Lucifer 1x13 REACTION

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 131

  • @thamirestb11
    @thamirestb11 3 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    I love that when Lucifer just disappear almost everyone is like wtf this makes no sense, but you girls assume from the beginning that he can teleport 😂

    • @achimrazvan6793
      @achimrazvan6793 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      i mean, idk if he can teleport, or just moves very fast, but it was shown a couple of times, like that one whit the guy that wanted to jump off a building, one second was next to chloe, the next was besides the guy on the building

    • @alwinmathew5066
      @alwinmathew5066 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@achimrazvan6793 amendiel stops the time for him whn he says

  • @patriciadoyharzabal1560
    @patriciadoyharzabal1560 3 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    The angels use their wings to move from one realm to another, when Lucifer came to earth he had his wings and he was the one who transported Maze.

    • @AndrewJamison79
      @AndrewJamison79 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      With help from Constantine

    • @AndrewJamison79
      @AndrewJamison79 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Vader dude watch the came from crisis he specifically says Constantine helped bring maze out of hell

    • @mahdx
      @mahdx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@AndrewJamison79 Nope Constantine didn't help with that, they didn't say what favor, they just said about the maze situation, and if you watch the flashback episode in season 3 you'll know that lucifer brought her himself

    • @dutchkel
      @dutchkel 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mahdx I assume Constantine helped give Maze a body but I don't know alot about Constantines powers

    • @mahdx
      @mahdx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dutchkel nah, unless you mean constantine killed someone so maze could jump into the body?

  • @maxdragon1027
    @maxdragon1027 3 ปีที่แล้ว +90

    Lucifer had his wings when he first came back from hell he flew him self and maz out without using the coin

    • @fretlon
      @fretlon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yep. That's why he cut his wings off so he couldn't fly back to hell.

    • @dohtje5029
      @dohtje5029 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yup and that's why Amenediel can go back n forth between hell, earth and heaven

  • @orko714
    @orko714 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Lucifer got the coin back because the deal was "If you don't shoot me." Contract broken.

  • @madisonwaycaster9832
    @madisonwaycaster9832 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    One thing you have to keep in mind is that Lucifer never lies. It's easy to forget because you know "What if?" but he doesn't. So when he says something can kill him he means it, when he says "Insert plot point" he means it.

  • @Omnilucent1
    @Omnilucent1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    One of my favorite cliff hangers ever! The 2nd season is where this whole show really picks up steam, I'm always glad to see people enjoy the show. There are a lot of theories on how Lucifer got the coin back, my personal favorite is that: When Lucifer gave Malcom the coin, it was on the condition that he not "shoot" him. When Malcom shot him, it reversed the deal and gave the coin back to Lucifer. Maybe God had a hand that, but I think it's cool either way. Season Two is badass, see you there.

    • @pixelqube3274
      @pixelqube3274 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thats what i think it is :D

  • @xtifr
    @xtifr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Good reaction, good discussion! Just two minor points: Lucifer can't teleport. The only reason you think he can is...funky editing on some episodes. (Though you're also not the only person who has thought that--but later episodes will make it clear he can't.) Also, as far as Lucifer leaving Hell, they've mentioned a couple of times that he flew. The only reason he needed the coin is that his wings are gone now.

  • @ThePharaz
    @ThePharaz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Maze knows about Lucifer's vulnerability I believe it is why she was throwing daggers at Lucifer to see if he was still vulnerable. They're trying figure out how it works.

  • @heidimarcum5984
    @heidimarcum5984 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    First and foremost... thank you, ladies, so very much for your reaction for season one's finale of Lucifer, and for all of your reactions for the rest of this incredible season as well, my friends!!! As you know... I love this show very much, and I love, love, love Tom Ellis as Lucifer! Tom Ellis is phenomenal, and I absolutely love how he plays Lucifer, and how the show's creators and writers have written Lucifer's character within this show. Lucifer is complex character so different from any other version we've ever seen of Lucifer from any shows, or from the movies as well and I am absolutely thrilled. I couldn't be happier with Lucifer as a character in this phenomenal show. And he's absolutely hilarious. It's absolutely fantastic to be able to watch and enjoy a version of the Devil that is just so different, and as someone whom you actually want to root for. So sensational! :) I'm so excited for you both to continue on with all of Lucifer!
    Take Me Back to Hell- Thank you both very much for watching and posting this reaction for season one's finale!!!! I really had a lot of fun watching this amazing episode with you, and I'm so happy you enjoyed it so much too. :)
    Now... I really love the opening scene when Lucifer goads Chloe and the other cops now surrounding him to shoot him, as Lucifer has given up and wants to return to Hell believing that the one person he cares about most no longer trust in him. It's very sad, but from the look on his face in this moment and come the end of the last episode, we know just how hurt and broken Lucifer really is upon being blamed for all the evil throughout the world. He just wants the pain and the blame to end once and for all, or at least wishes to go back to Hell since he now believes he has nothing left to live for. It breaks him because Lucifer fears that no one will ever come to see him as anything other than the Devil.
    Chloe of course pleads with him to stop, but just as the rookie cop shoots, Lucifer suddenly vanishes from before them, only for it to be revealed moments later that Amenadiel returns to save his brother, having slowed down time long enough to sweep him away. And while it might seem annoying for you and for others who watch this show for everyone to continue to dismiss or simply shrug off just how it is Lucifer is able to vanish like this, it does help add to the mysteriousness surrounding him, especially in Chloe's eyes too, beyond just in the audience's eyes. At least there's a look of confusion in both Chloe's eyes and in Dan's too when he disappears from before them both at different points in this episode. It's really hilarious to me just how much everyone shakes off in order to dismiss Lucifer's claims of being the Devil in order to keep themselves sane. However, I feel that both Chloe and Dan continuously shake off the weirdness surrounding Lucifer simply because they can't accept the truth. Their minds just struggle so deeply with trying to accept that the Devil, demons, and angels are all real, especially for someone like Chloe, who is practically an Atheist and has been her whole life. I actually really love everyone's continuous disbelief in spite of them seeing things with their own eyes that can't possibly be explained except that Lucifer has been speaking the truth this whole time. I love it, just because it only continues to add to and builds up the humor of this show and in Lucifer's character. It's brilliant really.
    Now... I absolutely love that Lucifer and Amenadiel finally come together so they can send Malcolm back to Hell. And I love seeing them fight the thugs together after they speak with Dan at the precinct to find out where Malcolm might have gone to. It's another amazing fight scene, this time with the two brothers fighting side by side and not against one another.
    I'm also really grateful that Amenadiel finally accepts he's to blame for all the evils Malcolm has committed since he brought him back from Hell to try to kill Lucifer. It was wrong of Amenadiel to blame Lucifer for Malcolm's actions and especially for his own wrong actions.
    Next... I really love Lucifer's and Amenadiel's therapy session with Linda too. So funny. I just really love how Lucifer still comes to Linda for help and how she always helps him, even though Lucifer doesn't usually understand what she's trying to say until much later on, and that he always comes to his own bizarre and crazy conclusions that will always lead him to understand her advice later on. And I love the brotherly squabbles between Lucifer and Amenadiel during their talk with the doctor, while she's trying to get them to listen. I love their brotherly dynamic and the actors' chemistry with one another. Also... it's great that Linda now knows Amenadiel isn't really a doctor like he claimed. I'm glad she knows the truth about him and Lucifer "somehow" being brothers, and that Amenadiel is no longer manipulating her. :)
    And I absolutely love, love, love seeing the fear and tears in Lucifer's eyes upon seeing his brother dying from being stabbed by one of Maze's demon blades too. It shows that Lucifer really does love and care about his brother in spite of their rivalry we've seen all season long. Their rivalry that has been between them for several millennia, since they were first created and then since Lucifer was cast out of Heaven on account of his rebellion. And it also puts into perspective just how painful it must be for Lucifer to be seen as the Devil and as evil especially by his brother and the rest of his family, because he does love them while they don't appear to feel the same about him. We've seen how much it hurts him to have been cast out of Heaven and how angry and hurt he is by his father's lack of faith in him. I just love it!! :)
    As for Dan... as sad as it is, I am really glad that Dan turns himself in for Chloe and for Lucifer too, in order to prove Lucifer's innocence like Chloe asked him to do. While I've liked Dan throughout most of this season for various reasons, he's really stepped up quite a lot in this episode and because he does the right thing, I have gained a deeper respect for him too, just like you have as well. And I love how Dan's actions allow for Lucifer to see him differently and with respect, as he's no longer Detective Douche. At least not for now. :) I like Dan a lot too. He's a good man, who has made some big mistakes, but he longs for redemption, which is really good.
    Now... I can imagine that the pain Lucifer suffers from upon getting shot in this finale must be some of the worst pain he has ever felt so long as he's been on Earth. However, from his words he speaks to Chloe in the ending of the previous episode just before the reveal that the false preacher has been killed, I suspect that the worst pain he has ever felt in his very long life came from when Lucifer had been cast out of Heaven and into Hell. I can't even imagine how much pain he must have suffered, and you can see in his eyes as he's talking about it, that he suffered not only physical pain, but also deep emotional pain as well. So heartbreaking.
    Also... I love Trixie too. She's absolutely adorable, just as she has been since the very beginning. I love her relationship with her parents, especially with Chloe, and I especially love her relationship with Lucifer now too! :)
    As for my favorite scenes throughout this episode... they are all throughout the ending, when Lucifer arrives at the airplane hanger to confront Malcolm so he can protect Chloe and Trixie. I love how Lucifer uses his mojo on Malcolm to draw out his desire, thinking that the thug's greatest desire was to live at all costs, only for Malcolm to suddenly shoot Lucifer when it turns out Malcolm's greatest desire is actually for Lucifer to feel the same kind of pain he felt when he was shot and then sent to Hell by Dan at Palmetto.
    I absolutely love the moment Lucifer prays to his father as he begs God to save Chloe, in exchange for him doing whatever it is his father wants from him, even if it means he must return to Hell like God has wanted from him all along. Lucifer selflessly sacrifices his life and was willing to die to protect Chloe. His feelings for her are so beautiful. And while Lucifer can be selfish in many ways because he struggles so much with understanding human emotions, especially when it comes to him trying to understand his own, Lucifer really is selfless when it matters most. And then we actually get to see Lucifer in Hell when he dies, which is sad that he gave his life for Chloe, yet beautiful at the same time because it shows just how much he truly cares about her. His final thoughts are of her as he pleads to his father to protect her, without any disregard for his own life. This isn't the first time we've seen or heard of Lucifer acting or doing something truly selfless, but this is the first time we see him make the ultimate sacrifice for the one person whom he cares about far more than he cares for himself. And it is really beautiful. Fabulous! :)

  • @jeffsgotvocals1936
    @jeffsgotvocals1936 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1-Lucifer left hell by flying. That's why cutting his wings off was such a big deal. Also that's how amenideal gets to and from the gates of hell. 2-Lucifer had the coin just in case he changed his mind and wanted to go back to hell because he didn't have his wings anymore. 3- when Lucifer died god put the coin Malcom had in Lucifer's possession. The coin burned up because it was used by lucifer to comeback. That's why he said it was one use only. There was only ever one coin. 4- thank you guys for such a fun series and I hope there is more to come.

    • @Valmarra
      @Valmarra 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm going to disagree with your first part of #3. Malcom made a deal. The coin in exchange for "not shooting me", (no time limit mentioned, lucifer omits details a lot by his nature). Then he shot him, which broke the deal. Coin returns to lucifer. I don't think god did anything at all regarding this, except MAYBE showing lucifer, while he was there, who escaped. God hasn't talked to any of them in millennia, so it's perfectly viable for angels, including lucifer, to THINK god did it.

    • @jeffsgotvocals1936
      @jeffsgotvocals1936 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Valmarra I actually really like this theory a lot better than what I originally thought

  • @AnimeRonin
    @AnimeRonin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    No spoilers, but the mother of Lucifer aspect to the next season is FUN.

    • @Glisern
      @Glisern 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      And that in itself is a spoiler, revealing that she will be a part of it. Better to sush and let them discover.

  • @Jojokumpel
    @Jojokumpel 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just found your channel and I am impressed how you blocked/filtered the music in the reaction but could play the voice of Lucifer talking in the same moment. Well done

  • @billdoetree4322
    @billdoetree4322 3 ปีที่แล้ว +35


  • @pixelqube3274
    @pixelqube3274 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love how the promise is i will let you go alone. "you never said i couldn't follow" :D Also remember that this is based off of a Comic Book Series. So there can be a Mom.

  • @aristothethrone9032
    @aristothethrone9032 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    he still had his wings when he got out of Hell. he had Maze cut them off as soon as he was top side.

  • @parappasan
    @parappasan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I like the two-reactor format you got going! Its way more dynamic because we get to listen to a conversation coming from two different angles.

  • @runnytango3304
    @runnytango3304 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I honestly believe that Lucifer got the coin back because Malcolm did not honour the deal they made. Malcolms deal was he gets the coin if he doesn’t shoot Lucifer. He clearly broke that deal. Just my opinion lol. Love your reactions, keep up the good work.

  • @Cynthorrpg1
    @Cynthorrpg1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm very much enjoying your reaction/analysis of Lucifer. You both do an excellent and entertaining job, thank you!!

  • @ricocampos1331
    @ricocampos1331 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Girls, you gonna meet the Best Mother ever!!!

  • @jmurrell2249
    @jmurrell2249 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love the fact you sing the opening title song, my fiancé and I did it every episode till we finished it lol

  • @sidd0123
    @sidd0123 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    No spoilers for any future Seasons, but I figured I'd clarify the Season 1 ending. Lucifer got out of Hell by using his wings. Angels can freely travel to and from Hell because of their wings. When Lucifer came to L.A. he cut off his wings thus making him unable to travel in and out of Hell. The coin is a divine token that allows passage to and from Hell and only has a one time use. Lucifer gave it to Malcom in an earlier episode, but in the Season Finale, when Lucifer got shot and he prayed to his father for help, Lucifer died and went to hell. God returned the coin to Lucifer from Malcolm, thus allowing Lucifer to return to Earth.

  • @renokru7443
    @renokru7443 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    "With our new Bazooka" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Love him SO MUCH

  • @Aegi97
    @Aegi97 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That was the only time the coin was used

  • @Apple-it3bo
    @Apple-it3bo 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    He doesn’t teleport. It’s literally just Amenadiel swooping in and grabbing him. Since Amenadiel can slow time, the humans couldn’t see. They just didn’t show him grabbing Lucifer.

  • @Decimus21
    @Decimus21 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You’ll recall Malcolm got the coin in return for not shooting Lucifer. Since however he did shoot Lucifer, the deal ended and coin was then returned to Lucifer by his Dad. I.e. God !

  • @heidimarcum5984
    @heidimarcum5984 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Now... I absolutely love the design of Hell as Lucifer is seen walking through the pathways made of dark stone. Everything is made of stone aside from the chains seen on one of the doors that has been opened, and we see ash falling down from the skies all around him. This world is dark and eerie, and it is a new way of seeing Hell, as it differs from the typical fire and brimstone we're used to seeing in other TV shows and movies. I love it!!
    Thankfully... God answers Lucifer's prayer upon Lucifer seeing what God has tasked him to do, and Lucifer is suddenly resurrected through the one time use of his Pentecostal coin that God pulls off of Malcolm and restores back to His son so Lucifer can return to Earth alive and save Chloe's life, which is God's side of the deal Lucifer made with Him. Absolutely brilliant! I love the moment Lucifer swiftly punches Malcolm in the face when he goes to save Chloe, then seeing Chloe shoot him three times in the chest in order to protect Lucifer too, since she had seen Malcolm shoot him earlier. I love the moment Malcolm looks for the coin, only for Lucifer to pull it out himself as he flips it while it dissolves upon him stating the one time use was for him. Lucifer, Chloe, and Trixie are safe again, and Malcolm is back to rotting in Hell where he belongs. I absolutely love these scenes so much!
    A number of people who watch this show always hope to see Lucifer kill Malcolm himself, and a part of me initially did as well, because it would have been an amazing moment to see Lucifer act as the Devil he's known as, and for Chloe to see him as such once and for all if only to just for her to understand the real truth about Lucifer once and for all after all he's done to try to convince her that he really is the Devil. However, it's been established in a past episode... St. Lucifer, that angels are not allowed to kill humans, and while Lucifer clearly doesn't have any problems with breaking the rules set for them all to follow... I believe that killing humans is the line even Lucifer doesn't want to cross. Because doing so would only help prove to the world that he really is the monster and evil that the world all see him as. Which is everything he's fighting to change in humans... their view on the Devil and for them to see him as something completely different from how the world and his own family believes of him to be. Lucifer is afraid to become that monster. He doesn't like being blamed for humanity's evil. And he is a good man, who longs for the world to see him as such too. Plus... Trixie is there still too, and while Lucifer may never admit it, he doesn't want her to fear him anymore than he wants Chloe to fear him either. Lucifer could easily show Chloe his Devil face, but I feel that he doesn't want her to fear him because he cares about her far too much. And Lucifer isn't evil like most people believe about him. Which makes Chloe all that much more special throughout this show, because she is the one person and human who truly believes Lucifer to be a good man in spite of all of his "Luciferness", even more so than he truly believes about himself.
    Besides... I really love that Chloe shoots Malcolm to protect Lucifer, after he comes to the hanger in order to protect her and her daughter... even getting himself shot in the process. Chloe cares about him very deeply too, which I feel is one of the biggest reasons why she struggles so much with believing him about really being the Devil in spite of all the bizarre and unexplainable things about him she's witnessed. I don't think it's as much that she is afraid to accept any kind of belief in the Devil, which of course she would be, but I feel it's more that she is truly afraid that if Lucifer is really the Devil like he claims, then he just might be as evil as the world believes him to be and she would eventually come to realize she might have to stop him or kill him one day, or simply lose him as her friend and partner. And she doesn't want to lose him.And lastly... I love the final scene when Lucifer returns to his home to find Amenadiel sleeping on his couch while he's resting up after being healed by Maze through the divinity from Lucifer's wings feather. I love the final big reveal, as Lucifer shares with his brother that he had spoken to their father and made a deal with him to save Chloe, which sets up for season two now that Lucifer must hunt down the escapee from Hell... their Mum. And yes... Lucifer is definitely afraid of her. Just you wait!
    Overall... this episode is phenomenal and it's another of my favorite episodes from season one. There's so much excitement and goodness to come!
    As for my absolute favorite episodes within season one... I love Manly Whatnots, Favorite Son, A Priest Walks Into a Bar, St. Lucifer, #TeamLucifer, and Take Me Back to Hell. I would love to know what each of your favorite episodes from this season are too now that you've finished watching season one. Please let me know!
    Thank you both so much once again for your reactions for this incredible finale, and for all of your previous reactions for Lucifer so far too!! I've really loved watching all of your reactions for this season... for a show that has very quickly risen up to become one of my all time favorite shows. Tom Ellis is absolutely phenomenal as Lucifer Morningstar. And I really love Chloe and all the rest of the main cast too, as well as Malcolm as this season's villain. Phenomenal! Again... I can't wait to begin watching your reactions for season two!!! Until then, dear friends... :)

  • @Jojokumpel
    @Jojokumpel 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    About the coin of Lucifer. Malcom made a deal with Lucifer, spare him and get the coin in return. But Malcom shot Lucifer in this episode, so the coin returned to its original owner (Lucifer). Its a divine object, so it probably realy can "teleport". And thats how Lucifer returned to earth, he used his own coin which destroyed it, as he threw it at Malcom

  • @dalesplitstone6276
    @dalesplitstone6276 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You commented on how interesting it would be if it turned out that Chloe turned out to be Lucifer's mom. I had a similar idea, but much later in the series.
    I thought it would be interesting if, when Lucifer's mom dies to go to Hell and rescue him, Chloe would die from the poison, and when Lucifer's mom came back, it would be in Chloe's body.

  • @Sayjinnie
    @Sayjinnie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i love these reactions

  • @DHARMN00
    @DHARMN00 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You two ask great questions and come up with pretty good answers and ideas. However, there will still be plenty of surprises for you.

  • @rondavid4939
    @rondavid4939 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When he first came to earth he had his wings

  • @sherb3120
    @sherb3120 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please upload this more often, amazing reactions its fun.

  • @rodeyj3034
    @rodeyj3034 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    At the end with the coin, GOD just gave Lucifer his coin back, and Lucifer then used that coin to return back to Earth/his body. Then the coin burned up, as Lucifer said to Malcolm, "Sorry, one use only."

  • @Dajana12
    @Dajana12 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pls keep watching all the sessions I’ve watched them all it gets really interesting
    Love you girls ❤️

  • @dragonforce627
    @dragonforce627 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If you two ever get time, I would love to see you react to the show Motherland Fort Salem. I think you would love it, it's about witches who enlist in the military and use their powers to fight their enemies.

  • @1of9everytime38
    @1of9everytime38 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes can't wait for ya'll to meet the best character in season 2. Love the reaction

  • @Matej_Sojka
    @Matej_Sojka 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was watching this I thought they will reveal that Mother is Khaos, Mother of Titans and Gods...

  • @josephtompar69
    @josephtompar69 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    That girl on the left side looks like love quinn in Netflix series 'YOU'

  • @alisonscott1469
    @alisonscott1469 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    you gals are in for one hell of a ride seasons, 2,3,4,5 are epic. take care see you on season 2 of lucifer 😈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😘😈

  • @megannerivera9116
    @megannerivera9116 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Aurora is soo pretty ! I love her outfit choices 💜. She is one of those girls you'd look up to and be like " yea , i need to talk more like her with that voice with body positions and dress choices to look more gay ".

  • @jpmartinez961
    @jpmartinez961 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love your reactions, I’m current with the show and can’t wait for you both to catch up.

  • @sherb3120
    @sherb3120 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The goddess of all creation is mum

    • @Aegi97
      @Aegi97 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bit of a spoiler there

    • @sherb3120
      @sherb3120 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Aegi97 whoops. They were confused

  • @megannerivera9116
    @megannerivera9116 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I HAVE A BIG RECOMMENDATION FOR YOU GUYS. Check out Wynonna Earp if you haven't. Just finished y'alls reactions on bly manor and shattered my heart all over AGAIN watching you both. Realising how much you love #Damie , #Wayhaught is seriously one of the most well-written gay ships on tv along with a heart wrenching sister - sister bond with great supernatural elements . Emily Andras is a terrific creator , and she truly "loves the gays" just like flanagan. ♥️

  • @jakeand9020
    @jakeand9020 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Has anyone else noticed that listening to people discuss subjects they have no knowledge of can actually be physically painful at times?

  • @thedarantung7931
    @thedarantung7931 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When the coin was destroyed it was because Lucifer had spent it, God allowed him to be the one to do so.

  • @oliverwtell
    @oliverwtell 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thx a lot for your reactions on season 1 of Lucifer !
    Your discussions are very interesting and so many times your ideas hit the bull's-eye ! A very unique and entertaining style of reactions.
    This episode has one of the very rare moments when God himself intervened, he brought back Lucifer from hell to earth.
    I am looking forward for your reactions on season 2. Episode 6 and 16 of this season are my personal favorites of the complete show. Have fun ! And remember, Lucifer is not afraid of anyone or anything, not even God. But he is indeed afraid of his Mom, so imagine how she will look like. 🤯

  • @englishmidnight
    @englishmidnight 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fantastic reaction, Mum, well no spoilers, but will make sense when you see it, and it gets better and better this show.

  • @PerthTowne
    @PerthTowne 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I enjoy your reactions, because you like the show and you have these intense discussions about it after each episode. No spoilers, but I'll say you have a lot of good stuff to look forward to in Season 2 and beyond. :) And the show is NOT based on the bible, although it has Lucifer and God and angels and so forth in it. This is the writers' own very different interpretation.
    To answer one of your questions, Lucifer has all of his powers around Chloe, but he becomes mortal. So he can be shot or stabbed or whatever, and he would die. In this episode, he did die when Malcolm shot him because Chloe was nearby. He went to hell, but God brought him back.
    As far as going back and forth to hell, angels like Lucifer and Amenadiel can come and go in and out of hell at will as long as they have their wings. Lucifer can't at the moment, because he cut off his wings. Demons like Maze can't come and go to hell at will. Lucifer brought Maze with him out of hell, and she needs Lucifer (or Amenadiel) to get back.

  • @jasonusher3824
    @jasonusher3824 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great reaction, I love this episode, can’t wait for the next reaction

  • @carerforever2118
    @carerforever2118 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    G'day, watching from Australia 🦘🇦🇺😁👍

  • @irishmedic
    @irishmedic 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I enjoy your reactions thru but the best was "WHO'S THE MOM!" LOL!!!! Like all your videos!

  • @globalgamer5175
    @globalgamer5175 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    the reason why he had the coin was because he made a a deal with Lucifer and since Malcolm shot Lucifer and killed him the deal was broken and he got the coin back.

  • @timcliffsmith
    @timcliffsmith 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Next season is a banger. Very funny also.

  • @pixelqube3274
    @pixelqube3274 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why did you swoop in and stop it? Lucifer didn't teleport Amendiel flew and took him away.

  • @miaaliyah8096
    @miaaliyah8096 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really wish that you guys already understood this like I did when I first watched it but it’s probably because I first watched it with my uncle who was already on season 4 so I guess I just understood it more, anyways it’s just cause I’m kinda young so I found it weird that you guys were considering other ideas like Lucifer being able to teleport because I understood it all, sorry for talking a lot I can’t wait for you guys to see season 2 and have a nice night/day/evening.

  • @SJG1957
    @SJG1957 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Watch on ladies, watch on. 👹👹👹

  • @nadinefeiler9204
    @nadinefeiler9204 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You : "that was very sexual for no reason"
    Me : Err Maze is there so 😝

  • @drummerboy2834
    @drummerboy2834 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please read my comment on your community post… I’ve got more to add, but I’m watching the NBA finals atm 😂 BTW your story about Aurora was beautiful, talk about fate 🥰
    So I’m finally back 9hrs later 😂 Question: did you live under a bunk bed for awhile?? Also will we ever see you playing the guitar on your channel 🙏🏾
    You’re a deep thinker Carly as I’ve seen from all your other shows… There’s a song or a sort of love letter to the fans in season 2 because of all the questions being asked, it’s not a spoiler and it’s basically 3 lines, Lucifer sings ‘crime solving devil, it makes sense, don’t overthink it’ and gets cut off by someone 😂
    Loving your channel, you’ve covered some of my favourite shows 🥰

  • @wiol85968
    @wiol85968 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    i fave seem very reaction about lucifer , you guys is very fun and joyful,
    expect you two can watch to season 5 !!
    have fun ~

  • @forsakendream5734
    @forsakendream5734 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Okay now that this is the final episode I can finally tell you guys that you are overthinking everything and are wrong about a lot of stuff

  • @marcelinob.4047
    @marcelinob.4047 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ladies, love your reaction to this episode great job,,,,🌹🌺👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼…….
    It was amazing to see the power of one feather could do to heal someone,,,😳😱😳…. Do you both remember in the scene when Lucifer’s , Wings were for sale and the guy had them in a glass (on display)casing at his house and said “ Don’t Take Them !! I can’t Live ! without them !!! “, clearly there was something wrong with him therefore he was keeping them for himself ?? 🧐🤔… Lucifer, truly loves Chloe and Trixie,,,, for he made a deal with dad,,,🥶🥶😱🥶🥶……. And as for the jailbird who escaped hell, which as you can see you need a coin to get out so how did she manage to do so and Lucifer and Amenadiel,
    We’re both terrified,,,,,🥶😱🥶….. The only way to know ? You need to get to the new season and episode,,,😜🤟🏼👍🏼👉🏼…

  • @coreymoore1443
    @coreymoore1443 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    +10 for reaction
    -1 for no kittycat in background

  • @crowgames1651
    @crowgames1651 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    no god took malcoms coin and gave it to lucifer

    • @TorontoHobbit
      @TorontoHobbit 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lucifer's deal with Malcolm was that he would give him the coin IF he didn't shoot him. Malcolm broke the deal and lost the coin. I don't think God had anything to do with it. The coin returned to Lucifer and he used it to come back to Earth.

    • @AkumaGekido
      @AkumaGekido 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@TorontoHobbit It has never been shown that Lucifer's deals have any supernatural element to them.
      Also Lucifer himself responds to Malcolm asking how he got the coin back by looking up and saying 'I know a guy'. We know Lucifer doesn't lie.
      If the deal was supernatural, Lucifer would know that, and would *never* give 'dad' credit for it.
      There's also the vision of Mum's empty cell. You could put that down to coincidence, that he just happened to turn up in hell at the right spot, but then you'd also have to break the show's rules by having this one deal be a supernatural one, when no other deal has been.

    • @TorontoHobbit
      @TorontoHobbit 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AkumaGekido The coin literally floated above Lucifer's hand and had the ability to transport beings to and from Hell and Earth - I would say the coin itself is supernatural, NOT the deal made with it. But if you make a deal involving a supernatural coin, doesn't that infer a binding nature to it?

    • @AkumaGekido
      @AkumaGekido 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TorontoHobbit But even then, the coin doesn't have anything to do with the deal itself.

    • @crowgames1651
      @crowgames1651 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TorontoHobbit Then Lucifer wouldnt have said that "i know a guy. Apparently he wants me here" idk where you got your theory from but it was god that gave lucifers coin back and they talk about it more in the second season.

  • @sreerajnair9839
    @sreerajnair9839 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    OMG OMG!! These girls thinks alot..

  • @DaveH82
    @DaveH82 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    26:35 Did I hear a rooster!?

  • @vampyre_with_a_suntan
    @vampyre_with_a_suntan 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Judging by a cursory glance at the comments.. some people really dont understand the meaning of "no spoilers" - geez.

  • @deetop623
    @deetop623 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Eating sushi with hot chips is delicious.😋😎

  • @frozenlightfilms
    @frozenlightfilms 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    NOTE: it's Pentagram coin, NOT Pentacostal.

    • @frozenlightfilms
      @frozenlightfilms 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      P.S. Aurora is also the name of a Marvel super-heroine who is part of the Canadian super team Alpha Flight. So, you, Carly, are going out with a super-heroine!

    • @TorontoHobbit
      @TorontoHobbit 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Lucifer referred to it as his "Pentecostal Coin" in episode 11. Yes, on one side there is a pentagram inscribed with a goat's head, and the words "In God we're damned", but on the other side is a triangular representation of the Holy Trinity featuring Jesus Christ on the Cross, and the words "In God we trust".

  • @Divine_R
    @Divine_R 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yooo we’re back!

  • @andrewvidmar3488
    @andrewvidmar3488 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    angels can fly in and out of hell anytime they want thats how he got out of hell 5 yrs ago and then when he got to earth he had mazikeen cut his wings off and since the angels mother and gods wife is the goddess of creation she was able to escape as well please let me know what you think

  • @TheBum650
    @TheBum650 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @kcolsia6796
    @kcolsia6796 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When will you be releasing season 2? I just binged all your episodes of season 1

  • @puterbac
    @puterbac 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is mandatory to go was ahh a ahhh

  • @Cybertrucx
    @Cybertrucx 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey when will you do another reaction because I love them and what is your youtube realer schedule so I can put it on my calendar so I do not miss a reaction

  • @Divine_R
    @Divine_R 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does anyone know where they are in the series on patreon?

    • @CarlyNicole1
      @CarlyNicole1  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      We are the same episode as we are here on TH-cam. Patreon members get extended/almost full reactions to the episodes, not early ones!

    • @Divine_R
      @Divine_R 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@CarlyNicole1 Cool, thanks for the reply

  • @TheGalaxyRanger
    @TheGalaxyRanger 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey! I really REALLY love your reactions! Can I suggest you another cool, but pretty underrated TV series?🙂 if you'll have a free time, please check out a Motherland:Fort Salem, it's such a great show with pretty good story and crazy plot twists! Anyways! I wish you all the best😊💜

  • @gcarap
    @gcarap 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mom is the Goddess of Creation

  • @HeavenlyDemonicEmperor
    @HeavenlyDemonicEmperor 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lucifer used the coin right when he died that's why it disappeared it was not God's doing

  • @N0T_HIM
    @N0T_HIM 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Season 3 is the best ino

  • @AjayKumar-sh8rf
    @AjayKumar-sh8rf 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When season 2

  • @judyschmittinger7428
    @judyschmittinger7428 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Now watch the season 1 gag reel.

  • @MrFreestyleFTW
    @MrFreestyleFTW 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Notification squad

  • @davidl7605
    @davidl7605 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    God showed him who escaped hell. God brought him back not the coin.

  • @amaad5002
    @amaad5002 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Season 2 pls

  • @Mo3hoops
    @Mo3hoops 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    season 2 pls

  • @xsolife9533
    @xsolife9533 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    when are you gonna react to season 2

  • @mrsam1907
    @mrsam1907 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does anyone know there social media?

  • @nunnie768
    @nunnie768 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's only somewhat based on the bible. it's kinda like thor from marvel. both characters are based on religious stuff.

  • @Derp_Hurricane
    @Derp_Hurricane 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Double episode

  • @kalparajarathne3688
    @kalparajarathne3688 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You two are very beautiful ☺️

  • @agentboy37
    @agentboy37 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Второй сезон будет?

  • @actionmonu3178
    @actionmonu3178 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lucifer web series app please send me

  • @arianjalilian
    @arianjalilian 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mohamadahmad5911
    @mohamadahmad5911 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    بابا بقیشو چرا نمیزارین

  • @kxng_dtc2901
    @kxng_dtc2901 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    did you run low on money because you went away for a month fam

    • @CarlyNicole1
      @CarlyNicole1  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Copyright blocks on 1x12 and 1x13 prevented me from uploading :/

  • @globalgamer5175
    @globalgamer5175 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    in a month only 3 reaction videos can you plese do a little more thank you because i love the reactions and this is a litte slow

    • @CarlyNicole1
      @CarlyNicole1  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The reactions have been getting blocked, it’s not my fault 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @blisscrimson4309
    @blisscrimson4309 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lucifer had wings to leave Hell the first time. Until he cut them off he could come and go just like Amenadiel, angels with wings can go anywhere from the Celestial City, Hel, Earth, have wings will travel.