What is Common Among All Who Wake Up?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • ALL MY RESOURCES and LINKS: simplyalwaysaw...
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    About my videos: These videos are a resource for anyone wishing to wake up from the dream of separation. Awakening, enlightenment, and liberation are becoming far more mainstream possibilities than they once were. There are many good teachers out there, and if you resonate with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, or Sadhguru, you might find resources here that address these deeper promptings to investigate your true nature.
    Disclaimer: The information presented in these videos is not meant to diagnose or treat any psychiatric or medical illness. The inquiries presented herein are potent and can have powerful effects on the way you experience yourself and reality. If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or others, these videos and practices may not be the best thing for you at the moment. Seek help wherever necessary which might include a hospital emergency department, a suicide helpline etc.

ความคิดเห็น • 66

  • @manso306
    @manso306 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Whenever I look at your face while you're wearing this Tshirt it looks like you've got your hands folded in prayer 😂

  • @n-xsta
    @n-xsta ปีที่แล้ว +21

    The shadow work or noticing the full mind body effect of the unconscious is pretty intense and tbh the most scariest destabilising thing to experience. I currently feel that as directly in front of the body rather than in the head. Also once the identification with the ego self had been seen through I have a loving reverence toward it for the protection it afforded while the character was still believed in. Such a great service you are providing Angelo. Honestly all the content and especially the stories are so unbelievably helpful for reassurance etc when the terrifying stuff happens. Especially while doing this somewhat isolated. So biggest heartfelt thank you to Angelo and all who have shared ❤

    • @hempfu
      @hempfu ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I like your loving feeling towards the ego , I find in spiritual non dual circles often there is adversity towards the body mind construct where in fact it's all God .

  • @cosmicsalamander
    @cosmicsalamander ปีที่แล้ว +25

    “Willingness”… yes, thank you. I’ve been having one of those heavy, anxious Sundays - this is so helpful 🙏💕

  • @jurgenbock9157
    @jurgenbock9157 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    „Your way is the right way, your way is the only way“ .. that’s so freeing! Thank you Angelo

  • @oolala53
    @oolala53 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My late teacher said even the obscuration is consciousness/the divine. (Thus no real problem.) He called it radiant presence, and that we are experiencing it right now, that whatever you’re perceiving is actually that radiant presence being interpreted as particular objects or sounds, etc. and that it is so free, that it can appear as I’m being mistaking the interpretations as the real thing. He said, in fact that it is the nature of the presence to obfuscate itself, but not only that. But he also said it was much better to sit around, just trying to open to the experience of more than our thoughts. He particularly liked vision; Angela likes sound. I lean towards body sensations when I can pull away from thoughts. But what my other teacher said is that it’s what we’re experiencing now and it’s the only thing we’ve ever actually experienced, and that our interpretations that are illusory are part of it too. I can’t claim to remember that all the time, and I don’t want to have to live my life by remembering adages, but since the deep experiences haven’t happened yet. I hope, holding these thoughts is helping to open the door, along with the exploration of the phenomena of now.

  • @gjs9366
    @gjs9366 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    "Be willing even to be hesitant." Excellent, wow, thanks.

  • @ganazby
    @ganazby ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thank you, Angelo. I am willing because I cannot be unwilling. That’s how it feels, despite the mental protestations. The resistance to now is raging, but at the same time softening a little. It’s easier to come back to the moment, etc. Looking forward to the retreat (with some trepidation). Cheers.

  • @nicolabishop996
    @nicolabishop996 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A powerful, direct, message. I feel a hint, no not hint, touch....no, not sure what it is, but it's here. Thank you.

  • @kkhdeir1256
    @kkhdeir1256 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey Angelo... 2 video suggestions to consider please: 1-How one relates to money after liberation ... 2- Having children after liberation... Thank you

  • @MeRetroGamer
    @MeRetroGamer ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It's just the ultimate relief and relaxation. You start to see all contractions (even the bodily structure) as inertial and start to see how everything of you goes towards universal entropy.
    But then you also start to see more and more clearly that primordial force, that primordial "I", that primordial *will.* That which starts/becomes every twister every now and then.

  • @louisbourgeois6230
    @louisbourgeois6230 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    interesting that my first spiritual memoir is "Into the West; a Story of Willingness"

  • @chardo24
    @chardo24 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It is common for those who do wake up to put them selves to sleep again by joining another.

  • @billromas
    @billromas ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yes..a committed willingness to completely let go into whatever this IS..Life,Light,Love..🙏❣

  • @beyonder12
    @beyonder12 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank You - really resonate with this! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Voosti
    @Voosti ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @IshmanDebba
    @IshmanDebba ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you

  • @myrealnameisawareness
    @myrealnameisawareness ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Im sorry i havent watched the video yet but the nakatomi plaza kinda looks like you’re doing namaste with your hands.

  • @TheDogzBody
    @TheDogzBody ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is there a stage where everything seems pointless…well not pointless, as it has a point at the time. It’s just that nothing is ultimately important. It should be pleasant to not take myself seriously. It should be humorous. But I feel sad because I used to take myself extremely seriously. So I have lost something…which wasn’t anything, but I thought it was. You mentioned being willing to let go, but there’s nothing to let go of. And yet there is fear….

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think it’s common to go through this yes. Significance really loses meaning. So is it all insignificant or is it all equally significant, or is it all infinitely significant ?

    • @TheDogzBody
      @TheDogzBody ปีที่แล้ว

      Good question. Anything is just as important as anything else in the moment, it seems to me. I can’t get my head round infinity. It’s not a thing for my head, I suppose, and my head doesn’t want to get out of the way completely!

    • @felice9907
      @felice9907 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheDogzBody the "head" can be a useful tool sometimes, nothing more, nothing less.
      "what remains" is a kind of natural process that reverses our personal birth into the timeless wholeness that we actually are.

  • @spmgijsbers339
    @spmgijsbers339 ปีที่แล้ว

    Everything which is beautiful, important is already there. That one

  • @pavelpavel8413
    @pavelpavel8413 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It didn't sound complicated. It sounded like "just live your life"

  • @allenwilliamson4096
    @allenwilliamson4096 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Right now I don't feel like I'm on the spiritual path at all. I can't try to "get into it" - like a food I'm tired of. Am I integrating self-inquiry or abandoning it? I actually just feel tired and fed up.

    • @trueschool78
      @trueschool78 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Feel exactly the same. Just tired of it all.

    • @monster-tc1nz
      @monster-tc1nz ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Im no professional but im guessing a shift hasnt occurred so investigation needs to continue. And by the way the shift happens instantly and theres no lead up to it and also theres no doubt about it

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Let go

    • @trueschool78
      @trueschool78 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Feel so disoriented. Fell back to all old habits / distractions. Can’t meditate, depressed?! This process is a real doozy.

    • @pamelaj1226
      @pamelaj1226 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you Angelo. You are becoming much more adept at delivering this message. I appreciate your pauses between thoughts, and your eye contact. The message resonates more profoundly. Thank you also for reminding us to meet ourselves where we are at. My practice is hither and yon at times, but ever moving toward Source.

  • @Asura-j7o
    @Asura-j7o ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what you are looking for is already the case. This is wholeness already. there is no gap between you and yourself.

  • @johnb2138
    @johnb2138 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I find I am somewhat disturbed by the statement, "maybe your not ready to let go".....after so many years of striving, and now feeling quite close....it hit me like a ton of bricks...maybe thats my issue...maybe I'm not ready...maybe I like my life too much....could it be possible, I feel sort of confused right now. I guess I just need to look inside and try and see if thats true.

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That’s a good sign that there’s something to discover. Just inquire and see what it is you don’t want to let go of specifically. Just seeing that belief can be very freeing

  • @hempfu
    @hempfu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    it sounds contradictory to the neti neti approach : im not this or that , but it's complementary : I'm all of that ; the mystery then is how does something arise out of nothing , the final unsolvable frustration : what is no thing , total annihilation and the disbelief , distrust that everything comes out of it , because the mind can't understand the " how " or can we ? ; we can only go through it to " know " ? and next time trie to remember it when we arise again in human form , ha ha ... like Jesus said : your belief ( trust ) is non existent compared to that of a mustard seed . But let's imagine nothing comes out after total disappearance : for who would it be a problem ? : for no one ? : ha ha !

  • @laajos300
    @laajos300 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have found no online resources touching on awakening and suicide. I wonder if it's more common, doubt that it's only me...
    I mean, how do people survive this?

    • @phoenyx22
      @phoenyx22 ปีที่แล้ว

      @laajos300 How do people survive this? Actually it is NOT the same world as it was when they were taught how to survive !!! 😄
      The page has turned.
      Is a radical shift from what you may once have believed was "you" or the script of "your life".
      And this new reality becomes your moment to moment experience of childlike authentic wonder.
      One may choose to cling, in denial, to what one have been told and what one have been taught. Or we may dare to recognize what is undeniable to our own senses and what is irrefutable as our own experience. And we may find us walking and abiding this uncharted territory in which we are truly pioneers. There are zero resources about pioneering and suicide❤

    • @Mantras-and-Mystics
      @Mantras-and-Mystics ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Actually once you've awakened to a large degree, suicide is actually impossible.
      The mind might start the "suicide thing" but the awakened energy inside of you shines through far greater than any imagined ability for you to cause harm to your body.
      You're not in control of your life. Life itself is.

  • @soma-soma-soma-soma
    @soma-soma-soma-soma ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have strong yearning and I'm very willing, but my body is protesting fiercely. I have fibromyalgia and the more I double down on spiritual practice, the more physical pain I have, and now I'm having symptoms that are like mild dystonia. My neck especially gets so tight... when I relax/sleep/meditate. I see it as resistance. It's like my body is fighting or is triggered by relaxation. You know of a way to deal with that? It feels like I'm close but fighting it hard. I was a good meditator, but now it's like my mind has ADD and meditation practice is useless. Please don't tell me to relax.
    Very thankful for all you do.

    • @hempfu
      @hempfu ปีที่แล้ว +5

      any dis ease is a sign saying " stop " , there is something to look at hidden , unconscious ... the disease is always right ; this acceptance may be the first step to a breakthrough ; it can even be going away from spiritual practices for a while and adopting again the old lifestile to uncover what was what not seen before body-mind wise ...

    • @roottoflywithkamila
      @roottoflywithkamila ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Feel it. Really feel it. Feel your emotions. IFS, internal family systems work helps. Listen to your body, intuition on what it needs. May be changing diet, breathwork, movement like dance. Usually something we resist wanting to do. Being willing to move through discomfort, be with the discomfort fully. Don’t resist it, make it bad or wrong. Be in the body. Learn how to be in it. Receive pleasure. So many aspects to it, but I say stay curious about it, and not get stuck in a victim story. Not getting attached to a diagnosis.

  • @Notthought
    @Notthought ปีที่แล้ว

    Funny,. We or I can be willing to give identity and value to the mind and what it seems to indicate as being but these mental appearances that Follow experience and seem to make sense of it have no will of their own and only seem to have definition (such as difference or sameness or separation) by our willingness to be led by mind. I can see I'm still making a story out of this. I'm sure I can make more words seem to apply so I'll stop except to say I mainly wanted to point out that mind and definition is lifeless without willingness. A beautiful use of the word that connects immediately with present self awareness. One other thing. I just watched a Spira video called "Establishing yourself as pure presence" where he says it's not mysterious and I can see his point but that's mincing words. Whether we call pure presence mysterious or amazing or beauty or peace or whatever, it seems inexplicable but there or here it is. I guess it's mysterious from a perspective that has depended on seemingly mentally knowing for so long but I can see where once established the word mysterious would lose some applicability as do all words at that point.

  • @brianwilliams7757
    @brianwilliams7757 ปีที่แล้ว

    Be in the world, not of the world. Just observe. Don’t sit around thinking.

  • @jorgefelino
    @jorgefelino ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nobody wakes up

  • @georgeshepherd3381
    @georgeshepherd3381 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's all a double-bind...😃

  • @life13525
    @life13525 ปีที่แล้ว

    May I ask: if e.g. a so called "mistake" happende at work, would you not feel responsibility anymore...?

  • @life13525
    @life13525 ปีที่แล้ว

    what exactly do you mean with sense of other goes...how could one do one's job if there were no differentiation of another? or set healthy boundaries in any kind of relationships...on a relative level...

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Actions occur self-responsively and spontaneously

  • @lynnhunter4493
    @lynnhunter4493 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @davidmickles5012
    @davidmickles5012 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have the words but I see no awakening in you.. Keep trying, but it wont happen without honesty.
    Good luck

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks. Good luck to you as well.

    • @cezarmilo7038
      @cezarmilo7038 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not easy to find words for mystical visions.

  • @SnakeAndTurtleQigong
    @SnakeAndTurtleQigong ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks very much!

  • @macparker3549
    @macparker3549 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I so appreciate how you keep finding ways to express “this” in the simplest of ways.

  • @babblingidiot7903
    @babblingidiot7903 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is it natural to be dispassionate in life after awakening?

    • @phoenyx22
      @phoenyx22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There are actually natural bursts and deaths of what one may define like the "experience of passion" in the process of awakening. In the immediate afterwards it's somehow logical, because your main concern becomes "How can I get THAT back?!!! 😂 After that you may get a fit of internal laughter, with absolutely no basis, which can be also a symptom of the death of passion 😆...Every awakening experience and the afterward integration is as unique as a fingerprint...so do not think it to much. BE IT.

    • @Mantras-and-Mystics
      @Mantras-and-Mystics ปีที่แล้ว +1
