I really like the idea that some girl from his college class is watching James Charles play on Minecraft Monday and they see James scream that techno is coming and they just think to themselves “wasn’t that the one really weird guy with the hot gorgeous elbows from my English class”
still dont understand why people have to shove republicans vs democrats down everybodies throat in a youtube comment section with people like me from Australia on the same website. I'm not saying the comments above me are doing that but I already know this comments replies are gonna become a debate
"These are college students, they dont wanna watch some dude playin minecraft" Me sitting in my dorm in between classes watching some dude play minecraft:
@@BabyNoob270 in college it depends on your schedule, you can have classes at any time during the day so you could have 5 minutes between classes or 5 hours
that’s why techno’s skywars videos will always be the best. they are the only skywars videos that can make me laugh, most skywars youtubers don’t ever attempt humor, and their live commentary is really garbage. I miss techno’s skywars content, he’s growing his channel with the dream smp and making money but I don’t really care about any of that celebrity minecraft stuff, his hypixel pvp content will always be his best stuff imo.
I *always* complain about these people in my group, I once did almost all the work in a group with 3 other people, so I'd also feel *really* guilty if I become one of them. 😂
"You need not fear the result of a hundred controversies as long as your college does not discover your TH-cam channel" -Sun Tzu, The Art of War Edit: Mad props to Sparky Lover for responding to this... If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have found this comments after months and realised I messed up
This guy is literally telling college stories while casually kicking the shit out of everyone he meets in skywars. I wish I was this confident in my abilities.
This video shows why I liked techno so much, he does Minecraft, and his audience is mainly kids and teens, but , he talks about things that he is genuinely interested in, like collage level English literature, and his big data class, which are both very interesting to me, rest in piece techno, your goated princess bride take will not be missed, every one SHOULD read it.
“So tomorrow twitter could be like, you know these democratically elected leaders, lets just yeet them off of our platform” that kinda caught me off guard tbh
Normal fans: HE HASNT UPLOADED IN 2 DAYS HE DIED DISNSJJSNENSKNA Technoblade fans: oh it’s he posted after 2 months that’s better than last time nice work
Ginghuraal The Nonrank Therapist: “no you don’t get it they don’t have brains, they aren’t real” Technoblade: “Yeah, they don’t have brains, they’re stupid”
“They don’t wanna watch some guy run around playing Minecraft, they’re college students” Be me, college student currently watching some guy run around playing Minecraft (with added commentary)
A college student watching another college student play Minecraft and have his channel exposed to his college peers and is anxious about what his college buddies will say
What if a college student is watching a video of a college student commenting about a college student that said that his a friend of a college student that has a youtube channel of 1.7million suscribers?
It's impressive how he can talk out this whole story while fighting, but if I were him I woulden't be so worried since he can literally kill anyone, so I get why its so easy for him.
Dream stans fail to see the irony that by insulting the rival youtuber that is a good friend of the youtuber they support, they are actually dragging down the image of both youtubers and themselves at the same time. It's just idiotic. Edit: this comment is irrelevent now, dont start another dogfight in this thread.
@@BobBob-pj3qo funny thing is, the fanbase thinks their respective ytber is the best in mc, when the real best mc player probably dont even do youtube, making the whole rant irrelevent.
I keep coming back to these videos as I used to do when I was waiting for the next live stream or bed wars video to drop. I keep coming back as if I could get to enjoy another video with my favorite TH-cam talking and making jokes... I may not have known him as much as other, but It feels like a friend left and I can't help but feel really sad, is it weird if I cry? Techno's videos always helped me be happy in hard times, now I have to rewatch his videos, I still laugh, but I can't help but feel empty when I realize I'm watching the memory of someone... He was a great person and techno was a great TH-camr... And I'm glad he is now resting and far away from anything that could harm him. Technoblade never dies...
Give him a bottle of tomato juice labelled with "blood" and say loudly "Blood for the blood god"... Or leave him the bottle on his table with a big sign that says this
Imagine if you could slip players with bars of soap in minecraft and inject them with a syringe gun loaded with morphine so you could drag them into maintenance and beat them to death with a toolbox. Minecraft pvp isn't sophisticated enough for me. (s)
I’m Vegan I was on a kids say the darndest things video and my friend, who had the same class but the period before me told my ELA teacher, so when I walked into class the first thing I was told was “(friends name) told us about that video” so I had to pull up the video and skip to the part I was in (I got stuck in a box) and silently watch my classmates watch me suffer. I died inside and was so embarrassed
Technoblade is like the dad who says he'll go for milk and leaves for like 2 months but then realizes oh no my family is great, and comes back and then after 2 weeks he dips again.
@@kx7500 But they can advocate destroying millions of dollars worth of small businesses and the disruption in innocent people's livelihoods, but GOD forbid someone breaks a window in the big building.
@@kx7500 Hey, I mean that Nicolás Maduro has violated The universal declaration of human rights murdering hundreds of people... Oh wait...He is not banned Once again, the hypocrisy of the progressives comes to light.
@@septem70 the thing is, sadly, a lot of what you see online is manufactured outrage, no matter what side it's from. things are designed to be enraging from both sides of the political spectrum, to keep people fighting each other & divided instead of realizing that if they worked together towards a good common goal they could probably make more progress in the world than if they like, argued with some fucker in the youtube comments section of a minecraft video. wait anyways back to arguing in the youtube comments section. have you considered that a lot of progressives also hate twitter for these same hypocritical actions? like they'll ban popular left-leaning figures just as quickly as popular right-leaning figures, even if they haven't done that much wrong, simply if there's enough outrage that twitter feels their profit is at risk. people on the left and right can both get away with violations of the tos or heinous irl actions as long as it doesn't put the money at risk. try and recall any situation where the twitter company did something that produced public outrage. if you've thought of a scenario, now consider: was the cut in profit that the outrage caused less than the profit they got from doing it? (think the twitter timeline that almost everybody hates. the thing about it is that it makes twitter more money to force people to scroll longer to find posts they want, so overall despite the outrage, it's profitable). now consider whether the outrage actually made them money as well. (think about the incoming traffic that large drama generates as people go to the site to see what's going on). in the end, it's all about corporations doing what's most profitable for them, whether it be in favor of one political movement or the other. so i personally think it's pretty useless to blame the side that twitter's moneygrabbing happened to favor this time. anyways i've wasted my time writing this long ass fuckin comment that will cause no change in opinion. have a nice day i'm going to go back to watching minecraft youtube edit: just realized one of my incomprehensible sentences was even more gibberish than the others and fixed it to word slightly better
This is the man that has ADHD This is the man that beat minecraft with a steering wheel This is the man that got 1400 winstreak on skywars This is the man that won 4 Minecraft Championships This is the man that won 100,000$ duel with dream This is the man that farmed over 800 milion potatoes This is THE BLADE
@@dylannoname I’m guessing he’s referring to Trump getting banned from twitter and other social media. But it was very late into his term and January 6th was... something else.
A teacher should never do something like that, bringing up something that a student could potentially be basing their presentation on is utterly unprofessional. (RIP Technoblade)
How did i get this from searching "sometimes, i dream about cheese" Edit: before you ask me " why did you search it up? " I already posted it in the comments about 4 times now
He forgot to tell the most important thing: did he get the A-?
we win these
I really like the idea that some girl from his college class is watching James Charles play on Minecraft Monday and they see James scream that techno is coming and they just think to themselves “wasn’t that the one really weird guy with the hot gorgeous elbows from my English class”
Oml XD
This is a high tier comment
That is a possibility
Techno’s class: Hmm these are kinda good videos
Techno: *FREE SUBS*
vampire mask
Ocean Man
You got stonked
“Twitter could just start yeeting world leaders”
Well that aged interestingly
Yup :)
I knew there would be someone referencing Trump getting yeeted
unironically my socialist ass loves twitter yeeting trump, even though im a free speech extremist, cuz now republicans wanna nationalize social media.
Was about to say that
still dont understand why people have to shove republicans vs democrats down everybodies throat in a youtube comment section with people like me from Australia on the same website. I'm not saying the comments above me are doing that but I already know this comments replies are gonna become a debate
It really is nice to look back on technos old videos. Simpler times. RIP technoblade.
Fr man. Cancer sucks…
f*ck cancer
@@Kingmetaknightvv no joke, I am holding back tears when his video came up when i opened youtube
It is really nice to watch them and look back rip technoblade
“Guys I found him”
“Haha I gotta go” *sprints out of classroom*
Sprint jumping
690th like
Face Reveal.
@@BlubExodus buv
GoTtA bLaSt-
I love how he’s not recording the gameplay prior and he’s just straight up winning matches while telling a story
He had done that since he start his Solo Skywars series *facepalm*
@@zForce4 Oh, I didn’t know that because I never watched his solo skywars series
Dave I’m sorry
People telling stories while playing games is actually entertaining, you get bored listening to the story? watch the game play
That college class must be super lucky to see both of his elbows
Denn you can see his face on cooking with technoblade
@@MrPiggy-kl6xz his elbows is more precious than his face
ฅ'ω'ฅ well you are right
yeah damn
Ye lol
"These are college students, they dont wanna watch some dude playin minecraft"
Me sitting in my dorm in between classes watching some dude play minecraft:
Techno never dies!!!!
Wait, how much time do you have between classes? I am just about to go to high school. I gotta prepare for college.
I watch Technoblade DURING college classes.
@@lukeskywalker81160 TECHNO NEVER DIES
@@BabyNoob270 in college it depends on your schedule, you can have classes at any time during the day so you could have 5 minutes between classes or 5 hours
Technoblade: "College students don't want to watch me running around and playing minecraft."
Me, a college student:
Sanjay Chakrabarty same xD
minecraft earth type beat
@@cubbs6495 lol nice
Pretty much
He's recalling his life story without stuttering WHILE WINNING SKYWARS
mission passed
respect ++
He did stutter a few times but he still doesn’t lose respect from me
VEGANROCKR PLAYZ the stutter was for comedic effect I thought.
The skill needed for that
Imagine the professor watching this video and realizing he stole Techno’s answer
Oh my
*chuckles, I'm in danger*
@@myusernameissolonglolimgon8700 lol
I have the power to end the 555 likes
@@theblubanshee8027 dont do it...
Oh wow, this just showed up in my recommended 4 years later. I am not complaining, it’s always nice to come back here. Rest in peace, Technoblade.
I like how it’s live commentary and not pre recorded
that’s why techno’s skywars videos will always be the best. they are the only skywars videos that can make me laugh, most skywars youtubers don’t ever attempt humor, and their live commentary is really garbage. I miss techno’s skywars content, he’s growing his channel with the dream smp and making money but I don’t really care about any of that celebrity minecraft stuff, his hypixel pvp content will always be his best stuff imo.
Only LOSERS pre record audio
@@Jcfcampos. *YES*
technoblade seems genuinely nice, feeling guilty for freeloading a simple assignment
what a chad
I *always* complain about these people in my group, I once did almost all the work in a group with 3 other people, so I'd also feel *really* guilty if I become one of them. 😂
My uncle and my friends name is Chad so...
It bewilders me how you can get so many subs just by having an anime girl profile pic
Technoblade: 9pm is a good time to start doing assignments
me watching this at 8:30pm: *he knows*
@@slavicmetro HE DOES
@@Gogetaa *_He does_*
Pretty sure most, if not all, TH-camrs die inside when someone watches their videos in front of them.
Yep 😂
Very true
he is dead bro he will not see this
@@stepinlife-live Way to ruin the mood man, Tho is true.
@@stepinlife-liveguess he died on the outside when he heard they watched his videos
Technoblade trying to explain to his teacher that he doesn't actually kills orphans
Lol yes
The orphan in the corner of the classroom exudes a large amount of fear
Techno, BUT I CAN!
Teacher was shot by Technoblade using *[ Orphan Obliterator ]*
“Twitter could yeet a president” 2:45 that aged rlly bad
Omg i thought it too ahahahahhah
I was searching for this comment as soon as I heard it thank you for being the one to post it lmaoooo
Pretty sure that it aged really well, actually.
Like a fine wine, a good pinót noir.
Techno's voice is so soothing. He could do a podcast.
I honestly wouldn't mind listening to him read a book lol
he would post s new episode once a year
He was so good that he literally won skywars while telling us A DIFFERENT STORY. RIP Legend
It is a recording.
@@SODIUM10 He still responds to thing happening in the game tho?
@@Ylug_20 Can't you respond to what you did on a recording? Isn't it possible?
@@SODIUM10 My bad yo
Don’t think he recorded anything, he was just very skilled at the game and can play well without having to concentrate much
"You need not fear the result of a hundred controversies as long as your college does not discover your TH-cam channel"
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Edit: Mad props to Sparky Lover for responding to this... If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have found this comments after months and realised I messed up
y e s
@Shawn "Whatever you do, don't reveal all of your secrets in a youtube video, you fool, you moron" -Sun Tzu
I see you have passed the potato War arc
This guy is literally telling college stories while casually kicking the shit out of everyone he meets in skywars. I wish I was this confident in my abilities.
That comes from years of practice lol
while in his first video he explains how he can't talk while playing because he needs to concentrate-
I think the audio is different and he just put it over
Edit: nvm
same but the problem is i have no abilities
That's part of the problem, taking everything too seriously makes it harder to perform well you just have to vibe
„i dropped out of collage for this”
The art of potato war
Nah nah the art of war potato edition
Your spelling and grammar are as bad as the smell of an old dumpster filled with dirty diapers.
@@eggzed5499 ok, and?
-sun tzu
The art of war
@@eggzed5499 No one asked for ur insults it is not that bad. They will improve idiot
This video shows why I liked techno so much, he does Minecraft, and his audience is mainly kids and teens, but , he talks about things that he is genuinely interested in, like collage level English literature, and his big data class, which are both very interesting to me, rest in piece techno, your goated princess bride take will not be missed, every one SHOULD read it.
piece is crazy
@@merchin42 you should also read wheel of time and name of the wind :)
Students: Hey isn’t that the person who dropped out?
Teacher: He makes more money than me.
That was deep.
That’s sad
Biggie E sorry, i corrected it.
"You can't be wasting eggs were in a pandemic"
-Tecnoblade 2020
Howtobasic: *Sweats nervously*
~ Sun Tzu art of war
@@rainbowmeloons2372 *Technoblade
Technoblade: "Summer of 2019 was a pretty insane time man"
Summer of 2020: "HAHAHAHA"
What about the summer of 69
what's crazy about it
@@trunestor bruh
Wow a 2020 joke how original
@@doggeenayterwhy u so aggresive i was trying to make a funny comment jeez?
The fact that I’m still getting recommended Techno makes me unbelievably happy.
Imagine, those college students got a free face reveal from TECHNOBLADE
i’m glad nobody leaked it lol
he already did face reveal bro
@@y7va no we pretend his face reveal doesn’t exist
@@y7va it’s because he doesnt like it, so we’re just gonna pretend he never did it
College: *Discovers channel*
Techno: aight, ima head out
Why dont you have a checkmark next to your name?
hello omicron
Wait how are you not verified yet, also congrats on YT rank
I’m subbed omricron
"Wait I won?"
**realization settles in**
"O, that's nice"
250 likes and 0 comments
383 likes 2 replies
465 likes 3 replies.
489 likes, 4 replies
541 likes 5 replies
So glad to see technos videos getting recommended still. Rest in peace, techno never dies 🕊️🕊️
"Whatever you do, Guard not only your heart
but also your TH-cam channel"
-Sun Tzu, Art of War
"--and your potato farms."
And your island
@@flamius1063 "--and get BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!"
- “and your skyblock potato farm secrets”
Ha lol
Is techno even alive at this point he hasn't even upload for like 84 years
we must get use to this
It’s the Potatoes
those potatoes cost time
he's preparing the potato war final i guess
Aspect0007 He is alive . He appeared in one of fundy’s vids
"second worst thing to happen to these orphans"
- Sun Tzu, Art of War
@StenXa This comment is just violently unfunny.
Duke Wheeless only real legends know this reference
LOL i get it
Whatever you do. Do not reveal your techniques in a TH-cam video. You fool, You moron!”
Stfu kid LLLL
RIP Techno . I miss him. He didnt upload very often but when he did the videos were legendry.
We all miss him he was a great youtuber i wished he didnt die but eventually u need to let go of you loved ones
I miss his comedy as well
“So tomorrow twitter could be like, you know these democratically elected leaders, lets just yeet them off of our platform” that kinda caught me off guard tbh
techno predicting the future of america lol
Hes a prophet
Yah pretty much
Scary accuracy
"But the problem is-"
"... This guy's B-Hopping."
That transition from story-telling to in-game commentary was on point
I do that a lot too lol
He's too good
I was looking at the comments and as soon as I read this that exact part played
His 'bruh' got so low
"My professor, he's supposed to protect me he's supposed to-
Techno finally remembered his TH-cam password
Firat Don, He’s been gone for 6 days only lmao
Edit: Why do I still get notifications? It’s been 4 MONTHS, can y’all relax
He was live yesterday lol
Firat Don ikr
Oh dam
FlamixZB it was a joke
Man I miss him…
We all do
I too
@@tobi-1_ I miss him to
Technoblade fans: oh it’s he posted after 2 months that’s better than last time nice work
Copied comment
eddsworld fans:... that is normal ;-;... *cries in edds gone*
@@The146MoonsOfSaturn why did you remembered me of my sadness
Ju Galaxy oop sorry-
FandomTrapped i searched him up and he uploaded 4 weeks ago
Therapist: “skywars players aren’t real, they can’t hurt you.”
Technoblade: “You’re right, they can’t hurt me.”
Ginghuraal The Nonrank
Therapist: “no you don’t get it they don’t have brains, they aren’t real”
Technoblade: “Yeah, they don’t have brains, they’re stupid”
Nathan Mendiola try ranked skywars... only reason techno wins so much is because he plays unranked
@@bloo6639 not true
Wait skyward players aren’t real!! Who have I been playing with all this time?
Tehcnoblade: “my sister blastin my vide-“
Tommy: *another for my streak*
O h n o
another for t h e *c o l l e c t i o n*
A fine addition to my collection
isnt she like 11?
Anyone who got recommended this 4 years later?
Whats scarier technos professor finding his youtube or him posting twice in a week.
Blockay dont forget he also streamed
Blockay just imagine one of your students making more money than you by playing Minecraft.
@@TommyTom21 according to socialblade, he makes 69.1K - 1.1M$ per year
Talentless GD well Techno did make a joke about how horrible and inaccurate the social blade estimated money is soooo :P
Zico Ngyuen Thats what happens when you choose to be a teacher
Tommyinnit when techno made this video
Rest In Peace Techno
sir you miss spelled that its actually spelled write :D
KAYLAN GOD neeeerd
·demon_skies· You are supposed to capitalize the first word of a sentence :D
I could listen to him talk about random shit while killing pixels in a game forever
Rat you mean stabbing children
Rat same
yo can you get your friends to leave my house
Yaa _yeetus lmfao
Gotta keep the content pg m8
Is anyone else just watching this old videos?
I just miss him bro...
“They don’t wanna watch some guy run around playing Minecraft, they’re college students”
Be me, college student currently watching some guy run around playing Minecraft (with added commentary)
A college student watching another college student play Minecraft and have his channel exposed to his college peers and is anxious about what his college buddies will say
I was a college student. Then some guy in china got sick.
What if a college student is watching a video of a college student commenting about a college student that said that his a friend of a college student that has a youtube channel of 1.7million suscribers?
greentext bois?
7:25 “I’ve become the guy who freeloads off of his classmates” as he cleans two guys who were already low on HP by fighting each other
Oh god the irony
The irony
The big irony
1:46 I should've known this whole time --- Techno was not just a menace, and not even just a villain. He's been a JOJO VILLAIN the WHOLE TIME
"T E C H N O P L A A A A A A N E"
-Sun Tzu, Art of War
Haha plane go brrrrrrrrrrrr
Haha plane go 關於攻擊 *boom *
Classmate: *"We should watch one of his videos"*
Teacher: *"Yeah sure"*
Techno: *"WHAT"*
Time stamp?
Paradox Radox 5:06
@kenndy whipple
We cant even get our teacher to put on music in class lol
I love how he's just casually stabbing kids while talking calmly
Out of context sounds so wrong xD
@@tjrex9458 nah fam, he's just stabbing the orphans, usual techno schedule
@@slavicmetro yeah I give him some from my basement every Sunday
pretty much sums him up
It's impressive how he can talk out this whole story while fighting, but if I were him I woulden't be so worried since he can literally kill anyone, so I get why its so easy for him.
Anyone else just randomly get this recommended? Warms my heart to see that YT is still recommending this legend to people.
Yea me too
Dream stans fail to see the irony that by insulting the rival youtuber that is a good friend of the youtuber they support, they are actually dragging down the image of both youtubers and themselves at the same time. It's just idiotic.
Edit: this comment is irrelevent now, dont start another dogfight in this thread.
And they aren't even comparable
yeah like dream is good techno is good illumina is good they can all be the best
@@BobBob-pj3qo funny thing is, the fanbase thinks their respective ytber is the best in mc, when the real best mc player probably dont even do youtube, making the whole rant irrelevent.
I like how techno blade, as a responsible youtuber who cares for his fans, puts the resource pack in the description, can we please all respect that
Also the fact that he put an image in the desc telling us he won’t be friends with us commoners :’(
Rose Sleepz Classic Technoblade 😂
its always been in the description for years. hes a real chad since the start
I agree arlox
@@zzzzzzzz4778 me trynna become an yt just to be his friend
Technoblade: “sir please calm down”
*His rapid mouse clicks in the background*
Time stamp?
@@Sir_Franky 4:17
I keep coming back to these videos as I used to do when I was waiting for the next live stream or bed wars video to drop. I keep coming back as if I could get to enjoy another video with my favorite TH-cam talking and making jokes...
I may not have known him as much as other, but It feels like a friend left and I can't help but feel really sad, is it weird if I cry? Techno's videos always helped me be happy in hard times, now I have to rewatch his videos, I still laugh, but I can't help but feel empty when I realize I'm watching the memory of someone...
He was a great person and techno was a great TH-camr... And I'm glad he is now resting and far away from anything that could harm him.
Technoblade never dies...
Just imagine going to college with this dude for a semester or so and suddenly at the end he makes a presentation and goes like "BTW IM TECHNOBLADE"
Submit to the potato king
Give him a bottle of tomato juice labelled with "blood" and say loudly "Blood for the blood god"...
Or leave him the bottle on his table with a big sign that says this
I wanna like this but it’s at 200
“Blood for the blood god.”
I love how this isnt pre-recorded footage and he's just so good at pvp that he tells stories and destroys.
you should watch Refraction then
@@lambyi ever heard of stimpy
Sierra Genevese you must be new to the Mc pvp community
Imagine if you could slip players with bars of soap in minecraft and inject them with a syringe gun loaded with morphine so you could drag them into maintenance and beat them to death with a toolbox. Minecraft pvp isn't sophisticated enough for me. (s)
@@lambyi refraction uses vape lmfao
i figured since techno is talking so calmly and killing kids, they must be orphans
Fr lmao
Well, that certainly aged poorly.
The current owner of Twitter would probably do that
Lesson of the story: When showing a video publicly choose elbow reveal as the ultimate power move
He hadn't made the elbow reveal back then. He stated that he had 500 000 subscribers back then and he did the elbow reveal at 1mil subs
@@dfc9547 But it would've been pretty epic if had done it.
@@otterpng ya
Yessss lol
I know A- is better than a B+ but why does B+ sound so much better.
Cuz of the plus
it has a POSITIVE impact on your ego.
Honestly, I feel the same
"+" is better than "-" and "B" having a stronger sound than "A" probably has something to do with it.
Instructor: "Oh yeah sure let's watch one of his videos after the speech"
@@muichiroscat104 no even better: bring balance to my social anxiety not leave it in depression
@@dasaniwater1618 lol
Didn’t watch any of technos vids till now I now realize he is so cool I wish I watched him sooner
Skeppy: screaming in all his vids
Techno: chill, humble
Techno: jokingly says twitter could block world leaders tweets
Twitter: so I took that personally.
@ we dont ask questions here
That didn’t age well lol.
And Twitter did that exact thing (the last prez we had)
@@BlooBaroo probably a good thing you wouldn't want you to perma-ban you for spreading misinformation
imagine searching your TH-cam channel in front of the class and the first thing that comes up is “stabbing children while talking about soap”
LMAO You just gave me such a terrible mental image thank you.
I’m Vegan I was on a kids say the darndest things video and my friend, who had the same class but the period before me told my ELA teacher, so when I walked into class the first thing I was told was “(friends name) told us about that video” so I had to pull up the video and skip to the part I was in (I got stuck in a box) and silently watch my classmates watch me suffer. I died inside and was so embarrassed
@@zavi3310 Why did we need to know you're vegan? Does that have anything to do with your story?
@@jacekutz8608 isnt it someone youtube name no?
Silentkill the name of the person I replied to is “I’m Vegan”
Getting recommended Techno videos now is crazy....
We just gonna ignire the fact techno said "oh you're aproaching me?"
He can't beat the shit out of him without getting closer
@@kingofproxies8025 he cant anyways
@@KaanBaz yea
he is the technoweeb he makes a lot of anime references in his older content
Technoblade is like the dad who says he'll go for milk and leaves for like 2 months but then realizes oh no my family is great, and comes back and then after 2 weeks he dips again.
The stans are starving....
then comes back again....
He's like a strip tease, he leaves us wanting *more*
tsurra i don’t know if i like that comparison
@@tsurra nope
His classmates: Hey let's watch one of his videos.
Technoblade: r u h r o h
LMAO underrated
Shouldve put up wizzard htler
Getting recommended this video AFTER his death hits different.
R.I.P Techno
Reasons to drop out of college: A ted talk by Technoblade
“We could just yet democratically elected leaders off o platform”
That aged like fine french wine
Hey I mean he did violate TOS by promoting a violent fascist coup attempt using their platform. Can’t advocate for that stuff there
@@kx7500 But they can advocate destroying millions of dollars worth of small businesses and the disruption in innocent people's livelihoods, but GOD forbid someone breaks a window in the big building.
@@kx7500 Hey, I mean that Nicolás Maduro has violated The universal declaration of human rights murdering hundreds of people...
Oh wait...He is not banned
Once again, the hypocrisy of the progressives comes to light.
@@septem70 the thing is, sadly, a lot of what you see online is manufactured outrage, no matter what side it's from. things are designed to be enraging from both sides of the political spectrum, to keep people fighting each other & divided instead of realizing that if they worked together towards a good common goal they could probably make more progress in the world than if they like, argued with some fucker in the youtube comments section of a minecraft video.
anyways back to arguing in the youtube comments section. have you considered that a lot of progressives also hate twitter for these same hypocritical actions? like they'll ban popular left-leaning figures just as quickly as popular right-leaning figures, even if they haven't done that much wrong, simply if there's enough outrage that twitter feels their profit is at risk. people on the left and right can both get away with violations of the tos or heinous irl actions as long as it doesn't put the money at risk.
try and recall any situation where the twitter company did something that produced public outrage. if you've thought of a scenario, now consider: was the cut in profit that the outrage caused less than the profit they got from doing it? (think the twitter timeline that almost everybody hates. the thing about it is that it makes twitter more money to force people to scroll longer to find posts they want, so overall despite the outrage, it's profitable). now consider whether the outrage actually made them money as well. (think about the incoming traffic that large drama generates as people go to the site to see what's going on).
in the end, it's all about corporations doing what's most profitable for them, whether it be in favor of one political movement or the other. so i personally think it's pretty useless to blame the side that twitter's moneygrabbing happened to favor this time.
anyways i've wasted my time writing this long ass fuckin comment that will cause no change in opinion. have a nice day i'm going to go back to watching minecraft youtube
edit: just realized one of my incomprehensible sentences was even more gibberish than the others and fixed it to word slightly better
@@omatofi sir, is way too information for my brain, but, also, the bit of text that i readed its way too good argument.
This should've been named: "The actual reason why I left college"
UnNotchslayer1 Games its small brain time
“Life is a pyramid, just fall off”
- Sun Tzu, lmaoo
@TrueProgression *demented screaming*
Already have-
Oh buddy I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of u ☺☺
Didn't he say, "Life isn't fair man"
"Twitter could start yeeting democratic leaders..."
Techno "The Prophet" Blade
Man could be a psychic I mean it could be a reason he never dies.
If he said Republican leaders he would have predicted the future
@@mrtoast8879 well he said democratically elected not democratic, so hes still spot on
dude that quote from techno aged like a fine wine lmao
Techno: "I didnt upload a lot then"
Everyone: Did you ever?
Enough to hit 500 blitz episodes.
A the old days where any less than 3 vids a day was abnormal
@@TH18c :)
666th like
he used to be *gasp* consistent
I'm glad Technoblade's videos are still showing up on my recommended, 4 years later.
This is the man that has ADHD
This is the man that beat minecraft with a steering wheel
This is the man that got 1400 winstreak on skywars
This is the man that won 4 Minecraft Championships
This is the man that won 100,000$ duel with dream
This is the man that farmed over 800 milion potatoes
Wait what Minecraft Championships did he win? I thought he had only won 2?
@@fatimalopez1656 He won 4 minecraft mondays
@@El-mi7dy ohhhh
to be honest he kinda wouldve won more if the event organizers didnt team him with casuals, they know the power that Techno posses, we win these.
This is the man who has no life
Its funny because his topic is now relevant
Is there a joke I don’t know about? I would like to be explained because I feel stupid.
@@dylannoname I’m guessing he’s referring to Trump getting banned from twitter and other social media. But it was very late into his term and January 6th was... something else.
So trueeee
“My dignity will not allow a B+”
*asian 100*
If he was it would be A
True, so true
No, *Asian 89.5*
"they know, its over"
Imagine being one of the classmates watching this video and they’re just like
“Hey *thats me* “
did I ask? Didn’t think so LOLL BOOMER
@@aidenpvpxxxsub6004 zoomer
@@aidenpvpxxxsub6004 stfu
@@aidenpvpxxxsub6004 r/youngpeopleyoutube
“One of them actually subscribed”
That’s hilarious
Techno quote of the day:
“Submerged [skywars map] is made up of 2 things: The tears of orphan children, and half slabs.”
Hahahshahhahahahhahshahahha y es
Duelo entre el público
A teacher should never do something like that, bringing up something that a student could potentially be basing their presentation on is utterly unprofessional. (RIP Technoblade)
Just imagine being Techno's classmate and just staring at the legendary elbows
Yoo Mikah thos sexy elbows nobody can resist but look!
Samuel Li it’s not creepy if you’re an OG sub.
They didn't have to wait as long as we did
Good ol' format where techno talking about his life while slaughtering skywars nerds in the background.
love how its live too so you can tell he doesn't even need to pay attention while shitting on them.
@@sethost2548 That's how good he is. When he actually focuses, he's unstoppable
that's also the content that i got used to
i missed it :)
Techno is honestly the most entertaining minecraft youtuber, his "modesty" is the best
Kieren Blair I think dream is 1st then techno(my opinion)
I think I prefer some of the hermits, but that's mostly cause of consistency.
Dream sucks his content is so repetitive
@@goodpalikka534 that's your opinion
my favorite is skeppy
So glad his vids are still popping up on my recommended
2:35 this man literally just predicted the future
Blood god*
This guy is like a mixture of Corpse and John Mulaney
This is scarily accurate my dude
How can one be so accurate that it’s offensive
Holy shit
@@nickkayfabe6147 Good question ❓
Oh wow. This makes so much sense
tommy after seeing this: “I TALKED TO TECHNOBLADE’S SISTER?!?!”
@@orbstars She was 5 in 2013, so she's like 12-13 now
Drista and Techo's sister collab?
@@GamerBoy-cp4ck what about Tubbo’s sister too? Lol
ᴘᴇᴛᴜʟᴀɴᴄᴇ a collab with Tommy speaking to all of them would be funny
@@othelyn a hah- Timmy, my favourite TH-camr 😂😂
Thanks for putting this on my for you page Technoblade never dies
How did i get this from searching "sometimes, i dream about cheese"
Edit: before you ask me " why did you search it up? " I already posted it in the comments about 4 times now
He has an unlisted livestream with that exact name I think
Garry’s mod is a beautiful game
he probably placed dream as one of his tags-