Does the little LED in the middle for the plate bug you since its not illuminating anything when the plate is in tucked position? I just installed on mine and for whatever reason I want to cover it up as I find it distracting from the aesetic of the tail if its not going to light anything. I wish they left it off or CNC'd a little lip above it to angle the light downward. I want to cover mine up somehow or disengage it. Thoughts?
@@Atlan_tis they told me if I cut the wire it will throw a code. Not sure if true but dont want to risk it. Was thinking of using black epoxy to just cover it up. Can you explain how you're handling?
@@scooteractual it will not throw the code, get the right switch small one and install it between the led and supply wire before resistors and you will be fine 👍🏻, I ordered mine for my V2 bayliss, I will do mine too
@@scooteractual I got mine and installed already, I see how they did it, what you can do is to buy a nail polish color black from Walmart the one girls use on their nails and drop a small dip over led and let it try , it will hold for good, and in future if you decide to remove it , you can 👍🏻
It's a 2019 so no winglets and the fairings aren't as wide either. However, the newer fairings with the winglets are compatible with mine if I'm down to pay like $2000 for them.
don't buy this tail tidy. support is worst from futurismoto. you will regret it forever. the main issue is that the Ducati electronic parts will not support this tail tidy LED signal lamp from futurismoto.
15:15 if you just want to watch the install
Do they blink at the at the factory speed or faster?
Does the little LED in the middle for the plate bug you since its not illuminating anything when the plate is in tucked position? I just installed on mine and for whatever reason I want to cover it up as I find it distracting from the aesetic of the tail if its not going to light anything. I wish they left it off or CNC'd a little lip above it to angle the light downward. I want to cover mine up somehow or disengage it. Thoughts?
Yup , I that same way, I will cut the wire inside on that led and install a small switch for it, just in case if I will need it in the future
@@Atlan_tis they told me if I cut the wire it will throw a code. Not sure if true but dont want to risk it. Was thinking of using black epoxy to just cover it up. Can you explain how you're handling?
@@scooteractual it will not throw the code, get the right switch small one and install it between the led and supply wire before resistors and you will be fine 👍🏻, I ordered mine for my V2 bayliss, I will do mine too
@@scooteractual I got mine and installed already, I see how they did it, what you can do is to buy a nail polish color black from Walmart the one girls use on their nails and drop a small dip over led and let it try , it will hold for good, and in future if you decide to remove it , you can 👍🏻
That's too cool❤️
Awesome the best tail light i just order one 😊
Thanks for sharing. Does it come with a plate illuminator?
Where we can find that?
price? from thailand.
i have V4s 2021. i needed it.
What year v4 is this? It does not have the winglets
It's a 2019 so no winglets and the fairings aren't as wide either. However, the newer fairings with the winglets are compatible with mine if I'm down to pay like $2000 for them.
I like this the best in the world, want it.
so beautiful winker part.
Way too much talking. Get on with it.
don't buy this tail tidy. support is worst from futurismoto. you will regret it forever. the main issue is that the Ducati electronic parts will not support this tail tidy LED signal lamp from futurismoto.
what do you mean? I just installed it on my V2 and they work just fine.