Hey Brian as much as i love watching your videos . If you want Drumpf to go away it's simple . Stop talking about him . If people ignored him he would become irrelevant. These types of videos just feed into his ego imo. He is a clown who needs to disappear and you're just setting up your fans for disappointment when Drumpf actually never gets what he deserves.
You do that by protesting. You do that by showing up at their houses. MAGA has been playing dirty for year, we need to starting playing dirty too! Otherwise we lose our democracy!
TAP, TAP, TAP! ~ Hey all, this is Glenn here! If you are of Baby Boomer age, then you should remember one of The Supremes Greatest Hits: "You Keep Me Hangin' On!" ~ The U.S. Supreme Court needs to be respected. Brian and Glenn K. are Democratic pundits. They sound like biased. messed up fools. They know elderly Biden will have great challenges being re-elected. We need to encourage the U.S, Supreme Court's judgement / legal process prevail, because JUSTICE MATTERS.
The GOP has all the bases covered. Cause there are Secretaries of State in several states that can overturn a vote if they don't like it. And also other election BS to change in his favor. There are 10 cases going here in AZ changing how voting is done.
@@Paul-mg8fz they are stating facts. if SCOTUS says POTUS has immunity, Biden could just put trump in prison forever with no reason. republikkkans dont think things through very well.
If they rule he cannot be prosecuted, 1) Joe can just not leave, staying in office as he sees fit. And 2) The Supreme Court can just pack their offices up and go home, because they would render themselves no longer a co-equal check.
The problem is Joe Biden is too weak and timid to even try that, which means we are basically screwed. The Dems will uphold idiotic rules even if it destroys democracy.
100%! However, if they do rule in his favor, then Biden can move forward with ousting him from the election by any means necessary while he is still president...
Absolutely. This is sickening. And while it's not anything close to a slam dunk for Trump and I do believe with every fiber of my being that he will lose no matter what~it's not exactly like he's brought a clean record of conduct and lack of criminality and nothing but fair dues with regard to campaigning since we kicked him out in November of 2020. If we rejected him then he's going to get his ass handed to him on November whatever it is.. I'm not worried about that. Yes the trials still could happen ahead of election day, but it won't matter because Trump will still face trials~all three remaining indictments if there are three still outstanding and 50 plus charges because I believe the March 25th case sucks up about 40 of them. So my view and I believe it is what will happen if Donald Trump actually still ends up running which I don't think he will, he is going to lose and we can all sit back with Joe and Kamala and everyone else still in the White House, and our beautiful imperfect American democracy secure. Even if we lose the House or the Senate I'm not worried, and we will just be able to sit back and watch Trump's trials on television, a man who is now bent but who then will be broken, spending the rest of his feeble years on the American taxpayer in a supermax penal institution, which is fine with me. The last thing he will see while looking out a window is barbed wire.
I hope that justices from around the country SPEAK UP. Honestly, this warrants more than an open letter to the Supreme Court. This warrants a WALK OUT in protest. This makes a MOCKERY of our court system.
They're bought by russia and run by russia through the POS PAB just like congress just took their marching orders to NOT pass a border bill. And people aren't up in Arms! Is incredible.💙
The Supreme Court had an opportunity to take this case in December 2023 but refused. The significance of the case and any arguments about immunity have not changed since then. The only possible reason the Court would entertain the appeal now is to help Trump delay the trial.
Yep. That is why they need to be dealt with because they never were actually a part of the checks and balances. They conned us into thinking they were. They are there for their political favor. Nothing more.
LOL, why would Trump not be entitled to the same defense that every other person receives? Chutkan rushed this corrupt case, and so did Jack, and now they’re…..poof!
I have been saying the same thing. There are so many reasons we need a massive turnout of people to protest but we should start with the corrupt SCOTUS.
@@Cp3786 what do you like most about trump? His racism, his penchant for sexual assault, his love of dictators, his continual fraud, his denial of personal sovereignty for women, his lack of regard for his wife, his constant threats to opponents - I could go on and on but enough to say that a vote for trump is a vote for Putin. Both hate America.
Cute Russian bots/troll accounts in my comment thread. Hope y'all get enough rubles to make it to 2029. Putin's orange puppet is definitely gonna lose.
I am completely heartbroken. My country has finally collapsed. It’s been a long time coming, but now it’s a done deal. I guess we are about to reap what we have sown. I’ll still vote so the electoral college can rob me of that lie, too, but without the courts behind us, it’s over.
should had held trump accountable years ago [WHY] wasnt it???????? maybe as cheney quoted :sleep walking toward dictatorship?????APRIL -a delay for him and the DC trial -this trial if it even takes place now will be a miracle.all a gameplay
Gerald Ford already settled this question. He pardoned Nixon. Nixon accepted the pardon. If presidents have complete immunity, a pardon would not have been necessary. The question is settled.
noone cares about facts and reality or precedent anymore!! america became a failed state … banana republic… unless you the people take it back you are doomed …
This is disgusting. I knew how political the Supreme Court was when it stopped vote counting in the November 2000 presidential election. That decision gave us George W. Bush. I’m so sad and so angry. We voters can only depend on ourselves to save our country.
@@lochnessspeedwerkz6557are you forgetting that New York trial, even though it's a state charge a felony is a felony whether it be state or federal.Many republicans won't vote for a convicted felon.Look at Nikki Haley see has support from half of the gop while trump is running as the incumbant.
Whereas in 2000 they were able to make up their minds in ONE DAY that Bush jun had won. That was the first warning of what has now become an open farce.
Biden for Dictator now.Stop the rot,Supreme court judges removed.Ruplican Party shut down,Maga round up, Lock up Trump,Brannon and all his co- Conspirators. Then Make American Live Again.
My life, my child's life, and my grandchildren 's lives are being negatively affected by the highest court in the nation! Shame on you! Every one of you!
Weren’t you dems in love with the Supreme Court not just long ago? Make up your mind if you support them or don’t, stop changing your mind like your gender
It’s been obvious since Al Gore lost to George W. The deciding vote in the supreme joke was appointed by his father. Pack the court. 13 districts 13 judges.
The immunity ruling by the DC Appeals court was a masterful, thorough, and well written decision, that should’ve been left alone by SCOTUS. This is an embarrassment.
Very good point Joan. They made a clear, concise, intelligent decision and that should have been accepted by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is like a Mafia held "Table".
Actually, this shows they're trying to show they're Not biased, because they want to leave it up to the voters, so they wont be responsible for Trump. Its up to us to vote Trump out for good, Not the Supreme Court. If Trump goes to jail before the election, there will be a new Civil War. Voting is always better than legal rulings.
Our legal system has gotten too weak so that many wealthy and privileged people think they are above the law. That is where are now. We have an orange guy angrily telling lies and fairy tales. I have never heard of a twice impeached insurrectionist, adjudicated rapist, guilty of millions of dollars of theft by fraud running for president of u.s. It is so preposterous. But beyond all this nonsense and silliness our democracy is at stake
@@micah5884uh huh, just remember if this is granted, it will apply to Democrat presidents as well. As a Democrat I don’t want ANY president to have that much power. That is a very dangerous combo. Biden could then have Trump assassinated, announce it to the public admitting he did it, and nothing could be done to Biden about it. Maybe think about that for a while.
@@micah5884 Yeah bub, we liberals are in meltdown mode and we have every reason and right to be! The Supreme Court, which contains three justices appointed by Donald Trump (and who shouldn't even be on the court because they lied to the Congress about their qualifications), plus a few other right-wing extremists, has now decided that they are going to give Trump a break he doesn't deserve and hasn't earned, that they're not going to rule on his immunity argument for several months, which means we won't get a final decision until probably after the election. Why is this a disaster? Because it delays the most important trials involving Trump, which includes charges connected with his possible involvement with the J/6 insurrection (an attack on the Government and on the electoral process, and thus an attack on American democracy itself). If that case isn't resolved soon, the law won't be able to say to the American public that Trump has been held accountable for his attacks on the Constitution, that he can't break the law with impunity, that he is NOT an Imperial President (like Nixon felt he should be), and that he can't just declare himself the winner of the next election, just because he thinks the election was "rigged." That's the message the courts could have told the American people. BUT NO! The Supreme Court just snatched that chance away from us all. If Trump isn't held to answer for his worst crimes, his MAGA followers will figure he's not so bad after all, and he'll probably be elected. That might sound okay to you, but it's not okay for the United States. Trump has made no secret of his contempt for our democratic way of running this country, or his desire to weaponize the Department of Justice to use as his personal tool of vengeance and vindictiveness against everyone who has opposed him, who has criticized him, who has crossed him, questioned him, disagreed with him, denounced him, renounced him, who has dared to tell the whole ugly truth about him! Furthermore, Trump has ADMITTED THAT HE WANTS TO BE, NOT THE PRESIDENT OF A FREE REPUBLIC, BUT AN ABSOLUTE AUTHORITARIAN RULER -- IN SHORT, A DICTATOR! And now, the Supreme Court, which should be upholding our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution, has practically given Trump the very opportunity to be that DICTATOR! The High Court, the HIGHEST COURT in the US, has indeed sold our democracy down the river, and if this genuflection to Trump keeps up, we the people of the United States of America may never get our rights or our democracy back, EVER! But you say LOL to all that! Nice to know that you find the end of the land of liberty so damn funny. You must have thought the Nazi Holocaust was a big joke, a regular belly laugh! Just keep laughing when Trump's Secret Police comes for your a**!
there really is no other reason for the "supreme court" to do this except to delay trumps trial until after the election. I'm so pissed off I'm shaking. Full of adrenaline.
Get over it.This should really motivate most of angry america to vote for Biden, and retire trump for good. Hush money election interference felony conviction in 3 weeks ,along with the outrage of these 5 trumper SC judges, will cause trump to be defeated by a landslide in November.
That would be a beautiful thing. The thieving justices in front of congress avoiding telling the truth. Crooked. Then vote in term limits for all politicians and judges. 15, 16 yrs then move on.
It is time for the american citizens to imply themselves so much in this democracy that higher up officers like the Justices in the supreme court or all politicians understand that the population WILL NEVER EVER ACCEPT TO GIVE UP DEMOCRACY!!! WE ARE WAY MUCH MORE THAN ANY ONE POLITICIAN THAT IS THINKING THAT HE OR SHE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!! US CITIZENS ARE AROUND 337million!!! Politicians with too much of an ego should get humbler when they see hundreds of million of citizens against them!!!!
@@veganpotterthevegan slavery was world wide...accepted.. blacks were not considered human back in those days. Neither were Natives. Was it right? Nice? Descent? No, of course not. And, it stopped.. But, what they tried to create was good. It was a beginning, flexible...." because we don't know what the people in the future will need "....it's up to us to clean up this present mess.
I’m actually shocked they are taking the case. I think they are truly corrupt. Judge Thomas and the rest of the “conservative” justices are absolutely disgusting.
You're not alone. This is the most activist court in my life and possibly in history. Earlier I had to read the story twice because I can't believe the balls on that ethically challenged court. They're criminals.
And by extension with the enemies of the US, like Trump's friend Putin. The US should be very afraid. Start impeaching corrupt Judges or lose democracy.
Hi Canuk, I'm Kiwi.. It must be a worry, living so close to such a huge Mental Institution, with so many inmates running loose,.. It's You Guys and Mexico that need the Wall....not the U.S. Looney Bin .... If You want, You're welcome here...
I can feel Glen’s rage and it is well deserved. The injustice totally pisses me off. What is wrong with these people. Supreme Court judges should have term limits. How do we go about making that happen?
I agree! Remember how Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to step down when we could have put one of our own in instead of her passing away during Trump's term!? None of this would have happened!! We should have forced her to step down. She was in poor health and very old. We could have put someone young in there! I never understood that. That was so selfish of her to sell us out like that!!!
I've said that! No one at or over age 70 to be elected and only for one term at 70 or older. We need a president that fits the generations under me. I'm 65, but... Seriously.
Then the Supreme Court shouldn't have thrown the case back to the Appellate Court in the first place! WTF was the point?? It was a corrupt delay tactic
And the saddest part of all is that SCOTUS does not care if anyone has faith in them or not. They want what used to be the middle class to be terrified. They are helping trump to keep the country in a state of chaos.
Agreed! I was hoping to hear that this was actually good news, because it means that once the Supreme Court rules that presidents obviously don't have blanket immunity, then loser-trump can't delay his other cases by trying to make the same argument. When Glenn is _this_ worried and angry, it freaks me out, too.
Presidents shouldn't be able to nominate SCOTUS justices - that would be a start. Members of SCOTUS shouldn't be allowed to have any religious bias nor party affiliation.
Well said...scary as it is the vote REALLy does count now. Now that Roberts and Crew have shown their colours (and how DARE they!!!). C'mon voters. Forget Biden's age, vote Trump DOWN ....for the world's sake!!!
Our justices in Canada don't have term limits, and aside from a few radical decisions every now and then we don't have anywhere near the same problem you guys have. Our only limit besides the law is an age limit of 75. That among with some laws with actual teeth to root out the corruption in your politicians and justices should be more then enough of a good starting point before going nuclear anti-democracy on the issue.
The judiciary should be independent of the executive and the legislature and having Supreme Court juges appointed by politicians is a VERY bad idea. No appointments system is perfect but the US system is about one the worst imaginable.
They are playing the trump delay, delay and delay game… VOTE BLUE 2024 … we need the majority in the house , senate and the Whitehouse!! We need to VOTE in numbers never seen before in this country!!!
If we get a supermajority, we will certainly look at impeaching many of the supremes. they know that. This is a last ditch effort to help trump. It won't work, and despite all the gerrymandering, the unlawful laws preventing voting rights? We all best get out there and do something about this, because no one else is.
Charlie! I told you that they would take this weeks ago, and I was right! I tried to help you Charlie, but you didn’t believe me. I also told you Fani was going to be dismissed, and her case would go away. Now you know which one of us is smarter! Schools out, class dismissed.
we could impeach but that assumes a working rest of the government. like not tits up because of maga. just like impeaching this asshat the prior times and being let go. and causing this whole ass situation. (same with federal judges. so that idiot partialist judge in fl over his other case is still around even after having rulings overturned.)
I'm not sure what to think or do now. This is so dangerous. I want to figure out what to do to protect my family. I am ridiculously disheartened. I know we all need to vote, be ready for anything, and be willing to make sweeping changes to get back on track. Are the judges speaking out? They can't all be on board with this. Are there any admitting that their institution is completely corrupt?
The judges that are in opposition to the majority vote write what is called a Dissent. They state their reasons and their conclusions. They are still outvoted if they are in the minority opinion. The only time this majority rule has been compromised is with this SCOTUS. In the past there may have been pay to play judges but now they are in the majority and we have been high jacked by them until their retirement or death.
Oh stfu with your “vote blue”. Our entire god damn democracy is on the effing line and all you can think to do is vote? FFS we need to be doing more. Voting is the absolute BARE MINIMUM that you can do! Vote, campaign, volunteer, donate, be active on social media, have hard conversations with friends and family. If all you do is vote, then you’ve failed our democracy!
Yea I will but the Dems need to stop being pussies when they get power. It’s time to pack the court and give DC and PR statehood so the Republicans can never have a majority in the Senate ever again.
America! You have to save your democracy, not just for yourselves but for the rest of the world. I don't think you realise just how important this next election is going to be. And this is coming from a South African!
All this insanity gives me a massive headache. I fear for the future of democracy every time I see BS like this from the judicial system. I hope when everything goes BLUE that things are changed in respect to sCOTUS. The small "s" is intentional.
Supreme Court should have never even considered reviewing this! What is there to review?! Of course the president does not have free reign to commit crimes. Scary sh-it my friends
That’s the simple truth. This heinous claim should have NEVER been considered legit in the first place. This court is now as transparent as ever. They must go. Expand the court, immediately!!!
It's a delay tactic in favor of DT. I really don't think they will say he has complete immunity. What are they going to do when they are the ones on the receiving end of a president's wrath? They are delaying the inevitable
When I heard of this, I couldn't describe what was causing my so much uneasiness; Glens remark, "The Supreme Court just sold American Democracy down the river." nailed it!
…get out in numbers too big to rig, too real to steal … EXACTLY. Exactly what I have told people for years; a landslide that cannot be disputed. And political advocacy is not something that can take a break, i. e., it is ongoing, and lifelong. Love this partnership, gentlemen. Intelligent, succinct, professional, truly helpful if not even therapeutic -- on a daily basis. Excellent. Thank you.
That’ll show em! Really changed their minds on Roe. Maybe even protest at there houses? Oh wait the decorum police care more about getting along with Republicans fighting fascism
Every candidate from today on should pledge to ending lifetime judicial appointments. Anyone not supporting this initiative should be voted out of office. Rep and Dem alike.
You expect any elected officials in the future? There will be no judgement, Trump will become Dictator, no matter the votes, he will ignore the election. He already said so. House and senate will be optional. The constitution will be suspended. Media will be taken off the air. Many many people will disappear. People suggesting term limits will be very few, Gitmo will be filled to capacity. Good luck America. But it is what you want.
As with Glenn, I literally felt sick to my stomach when I listened to this ridiculous action by the SCOTUS. It's the same feeling I had when I watched the events of Jan. 6 unfold.
The problem IS the supreme court is accountable to no one. Thomas (bribes) and his wife (insurrectlonist) is a perfect example of how they can do whatever they want an nobody can say boo.
Absolutely nothing has happened to Thomas' wife. It's really disgusting how many of the "elite" have somehow completely escaped accountability for treasonous behaviors.
The smirk on this womans face when she gave " evidence" at the 1/6 committee saying the election was stolen knowing full well that nobody could do anything about anything. She is above the law. Her husband is above the law. Trump is god chosen.
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Read my comment 👀
I wish they would rule in his favor..and give Biden that protection so he can take Trump out and not be charged.
Hey Brian as much as i love watching your videos . If you want Drumpf to go away it's simple . Stop talking about him . If people ignored him he would become irrelevant. These types of videos just feed into his ego imo. He is a clown who needs to disappear and you're just setting up your fans for disappointment when Drumpf actually never gets what he deserves.
This is great news
SCOTUS in favor of delay
If the Supreme Court says the president has absolute immunity, what stops Biden from dismissing the entire court.
He can’t.. that’s not up to the president. Believe me if he could. We all know he would.. he can’t just do that.
@@michaelpagano7819 Who would hold him accountable? Nothing's a crime if he's immune . Just dissolve the federal government.
yep, but he could send seal team 6 and take them all out and replace them... because he'd be immune.
@michaelpagano7819 he Actually could if scotus rules a president can do what he wants.your laws go together with Bambi mom in a dumpster
There was NO confusion from any courts who agree there is no presidential immunity. Time to replace the Supreme Court.
@@christal2641exactly! 💙💙💙
@@christal2641 Or subtract a few.
Hell no accept defeat
It's time to get rid of lifetime appointments for the supreme Court immediately.
Corrupt judges. Thomas is a joke. Hair on his coke can. What a no good person
Yes, no one is that supreme give them 8 to 10 years then send them down the road.
They should also separate justice appointments from political affiliation.
Or at bare minimum “an appointee may not hold judgement over their appointer as this would be a gross miscarriage of justice”
What is the matter Democrats can't handle the law as it is written. Instead of a Democrat judges ruling on personal beliefs.
The Supreme Court is brazenly playing dirty politics. This is one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history.
It will be the last episode of U.S. democracy.
Twisting themselves into knots trying not to offend his MAGA people. Guess they feel they owe him for their appointments.
I can't agree more!
It’s almost the end of American history. It longer matters.
Until the tables are turned on the Republicans decide to take 10 states off the ballot for a Democrat what are you guys even thinking
We, the good people of the United States, need to be able to hold the Supreme Court accountable, ASAP!
I hope the real bad guy loses everything and ASAP
A voice from Europe; God bless America. 200 years of democracy are over.
You do that by protesting. You do that by showing up at their houses.
MAGA has been playing dirty for year, we need to starting playing dirty too! Otherwise we lose our democracy!
We are not a democracy we are a republic...cases against trump are just a big witch hunt. Biden is corrupt
@@pkrause1473absolutely- dictators are often voted in and helped by powerful people on the way. Hopefully he will stroke out.
😢 they have NO reason to even review it!!!!! This is madness
True but they're paid off... So of course they're going to do what he wants
They need people banging on their windows morning noon and night wondering what they are doing INSTEAD of this critical issue
@geraxho I'm sure they do. There's a reason we will never see Epstiens black book
@geraxho Epstein photos.
The Supreme Court respectfully disagree, and I told you that weeks ago. Hopefully you’ll be able to accept it friend.
I have never questioned the integrity of the Supreme Court in my 68 years on this planet. Now I question it every day.
Me too
It is not a question.
It is a fact.
TAP, TAP, TAP! ~ Hey all, this is Glenn here! If you are of Baby Boomer age, then you should remember one of The Supremes Greatest Hits: "You Keep Me Hangin' On!" ~ The U.S. Supreme Court needs to be respected. Brian and Glenn K. are Democratic pundits. They sound like biased. messed up fools. They know elderly Biden will have great challenges being re-elected. We need to encourage the U.S, Supreme Court's judgement / legal process prevail, because JUSTICE MATTERS.
@Repent-and-believe-in-Jesus1 Nah! ~ That gospel stuff, AI has disproven.
What an effing joke!! This SC will go down in infamy!!
The GOP has all the bases covered. Cause there are Secretaries of State in several states that can overturn a vote if they don't like it. And also other election BS to change in his favor. There are 10 cases going here in AZ changing how voting is done.
You could vote for the winner, President Donald J Trump. Be well
It's the Trump Supreme Court
... and in numbers that can overcome cheating in Republican controlled states.
They better hope President Biden doesn't assume immunity and kick the Supreme Court out.
Be careful what you wish for donald
Except, President Biden doesn't need immunity because he doesn't commit crimes.
Yikes, you’re not taking this well. 😂
Feckless Biden won't do a damn thing. He is a naïve moron.
@@Paul-mg8fzWhy would anyone take it well? It's a joke
@@Paul-mg8fz they are stating facts. if SCOTUS says POTUS has immunity, Biden could just put trump in prison forever with no reason. republikkkans dont think things through very well.
If they rule he cannot be prosecuted, 1) Joe can just not leave, staying in office as he sees fit. And 2) The Supreme Court can just pack their offices up and go home, because they would render themselves no longer a co-equal check.
The problem is Joe Biden is too weak and timid to even try that, which means we are basically screwed. The Dems will uphold idiotic rules even if it destroys democracy.
God bless russia?
Biden won’t. He’s too honorable.
Did Joe Biden can just take Donald Trump out. Didn’t Trump say he could stand on fifth Avenue and shoot somebody? Well turn around is Fairplay.
SCOTUS doesn’t care how partisan they appear. They are going to protect Trump.
If the supreme court calls it absolute imunity, then joe should have seal team 6 take him out and claim that same imunity.
Best bet is to make an example of why the impeachment clause exists and why Nixon was pardoned of his crimes when he resigned.
Beautifully spoken!!!!!!
This is sickening, whatever credibility they had is gone! We need term limits on supreme court justices.
I agree
100%! However, if they do rule in his favor, then Biden can move forward with ousting him from the election by any means necessary while he is still president...
Absolutely. This is sickening. And while it's not anything close to a slam dunk for Trump and I do believe with every fiber of my being that he will lose no matter what~it's not exactly like he's brought a clean record of conduct and lack of criminality and nothing but fair dues with regard to campaigning since we kicked him out in November of 2020.
If we rejected him then he's going to get his ass handed to him on November whatever it is..
I'm not worried about that. Yes the trials still could happen ahead of election day, but it won't matter because Trump will still face trials~all three remaining indictments if there are three still outstanding and 50 plus charges because I believe the March 25th case sucks up about 40 of them.
So my view and I believe it is what will happen if Donald Trump actually still ends up running which I don't think he will, he is going to lose and we can all sit back with Joe and Kamala and everyone else still in the White House, and our beautiful imperfect American democracy secure. Even if we lose the House or the Senate I'm not worried, and we will just be able to sit back and watch Trump's trials on television, a man who is now bent but who then will be broken, spending the rest of his feeble years on the American taxpayer in a supermax penal institution, which is fine with me.
The last thing he will see while looking out a window is barbed wire.
I hope that justices from around the country SPEAK UP. Honestly, this warrants more than an open letter to the Supreme Court. This warrants a WALK OUT in protest. This makes a MOCKERY of our court system.
The "SCROTUM" hasn't had any credibility since they handed this country to Bush in 2000!!
I am horrified that some on our Supreme Court Justices have such little regard for our Constitution.
It's ALL About The Benjamins, Money Talks, In This Case Facts Walk!
Zero f*cks given apparently
Money buys almost anything
Correct the supreme court trying not respet the constitution and try to defend trump for all this!
I think money is behind this !
I have never been so disappointed with our judicial system as I am right now after this decision.
They're bought by russia and run by russia through the POS PAB just like congress just took their marching orders to NOT pass a border bill. And people aren't up in Arms! Is incredible.💙
My sentiment exactly!! 🤨
It’s infuriating!!!!!!!!!
& sickened
Sick to my stomach 🤮
The Supreme Court had an opportunity to take this case in December 2023 but refused. The significance of the case and any arguments about immunity have not changed since then. The only possible reason the Court would entertain the appeal now is to help Trump delay the trial.
Trump is their one and only god, he can do no wrong according to these trumpkins.
Yep. That is why they need to be dealt with because they never were actually a part of the checks and balances. They conned us into thinking they were. They are there for their political favor. Nothing more.
LOL, why would Trump not be entitled to the same defense that every other person receives? Chutkan rushed this corrupt case, and so did Jack, and now they’re…..poof!
We need to get a million people to march on the Supreme Court and call them out - demanding resignations.
I have been saying the same thing. There are so many reasons we need a massive turnout of people to protest but we should start with the corrupt SCOTUS.
When can we get started??? That should put a scare in those crooks.
So needed. Supreme Court has destroyed its own credibility. Changes needed, they are not Gods
I'm packing my bag now (in my head)
Fight the good fight🙆
The Supreme Court should now be considered an arm of Trump’s campaign.
This would also mean ALL presidents have immunity. The SCOTUS has need need to exist with an autocrat at the helm. They just screwed themselves.
This move by the Supreme Court is so so worrying. We are living in very worrying times.
They’re so stupid. They just rendered themselves obsolete! What does a dictator need with a Supreme Court?
America is doomed. Shame. Thank you MAGA shitheads.
I'm tired of GOP corruption.
"Tired of" is not strong enough....
Jack Smith was corrupt, and now he’s…..obsolete and impotent. Stay well friend.
@@Cp3786 what do you like most about trump? His racism, his penchant for sexual assault, his love of dictators, his continual fraud, his denial of personal sovereignty for women, his lack of regard for his wife, his constant threats to opponents - I could go on and on but enough to say that a vote for trump is a vote for Putin. Both hate America.
Cute Russian bots/troll accounts in my comment thread. Hope y'all get enough rubles to make it to 2029. Putin's orange puppet is definitely gonna lose.
These traitors need to be held accountable
Who, the Biden’s? You might be right!
Who is responsible for SCOTUS? It is bought. You can obviously buy anything in the US.
This is America's problem - people like this guy... @@Paul-mg8fz
Held underwater!
I am completely heartbroken. My country has finally collapsed. It’s been a long time coming, but now it’s a done deal. I guess we are about to reap what we have sown. I’ll still vote so the electoral college can rob me of that lie, too, but without the courts behind us, it’s over.
I agree. This country will soon be a part of China or Russia.
Unbelievable!!! We are in such danger. I can't believe the supreme court has gone to hell.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich
I believe it, unfortunately
this is what happens when people don't vote or vote for IDIOTS.
already has been
This is God's punishment for the many countries and actual democracies our government brought "freedom" to.
I'm so pissed off. These Justices need to be removed.
If they say a president can do anything, they're gone!
Term Limit.
Which ones?
All elected government officials need to be term limited including the Supreme Court.
should had held trump accountable years ago [WHY] wasnt it???????? maybe as cheney quoted :sleep walking toward dictatorship?????APRIL -a delay for him and the DC trial -this trial if it even takes place now will be a miracle.all a gameplay
Gerald Ford already settled this question. He pardoned Nixon. Nixon accepted the pardon. If presidents have complete immunity, a pardon would not have been necessary. The question is settled.
noone cares about facts and reality or precedent anymore!! america became a failed state … banana republic… unless you the people take it back you are doomed …
Biden's ads should make the logical basis for this known, to help convince Republicans who say they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted.
It looks like another delay tactic for d trump
@@mzny4314 and it looks like it’s working 😢
But he didn't have the supreme Court we unfortunately have now
Shame on the supreme Court!!!
It's time to remove Clarence Thomas from the bench. He should be prosecuted for bribery and all of his cases should be reviewed.
Alito too, and Roberts' wife has made a fortune as a recruiter for a lawfirm based on the fact that her husband is chief justice
Starting with "Citizens" United.
Along with Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito. The Supremes just destroyed this country!!!
He's not even the worst judge in the "court"
@@nHautamaki exactly Roberts is arguably more than anyone else on the SCOTUS 🤬
This is disgusting. I knew how political the Supreme Court was when it stopped vote counting in the November 2000 presidential election. That decision gave us George W. Bush. I’m so sad and so angry. We voters can only depend on ourselves to save our country.
Let’s hope you can…
George bush dint won at the time Al gore won the elections and they put this mother fu----- to to ruing the country.
Yes, the election that Bush W. actually lost but overturned by SCOTUS.
The Supreme Court acted in a way to delay Trump's trial until after the election.
And the electorate will dunk him in the trash again.
@@lochnessspeedwerkz6557are you forgetting that New York trial, even though it's a state charge a felony is a felony whether it be state or federal.Many republicans won't vote for a convicted felon.Look at Nikki Haley see has support from half of the gop while trump is running as the incumbant.
Yup, partisan MAGA judges putting their thumbs on the scales of justice to effect the presidential election. It's really disgusting.
Whereas in 2000 they were able to make up their minds in ONE DAY that Bush jun had won. That was the first warning of what has now become an open farce.
It is a sad universe we live in, where super heroes don't exist, but super villians do. 😢
So why then is Joebama the invasion enabler you're hero !?
His agendas are destroying America 🇺🇸 .
You know, the supreme court should remember " A dictator has no need for a judge. Or a supreme court"
Biden for Dictator now.Stop the rot,Supreme court judges removed.Ruplican Party shut down,Maga round up, Lock up Trump,Brannon and all his co- Conspirators. Then Make American Live Again.
Apparently they don't care.
Russia still has courts and elections too....
The Court is probably going to hold against Trump but it will delay the DC case which is what Trump wanted. The GOP justices know this, obviously.
They will see it as a way to support the maga agenda and content to do so.
My life, my child's life, and my grandchildren 's lives are being negatively affected by the highest court in the nation! Shame on you! Every one of you!
ALL American lives.
There’s nothing supreme about these corrupt judges, absolutely disgusting.
Weren’t you dems in love with the Supreme Court not just long ago? Make up your mind if you support them or don’t, stop changing your mind like your gender
It’s been obvious since Al Gore lost to George W. The deciding vote in the supreme joke was appointed by his father. Pack the court. 13 districts 13 judges.
Unfortunately the honest justices are out numbered by recently appointed Trump picks by packing the courts to his planned favor!
This justice system is broken. Any judge identifying with any political party shouldn't be on the bench. What a joke.
Oh they don't identify with a party, its just a coincidence that they get selected, funded, take gift from, do exactly as they want, etc...
The immunity ruling by the DC Appeals court was a masterful, thorough, and well written decision, that should’ve been left alone by SCOTUS. This is an embarrassment.
Anyone want to bet that Trump didn’t contact the SC “justices “?
SCOTUS just absolutely wanted to have the last word and they wanted to take their sweet fucking time with it.
An embarrassment yes, but more importantly dangerous and aiding the current fascist takeover attempt.
AND it’s obviously suspect coming from this rogue Supreme Court…damn.
What an insult to the three justices who have already heard and ruled on this immunity issue in extraordinary fashion.
Very good point Joan. They made a clear, concise, intelligent decision and that should have been accepted by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is like a Mafia held "Table".
It's an insult to the entire free world!
Does make it a bit harder for them to rule against all 4 of their opinions though.
They were bias liberals on a witchhunt
I’ve stated this before and I’ll state it again: I no longer place any credence in our Supreme Court whatsoever-none! This is now beyond outrageous!!!
They are super corrupt. They really need to be impeached.
i am afraid it is going to get worse
I'm so disappointed in the Supreme Court Justices....
Boo hoo! 🤡
This makes me physically ill. The highest court in the land is helping the biggest criminal in our history. There is no honor among them.
We need to purge so much corruption...
Honor Amongst Thieves!!!
Honour among thieves
I’m angry, like f#ckin’ really angry.
What is the matter with the Supreme Court? They should be not biased for any political party. They should be ashamed of themselves.
They. Are. Owned.
They have no shame.
They sadly, are not capable of shame.
They are bought and paid for....
Actually, this shows they're trying to show they're Not biased, because they want to leave it up to the voters, so they wont be responsible for Trump. Its up to us to vote Trump out for good, Not the Supreme Court. If Trump goes to jail before the election, there will be a new Civil War. Voting is always better than legal rulings.
This is outrageous. As an 83 year old retired attorney I am frightened for my children and grandchildren.
Same here
You and me both!
UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Urge them to emigrate to a Westminster democracy with universal healthcare and no guns.
I'm not...If trump would win...I've already established plans to leave the country with my brown children. It will not be safe here.
You're not alone
They should be able to fire those judges for not doing your jobs.
This is an insult to the american people
Our legal system has gotten too weak so that many wealthy and privileged people think they are above the law. That is where are now. We have an orange guy angrily telling lies and fairy tales. I have never heard of a twice impeached insurrectionist, adjudicated rapist, guilty of millions of dollars of theft by fraud running for president of u.s. It is so preposterous. But beyond all this nonsense and silliness our democracy is at stake
This supreme court hits rock bottom.
Oh, no, this lot always keeps digging...
Lol, liberals in meltdown mode!
@@micah5884uh huh, just remember if this is granted, it will apply to Democrat presidents as well. As a Democrat I don’t want ANY president to have that much power. That is a very dangerous combo. Biden could then have Trump assassinated, announce it to the public admitting he did it, and nothing could be done to Biden about it. Maybe think about that for a while.
Cope cope cope
Yeah bub, we liberals are in meltdown mode and we have every reason and right to be! The Supreme Court, which contains three justices appointed by Donald Trump (and who shouldn't even be on the court because they lied to the Congress about their qualifications), plus a few other right-wing extremists, has now decided that they are going to give Trump a break he doesn't deserve and hasn't earned, that they're not going to rule on his immunity argument for several months, which means we won't get a final decision until probably after the election. Why is this a disaster? Because it delays the most important trials involving Trump, which includes charges connected with his possible involvement with the J/6 insurrection (an attack on the Government and on the electoral process, and thus an attack on American democracy itself). If that case isn't resolved soon, the law won't be able to say to the American public that Trump has been held accountable for his attacks on the Constitution, that he can't break the law with impunity, that he is NOT an Imperial President (like Nixon felt he should be), and that he can't just declare himself the winner of the next election, just because he thinks the election was "rigged."
That's the message the courts could have told the American people. BUT NO! The Supreme Court just snatched that chance away from us all. If Trump isn't held to answer for his worst crimes, his MAGA followers will figure he's not so bad after all, and he'll probably be elected. That might sound okay to you, but it's not okay for the United States. Trump has made no secret of his contempt for our democratic way of running this country, or his desire to weaponize the Department of Justice to use as his personal tool of vengeance and vindictiveness against everyone who has opposed him, who has criticized him, who has crossed him, questioned him, disagreed with him, denounced him, renounced him, who has dared to tell the whole ugly truth about him! Furthermore, Trump has ADMITTED THAT HE WANTS TO BE, NOT THE PRESIDENT OF A FREE REPUBLIC, BUT AN ABSOLUTE AUTHORITARIAN RULER -- IN SHORT, A DICTATOR!
And now, the Supreme Court, which should be upholding our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution, has practically given Trump the very opportunity to be that DICTATOR! The High Court, the HIGHEST COURT in the US, has indeed sold our democracy down the river, and if this genuflection to Trump keeps up, we the people of the United States of America may never get our rights or our democracy back, EVER!
But you say LOL to all that! Nice to know that you find the end of the land of liberty so damn funny. You must have thought the Nazi Holocaust was a big joke, a regular belly laugh! Just keep laughing when Trump's Secret Police comes for your a**!
This is fucking ridiculous!!
The Appellate court did a thorough briefing.
I would hope that the American people protest this grave injustice!
fucking A!!!
How can we have any confidence in our own supreme Court with this ruling? This is an extreme injustice and the American people deserve better
They were put there to carry out an agenda, they don’t care.,
we cant and they dont gv one damn.
this is a shame
Maybe this is a catalyst for a landslide Biden win?
I don’t I haven’t since Mitch McConnell’s first unethical nominee fk him, fk tp, fk scotus
You got it, Glenn! Everyone to the polls and VOTE BLUE!!
Right there with you Glen! Very pissed off and very disappointed with the Supreme Court.
Not surprised
@@Paul-mg8fzI think you lie 🤔🤨
there really is no other reason for the "supreme court" to do this except to delay trumps trial until after the election. I'm so pissed off I'm shaking. Full of adrenaline.
Sick feeling what is going on? the court is for trump they should not have life terms..
I have lost faith in the judicial system. This is so wrong!!
I share Glenn's intensity 100%. I am beside myself with this crap Supreme Court. Never thought I would see this day.
They are supremely ineffective and shameful!
Vote blue, win the house, EXPAND the courts.
That’s……..not going to happen, but good luck in 2024.
Shame on SCOTUS!!!! I feel betrayed as an American!
Get over it.This should really motivate most of angry america to vote for Biden, and retire trump for good. Hush money election interference felony conviction in 3 weeks ,along with the outrage of these 5 trumper SC judges, will cause trump to be defeated by a landslide in November.
@@Artificialintelligentleseems like his approval is going up for him and down for Biden. It’s over.
This is why you aren’t on the Supreme Court.
Biden already sold you out. Go to the grocery store
It's time for Americans everywhere to step up and start voting all these GOP out of office so we can impeach these unlawful justices
That would be a beautiful thing.
The thieving justices in front of congress avoiding telling the truth.
Then vote in term limits for all politicians and judges. 15, 16 yrs then move on.
It is time for the american citizens to imply themselves so much in this democracy that higher up officers like the Justices in the supreme court or all politicians understand that the population WILL NEVER EVER ACCEPT TO GIVE UP DEMOCRACY!!! WE ARE WAY MUCH MORE THAN ANY ONE POLITICIAN THAT IS THINKING THAT HE OR SHE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!! US CITIZENS ARE AROUND 337million!!! Politicians with too much of an ego should get humbler when they see hundreds of million of citizens against them!!!!
What a BEAUTIFUL thought, thank you!
Next the justices will all get matching Orange spray tans
We need to have term limits on the Supreme Court! Get the Trump madness out of there!!!
As soon as the Supreme Court rules presidential immunity for trump. Biden should start using that presidential immunity.
Do it before he ends up getting done!😂
The self-restraint of Dems has emboldened DRUMPF, MAGA, and the GOP.
Biden could jail Trump as a traitor.
This is a delay tactic. Pure insanity going on!!!
Absolutely absurd!
Our system has too many insanely ridiculous unnecessary delays...!
....but only people with money can afford the lawyers to do it.
What do you expect when you base law off a constitution written by people that owned people?
@@dianneantonio9293What law?
Are you ok?😂😂😂
@@veganpotterthevegan slavery was world wide...accepted.. blacks were not considered human back in those days. Neither were Natives. Was it right? Nice? Descent? No, of course not. And, it stopped.. But, what they tried to create was good. It was a beginning, flexible...." because we don't know what the people in the future will need "....it's up to us to clean up this present mess.
The court is ILLEGITIMATE!
This is absolutely an indication that there is support for an ongoing coup!
The US is about to lose its democracy.
13 districts 13 judges. Pack the court.
I’m actually shocked they are taking the case. I think they are truly corrupt. Judge Thomas and the rest of the “conservative” justices are absolutely disgusting.
It’s all a part of the delay tactic to help Trump
Yes, the SCOTUS conservatives are totally corrupt. That decision is made, signed and sealed. Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.
I'm sure you're shocked that Trump isn't really a Russian spy either, that you believed for 2 years.
They declined to hear when Jack Smith asked a few months back!!!!!
More proof, the system is rotten to its core.
I am sick, absolutely sick to my stomach. They have just colluded with a wanna be dictator. 😢
You're not alone. This is the most activist court in my life and possibly in history. Earlier I had to read the story twice because I can't believe the balls on that ethically challenged court. They're criminals.
Karma will come for them too! It always does. @@CCox-t7w
And by extension with the enemies of the US, like Trump's friend Putin. The US should be very afraid. Start impeaching corrupt Judges or lose democracy.
I feel the same way! 😡
I am Canadian, and i am so incredibly disgusted by the obvious corruption being displayed here by your Supreme Court justices.
Well, girlfriend, tell Justin Trudeau to start building a wall. With all the guns down here, this could get real ugly really quick.
We agree.....it's REPULSIVE
Hi Canuk, I'm Kiwi.. It must be a worry, living so close to such a huge Mental Institution, with so many inmates running loose,.. It's You Guys and Mexico that need the Wall....not the U.S. Looney Bin .... If You want, You're welcome here...
@@19bisho 'nother Kiwi here - I second that.
I am an Australian and absolutely disgusted too. USA has gone way down in my estimation.
Remember: Trump isn't arguing that he is innocent. He is arguing that he should have the right to be a criminal...
well said
I can feel Glen’s rage and it is well deserved. The injustice totally pisses me off. What is wrong with these people. Supreme Court judges should have term limits. How do we go about making that happen?
You better start making some noise about it because it's absolute treason.💙
I agree! Remember how Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to step down when we could have put one of our own in instead of her passing away during Trump's term!? None of this would have happened!! We should have forced her to step down. She was in poor health and very old. We could have put someone young in there! I never understood that. That was so selfish of her to sell us out like that!!!
Vote at all levels of government city county state and federal - then camp out on your representatives doorsteps and demand change...
I've said that! No one at or over age 70 to be elected and only for one term at 70 or older.
We need a president that fits the generations under me. I'm 65, but... Seriously.
I’m ready to march on the Supreme Court. I’m 80 but I’m rip roaring angry about all this corruption! Who’s with me?
The craziness! Once again I blame Merrick Garland for waiting too freaking long to do anything!
Spilt milk. The question is what we have to do to preserve American democracy.
@@johnnychimpo7539, nah. The public will do what all these politicians are petrified to do.
@@johnnychimpo7539If your wish comes true, you may have to suck something to stay alive. Careful what you wish for chimpo.
@@andrewsnow1933 FBI come get this guy! 😂😂😂
Blame Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham for keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court where he belongs.
How can the Supreme Court justify this? This makes no sense whatsoever.
Of course it makes perfect sense when you're bought and paid for by billionaires. Biden has to do SOMETHING now!!!
They don't need to justify anything. When you are the"law" you do what you please as long as there is a majority.
They're corrupt
They can't, they've been bought out by the GQP.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they've already accepted and "gifts" they already received and expect to receive before they rule.
Wow, that's quite a powerful closing statement by Mr Kirschner!!! Bravo! Best Wishes!
Wanting immunity is as good as saying "I'm guilty"
Or get the F off my A you political hacks!
Same as seeking/accepting a pardon.
Right! Like taking the 5th
Then the Supreme Court shouldn't have thrown the case back to the Appellate Court in the first place! WTF was the point?? It was a corrupt delay tactic
I didn’t want to hear this from Glenn. It’s scary. I have zero faith in SCOTUS.
Sadly - same here.
Me neither.
Scrotus, not scotus. The entire court is just a bunch of gnarled scrotes.
And the saddest part of all is that SCOTUS does not care if anyone has faith in them or not. They want what used to be the middle class to be terrified. They are helping trump to keep the country in a state of chaos.
I was hoping to hear that this was actually good news, because it means that once the Supreme Court rules that presidents obviously don't have blanket immunity, then loser-trump can't delay his other cases by trying to make the same argument.
When Glenn is _this_ worried and angry, it freaks me out, too.
THIS is why we had a problem with Kavanagh and how they refused to even consider Merrick Garland.
We need to start protests.
This is flipping nuts.
You have a constitutional right to do so you know. I won't be joining you though.
We need to surround the SCOTUS and not allow them in. Ever.
Let me know because this makes me so sick to my stomach we got to do something
Was thinking and F word but flipping nuts says it all!!!!!!
We need term limits and new laws deciding when presidents can nominate supreme court justices. The system has failed, again.
I suspect this is what Leonard Leo was dreaming about as counts his billions of dark money…
Presidents shouldn't be able to nominate SCOTUS justices - that would be a start. Members of SCOTUS shouldn't be allowed to have any religious bias nor party affiliation.
Not for half the country, the sane half, in Trumpworld! Be well Steve
@@espressomatic Eliminating the President's power to nominate would require a constitutional amendment. And then, who would you give it to?
Well said...scary as it is the vote REALLy does count now. Now that Roberts and Crew have shown their colours (and how DARE they!!!). C'mon voters. Forget Biden's age, vote Trump DOWN ....for the world's sake!!!
the opposite, it's clear that the court will not let trump lose, no matter what, I fully expect them to vacate his civil fines as well
I mean one is 81, the other is 78... why is age even a question? They are both fucking old!
YES〜🗳️🇺🇸💞🌍🙏🙋💙💙Justice always wins🤩
They cannot do that.@@override367
well the positive thing is if trump get immunity biden can just have him executed with immunity
We did that in 2020. That crap was crap then and is still crap. Donald Trump SHOULD BE IN PRISON ALREADY!!!!
As I said before, I have zero faith in the supreme kangaroos.
Snakes! Pure evil!
This is such a sad day. We can't even count on our Supreme Court to follow the Constitution!
They are a total disgrace!
If we don't vote to ensure Trump is kept out of office, then we as a nation deserve what follows.
Having a court where the judges sits for life is always a bad idea… 🤨
No, having a court where judges have no rules to follow is a bad idea.
Our justices in Canada don't have term limits, and aside from a few radical decisions every now and then we don't have anywhere near the same problem you guys have.
Our only limit besides the law is an age limit of 75. That among with some laws with actual teeth to root out the corruption in your politicians and justices should be more then enough of a good starting point before going nuclear anti-democracy on the issue.
@@Xershade If this all goes sideways and he gets off on all this, a lot of people will be moving to Canada.
The judiciary should be independent of the executive and the legislature and having Supreme Court juges appointed by politicians is a VERY bad idea. No appointments system is perfect but the US system is about one the worst imaginable.
No justice. No peace! It's time for the people to rise up!
Shame on you Supreme Court…Unbelievable!!!
I only wish it was unbelievable. Sadly, we have a court that doesn’t believe in democracy or justice.
Anyone who expected this SCOTUS to do the right thing was not paying attention.
I agree, probably no conviction at all more than likely!
They are playing the trump delay, delay and delay game…
VOTE BLUE 2024 … we need the majority in the house , senate and the Whitehouse!! We need to VOTE in numbers never seen before in this country!!!
The problem is Donald Trump will not accept the results of this coming election if he's on the ballot. And we will have another January 6 part 2.
They did the right WING...
This is sickening. The thought that SCOTUS is remaining loyal to Trump because they want to give Trump a win. Disheartening.
They've probably been promised 'Feudal Lord ' titles in the new MAGA regime.
If we get a supermajority, we will certainly look at impeaching many of the supremes. they know that. This is a last ditch effort to help trump. It won't work, and despite all the gerrymandering, the unlawful laws preventing voting rights? We all best get out there and do something about this, because no one else is.
Remember, it's just the conservative part of the Court. That's apparently enough.
"Too real to steel" - I love you, very-pissed-off-Glen Kirschner! You're a beacon of light in all of this!
Theu should've rejected this B.S. Period!!
Charlie! I told you that they would take this weeks ago, and I was right! I tried to help you Charlie, but you didn’t believe me. I also told you Fani was going to be dismissed, and her case would go away. Now you know which one of us is smarter! Schools out, class dismissed.
This is great news for America
@@Cp3786 Still trolling again I see
@@Paul-mg8fz Not going to happen.
These judges should be judged.
Every single one of them!
💯 % 💙💙💙💙
we could impeach but that assumes a working rest of the government. like not tits up because of maga. just like impeaching this asshat the prior times and being let go. and causing this whole ass situation. (same with federal judges. so that idiot partialist judge in fl over his other case is still around even after having rulings overturned.)
I’m judging them. They are despicable. .
What a clown show this supreme court is .
I believe Trump the clown will die of old age before he even sees a jail cell, these maga justices are shameful and sickening to be called Americans!
I'm not sure what to think or do now. This is so dangerous. I want to figure out what to do to protect my family. I am ridiculously disheartened. I know we all need to vote, be ready for anything, and be willing to make sweeping changes to get back on track. Are the judges speaking out? They can't all be on board with this. Are there any admitting that their institution is completely corrupt?
I wonder. I hope anyone who is able to will go protest outside the scotus court. I am so disgusted & ashamed of them it’s hard to put into words
The judges that are in opposition to the majority vote write what is called a Dissent. They state their reasons and their conclusions. They are still outvoted if they are in the minority opinion. The only time this majority rule has been compromised is with this SCOTUS. In the past there may have been pay to play judges but now they are in the majority and we have been high jacked by them until their retirement or death.
Here's a way to stop this insanity. VOTE BLUE! VOTE BLUE!
We will over here!!! 💙💙💙
Oh stfu with your “vote blue”. Our entire god damn democracy is on the effing line and all you can think to do is vote?
FFS we need to be doing more. Voting is the absolute BARE MINIMUM that you can do! Vote, campaign, volunteer, donate, be active on social media, have hard conversations with friends and family.
If all you do is vote, then you’ve failed our democracy!
Yea I will but the Dems need to stop being pussies when they get power. It’s time to pack the court and give DC and PR statehood so the Republicans can never have a majority in the Senate ever again.
Trouble is the Electoral College can nullify many of our votes depending on the state we live in. We need election of President by popular vote.
@@rod1148 I agree 1000%. We can only do it if congress is sooo blue, very blue. 💙💙💙
This blows the theory of "nobody's above the law"right out of the swamp.
I believe this is the worst Supreme Court in my lifetime. This court is a waist of taxpayers' money.
I agree. It’s ”waste”, though 😉
look who appointed them. a corrupt insane dumbass picked 3 of them, of course the court is dirty.
It is a WASTE...
It's not the worst Supreme Court of your lifetime.
This is the worst Supreme Court in modern history - possibly of all time.
...so far.
America! You have to save your democracy, not just for yourselves but for the rest of the world. I don't think you realise just how important this next election is going to be. And this is coming from a South African!
OMG!! I feel sick to my stomach. Shame on them.
So do Isir.
remember the 14th amendment case, coming soon
That's exactly how I felt Sick to my stomach the corruption is horrible
@@johnnychimpo7539 Vlad, taste this morozhenoe, it's to die for!
All this insanity gives me a massive headache. I fear for the future of democracy every time I see BS like this from the judicial system. I hope when everything goes BLUE that things are changed in respect to sCOTUS. The small "s" is intentional.
Supreme Court should have never even considered reviewing this! What is there to review?! Of course the president does not have free reign to commit crimes. Scary sh-it my friends
That’s the simple truth. This heinous claim should have NEVER been considered legit in the first place. This court is now as transparent as ever. They must go. Expand the court, immediately!!!
It's a delay tactic in favor of DT. I really don't think they will say he has complete immunity. What are they going to do when they are the ones on the receiving end of a president's wrath? They are delaying the inevitable
"The Supreme Court just sold American Democracy down the river."
That's basically it.
When I heard of this, I couldn't describe what was causing my so much uneasiness; Glens remark, "The Supreme Court just sold American Democracy down the river." nailed it!
Yep yep sure did 1,000 %
…get out in numbers too big to rig, too real to steal … EXACTLY. Exactly what I have told people for years; a landslide that cannot be disputed.
And political advocacy is not something that can take a break, i. e., it is ongoing, and lifelong.
Love this partnership, gentlemen. Intelligent, succinct, professional, truly helpful if not even therapeutic -- on a daily basis. Excellent. Thank you.
Time to protest in front of the supreme court.
Do it peacefully , you’re not a Republican MAGA supporter.
That’ll show em! Really changed their minds on Roe. Maybe even protest at there houses? Oh wait the decorum police care more about getting along with Republicans fighting fascism
All the democrats should protest in front of the suprême court. Lets go american save démocratie in your country
Too little too late! They showed us who they were! Where were you when it mattered?
@@richardc6932 “We even protested and used harsh language but still got fascism :( oh well we tried”
Delay, delay, delay. The Supreme Crooks.
Every candidate from today on should pledge to ending lifetime judicial appointments. Anyone not supporting this initiative should be voted out of office. Rep and Dem alike.
I agree, no one should have a lifetime appointment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You expect any elected officials in the future? There will be no judgement, Trump will become Dictator, no matter the votes, he will ignore the election. He already said so. House and senate will be optional. The constitution will be suspended. Media will be taken off the air. Many many people will disappear. People suggesting term limits will be very few, Gitmo will be filled to capacity.
Good luck America. But it is what you want.
It only promotes corruption, when you can't be terminated even when you're found to have broken the law.
I can’t believe one conman brought America to its knees!!
This news about the Supreme Court is disturbing and depressing, but I cannot say that I am surprised.
As with Glenn, I literally felt sick to my stomach when I listened to this ridiculous action by the SCOTUS. It's the same feeling I had when I watched the events of Jan. 6 unfold.
and roe felt similar. it was a peeling back of democracy, stripping away rights. and you could tell it wouldn't stop there.
It’s the same feeling I had with the first unethical pick by McConnell
Exactly this ruling by the despicable fascists on the SCOTUS is an insult to ALL Americans 🤬
The problem IS the supreme court is accountable to no one. Thomas (bribes) and his wife (insurrectlonist) is a perfect example of how they can do whatever they want an nobody can say boo.
They've completely obliterated the checks and balances in this country by telling the other two branches government to take a hike.
Absolutely nothing has happened to Thomas' wife. It's really disgusting how many of the "elite" have somehow completely escaped accountability for treasonous behaviors.
The smirk on this womans face when she gave " evidence" at the 1/6 committee saying the election was stolen knowing full well that nobody could do anything about anything. She is above the law. Her husband is above the law. Trump is god chosen.
They destroyed the checks and balances in government when they admitted they answer to nobody.
Impeach the Supreme Court justices!
That's up to Congress, and we know the MAGA controlled house loves dictatorships. So, good luck with that.
I believe that's called civil war.