first You need a "Need For Speed 4 High Stakes 1999 SLUS 00826 Mod Hypercycle Hypernuclei NTSC"; second You need to win a "Tournament of Champions", then Mercedes CLK GTR fully upgraded will be Your prize. The buying of upgraded is no available for money.
... first of all, this is Complete Edition Need For Speed 4 High Stakes 1999 SLUS 00826 Mod Hypercycle Hypenucle NTSC, which contains four special events more. You get the Titan for the last event in NFS 4 HS v1.0
How to fully upgrade mclaren f1 gtr or mercedes clk gtr?
first You need a "Need For Speed 4 High Stakes 1999 SLUS 00826 Mod Hypercycle Hypernuclei NTSC"; second You need to win a "Tournament of Champions", then Mercedes CLK GTR fully upgraded will be Your prize. The buying of upgraded is no available for money.
Use gameshark cheats to give yourself a Mclaren F1, then yse another cheat to fully upgrade both. I think you can even upgrade cop cars and the titan.
1) mod is downloadable?
2) tournament championship is 300 000 money?
Pisale carnal mas rapido
thank You for Your activity, anyway!
How did you get the Upgrades Mclaren?
I only got the Titan for the läßt Event
... first of all, this is Complete Edition Need For Speed 4 High Stakes 1999 SLUS 00826 Mod Hypercycle Hypenucle NTSC, which contains four special events more. You get the Titan for the last event in NFS 4 HS v1.0