Sufism isn't a sect of Islam, but a way to understand God in Islam, and then there are various groups of Sufis with their own traditions. There was a time when the vast majority of Muslims were Sufi in their approach, and it wasn't that long ago. I think that the world would indeed be a better place if all Muslims utilised the Sufi approach to understanding God once again. It doesn't require anyone to join a brotherhood or a particular Sufi tradition, all it takes is to focus on that limitless Divine Love and let it guide you. Some Sufi groups have developed traditions that others feel that they deviate from the core Islam too much, and I can sympathise with that. But just because groups of people have done that, it doesn't invalidate the Sufi approach itself, which has been an integral part of Islam since the beginning. God is the Most Merciful, and that's the attribute of God that is mentioned most often in the Qur'an, after all. It's in the Basmala, Most Gracious and Most Merciful. And the Sufi approach is essentially about embracing the Mercy and Grace of God above all else as the guiding principles that shape everything that we do. It's not more complicated.
I am both a Quaker and a Taoist. This quote from Joseph Campbell reflects my view of God. “God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.”
I wish my Meeting was as multicultural. I welcome and am a seeker for truth from such voices. I learn so much from my family and friends who are Hindu, Muslim, Animist, and Buddhist. I hope Naveed will please share more. I enjoyed living in South Asia and talking with such faithful people through the lens of being a Friend. We miss so much when we will not welcome all perspectives because we will know the Light more when we do this. Thank you, Naveed, for your voice and sharing your experiences.
The deeper I got into Sufi Islam , the easier I feel my self to Identify with quackers. Its simply christian Suffism, made to the masses ,easy and gets the job of bending man and god ,straight
From what I can tell about it, that does seem to be what Quakerism is or has evolved to. It seems to share some aspects with Unitarianism in shifting away from the concept of the literal trinity to focus on the One-ness of God and immediate direct relation with Him, Almighty. I would be careful though, in the case of the gentleman in this video, in making such stances because although Quakerism and Islam, like Islam and the pure unadulterated state of ALL religions share the same bare essence, our religion, the path we take to God is not a light matter, if you believe in the Day of Judgement. One needs to be firm in what they profess and choose, and as beautiful as the many qualities I've seen in Quakerism and Quakers are, that does not mean that George Fox or its many founders HAD official permission from God the Almighty to establish this as a religion or a Spiritual Way, it may and it may not be the "guidance" they professed it to be. Many people in history have assumed a direct inspiration from the Almighty but that is not always the case. As the Quran states, the Prophet (Muhammad, pbuh) is the establisher of the religion with direct "permission" from God himself "Da'iyan ila Allah bi'dhnihi". These matters should not be taken lightly even if they seem intellectually attractive. Islam is the straightest way to God, to the Truth in this life and in the Next without any doubt. As the Prophet (Muhammad, pbuh) said, "If Moses were here now; he would put down the Torah and pick up the Quran." Lastly, although the Quran attests to God's acceptance of other faiths; this likely points to those people of the past, and those people who are either unaware or ignorant of the message of Islam which is God's last and final testament on earth. If someone knowingly sidelines Islam in preference of something else, he or she may be putting him or herself in a dangerous spiritual situation. I end with these two quotes, per the Prophet (Muhammed, pbuh), "Whoever does a practice (a religious practice) that is not in accordance with ours; it is rejected." And from the Precious Quran, { Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam (once it has been revealed to them, consciously), it will not be accepted from him, and he will be in the Next Life among the losers. } Verse 85, The Family of 'Emran (Joachim).
@@eshmawi Agreed. But there are numerous different lifestyles that people live as "Islam". There is a spectrum of people ranging from people burning others for the sake of their understanding of religion to whirling dervishes you see in Turkey. Do you think that certain aspects of the Quaker approach to religion in general can not necessarily help in shaping a muslim's approach to religion?
@@Vikingshop not all christians are trinitarians, not all christians think jesus was divine, not all christians believe jesus could die for the sins of all mankind but they believe in him and love him and revere him equally. Early Christian history is full of sects that were close followers of Jesus who practiced and believed in ideals much closer to the quranic and jewish view than of Pauls view. Seminary schools today teach about bible history , bible revision, and the rise of christology so quit telling people that Islam is so much different than the original teaching of Jesus when its really only different than what we grew up being taught.
Likewise, if one is a Christian, they cannot believe in the divinity or importance of Muhammad. That man means nothing to me. Jesus, alternatively, is everything.
@@sublimesamoyed "Orthodoxy" versus "Heresy" in Ancient Christianity Misunderstandings About Religion
If only there were more Muslims like you. However, having lived in many Islamic countries as varied as Morocco, Oman and Saudi Arabia, I think you will have a lot of trouble convincing other Muslims. Many Sunni Muslims will see you as an infidel. I think you may get more tolerance from Ibadi and Sufi Muslims, but those who follow the Wahabi and Salafi strains of Islam would never accept that you can combine traditions like you have. I wish you luck with your mission and hope you can change a few more hearts and minds on the way. By the way, it's very brave of you to appear on video and declare your faith as you have, I hope you are not upbraided for it from members of the South Asian Muslim community in Britain, America, Canada or wherever you happen to be based.
As He (سبحانه وتعالى) says, ﴾ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِى وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ ٱلْإِسْلَٰمَ دِينًا ﴿ “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islām as your religion.” [Sūrah al-Māʾidah 5: 3]
Strange how this open-hearted video prompts the kind of comments seen below. You only have to read them to see what's wrong with many believers in many 'mainstream' religions. Some comments below imply Muslims should abandon their intellect - is that in the Quran? Interestingly Quakers too suggest that you should not just follow your own inclinations but rather wait (in silence) to 'discern' the truth but this doesn't mean abandoning your common sense and worldly knowledge (for example, science) on entering your place of worship. We need to struggle with our hearts, our minds and our 'soul' to bring them into balance and 'see the light'. From my personal perspective as a Quaker, perhaps a 'follower of Jesus' but apparently not a Christian by the 'standards' (of belief) set by most mainstream Christian churches, I find Islam very difficult. But, if it (and the Quran) means loving your neighbour, your enemies, the apostates, the atheists and every human being as yourself then that's ok, otherwise it's not worth the paper it's written on. Of further interest may be the British Quaker Universalists Group (QUG) pamphlet no. 34 'Islam Today: A Muslim Quaker’s View’ by Chris Bagley:
Muslim is not an 'ethnicity' - neither is it a free- will choice (in certain parts of the world it certainly seems). Therefore in what way is it ever truely an identity?- something some seem to cling to so so (far too!!!...) much ? Unless it's an 'identity' which is defined by being in opposition to something (+ s'thing greater? - a bigger thing which is being pushed back against, in order to give some definition to your journey & a tool/ vehicle to help refine the soul/ sense of self? (In relation to your sense of your existence & relationship with life, creation and the creator ?) Just a thought triggered by the beginning of this video.. I know he DIDN'T explicitly ID as muslim which was a (nice!) surprise (as I was expecting him to) but it led me to reflect on this & others who often DO & why this might be.. I've always found it -very- curious.. some literally say 'I was born Muslim..' yet that makes no sense - no, you were born HUMAN (or perhaps, born.. [enter 'ethnicity' eg, african, arab, european?! here]. 'muslim' is not an identity which is that deep. It seems much more of a political one, really !
This brother is lost. When you already have Islam, you don't need another religion. Also, while Islam and Christianity have much in common, there are certain mutually exclusive claims. Anyone claiming to be both a Muslim and a Christian is likely to be neither.
Walahi my brother! you do not know from what he stated above whether he practices the 5 pillars of Islam or not. You fail to see that he has not left the faith all together and may just be on a slight detour, that detour may gain more reverts and expose more people to the beautiful Islam, and that he still believes in the prophet (pbuh). And how many Muslims in our own families fail to follow all the tenants? If the Muʿtazila were "wrong" for saying that someone who willingly commits murder is no longer Muslim then how can you infer he is not? You assume Quakers are just a Christian sect but they have two main branches the Theologians (Christ Bible Centered) and then you have the Un-programmed(rational, philosophical, open to but not dictated to by the bible, Quran, or other sacred texts) )which creates a space for the interaction and intersection of individuals whom are each are on their own spiritual journey ie Islam, Christianity, Judaism, agnosticism, atheism ect. They stand united in their common view of the equality of humanity, they sit in silence together connecting with God, and they stand against war, aggression, and violence. So, I do believe it is possible to be a Muslim Quaker as our brother in the video points out. And in anything over which you disagree - its ruling is [to be referred] to Allah . [Say], "That is Allah, my Lord; upon Him I have relied, and to Him I turn back." 42:10
@@allahoutdoors5927 *MAY ALLAH GUIDE ALL WHO ARE SEEKERS OF THE TRUTH* "He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24. Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110 O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67 We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119 "He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13] After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God. The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136] Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108 If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20 Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29 “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99 “And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18 "This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4. "Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1) “Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158 Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19 “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256 Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104 “Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46 Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29 "This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3. They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32 Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
555 (in Thai that is pronounced hahaha) which shouldn't be confused with 666. This is a lovely video which as a Christian with both Protestant and Catholic parents, who has spent most his life in Asia (yes most the world is here) among Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus, sees this video as wonderfully positive. When I was much younger I remember staunch Christians (40 plus years ago) telling me why they couldn't take part or respect martial arts as the calming elements in them seemed to be different from Christian traditions. What nonsense! I should state I'm not a Quaker, at least yet, and living in Australia where there are few of them/you, I don't know if I will ever be, but I thank you for this wonderful video series and have ordered several books to enhance my understanding. At the moment I'm reading the wonderful Christian S.African Archbishop, Desmond Tutu's book "God Is Not a Christian". In it he clearly (and as a Christian I think rightly) encourages Christians to remember that is our faith, and we need to shine a light to all, so they can see that our faith is genuine (OK, you might think other faith traditions can same the say thing, but if they deliver the divine commandments better than Christians, whose fault is that?). The point of his book's title is that while Christianity is 2017 years old, humans have been around for much, MUCH, longer, and God infinitely longer too ... so he predates Christianity and loves ALL people equally. While we should be constant in our faith, we should be open to all faith traditions that predate ours and succeed them too. God is so big and we are so small, what to do but love everyone?
I never knew being a Quaker and a Muslim was even possible. Isn't it shirk? Anyway I do like this video and I do find it insightful. As an ex Muslim being born and raised in the UK I have always been in direct conflict with Muhammad and what the deity of Islam says in the Quran. I don't like the allah of the Quran. To me he's proud and bigoted and provokes intolerance and violence towards non Muslims. However seeing someone have a totally different perspective I find very warming. I'm happy this guy has found peace. I myself have been contemplating whether or not to visit a Quaker centre and see what it's like. My only fear and it is a little silly but part of me is concerned if being a Quaker is like being in some kind of cult or not. Anyway I can't knock something until I've tried it. There's something very special in the system though.
Hey. I am a Hindu-Quaker and like the guy in this video I actually see no conflict between my own ancestral beliefs and Quaker beliefs. If anything, Quakerism has helped me hone and deepen my understanding of what I experience both intellectually and spiritually. In think the fear of being cult-recruited is with anyone looking to join a spiritual or religious practice. My experience with Quakerism however, has been the opposite. The reason I took to Quakerism is because of it's strong tradition of both social justice (first women's rights activists, slavery abolitionists, etc, were Quakers) and it's emphasis on an individual's own spiritual journey. There is no baptism, no "initiation" in this system. Moreover, there are no priests and no liturgy (texts), as Quaker's believe we can directly access the "Inner Light" without any intermediary. In my experience, most Quakers rarely use the term "God" and use the term "Inner Light" most often as it more accurately represents their spiritual understandings. During consultations for advice with other Quakers, Quaker's don't actually give you answers. They provide you questions, and then it is up to you to connect with your own Inner Light and discern the best course of action. Quakerism has perhaps been the least dogmatic tradition I have encountered, and surprisingly it is over 400 years old.
Brother God Allah in Quraan is murciful &kind His mursy that vast enough for whol universe ...Don't judge until you understand Quraan in knoledgebale way & be paitient to read with hard work not superfaisialy.
Haruspex it's one year now, hope you've found peace after all this time. My trust is that if you sincerly search for the truth, the one who created you, will not let you down, he will show it to you, but after that you will be held accountable for the choice you take; weather to embrace the truth or not, so if you haven't find the truth yet, keep searching sincerly, he will show it to you. good luck
I’m Muslim and this video made me want to know more about Quakerism. There is no good Islamic community where I live, so I thought I might be able to be like this guy. I looked up a Quaker website for an organisation where I live, and discovered that they are not against homosexuality. I then done a bit more research and watched a video about a transgender, and how he came out to his Quaker church..... end of research. No thanks, I definitely don’t want to be a Quaker.
the western world is so liberal that it tolerates everything and everything is ok to an extent that is becomes contradectory .. they believe in everything which just means they don't believe in anything you are a Muslim my friend and is Islam is complete by the death of Mohammed peace be upon him you don t need any human invention just follow his path
Gunes Ercal Gharehbaygloo Just because he feels in a certain way or because you think of a global religion it doesn't make it meaningful or true. You can preach on that all day long but Christ is the only way to the truth neither Islam nor any made up Christianity in the Western world. We have solid and clear doctrine by the inerrant and infallible Word of God. Human claims is as cheap as dirt.
Thank you for revealing yourself, Ramsin Savra. The nature of your entire reply makes clear your mindset. In this case, let me be further clarify something: You do not understand Christ. Period.
Mikel Amatria Love?! You are using a word which is very much abused in the Western world :) Please you tell me what love is then. Is it the kind of love Hollywood taught you or the kind of love the socialism is claiming? Yet, before getting to this. Do you understand that the God of Christians (including Quakers) is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ? And yet الله or God in islam is NOT the same at all. God of Islam is defined as one being and doesn't have any interest in sinners or کفار so how on earth do you support or think like that? I doubt you know that or would accept it. So how do you consider a Muslim to be a Quaker?! Please educate yourself before putting tag on people like me. Read carefully the Gospel of Jesus Christ it will show you that the God you are referring doesn't belong to Christianity. Please don't support Hersey.
The Society of Friends is a Christian church of the Christian faith. It is impossible to reconcile the Christian religion with Islam in a way that one can be a believer in both. Either Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lord and Savior, or he is a great prophet, but there must be a distinction and he cannot be both. Quakerism is not a mere philosophy; indeed there are no doubt many who are drawn to the faith by its philosophical underpinnings, but these are still ultimately points of faith. These are not merely writings by George Fox, a philosophical author (equivalent to say a Descartes or a Nietzche, etc.); they are points based on interpretation of the Bible. I once worked at a Quaker organization and had a co-worker who identified as a Buddhist-Quaker. Again, at some level there is a lot of philosophical agreement, but the tenets of both faith are ultimately very different. This is more a reflection that the younger generation (of which I am a part) has not been taught the faith at a deeper level and has only a surface-level understanding, which makes it easier to make broad generalizations about seeming philosophical equivalence, without the understanding of the depths of the faith that define the surface. I certainly appreciate the opportunity for interfaith dialogue and appreciative of those persons of other faiths who may identify with the philosophical points raised by the Quaker faith, but it is not possible to be both a Quaker and something else. A Quaker, by definition, is a believer in the Christian faith as practiced by the (Religious) Society of Friends. Philosophical agreement with tenets such as the value of every individual does not make one a Quaker, if, at the very least, one does not believe in the Christian faith and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Therefore, though I appreciate the opportunity for dialogue with this individual, I reject his notion that he can be both a Muslim and a Quaker. He is, it sounds like, a Muslim who finds shared philosophical viewpoints with Quakers, but these shared viewpoints do not make him a Quaker.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Thayer. What you are expressing is certainly true for Quakers of more orthodox and evangelical Quaker traditions. In meetings of those traditions, Naveed's self-identification might not be welcome. However, Hicksite Quakers - those of us who are considered part of the Liberal Quaker tradition - can certainly accept and appreciate Naveed's distinction. It is true that George Fox and other early Friends expressed their convictions purely through Christianity, but the theological openness advocated by Elias Hicks has allowed us Friends of the Hicksite tradition to accept people of all faith backgrounds to bring the Light from non-Christian traditions to our meetings as well. And while all Hicksite Friends certain recognize the Christian roots of Quaker theology, we also see it as one of many paths to the Light. The tenets of our faiths are different, yes, but we can discern through the Spirit that which resonates with the values of Friends from that which does not, and we do not fear these other traditions. This is not a matter of "interfaith dialogue", but rather a matter of being inspired by the Light wherever we might find it. Therefore, while you reject the notion that he can be both a Muslim and a Quaker, those of us on the Hicksite branch of Quakerism are just fine with his dual identification and with your Buddhist-Quaker Friend as well. I do wish you all the best in how you choose to worship, Thayer, but please recognize that Quakerism is far larger than the view you are trying to narrow it down to.
Thank you for your words of praise. I only wished to inform readers of the different approaches of our meetings while respecting the traditions of our faith. It is my hope that we can build bridges of understanding and seek truth in whatever way makes each person comfortable.
Anyone who rejects the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ is not his follower. Love for God and trust in Christ is demonstrated fundamentally in the acceptance of Jesus' words and teachings, which include his prophecy about himself that his body would be destroyed (killed) and then raised up (by himself, no less!). To reject the truth that Jesus was crucified and raised to life three days later is a clear rejection of Jesus himself.
Rick Meunier One is not required to be Christian in order to be a Friend or Quaker after the liberal tradition. The notions we choose to hold are those notions which are meaningful to us. I am just fine associating with someone who holds no notions but still values love, peace and equality. I am saddened by those who use Christ's name to act against the very values ascribed to Christ.
Mohammed Hanif what’s the meaning of that owl and the color on his shirt? Do some research and you will get his point what is he trying to say and why😉
The starting point is acknowledging our humanity. That we're all humans created by God or Allah, Gott, Dios, Deus, Dieu, Dio, Bog, Khuda, Mungu, Eebe etc. from Adam(pbuh) & Eve or Hawa(Gbph). After our common humanity comes those who believe in The One(as in One in One) God who don't associate partners with Him in worship-Monotheists. Then we enter the danger zone. Those who associate partners to God in worship, Those who worship other entities instead of God and Those who deny the Existence of God or Allah. The "Muslim" guy in this video, is mixing the first category with the second-which is NOT right. We must love all humans unconditionally. God created us & He'll judge us on The Day of Judgement as to who was His true servant.
That quote from the Quran is hazardous. "Let everyone act according to their own disposition" You know what that means in the context of most people including Muslims themselves. Do whatever you want. Somebody that steals $1 candy from the local supermarket, is the same as someone who robbed $100,000 from the bank in the eyes of Allah. This is basically what the text means in religious and secular context. Remember Allah didnt say what sin is worse than the other one in particulars. Which means that Muslims and nations can decide what is fair and right by their own standards. Everyone's standards are different but some struggle more than others to do certain things and keep certain rules. A good example is mentally ill people, depending on the mental illness the person cannot make certain judgements or see certain things logically in the same way as a "normal" person could. How would you (or Allah) determine what is fair and what is right for that mentally ill person.
Perhaps it’s about not ‘judging’ people with mental health issues but acknowledging that they are ‘unwell’ and doing so with compassion? Similarly it’s to be hoped that someone with an illness, let’s say cancer, isn’t judged because they have an illness but receives help and support to get well. Btw I took the passage to mean ‘study yourself’, as my mum would say lol. Look for your own integrity, perhaps? I’m not a Quaker or an anything for that matter. 👍
I'm at a loss with this contradictory interview. I understand why it is possible for anyone regardless of religious belief to attend a quaker meeting. However attending a meeting does not make you a Quaker, convincement does. This series, whilst interesting, is giving out the message that regardless of your religion or lack of it you can become a Quaker by attendance. One Quaker has a Buddha behind her throughout her interview. Would George Fox have had a Buddha on his shelf? One simply cannot be both a non believer and a believer.
i wonder where a muslim quaker stands on the issue of gay marrage, which was largly exsepted by the Quaker faith many years before christian society had done so?
I will seek the truth in all books and spiritual practices. But I will not assign myself to any established religion, for this is a betrayal of Truth in favor of the form. That's why wars are going on for millennia ...
I have always been intrigued by Quakers because of their pacifism but they seem to be kind a confused spiritually. This particular guy is probably in a mild cognitive crisis. Sufistic teaching is maybe comparable to the Quaker “inner light” realisation because they’re mostly mystical about god and not so hung up on what the Quran is proclaiming.
I’m not a Quaker. Just my thoughts though and my understanding. To be a Quaker you can be spiritually anything or nothing, an agnostic or perhaps an atheist. I think maybe it’s about worrying less about labels and more about living in a charitable (non judgemental), respectful, supportive way with integrity. I don’t think someone who is homeless, in poverty or in a war zone are really bothered about the nuance of labels, they are just trying to live through the day. It may even be just having that feeling there is something else. I’m not a Quaker, I’m not an anything. People have asked me if I’m a Quaker, the reason why I’m having a little look at who/what Quakers are. 😁
So called "Islamophobia" is a post-modernist Lefty term for non-Muslims protecting themselves from Islamic conquest and domination. These Lefties are traitorous vermin - who bring war. Dhimmi hypocrites.
Adding a denomination or a belonging to islam which is a complete way of life means imply that islam is incomplete and not perfect. This in itself is in complete contradiction to islam. I associate to what u did to a syncretism .....
الآية التي إستخدم المتحدث ، قام بإخراجها من سياقها و فسيرها خارج ذاك السياق وهو امر لا معني له اطلاقا في التعامل مع النصوص عامة و النصوص الدينية خاصة ، و بالرجوع الي تفسيراتها المتعارف عليها ضمن سياقها فهي لا تعني علي الاطلاق ما يعتقده هو و ما فسره حسب هواه ، و بالمناسبة لا يوجد اطلاقا مذهب اسلامي يدعي (مسلم كويكر) لذا ادعوه و غيره الي التكلي بالشجاعة اللازمة للاعتراف بأنهم لم يعودو مسلمين لسبب او لآخر يخصهم بدل هاذه الترهات و "الاجتهادات" الغبية ، كما ان الاسلام لا يقبل هاذه الاساليب فهو نظام متكامل ، تقبله ككل و تتركه ككل.
You can’t serve two masters. You either believe Jesus is the Messiah and was God on Earth made flesh and that he died for our sins on the Cross or you believe the nonsense of Islam that he was an optical illusion? Both cannot be right.
We don’t say Jesus (peace be upon him )was an optical illusion . We just don’t believe he was God. And we believe he was not crucified. Rather God saved him and put someone that looks like him on the cross . Rather we believe he is a prophet . And we do give him the title Messiah also. He will return and the believers will join his army to fight the anti christ . Instead we believe God is one, with no partners . There is no one like Him. (No images of Him or any prophets and messengers ) We believe in all The Prophets from previous biblical texts also. And all the angels the main one being mentioned Gabriel (peace be upon him). We believe in all previous Abrahamic scriptures, but we believe they have been altered by man. We believe the final revelation from God is the Quran, and it was sent to the final Messenger (Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him). We have one Quran no versions We believe in the punishment in the grave and judgment day and resurrection . And we believe in heaven and hell. I agree he can’t be Quaker and Muslim it’s strange but worse things in western society . To believe in a creator is a precious thing today , when most ppl worship Satan and their pleasures .
Not all Quakers are Christian. We believe that god is love, and follow Jesus teachings, but you don’t need to believe that Jesus was god. What’s wrong with following both prophets? Are they both not in the Quran? And does criticizing a brother yearning to know more about god, help you in your path in any way?
@@daisymaygames That is a man who’s lost. Islam teaches something different than the Bible. Muhammad was not a Prophet and his teachings are Satanic. Follow Jesus not someone that claimed Jesus was a prophet. Jesus is the Messiah.
There is no such thing u can find a true path while traveling in 2 boats Qur'an defined such people as Hippocurates may be living in a west with non Muslims make him confused or some times people are scared due to current Geo political situations in which people carrying lot of hate against Muslims so some time people who are week and scared do things like this even u can see such prectice in India where Muslims are scard and go to Hindu Mandirs and worship place to show we all same but truly we are not same religiously Islam Hindu Quaker Josiah Christian and all others are different religions and u can't mix them just for your convenience .select what ur heart say this is true and follow it don't try to pollute Islam with your individual thoughts just for some worldly benefits don't fight with ALLAH .
Without a leader and a clear doctrine and principals of belief, this causes men who is left to believe whatever he wants it to be. Also the key reason why this is a cult is bc they do not believe that Jesus was God.
For the past six days I've been trying to find out what Quakerism is all about, but couldn't find any. However, if Quaker oat are made by the Quakers, then that's the only good thing about them. No worship, no prayer, no word, just silence in their church? Weird!
the messenger or the god ? .. do you worship one god or 3 gods? why be Christian where there is Islam a final religion from god that came after Jesus peace be upon him .. if you are a true Christian and really believe in the god of Jesus which is the god of Islam you should follow him and be a Muslim
the Quran asks us to think to reflect and to many mindless sheep are lead to slaughter? You do not know from what he stated above whether he practices the 5 pillars of Islam or not. You fail to see that he has not left the faith all together and may just be on a slight detour, that that detour may gain more reverts and expose more people to the beautiful Islam, and that he still believes in the prophet (pbuh). How many Muslims in our own families fail to follow all the tenants? Do you assume Quakers are just a Christian sect? There are two main branches to Quakerism the Theologians (Christ Bible Centered) and then you have the Un-programmed(rational, philosophical, open to but not dictated by the bible, Quran, or other sacred texts)which creates a space for the interaction and intersection of individuals perusing each of their own spiritual journeys ie Islam, Christianity, Judaism, agnosticism, atheism ect. They stand united as Quakers because they have a common view on the equality of humanity, they sit in silence together connecting with God, and they stand against war, aggression, and violence regardless of its permissiblity by our government or our holy books. And in anything over which you disagree - its ruling is [to be referred] to Allah . [Say], "That is Allah, my Lord; upon Him I have relied, and to Him I turn back." 42:10
@Students of Knowledge طلاب العلم my comment was not about the video but about the commentor saying our intellect is problem when the Quran asks us to use it. As far as the Muslim in the video Allah will show him where he went astray and you can offer guidance but only Allah knows whats in his heart. Billions of followers believe they are falling Muhammad(PBUH) correctly and we can do our best to choose the right chains of narration to follow outside of the Quran but its a long journey and none of us will have perfected it before our time has come so its best we be humble, offer guidance, and pray for one another and for peace amongst humanity.
Muhammad the prophet (if we could call this a prophet) took part on 28 punitves expeditions to kill or to get new territories or to get new believers, plus 73 expeditions in which Muhammad did not take part, but he was the leader of the men who went on those 73 expeditions to kill or to get new territories or to get new believer. Yes, Muhammad was a religious leader, a military leader and a political leader. Do you think it's the best a God name Allah can do with it is messenger supposedly prophet name Muhammad, Allah the supposedly the greatest, a God name Allah with all wisdom, who could decide history of any kind of situation, well i don't call this friendly at all to have been a war chief. Plus Muhammad was a slave owner and had sex with is female slave, is female property, because a slave it's a property where it's the owner who decided your freedom and not the person who is a slave. So for all those reason, you can not have a peaceful mind on those matters i've just mention.
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If every Christian was a quaker and every Muslim was a sufi.. The world would be a better place
Nope. It's not to do with their religion. It's who they are as a person. A bad person can be anywhere.
😂is so true
This is true.
Sufism isn't a sect of Islam, but a way to understand God in Islam, and then there are various groups of Sufis with their own traditions. There was a time when the vast majority of Muslims were Sufi in their approach, and it wasn't that long ago. I think that the world would indeed be a better place if all Muslims utilised the Sufi approach to understanding God once again. It doesn't require anyone to join a brotherhood or a particular Sufi tradition, all it takes is to focus on that limitless Divine Love and let it guide you. Some Sufi groups have developed traditions that others feel that they deviate from the core Islam too much, and I can sympathise with that. But just because groups of people have done that, it doesn't invalidate the Sufi approach itself, which has been an integral part of Islam since the beginning. God is the Most Merciful, and that's the attribute of God that is mentioned most often in the Qur'an, after all. It's in the Basmala, Most Gracious and Most Merciful. And the Sufi approach is essentially about embracing the Mercy and Grace of God above all else as the guiding principles that shape everything that we do. It's not more complicated.
im muslim and i just recently knew about quakers...and im still learning ...there idea about god is what made me open my heart to llearn about it
I am both a Quaker and a Taoist. This quote from Joseph Campbell reflects my view of God. “God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.”
Quakerism is similar to Sufism. The Inward Light of Quakerism is the same at the Nur-e Mohammed (Muhammadan Light).
Quakers can and are sometimes to other religions I have always believed this I'm glad I'm not alone. this is a really happy video for me as a quaker.
I wish my Meeting was as multicultural. I welcome and am a seeker for truth from such voices. I learn so much from my family and friends who are Hindu, Muslim, Animist, and Buddhist. I hope Naveed will please share more. I enjoyed living in South Asia and talking with such faithful people through the lens of being a Friend. We miss so much when we will not welcome all perspectives because we will know the Light more when we do this. Thank you, Naveed, for your voice and sharing your experiences.
This made it a lot easier for me to accept myself as an Agnostic Quaker. Thank you.
The deeper I got into Sufi Islam , the easier I feel my self to Identify with quackers.
Its simply christian Suffism, made to the masses ,easy and gets the job of bending man and god ,straight
You like To worship a created human or Allah 's creation beside Allah then you are committing a shirk the biggest sin unforgettable lest you repent
From what I can tell about it, that does seem to be what Quakerism is or has evolved to. It seems to share some aspects with Unitarianism in shifting away from the concept of the literal trinity to focus on the One-ness of God and immediate direct relation with Him, Almighty. I would be careful though, in the case of the gentleman in this video, in making such stances because although Quakerism and Islam, like Islam and the pure unadulterated state of ALL religions share the same bare essence, our religion, the path we take to God is not a light matter, if you believe in the Day of Judgement. One needs to be firm in what they profess and choose, and as beautiful as the many qualities I've seen in Quakerism and Quakers are, that does not mean that George Fox or its many founders HAD official permission from God the Almighty to establish this as a religion or a Spiritual Way, it may and it may not be the "guidance" they professed it to be. Many people in history have assumed a direct inspiration from the Almighty but that is not always the case. As the Quran states, the Prophet (Muhammad, pbuh) is the establisher of the religion with direct "permission" from God himself "Da'iyan ila Allah bi'dhnihi". These matters should not be taken lightly even if they seem intellectually attractive. Islam is the straightest way to God, to the Truth in this life and in the Next without any doubt. As the Prophet (Muhammad, pbuh) said, "If Moses were here now; he would put down the Torah and pick up the Quran." Lastly, although the Quran attests to God's acceptance of other faiths; this likely points to those people of the past, and those people who are either unaware or ignorant of the message of Islam which is God's last and final testament on earth. If someone knowingly sidelines Islam in preference of something else, he or she may be putting him or herself in a dangerous spiritual situation. I end with these two quotes, per the Prophet (Muhammed, pbuh), "Whoever does a practice (a religious practice) that is not in accordance with ours; it is rejected." And from the Precious Quran, { Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam (once it has been revealed to them, consciously), it will not be accepted from him, and he will be in the Next Life among the losers. } Verse 85, The Family of 'Emran (Joachim).
@@eshmawi Agreed. But there are numerous different lifestyles that people live as "Islam". There is a spectrum of people ranging from people burning others for the sake of their understanding of religion to whirling dervishes you see in Turkey.
Do you think that certain aspects of the Quaker approach to religion in general can not necessarily help in shaping a muslim's approach to religion?
This is part of why I love Quakerism.
@@Vikingshop not all christians are trinitarians, not all christians think jesus was divine, not all christians believe jesus could die for the sins of all mankind but they believe in him and love him and revere him equally. Early Christian history is full of sects that were close followers of Jesus who practiced and believed in ideals much closer to the quranic and jewish view than of Pauls view. Seminary schools today teach about bible history , bible revision, and the rise of christology so quit telling people that Islam is so much different than the original teaching of Jesus when its really only different than what we grew up being taught.
If one is a Muslim , then one cannot believe in the divinity of Jesus or Trinity
Religion And The No True Scotsman Fallacy
Not all Quakers believe Jesus is divine or in the Trinity.
Likewise, if one is a Christian, they cannot believe in the divinity or importance of Muhammad. That man means nothing to me. Jesus, alternatively, is everything.
@@sublimesamoyed Religion and the No True Scotsman Fallacy.
"Orthodoxy" versus "Heresy" in Ancient Christianity
Misunderstandings About Religion
Very well described and seeing the light in others is the basis of most religious beliefs. Thank you
If only there were more Muslims like you. However, having lived in many Islamic countries as varied as Morocco, Oman and Saudi Arabia, I think you will have a lot of trouble convincing other Muslims. Many Sunni Muslims will see you as an infidel. I think you may get more tolerance from Ibadi and Sufi Muslims, but those who follow the Wahabi and Salafi strains of Islam would never accept that you can combine traditions like you have. I wish you luck with your mission and hope you can change a few more hearts and minds on the way. By the way, it's very brave of you to appear on video and declare your faith as you have, I hope you are not upbraided for it from members of the South Asian Muslim community in Britain, America, Canada or wherever you happen to be based.
Thank you 😊 I needed to hear your message. I am new to Quakerism or at least learning has much of what I believe. I wish I could find a group need me.
Funny that I also discovered staggering similarities between secular meditation & a quiet Quaker service
Well done Muslim brother and Quaker brother
This is beautiful!
Quakerism doesn’t conflict with Islam. In fact, they’re the same thing!
OH no they are NOT!
Lay it out for me then. What’s the similarities? Elaborate
As He (سبحانه وتعالى) says,
﴾ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِى وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ ٱلْإِسْلَٰمَ دِينًا ﴿
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islām as your religion.” [Sūrah al-Māʾidah 5: 3]
It's complete, you don't need anything else.
Strange how this open-hearted video prompts the kind of comments seen below. You only have to read them to see what's wrong with many believers in many 'mainstream' religions. Some comments below imply Muslims should abandon their intellect - is that in the Quran? Interestingly Quakers too suggest that you should not just follow your own inclinations but rather wait (in silence) to 'discern' the truth but this doesn't mean abandoning your common sense and worldly knowledge (for example, science) on entering your place of worship. We need to struggle with our hearts, our minds and our 'soul' to bring them into balance and 'see the light'.
From my personal perspective as a Quaker, perhaps a 'follower of Jesus' but apparently not a Christian by the 'standards' (of belief) set by most mainstream Christian churches, I find Islam very difficult. But, if it (and the Quran) means loving your neighbour, your enemies, the apostates, the atheists and every human being as yourself then that's ok, otherwise it's not worth the paper it's written on.
Of further interest may be the British Quaker Universalists Group (QUG) pamphlet no. 34 'Islam Today: A Muslim Quaker’s View’ by Chris Bagley:
Beautiful. Respect, sir.
Muslim is not an 'ethnicity' - neither is it a free- will choice (in certain parts of the world it certainly seems). Therefore in what way is it ever truely an identity?- something some seem to cling to so so (far too!!!...) much ? Unless it's an 'identity' which is defined by being in opposition to something (+ s'thing greater? - a bigger thing which is being pushed back against, in order to give some definition to your journey & a tool/ vehicle to help refine the soul/ sense of self? (In relation to your sense of your existence & relationship with life, creation and the creator ?)
Just a thought triggered by the beginning of this video.. I know he DIDN'T explicitly ID as muslim which was a (nice!) surprise (as I was expecting him to) but it led me to reflect on this & others who often DO & why this might be.. I've always found it -very- curious.. some literally say 'I was born Muslim..' yet that makes no sense - no, you were born HUMAN (or perhaps, born.. [enter 'ethnicity' eg, african, arab, european?! here]. 'muslim' is not an identity which is that deep. It seems much more of a political one, really !
Wow , This has just melted my heart and today I know why I am drawn to Quakerism .
May Allah SWT guide and protect us.
This brother is lost. When you already have Islam, you don't need another religion.
Also, while Islam and Christianity have much in common, there are certain mutually exclusive claims. Anyone claiming to be both a Muslim and a Christian is likely to be neither.
Walahi my brother! you do not know from what he stated above whether he practices the 5 pillars of Islam or not. You fail to see that he has not left the faith all together and may just be on a slight detour, that detour may gain more reverts and expose more people to the beautiful Islam, and that he still believes in the prophet (pbuh). And how many Muslims in our own families fail to follow all the tenants? If the Muʿtazila were "wrong" for saying that someone who willingly commits murder is no longer Muslim then how can you infer he is not?
You assume Quakers are just a Christian sect but they have two main branches the Theologians (Christ Bible Centered) and then you have the Un-programmed(rational, philosophical, open to but not dictated to by the bible, Quran, or other sacred texts) )which creates a space for the interaction and intersection of individuals whom are each are on their own spiritual journey ie Islam, Christianity, Judaism, agnosticism, atheism ect. They stand united in their common view of the equality of humanity, they sit in silence together connecting with God, and they stand against war, aggression, and violence. So, I do believe it is possible to be a Muslim Quaker as our brother in the video points out.
And in anything over which you disagree - its ruling is [to be referred] to Allah . [Say], "That is Allah, my Lord; upon Him I have relied, and to Him I turn back." 42:10
Quaker is not Christianity.
"He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24.
Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110
O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67
We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119
"He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13]
After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God.
The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136]
Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108
If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20
Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29
“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99
“And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18
"This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4.
"Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1)
“Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158
Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256
Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104
“Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46
Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29
"This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3.
They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32
Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
I love oatmeal.
Dios67 🤣
555 (in Thai that is pronounced hahaha) which shouldn't be confused with 666. This is a lovely video which as a Christian with both Protestant and Catholic parents, who has spent most his life in Asia (yes most the world is here) among Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus, sees this video as wonderfully positive. When I was much younger I remember staunch Christians (40 plus years ago) telling me why they couldn't take part or respect martial arts as the calming elements in them seemed to be different from Christian traditions. What nonsense! I should state I'm not a Quaker, at least yet, and living in Australia where there are few of them/you, I don't know if I will ever be, but I thank you for this wonderful video series and have ordered several books to enhance my understanding. At the moment I'm reading the wonderful Christian S.African Archbishop, Desmond Tutu's book "God Is Not a Christian". In it he clearly (and as a Christian I think rightly) encourages Christians to remember that is our faith, and we need to shine a light to all, so they can see that our faith is genuine (OK, you might think other faith traditions can same the say thing, but if they deliver the divine commandments better than Christians, whose fault is that?). The point of his book's title is that while Christianity is 2017 years old, humans have been around for much, MUCH, longer, and God infinitely longer too ... so he predates Christianity and loves ALL people equally. While we should be constant in our faith, we should be open to all faith traditions that predate ours and succeed them too. God is so big and we are so small, what to do but love everyone?
as a brand new quaker muslim this is so inspiring and lovely!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I never knew being a Quaker and a Muslim was even possible. Isn't it shirk? Anyway I do like this video and I do find it insightful. As an ex Muslim being born and raised in the UK I have always been in direct conflict with Muhammad and what the deity of Islam says in the Quran. I don't like the allah of the Quran. To me he's proud and bigoted and provokes intolerance and violence towards non Muslims. However seeing someone have a totally different perspective I find very warming. I'm happy this guy has found peace. I myself have been contemplating whether or not to visit a Quaker centre and see what it's like. My only fear and it is a little silly but part of me is concerned if being a Quaker is like being in some kind of cult or not. Anyway I can't knock something until I've tried it. There's something very special in the system though.
Hey. I am a Hindu-Quaker and like the guy in this video I actually see no conflict between my own ancestral beliefs and Quaker beliefs. If anything, Quakerism has helped me hone and deepen my understanding of what I experience both intellectually and spiritually. In think the fear of being cult-recruited is with anyone looking to join a spiritual or religious practice. My experience with Quakerism however, has been the opposite. The reason I took to Quakerism is because of it's strong tradition of both social justice (first women's rights activists, slavery abolitionists, etc, were Quakers) and it's emphasis on an individual's own spiritual journey. There is no baptism, no "initiation" in this system. Moreover, there are no priests and no liturgy (texts), as Quaker's believe we can directly access the "Inner Light" without any intermediary. In my experience, most Quakers rarely use the term "God" and use the term "Inner Light" most often as it more accurately represents their spiritual understandings. During consultations for advice with other Quakers, Quaker's don't actually give you answers. They provide you questions, and then it is up to you to connect with your own Inner Light and discern the best course of action. Quakerism has perhaps been the least dogmatic tradition I have encountered, and surprisingly it is over 400 years old.
Dont be fooled he is a Muslim note how many times he has mentioned Islam and the Koran that tells you everything you need to know.
Brother God Allah in Quraan is murciful &kind
His mursy that vast enough for whol universe ...Don't judge until you understand Quraan in knoledgebale way & be paitient to read with hard work not superfaisialy.
it's one year now, hope you've found peace after all this time. My trust is that if you sincerly search for the truth, the one who created you, will not let you down, he will show it to you, but after that you will be held accountable for the choice you take; weather to embrace the truth or not, so if you haven't find the truth yet, keep searching sincerly, he will show it to you. good luck
I’m Muslim and this video made me want to know more about Quakerism. There is no good Islamic community where I live, so I thought I might be able to be like this guy. I looked up a Quaker website for an organisation where I live, and discovered that they are not against homosexuality. I then done a bit more research and watched a video about a transgender, and how he came out to his Quaker church..... end of research. No thanks, I definitely don’t want to be a Quaker.
the western world is so liberal that it tolerates everything and everything is ok to an extent that is becomes contradectory .. they believe in everything which just means they don't believe in anything
you are a Muslim my friend and is Islam is complete by the death of Mohammed peace be upon him you don t need any human invention just follow his path
@@moha2056 jazakallah kheir
@@damianloder6080 amine brother and you too
This video was fascinating! Wow!
Emm strange I am just a muslim and I do what he does. I think he has a confusion between Islam and wahabism.
Say what, you don't make any sense.
The U.N. General Assembly has approved a resolution setting March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia
You proudly made up your own religion. You neither understood Islam nor the Quakers theology.
He has understood both faiths perfectly, with far greater understanding than most imams and priests.
Gunes Ercal Gharehbaygloo
Just because he feels in a certain way or because you think of a global religion it doesn't make it meaningful or true. You can preach on that all day long but Christ is the only way to the truth neither Islam nor any made up Christianity in the Western world. We have solid and clear doctrine by the inerrant and infallible Word of God. Human claims is as cheap as dirt.
Thank you for revealing yourself, Ramsin Savra. The nature of your entire reply makes clear your mindset.
In this case, let me be further clarify something: You do not understand Christ.
Ramsin Savra you should try to understand the meaning of the word "love" yes that word that appears htens of times in the Bible....
Mikel Amatria Love?! You are using a word which is very much abused in the Western world :)
Please you tell me what love is then. Is it the kind of love Hollywood taught you or the kind of love the socialism is claiming? Yet, before getting to this. Do you understand that the God of Christians (including Quakers) is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ? And yet الله or God in islam is NOT the same at all.
God of Islam is defined as one being and doesn't have any interest in sinners or کفار so how on earth do you support or think like that?
I doubt you know that or would accept it. So how do you consider a Muslim to be a Quaker?! Please educate yourself before putting tag on people like me.
Read carefully the Gospel of Jesus Christ it will show you that the God you are referring doesn't belong to Christianity. Please don't support Hersey.
Just be a true muslim.. Don't make story which is not belong to allah (swt) and Rasool (pbuh)
The Society of Friends is a Christian church of the Christian faith. It is impossible to reconcile the Christian religion with Islam in a way that one can be a believer in both. Either Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lord and Savior, or he is a great prophet, but there must be a distinction and he cannot be both. Quakerism is not a mere philosophy; indeed there are no doubt many who are drawn to the faith by its philosophical underpinnings, but these are still ultimately points of faith. These are not merely writings by George Fox, a philosophical author (equivalent to say a Descartes or a Nietzche, etc.); they are points based on interpretation of the Bible.
I once worked at a Quaker organization and had a co-worker who
identified as a Buddhist-Quaker. Again, at some level there is a lot of
philosophical agreement, but the tenets of both faith are ultimately
very different. This is more a reflection that the younger generation
(of which I am a part) has not been taught the faith at a deeper level
and has only a surface-level understanding, which makes it easier to
make broad generalizations about seeming philosophical equivalence,
without the understanding of the depths of the faith that define the
I certainly appreciate the opportunity for interfaith dialogue and appreciative of those persons of other faiths who may identify with the philosophical points raised by the Quaker faith, but it is not possible to be both a Quaker and something else. A Quaker, by definition, is a believer in the Christian faith as practiced by the (Religious) Society of Friends. Philosophical agreement with tenets such as the value of every individual does not make one a Quaker, if, at the very least, one does not believe in the Christian faith and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Therefore, though I appreciate the opportunity for dialogue with this
individual, I reject his notion that he can be both a Muslim and a
Quaker. He is, it sounds like, a Muslim who finds shared philosophical
viewpoints with Quakers, but these shared viewpoints do not make him a Quaker.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Thayer. What you are expressing is certainly true for Quakers of more orthodox and evangelical Quaker traditions. In meetings of those traditions, Naveed's self-identification might not be welcome. However, Hicksite Quakers - those of us who are considered part of the Liberal Quaker tradition - can certainly accept and appreciate Naveed's distinction. It is true that George Fox and other early Friends expressed their convictions purely through Christianity, but the theological openness advocated by Elias Hicks has allowed us Friends of the Hicksite tradition to accept people of all faith backgrounds to bring the Light from non-Christian traditions to our meetings as well. And while all Hicksite Friends certain recognize the Christian roots of Quaker theology, we also see it as one of many paths to the Light. The tenets of our faiths are different, yes, but we can discern through the Spirit that which resonates with the values of Friends from that which does not, and we do not fear these other traditions. This is not a matter of "interfaith dialogue", but rather a matter of being inspired by the Light wherever we might find it. Therefore, while you reject the notion that he can be both a Muslim and a Quaker, those of us on the Hicksite branch of Quakerism are just fine with his dual identification and with your Buddhist-Quaker Friend as well. I do wish you all the best in how you choose to worship, Thayer, but please recognize that Quakerism is far larger than the view you are trying to narrow it down to.
This is a really beautiful articulation. Thank you.
Thank you for your words of praise. I only wished to inform readers of the different approaches of our meetings while respecting the traditions of our faith. It is my hope that we can build bridges of understanding and seek truth in whatever way makes each person comfortable.
Anyone who rejects the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ is not his follower. Love for God and trust in Christ is demonstrated fundamentally in the acceptance of Jesus' words and teachings, which include his prophecy about himself that his body would be destroyed (killed) and then raised up (by himself, no less!). To reject the truth that Jesus was crucified and raised to life three days later is a clear rejection of Jesus himself.
Rick Meunier One is not required to be Christian in order to be a Friend or Quaker after the liberal tradition. The notions we choose to hold are those notions which are meaningful to us. I am just fine associating with someone who holds no notions but still values love, peace and equality. I am saddened by those who use Christ's name to act against the very values ascribed to Christ.
Most of the comments here are sadly very disrespectful
GOD help us!
Mohammed Hanif what’s the meaning of that owl and the color on his shirt? Do some research and you will get his point what is he trying to say and why😉
@@Dz88Ali Could you explain please?
Glory to Him and far away is what they associate to Him. Evil is what they intended
The starting point is acknowledging our humanity. That we're all humans created by God or Allah, Gott, Dios, Deus, Dieu, Dio, Bog, Khuda, Mungu, Eebe etc. from Adam(pbuh) & Eve or Hawa(Gbph). After our common humanity comes those who believe in The One(as in One in One) God who don't associate partners with Him in worship-Monotheists. Then we enter the danger zone. Those who associate partners to God in worship, Those who worship other entities instead of God and Those who deny the Existence of God or Allah. The "Muslim" guy in this video, is mixing the first category with the second-which is NOT right. We must love all humans unconditionally. God created us & He'll judge us on The Day of Judgement as to who was His true servant.
FYI....Ahmadiyya community are not Muslims
That quote from the Quran is hazardous. "Let everyone act according to their own disposition" You know what that means in the context of most people including Muslims themselves. Do whatever you want. Somebody that steals $1 candy from the local supermarket, is the same as someone who robbed $100,000 from the bank in the eyes of Allah. This is basically what the text means in religious and secular context. Remember Allah didnt say what sin is worse than the other one in particulars. Which means that Muslims and nations can decide what is fair and right by their own standards. Everyone's standards are different but some struggle more than others to do certain things and keep certain rules.
A good example is mentally ill people, depending on the mental illness the person cannot make certain judgements or see certain things logically in the same way as a "normal" person could. How would you (or Allah) determine what is fair and what is right for that mentally ill person.
Perhaps it’s about not ‘judging’ people with mental health issues but acknowledging that they are ‘unwell’ and doing so with compassion? Similarly it’s to be hoped that someone with an illness, let’s say cancer, isn’t judged because they have an illness but receives help and support to get well. Btw I took the passage to mean ‘study yourself’, as my mum would say lol. Look for your own integrity, perhaps? I’m not a Quaker or an anything for that matter. 👍
I don't get it. I choose to practice being a vegan by hunting deer. just as logical
I'm at a loss with this contradictory interview. I understand why it is possible for anyone regardless of religious belief to attend a quaker meeting. However attending a meeting does not make you a Quaker, convincement does. This series, whilst interesting, is giving out the message that regardless of your religion or lack of it you can become a Quaker by attendance. One Quaker has a Buddha behind her throughout her interview. Would George Fox have had a Buddha on his shelf? One simply cannot be both a non believer and a believer.
I love this video.
this is so interesting!
Are Quakers necessarily Christian ?
i wonder where a muslim quaker stands on the issue of gay marrage, which was largly exsepted by the Quaker faith many years before christian society had done so?
I will seek the truth in all books and spiritual practices. But I will not assign myself to any established religion, for this is a betrayal of Truth in favor of the form. That's why wars are going on for millennia ...
where did I put those waders ... it's a little deep on this one
I have always been intrigued by Quakers because of their pacifism but they seem to be kind a confused spiritually. This particular guy is probably in a mild cognitive crisis. Sufistic teaching is maybe comparable to the Quaker “inner light” realisation because they’re mostly mystical about god and not so hung up on what the Quran is proclaiming.
I’m not a Quaker. Just my thoughts though and my understanding. To be a Quaker you can be spiritually anything or nothing, an agnostic or perhaps an atheist. I think maybe it’s about worrying less about labels and more about living in a charitable (non judgemental), respectful, supportive way with integrity. I don’t think someone who is homeless, in poverty or in a war zone are really bothered about the nuance of labels, they are just trying to live through the day. It may even be just having that feeling there is something else. I’m not a Quaker, I’m not an anything. People have asked me if I’m a Quaker, the reason why I’m having a little look at who/what Quakers are. 😁
Quite lovely to hear. Yes.
You're in a Friends meeting house, and in walks Salomon Rushdie, on whom there is still a fatwa. What do you do?
You dismiss the fatwa as something you don't believe in.
No place for islamaphobic nonsense here.
You have come to the wrong crowd. Peace.
So called "Islamophobia" is a post-modernist Lefty term for non-Muslims protecting themselves from Islamic conquest and domination. These Lefties are traitorous vermin - who bring war. Dhimmi hypocrites.
Fatwas are produced about everyone and everything, from the food we eat to the business transactions.
What exactly is the fatwa you're referring to?
David Robert Gibson
So people being attacked by thugs on the street for being Muslims isn't Islamophobia?
Adding a denomination or a belonging to islam which is a complete way of life means imply that islam is incomplete and not perfect. This in itself is in complete contradiction to islam. I associate to what u did to a syncretism .....
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. -Bible
الآية التي إستخدم المتحدث ، قام بإخراجها من سياقها و فسيرها خارج ذاك السياق وهو امر لا معني له اطلاقا في التعامل مع النصوص عامة و النصوص الدينية خاصة ، و بالرجوع الي تفسيراتها المتعارف عليها ضمن سياقها فهي لا تعني علي الاطلاق ما يعتقده هو و ما فسره حسب هواه ، و بالمناسبة لا يوجد اطلاقا مذهب اسلامي يدعي (مسلم كويكر) لذا ادعوه و غيره الي التكلي بالشجاعة اللازمة للاعتراف بأنهم لم يعودو مسلمين لسبب او لآخر يخصهم بدل هاذه الترهات و "الاجتهادات" الغبية ، كما ان الاسلام لا يقبل هاذه الاساليب فهو نظام متكامل ، تقبله ككل و تتركه ككل.
You can’t serve two masters. You either believe Jesus is the Messiah and was God on Earth made flesh and that he died for our sins on the Cross or you believe the nonsense of Islam that he was an optical illusion? Both cannot be right.
We don’t say Jesus (peace be upon him )was an optical illusion . We just don’t believe he was God. And we believe he was not crucified. Rather God saved him and put someone that looks like him on the cross .
Rather we believe he is a prophet . And we do give him the title Messiah also. He will return and the believers will join his army to fight the anti christ .
Instead we believe God is one, with no partners . There is no one like Him. (No images of Him or any prophets and messengers )
We believe in all
The Prophets from previous biblical texts also. And all the angels the main one being mentioned Gabriel (peace be upon him). We believe in all previous Abrahamic scriptures, but we believe they have been altered by man. We believe the final revelation from God is the Quran, and it was sent to the final Messenger (Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him). We have one Quran no versions
We believe in the punishment in the grave and judgment day and resurrection . And we believe in heaven and hell.
I agree he can’t be Quaker and Muslim it’s strange but worse things in western society . To believe in a creator is a precious thing today , when most ppl worship Satan and their pleasures .
@@luluah1198 Yeah we don’t believe in the same God. Jesus was God on Earth made flesh not a prophet.
Not all Quakers are Christian. We believe that god is love, and follow Jesus teachings, but you don’t need to believe that Jesus was god. What’s wrong with following both prophets? Are they both not in the Quran? And does criticizing a brother yearning to know more about god, help you in your path in any way?
@@daisymaygames That is a man who’s lost. Islam teaches something different than the Bible. Muhammad was not a Prophet and his teachings are Satanic. Follow Jesus not someone that claimed Jesus was a prophet. Jesus is the Messiah.
Jesus Christ is the only way to God
What rubbish!
There is no such thing u can find a true path while traveling in 2 boats Qur'an defined such people as Hippocurates may be living in a west with non Muslims make him confused or some times people are scared due to current Geo political situations in which people carrying lot of hate against Muslims so some time people who are week and scared do things like this even u can see such prectice in India where Muslims are scard and go to Hindu Mandirs and worship place to show we all same but truly we are not same religiously Islam Hindu Quaker Josiah Christian and all others are different religions and u can't mix them just for your convenience .select what ur heart say this is true and follow it don't try to pollute Islam with your individual thoughts just for some worldly benefits don't fight with ALLAH .
Brother you cant be both dont lie to urself
u r lost...u bring other people to astray....dont make other people confuse. Go back to basic
Without a leader and a clear doctrine and principals of belief, this causes men who is left to believe whatever he wants it to be. Also the key reason why this is a cult is bc they do not believe that Jesus was God.
Quakerism is so confusing. I'm not interested in it
It’s not the quakerism. But that guy.
For the past six days I've been trying to find out what Quakerism is all about, but couldn't find any.
However, if Quaker oat are made by the Quakers, then that's the only good thing about them.
No worship, no prayer, no word, just silence in their church? Weird!
Because you are confused...Jesus is the only Way!
the messenger or the god ? .. do you worship one god or 3 gods? why be Christian where there is Islam a final religion from god that came after Jesus peace be upon him .. if you are a true Christian and really believe in the god of Jesus which is the god of Islam you should follow him and be a Muslim
Shaitan's most powerful weapon is an individual's own intellect ...... May we all be protected from shaitan and guided aright....
the Quran asks us to think to reflect and to many mindless sheep are lead to slaughter?
You do not know from what he stated above whether he practices the 5 pillars of Islam or not. You fail to see that he has not left the faith all together and may just be on a slight detour, that that detour may gain more reverts and expose more people to the beautiful Islam, and that he still believes in the prophet (pbuh). How many Muslims in our own families fail to follow all the tenants?
Do you assume Quakers are just a Christian sect? There are two main branches to Quakerism the Theologians (Christ Bible Centered) and then you have the Un-programmed(rational, philosophical, open to but not dictated by the bible, Quran, or other sacred texts)which creates a space for the interaction and intersection of individuals perusing each of their own spiritual journeys ie Islam, Christianity, Judaism, agnosticism, atheism ect. They stand united as Quakers because they have a common view on the equality of humanity, they sit in silence together connecting with God, and they stand against war, aggression, and violence regardless of its permissiblity by our government or our holy books.
And in anything over which you disagree - its ruling is [to be referred] to Allah . [Say], "That is Allah, my Lord; upon Him I have relied, and to Him I turn back." 42:10
@Students of Knowledge طلاب العلم my comment was not about the video but about the commentor saying our intellect is problem when the Quran asks us to use it. As far as the Muslim in the video Allah will show him where he went astray and you can offer guidance but only Allah knows whats in his heart. Billions of followers believe they are falling Muhammad(PBUH) correctly and we can do our best to choose the right chains of narration to follow outside of the Quran but its a long journey and none of us will have perfected it before our time has come so its best we be humble, offer guidance, and pray for one another and for peace amongst humanity.
Muhammad the prophet (if we could call this a prophet) took part on 28 punitves expeditions to kill or to get new territories or to get new believers, plus 73 expeditions in which Muhammad did not take part, but he was the leader of the men who went on those 73 expeditions to kill or to get new territories or to get new believer. Yes, Muhammad was a religious leader, a military leader and a political leader. Do you think it's the best a God name Allah can do with it is messenger supposedly prophet name Muhammad, Allah the supposedly the greatest, a God name Allah with all wisdom, who could decide history of any kind of situation, well i don't call this friendly at all to have been a war chief. Plus Muhammad was a slave owner and had sex with is female slave, is female property, because a slave it's a property where it's the owner who decided your freedom and not the person who is a slave. So for all those reason, you can not have a peaceful mind on those matters i've just mention.