Joseph Prince involved in the Occult & Witchcraft Part 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    We need to tend & contend not tend & be content !! If we love Jesus we will tend His sheep by contending for the faith .. How can we love Jesus & tend His sheep but be contented with counterfeit toxic grace spreading ??..John 21:15-17, Jude 1:3-4...God is Love .. The commandment always falls on us to love & obey God & one another.. JP loves to preach half truths & loves to twist simple plain text ..Hypergrace, twisted grace, counterfeit grace, toxic grace ...this guy really a JP .. junk preacher & talk trash 🗑️

  • @ip3vk
    @ip3vk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I heard him telling his congregation that he always heard from God. So, he is contradicting himself.

  • @8studio
    @8studio 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Rev Ong, thanks for diligently exposing the heretic teacher, and warning thousands or millions from the eternal hellfire. At the end of the day, we answer to God, not man.

  • @TheGreenPastures
    @TheGreenPastures 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I see that the Creator has given you wisdom to express yourself well now to defend your work against Joseph Prince fantasy and falsehood in deceiving himself and others.

  • @joyceliew4352
    @joyceliew4352 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    When comes to God's blessings,
    JP and his pastors will keep encourage us to have faith, believe it and claim it!
    If anyone is satisfied and content then they are being selfish!
    We were told to ask BIG from God so that we can be a blessing to many as poor cannot help the poor.
    BUT when comes to "Obeying God's Commands" suddenly the tone changes!
    JP sees God's blessings are possible when we believe BUT it is impossible when comes to loving His Commands through the works of Holy Spirit.
    JP's explanation: Has anyone done it? Has anyone love God with all our hearts, souls and minds?
    Worst was he didn't even want others to do it?
    If anyone could, it would be self-righteous!
    My question to JP:
    Just because i am not academically smart therefore i expect all also be like me?
    Then i would condemned those who could?
    Labelled them as self effort studies?
    ‭‭Matthew 23:13 NKJV‬‬
    [13] “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
    For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men;
    for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      At best.. they love word games dont they. Just wears me down. Complaints about it also wearying.
      Often I just walk away nowadays and no longer engage with those uninterested. Time wasters with no growth return interest (spiritually/biblically) year on year

  • @LuiSieh
    @LuiSieh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 NIV
    Thanks and blessings Rev George Ong for your faithful and obedient service and love for our Lord and Savior. Praying for your ministry and God's protection and light upon your efforts so He will be glorified. 🙏

    • @LuiSieh
      @LuiSieh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      And for the readers who come here, remember the warnings from Peter in 2 Peter, especially Chapters 1 & 2. The good Rev George Ong is playing the role of the modern Peter here in reminding and warning us of the false prophets and teachers likeJP and his kind so we may properly discern and protect ourselves from wolves in sheep clothes.
      Pray to the uplifting of Rev George Ong and his ministry.

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, we have clowns entertaining the goats - Charles Spurgeon ... We are living in that time now..

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8
    Obviously, Joseph Prince had already been in contact and under the control of the spirit of occultism when he was as young as a new convert at that time when he said "AND ALL OF A SUDDEN 'THE LORD' SPOKE TO ME, I FELT LIKE ON THE INSIDE ..". Obviously, that voice inside was not from God. It's because when the Bible minister ministered and spoke out God Commandment Rev 2:4 directly to him, something had already started to resist 'violently'. I believe that, from then on, that voice or struggle became so violent that he had nightmares every night because, like what he shared in the video "Don't mess around with Ouija Board or one of those things .. easy to go in, but once you get out .. and I had all kinds of terrible nightmares and all that .."
    Obviously, Joseph Prince knew his 'problem' at that time, and he thought he had been delivered because of his faith or confidence in his own 'revelation'. He had even shared about his 'testimony' about his struggle and deliverance from occultism a numbers of times with his congregation. However, I don't think he has been delivered at all because he is still under the control of the devil as he continues to preach for the devil - *WHO CAN NEVER LOVE* God and *WHO HATES* the commandments of God.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      We don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the devil hates God's commandments and cannot love God; however, new converts might not know that the devil can quote God's words like a pro. So, when a false prophet starts to quote from the Bible and preach God's words, especially if he can expound, explain, interpret, or sing about the Commandments of God 'beautifully' with *GREAT ANOINTING',* not many people know the real message behind that 'great anointing' ! It could be a *GREAT DECEPTION* that has the hidden message of hatred against all God's commandments, including the Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment, and the Commandment of first love (Rev 2:4). Like what Rev George has pointed out, the interpretation of Rev 2:4 by Joseph Prince itself is already a great deception that will try to remove *OUR* first love. Notice that the Bible has clearly written it as *OUR* first love with the Commandment; but Joseph Prince deliberately changed it to *GOD's* first love without any Commandment? see Rev 2:4 KJV Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left *THY* first love.
      Rev George's video above has already explained Rev 2:4 excellently.
      Rev George's another video has also shown clearly why Joseph Prince is against the Great Commandments too. see and
      When a preacher never mentions, never teaches, or never honors a commandment of God, he would very likely end up preaching a GREAT DECEPTION against the commandments of God. He would give GREAT GLORY to the philosophy of the devil and himself; but a GREAT INSULT to the Word of God when it is preached without God's commandment or obedience to God.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      When I first heard about this, I thought Joseph Prince was slapping himself while trying to correct others against the teaching or witchcraft of the false prophets. However, when I put myself into his shoes (an antinomian's shoes), I realize that he was actually trying to protect himself, and the false prophets who are against the written words of God. He was actually criticizing those who always tell people 'what is written' or 'what God said' IN THE SCRIPTURE, especially God's law. So, it was a hidden implication or setup to demolish the written words of God by criticizing those who adhere to what God said in His Commandments.
      Of course, Joseph Prince might have a point if the people would all abuse the law and behave like the Pharisees. However, today please tell me which church or country would quote the the Ten Commandments or God's law, and stone their people or condemn them without proper law and order? No, there must be proper teaching and application of law in every organization and country. Of course, for the country or organization to function well, we can't just do away with the law and just talk about love and charity. There must be good governance in the country and organization, and even in the church too.
      What will happen if there is no law or adherence to the commandments of God? There will be 4 possibilities:
      1. Rise of the false prophets who will tell you that 'God said this and that', and make people treat them like God.
      2. Rise of the lawless or lovers of self who demand that God should love them.
      3. Rise of false doctrine with no fear, no curb, no sin conscience, and no limit of telling lies, but with extremely boastful and lawless philosophies
      4. Rise of blasphemies against the doctrine of Christ which is now evidenced in Joseph Prince's preaching as he said that the quoting of 'what God said' (especially God's written words) is spiritual witchcraft.
      Probably most Joseph Prince's fans would say that he has 'good intention' about the preaching of God's law and commandments. However, when a lying antinomian or habitual double-talker like him says that 'what God said about this and that' is spiritual witchcraft in, we know that he is hitting at the Lord Jesus and us who quoted the word or law of God against him:
      Mat 4:4-10 KJV But he answered and said, *It is written,* Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God .. .. (7) Jesus said unto him, *It is written again,* Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God .. .. (10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for *it is written,* Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
      Most Joseph Prince's fans would still insist that he was right to preach against keeping any law (or written words) of God. They would argue, "If you always quote 'God said this and God said that' or 'it is written and it is written', don't you find that it is very legalistic and law-conscious? You would be under the law." I will tell them, Whether I am under the law or not (just because I quote or teach God's law?), I do not know (let God be the judge). However, I do know that, if it is the most effective way to fight against the 'snakes', liars, and false prophets, we will keep quoting it. After all, do you find that keep praying in the name of Jesus or keep binding the stronghold or dark forces in the name of Jesus legalistic? No, we will keep doing it if we know that we are told to do so, and we will keep doing it until the 'snake' drops and crawls away from the sheep of God.

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Im sorry to hear this
      It is a very dangerous thing for leaders on the pulpit to be involved with or have strings to evil spirits from the occult world and inadvertently pass on false doctrines to those who come 'under' their 'anointing' that is not from above.

    • @rK-em4yy
      @rK-em4yy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Kenneth hagin... All from prosperity theology of oral Roberts... Google oral Roberts... See all the alumni&followers of their doctrines...

  • @AmosChoo
    @AmosChoo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    thanks rev, i actually like you saying these things out rather than just texts on the screen, easier to follow as well

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      If you compare the past video clip of Rev George Ong, You will see the tremendous improvement in capturing the readers attention. Thank you Rev Ong

  • @achakvenn
    @achakvenn 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Now modern witches and warlocks do not wear black pointed hats, black dresses, fly on brooms or chant spells.
    They wear suits, carry bibles, fly on planes and gab "God told me this, God told me that".

  • @TruceForChrist
    @TruceForChrist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    God Bless you Reverand God Bless and use you Greatly for the Praises and Eternal Glory of His Exalted Messiah King Jesus 🙂

  • @mayumshe54
    @mayumshe54 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    More than 15 years ago, they have already rejected the will of God. Literally, they will just go from bad to worst. Pray that God saves those who are His, sheeps from the goats.

  • @trulyso734
    @trulyso734 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Yeah thanks for this. No wonder Im typically real drained after listening to all the mixture of truth and errors they seem constantly doing deliberately. We are in the last days alright.
    Id say too many do this now in hyper modern churches that my head spins A Lot after just 1 session. Imagine putting oneself under weeks and weeks of some impure milk overstretching like all of it.. (so for me, too many examples to list and all non-glorifying to God. Will leave it at that. So begins/continues the falling away from true faith in God's Truth alone without any serpent dance circus)

  • @junie9417
    @junie9417 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Oh caught from his mouth, well done Rev Ong!

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    *False Evangelism - “The trouble with all FALSE EVANGELISM is IT DOES NOT START WITH DOCTRINE, it does not START BY REALISING MAN'S CONDITION. . . if you and I realized that every man who is YET A SINNER is absolutely dominated by the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience (Eph.2:1-3; 5:5-8;Col.3:5-7), if we only understood that he is REALLY A CHILD OF WRATH AND DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SINS, we would realize that ONLY ONE POWER can deal with such an individual, and that is the POWER OF GOD, THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. And so we would put our confidence, not in man-made organizations, but in the power of God, in the prayer that holds on to God and asks for revival and a descent of that Spirit. We would realize that NOTHING ELSE CAN DO IT. We can change men superficially, we can win men to our side and to our party, we can persuade them to JOIN A CHURCH, but we can NEVER RAISE THE SPIRITUALLY DEAD; God alone can do that” - Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981).*
    *The believing sinner's hope is to arrive at "true repentance" (i.e., to turn away from sin, 2Peter 3:9; Luke 13:3&5; Mark 1:15; Hebrews 6:1, "not laying again the foundation of repentance") and, to move toward "sanctification/regeneration" by the Holy Spirit (the redemptive work of One Triune God) that leads to "adoption" by the Father (Eph.1:5; Romans 8:15, 23; 9:1-16).*
    *Revealed 115 years ago: "ADOPTION is an ACT of God (Father, with the Spirit bearing witness conjointly with our spirit, Romans 8:14-17, whereby the BELIEVING SINNER is RECEIVED into the FAMILY of God, with ALL the RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES of His CHILDREN in which he becomes an HEIR of God (Romans 8: 19-23) with the RIGHT and TITLE to ETERNAL LIFE."*
    *A Divine Revelation of Hell (1976) - A cloud of witnesses - Mary K. Baxter (1940-2021) - “This woman," said Jesus, "was the EQUIVALENT OF A PREACHER FOR SATAN. Just as the TRUE GOSPEL IS PREACHED TO US BY A REAL MINISTER, so satan has his COUNTERFEIT MINISTERS. She had the strongest kind of satanic power, one which she was required to SELL HER SOUL to receive. Satan's evil gifts are like the OPPOSITE SIDE of the coin to the spiritual gifts Jesus bestows upon believers. This is the power of darkness.”*
    *Jesus said, "Many people give their SOULS to satan. They choose to serve him instead of Me. Their choice is death unless they repent of their sins and call upon Me. I am faithful, and I will save them from their sins. Many also sell their souls to satan thinking they will live forever. But they will die a horrible death.”*
    *Revealed in 1989, "In the pursuit of wealth (prosperity), they would SELL THEIR OWN SOUL for ten of acres of property when whole planets, or solar systems, or even galaxies are prepared for them” - Enoch*

  • @hannah5245
    @hannah5245 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    so like I've been saying all along, all Christians should at least go through a few sessions of deliverance from whatever occultic or demonic influences in their past for however many generations before them that they can get facts about what their ancestors did. Those who are possessed before they received their salvation would fall under a dif category. They need a lot of sessions of deliverance. I went through 2 sessions myself, many years ago in the 80s, and read many of Neil Anderson's books Breaking Free from. your past, Victory over Darkness, Steps to Freedom in Christ, Grace that Break the Chains, etc.
    Even those of us who think that reading horoscopes or doing yoga is not evil in itself. I used to think that myself. But we never know giving the devil a foothold is a subtle thing. We can also use logic/rationalization to explain our so called mild beliefs in horoscopes etc. So make your own decision about how you follow the One True Christ and not be falling into traps about how we hear things, whether they be from our own disobedient hearts or from the devil, or really from JC himself. We need to. be careful when we are feeling power or powerful in the beginning, bc over time we can get sucked into the pride/lust for more power. I'm saying this especially for those who already are in authority positions like JP.
    JP definitely needs deliverance himself. But who will say that to him?

    • @Matrixqc777
      @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      *“He came to set the captives free" (1986) - A cloud of witnesses - Dr. Rebecca Brown (1948-2020) - Destruction of Christian Churches Through Infiltration {Is the church you go to, already infiltrated?}*
      *Eight Part Plan of Satan (Note: Either through Satanist men and women OR the demons living in fake Christians - same thing. 1Timothy 3:6 - leader of the church should not be a novice, neophutos - a new or a young convert).*
      *#1) False Profession of Faith*
      *#2) Build Credibility (with church leaders, pastors)*
      *#3) Destroy the Prayer Base*
      *#4) Rumors*
      *#5) Teach and Change Doctrines*
      *#6) Break Up Family Units*
      *#7) Stop All Accurate Teaching About Satan*
      *#8) Direct Attacks By Witchcraft Against Key Members of the Church*

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not of generations prior. Only from what they have gone into before themselves. I dont know about any deliverance ritual be necessary over and above a wholehearted sorrowful repentance unto the Lord for a full restoration to begin.
      Nobody needs that sort of overburden in past generational inspections.. coz there is No scriptural basis for that!
      The curses/chain of sin are all broken off once for all from a sincere salvation. From that starting point of a whole new creation and the person's generation (s) who follow God's commands from then.
      Stop selling books and hoax deliverance gurus. All Genuine christians need to do is to Renounce any evil past ties and wrong beliefs/gods as they name LORD JC as their only saviour. What do u think u r doing suggesting even JC's (Lord Jesus?) voice cannot be trusted!?. "My sheep hear My voice and only My voice will they heed" - said HE.
      On everything else you said, I agree.

  • @SUPERIDOLProductions
    @SUPERIDOLProductions 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    As long as he Repented and God sees that he is Truly Sorry and that he won't (and never after repenting)do it again, He will be fine! If he still does so In secret from the worshipers God will see that and Punish Him for 2 sins 1)Using Badmagic and 2)Not practicing what he preaches(Hypocrisey)

  • @philipchan0231
    @philipchan0231 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Seem he is talking about himself

  • @drk9575
    @drk9575 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you so much for putting up these videos.
    Indeed even the elect will be deceived, by those who claim Jesus is the messiah.
    Many will vehemently oppose your message, but don’t stop sounding the alarm. Motivation to do so will simply be the flesh seeking to stay alive.
    Breaking commandment number 2 is remaking God.
    The end result is keeping the flesh alive. Though he claimed he came the end of himself yet it is also true he never ended himself, and he’s deceiving others they are in God’s love thereby never leading them to be IN HIM.

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    *“While MANY PROFESS TO KNOW Christ, it is those who DO THE WILL OF GOD (the Father - Matthew 7:21), and who TRULY FOLLOW (Matthew 10:38; 16:24 - deny self, take up the cross) and OBEY Jesus Christ (John 3:36) who WILL BE SAVED, and those only” (Matthew 7:21-22; Luke 13:24) - A cloud of witnesses - Matthew Henry (1662-1714).*
    *A cloud of witnesses: Matthew Henry (October 18, 1662 - June 22, 1714) was a Nonconformist minister and author, who was born in Wales but spent much of his life in England. He is best known for the six-volume biblical commentary Exposition of the Old and New Testaments. Henry's well-known six-volume Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (1708-10) or Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive paragraph-by-paragraph (or section-by-section) study of the Bible, covering the whole of the Old Testament, and the Gospels and Acts in the New Testament. Henry's Commentary identifies the "man of sin", the focus of latter day apostasy, and the Antichrist as the papacy in his interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Famous evangelical Protestant preachers used and heartily commended the work, such as George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon, with Whitefield reading it through four times - the last time on his knees. Spurgeon stated, "Every minister ought to read it entirely and carefully through once at least." John Wesley published an abbreviated edition of the Commentary and wrote of Henry.*
    *"If we don't know the Bible, if we don't know doctrine, if we don't know theology, it is virtually impossible for us to identify false prophets" - Voddie Baucham (1969, aged 55 years).*
    *"Most Christians nowadays simply don't care about false doctrine, nor do they take seriously their duty to fight against apostasy" - John Macarthur (1939 - aged 85).*
    *"Doctrine divides, but doctrine also unites. It binds together the hearts of God's people who celebrate the truth of God together" - A cloud of witnesses - R.C. Sproul (1939-2017).*
    *Revealed 115 years ago: “Paul then spoke and said: “These revelations are both natural and supernatural. Natural THEOLOGY treats of God and His ATTRIBUTES as TAUGHT BY NATURE (Romans 1:19-20). But the Scriptures, are the true SOURCE of correct THEOLOGICAL TEACHINGS among men on the earth. They are a DIVINELY INSPIRED REVELATION to men (2Timothy **3:16**-17). The CAREFUL INTERPRETATION of them REVEALS GOD to men. They discover His TRUE NATURE, ATTRIBUTES, RELATIONS TO AND DEALINGS WITH MAN. True THEOLOGY treats also of man, his RELATIONS and DUTIES to God and his FELLOW MEN; of the FUTURE STATE, which we all are NOW enjoying, with its REWARDS, and also the PUNISHMENTS which are METED OUT to the IMPENITENT” (unrepentant) - apostle Paul*
    *“To the question, ‘What is truth,’ this answer which we REPEAT IN HEAVEN is true: ‘To know God as He has revealed Himself to man is TRUTH OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.’ “Our Lord declared: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ All things taught or believed that are OUT OF HARMONY with HIS CLEAR REVELATIONS are both FALSE AND MISLEADING” - 24 Elders*

    • @Matrixqc777
      @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      *"Today's church cannot remain faithful if it tolerates false teachers and leaves their teachings uncorrected and unconfronted. Discernment is traced back to a disastrous loss of biblical knowledge. Discernment cannot survive without (sound) doctrine" - Albert Mohler (1959 - aged 65).*
      *Richard Albert Mohler, Jr. (October 19, 1959, age 65 years) is an American evangelical theologian, the ninth president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and host of the podcast The Briefing, where he daily analyzes the news and recent events from a Evangelical perspective. Mohler joined the staff of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky in 1983 as Coordinator of Foundation Support. In 1987, he became Director of Capital Funding, a post he held until 1989. From 1983 to 1989, while still a student, he had served as assistant to then-President Roy Honeycutt. In February 1993, Mohler was appointed the ninth President of the seminary by the institution's board of trustees to succeed Honeycutt. Mohler is an Evangelical and an exclusivist, which means that he believes Jesus is the only way through which an individual can attain salvation or have a relationship with God the Father. As a Calvinist, Mohler believes that human salvation is a free gift from God which cannot be earned by human action or will and is only given to the elect. His Master of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in systematic and historical theology were conferred by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.*
      *"I am not permitted to let my love be so merciful as to tolerate and endure false doctrine" - Martin Luther (1483-1546).*
      *"We should no more tolerate false doctrine than we would tolerate sin" - J.C. Ryle (1816-1900).*
      *'In the last days some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrine of devils' (2:1Tim.4:1).*

  • @admaiusbonum977
    @admaiusbonum977 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's very sad. The way he blasphemes just shows one thing: he has turned to the enemy. This is very sad 😢

  • @danieltanjc
    @danieltanjc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My friend a ncc member told me ncc has done many healing, heal sick pp to health. I guess that's why ncc attract so many members wealth n health.

    • @veralinc8117
      @veralinc8117 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      He should be visiting the hospital wards and ICUs here and all over the world.
      "Jesus went about all Gallilee... healing all kinds of sicknesses and all kinds of diseases among the people"

    • @joyceliew4352
      @joyceliew4352 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      JP won't even go visiting his church Caregroup.
      Somemore proudly told us Caregroup is so important to the church because it is a backbone of the church.
      All his lip services while his pastors were the ones goes visiting the sick in the hospitals.
      JP only appears on grandeur platforms.
      Therefore JP is preaching another type of jesus!
      His own jesus that will sit on high and mighty platforms with bodyguards so that no one can come near him!

    • @achakvenn
      @achakvenn 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Oh yea, not even once did he say he visited the hospitals and got many patients healed. Strange silence. But in the auditorium its showbiz

  • @jeremychew3668
    @jeremychew3668 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    So here it is, JP played with the Ouija board and never got out though he claimed he did.

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3 - *You are dammed if you preached a false gospel - R.C. Sproul (1939-2017).*
    *A cloud of witnesses: Robert Charles (R.C.) Sproul {February 13, 1939 - December 14, 2017} was an American Calvinist theologian and ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. He was the Founder and Chairman of Ligonier Ministries (with Steven Lawson and John MacArthur) that could be heard daily on the Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast in the United States, an international Christian discipleship organization located near Orlando, Florida. He was also founding pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, first president of Reformation Bible College, and executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. His radio program, Renewing Your Mind, is still broadcast daily on hundreds of radio stations around the world and can also be heard online. Sproul contributed dozens of articles to national evangelical publications, spoke at conferences, churches, colleges, and seminaries around the world, and wrote more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God, Chosen by God, and Everyone’s a Theologian. He also served as general editor of the Reformation Study Bible.*

    • @Matrixqc777
      @Matrixqc777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      *Revealed, 115 years ago: "THE LAW OF SPIRITUAL GRAVITATION"*
      *Group 1: “All SOULS who are BLOOD-WASHED are DRAWN towards God's Throne is the great center of His everlasting Kingdom of Light from the TIME they ACCEPTED CHRIST AND were BORN OF HIM, with more or less CONSCIOUS POWER according AS THEY YIELD THEMSELVES to His (Holy Spirit’s) holy will, and were TRANSFORMED into His blessed IMAGE” (Romans 8:29-30 - of His Son).*
      *Group 2: “THOSE WHO CHOSE A SINFUL LIFE IN THE WORLD. .” {knowingly or unknowingly} will experience the “OPPOSITE” effect of the SAME SPIRITUAL GRAVITATIONAL FORCE, “THEY ARE DRAWN WITH A MIGHTY FORCE DOWNWARD toward the pit of eternal death, where {SIN and} DEATH SHALL ALWAYS REIGN” (Romans 8:2).*
      *"SANCTIFICATION is an IMMEDIATE WORK of the Spirit of God on the SOULS of believers (believing sinners). . ." - John Owen (1616-1683).*
      *“If the Christian life looks too hard, we must remember that we are not called to live it by ourselves. The Spirit has landed to do battle with the flesh. So take heart if your soul feels like a battlefield at times. Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Gal.**5:16**; Romans 13:14) - John Piper (1946 - aged 78).*