Theoretically it could be replaced by ESP8266, however I assume that ESP8266 might be a little less powerful to deal with the arithmetic processing to support 16 channels, I haven't tried myself, so I am just assuming. And for pins, there are only 3 pins you need, as you can find in the program: #define AUDIO_IN_PIN 35 // Signal in on this pin #define LED_PIN 5 // LED strip data #define BTN_PIN 4 you can change them to fit to your ESP8266 and make sure you change your program accordingly.
Thank you for your advice
Can you share the stl for print your design?
Thank you for your comment! I still have some minor changes to the model, I will share the STL files when all done. (^^)
I watched a very beautiful video. is esp8266 replaceable? and how to change legs
Theoretically it could be replaced by ESP8266, however I assume that ESP8266 might be a little less powerful to deal with the arithmetic processing to support 16 channels, I haven't tried myself, so I am just assuming. And for pins, there are only 3 pins you need, as you can find in the program:
#define AUDIO_IN_PIN 35 // Signal in on this pin
#define LED_PIN 5 // LED strip data
#define BTN_PIN 4
you can change them to fit to your ESP8266 and make sure you change your program accordingly.