During WWII their expatriate army units in Central Europe and Italy fought savagely along side the Allies. Stories of the Poles getting at the Germans -- and especially the Waffen SS -- are exceptionally brutal.
@@bunsw2070 We laughed in the usa when they went against the german tanks with spears and horses because we ignored the treaty we had with them. Not one of the usa's best hours.
That’s why when Poland was invaded by Germany in WW2 the yanks did nothing, 1942 before they entered the war in Europe and 1944 before they took a step onto European soil
@mariede3968 ... Kurwa siedzę teraz w Polsce w mieście Łódź, a Ty mi pieprzysz, że nie jestem z Polski? A gdzie to ku4wa jest jak nie w Europie. 10lat mieszkałem w Anglii w Bournemouth, rok w Bonn w Niemczech, w 2005r mieszkałem w Dublinie. Co za ludzie.... Chcesz zdjęcie kurwa z mojej lokalizji mózgu
@@mariede3968 you’re one of the simple minded leftists who helped to create problems for western countries. But Trump and other rational people are returning the countries to normality. The leftists lost again.
I am from Poland and thank you for these beautiful words in the comment section about my country and my countrymen (it warms my heart :). greetings from Poland
Overwhelmingly, Americans love Poland. You are a proud people, who protect your own people, and your own way of life. That’s what Americans are demanding for ourselves too. We love the Polish.
@@TailoredPoints You should come! The last true European state, that is safe and we warmly welcome tourists. Round trip From NYC to Warsaw should cost around 700 dollars.
@@pritzecanon6237 If the polish people could behave themselves. We got lots of crime problems in Scandinavia thanks to polish gangs. Eastern europeans are for North Europe the same venezuelans are for USA.
God bless Poland 🇵🇱 🙏🏽 I visited Poland in May last year for my grandson’s first communion. My daughter in law’s family and friends were warm and hospitable. I enjoyed being there. Beautiful country! Historical sights are well preserved and maintained. Very polite and friendly people. I was very impressed by their patriotism and love of their country. Can’t wait to visit again. Cheers to Poland 🇵🇱 🤩🎊🙏🏽
Thank you very much for your words. I am from Poland, but I have been living in Canada and USA for last 34 years and I love Americans and USA!!! All the best from Santa Barbara, CA!!!
Overwhelmingly, Americans LOVE Poland for being such a proud nation, and for protecting their own people, and their own way of life. The Polish people need to know that Americans love them.
@@cesarnopo 🙄do you grasp what why I included the word “overwhelmingly”? It communicates “mostly, but not across the board”. You cult members are as low intellect as you are creepy.
Never met an American that hated them. Of course there are people on the internet like the guy that replied to you that most likely is not very intelligent and also very likely not an actual American.
Isn’t Texas one of the least educated and most backward states in the country? Isn’t Texas the place where ghouls dressed in surgical gowns stand by and watch pregnant women die in agony? Isn’t Texas the place where everyone is too scared to go to Walmart without body armour, automatic weapons and air support? Was your comment intended as an insult to Poland?
@maingate7672 Ever since Lech Walensa! The testosterone levels in Poland are highest in Europe. They are making ALL the right decisions and will be the leader nation in all of Europe in less than a generation.
but just as in Texas there are people who came from California, so in Poland we have Prime Minister Tusk (and his party) whose political views are as favourable to Poland as those of an ex-Californian to Texas
I hope the Polish can see this and know that America loves Poland and its values. We feel more in common with the Poles and the Baltic peoples than we do with the unreasonable western Europeans.
Yeah the president was really, really, reserved, but did speak highly of Trump on several levels. Duda is under a lot of pressure from the radical left wing in Europe to follow the woke suck up to immigrant BS. Which Poland can see is a total failure for law and order, peace, and the protection of Polish Citizens. I hope President Trump visits Poland soon to show our alliance and appreciation of their policy and values. They have a great manufacturing base with a work ethic and are so very strategically located for Europe and American interests. Maria Is always the best.
It’s very reassuring to have American support , yet Poland needs to clarify its position and direction for at least next decade or two in regard to its place in EU and different philosophy of its members among which unity is not a priority but own interests . That’s is a Germany - elephant in the room. ……
One of the biggest honors I have had as an ex-soldier and American -- having Poland as good friends and on our team. I know the 20th Century history of Poland well... When I want inspiring history I always watch videos about the Warsaw Uprising. And I have a great book by Moczarski I treasure, "Conversations with an Executioner".
"Rozmowy z katem" autorstwa Kazimierza Moczarskiego była lekturą obowiązkową dla szkół licealnych w Polsce. Zdumiewający jest fakt, że ta książka jest jeszcze na świecie czytana, gdzieś indziej poza Polską i Izraelem. Zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę wstrząsającą tematykę tej książki. Dla mniej zorientowanych powiem że tytułowy kat to Jürgen Stroop generał SS, który prowadził likwidację Warszawskiego Getta, największego getta w okupowanej Europie. 2 marca 1949 Kazimierz Moczarski, były żołnierz Armii Krajowej, został umieszczony w jednej celi z Jürgenem Stroopem, generałem SS, który prowadził likwidację Warszawskiego Getta. Po latach Moczarski napisał „Rozmowy z katem”, wyjątkową relację ze spotkania z hitlerowskim niemieckim zbrodniarzem. Autor książki Moczarski znalazł się w jednej celi z niemieckim zbrodniarzem, skazany przez władze komunistyczne, za patriotyczną walkę o wolną Polskę. Zapadł wyrok skazujący na 10 lat więzienia, za walkę przeciwko powojennym władzom komunistycznym w Polsce. Były SS-Grüppenfuhrer Jürgen Stroop był traktowany przez komunistyczne władze więzienia lepiej niż Moczarski - wychodził na spacery, dostawał listy i paczki od rodziny, otrzymywał podwójną porcję jedzenia. W trakcie pobytu w więzieniu Jürgen Stroop nie był bity - a Moczarskiego wyciągano na przesłuchania nawet kilka razy dziennie, torturowano. W 1952 r. po kolejnym procesie sądowym Kazimierz Moczarski został skazany na śmierć, którą w 1953 r. zamieniono na dożywocie. Wyszedł z więzienia w okresie "odwilży" dyktatury komunistycznej w 1956 r. - spędziwszy za kratami 10 lat, 8 miesięcy i 13 dni - został też oczyszczony z zarzutów.
If you're from the States or really any big western country then you'll find Poland really cheap and you'll have a good time. I recommend Kraków or Gdańsk instead of Warsaw. Or eastern Poland if you want your vacation to be even cheaper and if you want to interact with more conservative Poles 😉
My mother was born in today's Poland, in a town now called Koszalin (before: Köslin). And although Poland is our direct neighbor to the East I have never been there. Makes me wonder why. But I definitely plan on visiting Poland and vacation there since I heard so many good things. And the Poles I have met here in Germany are mostly to my liking: Proud of their heritage, their country and their family.
Never underestimate the Poles they are and always were really smart people. They are the ones that did the groundwork in cracking the WWII German Enigma Ciphers.
Matematycy: Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki,Henryk Zygalski. Przed samym wybuchem drugiej wojny światowej przekazano Wielkiej Brytanii sposób łamania Enigmy.
Well he promised to lower prices. He hasn't. Instead he has removed the cap on insulin prices and the cap on prescription drugs. Get used to paying much more for your medication now. Also watch groceries skyrocket in price as immigrant deportations kick in. Its already happening. Orange harvest in California is under threat because terrified workers are staying home
Watch Trump's speech. He immediately refere to them as class like a school teacher. Then he refered to them as students and then called them out personally to their faces 😂
As an American citizen I consider Poland one of our closest allies. I trust them fully ! Not a third teir ally at all. First teir.. was sad to hear him say that.
Don't be. Common saying in Poland is our closest ally is the farther away from us. USA and Poland keep great relations over many years (as far as American Revolution and Kosciusko) and most importantly it's only nation Poles trust. So don't be sad and build that fckin wall😂
Ukraina Polskę oszukała Polacy już nie wspierają Ukrainy Wołyń 44 pamiętamy to okropne ludobójstwo dokonane przez Ukraińców na kobietach w ciąży dzieciach starcach nigdy nie wybaczymy
Like most people here, you have no idea what you are talking about. Many Poles support the idea of deporting military age Ukrainian men so that they will be forced to fight. And Poland does not allow all Ukrainians to cross the border. Poland does help the Ukrainian government prevent escape in many situations.
The Polish here in the US hate Americans. There is nothing like having a big event involving a Polish person, because their hate comes out quickly. In boxing alone, just look at all the riots that have happened when a Polish fighter was fighting. Maybe the most famous was when Bowe fought Golata is Madison Square Garden. Probably the most famous sports riot ever happened inside MSG. Out of any group inside the country, Polish people seem to hate Americans more than any other group, besides religious groups. Never fails, it is the same every time, the drunk Polish people come out waiving their flags, cussing and threatening Americans, and starting fights. It is comical.
The bill for what exactly? We dont receive any US aid, but we spend billions of dollars on US equipment and the upkeep of US troops in our country @@jdwilmoth
@@somedudechannel You do not believe that. We all know you know Trump is gonna succeed, but because you're unAmerican, you hope he fails. You're a political hack.
President Andrzej Duda is calm because he knows we are favorable to Poland and they dont take part in a bunch of leftist crap, love Poland and the Polish people!!
I love the Polish people from the USA!!’ ❤❤ 🇵🇱 🇺🇸🇵🇱🇺🇸🇵🇱 I have the utmost respect for the people of Poland and as a World War II historian and knowing how these people fought for their country, it makes me love them and respect them even more!!!! God bless you all, and I don’t know why he doesn’t think that the USA is not in the top tier of allies with Poland because I disagree. President Trump has nothing in common with the Prime Minister in the UK now or much in common with the unpresidential France or Germany. It’s so far. Trump is actually gotten along really close with the Prime Minister of Italy and it’s very possible that just like Orbon and the Prime Minister of Italy. Poland can talk to Trump and keep in touch with him and I’m sure Poland will be in the top tier. God bless the patriotic, British French and German citizens and my heart goes out to them because the EU has forced so much immigration on them & if a EU country does not then they get fined. EU Reminds me of a modern day USSR.
@@ellenburkes1270 Haven't we already being the top % to GDP contributor to NATO and fighting for the US in Iraq and Afghanistan? We're basically the biggest American ally in Europe.
@@robertjohnson-mt8pz. Perhaps, but even Superpowers need allies. Poland actually funds a formidable military force that is second only to Turkey in Nato (France is in the running too.) They have already eclipsed Germany. Arguably, Poland is the most important (trustable) ally in NATO.
Poland is a gorgeous country with a beautiful people and an incredible culture. They have a long history of military excellence and resisting tyranny. If there is one country I would like to visit, it would be Poland. Much love from America!
Yeah, pay attention England and never let foreigners illegally occupy your country's government positions like Americans do. Allowing hundreds of foreigners to illegally occupy Americans congress and senate seats that's meant for Americans that are being allowed to also vote to take away Americans rights, fleece Americans to provide freebies for their own home country.
Feel invited ;). Just remember that larger cities such as Warsaw, Kraków and Gdańsk are very leftist, I recommend others although for you it will certainly not be felt. Come, find a place for yourself where you will feel the best. We have the sea, mountains... there is plenty to choose from and each region has its own character, especially Silesia. Little European Texas is like a rough diamond, give us a chance ;).
God. Bless Poland for I know that they are a very patriotic and deeply religious people. They have been fierce fighters for centuries, and they detest Russia for all the suffering they had gone through after World War 2. Cheers to Poland!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽
That’s how it should be. But in reality Poland used to be multiethnic in history and that’s what taught us a lot of tolerance and openness as well as respect for others
I was lost in Warsaw for a couple hours and couldn’t find the right road to get out of the city. I eventually talked to the right person and he said he would lead me to the correct road. I was very grateful and thanked him greatly. So he drove maybe 20 meters and made one turn and there was the road I spent a few hours trying to locate. That guy must have thought I was a total fool. He wouldn’t be far off the mark. Thank you to the man who helped a lost American in a black neon SRT4 back in early November of 2005! I’m sure you are reading this!!
we have a saying: 'kto pyta, nie błądzi' - which menas more or less: 'who asks, is never lost' .... when you will be back and will get lost again, do not hesitate to ask - nobody will ever think bad things about you just because you asked people are helpful most of the time, even those in a hurry or in bad mood cheers
Polska jest bardzo dobrym sojusznikiem Stanów Zjednoczonych. Życzę wszystkiego najlepszego prezydentowi Andrzejowi Dudzie i innym Polakom, którzy starają się pomóc uczynić świat lepszym i spokojniejszym miejscem.
"We are seeing soldiers die by the hundreds". As far as "Truth" goes, "We have seen over one and a half million soldiers die so far". Not "soldiers dying by the hundreds".
WE stand with 🇵🇱 Poland! Stand strong, the world 🌎 will come back around! Protect your borders & keep citizens safe!! Prayers 🙏 and love ❤️ from America! 🇺🇸
Come in the summer. There are wonderful places to see in Poland. Many monuments, but the most wonderful are the treasures of nature. Personally, I recommend Kashubia and especially the area around Chmielno. Peace, nice people, no problems with crime :) You know what I mean ;)
I am a European with 67% blood from the heart of Poland. I lived in Canada where my family is but escaped before Trudeau turned it into an Orwell state. I settled in the UK and have watched the same decline. And I still don't understand why after every wonderful visit to Poland I didn't have the courage like my English mates who escaped from the UK to Poland like I did from Canada. Long life Poland!
@boreksz82-cf7ze I've watched many times when our President spoke live on tv and his translator, this lady was on many occasions with him. She is that good. You're probably right that this was filmed and recorded earlier but she would so accurately do it live on tv also.
Man Poland is a great and sensible friend. When I lived in Germany in the 90s I thought that was it but my buddies were like no you really need to go to Poland but I never got to.
Hungary and Poland have leaders on the same non-open-borders page as America’s Trump. I think my next trip to Europe will be to spend my dollars in both those countries. Kudos to both your nations from USA.
There are over 110 million people on the move around the planet! They are fleeing war and famine, political and religious persecution, and the ravages of climate change! The US is responsible for a lot of the upheaval these people flee from and they and EU countries have an OBLIGATION to help these migrants! Presidunce t rump's policies are based on racial HATE!
feel welcome in poland. Hungarians are like brothers to us but.. their leader accepts war in ukraine and partially support putin. And for poland thats the worst scenario, every pole agree that if ukraine loose we'll loose to if not land and lives the whole economic growth and any chance to keep up with germany. Anyway try to make it in the next 3 years, may not be the same poland.
victor orban is an authoritarian thug just like presidunce t rump! The first thing he did upon taking power in Hungary was to have one of his oligarchs buy up all the Hungarian newspapers so that he controls all the media. That's not possible in the US that's why presidunce t rump want's the FCC to do his bidding!
Poland has no immigrants and no terrorist incidents. The United States needs to take an example from Poland and do what they do.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Protect life. Remove the people from the country that don't value life.
@chriscunnane7596 yeah, pathetic that there's American children running around without shoes, decent coat in the wintertime while illegal aliens show off their $100 American taxpayer funded manicure and luxury hotel accommodations, loaded debit cards
My parents, my mother in particular, taught me as a child that countries do not respect weak leaders. They respect strength. They respect President Trump and they fear him. They know he will do what he says he will do.
This is why i bank with the polish at my local credit union. Polish are hard working, family oriented and are no b.s. people. Love y'all
Don't trust this guy he is even not capable to be a Major of a city. In Poland this guy is a joke and he has done a lot of damage to his country.
Those Poles that I've met and grown to regard as friends, certainly have a spine, that's for sure. And if I may say so, a fantastic work ethic too.
They also have guns. Lots of guns.
Regards from Poland brothers
He is out in few months, so don't get so excited about your right wing agenda
Huge supporter of Poland.
During WWII their expatriate army units in Central Europe and Italy fought savagely along side the Allies. Stories of the Poles getting at the Germans -- and especially the Waffen SS -- are exceptionally brutal.
@@TennesseeHomesteadUSA, with good reason.
Me too, there would be a lot of German speaking people in this world had Poland not been such a strength in WW2
@@TennesseeHomesteadUSAI see we are the same page. Gotta give them Credit when it's due that's for sure
@ Jesteśmy bardzo dumni, że Polacy są naszymi przyjaciółmi i sojusznikami
Thanks to Poland from Texas.
Dziękujemy z Polski !
I second that from another Texan!
Poland is the Texas of Europe
God bless People of Texas. Y' are on the wright side of normality.
God Bless the Poles. We know very well what their nation has been through.
What have they been through?
And other nations,too, in Europe.
@@megajen1837 Poland took it from both sides in WWII while the west sold them out.
@@bunsw2070 "sins of the father"
@@bunsw2070 We laughed in the usa when they went against the german tanks with spears and horses because we ignored the treaty we had with them. Not one of the usa's best hours.
Most Americans support Poland. From WWII to the present, Poland has accomplished much and should be very proud.
Polish Generals Helped George Washington in 1776
Since 1776 we have been brothers in arms. General - engineer Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the creator of Fort West Point
God bless USA. Greetings from 🇵🇱
That’s why when Poland was invaded by Germany in WW2 the yanks did nothing, 1942 before they entered the war in Europe and 1944 before they took a step onto European soil
Sending much love to the Polish people from New Jersey ❤
Regards from Poland my friend
@@invictus-matthew have you ever been to Europe, no. you do not know Europe, you voted for Trump!
@mariede3968 ... Kurwa siedzę teraz w Polsce w mieście Łódź, a Ty mi pieprzysz, że nie jestem z Polski? A gdzie to ku4wa jest jak nie w Europie. 10lat mieszkałem w Anglii w Bournemouth, rok w Bonn w Niemczech, w 2005r mieszkałem w Dublinie. Co za ludzie.... Chcesz zdjęcie kurwa z mojej lokalizji mózgu
@@mariede3968 I've been to Europe many times, I've also been to Poland, and I voted for Donald J Trump, what's your point...?
@@mariede3968 you’re one of the simple minded leftists who helped to create problems for western countries. But Trump and other rational people are returning the countries to normality. The leftists lost again.
Polish people: don't take a secure boarder of granted, keep it strong
I am from Poland and thank you for these beautiful words in the comment section about my country and my countrymen (it warms my heart :). greetings from Poland
Overwhelmingly, Americans love Poland. You are a proud people, who protect your own people, and your own way of life. That’s what Americans are demanding for ourselves too. We love the Polish.
Poland is a decent nation that respect very much. i would love to visit one day.
Countrymen !!! You ate so right!!!😅😅😅 He is a redneck!!!
@@TailoredPoints You should come! The last true European state, that is safe and we warmly welcome tourists. Round trip From NYC to Warsaw should cost around 700 dollars.
Poland is a splendid country. I visited and was blown away!
Poland knows what happens. National pride and strength is not an evil.
Its only evil when you use those things to wage war like many leaders have done before.
Make Poland Great Again!
National idiocy is not wise.
@ No one is talking about idiocy. Except you.
Germany needs to learn that as well. To have love for his/her own nationality is not a danger for others.
America needs to adapt Polands wonderfully effective border policies
Poland has exemplified to the world what common sense border policy has brought to Poland - security.
Agree - Poland is going to be the next Europe global power because of their closed border policy and refusing Muslims !
@@pritzecanon6237 If the polish people could behave themselves. We got lots of crime problems in Scandinavia thanks to polish gangs. Eastern europeans are for North Europe the same venezuelans are for USA.
Indeed ⚖️👍🇺🇸
The Policy is "0" illegal migrants- Greetings from Poland
Long live Poland 🇵🇱
God bless Poland 🇵🇱 🙏🏽 I visited Poland in May last year for my grandson’s first communion. My daughter in law’s family and friends were warm and hospitable. I enjoyed being there. Beautiful country! Historical sights are well preserved and maintained. Very polite and friendly people. I was very impressed by their patriotism and love of their country. Can’t wait to visit again. Cheers to Poland 🇵🇱 🤩🎊🙏🏽
Thank you for those kind words! We love our American friends ❤❤❤
Thank you very much for your words. I am from Poland, but I have been living in Canada and USA for last 34 years and I love Americans and USA!!! All the best from Santa Barbara, CA!!!
Overwhelmingly, Americans LOVE Poland for being such a proud nation, and for protecting their own people, and their own way of life. The Polish people need to know that Americans love them.
Nah! Speak for yourself!
But we have lefty goverment now. We need to change it.
@@cesarnopo 🙄do you grasp what why I included the word “overwhelmingly”? It communicates “mostly, but not across the board”. You cult members are as low intellect as you are creepy.
Never met an American that hated them. Of course there are people on the internet like the guy that replied to you that most likely is not very intelligent and also very likely not an actual American.
Poland is the Texas of Europe! ''Don't mess with Poland!''
Thank You.
Used to be but not anymore, country is run by globalists, Duda included; they follow orders from outside, no national politics anymore
Isn’t Texas one of the least educated and most backward states in the country? Isn’t Texas the place where ghouls dressed in surgical gowns stand by and watch pregnant women die in agony? Isn’t Texas the place where everyone is too scared to go to Walmart without body armour, automatic weapons and air support? Was your comment intended as an insult to Poland?
@maingate7672 Ever since Lech Walensa! The testosterone levels in Poland are highest in Europe.
They are making ALL the right decisions and will be the leader nation in all of Europe in less than a generation.
What a joy to read something like that about my country.
Love to Poland from Florida
Love to Florida from Poland ❤️❤️
but just as in Texas there are people who came from California, so in Poland we have Prime Minister Tusk (and his party) whose political views are as favourable to Poland as those of an ex-Californian to Texas
We Love You Poland ! Greetings from the US
Greetings from the hills of Tennessee !
We love USA as well!
We are very similar!
Greetings from Poland, from Warsaw! 🙂
@@iroland5812 Jesteśmy bardzo dumni, że Polacy są naszymi przyjaciółmi i sojusznikami
Dziękujemy 😘😘😘
Wonderful Poland smarter than most countries!
Archie Bunker sure would differ 😆
I hope the Polish can see this and know that America loves Poland and its values. We feel more in common with the Poles and the Baltic peoples than we do with the unreasonable western Europeans.
Absolutely 💯!!!!!! 👍
Yeah the president was really, really, reserved, but did speak highly of Trump on several levels. Duda is under a lot of pressure from the radical left wing in Europe to follow the woke suck up to immigrant BS. Which Poland can see is a total failure for law and order, peace, and the protection of Polish Citizens. I hope President Trump visits Poland soon to show our alliance and appreciation of their policy and values. They have a great manufacturing base with a work ethic and are so very strategically located for Europe and American interests. Maria Is always the best.
It’s very reassuring to have American support , yet Poland needs to clarify its position and direction for at least next decade or two in regard to its place in EU and different philosophy of its members among which unity is not a priority but own interests . That’s is a Germany - elephant in the room. ……
Western Europe is finished.
Historia pokaże czy znów nas zostawicie ale świat już nie będzie taki sam uwierzcie mi to będzie koniec świata
One of the biggest honors I have had as an ex-soldier and American -- having Poland as good friends and on our team. I know the 20th Century history of Poland well... When I want inspiring history I always watch videos about the Warsaw Uprising. And I have a great book by Moczarski I treasure, "Conversations with an Executioner".
"Rozmowy z katem" autorstwa Kazimierza Moczarskiego była lekturą obowiązkową dla szkół licealnych w Polsce. Zdumiewający jest fakt, że ta książka jest jeszcze na świecie czytana, gdzieś indziej poza Polską i Izraelem. Zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę wstrząsającą tematykę tej książki. Dla mniej zorientowanych powiem że tytułowy kat to Jürgen Stroop generał SS, który prowadził likwidację Warszawskiego Getta, największego getta w okupowanej Europie. 2 marca 1949 Kazimierz Moczarski, były żołnierz Armii Krajowej, został umieszczony w jednej celi z Jürgenem Stroopem, generałem SS, który prowadził likwidację Warszawskiego Getta. Po latach Moczarski napisał „Rozmowy z katem”, wyjątkową relację ze spotkania z hitlerowskim niemieckim zbrodniarzem. Autor książki Moczarski znalazł się w jednej celi z niemieckim zbrodniarzem, skazany przez władze komunistyczne, za patriotyczną walkę o wolną Polskę. Zapadł wyrok skazujący na 10 lat więzienia, za walkę przeciwko powojennym władzom komunistycznym w Polsce. Były SS-Grüppenfuhrer Jürgen Stroop był traktowany przez komunistyczne władze więzienia lepiej niż Moczarski - wychodził na spacery, dostawał listy i paczki od rodziny, otrzymywał podwójną porcję jedzenia. W trakcie pobytu w więzieniu Jürgen Stroop nie był bity - a Moczarskiego wyciągano na przesłuchania nawet kilka razy dziennie, torturowano.
W 1952 r. po kolejnym procesie sądowym Kazimierz Moczarski został skazany na śmierć, którą w 1953 r. zamieniono na dożywocie. Wyszedł z więzienia w okresie "odwilży" dyktatury komunistycznej w 1956 r. - spędziwszy za kratami 10 lat, 8 miesięcy i 13 dni - został też oczyszczony z zarzutów.
Thank you 🇺🇸❤️🇵🇱
Polish power love from Oklahoma
Oklahoma City! ❤️
@@customz13Also Oklahoma City!
I’m from Southern Virginia and they have my love and respect for sure
Tulsa boy here.....been to Poland and it's awesome the people are great as well as the land and culture are simply beautiful.
Native American from Comanche Co here.. Australian now.
America loves Poland!
yes we do Kochamy Cię Polska
Thank you! We have always admired and loved USA as well!
It’s America’s best loyal lap dog 🐶
@@ktfoent get lost russian troll. Nobody wants ‘russkij mir’!
Poland isn't buying into the woke immigration policies....they are quite strict.
The U.K. would do well to follow their example.
UK seems to love those r*p* gang migrants, I think they want more.
The UK has been infiltrated by the WEF globalists with the goal of complete destruction
It might be too late. People are fleeing GB.
Migrant invasion.
UK will not. They have been infiltrated by Globalist since the 1970’s. They are also the birthplace of Globalism aka Rothschild family.
It’s too late for the UK….i was there last year…. What a mess compared to 12 years ago….Thought I was in Egypt ….
I think i can safely speak for all of us Americans we love our Poland brothers and sisters
It has always been reciprocated!
Cheers from Poland
For all? My bet would be that at least 80% of Americans have no idea what Poland is
I want to vacation in Poland and spend money there to show my support.
Come back next time, you are very welcome here
If you're from the States or really any big western country then you'll find Poland really cheap and you'll have a good time. I recommend Kraków or Gdańsk instead of Warsaw. Or eastern Poland if you want your vacation to be even cheaper and if you want to interact with more conservative Poles 😉
Poland is a beautiful country. Go and visit. You will enjoy.
There are great places to go like Zakopane Warszawa Krakow you would love it.
My mother was born in today's Poland, in a town now called Koszalin (before: Köslin). And although Poland is our direct neighbor to the East I have never been there. Makes me wonder why. But I definitely plan on visiting Poland and vacation there since I heard so many good things. And the Poles I have met here in Germany are mostly to my liking: Proud of their heritage, their country and their family.
Never underestimate the Poles they are and always were really smart people. They are the ones that did the groundwork in cracking the WWII German Enigma Ciphers.
Matematycy: Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki,Henryk Zygalski. Przed samym wybuchem drugiej wojny światowej przekazano Wielkiej Brytanii
sposób łamania Enigmy.
Didn’t put up much of a fight in WW2 tbh
For being co-invaded by Russia and Germany at the same time they did incredibly@@Sakufighter
@Sakufighter I don't know much about it, but somewhere, I remember hearing that Polish horse cavalry was charging German Armor?
To be honest, you have zero clue, none, as to what you are talking about. NONE!
Promises made, promises kept. No more mealy mouthed, bumbling Bribedon!
Is the Ukraine war over has the price of eggs dropped promise made promises broke. You dummy
Well he promised to lower prices. He hasn't. Instead he has removed the cap on insulin prices and the cap on prescription drugs. Get used to paying much more for your medication now. Also watch groceries skyrocket in price as immigrant deportations kick in. Its already happening. Orange harvest in California is under threat because terrified workers are staying home
Watch Trump's speech. He immediately refere to them as class like a school teacher. Then he refered to them as students and then called them out personally to their faces 😂
and that kackling lying airhead idiot sidekick.
Laughing Crypt was FIRED
As an American citizen I consider Poland one of our closest allies. I trust them fully ! Not a third teir ally at all. First teir.. was sad to hear him say that.
Don't be. Common saying in Poland is our closest ally is the farther away from us. USA and Poland keep great relations over many years (as far as American Revolution and Kosciusko)
and most importantly it's only nation Poles trust.
So don't be sad and build that fckin wall😂
Thank you to Poland for helping the Ukrainian people to escape the war where possible
Ukraina Polskę oszukała Polacy już nie wspierają Ukrainy Wołyń 44 pamiętamy to okropne ludobójstwo dokonane przez Ukraińców na kobietach w ciąży dzieciach starcach nigdy nie wybaczymy
Like most people here, you have no idea what you are talking about. Many Poles support the idea of deporting military age Ukrainian men so that they will be forced to fight.
And Poland does not allow all Ukrainians to cross the border. Poland does help the Ukrainian government prevent escape in many situations.
Greetings from Texas my Polish brothers ❤
Greetings from Warsaw 👊👍
Americans love Poland!
❤and we love you too😊
We love you back! ❤❤❤
We love America!!!
Poland 🇵🇱 has always been a good friend of the U.S.A they should be treated with the utmost respect
Well of course they are are so called allies as long as we foot the bill for everything
The Polish here in the US hate Americans. There is nothing like having a big event involving a Polish person, because their hate comes out quickly. In boxing alone, just look at all the riots that have happened when a Polish fighter was fighting. Maybe the most famous was when Bowe fought Golata is Madison Square Garden. Probably the most famous sports riot ever happened inside MSG. Out of any group inside the country, Polish people seem to hate Americans more than any other group, besides religious groups. Never fails, it is the same every time, the drunk Polish people come out waiving their flags, cussing and threatening Americans, and starting fights. It is comical.
The bill for what exactly? We dont receive any US aid, but we spend billions of dollars on US equipment and the upkeep of US troops in our country @@jdwilmoth
@@somedudechannel You do not believe that. We all know you know Trump is gonna succeed, but because you're unAmerican, you hope he fails. You're a political hack.
Poland one of the few shining lights in EU, greetings from Finland
I have been to Poland. Wonderful country. Lots of history. Some not so good. Poles are very proud of their country. As they should be.
Poland is an exemplary country!
They’re now a left wing country
I am Polish, Poland is not really an exemplary country.
@@magdalenachwaja9516 it really is stop seething about your own country
@magdalenachwaja9516 at least they defend their border and try to maintain their culture.
@@rebeccaaldrich3396 Thanks we are doing our best but you know the russians are gathering more and more migrants. They dont want us to get bored.
President Andrzej Duda is calm because he knows we are favorable to Poland and they dont take part in a bunch of leftist crap, love Poland and the Polish people!!
Love from Poland
to głupek ,gardzimy tym zdrajcą
Not when it comes to advanced CPUs. You prefer France, Germany, Korea, Netherlands etc to Poland.
I love the Polish people from the USA!!’ ❤❤ 🇵🇱 🇺🇸🇵🇱🇺🇸🇵🇱 I have the utmost respect for the people of Poland and as a World War II historian and knowing how these people fought for their country, it makes me love them and respect them even more!!!! God bless you all, and I don’t know why he doesn’t think that the USA is not in the top tier of allies with Poland because I disagree. President Trump has nothing in common with the Prime Minister in the UK now or much in common with the unpresidential France or Germany. It’s so far. Trump is actually gotten along really close with the Prime Minister of Italy and it’s very possible that just like Orbon and the Prime Minister of Italy. Poland can talk to Trump and keep in touch with him and I’m sure Poland will be in the top tier. God bless the patriotic, British French and German citizens and my heart goes out to them because the EU has forced so much immigration on them & if a EU country does not then they get fined. EU Reminds me of a modern day USSR.
It's awesome to see a strong and successful Poland. No country's citizens deserve it more.
My mother‘s Physiotherapist comes from Poland and that country was so poor for so long
Viva la Poland 🇵🇱✊🏻🇺🇸
Poland should be 1st tier.
It’s true, Poland contributes more to nato than Germany.
No. You 1st must EARN IT!!❤
Absolutely, Poland is literally the highest contributor to its military in the entire NATO alliance, in terms of percentage of its GDP
@@ellenburkes1270 Haven't we already being the top % to GDP contributor to NATO and fighting for the US in Iraq and Afghanistan? We're basically the biggest American ally in Europe.
Agreed. Germany is and Spain is so my question as a Polish citizens is: Why Poland is worse?
Love and respect to Poland from Texas. Thank you, President Duda.
Thank you President Duda.
why - he is a FJB globalist puppet, perpetual wars.
Duda is an incompetent president who bows down to USrael and Ukraine. He doesn't even speak good English and is controllable by his political party.
Love to United States from Poland 🇵🇱❤🇺🇲 God bless Mr. TRUMP
Back at ya!!!🙏
GOD BLESS YOU ALL 🎚️🙏🏼❤️👑 🙌🏼 🕊️
Poland knows strength 💪🤝
Poland knows strength comes from America backing them up.
@@robertjohnson-mt8pz. Perhaps, but even Superpowers need allies. Poland actually funds a formidable military force that is second only to Turkey in Nato (France is in the running too.) They have already eclipsed Germany. Arguably, Poland is the most important (trustable) ally in NATO.
Poland is a gorgeous country with a beautiful people and an incredible culture. They have a long history of military excellence and resisting tyranny. If there is one country I would like to visit, it would be Poland. Much love from America!
Go and visit. You will enjoy.
Poland for Trump.
Earth for Trump!!
@@DianasReviews Universe for Trump! ❤
@@darlaf.seeley8292 even better!
Pulaski Wisconsin here. May God bless President Duda.
A fellow Wisconsinite. I hope we get a little warm up this next week.
Making America great again. Nothing less. We voted we won. Game on.
Trump hit the ground running and apparently will make every hour of his four year Presidency count. 🇺🇸
And the US already starts losing out now that other parts of the world dump their stock of american products.
The day has come…..❤❤❤❤
@@lilmoi8820 The voters who dont know how tarrifs work 😂😂
We love you Poland❤
Pay attention, England.
Yeah, pay attention England and never let foreigners illegally occupy your country's government positions like Americans do. Allowing hundreds of foreigners to illegally occupy Americans congress and senate seats that's meant for Americans that are being allowed to also vote to take away Americans rights, fleece Americans to provide freebies for their own home country.
the UK, Sir.
@ why should we be paying attention?
Most Western countries are under the thumb of US intels, especially the close allies...
Poland is doing quite well nowadays...
Low unemployment and one of the best GDPs
I visited Poland last year. It was a nice surprise. It is a beautiful country.
I love Poland!
Poland 🇵🇱 ❤
Thank you! 🙂
@@rubyus7332 Go to Poland for a break. It's a great country
God Bless Poland ❤
The tide is rising, ladies and gentlemen.
I give thanks and praise to God for prayers answered.
So will the National Debt
@ You have no proof of that. It's mere speculation and fearmongering.
A rising tide raises all boats!
Thank you for President Duda!
❤ From Florida
Duda na szczęście kończy kadencję.
@@d..c.. leftist troll
Im 75% Polish, I want to move there.
Come over - it’s easy for you
You re more than welcome
Best country in Europe. You'll love it here❤
Even the Poles don't want to live there, that's why they are scattered all over Europe.
Feel invited ;). Just remember that larger cities such as Warsaw, Kraków and Gdańsk are very leftist, I recommend others although for you it will certainly not be felt. Come, find a place for yourself where you will feel the best. We have the sea, mountains... there is plenty to choose from and each region has its own character, especially Silesia. Little European Texas is like a rough diamond, give us a chance ;).
God. Bless Poland for I know that they are a very patriotic and deeply religious people. They have been fierce fighters for centuries, and they detest Russia for all the suffering they had gone through after World War 2. Cheers to Poland!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽
Anyone know who the citizens are in Poland? POLES , That's it. No other nationality other than native Poles.
Good, from America! Great!
And what is wrong with that ?
@w84q12 nothing. 🫡
That’s how it should be. But in reality Poland used to be multiethnic in history and that’s what taught us a lot of tolerance and openness as well as respect for others
So all the ethnic Germans who lived there were Murdered ?
Please common sense people prevail in Europe too!!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊
Yes we are coming to our senses, Americans are being denied EU-visas
@ don’t want or need to go there- do that’s okay
Kocham Polskę. Nigdy się nie poddawaj!
Maria is one of very few I have respect for on Fox News 😉.
I love and respect all of their news anchors and the exceptional work they do ❤❤❤
She’s gotta undue what she did to lose me
Fox news in UK is banned.It's a comedy show. Murdoch had to pull out because it lied to many times.
Proud to be Polish. ❤❤
I was lost in Warsaw for a couple hours and couldn’t find the right road to get out of the city. I eventually talked to the right person and he said he would lead me to the correct road. I was very grateful and thanked him greatly. So he drove maybe 20 meters and made one turn and there was the road I spent a few hours trying to locate. That guy must have thought I was a total fool. He wouldn’t be far off the mark.
Thank you to the man who helped a lost American in a black neon SRT4 back in early November of 2005! I’m sure you are reading this!!
we have a saying: 'kto pyta, nie błądzi' - which menas more or less: 'who asks, is never lost' .... when you will be back and will get lost again, do not hesitate to ask - nobody will ever think bad things about you just because you asked
people are helpful most of the time, even those in a hurry or in bad mood
I like this guy. He said what I think.
Poland has always been our ally and friend. May our nations cooperate favorably.
I hope there are Countries who will want to work with Trump and we can prosper together.
Nope.We hate fascism.
Poland seems on board gotta love that.
kochamy cię Polska, in english it just means we love you Poland!
Polska jest bardzo dobrym sojusznikiem Stanów Zjednoczonych. Życzę wszystkiego najlepszego prezydentowi Andrzejowi Dudzie i innym Polakom, którzy starają się pomóc uczynić świat lepszym i spokojniejszym miejscem.
Poland and USA strong together ❤🎉🎉🎉
Thank you POLAND🇵🇱 from the American-Yugoslavian Arizonian Citizen ❤🇺🇸
Thanks to Poland from Ukraine!
Maria looks fabulous! ❤
A TRUE reporter.
Yes, she has that Sophia Loren look!
She's definitely a looker, With the intellect to match.
"We are seeing soldiers die by the hundreds". As far as "Truth" goes, "We have seen over one and a half million soldiers die so far". Not "soldiers dying by the hundreds".
@@lindascott2008 What does your comment have to do with my post?! 🤪
@@mifnp8887 Duda very bad president for Poland... actually he is against Polish people!!
WE stand with 🇵🇱 Poland! Stand strong, the world 🌎 will come back around! Protect your borders & keep citizens safe!! Prayers 🙏 and love ❤️ from America! 🇺🇸
Never, ever mess with Poland. The fact they are still here to talk about their past is enough proof.
God bless Poland! I want to visit
Come in the summer. There are wonderful places to see in Poland. Many monuments, but the most wonderful are the treasures of nature. Personally, I recommend Kashubia and especially the area around Chmielno. Peace, nice people, no problems with crime :) You know what I mean ;)
You will enjoy!
President Duda is sooo right!
On w Polsce nic nie znaczy.
@d..c.. lbtq++ rządzi w Polsce teraz .
Tak jak I w niewczech.
Brawo !!!
Polskosć to nienormalnosć.......
To zdrajca i kundel narodu ukraińskiego .
Dzięki bogu Trump to wszystko naprawi 🇺🇲🇵🇱💪
A w Swiecie juz tak.
@@dorotamaty888 w Mongolii znaczy tyle co psia kupa
Poland we love you. You are bed rock of everything sane and strong in a world full of stupid ideologies.
Sydney AUST.
Scandinavia LOVE Poland! We will be there for you always! Our Brothers and Sisters!
I am a European with 67% blood from the heart of Poland. I lived in Canada where my family is but escaped before Trudeau turned it into an Orwell state. I settled in the UK and have watched the same decline. And I still don't understand why after every wonderful visit to Poland I didn't have the courage like my English mates who escaped from the UK to Poland like I did from Canada.
Long life Poland!
Come over!
Why escape, gather and take back your country, but only with the help of Christ the Savior.
Feel invited
A fine gentleman, intelligent, poised, courageous
Poland is a real mover in Europe. It should be considered the USA's best friend. It is stable, hardworking, and will not bend to fad or fashion.
This translator is phenomenal.
Yes!! 🤯 She is amazing!!
This clearly not a live translation. Stop being so naive
she is one of the best
I'm a translator, I happen to be Polish as well and can assure you this is not live 😂
@boreksz82-cf7ze I've watched many times when our President spoke live on tv and his translator, this lady was on many occasions with him. She is that good. You're probably right that this was filmed and recorded earlier but she would so accurately do it live on tv also.
Man Poland is a great and sensible friend. When I lived in Germany in the 90s I thought that was it but my buddies were like no you really need to go to Poland but I never got to.
Hungary and Poland have leaders on the same non-open-borders page as America’s Trump. I think my next trip to Europe will be to spend my dollars in both those countries. Kudos to both your nations from USA.
Much safer and more relaxed being in a sovereign nation, right!
There are over 110 million people on the move around the planet! They are fleeing war and famine, political and religious persecution, and the ravages of climate change! The US is responsible for a lot of the upheaval these people flee from and they and EU countries have an OBLIGATION to help these migrants! Presidunce t rump's policies are based on racial HATE!
feel welcome in poland. Hungarians are like brothers to us but.. their leader accepts war in ukraine and partially support putin. And for poland thats the worst scenario, every pole agree that if ukraine loose we'll loose to if not land and lives the whole economic growth and any chance to keep up with germany. Anyway try to make it in the next 3 years, may not be the same poland.
victor orban is an authoritarian thug just like presidunce t rump! The first thing he did upon taking power in Hungary was to have one of his oligarchs buy up all the Hungarian newspapers so that he controls all the media. That's not possible in the US that's why presidunce t rump want's the FCC to do his bidding!
Come - in Poland you will enjoy life like never before! Come in simmer
...he noticed it too .. that calmness.
Be like Poland!
Poland has no immigrants and no terrorist incidents.
The United States needs to take an example from Poland and do what they do.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Protect life.
Remove the people from the country that don't value life.
What they do is get the United States to defend them.
And I am sure he will
dude, You have no idea how many migrants came here last years :-( Mostly Ukrainians, they may be not terrorists, but they do organized crime here.
Poland does have migrants, it’s just that they are legal
I have watched Poland for years and I believe it has been run with common sense for a long time.
Poland forever!
Poland's policy on migration is perfect....... They put themselves first.😎👍👍
That is lie, 17 centres for immigrants are under constuction in Poland , with gross benefits,assistants etc.
True they are from Ukraine. Not for economic immigrants.
Hopefully they’re shaking in their boots 🥾
children have NO SHOES
@chriscunnane7596 yeah, pathetic that there's American children running around without shoes, decent coat in the wintertime while illegal aliens show off their $100 American taxpayer funded manicure and luxury hotel accommodations, loaded debit cards
I and we love Poland
USA ❤ Poland!
Poland is the best way to go! Thank you for your insight and closed borders. MAGA On ❤😂❤
My parents, my mother in particular, taught me
as a child that countries do not respect weak leaders. They respect strength. They respect President Trump and they fear him. They know he will do what he says he will do.
Love to Poland from Dover,Kent UK ❤❤❤
I think of what Poland has endured in the 20th century and can’t believe it.
And XIX and XVIII, and XVII... all our history is a long lasting bloody bath for generations after generations. Or exploitation...in best case.