“On November 1, 2002, during a church prayer meeting, Coffey prayed out loud "I'd give my life today if it would shake the youth of the nation"; the same night, he was in a multi-car accident and died of serious injuries. Meanwhile, McMillan was recording in a studio in Jacksonville, Florida when he received a call that two of his friends had been critically injured in a car accident. Later that evening, he received another call from his father who informed McMillan that Coffey had died.” If you listen to the full length album version, you realize “How He Loves” is a song of grief and mourning. Changing the words never sat right with me personally, and I will never change the lyrics when sung. This is a song written in the throes of grief, about a man whose best friend has passed. who am I to change it because I get a little uncomfortable? Hearing him crack and break down as he sings the final verse in the album version is the reason I cannot make myself change the lyrics. This song was meant for grief. Not for comfort “I thought about You The day Stephen died And you met me between my breaking I know that I still love you God Despite the agony See people they want to tell me you’re cruel But if Stephen could sing He’d say it’s not true Cause you’re good”
@@jordanamis7268yeah that's what I picked up on when I heard it but I never knew the background. I mean at a certain point he's so overwhelmed he stops singing, (in the version I heard he was in to me obvious emotional pain, made me pray for him) I remember thinking I don't really know what this song is about but the writer is right about God. Thank you, 🫡I figured I'd learn in heaven and let it go. Sometimes God will let you learn stuff on earth. Hmm, well thanks Dad. 🤗
100% this. I never liked the lyric change when DC*B first released their version and JMM's words in the thick of his grief are so much more powerful to me. The lyric change was the reason why I stopped listening to DC*B with their Church Music album and haven't listen to any of Crowder's new stuff.
I’m a fan of John Mark McMillan and I think if the “critics” back then knew the back story of the song, they’d understand. I think the man was spilling out his guts because of a great loss when he wrote that song.
You break the metaphor with unforeseen. The ocean is not unforeseen, and it is sloppy. If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking So heaven meets earth ... My favorite line, "And my heart turns violently inside of my chest." I bowed at an altar with a heart full of hate and arose with a heart full of love.
I am so unbelievably grateful at how he explained this and the carefulness Crowers has. How he handles God and his character in such a appropriate and intentional way because that’s how God handles us. Musicians and leaders of any sort should be careful just like this. Praise God for his humility and his fervor! God bless you and I have gained so much respect for you as a man and as a Christian Brother.
This lyric is not the problem. Shallow "Christians" are the problem. If we are in true pursuit of the Most High, then we are not offended by "our" sensibilities and are more concerned about what God is trying to articulate to us through others. This is why the Church is declining in America. Rock on for Jesus!
I was 10 and my grandfather was dying in the hospital. One of the times we visited, when we were getting ready to leave, my grandfather grabbed me and gave me a sloppy wet kiss on the lips and told me he loved me. At the time I was grossed out and horrified and tried my best to mask my reaction. Now it’s a fond memory of him and I think he did that on purpose so I’d remember his love. I don’t care for the lyric personally, but it does make me think of my grandfather, and I also see other people reacting positively to that line. I understand people not liking the imagery of the lyric, but maybe they could try to focus more on how powerfully the song speaks to the church about God’s love
I've seen Crowder like 4 years in a row at Passion camp in Florida and I can confirm, every year he sings that song, he just turns his head on "unforeseen/sloppy wet". It's hilarious.
Oh my gosh, I thought this whole thing was just a bit that he and christ were doing. It's real!!!! 😮 Oh ok now I have to rewatch it. I was really impressed by Crowder's commitment to the bit. 🫣🙃🤪😆😆
@@ProductBasement But it doesn't say anything about god kissing anyone. It says "heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss" I agree with the vice-versa part though. I sort of thought of the two worlds colliding in the way a father might kiss a baby's head.
Always knew of God but I was in a moment where God was calling me and I decided to change churches and this song is one of the very first worship songs I heard and I completely lost it there at church. It's very sentimental to me in my walk.
I started leading this song when I was in youth group! Ain’t no way the youth pastor was gonna let us sing “…sloppy wet kiss…” with a bunch of teenagers. 😂
My perspective on this line changed when I was leading with a WL who had never known his earthly father. He shared that he believes when he meets his Heavenly Father he’s going to run up and give him a sloppy wet kiss just like the ones he gets from his kid here on earth. Now that I’ve got kids that perspective makes even more sense, and I think it helps the people with “theological” hangups that they might experience because it’s not the heavenly part of “Heaven meets earth” that is sloppy but the earthly part. I’ve been on “team sloppy wet kiss” ever since! 😂
Sloppy wet kiss is not how a father kisses his son or daughter. It is an erotic reference meant to reference the Bride of Christ. Eroticism is important to many sensual Christians. I have no problem with it as long as it is not bridalism, andthe metaphor is one's own marriage bed.
People are entitled to NOT like a lyric. It doesn't make you shallow or somehow wrong because of it, nor should you be shamed for not liking the original version.
I love unforeseen kiss because that describes God to me. When He says something (prophetically in scripture or in life) we try to imagine how it will come to pass, but it is often in a different “unforeseen” way. Who would’ve thought a baby from a virgin? Who would’ve thought He would die to save us? Who would ever think war is won with love or in prayer on knees? True story: the first time our youth worship team sang it and the lyrics on screen showed sloppy wet kiss, I thought someone in youth had changed the lyrics as a joke. I am so glad to know the real story behind the lyrics. Now I can appreciate SWK, although I still prefer UK.
In a state of despair and depression, I remember listening to JMM's "How He Loves (Us)" on repeat for almost two hours, trying to drive home that truth. I cried almost the whole time in some capacity. If anyone is doubting the truth of Christ's love for him or herself, I highly suggest reading "Gentle and Lowly," by Dane Ortlund. That book will radically change your perception of how God sees you, in the best way.
The debate about the "sloppy wet kiss" reminds me of discussions about the blood of Jesus. Some people don't like talking about blood. It is visceral. It is graphic, it is unpleasant. But it is a real representation of love.
I don't know of any Christian who doesn't like to talk about the blood of Jesus. The discussion is between Christians. This is not the same as his blood on the cross. The blood is about sacrifice, which is the demonstration of his love. This line in the song is really a confusion of God's love. A sloppy wet kiss gives off passionate, hormone driven kiss between a man and a woman. It's romanticism. It's not a real representation of God's love. It's just sloppy.
@@TheLilleyPad well idk but I NEVER thought about that line that way. And even now hearing that, wow it just doesn’t seem to match at all. Maybe because I have so long worked with little children that the line always makes me think of the enthusiastic unabashed way that children love. I’d like to think God lives me that way.
😂 I get that. It ain’t creepy at all if they’re the right person though! (And God always is) Surprising your spouse with a kiss is one of the joys of life! This isn’t really criticism, because I think his explanation here is pretty fantastic and I don’t have a better word on tap; I think what the word “unforeseen” loses is a guarantee of passion. I would almost prefer the word “passionate” but it doesn’t work musically, but neither does “unforeseen”. I think that would’ve been a weird word even if it was the original lyric. I don’t have a better idea, so props to those who actually did something! And props to them for translating it so more people could be blessed by it
I always viewed the unforeseen version as the better one. Like someone you've been friends with for years, and it unexpectedly becomes so much more. Christ has been courting us as his bride our entire lives, and suddenly it's real. The love hits like a ton of bricks and there's an incredible moment as we encounter Him. That's how I've always heard it.
With much respect David, I remember JM asking me whether he should let you change that lyric - of course I was opposed to it -mainly because the song was a testimony about Stephen. We didn’t make music to make worship hits, we made music because we needed to process what it’s like to love God as sloppy ,wet, wonderful and horrible things happened. And in that way, the motivation of this lyric change is its own ironic dichotomy; On one hand; we can choose to nerf Christianity- {the testimony of Christ born of love, betrayal, crucifixion, and the persecution of any eyewitness who insisted on telling the truth about it} with the hopes of buying a bigger ‘house on the lake’. Or We can teach people songs about the inevitable sloppiness of loving God after your friend burns to death in a car wreck on I-85- because those believers will someday have to cross the same bridge of grief and reconcile that sloppiness in their own faith With that; I quote you the third verse of the original ’how he loves’ that moved you so much on that plane ride to Denver- for which everyone understandably cuts out because it’s not very corporate-😂😂-and JM gets embarrassed about his sheer unadulterated vulnerability; “Well I thought about you the day. Stephen died and You met me between my breaking. I know that I still love you God, despite the agony……** of every breath I’m taking** People they want to tell me You’re cruel…..*** And they tell me I should not waste my time on You*** But if Stephen were here, he’d say that’s not true, cause’ You’re good. Cause loves us, …..”
6:26 there was/is a movement within the realm of Christianity, particularly in the charismatic groups that romanticizes the love of God. So much so that church leaders have talked about having to admonish their congregations that it is not okay to think about kissing Jesus romantically. The doctrines and teachings have been around for a very long time, and the lyrics "a sloppy wet kiss" sounded like it belonged with the songs and teachings of this movement... So yes, it can have a significant impact on doctrine and on theology. Especially if you are in a position in which people look up to you or have placed trust in you. Unfortunately intent does not make a wrong right. Ironically the notion is in the old testament in that God had a sacrifice in place for the unintentional sin...
After hearing the song years ago, I loved it as well. I was both the pastor and worship leader. I wanted to share the song in our church so I changed that line to "passionate kiss". It still expresses the intimacy without the controversy. We did it that way for so many years that I had forgotten about the "sloppy wet kiss" version. Still in my top 10 songs all time.
I can understand the angle of "theologically, God isn't sloppy about anything." I agree 100% -- at the same time, the dynamic of theology that I struggle with most is realizing God's passionate affection for me (as seen in Luke 15). I can see God's orderliness and structure all around me in creation; I would be hard pressed to even question it. Yet, although I *know* God loves me severely per Romans 5:8 and other incredible passages of Scripture, I have difficulty *realizing* that truth in the same way. For me there's a much more theologically potent expression of truth when "heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss"--not because God does anything carelessly, but because the Creator of the universe is willing humble himself, taking on the very nature of a servant, and in self-abandon offer everything of his mortal life for me. "An unforeseen kiss" just doesn't say all that as well. No hate for the "unforseen kiss" camp, of course. I'm glad that the song has been adjusted so that more people can appreciate it without hesitation. But personally, I find far greater value in singing the theology of God's passion than the theology of God's orderliness.
I love that song!!! I've read Alot of comments, thanks for clarifying it. I had heard a preacher preach on that song, not Crowder's version, the "sloppy wet kiss" part and he said it was blasphemous, that the artist and this particular worship band was sexualizing Jesus. I was shocked and I thought that's why Crowder changed that part. Now I know the True story behind it!! Thank u Crowder and fellow Crowder fans!! ❤❤❤
All the private worship leader facebook groups had quite the humorous conversations surrounding these lyrics. They do, in fact, still resurface. Even “unforeseen” comes with some hilarious implications.
Been watching and listening to you John for a long time. Love everything you do. But you didn’t have to raid my old youth pastors closet to get his buckle jeans 😂. Love the pod!
The thing is "unforeseen kiss" is non sensical. When I used to play it at church I always sang "Overdue Kiss" I think it matches the original concept better.
When I heard this song in high school I thought the sloppy wet kiss was a strange lyric until I listened to Christopher West on Pints with Aquinas address how we take everything in my the mouth from being and infant and related it to this lyric. I would recommend everyone go listen to it!
This whole debate shows how overly sexualized and how out of touch with the person of God our culture has become. "Sloppy wet kiss" is shocking, unsettling and stunning; it grabs your attention, just as the term "Reckless love" does, as they should! Even those metaphors fall far short of the audacious fact that Heaven deigned to approach Earth with redemption as its goal. If you haven't been overwhelmed by the love of God, awestruck that He could love you, then you're pathetically reduced to arguing about the terms used by others who are, as David was when he danced before the Lord, enjoying and delighting in the wonder of being loved and accepted by the One who has ever reason to reject each of us individually, and certainly as a group! Right along with David (King and Crowder), I will be "even more undignified than this" if that's what you want to call it, and I will pity you for being unwilling to join me.
Good video here. I like Crowder, but the original John Mark McMillan is still my favorite. It’s so raw and from the gut. Especially with the last verse that most don’t know about talking about “the day Stephen died”…so real. Such a lament. I’m glad that via Crowder it has gotten to the masses over the years though.
I didn't think about it being that McNasty...till my senior Pastor said it sounds like a "french kiss". I imagined it more figurative than literal...lol
Here I always thought my church just changed the lyrics or something cause we’d sing “sloppy wet kiss” and it always felt super awkward and then I’d hear “unforeseen kiss” on the radio and be like why do we always sing the super awkward version?
Why the church leans so hard to sing the sloppy wet kiss part is exactly what is wrong with the church. They don't care if it distracts the singer from focusing about God. That is a problem
JMM has said with that line he imagines Bugs Bunny kissing Elmer Fudd. Sloppy doesn’t mean the kiss is imprecise or lazy-“slop” doesn’t mean any of that, it just means messy (sloppy Joe’s?)-so any overly affectionate kiss that leaves behind some slobber could be called a sloppy wet kiss. I think the problem is people imagined it like a teens first kiss, but it’s supposed to be like a grandma kissing her grandkids. There is plenty of slop when Heaven meets earth: the death of Jesus, persecution, the sweat and tears of a heart changed, and, in JMM’s case, coming to God amidst the grief of living in a world marred by sin. If you have a problem with the word sloppy, then you’re using the wrong definition of the word or ignoring the world we live in. If you have a problem with the word kiss, you’re ignoring how much God loves you.
Maaan Mr. Crowder, I had so much beef with you as a kid. “He stole the song! He changed the lyric!” And I was so hipster so I would refuse to sing any other line than the original lol. Glad to know the truth of how it all happened! lol
Just like with theology, people who have difficulty with metaphor and literality, while being unprepared emotionally or mentally to discern them in their proper contexts, lose out on either the truth or poetry as it expresses God and life. We don't have to enjoy an artistic expression, but to criticize without knowledge is what has caused the church to be seen as it is, instead of being the ones that demonstrate gracy, peace, and understanding.
One of my favourite songs! I love the visual of an unforeseen kiss... but the sloppy wet kiss is definitely like a little kid kisses parents or grandparents kiss their grandchildren... like that.
I always see it as lovers kissing, when they are passionate for each other the kissing gets sloppy and I loved that visual. But the baby kisses totally make sense too
Fun story… I was running from Jesus. And I was in a car, the keys were out of the car, some guy pulled up on me and pulled the trigger and the gun jammed and the radio turned on the same time (it wasn’t on and keys were in the ignition) and it was this song “How He Loves” that came on the radio… Jesus used it to get me back to Him… like a “sloppy wet kiss” 😂
Have any of these church folks ever read Song of Solomon?! But I digress. I get it. People get hung up on the craziest things. As a worship leader I used to love to sing Reckless Love. But there were those who issue with the term "Reckless". I never had a problem with it. However, since the song was offensive to one of my best worship team musicians I took it off the setlist. Bottom line losing a brother or sister over a song lyric, its not worth it.
When I was leading "Reckless Love" I changed that to "relentless". When you speak the words it is not the same syllables; however, you can sing it in a way that sounds like it flows right.
Back when I was on the worship team at the church in my hometown, I always sang the second verse and second chorus in the higher octave to finish the song. We all were in unanimous agreement in favor for “sloppy wet kiss”. We appreciated the unrestrained, childlike faith demonstrated by the lyric. And we had zero contention from the congregation. It might be because it’s a nondenominational church. But I will never sing “unforeseen”. Ever. Edit: But a really great alternate is “unashamed kiss”.
Anyone offended by that line has not encountered Father God's love! Anyone that has been intimate with someone has received or given a sloppy wet kiss! Papa feels like that for those that know Him!
Yes, great song either way. But yes I think there were better options on the table. I think the band Flyleaf did a little better with that line by changing it to “ Passionate Kiss”
Nice! I'm loving hearing the thought behind this! Imma either or gurl on this sloppy wet kiss thing because it holds so much heart and emotion. And on the other hand... "unforeseen kiss" is sooo similar in emotion too. Whatever floats your goat on this forsure!🎉❤🎉
The line is distracting, its such a beautiful song, then the sloppy wet kiss breaks atmosphere. When my church played this song years ago, there was a visitor, and when that line played i could see the reaction in his body. I wont share the song with the sloppy kiss line because it affects to many negatively. It hits me still in the spirit every time i hear it. I think it was wise to change it.
This song touches me so deeply that I'm in tears every time I hear it... But think about it, it's always on the conscience of those who thinks bad about the lyrics when they know the actual meaning. They need to start analyzing why they think like that. It's the same thing as christian men look at women in swimsuits at a beach, those who pure in their heart will not look at them with lust. And most likely will be avoiding looking at other women at all. But those who are lustful will always blame others for their own sinfulness. "Yup.. those women should not wear those swimsuites in pubic, thay are too revealing... blah blah blah". Mybe it's them who should be thinking why they are thinking about sloppy wet kiss as something dirty?
But passionate kiss sounds too sexual. You know people will get offended by it. There's no winning here. Sloppy wet kiss is too sexual, unforeseen kiss is too creepy. Your suggestion could also be interpreted as sexual. The Church has a dirty mind.
My husband gave me an “unforeseen kiss,” and then a “sloppy wet kiss,” then ask which one I liked better. The answer to that is where we landed with the words to this song. 😂
You wouldn't believe how much criticism that song has. Many has accused the original singer of being a false Christian because of that song. I look it as looking reckless from a human perspective because we don't understand God's love for us. I think that's what the meaning was meant to be.
I’ve never been able to enjoy this song. My first experience was the original lyric. I immediately felt a need for a shower. It was such a negative physical response for me.
I mean, isn't sloppy used to modify an object in the similie, rather than a direct metaphor characterizing the meeting of heaven and earth? Would the spit Jesus made mud with rightly be called sloppy? Poetry often employs ironic imprecision, which is a turn of phrase that is technically wrong but actually somehow more correct at some sublime valence for being technically wrong. So that the thing about a sloppy wet kiss, in general, is that it is so joyous that pomp and restraint have been done away with. This kind of abandon of regalia and repose is not unlike the father running out to the prodigal, which is not too far from what I think Cory was getting at when he used the word reckless.
I like how they mentioned Reckless Love. Every time I hear that song I so wish that it was Steadfast Love instead. The Psalms are full of describing God’s love as steadfast. Fits the tune great. Easy fix.
We serve a God who literally took on meatflesh, ate, slept, and deficated, just like the rest of us, and then got tortured and executed all for the sake of loving us meatbags and we celebrate His crucifixion and resurrection of a fleshly corpse; But delicate Christians blush when someone sings about a good old beautiful passionate kiss metaphor. The irony that Christians are meant to be the most deeply and passionate lovers of humanity and the Lord, but a lot of us are so squimish and stiff and timid when it comes to the flesh.
Completely agree!! Jesus is our best friend and true love, but also the greatest warrior King in the universe. Hate seeing him belittled and emasculated in CCM lyrics.
We need more songs that real men are comfortable singing. Chur h is already feminine enough we don't need lyrics like these. If its just for personal listening sure but not from our worship teams.
I want to sit at your feet. Drink from the cup in your hand. Lay back against you and breathe. Feel your heart beat.. Jesus is this weird, running my fingers through your beard...it's overwhelming!! I always add that last part in. When I preach or teach on the feminity of some worship songs.
I think "sloppy" just means a very very very wet kiss, which is an intense kiss of love (I see how this can controversial as I just said that sentence but keep following me) Not sloppy as in falling short but God be trying his best to show His love to the world. God's intentions is perfect in terms of showing his love to us, through an intense amount of love, which can sometimes feel like a sloppy wet kiss. I mean, think about the prodigal son. The Father running to the son was actually counter cultural. So it wasn't normal for that to happen, but it happened like a sloppy wet kiss. Prodigal son: Why is my Dad running to me. Father: because I love you Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss because Jesus took the wrath of God for us on the cross so The Father could completely love us again. And I'll be honest, there are moments in my life where God lays down the hammer of His love to me that feels so intentional and intense. But that's still cool that John Mark McMillan got the meno of controversy. Even though it didn't have to change. And praise God for David Crowder to be that bridge to unite the charismatic and non charismatic believers. We need unity in both of those expressions of faith hardcore. So praise God for this start of that unity.
A religious spirit wants all the benefits of relationship sans the intimacy. The intimacy of that lyric upsets the religious. Oh well? Play it anyways.
I had a similar experience! 😂 I heard Crowder's version first and loved it, and some time later our church played the other version during worship...I remember really being in the moment worshipping and I sang "unforseen" while hearing "sloppy, wet" (I had my eyes closed, lol, so I was completely unaware and unprepared for that!), and I had a visceral "what the heck?!" reaction! I asked my husband afterwards what he thought about it (it really was that big of a shock to me 😆), and he told me that it was written by JMM and those were the actual lyrics. That was 10+ years ago (🤯), and I still get grossed out when I hear the original version, lol! 🤷🏼♀️😂
I sing alternate lyrics too: "...And he is jealous for me. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee."
Absolute best comment
Hahaha YES!
“On November 1, 2002, during a church prayer meeting, Coffey prayed out loud "I'd give my life today if it would shake the youth of the nation"; the same night, he was in a multi-car accident and died of serious injuries.
Meanwhile, McMillan was recording in a studio in Jacksonville, Florida when he received a call that two of his friends had been critically injured in a car accident. Later that evening, he received another call from his father who informed McMillan that Coffey had died.”
If you listen to the full length album version, you realize “How He Loves” is a song of grief and mourning.
Changing the words never sat right with me personally, and I will never change the lyrics when sung. This is a song written in the throes of grief, about a man whose best friend has passed. who am I to change it because I get a little uncomfortable? Hearing him crack and break down as he sings the final verse in the album version is the reason I cannot make myself change the lyrics. This song was meant for grief. Not for comfort
“I thought about You
The day Stephen died
And you met me between my breaking
I know that I still love you God
Despite the agony
See people they want to tell me you’re cruel
But if Stephen could sing
He’d say it’s not true
Cause you’re good”
To expand, by meant for grief not comfort, I mean it was written in a time of grief, not a time of comfort.
@@jordanamis7268yeah that's what I picked up on when I heard it but I never knew the background. I mean at a certain point he's so overwhelmed he stops singing, (in the version I heard he was in to me obvious emotional pain, made me pray for him) I remember thinking I don't really know what this song is about but the writer is right about God. Thank you, 🫡I figured I'd learn in heaven and let it go. Sometimes God will let you learn stuff on earth. Hmm, well thanks Dad. 🤗
100% this. I never liked the lyric change when DC*B first released their version and JMM's words in the thick of his grief are so much more powerful to me. The lyric change was the reason why I stopped listening to DC*B with their Church Music album and haven't listen to any of Crowder's new stuff.
I’m a fan of John Mark McMillan and I think if the “critics” back then knew the back story of the song, they’d understand. I think the man was spilling out his guts because of a great loss when he wrote that song.
Love JMM- his lyrics are poetry. Mainstream Christian music lyrics are completely predictable.
Couldn’t care less about that back story. It’s a theologically shallow song and shouldn’t be played in Church.
@@bluedevil0704I prefer old hymns in church but I also know sometimes a simple pouring of the heart is what God wants. If it's genuine.
@@bluedevil0704 says the person who identifies as a "devil". A blue one at that.😂😂
@@bluedevil0704lol what a boneheaded thing to say. “Shouldn’t be played in church 😡”
You break the metaphor with unforeseen. The ocean is not unforeseen, and it is sloppy.
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth ...
My favorite line, "And my heart turns violently inside of my chest." I bowed at an altar with a heart full of hate and arose with a heart full of love.
Yet storm surges sometimes are unforeseen. That accords with grace because inspite of having God's revealed word most are still flummoxed by grace.
Wave breaks and rolling water are often unforeseen. It doesn't break the metaphor, the ocean has long been described as unpredictable.
I love that line too
The "heart turns violently inside of my chest" line is imagery that I could really grab onto
"How He Loves" is such an incredible song!
I am so unbelievably grateful at how he explained this and the carefulness Crowers has. How he handles God and his character in such a appropriate and intentional way because that’s how God handles us. Musicians and leaders of any sort should be careful just like this. Praise God for his humility and his fervor! God bless you and I have gained so much respect for you as a man and as a Christian Brother.
This lyric is not the problem. Shallow "Christians" are the problem. If we are in true pursuit of the Most High, then we are not offended by "our" sensibilities and are more concerned about what God is trying to articulate to us through others. This is why the Church is declining in America. Rock on for Jesus!
Shout out to John Crist for bringing the hardest hitting journalism in the last 15 years. #NotSarcasm
I was 10 and my grandfather was dying in the hospital. One of the times we visited, when we were getting ready to leave, my grandfather grabbed me and gave me a sloppy wet kiss on the lips and told me he loved me. At the time I was grossed out and horrified and tried my best to mask my reaction. Now it’s a fond memory of him and I think he did that on purpose so I’d remember his love.
I don’t care for the lyric personally, but it does make me think of my grandfather, and I also see other people reacting positively to that line. I understand people not liking the imagery of the lyric, but maybe they could try to focus more on how powerfully the song speaks to the church about God’s love
I've seen Crowder like 4 years in a row at Passion camp in Florida and I can confirm, every year he sings that song, he just turns his head on "unforeseen/sloppy wet". It's hilarious.
Oh my gosh, I thought this whole thing was just a bit that he and christ were doing. It's real!!!! 😮 Oh ok now I have to rewatch it. I was really impressed by Crowder's commitment to the bit. 🫣🙃🤪😆😆
I've seen him do that too.
Always saw it as how a baby kisses you - sloppy and wet....innocent, pure, unabashed affection.
I'm not sure God kisses us like a baby would. Maybe vice-versa
@@ProductBasement But it doesn't say anything about god kissing anyone. It says "heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss"
I agree with the vice-versa part though. I sort of thought of the two worlds colliding in the way a father might kiss a baby's head.
Enthusiasm and overflowing, without concern of how it looks to others.
I knew what the lyric meant the moment I heard it and never understood why anyone would prefer unforeseen.
Absolutely my thoughts. Anyone with a toddler knows what a sloppy wet kiss.
Always knew of God but I was in a moment where God was calling me and I decided to change churches and this song is one of the very first worship songs I heard and I completely lost it there at church. It's very sentimental to me in my walk.
I started leading this song when I was in youth group! Ain’t no way the youth pastor was gonna let us sing “…sloppy wet kiss…” with a bunch of teenagers. 😂
My perspective on this line changed when I was leading with a WL who had never known his earthly father. He shared that he believes when he meets his Heavenly Father he’s going to run up and give him a sloppy wet kiss just like the ones he gets from his kid here on earth. Now that I’ve got kids that perspective makes even more sense, and I think it helps the people with “theological” hangups that they might experience because it’s not the heavenly part of “Heaven meets earth” that is sloppy but the earthly part. I’ve been on “team sloppy wet kiss” ever since! 😂
Sloppy wet kiss is not how a father kisses his son or daughter. It is an erotic reference meant to reference the Bride of Christ. Eroticism is important to many sensual Christians. I have no problem with it as long as it is not bridalism, andthe metaphor is one's own marriage bed.
What is true is that certain songs are meaningful to people because of lines that others are ruffled by. There is no rule about it. None.
@@suzannemartin6817 lawlessness is not freedom.
The praise and worship team at the church I used to play for changed it to “heaven meets earth like a beautiful kiss”
JMM did say that the royalties from that song alone were/are enough to cover all of his music endeavors.
Literally one of my favorite songs.
People are entitled to NOT like a lyric. It doesn't make you shallow or somehow wrong because of it, nor should you be shamed for not liking the original version.
I love unforeseen kiss because that describes God to me. When He says something (prophetically in scripture or in life) we try to imagine how it will come to pass, but it is often in a different “unforeseen” way. Who would’ve thought a baby from a virgin? Who would’ve thought He would die to save us? Who would ever think war is won with love or in prayer on knees? True story: the first time our youth worship team sang it and the lyrics on screen showed sloppy wet kiss, I thought someone in youth had changed the lyrics as a joke. I am so glad to know the real story behind the lyrics. Now I can appreciate SWK, although I still prefer UK.
In a state of despair and depression, I remember listening to JMM's "How He Loves (Us)" on repeat for almost two hours, trying to drive home that truth. I cried almost the whole time in some capacity.
If anyone is doubting the truth of Christ's love for him or herself, I highly suggest reading "Gentle and Lowly," by Dane Ortlund. That book will radically change your perception of how God sees you, in the best way.
This happened ~15 years ago btw. While I still struggle at times, Jesus' love has carried me through.
The debate about the "sloppy wet kiss" reminds me of discussions about the blood of Jesus. Some people don't like talking about blood. It is visceral. It is graphic, it is unpleasant. But it is a real representation of love.
I don't know of any Christian who doesn't like to talk about the blood of Jesus. The discussion is between Christians. This is not the same as his blood on the cross. The blood is about sacrifice, which is the demonstration of his love. This line in the song is really a confusion of God's love. A sloppy wet kiss gives off passionate, hormone driven kiss between a man and a woman. It's romanticism. It's not a real representation of God's love. It's just sloppy.
@@TheLilleyPad well idk but I NEVER thought about that line that way. And even now hearing that, wow it just doesn’t seem to match at all. Maybe because I have so long worked with little children that the line always makes me think of the enthusiastic unabashed way that children love. I’d like to think God lives me that way.
@@suzannemartin6817 A child's love is a nice way to think of it.. I think we'll just have to ask the songwriter.
This is my favorite song to lead for the youth!!
Unforeseen always felt creepy, like someone just walked up to you and laid one on you 🤷♂️ 😂
😂 I get that. It ain’t creepy at all if they’re the right person though! (And God always is)
Surprising your spouse with a kiss is one of the joys of life!
This isn’t really criticism, because I think his explanation here is pretty fantastic and I don’t have a better word on tap; I think what the word “unforeseen” loses is a guarantee of passion. I would almost prefer the word “passionate” but it doesn’t work musically, but neither does “unforeseen”. I think that would’ve been a weird word even if it was the original lyric.
I don’t have a better idea, so props to those who actually did something! And props to them for translating it so more people could be blessed by it
Like Biden sniffing your hair…
me too
I always viewed the unforeseen version as the better one. Like someone you've been friends with for years, and it unexpectedly becomes so much more. Christ has been courting us as his bride our entire lives, and suddenly it's real. The love hits like a ton of bricks and there's an incredible moment as we encounter Him. That's how I've always heard it.
With much respect David,
I remember JM asking me whether he should let you change that lyric - of course I was opposed to it -mainly because the song was a testimony about Stephen.
We didn’t make music to make worship hits, we made music because we needed to process what it’s like to love God as sloppy ,wet, wonderful and horrible things happened.
And in that way, the motivation of this lyric change is its own ironic dichotomy;
On one hand; we can choose to nerf Christianity- {the testimony of Christ born of love, betrayal, crucifixion, and the persecution of any eyewitness who insisted on telling the truth about it}
with the hopes of buying a bigger ‘house on the lake’.
We can teach people songs about the inevitable sloppiness of loving God after your friend burns to death in a car wreck on I-85- because those believers will someday have to cross the same bridge of grief and reconcile that sloppiness in their own faith
With that; I quote you the third verse of the original ’how he loves’ that moved you so much on that plane ride to Denver- for which everyone understandably cuts out because it’s not very corporate-😂😂-and JM gets embarrassed about his sheer unadulterated vulnerability;
“Well I thought about you the day. Stephen died and You met me between my breaking.
I know that I still love you God, despite the agony……** of every breath I’m taking**
People they want to tell me You’re cruel…..*** And they tell me I should not waste my time on You***
But if Stephen were here, he’d say that’s not true, cause’ You’re good.
Cause loves us, …..”
“When Heaven meets earth like a friend that we’ve missed”
“When Heaven meets earth, like a rapturous bliss” problem solved 🤣
No sir
Inserting rapture into lyrics fixes nothing.
@@kristopherk5454 it was a joke, but still better than anything sloppy
@@questnreality1763Ahhh. Good one for sure. 👍🏼
6:26 there was/is a movement within the realm of Christianity, particularly in the charismatic groups that romanticizes the love of God. So much so that church leaders have talked about having to admonish their congregations that it is not okay to think about kissing Jesus romantically. The doctrines and teachings have been around for a very long time, and the lyrics "a sloppy wet kiss" sounded like it belonged with the songs and teachings of this movement... So yes, it can have a significant impact on doctrine and on theology. Especially if you are in a position in which people look up to you or have placed trust in you.
Unfortunately intent does not make a wrong right. Ironically the notion is in the old testament in that God had a sacrifice in place for the unintentional sin...
😮 Crowder with the Ave Maria on his 🧢! 😊
Heck yeah!
After hearing the song years ago, I loved it as well. I was both the pastor and worship leader. I wanted to share the song in our church so I changed that line to "passionate kiss". It still expresses the intimacy without the controversy. We did it that way for so many years that I had forgotten about the "sloppy wet kiss" version. Still in my top 10 songs all time.
I can understand the angle of "theologically, God isn't sloppy about anything."
I agree 100% -- at the same time, the dynamic of theology that I struggle with most is realizing God's passionate affection for me (as seen in Luke 15). I can see God's orderliness and structure all around me in creation; I would be hard pressed to even question it. Yet, although I *know* God loves me severely per Romans 5:8 and other incredible passages of Scripture, I have difficulty *realizing* that truth in the same way. For me there's a much more theologically potent expression of truth when "heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss"--not because God does anything carelessly, but because the Creator of the universe is willing humble himself, taking on the very nature of a servant, and in self-abandon offer everything of his mortal life for me. "An unforeseen kiss" just doesn't say all that as well.
No hate for the "unforseen kiss" camp, of course. I'm glad that the song has been adjusted so that more people can appreciate it without hesitation. But personally, I find far greater value in singing the theology of God's passion than the theology of God's orderliness.
Wish my church had changed the song to "unforseen" kiss. 🤪
I love that song!!! I've read Alot of comments, thanks for clarifying it. I had heard a preacher preach on that song, not Crowder's version, the "sloppy wet kiss" part and he said it was blasphemous, that the artist and this particular worship band was sexualizing Jesus. I was shocked and I thought that's why Crowder changed that part. Now I know the True story behind it!! Thank u Crowder and fellow Crowder fans!! ❤❤❤
I saw Crowder in concert and totally noticed that he didn't say anything in that spot... ha!
I saw him singing and recognized that too 😂
All the private worship leader facebook groups had quite the humorous conversations surrounding these lyrics. They do, in fact, still resurface. Even “unforeseen” comes with some hilarious implications.
When my 10 year old was a toddler he always begged me to sing "How He Loves" to him at bedtime.
Been watching and listening to you John for a long time. Love everything you do. But you didn’t have to raid my old youth pastors closet to get his buckle jeans 😂. Love the pod!
The thing is "unforeseen kiss" is non sensical. When I used to play it at church I always sang "Overdue Kiss" I think it matches the original concept better.
When I heard this song in high school I thought the sloppy wet kiss was a strange lyric until I listened to Christopher West on Pints with Aquinas address how we take everything in my the mouth from being and infant and related it to this lyric. I would recommend everyone go listen to it!
This whole debate shows how overly sexualized and how out of touch with the person of God our culture has become.
"Sloppy wet kiss" is shocking, unsettling and stunning; it grabs your attention, just as the term "Reckless love" does, as they should! Even those metaphors fall far short of the audacious fact that Heaven deigned to approach Earth with redemption as its goal.
If you haven't been overwhelmed by the love of God, awestruck that He could love you, then you're pathetically reduced to arguing about the terms used by others who are, as David was when he danced before the Lord, enjoying and delighting in the wonder of being loved and accepted by the One who has ever reason to reject each of us individually, and certainly as a group!
Right along with David (King and Crowder), I will be "even more undignified than this" if that's what you want to call it, and I will pity you for being unwilling to join me.
Good video here.
I like Crowder, but the original John Mark McMillan is still my favorite. It’s so raw and from the gut. Especially with the last verse that most don’t know about talking about “the day Stephen died”…so real. Such a lament. I’m glad that via Crowder it has gotten to the masses over the years though.
That’s my favorite part of that song.
I'm so glad JMM was willing to make the change.
I didn't think about it being that McNasty...till my senior Pastor said it sounds like a "french kiss". I imagined it more figurative than literal...lol
Thanks for changing it. Love the song.🙏🏻🥰
We sing “Heaven meets earth like a consensual kiss,” at my church.
It doesn't take much to split a church. Happened to me almost every week I led worship. We'd prepare for Monday morning emails....
Wow, maybe y'all should have done a deep dive into the book of James. Yikes. I'd peace out, too much division.
Here I always thought my church just changed the lyrics or something cause we’d sing “sloppy wet kiss” and it always felt super awkward and then I’d hear “unforeseen kiss” on the radio and be like why do we always sing the super awkward version?
Why the church leans so hard to sing the sloppy wet kiss part is exactly what is wrong with the church. They don't care if it distracts the singer from focusing about God. That is a problem
JMM has said with that line he imagines Bugs Bunny kissing Elmer Fudd. Sloppy doesn’t mean the kiss is imprecise or lazy-“slop” doesn’t mean any of that, it just means messy (sloppy Joe’s?)-so any overly affectionate kiss that leaves behind some slobber could be called a sloppy wet kiss. I think the problem is people imagined it like a teens first kiss, but it’s supposed to be like a grandma kissing her grandkids. There is plenty of slop when Heaven meets earth: the death of Jesus, persecution, the sweat and tears of a heart changed, and, in JMM’s case, coming to God amidst the grief of living in a world marred by sin. If you have a problem with the word sloppy, then you’re using the wrong definition of the word or ignoring the world we live in. If you have a problem with the word kiss, you’re ignoring how much God loves you.
Maaan Mr. Crowder, I had so much beef with you as a kid. “He stole the song! He changed the lyric!” And I was so hipster so I would refuse to sing any other line than the original lol. Glad to know the truth of how it all happened! lol
Just like with theology, people who have difficulty with metaphor and literality, while being unprepared emotionally or mentally to discern them in their proper contexts, lose out on either the truth or poetry as it expresses God and life.
We don't have to enjoy an artistic expression, but to criticize without knowledge is what has caused the church to be seen as it is, instead of being the ones that demonstrate gracy, peace, and understanding.
One of my favourite songs! I love the visual of an unforeseen kiss... but the sloppy wet kiss is definitely like a little kid kisses parents or grandparents kiss their grandchildren... like that.
I always see it as lovers kissing, when they are passionate for each other the kissing gets sloppy and I loved that visual. But the baby kisses totally make sense too
@starlarose2216 well, God is the lover of our souls... but...
Fun story… I was running from Jesus. And I was in a car, the keys were out of the car, some guy pulled up on me and pulled the trigger and the gun jammed and the radio turned on the same time (it wasn’t on and keys were in the ignition) and it was this song “How He Loves” that came on the radio… Jesus used it to get me back to Him… like a “sloppy wet kiss” 😂
Sounds like there could’ve been some sloppy and wet pants, too!
Hey if it worked, more sloppy wet kisses please!
Didn't realize David was from waco. That's cool. I'm there almost daily. Might need to go check out a service one day ❤
I heard a version that said, "heaven meets earth like a passionate kiss" i like that one the best!
Have any of these church folks ever read Song of Solomon?! But I digress. I get it. People get hung up on the craziest things. As a worship leader I used to love to sing Reckless Love. But there were those who issue with the term "Reckless". I never had a problem with it. However, since the song was offensive to one of my best worship team musicians I took it off the setlist. Bottom line losing a brother or sister over a song lyric, its not worth it.
When I was leading "Reckless Love" I changed that to "relentless". When you speak the words it is not the same syllables; however, you can sing it in a way that sounds like it flows right.
Yeah it's like eating sacrificial meat in modern times but you still need to worship freely so connect with God with like minded friends.
@@jfifield20Selfless makes more sense with the number of syllables.
I dunno.. Leaving the 99 unattended to seek and find the lost 1 seems pretty reckless to me. 💕💕💕
@@nonyabidness5708 Yes that works too, but doesn't fit the focus of the song as much in my opinion.
Back when I was on the worship team at the church in my hometown, I always sang the second verse and second chorus in the higher octave to finish the song. We all were in unanimous agreement in favor for “sloppy wet kiss”. We appreciated the unrestrained, childlike faith demonstrated by the lyric. And we had zero contention from the congregation. It might be because it’s a nondenominational church. But I will never sing “unforeseen”. Ever.
Edit: But a really great alternate is “unashamed kiss”.
Anyone offended by that line has not encountered Father God's love!
Anyone that has been intimate with someone has received or given a sloppy wet kiss! Papa feels like that for those that know Him!
"Sloppy wet kiss" is awkward, but I think we could do better than "unforeseen", too. Oh well, great song in either event
Yes, great song either way. But yes I think there were better options on the table. I think the band Flyleaf did a little better with that line by changing it to “ Passionate Kiss”
The only alternate I have come up with is “an un-censored kiss”.
Nice! I'm loving hearing the thought behind this! Imma either or gurl on this sloppy wet kiss thing because it holds so much heart and emotion. And on the other hand... "unforeseen kiss" is sooo similar in emotion too. Whatever floats your goat on this forsure!🎉❤🎉
The line is distracting, its such a beautiful song, then the sloppy wet kiss breaks atmosphere. When my church played this song years ago, there was a visitor, and when that line played i could see the reaction in his body. I wont share the song with the sloppy kiss line because it affects to many negatively. It hits me still in the spirit every time i hear it. I think it was wise to change it.
Love the sloppy wet kiss line. It is real, and I do understand.
I always thought it said, Passionate kiss? Is there a version that says that?
Texarkana represent! Still love the music!
I truly have wondered about this haha
My whole childhood 😂
If I'm not mistaken John said that sloppy wet kiss conveys that grace is messy
Imagine having a problem with that lyric.
This song touches me so deeply that I'm in tears every time I hear it... But think about it, it's always on the conscience of those who thinks bad about the lyrics when they know the actual meaning. They need to start analyzing why they think like that. It's the same thing as christian men look at women in swimsuits at a beach, those who pure in their heart will not look at them with lust. And most likely will be avoiding looking at other women at all. But those who are lustful will always blame others for their own sinfulness. "Yup.. those women should not wear those swimsuites in pubic, thay are too revealing... blah blah blah". Mybe it's them who should be thinking why they are thinking about sloppy wet kiss as something dirty?
Instead of "unforeseen kiss" it should have been "passionate kiss"
But passionate kiss sounds too sexual. You know people will get offended by it. There's no winning here. Sloppy wet kiss is too sexual, unforeseen kiss is too creepy. Your suggestion could also be interpreted as sexual. The Church has a dirty mind.
My husband gave me an “unforeseen kiss,” and then a “sloppy wet kiss,” then ask which one I liked better. The answer to that is where we landed with the words to this song. 😂
I sing reckless love “selfless love”- the reckless part seems sacrelig to me
You wouldn't believe how much criticism that song has. Many has accused the original singer of being a false Christian because of that song. I look it as looking reckless from a human perspective because we don't understand God's love for us. I think that's what the meaning was meant to be.
@@healingthroughchrist1988That's how I have always taken it too.
David, thank you for changing that lyric to "unforseen kiss." That made the song perfect.
If only originality was discussed as much as this or that stupid line that rubs someone wrong.
Neither bothered me, but I enjoyed the original lyrics. I guess my “Bapticostal” leanings aren’t 50/50 😂
I heard that changed the lyrics because someone got offended by "sloppy wet kiss" and said it was unbiblical.
That’s a whole other ‘reckless’ kerfuffle.
God is NOT reckless!!!
Sloppy wet is still a better lyric. Unforseen is hinges on my expectations where sloppy wet is about the seemingly over the top love of God...
I’ve never been able to enjoy this song. My first experience was the original lyric. I immediately felt a need for a shower. It was such a negative physical response for me.
Us christians will literally fight over anything. We are so dumb.
Who is Howie and why does he love us?
There's a reason the jesus culture cover of this song did so well...they kept it 💯 original!
Is Kim Walker part of Jesus Culture? She's the first person I heard sing that song.
I mean, isn't sloppy used to modify an object in the similie, rather than a direct metaphor characterizing the meeting of heaven and earth? Would the spit Jesus made mud with rightly be called sloppy? Poetry often employs ironic imprecision, which is a turn of phrase that is technically wrong but actually somehow more correct at some sublime valence for being technically wrong. So that the thing about a sloppy wet kiss, in general, is that it is so joyous that pomp and restraint have been done away with. This kind of abandon of regalia and repose is not unlike the father running out to the prodigal, which is not too far from what I think Cory was getting at when he used the word reckless.
I like how they mentioned Reckless Love. Every time I hear that song I so wish that it was Steadfast Love instead. The Psalms are full of describing God’s love as steadfast. Fits the tune great. Easy fix.
How bout we add some zeros to that lyrical change
We serve a God who literally took on meatflesh, ate, slept, and deficated, just like the rest of us, and then got tortured and executed all for the sake of loving us meatbags and we celebrate His crucifixion and resurrection of a fleshly corpse;
But delicate Christians blush when someone sings about a good old beautiful passionate kiss metaphor.
The irony that Christians are meant to be the most deeply and passionate lovers of humanity and the Lord, but a lot of us are so squimish and stiff and timid when it comes to the flesh.
He leads that lyric like he’s editing out the N word
When How He Loves came out, the church where I was serving asked me to change that lyric too.
Jesus-as-your-girlfriend songs is one of the worst things to happen to CCM. It started in the mid to late 70s.
Completely agree!! Jesus is our best friend and true love, but also the greatest warrior King in the universe. Hate seeing him belittled and emasculated in CCM lyrics.
We need more songs that real men are comfortable singing. Chur h is already feminine enough we don't need lyrics like these. If its just for personal listening sure but not from our worship teams.
I want to sit at your feet. Drink from the cup in your hand. Lay back against you and breathe. Feel your heart beat..
Jesus is this weird, running my fingers through your beard...it's overwhelming!!
I always add that last part in. When I preach or teach on the feminity of some worship songs.
These are the thing Jesus wanted the church to argue over....I'm sure of it
I saw it as passion with God.
I still sing it with ‘sloppy wet kiss!!!’
Sanitized churchiness
I’m a songwriter.
There’s a time for that stubbornness, but have some empathy when something is divisive or offensive (and that line is 100% both).
I think "sloppy" just means a very very very wet kiss, which is an intense kiss of love (I see how this can controversial as I just said that sentence but keep following me) Not sloppy as in falling short but God be trying his best to show His love to the world. God's intentions is perfect in terms of showing his love to us, through an intense amount of love, which can sometimes feel like a sloppy wet kiss.
I mean, think about the prodigal son. The Father running to the son was actually counter cultural. So it wasn't normal for that to happen, but it happened like a sloppy wet kiss.
Prodigal son: Why is my Dad running to me.
Father: because I love you
Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss because Jesus took the wrath of God for us on the cross so The Father could completely love us again. And I'll be honest, there are moments in my life where God lays down the hammer of His love to me that feels so intentional and intense.
But that's still cool that John Mark McMillan got the meno of controversy. Even though it didn't have to change.
And praise God for David Crowder to be that bridge to unite the charismatic and non charismatic believers. We need unity in both of those expressions of faith hardcore. So praise God for this start of that unity.
A religious spirit wants all the benefits of relationship sans the intimacy. The intimacy of that lyric upsets the religious. Oh well? Play it anyways.
Anyone uncomfortable with “sloppy wet kiss” has never read Song of Solomon.
We aren't actually kissing God though... so I get it.
@@nonyabidness5708 - Right! He's kissing us!
Sloppy wet kiss makes me think of a child’s exuberant enthusiastic love. I hate when I’m in church and we don’t sing it the original way.
God isn't a child
@@killerqueen2498 I didn’t say He was. I was talking about how the line in the song makes me think of HOW a child loves: exuberant and enthusiastic.
Crowder’s version was king. I had no idea it was JMM for years until Jesus Culture went with sloppy wet kiss too 🤢
I had a similar experience! 😂 I heard Crowder's version first and loved it, and some time later our church played the other version during worship...I remember really being in the moment worshipping and I sang "unforseen" while hearing "sloppy, wet" (I had my eyes closed, lol, so I was completely unaware and unprepared for that!), and I had a visceral "what the heck?!" reaction! I asked my husband afterwards what he thought about it (it really was that big of a shock to me 😆), and he told me that it was written by JMM and those were the actual lyrics. That was 10+ years ago (🤯), and I still get grossed out when I hear the original version, lol! 🤷🏼♀️😂