As a healthcare professional for 20 years, I've been dismayed by the horrendous things going on during the last few years. Watching this interview has definitely lifted my spirits, knowing there are medical professionals out there who are still wanting to help people with their health so that they can live their best life.
health care professional my arse ,you know absolutely nothing about health, tell me what causes the cytokine storms and how are they easily stopped,p-lease tell me what the bodies foundation for health is health professional
As a conscious receiver of health care for the last 40 years I have been repeatedly dismayed by the horrendous things going on for the entire time. The only good medicine I have found apart from herbalism is Emergency medicine and homeopathy. Having raised children in this environment for 25 years my depth of understanding and disbelief in the shocking horror of what medicine became since the early 1930s simply increased. Yes there are some medical professionals who still want to help, but they are handicapped the moment they get their medical qualifications.
What an absolutely fabulous guest. Makes me so proud to be an Australian when we produce champs like this gentleman. The big pharmaceuticals will never allow these simple treatments to advance. Greed will kill us all.
I love this episode! My story is long winded, but necessary. When I was a young child in Australia, I spent a lot of my life in the hospital, from not being able to digest food, and a lot of chest infections. But as a young child, I ate a lot of vegetables from our garden, but when I ate a sandwich, I had to see a doc. I remember a doc talking to my mother asking her what she thought was causing my issue. I said “ the bread did this to me” the doc turns to me, and says “ don’t be silly, bread can’t do this to you”. My mother kept repeating that to me when I had symptoms. I also had heard a lot of “ she will grow out of it” He wasn’t the only doc that was condescending to me. From that point I stopped telling her when I was sick. I wish I had this Aussie doctor! As I became an adult now living a new life in America 30 years ago, I realized it wasn’t just bread, it was any food made out of wheat. So I stopped eating all wheat products and my life improved soooooooo much, incredible difference. 20 years ago, I would test that theory after not eating any wheat for 8 months, I had a few pieces of pizza, had symptoms, and had to see a doc. She said she’d never seen this before, she said I had rocks in my intestines, and would have to have surgery to remove it all. I said no, just give me the strongest laxative she had. It took taking it for a week ( against her instructions) to clear it out. She asked me if this had happened to me before, I said “ all my life” I told her that all my life I was condescended by doctors when I told them that bread did this to me. She asked if she could run a blood test, we did it, and called me in days later to talk. She said I may have celiac disease, that I was lacking a lot of nutrients. I had never heard that before. She instructed me to have a biopsy. I told her that I knew wheat products did this to me, and had stopped consuming wheat products and had great success, then I asked her if I removed all gluten, will that be good enough? She said yes, but you will have to do that all your life. So I refused the biopsy as I knew what was wrong. She gave me a ton of information, I have since not eaten gluten, but have been glutened by gf products. I had since done more research on gf companies before buying. The way I see it, Australian doctors failed me, when I was a child. Since my 100% gluten free life, my health had improved so much, I lost a lot of weight. But then I hit a wall, I felt ok, but felt I could feel a lot better. I had new food allergies, and intolerances. I had noticed when I ate rice or quinoa, I felt like I was being glutened, even though they’re supposedly gluten free. I researched this, and found out that some grains have a form of gluten and alot of celiacs are reacting to it. That was news to me, but made sense. I also found out about the micro biome being our immune system. So I removed all grains from my diet. I now only eat fermented foods, dairy ( thankfully no issues with dairy) a lot of yoghurt, fruit, veg and proteins ( meats) I do feel so much better, my microbiome is improving. My digestive system couldn’t be any better, this is the best I have ever felt! My hope is that when my microbiome is repaired, my food allergies and intolerances will disappear. My only issue now is, due to my diet, I am underweight, it’s really hard to gain weight on my diet. I was told to eat every 2 hours, so I do but still haven’t gained weight. I get enough fat from dairy. I had looked at prebiotics and probiotics, but I’m not sure it will help since I’m eating right for me.
google vitamin / mineral deficiency tests and symptoms, results will show many methods to determine if there are any issues. its good you became pro active in getting to issues causing your health concerns and with success..... as paramedics ,doctors ,nurses are trained to ask questions and frequently the patient knows what is wrong just by their .....gut feeling.....🤗. and then if there are still concerns you can always go to the doctors office😳.
@@CRSolarice Since improving my microbiome, my labs have vastly improved. There is no need for vitamins, since I receive all from my food. The only issue I have at this time is gaining weight, because there are a lot of foods I can not eat, but my diet is enough to get all the nutrients. I do have a nutritionist. I forgot to mention, as my post was long winded, I am having the biopsy after having to consume gluten. Then I will know where I’m at, my intestines should have healed some. Then my diet may change again. I was burned by the medical community, for 30 years.
@@CRSolarice Thanks, but, my lab results are good! If it’s isn’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s obvious, that I get enough nutrients in my food. If. I had a deficiency, I would do as you suggest. My nutritionist also says that my results are good, and I should keep doing what I’m doing.
@@CRSolarice I thank you for your input. I haven’t looked into amino acids, will ask my nutritionist about the amino acid supplements. I appreciate any positive thoughts on my behalf. Thank you for being caring, I think it’s more natural, I am the same way.
Amazing interview! Thank you! As Surgeon I had to learn Clinical Immunology, particularly during my career also as Transplant Surgeon. I enjoyed listening the amazing new concepts of mucosal immunology, that is explaining , also, why the more antibiotics we were giving to the complicated patient the worst the course was, and when , several times I was stopping them the patient was recovering. Looks crazy but it is not. Medicine history is full of wrong selections of treatment ways. I was stressing out that in Transplantation we lost our immunological orientation to the way of immunosuppression instead of the way of tolerance. To teach the immune system of the recipient that the graft I transplanted into his body it is his own and not a foreign that has to fight against it….We had excellent pioneering results on this field done by others (eg Andreas Tzakis team in USA) but this was not improved. Why? Because big Pharmas are not interesting on tolerance! They prefer, as you mentioned , the expensive immunosuppressive drugs and the jolly expensive monoclonals. Medicine needs to go back in the hands of Physicians , not in the hands of Big Pharmas
Impressed that with a huge amount of prior knowledge and hard earned prestige you are still open willing to learn and open about what you didn't know back when it was unknowable. Also that you recall personal observations which you didn't didmiss because they didn't fit the model of the moment. This validates your advocacy for physicians using what works as opposed to what they are told. Having a far deeper foundation than a lay person they can responsibly act appreciating that the messaging is nuanced and not necessarily correct for every patient, not to say that it can be outright deceptive. A lot of the information here will go past me and other casual viewers because we don't have the mental framework to absorb it. Encouraging to know that actual professionals find value in it and measure it against their clinical experience
What percentage of the work that you, or I, perform is not for money? In truth there are many that also get their reward from altruism, but they are no use to the Big Boys.
I dropped out of the medical school program when I learned of the “Formulary”/ business end in each medical providers working scope. I was told that I couldn’t prescribe to my patients, any drugs that were NOT on the formulary of the company I would be employed by! This was ludicrous in my opinion! I had been used to using any drugs from any company while working in Veterinary medicine! This is where I first discovered that Big Pharma was literally making overt efforts to run and control not only medical schools but our HMO systems and others! I could NOT be bought at any spiff payout for using a drug I didn’t agree with! Being forced into using such, goes against my ethics! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dr!
Fasting will help surgery survival rates and also may help with transplant rejection rates. Some of the many benefits of fasting and a lower carb whole food diet on the immune system, blood pressure, blood sugar and anti-aging, all backed up by clinical data: The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers over time with extended fasting and rise from dieting Thymus stem cells are regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria and viruses by the immune system. Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered, which is very important for a good outcome with the current pandemic. Fasting increases nitric oxide, which has manifold postive effects like reducing arterial plaque. Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods. Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy! Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus. Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility especially in women with PCOS. It's absolutely fine for cortisol to be high while fasting, because it produces sugar from fat instead of lean tissue Does the body prefernetially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, it never uses mainly glucose for fuel and using glucose for fuel is very biochemically damaging! The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Is fasting just the same as caloric restriction? No! Dieting increases the hunger hormone ghrelin while fasting decreases it and has many other health benefits! When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state. It stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses. Does fasting burn muscle? In most cases no! Fasting can make you gain muscle faster: Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention! Fasts from 36-96 h actually INCREASE metabolic rate! Your body releases interferon which is also triggered by the body during viral attacks to shut down the replication ability of the surrounding cells and stop infections. After 72 hours or more fasted, your body actually recycles large numbers of immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire system. When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging. Fasting also releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth, helping a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting. Autophagy induced by fasting even helps hair regrow. What breaks a fast? Dieters losing weight through intermittent fasting show greater reduction in waist size and increase in insulin sensitivity for the same weight lost and alternate day fasters were shown to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time over a six month period. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it and builds muscle! Fasting has been shown to increase bone marrow volume by 10% and levels of carnosine in the body in as little as a few weeks. Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level. Eating one meal a day can bring most of these benefits to a lesser degree, and adding a few entire days off from eating per week will have even more effect especially when starting to feel poorly. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over months of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel which will always contain an updated list of fasting benefits: I have playlists on fasting and health and wellness. I also make a little commentary comment on health and fitness as well.
I am absolutely thrilled that attention is drawn to auto immune diseases. This interview gave greater insight and more light on why my body is acting this way. I must add that we may not die but we suffer in silence. Thanks so much Dr John!!
@@marygilson3490 take a heaped tea spoon of slippery elm bark powder in a glas of water ten mins before eating it takees approx ten days to heal the holes in the gut that stops food getting into the blood stream ,that stops the immune system from going nuts take 100 billion probiotics night and day phew job done
@@marygilson3490 america is plagued with auto immune diseases all caused by leaking gut syndrome,the culprit,eating toxic gm food ,toxic gm food contains no critical glutathione ,the bacteria in the gut is the largest of the 5 immune systems by far its approx 80 percent ,mess with that and you make the body sick,the glysophates damage the gut bacteria this allows candida yeast this causes leaking gut syndrome,this condition allows food particles to get into the blood stream that makes the immune system go hay wire the immune system eventually begins to wobble and falter and hey presto an auto immune condition comes to life,the gut is easily healed with slippery elm bark powder and powerful probiotics 100 billion night and day and then they have to takea nutritional protocol to heal the weak immune system,healing the body isnot difficult if you are trained on the 5 box immune system ,they have to stop eating the toxic gm food what causes these conditions this is difficult if you live in america big pharma owns the toxic gm food chain they control the doctors training syllabus so they cannot diagnose that toxic gm food is making the person sick,they treat the symptoms with toxic drugs that cant possably address the nutritional deficiencies making the 5 box immune system weak,you wont find much out there on real science ,big pharma controls a lot ,oh by the way bill gates hasnot even started ,he is now in control of the worlds health policy on pandemics,he is having the next virus made as we speak ,wait till you see whats in store if you dont have the next vaccines ,you wont be allowed outside of your home,a sign will be put on your door so all the vaccinated can see scum live in this house they havenot been vaccinated ,bill gates is areal evil cunt he realy is,thi sis all planned by psycholagist who are helpinh him to mentally whack the whole world
@@ZeroRespectForMagaZero professors of immunology training syllabus is controlled by big pharma,he knows nothing health ,ask him what causes the cytokine storms ,i will give you the answer ,cytokine storms are caused by the macrophages and tcells having low atp/mag fuel levels ,this professor couldnot tell you this basic science on the immune system ,if you train in the medical sciences you are a self serving acacdemic with no real knowledge on health understand your body is an amino acid ,mineral and vitamin factory a professor of immunology has no training on amino acids minerals or vitamins ,listen to these fools if you want ,it wont help the new vaccines are lethal donot have them,any virus symptoms take 2 x 1000mg caps liposomal vit c every hour until all symptoms are gone high dose lipo vit c blocks any virus from using glycosylation thats the end of any virus ,no deaths ,no vulnerable culled like animals,no lockdowns no bull shit from natzi campbell ,high dose liposmal vit is far safer and far more effective than any vaccine can ever be ,the roman gladiators didnot eat meat it slowed them down,they only ate fruit and veg which was grown in real soil ,theres no real soil left in the world ,or not much
As an autoimmune sufferer I whole heartedly agree the importance of attention to the microbiome. For the last 2 years I’ve been taking microbiome supplements and paying more attention to what enters my body. I now have manageable inflammation that no longer requires medication. I’m very interested in this topic because I’ve been able to slow down the progression of my disease by boosting my microbiome health. Thank you both for seeing the importance of fighting disease with wellness education. We need more people like you who understand this.
On the microbiome topic- watched a great interview on the Drbeen medical you-tube channel. He interviewed Dr Sabine Hazan. Well worth viewing as she appears to be at the forefront for this type of research. Thank you for this interview Dr Campbell. Appreciate your efforts and those of your guest speakers.
Yes, I began learning the association of microbiome with inflammation years ago as I looked for solutions to allergies that destroyed my voice whether singing or speaking. Probiotics are a big part of the solution.
You guys do have a wonderful synergism that helps the rest of us better understand our own systems. Please do this again. It was long, but well worth it! Jim
@@TomGreenMan ask the professor why does the immune system use cytokine storms ,i will tell you the answer,low atp/mag fuel levels ,best find out what causes that hey tom , no professor of immunology can answer that question ,dont you think that is a bit strange ,any virus symptoms take 2 x 1000mg caps liposomal vit c every hour until all symptoms are gone,high dose lipo vit c blocks any virus from using glycosylation thats the end of any virus,askk the professor what glycosylation is ,its justa matter of asking these self serving academics the right questions,a professor of immunology is no expert on the immune system,they know nothing about health,
Thank you so much for having the brilliant Professor Robert Clancy on again. I love hearing him talk and it’s great having Dr Campbell to break down some of the technical stuff. What a pleasure to hear two brilliant men speaking about the exciting times ahead with such passion. It’s also great to hear someone from my country speak on the issue of too many boosters as most of the doctors and scientists speaking out are from the US and the UK.
I just realized last year that if I eat too much bread it will cause severe back and joint pain for several days. I've cut out bread and gluten and have felt much better since.
I found that to be true, also. I've been on a ketogenic diet for 2.5 years. I eliminated breads, sugars, and nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). It helped greatly with the arthritis pain.
Thank you again, Dr. John. TY< Dr. Clancy, for your work. Suffered 62 years from lupus, psoriasis, IBS, hemaplegic migraines, celiac, allergies to everything, even the sun. Your field has grown dramatically and has taught me so much. No treatment has helped, but knowledge with diet, nutrition has got me through 62 years highly functioning. Thank you.
Prof Clancy, one of my heroes (along with Prof Borody) ❤, been following him right from the beginning. He has written great articles in Quadrant mag. If only Australia had listened to him at the start we wouldn't be in this mess.
Morrison tried to warn Australians about rushing into experimental drugs..his words were " its not a race" Sadly the media whipped the public up into a frenzy who demanded the drugs based on statical lies about the death rate and the drug safety
Agreed but no money in it for Pfizer if they listen to dr borody notice how the oral tablet to stop covid getting very bad if taken in the first 5 days is nearly the same as invermectin 16 million dead not long here in Australia 10k dead they make me sick and very angry it's all about money and control people they just don't care here in Australia 40 people a day are dieing no one gives a shit
Really love this informal/formal informative chat between these two highly respected medical professionals that we have come to love. Remarkable men with outstanding contributions to the Health services across the globe. Dr. John Campbell needs to be knighted, or honoured in some official way, for his contributions over the past 30 years, and especially for his daily truthful, trusted Covid reports since January 2020, that have certainly saved lives by informing the globe of the true facts and figures, and the efficacy of Vitamin D etc. I applaud after every video. Such hard prep, delivery and editing and even going back to record and retract when the evidence changes. Thank you so very much for bringing us your expertise, and for introducing us to wonderful new people, such as Professor Robert Clancy and more... You are a star! Thank you so very much. Xxxxx Xxxxx
Thank you so much for this great interview. It is incredibly reassuring to know this science is being explored in such an honest, open mined manner. Over the years (especially post 2021-2022) my confidence in medical science has been severely damaged. I still doubt I will ever visit a GP again, at least not without doing a lot of research into the way they conduct their practice. I am 74 and have successfully managed my health health through a healthy diet and natural remedies. Again thank you John.
Love watching the two of y’all! I am a RN of almost 30 years. I get all the undertones toward our current healthcare systems. I hate that we have let it happen on our watch. How do we fight big pharmacy with all their power and greed??
This was an absolute pleasure to watch. I would love to see this type of thing in other areas where experienced, unbiased, non-political, intelligent insiders frankly discuss their area of expertise. They can tell the truth and get into the complexities because they have no personal agenda other than education.
I’m a student of physiotherapy and I just read the chapter over immunity for my pathophysiology class last night. This was a fantastic discussion. Thank you!
The distinction Dr. Clancy made between diseases that involve more systemic response vs those with more mucosal involvement was mind-blowing in a good way. Thank you both!
Thank you for a wonderful discussion. We've been exposed to a great deal of negativity,fear and manipulation. This reinforces my belief that there are many great people doing great things.
GREAT VIDEO ❤️ 📸 👍 ☺️ The said third time is a charm☺️☺️. I have finally pass my NCLEX exam and am so so happy😇😇😇. for all my repeat test takers. keep moving and keep believing. you will make it some day 🎉🎉🎉✅✅👏👏👏
Really you know her Too? I even thought I was the only one she has helped walk through the fears and falls of NCLEX Exam,Mrs Catherina Alison has brought me out of the trenches and to a better living, I encourage repeat test taker to work with her.
I'm not here to convince for her but to share my testimony for what I confirmed, she’s Trust worthy and best option ever seen, thanks Mrs Catherina Alison, God bless you, I've never seen or heard any of her clients has complain of failed. I think she's just too lucrative and perfect for this job
20 years ago I got severely ill.. common cold, upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia in my left lung, the flu, streptococcus and laryngitis all at the same time. And no health insurance at that time. Got over it in 2 weeks. I have not gotten sick at all since then. Not even a cold. I might feel something coming on and in the matter of 2 hours it's gone.
That is incredible. I mean there must be some aspect of your immune system somewhere that is keeping you well. You should literally go get a ton of blood work done and let some scientists have a look. Maybe you have some superhuman aspect we need to know about so we can help other people. Kind of like science taking the DNA of every person over 100 years old. and they discovered they all possess a single amino acid combination in each one of them. Your case may be just as interesting, if I were you I would want to know what has caused this and what it is that is protecting me from these sickness's. Fascinating.
@@RhainEDaize Now that is a good question. I really don't know either. However, I wouldn't trust just anyone, like the first doctor or specialist you see. To me your case is a very special one that needs special people to look at your blood and DNA and stuff. I'm no doctor but off the top of my head your may want to contact a medical research center of some kind. Or even a medical school where the teachers are scientists. Don't go to the government, and don't take no for an answer. From what you said, I myself would like to find out why you have this ability. Maybe the center for immunology, or some center for epidemiology studies, or the center for rare and infectious diseases. Sorry I don't know, but talk to some people to get you on the right path. You want actual scientists looking at this, not just some lab technician, if you know what I mean. It really sound fascinating and I think there is something there. These are the stories that 'breakthroughs" are made off. Good luck
@@RhainEDaize My pleasure. I'm sure with a little luck you'll come across the right scientist who if you tell that story you said above, will understand that there may be something to those sicknesses and your 20 years of health now. I'm just an engineer, but if I were a scientist I would love to study and find out what has protected you for 20 years. I've watched Dr. John since day one of the Pandemic, Jan.6 2020. Every single day since then, never miss an video. I watch because he is brilliant at explaining how we work against viruses and disease, right down to the Cells and the DNA level .. I've learned so much from him, I feel like a first year medical student in a way. Science has always captivated me and especially how complex our bodies work. And I"m confident you have something that needs figuring out. It could be important. Maybe even Dr. JOhn himself for a suggestion.. Don't give up, and don't take peoples negativity these days, the human race hasn't come this far without science looking into things. I'm confident there is some correlation ship hiding in one of your cells or DNA amino acids. Chow.
Dr. Campbell and Dr. Clancy are so informative. I have thyroid disease and take medicine. I have celiac disease. I was hit hard by Covid 19 +. Thank you for all you do for people. I am a veteran of U.S. Navy . My training was in nursing as a hospital corpman. Vietnam Era war.
I am so glad to hear that there are wonderful, intelligent people studying autoimmune diseases! I have celiac disease and almost all of what I know about the disease is from talking with other people with celiac. Ive been sick since birth and after 25 years, still have not found a doctor that can offer more insight in to this disease than people in a celiac chat forum. Thank you, thank you, thank you for researching this!
I also have Celiac disease and lost 30 pounds before my doctor suspected because of an annual blood test that revealed very low vitamin d. He ordered an endoscopy which verified Celiac. I then went to a nutritionist who set me on the non gluten diet which repaired my gut. There is so much gluten hidden in foods that I have to read all labels and make sure that there is no cross contamination. The only gluten in our house is my husband's bread for which he has his oun toaster and he is careful not to contaminate butter and mayo, etc. I rarely eat out because God only know what happens in the kitchen unless it's a gf restaurant. It is a serious disease that it's not if but when you will get cancer if you continue to eat gluten. My daughter and her twin daughters also have Celiac which makes family meals much easier. There is a wealth of information on the internet about Celiac disease. Good luck with your gf journey. BTW it's very expensive to get gf products but at least meat and vegetables are gluten free.
I can tell you things I’ve found through research that helped me, but I’m not a doctor. Just a frustrated and dismissed patient that took my power into my own hands. They did help me. Look up gastrointestinal microbiome /second brain ….. really dive in! I used L-glutamine(amino acid) licorice root ( antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial)marshmallow root (repairs mucosal linings) because of the damage from it I have food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, but I’m much better than I was
would you like to heal your auto immune condition ,auto immune conditions are caused by leaking gut syndrome,heal the holes in the gut thats the end of the auto immune condition,it takes about ten days to heal the holes in the gut
@@jackielindsay7247 Yes I was diagnosed 10 years ago and have lifelong effects of malnutrition but my gut has healed and I am healthy which is such a blessing! I've just become my own doctor and compile my own notes etc. You really have to be your own advocate with this stuff! Im glad you are doing better!
Prolific. You can tell professor Robert Clancy is passionate about his field of medicine because when he speaks he is moved to gentle tears. His comments about big pharma not knowing whats best for the patient and instead pushing their products for profits speaks volumes. This interview was one of the best. Thanks.
Probably the most sensible, unbiased discussion I’ve ever heard. Hat’s off to Professor Clancy, who has no vested interests, unlike many others in his field these days. Thank God for pioneers like this and very many thanks to Dr Campbell for giving us the complete picture. 👏👏👏
Thank you for this updated clear concise interview on a very complicated subject. I have been taking care of geriatric patients now for 42 years both as a hospitalist and primary care physician in New Jersey. My hobby is studying cell biology and molecular immunology. I appreciate your updates and hope you invite our Australian immunologist often to your show. Thanks again. Nicholas Rossos MD
Absolutely fascinating information in this discussion between two wonderful gentlemen. I loved Prof Clancy's comment about the need to listen to patients better. Thank you.
Most intelligent interview I've ever watched.... We all know medicine has been symptom based not cause based for years.... Loved this guy in your first interview, even more so in this interview.
This is an outstanding video that's blown me away, okay, so i've had two years of Long Covid to deal with meaning i've had to go through hours of at times painful learning to educate myself before i could even begin to try and explain too clinicians what's been happening to me, this has covered many of the gaps i've been seeking answers for... like why have Phyto-v probiotics had such a positive impact on my health? Whilst i'm still a long way from knowing what Long Covid is going to do to me in the future, let alone understand what's already happened, science like this gives me hope that there will one day be answers.
Have followed Dr john throughout the last few years, every day whenever possible. A sign of a great teacher is making the complex sound simple without losing the truth. Was excited to see Dr Clancy come on again, I could listen to you guys for hours, more please 😂
Funny he should mention Hashimoto's disease. My mother had it for 14 years, and doctor after doctor failed to diagnose it. Her thyroid was completely desiccated by the time it was diagnosed. After that, she fixed it in just one year with the help of a holistic doctor by cutting toxic people out of her life, working on her psychological habits, forgiving her abusive family to the best of her ability, and using supplements and diet. Though she'd already undergone an early hysterectomy and will never *fully* recover, mom is healthier and fitter in her late 50s than she was in her 30s and 40s.
@@sitascott8446 Now if only she'd recognize her double standards, and believe my research into i-Tera Care over the Strawman counter-arguments of a certain doctor. The i-Tera wand gave her extreme muscle cramps and a paralyzing headache that lasted for days. But when I presented all the evidence that it's a scam patented by institutions state-owned by China (if the patents exist at all, because neither I nor the doctor could find them), mom's only response was "Maybe I didn't use the wand for long enough." Backsliding from Big Pharma...
The best medical discussion I have ever heard in my life. Wonderful, exciting new times are ahead. Thankyou Dr Campbell, for bringing Dr Clancy back on your presentation. Absolutely wonderful. 👍👍👍
Wonderful interview that meanders towards the undeniable conclusion that the assumptions that underpin modern biomedicine - with its reductionist, high-intervention, symptom focused, profit-based approach - often fail to examine the integrated nature of the body's systems and the importance of preventive approaches. This conversation hits the nail on the head at several points.
I think that they know they aren't helping and sometimes in fact hurting us because they are profit driven. They just simply do not care. Stock markets don't care, shareholders don't care. You actually don't matter to them.
The closing comment: "We need to be looking at effective, cheap, early treatments that have been paralysingly neglected". ?!! You mean Ivermectin? I've followed Dr John daily since January '20. All our first world countries have blocked us affordably buying, even obtaining Ivermectin. And it's still not being discussed. If there ever was a chance to shine the light of medical wisdom on an issue, this is it.
Ivermectin has a huge tendency to destroy the user's gut microbiome! If your problem isn't parasites I would keep away.from Ivermectin, which has even been replaced by a better medication in many countries.
This is VERY interesting. When I took human nutrition in college a few years ago we had a teacher who taught genetics at NYU. I think she was a fill in for another teacher who was out due to surgery for the semester. I say this because I went to FIT which is an art and design school so this poor professor had students who were not there to learn science. We wound up doing three tests on the same basic material - but she did get into the fecal implantation because this is thought to help weight gain, crohn's disease and problems associated with antibiotic use. She also did a few lessons on epigenetics. I also have autoimmune that I can suffer pretty badly with. I studied basic biology to become a personal trainer and a lot of that was used again in human nutrition. That knowledge did help me in reading covid studies when I needed to.
Lovely and very interesting listening to Dr. Clancy. Perhaps the best videoi have ever seen. May God bless you both Dr. Campbell and Dr. Clancy. Brent Collins.
Loved the last interview between John and Professor Robert Clancy, so was thrilled to see another pop up on your TH-cam channel- Thanks John Campbell, I'm in awe - I think I've become a Professor Robert Clancy groupie :-)
Thank you for this video I have had lupus since 1986 and fibromyalgia I was then diagnosed with crohn's in 1998 this is the first time I have ever heard it explained so clearly I also have scoliosis
More than 2 years ago on TV (uk can't recall which station) they aired a programme which included an item on Chrones Disease where the sensible use of red wine and blue cheese corrected the gut microbiome and cured this disease. So this chap really needs listening to.
Great interview! Human body as a living organism with interactive systems. I agree that general practitioners have been unappreciated for at least a decade.
Thanks dr Campbell for teaching awareness on the importance of the microbiome. I look forward to learning much more - it really seems to be the key to so many ailments.
THANK You: this is one of the most interesting, hopeful interviews I’ve seen on the Web! I have also come to the end of my career as a psychologist and community mental health systems analyst. Unfortunately, local politics kept me from implementing similar system based, recurrent data driven clinical, and organizational, interventions to effectively improve community mental health. Hopefully, someone within the psychological or sociological fields will pick up where I left off. There is a tremendous policy emphasis upon simplistic, symptom based (reductionistic) protocols that merely label individuals with mental health issues (diagnostically), that often end up including psychotropic medication which rarely provides long lasting relief. Uggh..
Thank you again so much from the states I live in Texas and you and your guests have been so helpful for me during the pandemic. Thank you and everyone from us here. Thank y’all all again for all you do and what y’all share to make us more informative on all things medical.
Auto-immune diseases are a strange thing as yet. I developed Celiac in my late fifties and have collected Polymyalgia and mild Eczema since, after a perfectly healthy younger life. It's taken me a while to come to terms with it all, now I can't take my health for granted anymore.
I suspect a lot of these diseases could well be caused by malnutrition, namely poor food lacking in enough vital vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D supplements for example could have prevented many covid hospitalisations according to several studies.
Have you noticed the lack of energy? I have Everyone more docile too It’s a lot easier to control people who lack nutrition. Cattle dying and food processing plants burning. Inflation. It all directs people to foods that lack proper nutrients
James I agree but I would suggest it has a lot more to do with feeding the healthy microbiomes with the right bacteria. Such an exciting area of study for those involved and so much potential for amazingly effective treatments. Praying the cost of living crisis will have a healthy impact on the health of people if they move more toward a varied selection of plant based meals. I’m a meat eater by the way, so I’m not trying to bang the vegan drum.
@@mpalmer7800 For everyone, Vit-D suplementation should be lifetime!!! Not just during epidemic or pandemic viruses!! We are intoxicated every day with food, air, water, and everything around us!! Take your vit-D dose everyday
People are overfed on sugar and wheat and undernourished. A lower carb diet with more protein combined with fasting will do wonders for immune health. Some of the many benefits of fasting and a lower carb whole food diet on the immune system, blood pressure, blood sugar and anti-aging, all backed up by clinical data: The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers over time with extended fasting and rise from dieting Thymus stem cells are regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria and viruses by the immune system. Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered, which is very important for a good outcome with the current pandemic. Fasting increases nitric oxide, which has manifold postive effects like reducing arterial plaque. Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods. Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy! Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus. Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility especially in women with PCOS. It's absolutely fine for cortisol to be high while fasting, because it produces sugar from fat instead of lean tissue Does the body prefernetially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, it never uses mainly glucose for fuel and using glucose for fuel is very biochemically damaging! The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Is fasting just the same as caloric restriction? No! Dieting increases the hunger hormone ghrelin while fasting decreases it and has many other health benefits! When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state. It stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses. Does fasting burn muscle? In most cases no! Fasting can make you gain muscle faster: Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention! Fasts from 36-96 h actually INCREASE metabolic rate! Your body releases interferon which is also triggered by the body during viral attacks to shut down the replication ability of the surrounding cells and stop infections. After 72 hours or more fasted, your body actually recycles large numbers of immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire system. When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging. Fasting also releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth, helping a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting. Autophagy induced by fasting even helps hair regrow. What breaks a fast? Dieters losing weight through intermittent fasting show greater reduction in waist size and increase in insulin sensitivity for the same weight lost and alternate day fasters were shown to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time over a six month period. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it and builds muscle! Fasting has been shown to increase bone marrow volume by 10% and levels of carnosine in the body in as little as a few weeks. Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level. Eating one meal a day can bring most of these benefits to a lesser degree, and adding a few entire days off from eating per week will have even more effect especially when starting to feel poorly. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over months of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel which will always contain an updated list of fasting benefits: I have playlists on fasting and health and wellness. I also make a little commentary comment on health and fitness as well.
Una fantastica analisi tra scienziati di alta levatura professionale. Ci sentiamo meno soli ... Evviva gli scienziati onesti e affidabili! Grata per sempre 😊🙏❤️
A big 'Thank You' to both, if only the big Pharma and Politics would keep away fom the people like you two and many more scientists/specialists we would be able to cure or at least have under control many illnesses. Pharma sadly only see $$$££££ and patents next to their companies names. Please try and do a part 2, as this was so interesting.
Loving this 'fire-side chat' sesh between 2 unsung (from the 'lamestream' perspective) medical rockstar heroes whose combined knowledge and experience is nothing short of 'stellarly synergystic' 🤩
@@Niall101a that part's off-cam...well-deserved though! Great talk, how cool is it we get to actually witness the advance of medical science? Yes, fan club member here...peace, y'all
Thank you so much for great work and information , helping me to understand my complicated diseases. I have Thallasaemia hétérozygote, hyperthyroidism, lactose, gluten , medicine allergies,bleeding, kidney stones gall stones and diagnosed with Sjogren, took so many for correctly diagnosed.I have so much to learn.
@@nicolaswalter6996 Real reason of my complexion diseases Thalassemia and Sjogren ,I believe , autoimmune disorders , I am from Turkey having mixed blood..
I totally agree with you guys I appreciate certain vaccines, but not too much of one kind. I thank you for talking on this we really need you to let us know more reasonably about health and wellness. Keep up the great work and many blessings!
This channel has to be the most accurate sensible source of up to date medical information its amazing seeing how the body functions from the view of a immunologist was brilliant. I would like to say its great seeing one of our Australian medical professionals on here what an informative video thanks
Fantastic, exciting, stimulating, more sensible than what I have heard recently. Than you for the science-based interaction and exchange of such valuable ideas.
I have autoimmune diseases. I really wish I would have done my degree like this doctor instead of nursing. I loved nursing but I feel there is so much to learn from my illnesses.
A degree in atmospheric chemistry would be helpful too. Your cells need oxygen to function correctly, which is what they are not doing when you have an autoimmune disease, and the oxygen is taken from the air that enters your lungs with each and every breath you take. The air that you actually breathe is not the same as the air you were designed to breathe, because we have collectively modified the chemistry of it. This is why autoimmune diseases are thought "to flare up", "go mad for no reason" or "attack you for the fun of it" because the chemistry of the air (which is totally invisible) has changed, and it negatively affects the immune system's ability to correctly regulate inflammation (oxidative stress).
No one can stop you from learning. I developed autoimmune disease and pre-cervical cancer for several years. I did lots and lots of research and put what I learned into my life, overhauled my diet, started taking a few specific supplements and also overhauled my life to be less stressful. I am today now clear of all autoimmune disease, clear of HPV and pre-cervical cancer, and I can eat/digest any kind of food now whereas I used to constantly have blockages, bloating, gas, pain, and severe inflammation. I had to drink copious miralax for years just to clear myself out. Micro biome is SO important. A really quality probiotic plus bacteria-rich foods are really important, plus lots of cruciferous veggies that the bacteria like to feed off. There are tons of things we can do, but you won’t learn it in school or by talking to most people, since most people are afflicted with a lot of these kinds of issues.
I doubt you are ready to hear it, but if you are having problems managing your condition consider going strict carnivore, a lot of people with autoimmune issues have had excellent results.
@@Gengh13 A lot of people with autoimmune issues have also had excellent results going vegetarian or vegan. Do you have a theory/opinion as to why lots of people, suffering from autoimmune issues, find benefits from doing both extremes of the ratio meat - vegetables?
@@robinhood4640 the easiest is that the SAD (standard American/western diet) is trash, any other is better. I think everyone agrees on both sides that processed foods are terrible for your health. I'm more confident in carnivore for autoimmune issues simply because it is the ultimate elimination diet, you don't consume most of the foods that worsen those conditions, gluten, grains, FODMAPS, etc. After being strict carnivore for a while you can try slowly reintroducing 1 food at a time and see if you have a reaction.
As a healthcare professional for 20 years, I've been dismayed by the horrendous things going on during the last few years. Watching this interview has definitely lifted my spirits, knowing there are medical professionals out there who are still wanting to help people with their health so that they can live their best life.
health care professional my arse ,you know absolutely nothing about health, tell me what causes the cytokine storms and how are they easily stopped,p-lease tell me what the bodies foundation for health is health professional
As a conscious receiver of health care for the last 40 years I have been repeatedly dismayed by the horrendous things going on for the entire time. The only good medicine I have found apart from herbalism is Emergency medicine and homeopathy. Having raised children in this environment for 25 years my depth of understanding and disbelief in the shocking horror of what medicine became since the early 1930s simply increased. Yes there are some medical professionals who still want to help, but they are handicapped the moment they get their medical qualifications.
Susan Cox, yes Bravo.!
Me too, Susan. In fact I felt the need to leave the medical field which for me is sad. It is horrendous.
Keep speaking your truth 🙌❤️
What an absolutely fabulous guest. Makes me so proud to be an Australian when we produce champs like this gentleman. The big pharmaceuticals will never allow these simple treatments to advance. Greed will kill us all.
I love this episode!
My story is long winded, but necessary. When I was a young child in Australia, I spent a lot of my life in the hospital, from not being able to digest food, and a lot of chest infections. But as a young child, I ate a lot of vegetables from our garden, but when I ate a sandwich, I had to see a doc. I remember a doc talking to my mother asking her what she thought was causing my issue. I said “ the bread did this to me” the doc turns to me, and says “ don’t be silly, bread can’t do this to you”. My mother kept repeating that to me when I had symptoms. I also had heard a lot of “ she will grow out of it” He wasn’t the only doc that was condescending to me. From that point I stopped telling her when I was sick. I wish I had this Aussie doctor!
As I became an adult now living a new life in America 30 years ago, I realized it wasn’t just bread, it was any food made out of wheat. So I stopped eating all wheat products and my life improved soooooooo much, incredible difference.
20 years ago, I would test that theory after not eating any wheat for 8 months, I had a few pieces of pizza, had symptoms, and had to see a doc. She said she’d never seen this before, she said I had rocks in my intestines, and would have to have surgery to remove it all. I said no, just give me the strongest laxative she had. It took taking it for a week ( against her instructions) to clear it out. She asked me if this had happened to me before, I said “ all my life” I told her that all my life I was condescended by doctors when I told them that bread did this to me.
She asked if she could run a blood test, we did it, and called me in days later to talk. She said I may have celiac disease, that I was lacking a lot of nutrients. I had never heard that before. She instructed me to have a biopsy. I told her that I knew wheat products did this to me, and had stopped consuming wheat products and had great success, then I asked her if I removed all gluten, will that be good enough? She said yes, but you will have to do that all your life. So I refused the biopsy as I knew what was wrong. She gave me a ton of information, I have since not eaten gluten, but have been glutened by gf products. I had since done more research on gf companies before buying.
The way I see it, Australian doctors failed me, when I was a child.
Since my 100% gluten free life, my health had improved so much, I lost a lot of weight. But then I hit a wall, I felt ok, but felt I could feel a lot better. I had new food allergies, and intolerances. I had noticed when I ate rice or quinoa, I felt like I was being glutened, even though they’re supposedly gluten free. I researched this, and found out that some grains have a form of gluten and alot of celiacs are reacting to it. That was news to me, but made sense. I also found out about the micro biome being our immune system. So I removed all grains from my diet. I now only eat fermented foods, dairy ( thankfully no issues with dairy) a lot of yoghurt, fruit, veg and proteins ( meats) I do feel so much better, my microbiome is improving. My digestive system couldn’t be any better, this is the best I have ever felt! My hope is that when my microbiome is repaired, my food allergies and intolerances will disappear. My only issue now is, due to my diet, I am underweight, it’s really hard to gain weight on my diet. I was told to eat every 2 hours, so I do but still haven’t gained weight. I get enough fat from dairy. I had looked at prebiotics and probiotics, but I’m not sure it will help since I’m eating right for me.
google vitamin / mineral deficiency tests and symptoms, results will show many methods to determine if there are any issues. its good you became pro active in getting to issues causing your health concerns and with success..... as paramedics ,doctors ,nurses are trained to ask questions and frequently the patient knows what is wrong just by their .....gut feeling.....🤗. and then if there are still concerns you can always go to the doctors office😳.
@@CRSolarice Since improving my microbiome, my labs have vastly improved. There is no need for vitamins, since I receive all from my food. The only issue I have at this time is gaining weight, because there are a lot of foods I can not eat, but my diet is enough to get all the nutrients. I do have a nutritionist. I forgot to mention, as my post was long winded, I am having the biopsy after having to consume gluten. Then I will know where I’m at, my intestines should have healed some. Then my diet may change again. I was burned by the medical community, for 30 years.
@@SparkyOne549 Are you being advised what to avoid breathing?
Or, do your doctors think only eating crap can cause metabolic dysfunction?
@@CRSolarice Thanks, but, my lab results are good! If it’s isn’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s obvious, that I get enough nutrients in my food. If. I had a deficiency, I would do as you suggest. My nutritionist also says that my results are good, and I should keep doing what I’m doing.
@@CRSolarice I thank you for your input. I haven’t looked into amino acids, will ask my nutritionist about the amino acid supplements. I appreciate any positive thoughts on my behalf. Thank you for being caring, I think it’s more natural, I am the same way.
Robert Clancy is one of the best, if not the best guest you've had yet. And he has been twice in your show.
Amazing interview! Thank you! As Surgeon I had to learn Clinical Immunology, particularly during my career also as Transplant Surgeon. I enjoyed listening the amazing new concepts of mucosal immunology, that is explaining , also, why the more antibiotics we were giving to the complicated patient the worst the course was, and when , several times I was stopping them the patient was recovering. Looks crazy but it is not. Medicine history is full of wrong selections of treatment ways. I was stressing out that in Transplantation we lost our immunological orientation to the way of immunosuppression instead of the way of tolerance. To teach the immune system of the recipient that the graft I transplanted into his body it is his own and not a foreign that has to fight against it….We had excellent pioneering results on this field done by others (eg Andreas Tzakis team in USA) but this was not improved. Why? Because big Pharmas are not interesting on tolerance! They prefer, as you mentioned , the expensive immunosuppressive drugs and the jolly expensive monoclonals. Medicine needs to go back in the hands of Physicians , not in the hands of Big Pharmas
Impressed that with a huge amount of prior knowledge and hard earned prestige you are still open willing to learn and open about what you didn't know back when it was unknowable. Also that you recall personal observations which you didn't didmiss because they didn't fit the model of the moment. This validates your advocacy for physicians using what works as opposed to what they are told. Having a far deeper foundation than a lay person they can responsibly act appreciating that the messaging is nuanced and not necessarily correct for every patient, not to say that it can be outright deceptive. A lot of the information here will go past me and other casual viewers because we don't have the mental framework to absorb it. Encouraging to know that actual professionals find value in it and measure it against their clinical experience
What percentage of the work that you, or I, perform is not for money? In truth there are many that also get their reward from altruism, but they are no use to the Big Boys.
Pity I can’t give Dimitrios’ comment one hundred likes. Big pharma have absolutely ruined medicine.
I dropped out of the medical school program when I learned of the “Formulary”/ business end in each medical providers working scope. I was told that I couldn’t prescribe to my patients, any drugs that were NOT on the formulary of the company I would be employed by! This was ludicrous in my opinion! I had been used to using any drugs from any company while working in Veterinary medicine! This is where I first discovered that Big Pharma was literally making overt efforts to run and control not only medical schools but our HMO systems and others! I could NOT be bought at any spiff payout for using a drug I didn’t agree with! Being forced into using such, goes against my ethics! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dr!
Fasting will help surgery survival rates and also may help with transplant rejection rates.
Some of the many benefits of fasting and a lower carb whole food diet on the immune system, blood pressure, blood sugar and anti-aging, all backed up by clinical data:
The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers over time with extended fasting and rise from dieting
Thymus stem cells are regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system.
Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria and viruses by the immune system.
Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered, which is very important for a good outcome with the current pandemic.
Fasting increases nitric oxide, which has manifold postive effects like reducing arterial plaque.
Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods.
Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body.
Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy!
Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus.
Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility especially in women with PCOS.
It's absolutely fine for cortisol to be high while fasting, because it produces sugar from fat instead of lean tissue
Does the body prefernetially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, it never uses mainly glucose for fuel and using glucose for fuel is very biochemically damaging!
The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again!
Is fasting just the same as caloric restriction? No! Dieting increases the hunger hormone ghrelin while fasting decreases it and has many other health benefits!
When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state.
It stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses.
Does fasting burn muscle? In most cases no!
Fasting can make you gain muscle faster:
Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more.
It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention!
Fasts from 36-96 h actually INCREASE metabolic rate!
Your body releases interferon which is also triggered by the body during viral attacks to shut down the replication ability of the surrounding cells and stop infections.
After 72 hours or more fasted, your body actually recycles large numbers of immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire system.
When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging.
Fasting also releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth, helping a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers.
In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting.
Autophagy induced by fasting even helps hair regrow.
What breaks a fast?
Dieters losing weight through intermittent fasting show greater reduction in waist size and increase in insulin sensitivity for the same weight lost and alternate day fasters were shown to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time over a six month period.
Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it and builds muscle!
Fasting has been shown to increase bone marrow volume by 10% and levels of carnosine in the body in as little as a few weeks.
Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level.
Eating one meal a day can bring most of these benefits to a lesser degree, and adding a few entire days off from eating per week will have even more effect especially when starting to feel poorly.
Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia.
Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice.
This list compiled over months of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed!
My channel which will always contain an updated list of fasting benefits:
I have playlists on fasting and health and wellness. I also make a little commentary comment on health and fitness as well.
I am absolutely thrilled that attention is drawn to auto immune diseases. This interview gave greater insight and more light on why my body is acting this way. I must add that we may not die but we suffer in silence. Thanks so much Dr John!!
auto immune conditions are easily healed ,to heal auto immune conditions you have to understand what causes them,
Research Leaky gut and how to heal leaky gut and how to detoxify maybe.
@@marygilson3490 take a heaped tea spoon of slippery elm bark powder in a glas of water ten mins before eating it takees approx ten days to heal the holes in the gut that stops food getting into the blood stream ,that stops the immune system from going nuts take 100 billion probiotics night and day phew job done
@@Beekind799 Thank you. will look into it.
@@marygilson3490 america is plagued with auto immune diseases all caused by leaking gut syndrome,the culprit,eating toxic gm food ,toxic gm food contains no critical glutathione ,the bacteria in the gut is the largest of the 5 immune systems by far its approx 80 percent ,mess with that and you make the body sick,the glysophates damage the gut bacteria this allows candida yeast this causes leaking gut syndrome,this condition allows food particles to get into the blood stream that makes the immune system go hay wire the immune system eventually begins to wobble and falter and hey presto an auto immune condition comes to life,the gut is easily healed with slippery elm bark powder and powerful probiotics 100 billion night and day and then they have to takea nutritional protocol to heal the weak immune system,healing the body isnot difficult if you are trained on the 5 box immune system ,they have to stop eating the toxic gm food what causes these conditions this is difficult if you live in america big pharma owns the toxic gm food chain they control the doctors training syllabus so they cannot diagnose that toxic gm food is making the person sick,they treat the symptoms with toxic drugs that cant possably address the nutritional deficiencies making the 5 box immune system weak,you wont find much out there on real science ,big pharma controls a lot ,oh by the way bill gates hasnot even started ,he is now in control of the worlds health policy on pandemics,he is having the next virus made as we speak ,wait till you see whats in store if you dont have the next vaccines ,you wont be allowed outside of your home,a sign will be put on your door so all the vaccinated can see scum live in this house they havenot been vaccinated ,bill gates is areal evil cunt he realy is,thi sis all planned by psycholagist who are helpinh him to mentally whack the whole world
What a joy to listen to two highly qualified..interesting experts chatting in a relaxed way..thoroughly enjoyable ..thank you
They seem to have ignored all the adverse evidence and the Pfizer document dumps.
Hahaha..oi, good one mate.
I like the enthusiasm displayed by these gentlemen, and their forward thinking philosophies about health. Nice interview.
they know nothing about health
@@Beekind799 why?
Yes, they are passionate about their work. Many American doctors lack this passion.
@@ZeroRespectForMagaZero don't feed the troll,he doesn't understand what they are talking about
@@ZeroRespectForMagaZero professors of immunology training syllabus is controlled by big pharma,he knows nothing health ,ask him what causes the cytokine storms ,i will give you the answer ,cytokine storms are caused by the macrophages and tcells having low atp/mag fuel levels ,this professor couldnot tell you this basic science on the immune system ,if you train in the medical sciences you are a self serving acacdemic with no real knowledge on health understand your body is an amino acid ,mineral and vitamin factory a professor of immunology has no training on amino acids minerals or vitamins ,listen to these fools if you want ,it wont help the new vaccines are lethal donot have them,any virus symptoms take 2 x 1000mg caps liposomal vit c every hour until all symptoms are gone high dose lipo vit c blocks any virus from using glycosylation thats the end of any virus ,no deaths ,no vulnerable culled like animals,no lockdowns no bull shit from natzi campbell ,high dose liposmal vit is far safer and far more effective than any vaccine can ever be ,the roman gladiators didnot eat meat it slowed them down,they only ate fruit and veg which was grown in real soil ,theres no real soil left in the world ,or not much
A brilliant Australian - thank you both for your commitment to better health and research.
As an autoimmune sufferer I whole heartedly agree the importance of attention to the microbiome. For the last 2 years I’ve been taking microbiome supplements and paying more attention to what enters my body. I now have manageable inflammation that no longer requires medication. I’m very interested in this topic because I’ve been able to slow down the progression of my disease by boosting my microbiome health. Thank you both for seeing the importance of fighting disease with wellness education. We need more people like you who understand this.
On the microbiome topic- watched a great interview on the Drbeen medical you-tube channel. He interviewed Dr Sabine Hazan. Well worth viewing as she appears to be at the forefront for this type of research. Thank you for this interview Dr Campbell. Appreciate your efforts and those of your guest speakers.
Yes, I began learning the association of microbiome with inflammation years ago as I looked for solutions to allergies that destroyed my voice whether singing or speaking. Probiotics are a big part of the solution.
You guys do have a wonderful synergism that helps the rest of us better understand our own systems.
Please do this again. It was long, but well worth it!
ask the professor why dose the immune system use cytokine storms,you are very easily fooled by these fools who nothing about health
Actually, way too short!😃
@@francisbertolini2538 you are easily fooled
@@Beekind799 care to expand?
@@TomGreenMan ask the professor why does the immune system use cytokine storms ,i will tell you the answer,low atp/mag fuel levels ,best find out what causes that hey tom , no professor of immunology can answer that question ,dont you think that is a bit strange ,any virus symptoms take 2 x 1000mg caps liposomal vit c every hour until all symptoms are gone,high dose lipo vit c blocks any virus from using glycosylation thats the end of any virus,askk the professor what glycosylation is ,its justa matter of asking these self serving academics the right questions,a professor of immunology is no expert on the immune system,they know nothing about health,
Thank you so much for having the brilliant Professor Robert Clancy on again. I love hearing him talk and it’s great having Dr Campbell to break down some of the technical stuff. What a pleasure to hear two brilliant men speaking about the exciting times ahead with such passion. It’s also great to hear someone from my country speak on the issue of too many boosters as most of the doctors and scientists speaking out are from the US and the UK.
I just realized last year that if I eat too much bread it will cause severe back and joint pain for several days. I've cut out bread and gluten and have felt much better since.
I found that to be true, also. I've been on a ketogenic diet for 2.5 years. I eliminated breads, sugars, and nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). It helped greatly with the arthritis pain.
I wonder how much of my youthful anger and turmoil was the terrible diet I had?
Thank you again, Dr. John. TY< Dr. Clancy, for your work. Suffered 62 years from lupus, psoriasis, IBS, hemaplegic migraines, celiac, allergies to everything, even the sun. Your field has grown dramatically and has taught me so much. No treatment has helped, but knowledge with diet, nutrition has got me through 62 years highly functioning. Thank you.
Prof Clancy, one of my heroes (along with Prof Borody) ❤, been following him right from the beginning. He has written great articles in Quadrant mag. If only Australia had listened to him at the start we wouldn't be in this mess.
Morrison tried to warn Australians about rushing into experimental drugs..his words were " its not a race" Sadly the media whipped the public up into a frenzy who demanded the drugs based on statical lies about the death rate and the drug safety
@@ritualcloset 💯
I bet Fauci is your hero as well. Smh
@@barbarabaumgartner1972 Ah NO!
Agreed but no money in it for Pfizer if they listen to dr borody notice how the oral tablet to stop covid getting very bad if taken in the first 5 days is nearly the same as invermectin 16 million dead not long here in Australia 10k dead they make me sick and very angry it's all about money and control people they just don't care here in Australia 40 people a day are dieing no one gives a shit
Really love this informal/formal informative chat between these two highly respected medical professionals that we have come to love.
Remarkable men with outstanding contributions to the Health services across the globe.
Dr. John Campbell needs to be knighted, or honoured in some official way, for his contributions over the past 30 years, and especially for his daily truthful, trusted Covid reports since January 2020, that have certainly saved lives by informing the globe of the true facts and figures, and the efficacy of Vitamin D etc.
I applaud after every video.
Such hard prep, delivery and editing and even going back to record and retract when the evidence changes.
Thank you so very much for bringing us your expertise, and for introducing us to wonderful new people, such as Professor Robert Clancy and more...
You are a star!
Thank you so very much.
Xxxxx Xxxxx
Thank you so much for this great interview. It is incredibly reassuring to know this science is being explored in such an honest, open mined manner. Over the years (especially post 2021-2022) my confidence in medical science has been severely damaged. I still doubt I will ever visit a GP again, at least not without doing a lot of research into the way they conduct their practice. I am 74 and have successfully managed my health health through a healthy diet and natural remedies. Again thank you John.
Hi Cherryle how're you doing today?
Love watching the two of y’all! I am a RN of almost 30 years. I get all the undertones toward our current healthcare systems. I hate that we have let it happen on our watch. How do we fight big pharmacy with all their power and greed??
This was an absolute pleasure to watch. I would love to see this type of thing in other areas where experienced, unbiased, non-political, intelligent insiders frankly discuss their area of expertise. They can tell the truth and get into the complexities because they have no personal agenda other than education.
I love listening to Dr Clancy.
He explains so clearly and authoritatively.
I’m a student of physiotherapy and I just read the chapter over immunity for my pathophysiology class last night. This was a fantastic discussion. Thank you!
The distinction Dr. Clancy made between diseases that involve more systemic response vs those with more mucosal involvement was mind-blowing in a good way. Thank you both!
Thank you for a wonderful discussion. We've been exposed to a great deal of negativity,fear and manipulation. This reinforces my belief that there are many great people doing great things.
May God bless you, Doctor Clancy and Doctor Campbell. Thanks for bringing us such useful information.
GREAT VIDEO ❤️ 📸 👍 ☺️ The said third time is a charm☺️☺️. I have finally pass my NCLEX exam and am so so happy😇😇😇. for all my repeat test takers. keep moving and keep believing. you will make it some day 🎉🎉🎉✅✅👏👏👏
I failed 3 times, i lost money to reviews that never helped but the major thing is that I've not lost hope
So sorry about that am still looking forward too take my NCLEX exam on June just studying hard and praying to God I know I can make it.
NCLEX exam won't be a problem if you work with someone like Mrs Catherina Alison .she's God sent,she saved me form talking the test for the 3rd time
Really you know her Too? I even thought I was the only one she has helped walk through the fears and falls of NCLEX Exam,Mrs Catherina Alison has brought me out of the trenches and to a better living, I encourage repeat test taker to work with her.
I'm not here to convince for her but to share my testimony for what I confirmed, she’s Trust worthy and best option ever seen, thanks Mrs Catherina Alison, God bless you, I've never seen or heard any of her clients has complain of failed. I think she's just too lucrative and perfect for this job
20 years ago I got severely ill.. common cold, upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia in my left lung, the flu, streptococcus and laryngitis all at the same time. And no health insurance at that time. Got over it in 2 weeks. I have not gotten sick at all since then. Not even a cold. I might feel something coming on and in the matter of 2 hours it's gone.
That is incredible. I mean there must be some aspect of your immune system somewhere that is keeping you well. You should literally go get a ton of blood work done and let some scientists have a look. Maybe you have some superhuman aspect we need to know about so we can help other people.
Kind of like science taking the DNA of every person over 100 years old. and they discovered they all possess a single amino acid combination in each one of them.
Your case may be just as interesting, if I were you I would want to know what has caused this and what it is that is protecting me from these sickness's. Fascinating.
@@monster8392 I would like to. But , who do I get ahold of?
@@RhainEDaize Now that is a good question. I really don't know either. However, I wouldn't trust just anyone, like the first doctor or specialist you see. To me your case is a very special one that needs special people to look at your blood and DNA and stuff. I'm no doctor but off the top of my head your may want to contact a medical research center of some kind. Or even a medical school where the teachers are scientists. Don't go to the government, and don't take no for an answer. From what you said, I myself would like to find out why you have this ability.
Maybe the center for immunology, or some center for epidemiology studies, or the center for rare and infectious diseases. Sorry I don't know, but talk to some people to get you on the right path. You want actual scientists looking at this, not just some lab technician, if you know what I mean.
It really sound fascinating and I think there is something there. These are the stories that 'breakthroughs" are made off. Good luck
@@monster8392 thank you.. 😊
@@RhainEDaize My pleasure. I'm sure with a little luck you'll come across the right scientist who if you tell that story you said above, will understand that there may be something to those sicknesses and your 20 years of health now. I'm just an engineer, but if I were a scientist I would love to study and find out what has protected you for 20 years.
I've watched Dr. John since day one of the Pandemic, Jan.6 2020. Every single day since then, never miss an video. I watch because he is brilliant at explaining how we work against viruses and disease, right down to the Cells and the DNA level .. I've learned so much from him, I feel like a first year medical student in a way. Science has always captivated me and especially how complex our bodies work. And I"m confident you have something that needs figuring out. It could be important.
Maybe even Dr. JOhn himself for a suggestion.. Don't give up, and don't take peoples negativity these days, the human race hasn't come this far without science looking into things. I'm confident there is some correlation ship hiding in one of your cells or DNA amino acids. Chow.
Dr. Campbell and Dr. Clancy are so informative. I have thyroid disease and take medicine. I have celiac disease. I was hit hard by Covid 19 +. Thank you for all you do for people.
I am a veteran of U.S. Navy . My training was in nursing as a hospital corpman. Vietnam Era war.
I am so glad to hear that there are wonderful, intelligent people studying autoimmune diseases! I have celiac disease and almost all of what I know about the disease is from talking with other people with celiac. Ive been sick since birth and after 25 years, still have not found a doctor that can offer more insight in to this disease than people in a celiac chat forum. Thank you, thank you, thank you for researching this!
I also have Celiac disease and lost 30 pounds before my doctor suspected because of an annual blood test that revealed very low vitamin d. He ordered an endoscopy which verified Celiac. I then went to a nutritionist who set me on the non gluten diet which repaired my gut. There is so much gluten hidden in foods that I have to read all labels and make sure that there is no cross contamination. The only gluten in our house is my husband's bread for which he has his oun toaster and he is careful not to contaminate butter and mayo, etc. I rarely eat out because God only know what happens in the kitchen unless it's a gf restaurant. It is a serious disease that it's not if but when you will get cancer if you continue to eat gluten. My daughter and her twin daughters also have Celiac which makes family meals much easier. There is a wealth of information on the internet about Celiac disease. Good luck with your gf journey. BTW it's very expensive to get gf products but at least meat and vegetables are gluten free.
I can tell you things I’ve found through research that helped me, but I’m not a doctor. Just a frustrated and dismissed patient that took my power into my own hands. They did help me. Look up gastrointestinal microbiome /second brain ….. really dive in! I used L-glutamine(amino acid) licorice root ( antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial)marshmallow root (repairs mucosal linings) because of the damage from it I have food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, but I’m much better than I was
Take a look at Shawn Bakers channel he's the Carnivore Diet guy.
would you like to heal your auto immune condition ,auto immune conditions are caused by leaking gut syndrome,heal the holes in the gut thats the end of the auto immune condition,it takes about ten days to heal the holes in the gut
@@jackielindsay7247 Yes I was diagnosed 10 years ago and have lifelong effects of malnutrition but my gut has healed and I am healthy which is such a blessing! I've just become my own doctor and compile my own notes etc. You really have to be your own advocate with this stuff! Im glad you are doing better!
Vast and profound....a real privilege to have heard this ...thank you both so much
Prolific. You can tell professor Robert Clancy is passionate about his field of medicine because when he speaks he is moved to gentle tears.
His comments about big pharma not knowing whats best for the patient and instead pushing their products for profits speaks volumes. This interview was one of the best. Thanks.
Probably the most sensible, unbiased discussion I’ve ever heard. Hat’s off to Professor Clancy, who has no vested interests, unlike many others in his field these days. Thank God for pioneers like this and very many thanks to Dr Campbell for giving us the complete picture. 👏👏👏
Thank you for this updated clear concise interview on a very complicated subject. I have been taking care of geriatric patients now for 42 years both as a hospitalist and primary care physician in New Jersey. My hobby is studying cell biology and molecular immunology. I appreciate your updates and hope you invite our Australian immunologist often to your show. Thanks again. Nicholas Rossos MD
Loved this interview Dr. Campbell. Thank you so much! We all need some good news ! 🙏👍
He is so great to listen to! You both do an amazing job, thanks again John.
This is the content the world leaders should watch mandatory!!!
John/Robert. It is great to hear you both. What I like about you both is that your are both very experienced, knowledgeable and clear communicators
Absolutely fascinating information in this discussion between two wonderful gentlemen. I loved Prof Clancy's comment about the need to listen to patients better. Thank you.
Most intelligent interview I've ever watched....
We all know medicine has been symptom based not cause based for years....
Loved this guy in your first interview, even more so in this interview.
This is an outstanding video that's blown me away, okay, so i've had two years of Long Covid to deal with meaning i've had to go through hours of at times painful learning to educate myself before i could even begin to try and explain too clinicians what's been happening to me, this has covered many of the gaps i've been seeking answers for... like why have Phyto-v probiotics had such a positive impact on my health?
Whilst i'm still a long way from knowing what Long Covid is going to do to me in the future, let alone understand what's already happened, science like this gives me hope that there will one day be answers.
Fantastic insightful interview with Robert, John. Thank you for making this happen.
Have followed Dr john throughout the last few years, every day whenever possible. A sign of a great teacher is making the complex sound simple without losing the truth. Was excited to see Dr Clancy come on again, I could listen to you guys for hours, more please 😂
Funny he should mention Hashimoto's disease. My mother had it for 14 years, and doctor after doctor failed to diagnose it. Her thyroid was completely desiccated by the time it was diagnosed. After that, she fixed it in just one year with the help of a holistic doctor by cutting toxic people out of her life, working on her psychological habits, forgiving her abusive family to the best of her ability, and using supplements and diet. Though she'd already undergone an early hysterectomy and will never *fully* recover, mom is healthier and fitter in her late 50s than she was in her 30s and 40s.
A happy story ☺️
That had a great ending. Would love to know what supplements she used for hashimoto's. Dr.s just dont take it to seriously.
Wow! Your mom is amazing, @WisdomThumbs!
@@sitascott8446 Now if only she'd recognize her double standards, and believe my research into i-Tera Care over the Strawman counter-arguments of a certain doctor.
The i-Tera wand gave her extreme muscle cramps and a paralyzing headache that lasted for days. But when I presented all the evidence that it's a scam patented by institutions state-owned by China (if the patents exist at all, because neither I nor the doctor could find them), mom's only response was "Maybe I didn't use the wand for long enough."
Backsliding from Big Pharma...
Fascinating. Great news. Any further details shared are gratefully received. Thanks and blessings
The best medical discussion I have ever heard in my life. Wonderful, exciting new times are ahead. Thankyou Dr Campbell, for bringing Dr Clancy back on your presentation. Absolutely wonderful. 👍👍👍
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Very interesting interview. Thank you for this new information, which helps shine the light on auto-inmune diseases.
Citizens benefiting from these types of conversation. Thank you for allowing us to listen.
OUTSTANDING. Thank you, Professor/Doctor Clancy and Dr. Campbell!
Wonderful interview that meanders towards the undeniable conclusion that the assumptions that underpin modern biomedicine - with its reductionist, high-intervention, symptom focused, profit-based approach - often fail to examine the integrated nature of the body's systems and the importance of preventive approaches. This conversation hits the nail on the head at several points.
I think that they know they aren't helping and sometimes in fact hurting us because they are profit driven. They just simply do not care. Stock markets don't care, shareholders don't care. You actually don't matter to them.
Dr John,thanks for this great refresher on what I learned when studying Pharmacy in the early 70’s.
Much better than any book or uni lecture.!
can you tell what fuels the macrophages and tcells i know you havenot got a clue and neither does this awful professor of bull shit
Amazing to watch this conversation! Thank you to the both of you!
What a privilege to listen to this conversation! So hopeful, too!
The closing comment: "We need to be looking at effective, cheap, early treatments that have been paralysingly neglected". ?!! You mean Ivermectin? I've followed Dr John daily since January '20. All our first world countries have blocked us affordably buying, even obtaining Ivermectin. And it's still not being discussed. If there ever was a chance to shine the light of medical wisdom on an issue, this is it.
Ivermectin has a huge tendency to destroy the user's gut microbiome!
If your problem isn't parasites I would keep away.from Ivermectin, which has even been replaced by a better medication in many countries.
Yeah, he thinks ivermectin works, even though every randomized control trial shows it doesn't.
@@alexdevcamp hmm, not true, but you could argue, as our CDC apparently decided, that the positive ones were too small.
This is VERY interesting. When I took human nutrition in college a few years ago we had a teacher who taught genetics at NYU. I think she was a fill in for another teacher who was out due to surgery for the semester. I say this because I went to FIT which is an art and design school so this poor professor had students who were not there to learn science. We wound up doing three tests on the same basic material - but she did get into the fecal implantation because this is thought to help weight gain, crohn's disease and problems associated with antibiotic use. She also did a few lessons on epigenetics. I also have autoimmune that I can suffer pretty badly with. I studied basic biology to become a personal trainer and a lot of that was used again in human nutrition. That knowledge did help me in reading covid studies when I needed to.
Lovely and very interesting listening to Dr. Clancy. Perhaps the best videoi have ever seen. May God bless you both Dr. Campbell and Dr. Clancy. Brent Collins.
Thanks for having this doctor on your channel again. You can tell by his speech and mannerism he is a real expert even amongst the so called experts.
Loved the last interview between John and Professor Robert Clancy, so was thrilled to see another pop up on your TH-cam channel- Thanks John Campbell, I'm in awe - I think I've become a Professor Robert Clancy groupie :-)
Thank you for this video I have had lupus since 1986 and fibromyalgia I was then diagnosed with crohn's in 1998 this is the first time I have ever heard it explained so clearly I also have scoliosis
More than 2 years ago on TV (uk can't recall which station) they aired a programme which included an item on Chrones Disease where the sensible use of red wine and blue cheese corrected the gut microbiome and cured this disease. So this chap really needs listening to.
Beautiful personalities. God bless you both & all of us in these times
Thank you, thank you Dr Campbell, my favourite guest again, Dr Clancy, what a star, he restored my mental health when all seemed doom and gloom!
Wonderful guest and show just fascinating stuff would love to know more.
Great interview! Human body as a living organism with interactive systems. I agree that general practitioners have been unappreciated for at least a decade.
Thanks dr Campbell for teaching awareness on the importance of the microbiome. I look forward to learning much more - it really seems to be the key to so many ailments.
THANK You: this is one of the most interesting, hopeful interviews I’ve seen on the Web! I have also come to the end of my career as a psychologist and community mental health systems analyst. Unfortunately, local politics kept me from implementing similar system based, recurrent data driven clinical, and organizational, interventions to effectively improve community mental health. Hopefully, someone within the psychological or sociological fields will pick up where I left off. There is a tremendous policy emphasis upon simplistic, symptom based (reductionistic) protocols that merely label individuals with mental health issues (diagnostically), that often end up including psychotropic medication which rarely provides long lasting relief. Uggh..
Thank you again so much from the states I live in Texas and you and your guests have been so helpful for me during the pandemic. Thank you and everyone from us here. Thank y’all all again for all you do and what y’all share to make us more informative on all things medical.
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Auto-immune diseases are a strange thing as yet.
I developed Celiac in my late fifties and have collected Polymyalgia and mild Eczema since, after a perfectly healthy younger life.
It's taken me a while to come to terms with it all, now I can't take my health for granted anymore.
Great conversation. Very interesting information. Thank you.
Great discussion Dr John and Dr Robert. Thank you both.
John, this is so interesting. Thank you so much for doing this interview.
How exciting! What a breath of fresh air! Thank you sooo much!
I suspect a lot of these diseases could well be caused by malnutrition, namely poor food lacking in enough vital vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D supplements for example could have prevented many covid hospitalisations according to several studies.
I’ve been taking my Vitamins D and C especially during the Covid season in the heights of the Delta.
Have you noticed the lack of energy?
I have
Everyone more docile too
It’s a lot easier to control people who lack nutrition.
Cattle dying and food processing plants burning. Inflation. It all directs people to foods that lack proper nutrients
James I agree but I would suggest it has a lot more to do with feeding the healthy microbiomes with the right bacteria. Such an exciting area of study for those involved and so much potential for amazingly effective treatments. Praying the cost of living crisis will have a healthy impact on the health of people if they move more toward a varied selection of plant based meals. I’m a meat eater by the way, so I’m not trying to bang the vegan drum.
@@mpalmer7800 For everyone, Vit-D suplementation should be lifetime!!!
Not just during epidemic or pandemic viruses!! We are intoxicated every day with food, air, water, and everything around us!! Take your vit-D dose everyday
People are overfed on sugar and wheat and undernourished. A lower carb diet with more protein combined with fasting will do wonders for immune health.
Some of the many benefits of fasting and a lower carb whole food diet on the immune system, blood pressure, blood sugar and anti-aging, all backed up by clinical data:
The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers over time with extended fasting and rise from dieting
Thymus stem cells are regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system.
Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria and viruses by the immune system.
Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered, which is very important for a good outcome with the current pandemic.
Fasting increases nitric oxide, which has manifold postive effects like reducing arterial plaque.
Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods.
Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body.
Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy!
Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus.
Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility especially in women with PCOS.
It's absolutely fine for cortisol to be high while fasting, because it produces sugar from fat instead of lean tissue
Does the body prefernetially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, it never uses mainly glucose for fuel and using glucose for fuel is very biochemically damaging!
The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again!
Is fasting just the same as caloric restriction? No! Dieting increases the hunger hormone ghrelin while fasting decreases it and has many other health benefits!
When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state.
It stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses.
Does fasting burn muscle? In most cases no!
Fasting can make you gain muscle faster:
Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more.
It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention!
Fasts from 36-96 h actually INCREASE metabolic rate!
Your body releases interferon which is also triggered by the body during viral attacks to shut down the replication ability of the surrounding cells and stop infections.
After 72 hours or more fasted, your body actually recycles large numbers of immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire system.
When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging.
Fasting also releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth, helping a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers.
In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting.
Autophagy induced by fasting even helps hair regrow.
What breaks a fast?
Dieters losing weight through intermittent fasting show greater reduction in waist size and increase in insulin sensitivity for the same weight lost and alternate day fasters were shown to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time over a six month period.
Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it and builds muscle!
Fasting has been shown to increase bone marrow volume by 10% and levels of carnosine in the body in as little as a few weeks.
Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level.
Eating one meal a day can bring most of these benefits to a lesser degree, and adding a few entire days off from eating per week will have even more effect especially when starting to feel poorly.
Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia.
Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice.
This list compiled over months of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed!
My channel which will always contain an updated list of fasting benefits:
I have playlists on fasting and health and wellness. I also make a little commentary comment on health and fitness as well.
Fantastic interview! Thank you so much. ❤️
Always a pleasure to watch real experts in action.
Una fantastica analisi tra scienziati di alta levatura professionale. Ci sentiamo meno soli ... Evviva gli scienziati onesti e affidabili! Grata per sempre 😊🙏❤️
That was excellent John , thank you
Excellent informative exchange of Medical Science immunology thank you both
Wonderful, thankyou Dr John. Who else wants to become a dr now?
Thank you so much,this was amazing to hear. Very clear and sound! I will listen again!
Hi Elina how're you doing today?
Fantastic talk, thank you both for all the hard work. I only wish more doctors would see it like you, thank you again!
Thank you both for this interview and giving us an insights in terms of immunology, human microbiome and common sense.
Excellent discussion. Obviously a brilliant professor.
" You are what you eat". A simple statement of fact describing a wonderfully complex process.
One of the most fascinating biomedical discussions in the last 2 years! Please, rename the video to attract more people. And mention Australia in it.
It was real pleasure to listen to actual authority. More please 🙂
Thx Doc. Watching in Jamaica 🇯🇲 and a Campbel also!
A big 'Thank You' to both, if only the big Pharma and Politics would keep away fom the people like you two and many more scientists/specialists we would be able to cure or at least have under control many illnesses. Pharma sadly only see $$$££££ and patents next to their companies names. Please try and do a part 2, as this was so interesting.
Hi Liz how're you doing today?
Fantastic interview - LOVED IT!!! I’d love to hear more about what this doctor has in the hopper for the commercial use referenced in this interview.
Great talk, really interesting how complex our body working are, great to learn about it. Thank you for this learning opportunity 🙏👍
Wonderful, informative interview, thanks to both doctors.
Loving this 'fire-side chat' sesh between 2 unsung (from the 'lamestream' perspective) medical rockstar heroes whose combined knowledge and experience is nothing short of 'stellarly synergystic' 🤩
When the video started I half expected him to take a little sip from a glass of brandy
@@Niall101a that part's off-cam...well-deserved though! Great talk, how cool is it we get to actually witness the advance of medical science? Yes, fan club member here...peace, y'all
Fantastic John! Would love more interviews like this, first class!!
Thank you so much for great work and information , helping me to understand my complicated diseases. I have Thallasaemia hétérozygote, hyperthyroidism, lactose, gluten , medicine allergies,bleeding, kidney stones gall stones and diagnosed with Sjogren, took so many for correctly diagnosed.I have so much to learn.
Hi Semra how're you doing today?
@@nicolaswalter6996 Thank you, I am better with heavy diet, autoimmune diseases under the control.
@@semrabahcivan8627 You're right. These diseases is becoming something else, we thank God for everything. So where're you from if I may ask?
@@nicolaswalter6996 Real reason of my complexion diseases Thalassemia and Sjogren ,I believe , autoimmune disorders , I am from Turkey having mixed blood..
I totally agree with you guys I appreciate certain vaccines, but not too much of one kind. I thank you for talking on this we really need you to let us know more reasonably about health and wellness. Keep up the great work and many blessings!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful discussion. This is fascinating and exciting to hear about all these new innovations.
This channel has to be the most accurate sensible source of up to date medical information its amazing seeing how the body functions from the view of a immunologist was brilliant. I would like to say its great seeing one of our Australian medical professionals on here what an informative video thanks
I have cyclic leukopenia. 61 year old female. A life of medical issues. This was a very good interview and I would love to hear more.
Very informative and interesting. Thank you both very much for this interview.
Fantastic, exciting, stimulating, more sensible than what I have heard recently. Than you for the science-based interaction and exchange of such valuable ideas.
Just...Wow!! Thank you both for this wonderful discussion.
I have autoimmune diseases. I really wish I would have done my degree like this doctor instead of nursing. I loved nursing but I feel there is so much to learn from my illnesses.
A degree in atmospheric chemistry would be helpful too.
Your cells need oxygen to function correctly, which is what they are not doing when you have an autoimmune disease, and the oxygen is taken from the air that enters your lungs with each and every breath you take. The air that you actually breathe is not the same as the air you were designed to breathe, because we have collectively modified the chemistry of it.
This is why autoimmune diseases are thought "to flare up", "go mad for no reason" or "attack you for the fun of it" because the chemistry of the air (which is totally invisible) has changed, and it negatively affects the immune system's ability to correctly regulate inflammation (oxidative stress).
No one can stop you from learning. I developed autoimmune disease and pre-cervical cancer for several years. I did lots and lots of research and put what I learned into my life, overhauled my diet, started taking a few specific supplements and also overhauled my life to be less stressful. I am today now clear of all autoimmune disease, clear of HPV and pre-cervical cancer, and I can eat/digest any kind of food now whereas I used to constantly have blockages, bloating, gas, pain, and severe inflammation. I had to drink copious miralax for years just to clear myself out.
Micro biome is SO important. A really quality probiotic plus bacteria-rich foods are really important, plus lots of cruciferous veggies that the bacteria like to feed off. There are tons of things we can do, but you won’t learn it in school or by talking to most people, since most people are afflicted with a lot of these kinds of issues.
I doubt you are ready to hear it, but if you are having problems managing your condition consider going strict carnivore, a lot of people with autoimmune issues have had excellent results.
@@Gengh13 A lot of people with autoimmune issues have also had excellent results going vegetarian or vegan.
Do you have a theory/opinion as to why lots of people, suffering from autoimmune issues, find benefits from doing both extremes of the ratio meat - vegetables?
@@robinhood4640 the easiest is that the SAD (standard American/western diet) is trash, any other is better. I think everyone agrees on both sides that processed foods are terrible for your health.
I'm more confident in carnivore for autoimmune issues simply because it is the ultimate elimination diet, you don't consume most of the foods that worsen those conditions, gluten, grains, FODMAPS, etc. After being strict carnivore for a while you can try slowly reintroducing 1 food at a time and see if you have a reaction.
You're the only person I've ever seen that looks better with glasses than without