escape, hide and safely nest where larger animals simply can't go or have a hard time.
Borrows, caves, rock formations, dense Jungle, fallen trees, deep water, fallen trees over rivers and streams, hollow trees, small tunnels.
Make it possible for some smaller species to climb trees, hop rock formations etc etc. This will work best within different biomes. Making the best nesting grounds the safest for the species. The food supply might also be adjusted per biome to give different advantages to different species.
#2 Natural selection, breeding and evolution:
Adjust growth time, nesting, partner selection, egg incubation time, egg numbers per nest, fertility time and reproduction in general.
I would opt for a genetic up-breeding tier system where players can slowly improve stats for their offspring by breeding with the right partner and eating the right diet. Make it possible for players to inspect their partner by for example sniffing them. Or maybe a mark left behind by a player {mark territory}. This gives players long term and team orientated goals and more to do in game, creating something like a dating simulator. People will also get more long term invested into the game by doing this. These buffs should be small and take many generations and a long time to max out. Breeding the perfect specimen should be a puzzle, team effort, long term commitment and a challenge. Giving somewhat realistic evolutionary effects. And might also influence skin color etc.
Example breeding Tier system:
F till A tier.
Starting with all E tier if spawning in without being given an egg by another player.
Every tier 10 points.
Every stat a separate tier/point pool.
Good diet parent for [stat pool] +1 point for that stat
Perfect diet parent for [stat pool] +2 point for that stat
Good diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] +1 point for that stat
Perfect diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] +2 point for that stat
Bad diet parent for [stat pool] -1 point for that stat
Horrible diet parent for [stat pool] -2 point for that stat
Bad diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] -1 point for that stat
Horrible diet during hatchling stage [stat pool] -2 point for that stat
Inbreeding takes a huge hit on the stat pool. And might even make offspring go back into the negative or F Tier.
Risk and reward:
The food supply might also be adjusted to give some species an easier time within different biomes. Forcing some species to travel more and take more risks if they want better breeding stats. Or play it more safe and stay within their own nesting biome where food is plentiful but limited in it's diversity.
If the differences in growth time, nesting, partner selection, egg incubation time, egg numbers per nest, fertility time and reproduction in general are big enough, there will be more players and larger groups who opt for the smaller animals/herbivores etc and will max them out much sooner. Just like in real life, there will be much more smaller animals and evolution will go faster with the fast breeding species with many offspring over the larger animals with few offspring. A clan of small herbivores might be able to have perfect stats within a couple weeks, while a clan of T-Rexes might take many months.
#3 Adjust day/night times/visibility and introduce a more impactful sleep system.
Playing at night really sucks in this game. Introducing a sleep system can also be used for balance. Where some species might need more sleep than others. And larger species might have a harder time finding a safe sleeping spot.
#4 Adjust agility.
#5 A good and easy to use clan system. Stopping mix packing for some species by limiting their ability to chat with each other. Or stopping them to add them to the group. Or limit their maximum group size. Making the apex story a more solitude experience.
For example, limit the ability to group up for the T-rex to only a mother and her one offspring until it's a sub adult.
#6 Limit or completely remove global chat. Make it so that it's only possible to communicate with animals in the area. And allow them to increase the area but at the cost of a louder sound effect {broadcasting at the greatest range} . Like in 3 radius stages.
#7 They should forget about putting humans in the game. It's sucking up time and resources. And i'm not even sure the community will appreciate it. They should focus on fixing the bugs, balancing the game, new better map designs, And adding at least 4 times as many different species of dinosaurs.
I agree with most of this, at the least herbs need a decent buff for being in a herd with others of the same species. Adding the ability to get old and die as well as a sickness system to incentives carnivores going after the young,old, Injured and sick ones in a pack. Plant food should also have a limited amount on a single plant, making herbs need to be on the move more often.
Yeah. nope about breeding up to better stats. You will get clans coming to Evrima who will monopolize on this system and breed the best animals, and then proceed to murder every single competition that tries to do the same. This will make solo gameplay absolutely unviable. This will also make spawning in unviable. New players? Sucks to be new player, better die to the superbred dinos you will never get access to.
I would not mind some kind of buff to long-term partners but remember that not all dinosaurs formed monogamous relationships. Most herd animals had males mating with multiple females, or females mating with multiple males or both. If we want a good sim game, then such buffs need to be customized to the species and the lifestyle the devs want them to have.
@@NLance You make some good points. But i also think this can be adjusted. The point is to give people a long term goals. And to build community within one species. Get more natural interactions. Finding the right partner, breeding and caring for young should be one of the most common things. It should also be implemented with the other changes. So yes, these buffs should be different with every species. It's just a basic model of how breeding could work in theory. Different family structures would be great if you could implement it. You can somewhat manipulate it by making some carnivores cannibals. But i'm not really sure how you would otherwise influence it other than make group and chat restrictions for some species. There are already some other games working with such a breeding system. {Day of dragons for example} And it does cause larger guild wars. But it also increased a sense of community. There's a sense of family within the groups.
@@NLance Maybe it could be an idea to use the diet system to create rivalry between males for some species. Maybe they need to eat a sexual rival before being able to mate? Making adult males from the same species their natural enemy in some way? Give them some reason to fight over females? Not sure what's the best way of going about it in this game. But it would be realistic for some species to fight over mating rights.
Edit: Maybe give males some temporary buffs for killing a male of their own species?
The Apex System on Living Roadmap probably can be something that will "restrain" growing with Apexes. Idk how it would happen, but making them harder to grow and faster to get hungry would make them more a risky to play, since u have to engage more often in combat to please your hunger and expand more time growing and it will increase your chance to die before getting really strong.
Apexes, based on Dev opinions and what I assume to be Apex System, will be Glass Cannon, extremely powerful, but a huge risk to grow.
I think what the isle can do with apexes is limmit their ranger like a game called prior extinction where most of their dinos have certain biomes where the can and cannot go to avoid certain areas have overpopulated
Bad idea because everyone will just avoid those areas and apex will all starve to death
@@kenshinhimura9387what if, a few plants will only be there
@@kenshinhimura9387you do it for everyone not just carnivores bro
I can't wait to watch this! I'm always excited to see a new X Zaguer video!
Already see friend groups taking out Apex of thier own species purposefully to spawn in their other friends as those apexes.
Not much you can do about that when you can spawn within a certain area
A limiter i could see as an amazing thing for community servers but a nightmare for officials.
Good for community if the server owners can modify these limits as they have rules in place already to keep things running smoothly while also managing the pickrates of playables.
A nightmare for official servers as megapacks will then have a way to monopolize the strongest dinos in the game, ready to swap to till there's no slots left, leaving all other dinos in the server no way to possibly counter that pack.
It would be rare but it's still quite the possibility in my eyes.
I play path of titans but what you've said here is pretty much the case in path of titans, infinite apexes everywhere.
Makes sense though, why stress put about your survival when you can walk forward omnom food yum.
On last note i would love a limiter on apex dinos per server but i can see the possible problems with it too 😅
I think the best solution to limiting the number of apexes, as well as increasing the satisfaction of obtaining one and making them feel more powerful is to make them incredibly difficult to grow. The ways to increase your odds of surviving until adulthood should be grouping with fellow juvenile apexes, and getting a rare but satisfying egg from an apex pair. I would love for some sort of territory/mate/nesting incentivization for a nesting pair of spinos for example to encourage it. One of my favorite experiences in legacy was getting nested as a spino, because they are rare and powerful, it makes you feel like an actual legendary beast and removes the monotonous "Grow ANOTHER rex for 7 hours just to feel powerful." Making apexes difficult to grow also makes feeling playing faster growing small to mid tier dinos much more enjoyable in comparison.
I saw a great video talking about this. Making the earlier stages incredibly difficult with a very VERY long time to grow. Then have the higher tier apexes be cannibals where applicable with massive food requirements and diets promoting cannibalism. This will make it so only the most skilled and dedicated players are able to get their apexes fully grown. Sure at first you will have a large spike of apexes but over time it will decrease into a reasonable amount. While they should be the strongest creatures in the game I don’t think they should be overwhelmingly so
Me personally, I would make the apex dinosaurs survival much more difficult to survive and that only the most experienced and smart players can survive long enough to really earn that dino of choice
and how would you do that?
For people saying that rexes will just kill each other to eliminate competition for food.... Yeah, no. The rex overpopulation issue had been and still is an issue on Beasts of Bermuda, where the rex is just OP. In general, usually the most common rex players and the largest rex players stay out of each other's way to not risk death after growing their dinosaur. They tolerate each other and even cooperate to patrol other parts of the map, out of each other's way. So no, large rexes will not risk death by fighting each other. Especially if growing them will be more difficult than in legacy.
I think they should be limited on a server. But not by an exact number. Say, only 10% of the server can be a rex. This way, as long as more people choose other dinos, the number of rexes can rise on the server.
Or alternatively, have a % limit on rex (say 10% of current players), and allow others to pick rex above that limit as well, so as to not prevent others from playing what they want. BUT punish the rex population if their number is over that specified % compared to current players. The punishment could be a stress debuff caused by uneasiness due to overpopulation that slows growth considerably. So that players HAVE to hunt other rexes to get rid of it. The stress debuff could affect other things as well, so that adult fully grown rexes are also affected. Maybe a higher food drain caused by the extreme stress.
This could be a thing for all apex carnivores. Not sure about herbivores. The presence of apex herbivores does not affect the general playerbase too negatively. In fact, they give a sense of security to smaller herbivores, which then can serve as food for smaller carnivores. My experience at least on other games.
if it can still bleed to death, then a pack of raptors should be able to bleed it down, doesnt take much for a coordinated pack to take down a solo rex with the pounce
That is not the issue, i agree they should be able to…. The issue is the amount of people who are going to pick trex when it does exist.
@@walkerlenon9811 eventually people will go back to their favorite dinos. People still play the other dinos in Legacy despite Rex and Giga being available, People still play Paras despite Trikes being tankier
@@The_Radio_CheckI played Para the most in legacy just because I love the way it looks and sounded. I feel like fighting a Rex would be like fighting a stego just getting it to waste Stam and letting it to bleed so anything can kill it as long as you are good and patient.
Depending on how harsh the apex caps would be, would determine whether or not I play on that server.
I get limiting the population but introducing a cap also introduces problems such as people hoarding all the apex slots or only nesting in the same people over and over.
If I can’t ever play as an apex, why would I play on that server? I don’t think hard caps are the way.
I’d also like to add that just because Apexes are the strongest doesn’t mean that’s why people pick them. You can pick smaller tier Dino’s and not have to really worry about apexes. All of the smaller tier Dino’s outrun the apexes anyways. People want to have fun and to play their favorite Dino’s.
I thought about this issue a lot, not only apexes overpopulating but also generally large creatures and carnivores being more common than small creatures and hebrivores (even though it would be in reverse in a real ecosystem). One way to solve this would be an unlocking system. This could work two ways. Either you'd have to purchase dinosaurs with ingame currency, you get currency by playing the game, smaller creatures and herbivores generate more/faster currency than larger ones, and larger creatures and carnivores cost more currency than smaller ones, creating a selective pressure on apexes cause people can't affort them yet or don't want to grind/prefer buying several smaller creatures instead, and it also encourages people to play smaller creatures to generate currency. I guess this is kinda how it is in games like LoL or Overwatch. The Other method would be an unocking tree, where you would have to grow a dinosaur to full adult to unlock the next one or at least next tier, forcing you to play each dinosaur, or at least each tier, once to full adult before unlocking apexes.
Basically progression but more fluid/dynamic
They could do something like in POT when the apexes are more powerful but are super slow and require more stam
in the isle the real problem with apex is the gaps of power betwen inferior tiers if Semi apex was real threat to apex this would fix a good amount of issue i think a good solution would be like in beast of bermuda make dinosaur less solide and make a system of ambush where if you manage to land a sneak attack your initial attack will do extra damage ,by exemple a semi apex who manage to land sneak attack again an apex would be an almost one hit kill ,same for semi apex ambush by mid tier ect....
making very hight debuff consequence if you attack without thinking wise and get injured could be also a good solution by exemple a Rex getting stab by a kentrosaurus could result in hight infection if not healed correctly making the rex lock in a broken leg statut making very hard to hunt.
Grow said dinos in a said order and maybe over a maybe specific amount of time to unlock rex or trike depending on species. Then of course after awhile have a longer access period to be said apex. Live or die and start again. It really would be "survival of the fittest" Solo and group gameplay over all in the Isle is very doable/playable. so having a set of "rules" to unlock would not be too much of a challenge IMO.
The apex limitation bring a possibility to "Pay To Win" for some server. I already don't like the server who give the option of Growth for donation. The problem of EVrima and most of animal survival game is : there is no goal. The gameplay loop is boring and people want to play the powerful dino just because they want to win ( which is normal). To avoid that, more various gameplay could be implemented. The ultimate goal of every species is reproducing so why we can't do that ? If every players spent their time finding a partner rather than killing each other, we could have a more realistic gameloop with an actual goal. Players borned from an egg would have some bonus stats. And if those borned players can grow and reproduce, their babies would have better than better bonus stats. Just an idea.
Or like @groundbeef2 said give a limitation of some dino at the start and more they'll reproduce more slot will be available. Which is a realistic gameplay. But in the opposite, if apexes keep dying slot won't move at all.
And a server can decide when to reset all the slot available.
I don't think nerfing dinosaurs that are supposed to be powerful is the solution. That severely detracts from realism. Drastically limiting their numbers on servers, however, and probably implementing some heavy restrictions...some kind of difficult to attain unlock before being able to play them in the first place would be a much more viable solution.
love ur vids brother! high qual and super infomativ
I think a missing solution is, having benefits overall for dinosaurs and creatures that are NOT Apexes. Anything that is not an apex has gameplay and also other kind of benefits that apex dinosaurs do not. The lower tiers have things that stick out for them while things like rex for example, have no true gameplay benefit (I'm just throwing an idea out there cuz I can't properly explain my idea tbh) Playing a rex is the hardest thing and you must pay attention to EVERYTHING. Even if territories have to become a thing, playing a rex is like playing The long Dark on the hardest settings while other dinosaurs that are non-apex, are simply playing Evrima as it should be played. If you survive as a apex without a true exploit (We know we know don't say) then it will justify them being so strong as they SHOULD be and eventually becoming elders until old age takes you = into perk system after death. Maybe having the others have more options in perks and just overall possibilities then apexes. Again I cannot explain my idea fully but of course in my head, it makes sense to not also make it the hardest for apexes. But also wayyy easier for bottom tiers/creatures besides growth gameplay advantages to not just lvl the playing field. But make it seem more authentic to all of us as even the biggest things can fall if given the time, or even effort.
Average X'' Zaguer W, god this video was just so good. Just hoping Dondi could see this
Also I wish y'all have a great day
Honestly I think AI Herbs could help along with apex/carnivore control as long as you don’t make them super weak to where 2 or 3 hits and they’re done. Make them able to handle a fight but where much like modern day animals they are deadlier in a herd. Not only would this add a new level of difficultly but it was also make hunting a lot more strategic and reflective of how it probly was back than.
I think adding a couple new systems like permanent damage or infections/diseases would both improve the game and help keep numbers down for carnivores/apexes.
I don’t really like the limitations. I would rather see apexes diets and growth changes. For example baby rexes are super fast which is why they ll need a lot of food so they can’t just camp, also make the juvenile stage last proportionally way longer than the other stages to mimic how the rex actually grew in real life. Make sub adults require specific diets and for the majority of the sub adult phase keep it on the smaller side, only when reaching the last third of the sub stage would it start growing rapidly and thats when its food starts draining way faster than before in its sub stage, cuz the body needs more food for its growth rate. I think that this would fix many problems since higher food demands wouldn’t allow rexes to just chill in a bush and they would be small enough for other (mid tier) carnis to kill them for well over 3/4 of their growth. Thus only the skilled players making it to full adulthood while allowing everyone to try the challenge.
i dont have time to watch this video, but i will watch eventually, but im leaving a comment here before i go off to work, i think its a perfect idea to limit the amount of apex's can be on a server at a time
I dont remember who said it, but heres the quote "If given the chance, players will optimize the fun out of the game". I've it from the channel GMTK, which is about game design
What happened when I grow and log off then try to join back but the servers capped with apexes. I gotta wait?
What if there was a slot limit to how many players can play as an apex in a server? If there are already 2 players playing as rex for example, then the rex character selection is disabled in the selection menu. And if you want to play as a rex and there are already 2 players playing as them, then i got another good idea: copy the queue system and paste it to work for apexes also. If a rex player dies, and your the first on the rex queue list? Then you get an invite to spawn as a rex.
And to make this fair and balanced: you can only play as rex for a certain amount of hours, after that you die of a heart attack whilst a nice animation plays for that.
Lastly for those thinking people will abuse this by leaving the invitation open for as long as they want to not let other people play as it: the invitation only stays open for 10 minutes, if you’re online that is.
If you stay offline for more then 2 days then you’re invitation is declined and given to the next waiting in line, making Evrima’s apex queue system just like Ark’s way of constantly taking you back to playing the game else you might lose your base by someone raiding it in your PvP server. That’s Ark’s way of making people constantly come back for their game: stress 🧠 and pray your base is okay whilst you are shopping at the mall for a pair of sneakers with lights in them….a very interesting tactic game developers use to keep the playercount up.
What do yall think of this idea? Brainstorm with me here, and developers, if you think this is a big brain idea too then your welcome ofcourse, but please do make sure you apologize for your update 6 nonsense before moving on 🫵 because thats the only thing you gotta do to up your reputations again….it’s only a simple apology, for a human mistake you know you guys made but don’t want to admit.
Bro is a better developer than the developers lol.
Once again a well thought out video. I really liked it.
Thank you for your video. I WISH the dev COULD listen to THAT.
I am saying that at least until i began to play evrima like the 4.0. Apexes don't need limitation but optimization to offer a hardway gameplay to grow, to feed and to survive the ENVIRONMENTt in general, making research about SYMBIOSIS. Being overpowered and untouchable is not FUN to play in a survival game. The more you level up the tier, the harder the ENVIRONMENT should be to handle, not the food drain nor the diet which are pityfull solutions to handle a powerful beast. Dealing like they dealt by past will just result in the same experience > killing everything because too powerful, too OP and a food-drained eating machine. It's a SHAME they can't reconsider thoughts and offer players a SMART and MATURE way to play the apexes.
They can't even implement a mechanic to prevent mixpacking let alone do anything you ever discussed about ever.
Do you have an idea on how to stop mixpacking? It’s a pretty difficult problem to fix.
So I have another idea for balancing instead of limiting players. What I propose are carnivores that bridge the mid teir and apex predators with i higher pack limit. A few ideas for said bridge would be sourofaganax, torvosaurus, tarbosaurus, and siats. And give theses bridge Dino’s a larger pack limit. As well as the same thing for herbivores this way it’s more balanced in stuff can still contest with the larger apex’s but still be easier to sustain and grow.
they should add a apex for every spawn location for example if there are 6 spawn locations there can only be 6 rexes, and there should be like a territory' system with piss and a rex would get a buff in their territory so that there would be constant fights between apexes and the queue wouldn't be so long. they should also make it so that apexes can't pack unless they are with their children but sub adults can't grow into elder dominant males unless he defeats one. the bigger your territory is the better boosts u get. plus if u cannot pack as a rex then u cant control ur territory and other rexes would take it forcing balance.
This man has better ideas than the entire dev team 🧠
There is no hypothetic reality where apexes are even stronger then in legacy and less picked by the players, the majority of the people who play games like this wants to win and kill stuff, making small dinossaurs more enjoyable to play will make almost no difference to them
That is what people should just say, 100% TRUTH🗣️🗣️
@@loserorangeorvoremonster8047 I'm glad you agree with me, making them way harder to grow would be of help, but I don't think it's a solution
I think there need to be buffs for small Dino’s when in groups to make it where groups are able to fend off an apex if worked together.
@@averageconsumer3212 Path of Titans favors groups over strength, I do think that it's better but not perfect either
I dont know if anyone will see this but i think you should only be able to play as an apex after youve fully grown a smaller dino of the same type. For example if you wanted to play as a t rex you would have to unlock it by fully growing something like a carno, cerato or allo and if you wanted to unlock a spino you would first have to fullly grow a suchomimus or baryonyx. That would ensure that only a limited amount of players had access to the apexes and if you wanted to reduce the amount of apexes even more you could make it so you would have to unlock the apex again once you die as it, although that would be torture. Idk that might be either a genius idea or a stupid one that has an obvious flaw. But i do think it is better than what we have currently.
Hmmmm, I think I missed the point you are making. Are you saying the solution is to make the apexes 'not powerful'? It just doesnt compute to me haha. I think the pop limit on them is the main way to stop the issue on servers. Community servers can take it a step further with guidelines / rules the apexes need to abide by to keep them in check (no overpacking / mixpacking, territory / aggro rules with other apexes in the area, and not allowing them to just kill everything for no reason also known as body down rules.)
Another cool video, loving the discussions!
Personally found Omniraptors, Tenos, Stego and Deino to have a higher pop than Carno before 6.5. I mainly played raptor and there was always a huge population of them most of the time compared to other dino's, Stego's are basically un killable unless you find one by itself and you're in a raptor pack and even then its hard, Denio's just let them do what they want as you simply cant face tank them. It already take's what feels like an age to grow any Dino...... especially without any server rules like in legacy, body guarding by Herbie's, people drowning themselves to deny food. But hard capping certain dinos is going to make people not want to play
In my opinion the 4 are balanced around one and other ONLY (If you count Acro as an Apex like I do). While any of the 4 can kill each other with a bit of practice (I can beat an adult Rex with an Acro for instance by causing bleed then kiting and applying pressure by making it burn stam so it can't flee and is forced to either rest or bleed out, having good stam management as a Rex etc.) But because of the mentioned issues you can't really do that with any herbivores or anything that isn't an Apex realistically. Hopefully if Gateway brings back the supposed counters to the Apex's then we'll see them fixed and better balanced.
Finally someone who is saying limiting isn’t the answer
Currently yes, limiting is the only thing to stop from Apexs ruling over the servers. CURRENTLY. Once they start to implement more for the game, they can lift off this limit.
I feel when (or if) they add the elder system, things will go more smoothly. Probably. Maybe. Not sure. I don't know much on the elder system but I assume the longer you keep your dino alive, the more it will be vulnerable and gain debuffs. Debuffs could be, fragile bones, weaker bite force, decline of stam, etc. Or if the debuffs too much, fine just die by old age which I feel that be worse but who knows. I just feel the devs need to implement something that rewards people for playing other dinos and not just one. Maybe there should be a type of weekly quest with a to-do-list for the dino you play.
Quest- Play as Pteranodon
- Catch 10 fishes
- 5 frogs
- 1 sea-turtle
- 5 chickens
- Nest
(The to-do-list could be either easy or hard + creative like nest and keep most of your hatchlings alive)
Reward- Next dino you play as will have 50% growth (Or a skin idk something that catches people interest)
Definitely make quest never have it play as apex (so no rex quest or trike, etc). The point of this is to make people play OTHER DINOS after all than just one, but I guess it won't change much. So yeah. CURRENTLY, they just gotta limit it and have some sort of refresh/wipe every week (or few days) to stop people from hogging apexs so other players can play it as well. //shrugs
Path Of Titans doesn't suffer this problem.
Only when the PT rex mod came out was it at all an issue of having too many apexes.
They have little to no stamina, and struggle to catch food if they aren't playing careful, and don't just one-shot smaller carnivores. Which makes hunting apexes as mid-tiers really, really viable when hunting in packs. Even solo hunted by mid-tiers can be dangerous if you aren't built for it, as POT as many abilities and passives to choose from in the game.
People prefer mid-tiers except when playing Herbis most of the time as a result.
I'm wondering if this is overstating the issue of carnivores a little too much. It wasn't as if they were invincible machines, a Shant vs Rex was always a spectacle. I've even defeated Gigas with the ol' Shant-stomp. I've noticed a trend of people wanting prey to be stronger and predators to have less and less viability and options. Already there's no carnivore in the game that can stack up against Stegosaurus. If we ignore the fact that powerful apexes are a solution to that then the only problem is population. We would definitely ruin the game by making every carnivore flimsy and every herbivore flawless
I think the solution isn't to make rex and spino etc weaker, but make the prey more dangerous. After all, an apex predator is only so because of their strength and ability to overcome the most difficult of prey. Right now only Stegosaurus reflects such a prey animal even remotely, with no apex they're relatively unchallenged.
Rather than an Apex cap, I would suggest an Apex area debuff. Meaning the more Apex predators in an area, the less effective they would become or maybe the worse they regen. You can probably come up with better ideas. The opposite would be true for natural herd species, giving them speed bonuses, or defenses if there are more in an area. The idea is to use in game mechanics to promote typical species behavior, and to mitigate imbalances. I am not a big fan of capping people's choices when it comes to games. They should be free to choose, but it should come at a cost.
i think instead of an apex cap, they should have a growth cap. Any apex can grow to 60%, but after that, the more apexes you have online, the slower they grow, to the point where it stops completely. That would encourage competition because everyone wants to grow, leading to an extremely high mortality rate on subadults and making fully grown giants be naturally and exceedingly rare. On top of that, make them have forced elder death after a certain number of hours after being fully grown, it should be a number that feels rewarding to the player who probably spent days surviving, but not unfair to others who are trying just as hard, that will create a slow but constant cycle, the moment a giant falls, another will take their place.
I only read the first few sentences, but it’s so much better than a pop cap(POP CAP?!?!? PVZ?!?!?)
I kinda like this idea
If the apexes are to remain overpowered then limiting is the best option. If not then balance the heck outa them!
Apexes are supposed to be strong. Nerfing them takes their identity away. I’m guessing by balancing, you mean slower speed, slower stamina regain, and other stuff
@@s0ma782 I get that, but a giga shouldn’t be TWICE as strong as an Acro, or spino TWICE as strong as sucho
Basically what I mean is apexes shouldn’t be that significantly stronger than tiers just below them
@@StelloTyrannus then what’s the point of apexes? I feel like that shouldn’t be the case cause they are supposed to be op, that’s why they are called apexes you know🤷
@@s0ma782 They’d still be the strongest in game if they were properly balanced. The reason I want them balanced is cause I don’t wanna see a server full of them. Like many other games people in the isle just wanna be the strongest player and wipe whole servers. If apexes become so overly strong then like xzauger says it would be ludicrous to play anything else. We’ve seen this in evrima with carno when it becomes unbalanced like in update 6, and don’t get me started on stegos and their unhinged aggressiveness, I’ve seen servers with a quarter to half the population as stegos. It’s a shame too considering the huge roster the devs have planned for us and I would hope people diversify their play options. People really need to get over this mindset when playing the isle imo. (And seriously an Acro is not that much smaller than giga, heck some estimates place them at roughly similar weights).
In summary, I’d want them balanced just to keep the isles toxic player base under control
Look at cerato currently in evrima, so popular, also a very well known popular dino, but so busted and so many servers are flooded with them.
Pretty good example there! Great video
Cerato isn’t that good but ok, it’s kind of underpowered tbh considering it can’t run away from anything other than stegos and deinos
My way of balancing this would be to make the only way of spawning in as something be through nesting. Then apexes would only have like 1 or 2 eggs in a batch and smaller dinos would have more. That way you can kinda limit the apex population as well as orther animals
What I think they should do is make herbivores more powerful then the carnivores so it leads to more carnivores being in packs and less apexs since the high increase of herbivore apexs would bring more attention to teamwork in the isle and how to make a more normal balanced ecosystem. The herbivore apexs would die down too since how many groups and packs of carnivores are forming to keep everything balanced as it should.
2:12 People won't play apex dinos because there won't be enough food on the server. That will naturally limit their numbers.
No challenge growing : Welcome to deino cannibal island!
give mid and small tiers faster growth times while making the growth times of apexes extremely long. This way growing an apex wil be challenging but in the end it pays off with being the biggest and strongest carnivore/herbivore in the server.
After long growing time you really consider the risks you are taking!
One option could be to set the Rex group limit to 0. So Rex would be a solo dino only and could only group up temporarily for nesting. After the eggs hatch only one parent can raise them and the other has to leave. Having Rex as a solo dino would make it "weaker" because the true power of any dino comes from a pack. Being solo would naturally discourage players to play rex if they are into group play like many are. Of course, this solution wouldn't work for herbivore apex. Herbies should be allowed to benefit from groups.
I feel like the counter to apexes is going to be one addition that people are mixed on: Humans.
When humans get weapons (regardless of how hard they are to get, or how powerful/not powerful they are), apexes are just going to be big walking targets for humans with guns. Apexes are going to be inherently easier to hit due to their size, whereas smaller and faster species are going to be more of a challenge, and pose even more of a threat to humans.
Humans will be the natural foils to apexes, and mid and small tiers will be the natural foils to humans.
I truly believe they need to have multiple changes, a population cap for every species with apexes at extreme lows comparatively so the biodiversity, balance, feel of a real ecosystem, and competitive fields are at a better quality.
But also drastic extension of the growth cycle particularly at 0-50 and 60-80% growth, astronomically more so in apexes. This would keep the ratio of young and weak to older and competent individuals much more ideal, making even very cooperative species like Stego have high mortality rates in their young, both maintaining a good flow of players being apexes and a more balanced ecosystem.
Another thing would be elders, making 50 to 150% of their growth cycle timespan after full maturity be the beginning of a new cycle. They get more robust and slower, far harder to kill for other apexes but also much worth at recovering from injuries and chasing down prey. From there they continue to age and have stat deductions until death by natural causes ie the young rivals, starvation or infection.
Another thing to help with reducing the rate of the same few players holding apexes on repeat would be a 5 minute wait after your apex dies before you can play the same species again specifically for apexes. This would make less populated servers have no major changes but highly populous ones allow a good mix of new players to attempt the apex gameplay, in turn raising the rate of apex early deaths.
Limiting Apex might reduce number of players playing the game, especially new players that want to play Rex, Trike, Giga, etc.
Only thing that comes to my mind that could help in Official and Unofficial servers same time would be slight increased growth time for Carni Apexes from Legacy (to 5 hours on perfect Diet). Juvies would have easier time to go unnoticed but as they grow to Sub-adult they need to engage against other players to get food, as AI would provide too little food for them to survive. At least this current iteration of AI spread and how little food they provide would help to keep Carni Apex numbers low, but we don't know what kind of spread of AI creatures is in future.
Apex Herbies might have already though time to grow that they would not need increased growth time. Perhaps when they reach adult stage it becomes more peaceful times, unless they are being targeted by groups of Carnies. Same time, during old age (when Elder System is introduced) they could leave far more meat behind for Carnivores to eat when they die to offset their higher health and damage to counter any solo carnivore during their Adult and Early Elder stages, but once they start to weaken when nearing natural death, Carnivores would seek to close onto them to get more valuable food value and higher Diet reward.
They already had it almost perfected in the Isle legacy. If all of the species are fun to play, people will play them! Biggest problem with Evrima is that dinos are able to one hit smaller dinos and it makes the fights super short and feeling unfair. Make the dinos slower, make the fights longer and get rid of that stupid diet system that makes you run triangle between three different locations. :(
I used to play only on Rp servers in the isle legacy. And i don't remember apex being an issue due to the servers rules (max 2 apex in group / duos obliged to fight for a spot before thinking about hunting other species etc if another duo was there before them) You could play few hours and never see a single Carnivore Apex, i can even say for my experience 90% of the apex you encounter aren't full adult and by that no threat for you, 10% are full adult and if you've played enough of time of the isle 5% of those encounter are harmless.
I think your idea is a good one for old players who will be faithfull of a server, new players will move from server to server until they find a slot or a server without this option. For me it means in the short term RP Serv will deal with rb because people will join only because a certain species got a slot right now, in the long term if all the servers require it newcomers won't stay on the games because rex/giga/spino are always full it's not worthy. Without this limit those players fills the servers -> no dead game, they meet other players and could become loyal to servers and try other species.
Apex's should be very powerful yet have decent draw-backs like any other animal.
A Lion is an Apex predator, but it doesnt rule the world.
If a Rex is super strong, but isnt that quick and would need to rely on bullying or tracking its prey until it gives out, would make it a fair creature that is dynamic to the world it is in.
If a Trike is super powerful with its ramming capabilites, but is slow on turning or cannot see at long distances, would also make it dynamic too this world.
Sometimes nature is the best teacher. Hell, all the Deinosucus are just bigger croc's.
Over complecating things isnt the answer.
Should there be a cap? No since that would limit gameplay.
What if everyone goes Rex? They would caniblize and die off due to lack of food.
Should you be able to become a Apex whenever you want? If you want, 100 percent yes. However if you notice there isnt anything to hunt or cant find enough things to keep you going on a dead server, maybe being a Apex isnt ment to be at that moment, or more ai spawn since player Dinos are slim to none.
Is it impossible to balance Apex's? Nothing is impossible with team work and a passion.
I swear i saw a title for a video from you called "accuracy in paleo media"
But when i clicked on it, it was privated
Did it get scrapped or smth?
A point based system were youd have to progress through survival time...
You know. It could run like the browser game Dragcave works. The breeds run on a ratio system. So for example, if you wanted to breed Gold dragons, someone else (the community) had to have breed about 200 common breed dragons to "support" birthing that one rare Gold dragon. Feasibly, it could play into the ecosystem of the game. An apex carnivore needs a lot of food, if there aren't enough right-size herbivore players to support an apex; like, as a stupid example, at least 30 herbivore players. Then you can't spawn an apex to hatch it. I think that might be an organic way to pop-control apex carnivores, while not exactly throttling players. You want an apex? Do your duty and run a galli for a while first to bring the herbivore:carnivore ratio up so a rex can hatch.
its not just apex's that need to be limited. every species needs to only occupy a percentage of the server population. the solution to the problem everyone has for that. allow savable progress for multiple dinos on a server. that way if your favorite cannot be chosen due to player cap, you can have an alternative to play on the server. only way to have a balanced server.
The devs of the isle will never get it right. They always take 2 steps forward and 15 steps back with everything that they do. Honestly its a game on the brink of death that should just be put out of is misery.
Apexes self-limit by requiring a lot of food. This applies to both herbivores and carnivores.
The tradeoff for playing an apex, and thus basically auto-winning combat, should be that you very heavily risk starvation, thus only players okay with that would even choose apex in the first place, and even fewer still would survive.
Additionally, apexes self-limit by just taking forever to grow to full size. As such, most of an Apex's life would be spent in non-apex gameplay anyways
Besides the obvious solution of apexes actually having downsides like a COMPETENT development team would give them, which of course The Isle devs are not, I think there's a middle ground solution that can be achieved that worked very well for realism servers for some time.
Limit the amount of apexes that can be spawned in. Once X number of people choose that species, no one else can spawn as it. But also, put limits on each gender. If, for example, only four apexes are allowed to spawn, make it so only two can be male and only two can be female. Obviously if one of these spawn apexes logs out or dies, the slot is freed up, and someone else can grow one.
Further apexes beyond these restricted spawn slots then have to be nested in. This has several benefits; nesting is difficult and just won't happen all that often, and when it does, apexes will likely have small clutches, making what few babies they have precious. Of course the general player base, being toxic garbage, will make it their number one goal to kill the babies on sight even just to leave the bodies to rot. Add onto this the extended growth time caused by being hatched in rather than spawning in, and you have a SEVERE bottleneck on the apex population without technically setting a hard limit. Only a very lucky few will survive to adulthood.
This would work well with the perk/mission system if the devs actually have the common sense to add nesting as requirements for some, as it would then make apex players want to nest to receive these perks. This should achieve a balance where apexes aren't hoarded without the chance for people to spawn as one, but makes the possibility of reaching adulthood very slim as it should be.
As toxic as it is in a game, the killing the babies on sight thing would actually add to the realism, at least when other carnivores do it. Hyenas will kill lion cubs every chance they get.
@@Devin_StromgrenNot only that but anything lighter and faster than a juvi Rex can get to ai food before it, not only that but a way shorter grow time so you could just out right kill it as it just spawned.
With how the isle is now I feel like being slow is such a detriment that smaller dinos would out compete for food making it even harder for carni Apexes to grow. This isn't legacy where ai spawned like crazy and Rex having ambush speed it would and should be a huge challenge to get to adult and surviving without starving to death.
@@Devin_Stromgren Ya know, that's honestly a good point, and IRL it's not uncommon for carnivores to kill other carnivores then not eat the bodies at all.
Of course in the game where carnivores are on each other's diets but leave so many bodies to rot it causes server wide lag it can really only be viewed as malicious toxicity.
But, in the case of apexes, you have to give as many restrictions as you can.
Hypothetically this is long term type stuff but when humans are implemented properly, there could be a big insensitive for them to hunt apex’s with weapons able to handle them actings as a sort of population control. It’s long winded and would take years with the devs but could be a possibility you could take out a Rex with an elephant gun lol😂
That's a really good idea!
Yes, humans will be the cyptonite of apexs. They would need to incentivize humans to take them out. Long ways away from humans being implemented though unfortunately.
I hate the constant bashing of us apex players. We’re just trying to enjoy the game too. Not all of us have a KOS mindset cause we’re on a power trip. An apex is an apex BECAUSE it’s strong and versatile. Through evolution, it rose through the ranks to become a powerful animal with a unique niche, the keystone species of an ecosystem is an apex carnivore. You can’t just nerf us into the ground by making us too slow to catch most prey animals and too weak to fight slow things our size. Rex was in a good position in legacy, the problem is that the herbies around it were mostly static in their changes. Don’t tell me that a para should be able to tank more than 5 bites from Rex, that simply isn’t a viable way to make this animal. Give herbies knock back attacks that drain stamina of whatever it hits. Probably a tail attack. It would disincentivize a face tank style of combat, and put an emphasis on stalking prey beforehand. If you get bum rushed and killed by a Rex, sorry, that’s life sometimes. It’s your fault for being too far from ur friends to help you or being in easy sprinting distance of foliage that might be a threat and not paying attention. I understand that it sucks to die, and we understand that too. We are not the problem, the devs ignoring YOUR dinosaurs are the problem.
If they're going to have permadeath combined with extremely long growth times, they shouldn't be all that surprised when people don't want to play anything but what's most viable for staying alive. Players that enjoy routinely having 6+ hours of progress erased in an instant are not a common breed
A progress system with points gained by growing and playing would be good. U would need lots of points to get apexes. It would make sure people who got apexes were only good players
I really truly think that having an apex cap on officials is a bad idea but it should be an option for servers to choose.
But limiting player options isn’t fair. It should just be difficult to grow Rex even on officials. There should be a cannibalism incentive as well.
Fun fact. BoB tried to do this and the result was server owners selling apex slots for real money.
The biggest problem of Multiplayer games with Dinosaurs is not balance, because it makes no sense, it's an asymmetrical game, the real problem is the players. Hotspots can be limited by players and their creators, but you can't fool your lucky nature - humans are gregarious creatures and we naturally prefer open areas/with access to water. and a lot of the problems that the croakers have are of their own making. The RP server and the realistic pool are eobinding XD.I used google translator somehow
hopefully they do apexes well. nothing to do but wait and see
It's crazy you have to spell this simple concept out for people that have been around The Isle for years. I don't think the developers played the game enough to know the truth behind the apex problem in legacy. I'm glad they balanced carno better after 6.5 in Evrima though.
They could also make cannibalization a higher priority for the apexs. Like a trex should be on trex diet .i think that would help
Apexes wouldn't be apexes if they could be killed easily, there needs to be more defined cons for them, rex for example has low movement speed and stamina but high damage output. The problem is when these apexes don't have any big cons that would encourage the certain play styles needed to sustain the ecosystem. Because then you get a bunch of dinos kos everything
I feel like the apex situation is a tough one to balance. They are APEX’S after all meaning they have virtually no competition irl. But ofc it’s a game so they shouldn’t be unstoppable
I also think there will always be a "best choice" and that dino will change with nerfs and buffs
So many players are going to just sit around as juvis dying over and over to get the next available slot as an apex. So, many players will basically be missing from the servers.
Can you make a video that's about all of the best community servers?
I thought they only being added to unofficial?
Give all dinos a spawn timer from the half of the grewtime, and then give apexes up toi 12 hrs grew time.
They should make much harder to grow as one like requiring more stuff to have a balanced diet or make it so that if you don’t have one your growth is limited or you get a debuff until you get that diet. Ontop of that with the apex limiter it would make seeing an apex an “OMFG ITS AN APEX!!” Or “HOLY SHIT ITS AN APEX IM GOJNG DIE!”
I think this kind o problem can't be resolved for two factors. The first one is that apexes as names sujects doesn't have anything to put them in check. I think you can try it with omni, troodon, dilo or anything that was createad to defeat large things with team work.
But I think it really doesn't matter because most players can't play with these dinos well. Is much "easier" to choose an apex, hide in somewhere safe to grow, and after become an adult, run off and start mass killing anthing in you way.
The Second thing is that most like to big and strong. "But I like to be small and sneaky" well good for you but most people just want a famous and deadly famous dinossaur. Rex and trike for example. Why I gonna be an Alberto or a Diablo when I can be something much stronger than that. And yes I know the pros and cons about these species.
But most people don't care you know. Because they the like the other ones more. I think delivering hypers, mutations/perks, could help solve the mitigate the problema. But enven then I still thinks is gonna be an issue.
Now i wonder what will hapen if for example all slot for shant are in use and players decide to nest, did nesting can avoid the limit or we have to wait until one poor shant die on the other side of map xD. Or if the waiting for slot can be avoided like that, did it can make nesting more frequent atleast for herbi apexes 😂🤔