Not too experienced, tailor myself, still learning. Mostly stuff for myself. But maybe shoulders a tad bit too wide, and waist too narrow? Just my opinion, I know there is a matter of style for both tailor and customer preferences. All in all construction seems very good.
Thanks, shoulders are always a personal matter off course. But personally I prefer them less pronounced to. If you like to debate more or build up your nertwork the contcat me Kind regards, Jean-Paul Samson.
What does she ask him @ :40?
If he would wear the jacket opened or closed ...
Not too experienced, tailor myself, still learning. Mostly stuff for myself. But maybe shoulders a tad bit too wide, and waist too narrow? Just my opinion, I know there is a matter of style for both tailor and customer preferences. All in all construction seems very good.
Thanks, shoulders are always a personal matter off course. But personally I prefer them less pronounced to. If you like to debate more or build up your nertwork the contcat me Kind regards, Jean-Paul Samson.
He had better not gain an ounce of weight.
I will inform him. :)
But, then, he does not need to loose any weight either. :-)
Back of the jacket's armpits look a bit weird...