All This Is Verily Brahman

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Swami Atmananda Udasin explores the quintessence of the Advaitic teachings in a series of satsangs delivered to a group of spiritual seekers at the foot of the holy mountain Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai).
    Swami Ji invites seekers to realize this perennial Truth through clarity of understanding, discernment and Self-Enquiry.
    In this video, he discusses the non-dual essence of Reality as expounded over the years in innumerable Scriptures and confirmed by the direct experience of the sages; Brahman alone is real, the world is unreal but the world is also Brahman, and the innermost Self is not different from Brahman.
    The main themes presented here are:
    - The Witnessing Consciousness
    - The Creation of the Illusory 'I' and the Mechanism of Identification
    - The Innermost Self as the Supreme Reality
    - The Practice of Abidance in the Innermost Self

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